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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Dec 1938, p. 7

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--_ SS -- . > > >> . Brand Livestock ; Castor Oil Known. . . > ' . 'What Science Farmers Advised How Can 1? In Pharaoh's Time a . 221 | 1 Fis a r is 3 * ls Doing * MW Orde to o Combat the Activits 80 ¥ Many Modern Drugs Were YA heavy influx of earmarke i) » ies of Rustlers In _ .Uted by the Ancients -- the gold into Canada. was diselo Counties of Ontario BY ANNE ASHLEY Pharmacist ' and Physician last week 'in a 'Dominion 'Bureau SECRETS OF SLEEP . - 4 ¢ Were One 40 Centuries Ago of Statistics report, ! Ten thousand nights of sclentit- Cattle rustling: and si:cep thiey- | | ; Net increase of earmarked' gold 3% fc experiment by physiologists of ing are rife in Grey, Bruce and | Q. How ould buttons be: fasten. Castor oil has beei In c mmé : ; --that is gold from abroad held in the University of Chicago have up- | Huron Counties, over twenty.night | "oq on lace? use "for alinost 40 centuries and | ; Ag ¥: , Canada for safekeeping--amount- set many popular Ideas about the | raids on farmers' stock having |. "4 "rig buttons on lace Instead iy prescriptions which employed medl- "What's the use of It alt" said | ed to $71,400,000"in the past 13 technique of 'sleeping. * They now | been made in the last three sewing them of; using a needle. | °Ines recognized today for their. | the old.rooster, leaning his heag | months, The increase for last Oc 'declare that - slumber {is largely months, was revealed at Goderich with doubled thread. The 'ends: |* therapeutic valup were known to sadly against the barn door. "Eggs tober. was $32,400,000, It is be. _ What one makes At the _pbyslolo- last week when Provincial Cont- |. Gig pe tied 'under: tho butfons - | the ancients, according to diseov. | Yesterday; chickens to-day, feather] lieved most of this gold came. troff : gists found, ~~ --pstable-PioBi HMeCoy appealed fo "nd on Tne" Wrong sie: 10 tied care--- [7 Sries wescrived by Cuaries Laswar, © [dusters RTTOTTOW, © ST oe eens "Great-Beitain-and France Bef rferen The sleep of normal adults'ls dt farmers to brand. their live stock + fully the buttons are easily remoy- _hisforian-pharmacist, -in 'a lengthy ; © 000 2 1 "Ta Purchate Avmentents' AF 3 produced by fatigue substances but | with some identification mark ed when the lace is {o be freshen volume recording the scientific ad- . V The British Government was" ty 1 -as a habit acquired: to prevent ev-' | other than the slitting or punch- ed. vance of pharmacy. = Prescriptions x UNHAYY F8 reported strengthening its North entual serious. fatigue, v= =| ing:a hole in the ears, A TIER 3 Roop other from. | COMPoRnmen bY Ip UBT tar oe Weep to the tale of Willie T8» . | Americar' gold reserves by ship: i DRIED. AIR 'AIDS HEARTS: "A. gang of 'rustlers is going Phi Oc Clo | physicians date #ack to the earliest Who meet a girl whose name + ping large quantities of the metal ~The 'use of air conditioning as a | about the country at night, loading A. The clothesline can be 'clean | records; La Wall réveals fn "4.000 | was ie: for storage infec. vaults of the new treatment for rheumatism. was animals from pasture fields onto | og-and the clothes will not freeze Years of Pharmacy." Que prescrip- He courted her at a fearful RS. Bank 'of Canada, N. 4 - reported last week by Albert G, trucks and disposing of them at to It during cold weather, it the line tion, the date of which: fs fixe at Aly kégoey her soon to become Lhe Sen, wis oi 3 have Reon . I Young, M.D., of Brookline," Mass, | stockyards or packing plants," with a mixture o al | 1552 B.C, afforded the necassar h : nto provide for the purchase ighignds RX Doron, who said 'that in two years, use at | Constable McCoy said. So: oe the Sup Wor Uxty of 4. clues "for