t- New Winter Coats Slim And Fitted Plain and Untrimmed or Edged All Around with Astrakhan PARIS.--Winter coats are slim and tightly-fitted, plain. and un- immed, or edged all around with a narrow band of astrakhan, seal, nutria, orf mink, or they are am- ple, with full back and fitted front, \ Many of the latest models have a hood, either of fur or of the ma- "terial of the coat lined-or edged rr pith fra --coneession; no--doubt; % ta the younger . generation who . having formed the hatless habit, during the. summer months, are loath to return to conyéntional ' headgear. The hood solves. their. "problem, for it can be worn over the" head 'or_ thrown back across © the -shoulders, according to the 'condition of. the 'weather. A great deal of fur is used for trimming, Astrakhan and Persian Jamb vie with the. ubiquitous fox for leadership, followed by nut-! ria, beaver, scal, phoque, mink, wkurik and leopard. . Lady Grenfell Diss. Bere I en PHAN ERE] i ~ "The Leas of Circle Tg f by Perry Westbrook x : hed Guns SYNOPSIS: Slim Loyale Is bavol | ed from prison after serving 18 months for a crime he did not com- mit. 1'e' returns to his Circle L ranch to find his fathei r dead and | @#lnister forces at 'work, trying to "make him violate his parole so that he can again be railroaded to prison, : The Brockwells and their gang --ars-plotting Ao-galn posseasion oi: Circle L ranch and the property of Mona Hall, a neighbor and life-long friend of Slim Loyale, 'Slim discovers that Sheriff Star.' "buck has Joined 'the plot against him. With the help of Dakota Blue and his cowhoys, Slim Loyale defies the fAnd-grabbers to do their worst, CHAPTER XIII, "Arthur claims {t'll shore. boom this range. Says a lot of cattleinen .down in the Big Bend country are | gonna pull stakes an' bring their herds up-through here to the new range. Understand that sheep in. terests have got "em just about lick- ed down in the Big Bend. Sounds good; but me, I don't:take much stock" in what George Arthur gays. .He kin lie faster'n a good hoss can Was, Me, I allus could out-shoot Kango, Don't move, Blue, or I'l -spatter yuh dgainst that bar like a rotten' tomato," > By gome uncanny: legerdemaln Alton 'had slipped; one of his guns free ang. ow: held it bearing direct- ly uporr Yakota's belt buckle. He "flicked qut the other and couched =ftwe-his nip," Slim directly in the eye. "Rahgo should have put his slug just about four Inches lower," he where I aim to put mine." He flare- ed into sudden fury, his thin lips peeling back over his. teeth in a grimace of hate. © "Damn yuh!" lie whispered. "yuh killed Rango--killed my pal, Did yuh think I'd let yuh get away with "anythin' like that? Not by a jugful --I'll give yuh now, in about ten seconds, what yuh gave to him," Spud Dillon's voice broke in, a lttle thick and wheezy, but very determined. "What yo're gonna do, Cinder, yuh poison whelp, Is drop them guns, now!" And with the beginning of"his words, Spud shov- od the gaping muzzle of a bulldog lianas Grimace" "af. Mate LALA observed with a chill laugh, "That's TET Muze TRE "1 1939 Fashions Feature Curves | They'll Be All-Important in the. Coming Mode PARIS.--The dressmakers here now have their eyes firmly fixed - "on" spring, 1939. The clothes on which the girls at the long tables = in/ the work-rooms are busily stitching are forecasts of-what we will bé~ wearing when' the winter is over, ., f 0) Among hundreds of entries that flooded in for our Christmas Din. ner Menu contest, the judge, Mrs, H., M, Aitken, who is staff dieti- tian -and radio commentator for the Canada 'Starch Company, __ chose the tasty (yum! yum!) one submitted by Miss Sadie Chambers of Arthur, Ontario, as the best. Miss Chambers receives the $5.00 prize.