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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Dec 1938, p. 5

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BLACKSTOCK The annual meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bailey on Thursday evening the 16th, _ BROCK THEATRE The meeting opened with a hymn, pe a es WHITBY. Hore er dud is insured. | Seripture reading by Mrs: Jos. Forder : Telephone 618 Bentley's Jewelry Stora. Port Perry. and prayers by the Jresident. The bl - E roll call was answered with a gift for the Christmas Basket. Mrs. PR OSPECT Bailey and Mrs. W, Crawford were ap- ointed to send out Christmas cheer xes to the sick and shut. ins. The ree held. in he' Std ock-chapler ilo -the-dew asa ay evening was 8 Jew' was taken by Mrs. T, Smith. An : The Management" extend to all best wishes to all for a Mm Merry @hyrintai Ax ER The Christmas _ Lictoolioiss on Mon --Fhe-building--was interesting --Teport--uf the - Dlocegin Thursday; Friday, Saturday, Peputi{ully desorated and haved the Board meeting was Riven by the o DECEMBER 22-23-24 Secretary "and «a; reading from <the CE as did glso the program, which con-! Living fessage . was given hy Miss : Two Shows at 7 and 9 p.m, =. "Saturday matinee at 1.30 Submarine D-1 tained interesting variety, a There 'were recitations by Ruth' "I Diamond, Clare Vernon and 5- -year-old '| Kenneth ; Middleton; chorusés by the g a pleasing and € Eva Parr, All officers were unanimous. 1y returned to 'office for the coming year and are as follows: Hon. Presi- dent, Mrs. -M. Smith; President, Mrs. P. Wound, 1st Vice- President, Mrs. ! : school;"two dialogues; children's polka . _ * with Pat O'Brien, Wayne Morris, by Elizabeth and -Rudinger Vou Rit: E hint or FO THA Mrs, C. George Brent. schl. Elizabeth also sang "Silent See, "Mrs, Parr; Treas, Mrs. E Night" in German. . Mr. and Mrs, Mann, of Port Perry, rendered pleasing and much appré- ciated vocal numbers. We hope they will visit Prospect often. The choir 'Darcy; Literature Sec., Mrs. L. MeGill, Dorcas Sec., Mrs. R, Parr, assisted. by Mrs. A, L, Bailey and Mrs. W, Craw- ford; Nittie Hel Forder; Living 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sec, Mrs, J DECEMBER 26-2728 _ Te Sete Mra Jo3. essage Sec. Mrs. W. f the young people's sang a medley of Crawford: Sec. t vor Pi - Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. bt Fv carols, and a gui FAWN Ses 10. Prayer Partner, guitar quartette-- # Holiday Matinee on Monday, at 2 p.m. | Mears Lloyd Smith, Harold Norm: Nis. Hi 3 Lian Auditors, Miss Parr, Ts : . "MEN WITH WINGS" ind aby i aes ig The program Fs a Sharky Sf es. $itohg--made its first appearance in local concert work. Miss Winnie Nid dery acted as pianist, Jac vens le in community. singing, and Santa ar- rived with his gifts, his candies and oranges, his hearty laugh, Johr-Carter and consisted of the fol- slowing nu le Mra Rahm, "It's in Your Face"; a reading by Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, "I'm Going "home jr Sina; Aistaiae arols- le vs Mrs rcher at the he "assistance of all who helped piano, A sale of faiicy work by var- was much appreciated. 'ious groups, 'the serving of .linch by The regular meeting of the Prospect those in charge, a hearty vote of School Board will be in the school: thanks to the hostess, brought the jibuse on Wi ednesday, December 28th meetin to a close. t 8 pm, ee Bu services 'in connection af A are packed 'away this week i the United Church will be held on Sunday, December 26th. In the morn- ing there will be. a Christmas prog- gram by the members of the Sunday School and in th evening the speaker will-be Rev. E, P, Wood. Special musie will be furnished by the choir, Owing to special services heing held in the United Church on Sunday, Dec. 26th, there will be no wySning service in St. John's Anglican Chur Miss Mabel VanCamp of the Uni- . yersity of Toronto, Is spending. the =F with Fred MacMurray, Ray Millard, Louise Campbell 28> HOUR Give Brock Theatre, Tickets for Christmas this year. A novel and in- -eApspsive gift. Enquire at Box Office for particulars. 