deciphering the Garshey 2 " wabiy It 1 could," said' lovely of war materials in Canada and Ontario High arr to fill the va. | the hospital of air conditioning had rustlers hava confined their activi- sprinkled on a damp cloth. Or, boil language of the ancient Egyptians PES the United States in the event of : En by Justice. Me. | Prevented heart trouble' in rheu- ties in Huron County to sheep. tho line occastonally i styong salt. | -and constituted the key to all sub. ny your lonely, unhappy a European war, when shipment Tague! ey the Ap eal "matic fever. ---- | Five-such-raids-have been report- | water - sequent research in Egyptology. "pg 3 . , of gold across the Atlantic would C ny £0 tari P © About tho only treatment, Dr. Q. How can I remedy a tight shoe This ancient remedy, recorded at 3, you've come : too be dangerous. @ our' of Untarle, Young sald, has been rest in bed A warning was issoed to farm. that binds at the toe? when Moses was tending-his fatber- Ts \ and warm, dry eluate, Alr Sond): ers to be on watch at night for | .. A. -Wring-a cloth out of hot wa. |. In-law's sheep on the plains at the I genie already; The. me -- . : tioning produces this climate artl- trucks, to obtain marker numbers, : Yi d lay It across the foot of Mount Horeb, prescribes re- y ' Iceland: Only ticlally in the hospital. and as full a description as poss. $i) Lay is ta the foot. medial substances in common use : 000 = Car Owners Are TO STUDY "BRAIN WAVES" |" ible, and to place some --ptivate "This Will 'cause the leathor to ex- | In drug stores today. "I'm sorry I haven't a dime," the Blamed In Theft ; Unarmed Nation Electrical "brain waves" that | identification mark on animals. pand and confdrm to the shape of | Besides castor ofl, many other | 12d¥ sald as sho handed the conduc. 3 hob iY point the way to the sources of cer- One raid in Sydenham town- | the foot. - 3 medicinal materials wore listed, for 2100 dollar bi, _ Following the disclosure that taln types of epilepsy wilt vo stud ship;-Grey-County; netted-the-rust en seh t-veartous-oitsgturpen S-4-WorEy ada repited Country Hasn't A Single Sold- Fay a new laboratory opened last nr eight head, 'and another in re ne PEEL tine, tigs, wormwood, squill, aloes, | Politely. "Youre going to have 99 Sidi 53s wad bedh Hin A ier -- Sovereign State for - week in MeGill University Neuro- the -"samé 'municipality, on Nov. A: By pouring about a halt Inch oplum,- peppermint, anise, saffron, *| ©f them in a couple of minutes." and. then used in thd armed | a f Twenty Years . logical Institute, ¥ 23, netted thirteen head. of ollvé oll over the top and then linseed, Juniper berries, poppy, date 000 iy robbery of a London (Ont.), Wily : : - 1c process, jots down the brain's, - A "keeping the. bottle securely corked. - blossoms, 'and even onions. Changeable Women are more grocer, oflicialsi of the Forest A Iceland, 'the: only nation in the | electrical impulses ona chart like J -- Q. How can I satisfactorily clean In those days pharmacist and endurable than monotonous City have issugd a warning to Sw ; = world 'without a single soldier, an ordinary graph. . + . atoll hat? -| physician were one; thio practice of ones, iowever unpleasant some all motorists not to leave keys AUN warship or fighting plane, rejoic-- | By studying the ups and downs SER ; 3 A. Add enough gasoline to a tea- | medicine befng entirely experimen: of their changes may be; they in parked car Gibb KES ed last week in 20 years of sov---|of-the-graphs,-physiclans will be | "Maddern 4] -cup_of-flour_to make a paste, Rub. | tal. As time went on, La Wall re- are sometimes murdered but Ma ig D. B Bemis ereignty, peace and prosperity. able to detect the regions of the . thls. paste off the hat with a brush, | cords, these! flelds of practice -se- seldom deserted. ma TH a I honrly evors Loud The anniversary of the state's | brain which