- Second prize of $3 goes to Miss Janet Whitelaw, R. R. 1,"El- ora, Ontarjo. Mrg, S. T, Jordan, LL Thore'l---bo---some-- magnificent . new color blends incdrporating all "the fresh beauty of spring. Camouflage You'll have to give thought' to your corsets, "to Jook 1939, you've got to ac- quire a waist, if-you don't possess one already. Curves, in fact will be all-important, and if you ave- n't any, you must camouflage, = Your hair will still look as'. though you are piling it on the top of your head, but it will look soft-- er and less unkind to the baek of your neck, \ Blouses will be more elaborately: worked, cloaks will be very ime portant, and if yqu are the type which can wear-a well-cut tailored . suit you'll find dozens; with tail-. ored shirts and cravats to go with them, ~ Eat The Crockery + That is what Maresi Mazzetti, If you really want. | Many correspondents plead that they aré too busy to devote pro- ous exercises. They ask for, exer. cises. that, while beneficlal can be sandwiched Into odd moments- of the day. Here, therefore, are some - sit-down exercises, : To. strengthen abdominal mus. cles: sit with body erect, feet flat on floor, and pull in the abdominal muscles as. hard as you can, trying to make the front muscles touch the Sine Do this about ten times, then rest! tor a few moments, Re- peat frequently during the day and see how your posture improves, To strengthen the abdomen and back: sit erect With knees apart and hands on knees, Bend head for- ward, 'round the back and pull in abdominal muscles hard. Then lift entire upper torso from pelvig up- ward, keeping abdomen flat," push lower back & 1 0 draw -ohest-uap SIMPLE 8IT-D DOWN EXERCISES ° longed periods saeh-day-to-sirenus-- . 'There are good cooks in Can: add, we discovered: Mrs, Aitken' found", it a 'most difficult job to bes fr eet "TURKEY RICED POTATOES u - SALAD 2' cups moistened bread erumbst . 1-3 cup melted butter 1 cup canned corn 1 cup chopped celery 1-8 cup chopped ripe olives 1-3 cup chopped stuffed olives finely chopped 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1 small onion, minced Christmas Dinner Contest Winners. --ef-Markham-eomes-third--(§2)---- i o) 3 rey Dinner - GRAPEFRUIT AND. ORANGE COCKTAIL TOPPED WITH CHERRY 2 SOUTHERN DRESSING ~ GIBLET GRAVY "CRANBERRY MOULD CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE é narrow' the contest down. to thrée prize-winners so high was the standard of excellence shown by the average entry, ' She therefors first eliminated- the menus that were not so well balanced, then ly. "the individual recipes were Judged on their own provéd merit, © This week We are giving you "Miss Chambérs' .prize menu with concen:ated -on those that-were-- simple as we!l es delicious, Final- - ~siomatty--tesfed:-- Next --week, suggestions for New -Year's 'din+ w inning entries. a BAKED SQUASH : " RAISINS SALTED PECANS : \ : COFFEE SOUTHERN DRESSING water. Chill with: occasional stir- ring until the mixture is as thick as strained honey. Add lemon juice, celery, pineapple and cran- berry sauce, Turn into wet mould. Chill until firm. Unmould on' crisp lettuce, Garnish with thick. salad dressing-' (into which has been. folded an equal measure of whip. ped cream) : accompanying recipes, all prefest A: "ner, we will rin; thé "other - 'two Fk T TERSpooH- 8 salt Lady Grenfell, wife of si Wil- frea Grenfell, founder. of - the Grenfell - missions in Labrador, died recently in Boston. Perfect Secretary "-Employment Director Believes' Good Appearance Important re Intelligence, Enthusiasm Ste = ' Beauly and clothes play. 