2. until another year has come upon us, In the meantime the children will en- joy a week of holidays. OVER Loo Xelolo lh CANADIAN FURNACES wl g Christntas holidays with het parents = Mr, and Mrs. W. VanCamp. py. GIVE On Monday night, Dec, 26th, at 8 o'clock,.a three act t play entitled "It's Papa Who Pays" will be presented. in the Community Hall by the following young people, Misses Jean Wright, Ann Thomson, Kathleen Wright, BE; Vivian Sadier, DOTS and Gwen, Mar-| low, Messrs. Anson Taylor, - Ralph Larmer, Ivan Thompson, Orval Stin- * son, Walter nig and Keith John- 'ston. Directors Miss Eva Brown and; Mr. Géo. Vike i The eefing of. the Vic- torian Rn ni Hts was: held in the United Church S. S._ room, GREATER HEATING SEACH 3 ~ Don't take chances with unidentified fuels, Follow the example of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners 'guest speaker was Miss Tuella oR who have changed . td better" heating, Burn of Japan, who took for the subject of E.lurday, but w horse and cutter Hail the Power of Jesus' name," A bountiful lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by some of the mem- bers, to whom a hgarty vote of thanks was tendered. Mrs. Fred Coomb, Mr,' B. Coomb 2 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harding and Bill Johnson, of Whitby, and Mr, Franklin Chummy were recent visitors at the home of Mr, an Mrs. A. Johnson. Although Mrs, Rusasil Lunney fa) still confined to 'Oshawa Hospital we wre pieused to repore a sAUSIactory. r.| improvement in her condition. Mr, Hugo Bradley has been using his huzz saw to good purposes in the village lately. Mrs, Barton and Matlene were in Toronto on Saturday to' see Santa Claus. ~ ? Snow was not very plentiful on Sat- driven inte the village, and the merry jingle of the bells made us more aware of the fact that winter has arrived and Christmas just a few days away. t Miss Smith spent Saturday in To- ronto.--She--said the Christmas de- corations in the shops, windows and on the streets were very attractive. [== wna MIS. FCT HATTISon are 1) Waterville, Que., for a few days visit- ing with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson were in Oshawa on Friday. Mrs. Jas. Cogper and Mrs. Robt. Chisholm were in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrison were visit- ors with relatives in Seagrabe 0 on Sun- day, -- PIP RAGLAN Mr. and Mys, DD, Catherwood were Sunday 'guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Russell Lane, Oshawa, On Tuesday evening the Young Peoples' Union met at Raglan with a good attendance. The program was supplied by Raglan and was as fol- lows: reading' 'by Daisy Bryant, "Silent Night" sang by Raglan girls, guitar selections by Ross Dickey. A contest was then enjoyed by all, and (ilie- evening was ciosed by a Christmas|, hymn "It came" upon - the. Midnight Clear." The next meeting will be in Myrtle Church basement, Jan. 3rd, 'Mr. aud Mrs. Ernie Wilberton, of; Whitby 'spent Sunday with the latter's parents My, and Mrs, Jack Wilsan. ~ Miss Maripn Hubbard spent the week end with friends in: Hamilton, Mr, _and--Mpi--Jack--Kolling and Miss Hazel Carmichael of Toronto,' was| nei hbours ' Mise. Dx Dorothy Joblin and Mr, Love- abun, of Toronto, were guests at the parsonage 'on Sunday. Miss Leona Prentice, of Whitby, was g home for the week end. 0 oods Recovered ----ChrHes Bright: we Tenting farmer fear Orillia, pleaded Joilty in.a Co- bourg Court to the theft of a considey- able amount of farm chattels, The thefts were widespread and included a cow, some household goods and cloth- ing belonging to John Michie of Reach Township. Mose of the goods have been recovered. "Praise should be given to Provin- cial" Officer Clark for his persistent and successful work in this matter. Mrs. A. R. Wilson presented Messrs: Victor and Alan Aldred with Her pet deer, which is quite a novelty to the x me RED & WHITE stoee Christmas Groceries Christmas Candy 2 1bs, for 25e, : Peanuts 10c. 1b. Mixed nuts 9c. Ib. Navel Sunkist Oranges 26¢. - 29c.. - 3be. Grapefruit Black Diamond) 49c. Letter from California © 821 South Fir Ave, Ingleivood, California. "Port Perry Star. 