give rise to certain Etiquette and allow to dry. Then brush off | Parated: "It is the functlon of' the / . -- George Bernard Shaw UR an y Spay oon sovereignty was observed: by" stu- cases of eplleptic attacks. id with a stiff: brush, Remember that physician to diagnose disease and - . _, "+ -Q00 = gS charged with ear theft the of- dent processions to thé-grave of {SEEK INSULIN SUBSTITUTE | BY ROBERTA LEE gasoline | {nflammables . recommend treatment. If medicine Farmer's Wife: "If you can't ; Ld Wt faced to the the statesman Jon. Sigurdsson and Two University of Manchester, | '§ - + 3 : g Inflamm ; | 1s required, the wise physician | sleep, count sheep." Hoi at th Je et 11 ft . speeches by government officials, (England) research workers have: = Y rt writes a prescription to. be tilled by Farmer: "I did that last night. 1 ie ihe inna ad le 2 intluding 'a broadcast by Prime | obtained encouraging results in ex- 1. Is it correct to say: 'Pleased : a competent pharmacist, for this is counted ten thousand- cheep hl the keys in the car. A Minister Hermann Jonasson to Ice- |-periments designed to find a substi: | to meet you," wher betng-fatroduc- Next Postmaster-General? 'tho_ pharmaclst's . particular proy- [Dut them in cars and shipped 'em . . p 3% landers in America. - 2 Jute for insulin in. dlabetes treat- | ed? 5 --¢ > a Bc 5 Ince and specialty. for which he has | to market. By the time I'd-figured zo . : it memo eg A Ofdest Parliament In World® ment - which would d_eliminate® dan- 2. When you are a dinner guest, been Sprenly udine, trained." ~up my losses it was time to get up 3 g On Dee, 1, 1918, King Chris- | ger of "insulin shock" and could be Is It necessary to say "thank you" and milk!" tian X of Denmarl confirmed an | given by mouth instead of injec: | each time a servant passes you a -- Parade, London Jestangish: -Danish law which made | tion. : : : 5 dish? . 164 Rural Maidens - 000 - pe celand a sovereign state. Since -In a series of experiments they 3. Should an invitation to any 4° A cannibal' chief | thén Iceland and 'Denmark have 'used extracts of cabbage -to control kind of meal, dinner, supper, lunch. Attend Course i mn to 8 oa pa) hist iy replied E operated separate nations, with the blood-sugar coricentration of eon, be answered? King * Christian representing the animals. 4. What is the proper amount supreme executive power in each. that a bridegroom should give the "Iceland is proud of these things: minister as a fee? lt hag | 6. Is it all right to say, When you : ' because she opposed him on Home Economics some matter Ji "tribal policy. 4 It would be only poetic Justice . Woinen's Institute Branch of if she continued to disagree -." |__._Ontario_Department of Ag- | With him, ES ba ; iament in * the world--the - Alting--founded - The are leaving after a visit, "Fam at--] tor . --_-- in 930 A.D. rald I: have stayed too long," or "I 3 : riculture Holding ~~ Three G 'B It was from Iceland, according BOOK SHELF must have bored you talkirg 0 | 5 § Months' | Course in - Five: | Germany aying " . to some authorities, that America much?" ; 3 | . evelops Intelli= Canadian Apples was first discovered. - By ELIZABETH EEDY } 6. Who pays the fare if a hostess. |, gent Judgment in Problems Icelarid has a language un- 2 5 takes her guests to a theatre or of Home-Maker . "LONDON, 'Ont. - -- Middlesex- "changed for 1,000 years and every |. ot Y some -other entertainment In' a Fl ----adult-| in the-country-can-read-and--- THREE CHRISTMAS BOOKS taxi? = write." = |" A vitally strong character with - Answers :) : : an insatiable hunger for knowledge _| . 