'an im- portent 4ale-in the make up of~a- "perfect secretary," Miss Mary Mec. ~ Mahon, director of employment for a large Toronto company believes, "What 1s" a perfect - secretary?" she was asked. a "She must hav itelligence, n- thusiasm and good judgment," she Fu. . [4 About That Mortgage Slim nodded, : rather absently. The proposed opening of the gov- ernment 'lands along the Kicapoo River had been a much discussed item for several years that he knew of. It-wag a subject that had krown cold to him, And besides, just now he was wondering what angle of #@pproach to-usg on George Arthir- about the mortgage. Dakota Blue, however, with a * sudden gleam in his eyes, pulled the paper to him and began reading it carefully. Slim rolled a cigarette, lit, it, then went over to the pool table and began-idly punchihg the balls about. Presently 'caine the thud of hoofs and a lone puncher rode down the street, stopping before Jigger Star- buck's office. He dismounted and - went 'in, to reappear -about five minutes later aml cross to the saloon. 5 He was di" diminutive, shriveled- up," erooked:legged fellow, with a =PEirof ariiig DAT-WINg chaps 80 enormous as to make him appear "almost square. .He had a pair of "Heady, button, black eyes, set In a wrinkled, --mahogany-brown visage. Hall hidden by the flare of his chaps, a pair of big, black Colt guns dragged at his waist. As the newcomer--sfepped into-- the room, Dakota Blue turned to holt face him. his eves warwm--hi Weck. (To Be Continued) Canadian Girls Air Stewardesses Six Are Chosen From Aor en 1,500 Applicants for 'Posi- tions With Trans-Canada Airlines Out of more than 1,000 Cana-. dian girls who made applications, the Trans-Canada. Air Lines this -month, according to announce- ment made at T.C.A. headquar- ters, 'Montreal. After informal schooling lasting two weeks, they will be given actual flight train- ing over the® route between Win- _nipeg and points west: Twenty- five stewardesses will be employed in all, the remaining 19 to be | chosen early in the new year. six will become stewardesses of- COTTECLIONET; of New York, fore- sees 'by his invention * of = cups, plates and dishes made of coloured candy. When dinner is finished . the "diners eat the crockery. and "the table is cleared. Slimming Chic For At. Home! Must Be Registered Nurse. "An air stewardess must more than a pleasing personality. Although that is an important at- tribute, officisls of {h&air line point out, in the first plang she must be a registered nurse, "She - must also be a sort of Doane en- questions of passengers regarding bh the--pireraft--amd--the--Toute ~ Reducing in How to Slim; Eye Beauty; Under- ~weight; and out and raise head up and back and do NOT hunch shoulders, Feel the pull from the lowest vertebrae 'of the spine,' Do this five times, rest and repeat five times. * These -éxerclses can be carrled out at odd times when you are sit- ting down -- and you'll be surpris- ed how many opportunities you will tind as each day rolls along! . You 'can obtain any of the fol- lowing helpful leatlets: by .sending a Je-stamp for each one required: Spots; - Feet . Care; Hand Beauty; Superfluous Hair; . Bust Development; Your Hair; Face Care, Ask ahput your own beauty worries, at the same time. ' Please RYN this paper, and 'writé to: Barbara Lynn, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. Finds:Women Best Walkers % teaspoon pépper Mix thoroughly and stuff into" turkey. S35 1 CRANBERRY MOULD 1 pkg. lemon-flavored prepared jelly powder -_ 1% cup boiling water 1" tablespoon lemon juice '35 cup celery .cut fine Ee cup canned' shredded Pils: pple (drained) 1 cup thick sweetened ii ey sauce. Dissolve jelly powder in boiling : BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE (Makes 1 3-8 cups) ~ 2/8 cup white corn syrup, 1% cups medium brown sugar, % cup water, 4 tablespoons butter, teaspoon vanilla, 6 tablespatns heavy cream. ~rBoil the first: four ingredients: until sauce .yeaches heavy syrup 'consistency. . Cool Add - vanilla- "and cream. * If consistency gets a Hills too heavy add more cream, - --Miss Sadie' B. Chambers, © Arthur, Ont," Fashion Flashes' v : eon 2 Re} Evening dresses chidose soft shades and arrestingly Tovinting necklines. EL ub A. long bodice evening pi is chosen in pale Puritan gray, with crisp white pleated organdie. ruches outlining deep square 1 New York State Bureau Learns Men Lead in '"Jay- Walking" Women, the New York State Bur- eau of Motor Vehicles has decided, TopITed.. "Sho must be particular -about details, She must remain al ways happy when things are not - going so well with her employer, "It she. 