'Editor, in California, 1 found a copy of the' Port Perry- 'Star here, and enjoyed reading the Scugog and Port Perry news. Since coming here I have been to the beautiful city of Long Beach, and have visited the orange and leman groves. The trees are a sight. tp be- hold, loadefl down with their fruit, I spent domA_time at Long Beach and saw the fleet off the coast, I visited some friends "from Waterloo, Iowa, and while in their home we had, quits an earth tremor, © While no damage was done it gave one a strange feel ing. It seemed-as if the entire floor] rocked beneath you. I am enclosing a clipping of the account.. < Then the forest fires were dreadful ; the fire could be seen raging in the' distance, only six miles from our! place, and the houses could be seen going 'up in flames. Many of them, the homes of movie celebrelies. The ashes settled on our roofs-and auto- mobile tops. werescovered. The skies were dark for dayl and "smoke very dense. > oily --I-spent a in in the mountains' and canyons quail hunting. = This was off St. Miguel, about half way between Los Angeles and San Francisco--300 miles. In passing through Hollywood and Los Angeles, yesterday, I noted a i Christmas atmosphere, The only a ae a 'blue coal' for the fnest, most trouble-free her fine and much appreciated address : heating you've ever enjoye: rder a ton t 2 ""The Value and Importance of the F. E. REESOR , Port Perry, Ont. ; Missionary Task." Readings were Ph given by Miss Jean Wright and Mrs; one: 73j.and 73w x. Smith, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson gave did and interesting. report t of} family, of Oshawp, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mys, Fred Plorsop, Mr, and Mrs, Cartwright} Sr., spent Sunday with Mr.-and Mrs." F. Cart. the annual convention held recently in - Toronto. Refreshments were served 1 by the ie. in ohiarg e of the meeting 1 | | i C ap ad with ervin Mountjoy as con- vener. . THE MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT = BSR To 7 : - Myrtle Station To our readers and members of the staff of Port Perry Star, and: fellow correspondents, we wish you 'A Merry Christmas, Church service next Sunday at 7.00 pm. Rev. W. E. Honey wil] conduct service in keeping with:the Christmas season. : Last Sunday evening our pastor read for lis lesson, Luke 1:5-28 and his text was based on verses 70-79, particularly the 78th verse, "Through the tender mercy of our, God; whereby the days spring from -on "high, Shath visited us." A The annual meeting of the Women's Association: was lield at the home of Mra.-W. J. Cook last Wednesday after- nopn with almost a full attendance. In: BERT. MacGREGOR'S and staff extend to all a very Ne 'WE DELIVER PORT PERRY GOOD FUEL Now is the time to make preparations | for Winter. We can SUPPLY you with-- COAL President, Mrs." Roy Thompson taok charge of thé first part of the meeting |- which was opened with the hymn-- "Oh.for a Thousand- Tongues-to-Sing'- followed by the Lord's Prayer in yni-' son, Mrs, Hudgins read the 24th | Psalm. annual reports were given by the') Secretary and Treasurer, which show- | ed the Society to be in good financial standing with a good hdlange to atart 'the new year. given by other departments as well. After singing of hymn and prayer, Rev. W. E, Honey took charge for the election of officers which resulted as follows -- President, Mrs. D. Luery; pz Vice-President, Mrs, O. H, Downey; Sepretary, Mrs. D, ;Duchemin; Asst. Secretary, Mrs. Roy Thompson; Treas urer, Mrs. Jas. Cooper; Pianist, Mrs. G. Barton; Asst, Mrs. W. E. Honey; Visiting Committee, Mesdames Dow- COKE 7 IREWOOD _ © WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF. . | STORM SASH, STORM DOORS Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co. rons uo ES presentative on Official Board, Mrs, D.' J Luery;" Press Sec, Mrs, C, Harrigan; Flower Com., Mrs, Chistplm, Mra..D, Luery. Refreshment Ca; Hii Thomp- eon, Mrs, Jas, Cooper, Pre Ream Com,, Mrs. Barton, Mis. Ha Mrs, Ramsay. = Parsonage Com., Mrs. Robt, Chissolm, Mrs, . Norman : Hoghaon, Many thanks f tor your Patrons fi 1988, i do ow L : SWEETMAN; Propristor i A the absence of the President-and Vice. After the roll: call, splendid; "Good reports were also J d ney; Hudgins, Chisholm, Masters. Re- i The meeting, Sjosed with hymn "All J wright, Jr. ' Mount - Carmel Cis concert will be held in the school, Dec. 21;-and there will be a basket social after the' concert. This is the wask far our Christmas Trees. -- Wednesday evening in thel- Head Chureh, Thursday evening ab the Foot, and Friday evening. at the Cen- tre. Santa Claus has pramised to he at them all: Everybody welcome, The Island folk were well pr be sented at. the Christmas Fair at Port Perry last week. Also atthe Christ: mas party on Saturday. - The children were well pleased with their gifts from Santa. "ATvery