1. No; this Is a crude phrase, = --i5-presented-by-Mazo-de_la-Roche__| Merely say, "How do you do?" A grown apples will enjoy a more prominent place on Nazi Germany dinner tables this year than ever €o in Home Economics being before in histor Ho eeon c y if German crop: | conducts bythe Women's Lusi. | F--reports--ran be taken ws an Auth Attendance' figures for the first couple of weeks of the three month Po] Ee A S: il "|. } In "Growth of a Man" (McClelland ~ aOR en BT ute Branch of the-Ontario Depart- ority. ) yor 3 y uto pills Boor 4 i $2.50). Canada hit or Fenn] dig high _ Reports emanating from Ottawa Wane or Asrieniune in ns coun- With a subnormal "domestic ap- E fali »: ES, 'From Baby Buggy -- "| such remark. 2 :'| "indicate that Col. William P. Mu- | 0°80) pistes ty ol ypa "ple harvest, Germany will have na FE ? : +| -. Faroft Iceland is brought into 2. No; it Is not necessary nor fs.'| lock, , member for Noh Xork, 'Kin | courses are being held in the coun. diffculty..in Doe bing the full i HAMILTON. - = Knocked the realm of common experience | It expected. However, jt is far bet- Shofy e' rat nto ! e a tles of Bruce, Halton, Mastings; diss or both fresh and dried 7 down by an automobile-on Can- tor those who read Gunnar _Gun-. | ter to say "thank you" when it Is (| ca inet 38 Dos poner © | peterboro and Wentworth, under ple tistrtor : } . | non street Saturday night while narsson's * "The Night and. the | not necessary tham to omit-it wien fuceosd LE opus. for | the direct supervision of experts | iM oles he Spe pets § "| he was pushing a baby buggy, | | Dream" "(McClelland ~& Stewart," | one Bhould express thanks, i ro from" the Women's ,. Institute e prop | rig area Li iv Frank Ander suffered a frac-| | Toronto, $2.50). This is a sequel to 3, yet, always. ey i "Branch, go of the Suny we t pine . Aes S074: lop: aud injuiles-to bli 2 ore ae a wh La, -- h bl se L gael unde. tive this year by the i Me Sowing ! ; : RH graphical novel "Ships in t | 1t-mmy be g --and-- + 0 CITY RT. 1 cadings: ; over, 3 Seen fale ¢ ane SAT z fk $100 0 more, when the bridegroom - Will Build Naval . Food and Cookery: This course rgd pi pufchase . of Zpesh ap- TRY IT TOMORROW 1 Doers didi sams vo cases of The essence of thirty-nine years $100 or more. It all depends upon % : fncludes a study of food and Hs re- ples in 'anada. ; f ! everal bot] P brok » ] of research, study and writing is one's finances. And Air Defenses lationship to health, food habits IR ove a doliles.were broken Bh | represented in" Hall Caine's "Life .| 6. No; such expressions are stu' is : - : and nutritional needs; the compo- 3 . - - 2 i {hy contents poured . onto he of Christ" (Doubleday, Doran, Tor- » and self-conscious, ) i =~; ...|-sition; selection, purchase, prepar- AF a -- EE ---------- Te Tho subs. damaged te wn gato, $3. .60). The author's purpose - 6. The hostess, Substantial Appropriation Like- 2 gat serbis 2 fonds rol Cla sf od « e bug- J. as been to "make every Incident £ Ri latt 3 i Adal - of recipes and standard products, - A A gy and witnesses experienced a illustrate and develop idl char- _ ERR LRT RN Sy Aw Be of Conni's Pals: H Sehold "Mana in This g gesy Ie Adve ising "= R, 2 few anxious moments thinking acter, to heighten and deepen the . - a LJ sion course/direets attention to: organ- i , 4 pt was a child in the. peram-. impression of His personality." Evidence Studied *, ment {zation of house work, considera geo i : ] ulator. 3 E83 B C i °° a ? tlon of working conditions In the AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS » : ; | i - A « UPHOLSTERING & FURNITURE -Lommission The highlight of the defense es- home and labour-saving equipment; . - hock Absorbers - ¢ : Fr) Fo ee Swing! St le's Out I ane -ei f Ehbeky | caro.ot the house, selection, eare | SapE Tn SERVICE ALL MATES Corea YONS EE FE p-- p and use of materials (metals, wood allze. ed ratfor Ad SA 3 "New Srvon Jug 7 ye I Tan He Ro LL Hewing | -will_be _a_substantial- appropria- | and glass), - cleaning ~ equipment;- | S2:Gerrard Street Weal. Torin ] dro Sar ne: : Sweet Music' 8 In : e Roy, mis Rela. | tion dedicated to the purpose of | the home Kitchen, sanitation, water PPR FARR, t Wa must dispose af eur (remons Is Easy-Pouring tone Wil Review 10,000 | mink Canade's socalled tin | supoly, sewage tsposal amd con: | LA DIMEN i loaf reigned, Fal om aeview 10,000. | pot» navy to the siatus of & thor. | ral of sects; sceral principles | For, Berimpts ons ov | fat i dail i hordes 2 a rages "0 al oug y effective fighting unit. of laundering. * machines, hay presses, root cutters, cleaned, reconditioned und sold wih ; Can Be Secured at Great Sav- Preto Vor Near Bands Ie ' "<The othér main feature of the Health Education and Home care food Cuiers. corn shiliers. rollers, Se balk Suntan of ng by Ly of Bee Hive : The Joval Commission on Do- | estimates will be a substantial ap- | "of the sick, Clothing, Home Furn- to digger, hott sorters, Pete, Soetoro oanuy that furuiture you yrup minion-Provine! elations pre- propriation for air defenses. {3hing. . 'Flees lowest In Canada aves Chesterfield Sultes, (3 placer == rg Swing. so fs dead! Long live |-pared this week to settle down to | It may be forecast that approxi- | -- po wl Poni onstration Pensa 85 In a-turge varlety east 33 "Long Tealizing the need for & 'sweet swingl\-- --the-most difficult_part of its vital | mately $50,000,000 will be. voted ] el , Sireat at subtly prices "wire. A ren 3.50 Joi : syrup. jug that would make pouring |. Fugitives . trom _boller fac factory task--drafting a report which | in the estimates scheduled to come | ° London: A week's fun amid 4-ply Rubber Belt, 33¢ a foot. Frea | 3@ Dining Room Suites In onk, 5A syrup. easler, the makers of Bes | dance bands can take the cotton" might Rad to more complete na- |" before the session which opens in the fogs: Emile Aymoz, a French Malogues on request. Matthew | 0 walnut and pirch,nll__ning__ A 1 hie Syrup. now have. one, This | out of thelg ears, ! '| tional unity and a sounder: system} January. --- chef, praised "that succulent-and * ~ Ronne. Q ie: SEetabiienod "1s. "| and extension tuble and 6 leather. Spa ng oronto_atores- § _ That fnstrumental _of public finance in Canada. In the realm of naval defenses, nutritive dish, the American ham- | ------ : REE | Shholstered elmira toinbletely: ve. | | "at $1.30 for.a 12 oz, size and $3.00 | have been hearing fhéss focent The commission has completed | the intention of the government |- burger"; Church of England cler--- TOXT AND FOUND 285 fea ttoom Nullen, AE br : for a 40 oz. size. The prico is tho | few months was the death rattle |: jts long and painstaking collection | is, briefly, to provide a total of 18 | 8ymen made it known that they | FinNiERs PANACEA ROBUST | 20 walnut, enamel (intshes, dres: : Sh +. best indfeation that something re- | of the swingsters--dealt a lef ethal | of data on which it would base a | destroyers for the patrol and de- | preferred the "Lambeth Walk to health afien, lost, nlwhys found [ 26r, ehiest.. ful) cize hed, eniiers PY _ markably new has been developed, -| blow by their own desire to bo Hot- report. Its 'public sittings con- tlantic. and Pacifi the "sensuous slinking" of recent Si HO RL millions Completaly refinished Priced from Vidi Pp p tings fense of the Atlantic an ¢ throughout Canada have proven . I -For Bee Hive Syrip users the Jug . | ter than hot. cluded when the Manitoba govern- coasts. ballroom favorites, and a movie | themselves during quarter century. £32.00 up te pti HIS Chesil qe 4 can be secured at big savings, The More Like Plain Jazz ment wound up it supplenientary This plan contemplates a flotilla house displayed a sign reading Jian. Monti Su ion, Robins fhm field Chairs, $3.95; uy Bids, $3.95; IR 13 oz. size can be had for 4 five 1b, 'The evidence is seen ot only in sittings. - ] for. the east and west coasts re- 'Chamberlain the Peacemaker -- | talnable Eaton's. Druggists Gro. Dsesars, S105 Cnitfonters. ia NOM Bee Hive Syrup