'has a bright and animat- ed face, men, don't notice. her clothes 0 much. On the other hand clothes do. count. Girls who look so pretty in their summer clothes" . would do well to remomber' that-a - little color would.make all the dif- ference In thelr winter attire. Men like color. Demure, Quiet Type "There's. really fio standard to what the perfect gat should look like. It depends upon _.the employer's taste, Now, "the other day I had a request for a well-dressed, = well-groomed -- girl, perhaps on de showy. side; and which do they pick? The most de- mure of them alll: She was_beauti- fully dressed, but with good, quiet taste. They had asked for a .~ blonde. But they chose a brunette!" as secretary Study Your Type And Make The Most of Your Beauty Assets . Every woman if she studies her ~type-ecan- give herself - that little something that makes her stand out in the crowd. Here are some general rules for girls tall and short, thin .and plump, to follow: sright hand dropping until his thumb, was hooked in his'belt. The hew- comer grinned crookedly. Wt "Go on with yoré readin', Blue," he remarked in a thin; -whispery-- voice, 'All I'm after is a shot of liquor, providin' Dillon will sell it to me. I understand he told my boss an' Leo that their money wasn't any good. How about it, . Dillon? Does that apply to the whdlo Half Diamond B outfit?" "Not if they mind thelr business, Cinder," growled Dillon. "What'll it be?" bets, 2 Foreman Wanted ~F ' Bourbon," the puncher announc- ed, rocking ip to the bar; "Blue, will yuh an'-Layale have one with me?" _ Dakota shook his head. "Thanks. We just turned Spud down-on the same offer." Cinder 'Alton shrugged, "Okay! Lots of fellers don't care for liquor before noon. Me, I'm' different, Any timé is drink time to me," And again he. smliled-- that crooked, twisted smile, : : When Alton finished his drink -hé turned, leaning his shoulders -against the bar, hooking a negligent heel over the bar rail. As he rolled and licked a cigarette, his. eyes "rested steadily upon SHm, "Don't know where the Half Diamopd B could pick up a new foreman, do t yuh, Loyale?" he asked. "We lost Rango Decale last night." _over which it flies. While the T.C.A, has no rigid standards regarding physical _ ' "characteristics, the flying steward- ess -is-usually between 21 and 26 years old, 'weighs not more than 125 pounds, and is between five feet and five feet 'and a half in height. i - Activities En 'Route The activities of 'stewardesses en route will include the serving of such refreshments as coffee or hot - chocolate and seeing that passengers are supplied with cig- arettes and "chewing! gum. The chewing gum helps equalize the pressure as the plane descends, the act of frequent swallowing "keeps the ear drums flexible. Royalty : Choose 4 Christmas Cards Photograph of Garden -at Bal : moral Castle is Choice of the King y Photographs of the royal faih: ily's 1938 Christmas cards were issued 'last week by the printers, "Raphael, Tuck & Sons, Limited. The King and Queen are send- ing a card bearing a colored pho- tograph of the"garden at Balmoral Castle, Q stick to simple long lines for 'your "oat. 