Mefry Christmas is the best wish of your Scugog correspondent to the Editor and staff of the Star. There are many families planning for merry gatherings this week . Next Sunday is Christmas Daj let us all be at worship with Rev. 1Joblin as he will have a LR KA message for each of us, Sunday Schools at the usual hours next Sunday. Mr. Geo. Sweetman attended: tie funeral. of his brother John, who | assed; away, very suddenly after a ew ew days a "Nines at the home of his -son_Earl, in Sarnia, in his 76th ear. The remains were taken to hia ome in Kingsville, Mr, 8weetman Jas born on Scugog Island where he ived mapy years before Foie to re to make his home, leaves to maurn his passing, four children Ear], at .Sarnia; Percy, Mrs, Carl ohnston and Mrs. Batson, Kingsville,' three brothers, James Allan, Essex, (eorge and Arthur of Seugog, Sympathy is extended to the bereaved fami Littlo Joan Carnochan ent a couple of days with her gran parents | Mr. and Mrs, W. Mark, | Mr. F. Lewis and his father-in-law, Mr, Message, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. Hope on Tuesday, Mr. and Mis, J. L. Sweetman and ilene visited his sister Mrs. David fller on Sunday. 'We are pd to hear; that Mr. iller's health ia nat improvin r or} Mrs. Geo, Samella and little Jean visited in_-Toronto one day last boty | (eo. Webster, of Blackwater, visited Mrs. Alex, Martyn, a few days tlast week, | Mr. and His, Eden of. Toronto, have moved on the fom recently vacated {PM Mr, Hopliam Do odsley, growin i biti A Toronto on Mon- " djttle idea of my trip out here in Cali- accompanied Mr. | they try to observe C hristmas here as best they can. But it takes the real Canadian Winters to make the holiday season a success. «I attended the little country church of Hollywood, yesterday, where Rev. Wm. Hogg, known as Josiah Hopkins, preached - until his death -last year, 'Also went to the Angelus Temple ta hear Amy McPherson, I trust-you are well. + Will appre- ciate if you care ta give my friends a fornia through'your paper, as'l cannot write them all, Yours for a very Happy Cliristmas and New Yaer, : ; Thomas W. Clark." W.MS., United Church, Port Perry The cember Meeting" of the i my issionary Society of the Port Peryy<IInited Church 'was held oft the home of Mrs, H. Stone, on Wed- 9 nesday, Dec. 14th, The President, Mrs, Davey,' opened the meeting with the. theme, " "Christ for All", after which Mrs, Smallman read a poem "A Message of Thankfulness," Mra, Hall led in prayer and Spel prayers for the success of the nternational Ma. Dear Mr._Farmer,--~When_L arrived. a_ Scripture reading 'and introduced | Emperor Grapes, 2 lbs. SOAP FLAKES, 5 lbs. 25c. 'Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs.. 41c. PURE LARD llc. lb. Toyland is Booming ~ Big Assortment of Dolls, Games, ~ . Books, Decorations. "Dishes in pleasing assortment of quality lines. Men' S Heavy Plaid Windbreakers I $4.95 Tn Oue and All--A Mery Merry ~ Christman and A Bappy New Yetr 'F. W. BROCK & SON BE A A GER - Qur Sincere Good Wishes "to all for a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year . PORT PERRY COAL YARD dras- -Conference were offered Dy Mra: Davey and Mrs, Smallman, The first chapter of. the Study Book "Weaving the Web" was very ably taken by Mrs. Hall, After the slate of officers for the ensuing year was presented and accepted, a social half-hour was spent over the tea cups. The 'following officers were elected : Past President, Mrs, Geo, Jackson} Preaidént, Mrs. Geo. Davey; 1st Vice: President, Mrs. Smallman; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. M. Beare; Ree, Sec'y, W. A. Christy; Cor, Sec'y, Mrs. C. pa, Jory; Treas, Mrs. W. Dix; Pianist, Mra, C . C. Jeffrey; Peace Cée., Mrs. Sandy; Sup ly Sec., oc Mis Lillian Stovin; reas e¢., + Mr eesor Miss, -Monthly Sec., Mrs, a and Mrs. Koch; Chriatlan Stewardship, Miss Woon, Temperance Sec, Mrs, 8. Farmer; Community Friend dehip, Mra. Somerville and. Mrs, Smallman, » FOR Radio Repairs .. CALL John Farmer Phone 8s,' 1 Pp Port Perry W. G. W. PYATT Superlastic Tire Sales PRODUCTS OF THE 'Canadian Tire Corporation. RUGS x ¥ oo ek - aL ed HEATERS OILS ANTI-FREEZE ALL CAR ACCESSORIES AND PARTS AT CATALOGUE PRICES Tires & Tubes--Truck Tires al Big Saving 102 Wiliams St. " - . OSHAWA Gordon Summers, + Proprietor Phone 747 fi

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