labels, or the equi- |: the.fading of ultra-hot bands but Towards Canadian Unity "spectively of eight destroyers and : for one week only." Ak LL $4.50; Newton Machines, o pty valent in pounds and 60c, and the "| fn the words of authorities in. three The task now will be to finish a a leader, the latter being slightly PATENTS Vreaklony Suites. $7.95; ede large size for 10 fi d.labels | separate musical.flelds: M $0 pon Mew, Baia, ol - larg ve pound.labels sieal.fle onsleur | raview of the 10,000:0dd pages of rger than the ordinary destroyer AN OFFHI TO RVBRY INVENTOR | brand new Matlreises, any size or the equivalent in pounds and | Hughes Panassle, French author of | evidence taken during the 85 days Ns carrying-the staff officers, ga AA RR ELL ell-tufied. neayy yo cwe. specind 1 $1.00, The jug is absolutely unique |. "Le 'Jasz 'Hot"--the swingster's sit : . mation sent free. The Ramsay Come Confidenge! Money «bir k . in that it has a patent drip cut | .bible; Andre Kostelanets, sympho- 52 siifings) to ab APS best of 2 Nee hroad mibniion Deh ove sintered, Tatent Mforsiea. gu i jase fuly be % A detion that severs the syrup oft | ny orchestrd leader and musfo di | the. country's - leading. economle, | fonses is even more. ambitions. = pr sep aL ahi ment. . uu, ' thout dripping or sticking. It-is | rector of Columbia Broadcasting | Joga) and statistical experts, draft | 'The plan. is to have ultimately 23 . LRANDYAL pnd LYONS' easlly filled. Peoplo seelng them fn ~ | System; and tho "King of BWIng" | a skeleton' report and then go to | air forco units, which moans 'a | Ee meer AN pEEECTION- | FURNITURE 'CO Stina Instantly say--'"that's what himaelf--Benny. Qoodnian! work on the actual: writing. ~ total of more than 520 rity Qs LE LR 5 478 Yonge €t.. Toronto 1. pani" Goodman says the Ln is drift. It is expected te report will be including those £ dor t training pur- Rolin, Miser : eo) ong Sly EE ats eade KY ] | ready ahout the middle of the par- | poses... . . -. LTE SRELIEVED | Sattiy -- wit 10 yOu Maly IF FRR Y 1111 13.40 1] ; quests to the Type of music that ve liamentary session' which opens : OVERNIGH suited? Huridieds to choose from, |* Se § anlat, Jan, 12, and consist of A a o : i RN ¥ Fy AA any fnrmery BA aetLY hh VEAL ELLA ; : oa anats, whosy business 1t 14 | summary of the. factial evidence | EE rg treatment per Ve Fariculars, joc. Coniden: | an angropriste wird for MH" ior on mercur- d 're an 'qrrespond ence A ik I 4 n Ah 1al pulée of the public, points ont= Pay Based and : 80/8 G T0. TOWN? Defers t Becom "Tilo Me olntom ib, ngs 1, slant Ally only Ton thly mage, devoted ta with echoes from Panassio and | pay evidence, ; inserted well up the. nostrils will not . POTATO BAGS pra TR HR fogdgian--that the new "sweet" joa ays 0g "Remember fo get | only save Jou folate discomfort and | .: - taining the very latest siyles with different from jazz. your copy of this In rll j being quick, - TorATO; BAUS FOIL SALE 2%e plete fer. for, mh Ape wii ay ' , Mey =yach 'We also pay highest prices ladly aesist subscri fn theirs . week's. Toronto Mentholatum Quickly penetrate fo - junk. Consolidated Iron and lady Yoblems. i la ain Ge: a . heliribot st nasal passages... ight, the x etal, BR Niagara Street; Toronto. |. fer} a pion i ore 4 lon i cléar Li Se lurkin ound, healthful br al breathin A t i Er land $270: 4 I RHE $3.50 hd a . i % n ex-farmer in England re. fiditions a' subscription foc A A ws a 30 cent tube or jar tod ay. Use lt 1ovted that he could have put up iful Kl ree nd aie a i by iil Teliel In the morning. ih farming, but the fling of | FCTAGRAL EFeelings and a) wih Get el quarantend or one, ng, LJ ng .o & (HK 0 mated with and a : Issue No. 5 5. id Rgverhhient forma drove him out | ain kuna, 88 ede RT . 52-- it Sa --_------ fa © the business, > (ES : : x adi a ; Th

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