'Keep - the waist high, and avoid bi-color- ed effects. A pocket Venus has +her charm, df you are tall be glad! Wear jumpers and jackets that break up the long line. Keep your skirt snappily short, and your waist- line Tow. You are lucky for you need not stint. the size of your _- handbag. «Make a round face oval by gle. ing it height in hairdress and mil: linery, 'Give a long face interest with hair soft, fall and very fom- inine, But do not erowd it round - the face, That only gives a hay : gard appearance, 4 a {4 you are: too thin glamorize ourself "with floating 'draperies. ; "Extreme thinness sn't so hard to tonceal as you think, . : ou are "too plump! Girdle' your Tips well and make the-most of your obvious charms! For you, are the broad-shouldered: decolle- - . tough, "Naw!" exploded Spud Dillon be- fore Slim could answer. "Yuh don't mean it? How could it hap- pen, Cinder?" "Stopped a slug. It broke Rango's neck, clean as a whistle." Dakota smiled thinly, "That's Some fellers seem borh to stop lead. "Yuh'd thought Deale wold have learned that, long time ago." - "Yeah," agreed. Allon, "yuh would at that, How'd yuh get, the hole in -~ yoro hat, Loyale?"". 'ar A subtle change came into Al ton's volce at this question. It grew flat and toneless to a degree, His hands had'dropped to his hips with - the words and his eyes were hard "ag obsidian, Suddenly S)im knew ho was--looking straight into the 'eyes of death, but he did not quail, He squinted carefully along his cue, wv mado thé shot and dropped the six "ball inta a corner. pocket. . . + '* "Rango Deale put it there with a 46; Alton," he drawled. "It was" © tages of this scason that the thin Lid tanof wear. rotten shootin'," © cester's card -is a ~ production of the painting, "The Rose Garden," by Theresa Sylves- ter Stannard,' ; The Duke and Duchess of Glou- view of St. James' Palace, reproduced from: an original by Michael Reilly. It shows the palace on a cloudy day, --with-four automobiles and a truck before 'the gate, The Duke and Duchess of Kent- ate sending a 'card with a repro- duction of "A Christmas Song," from a painting by Doris Kinkei- sen, It shows a girl with" blonde \ bangs in_a low-neck, wasp- -waisted a standing before avdark cur- ta n. " The Prinvess Royal's card is Ye- 'produced from "On the Road to Cairngorm from Goylum Bridge, Aviemore." It shows an old man _ walking along a snow-covered "road with tall trees to the right' ~and Hil buildings te' the left," 5 Tasue No. 52738 "Yeah," agreed Aton coldly, "it iC) uee.n Mary's card is a re] i a 7 : = 'have - v Hs x * : * ge * x afl wl Fo 5 #1] YA Hy 1 8 * : a) » 3 ¥ x 3 _-graceful at. home frock by Anne _ "calling" --and_youi--most-flatter--- - for 'this. Anne Write plainly size, name, address AA | 4920 | By ANNE ADAMS Spirited, 'youthful --nothing at _all of the "matron" about this Adams, except 'the size range! And "simple to sew" is written all over it too, from the slenderizing panels to the puffed sleeves with . fancy cuffs. Of course, until you see the Sewing Instructor. that comes with Pattern 4920, you can't fully realize how quickly and pleasantly this style is stitched to- "gether! Be sure to note the scal- loped neckline, such a pretty frame for a well-shaped throat. ~And take into consideration the "useful: pockets--and the captivat- ing trim' of ruffles and Luttons. Perfect in printed synthetic for ing shade of percale . for the - breakfast hour! Pattern 4920 is available in 'women's sizes 36, 38, 40,742, 44, 46, 48 and 60. Sizes 36 takes 4 yards 86 in, fabric and 1 3-8 yds. ruffling, Send Twenty Cents (20c¢)- in coins (stamps-cannot be accepted) Adams pattern, and style number. Send. yout. order to Anne Adams, Room 425, 78 West Ade- aide St.) Toronto, Sih the great , Struggle. for Lite, everything KOHL ae you ap Ao] P, HANK BYE (o4t youth, Bold a three to one. = can't bo beaten; "And-it's equally MEN LOVE Mg (depends on the | | gd They do less jay-walking." That conclusion was based on a report of pedestrian accidents for _ what fs termed two typical months. | '--January and July, 1938=fn which 5,263 accidents. killed 207 pedes- trians and injured 5,262, - Fewer Accidents Proportionately "Less than two per cent. of all drivers involved in fatal and only 4.1 por cent, of those involved in non-fatal pedestrian accldents were women," the report says. "While it is 'true the majority of motor vehicle operators are men, "the ratio of men drivers to women drivers is not as great as fs the ° ratio acgidents Involved male arivenvaving the woman oper- ator)' 2 "Asserting women "also have a better record as pedestrians," the report said deaths of male pedes- trians exceeds those of wonien by Dark Red Lipstick' ~ Leads-For Winter: Rich, dark red is the lipstick ° . shade of the hour. If the purplish or orchid-toned lipstick you bought last September {is just about gone, do try some of 'the deep, wine-red coloys before de- ciding definitely to get a new one just like the old. With black," dark red lipstick are not only "more proficlent or . --more--considerate automobile --dri-- vers than-men;--but, as- pedestrignsc_1. "the fore. and the sleeves, of the shirred full skirt, the- ol tight bodice, is belied by the deep cut of the decolletage, 'The low- posed position of the white orchid « is new. pe Mauve satin, very silvery, makes a dress with a slim. look but ex- travagantly wide skirt which the Self-folds of the satin cphasite the very low strapless decolletage, cut almost to the oa. in back. Purple Ties 4 are re highlighted in "dresses for the young matron and > the older woman, alike, -- Tucked effects in "sheers good for 2Trernooy wear, --0-- Pleats are extremely important. bin --r Quilting is' important. Whole jackets are quilted and worn over partially quilted skirts. Quilted coats are 'launched, and in'one famous Paris house you are offer- ed a quilted breichtwantz coat, Qn Upholsterers' trimmings are to: Braidg¢, galons, tassels, " bob-fringe, where and how you like. A plain black crepe after- noon dress has a bolero 'effect marked by a pink and yellow up- holsterer's fringe, are Minister of Trees 'For Ontario Urged ed the formation of a depart- ment of trees in the Ontario Government, at the Christmas =r=lampsnide SKITS OF aprons of net. =~ added to high-neck- Sir William Mulock -advoeat-.] | Pleatings Feature - Newest Silhouette PARIS.--Pleatings_play a new part in constructing the silhouette: Pleats running different ways to suggest: stylized "bas-relief" drap.. ery are featured by Lelong, Alix, Molyneux and = others. Pleated " .=- and ribbon ed. party 'dresses by Lelong. Francevrament's first spring tail- leurs how finely pleated collars: --and pockets of the suit fabric, which replace fur. Dunton favors fine pleating in asymmetrical ef- fect and employs. it on one side of -the-bodice- gud: -on-the-vther-of the -- dresses finishing skirt of the on with a one-sided pleated collar. "lg --_--_-- Beer'is a necessity for men who cording to the Chief Medical of' ficer of thal, distrish,, ON BRAND NPY © MAJESTIC, ROGERS [8 land DeFOREST CROSLEY RADIOS XMAS SPECIALS Santer Weand ew Was 8584.05 Now- $59.95 Push button 12-tube New Automatic Console --Reduced- $70.00 Ao G-(ube New omatic Mantel Reduced to $49.95 work in Northern "Australia, ac----- ---- -dinner-of-the-Men-of-the-Trees nice with your wine woolen or the slate blue or gray one. Change your rougo- -agcordingly, of course: Spoke at | at Birth The "story ale a boy who "spoke { --at-birth" inva local hospital has excited superstitious people in Jhansi, India. - No sooner. was he born, so the. report goes, than he said, "Who shall 1 eat---mother or father?" - : 3 A112, GIRLS WITH FEP { you ate pep ud toll of fon, vien will ns 1410 Stanley Ra 4 2 Montreal, beauty parlors. 1 : Veo irs Eras 1 and tired, aut qu! Tb FN fof gob to Ld wg aig ong along who A, i lier Velie! i "the disco fo arts Tom: Tnctional di 6 hat Society last week. He gaid reforestation and the proper care of the province's trees was important enough to have a minister of trees to de- vote his entire time to that work. Ask DeFORENT CIUSLEY, ROGERS or MAJESTIO DEALER to "Who you these liargalne | ------ Your CLEARANCE THE LARGEST SELLING FAL , TEA A Revelation wn Richness THE WORLD