| 3 oie Sur ead : ee €anadian Art Show Success In London - Galléry -- Every "Province Takes Part. . ¥ in Exhibition ~~ + Canada's art show -- "Cedtury - oh unadian Art" -- in' London's fapdtd Tate Gallery' has been' a 'promaunced success, H. C. McCurry, of @iMawa, assistant director of the ¢ ~ Nadlemal Gallery of "Canada, aia " 'lags week. Tho exhibition includes * camvases painted in every province in® fe last 100 years, ih "My McCurry, "just" back from Enghnd says the Canadian group. was the first Dominions exhibit to - be M#mored with a place in the Tate Galery. 'It drew a greater attend. ' aneo than any recent -exhibition thexe, and the closing date had to be éxtended twice, The show will close in January. : British Excited About It The show was opened on sched- ule @ctober 14 by "the Duke of Hent despite the international cris- is whlch had made preparations dif- tienlt., . : ; Mr, McCurry who made prelim. inawy arangements for the exhibi- : Beitish--art---exporls. are Sunday School - Lesson Fa LESSON II. ~~" PETER. COMMENDED . AND on REBUKED Sk Matthew 16: 13.25' the Son of the living God. -- Matt, 16: 16. ". THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.--In the third period of the ~Galilcan ministry, "autumn, A.D, 29, Place.~~At or near Cacserea Philippi, in the "northern part of Galilee, south of the foot-hills of Mt. Hermon. A year and one half, 'which is almost" one half of the entire istry,- has elapsed between the events of our last lesson and the epochal event which we are about to study in this lesson. : 13. Now when Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea. Philippi, he -asked his disciples, saying, Who € ' [| ~ " id tahing a keen interest in the best Cpradlan.. work "and it would not be surprising it more Canadian pietures are acquired by British galaries as one result of the exhi- bitien." » oa " HOBBIES IN HOLLYWOOD lA Six years ago, Robert Montgomer, became Interested In cameras. Today he has a complete outfit for colo photography as well as black an White. He can usually be found at hl honde taking pictures of his garde Is children or 'his home, when n usy at the atudlo, ve ~ Recluse Never ~ Opened Parcels -- Collected Over a Period of Years, House of Retired Bank "Biliyee "at Néwmarket, "Ont.,' Was Full of Purchases ° The executors of Kdgar A. Bo- gart's 'estate, after two. weeks of work, still didn't know the full value of the property left by the 75-year-old retired bank omployce who lived the life of a recluse. When the executors entered Bo- gart's 'home at Newmarket; Ont., after his recent decth they found 'the house jammed with furnitiire, colns, weapons, china, clothing; J4Wapansrs and oddities collected 0 or a period of years, "Astant of men has been sttempting to cata- logue the assorted objects for the pass two weeks. - Jammed with Furniture, Clothin Each room in the house, which no oné but Bogart had entered in the 10 years prior to his death, was © - plled with his belongings to such an 'extent that only narrow pass. * ages from door lo door were left "open, Hundreds of dollars worth "of furniture and clothing, bought years ago and never unwrapped or ' uncrated, wads strewn through the _ house, °° 3 Two roonis Were filled with news- "papers 'dating back to 1888. One shipment\of 'furniture which intlud. 'ed a rug vhlued at $125, had arrive ed in 1925 and still was in its original wrappings, : 4 Cettain' Feeds Give : Butter Odd Flavor Feeds that will affect the flavor soi gof the butter and which should _l__xye may be used.if fed after milke- 1 Por be fed to mileh cows: De- - * cayed ensllage and roots, heated, musty or mouldy hay, ete. Leeks, onions, weed seeds. French weed or other strong feeds, Feeds such as turnips, turnip tops, rape, or ing. If a period of four hours 'elapses between the time the feed has been caten by the cow and the timg of milking no taint should be neticeable in the milk or cream. 'Washing utensils with unelgan, fou' smelling wash-cloths. } 0 { ' | who say ye that I i a decisive "moment in which the Vew- Testament -- ~Golden-Text--Thou art the Christ. period of our Lord's public mins, Too Little Beef, " Too Many Legs Department of Agriculture Of. ficial Says Canadian Cattle Have Not 'Been Fed Nor Fattened Up Enough' For Market * ; Hh Too little beet on 'too many logs has been on big trouble with the | Canadian cattle industry, in the judgment of A.-M, Shaw, Ottawa dl- rector of markets for the Dominton Department of Agriculture, . Thers has been insufficient grain fed to Canadian cattle to provide "'a reasonable level of beet quality or a sufficient regular supply of grain-finished cattle to meet the * best demands of the domestic and export trade," Mr, Shaw declared in a paper before the pralrie markets conference, Feed Them More Graln He Informed the confergnce, that f3 studying the lack of'markets for western farm produce, that a gorat deal more grain could be consumed by fowor cattle to the advantage ot the industry. An Increase in cattle numbers was _not_altogother desir. do men say that thie Sow of mam is? "After months' spent in teach- .ing the apostles about his person and mission he gives them a choice, a test concerning the explanation of it all. It has been probably two years since he chose them as apos- tles. By this time they ought to know their own minds, -------- - 14, And they said, Some say John. the Baptist; some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. § 15. He saith wijto them, But m? This was _ separation of -the church from the Pld Testament theocrgey was to bp made. - Peter's Great{Confession Matt, 16: 16. 16, And Simon Peter answered dnd said. Peter was always the spokesman of the ~twelve disciples. Thou art the Christ. "Christ", is the Greek synonym -for the Hebrew 'word "Messiah", All those of the Old Covenant knew that when. the Messiah would come peace would * 'reign, justice would prevail, the wilderness would be changed into would be no darkness or night. The Son of the living God. Péter in 'these words goes even beyond ascribing Messiahship to Jesus; he considers him to be the very Son . - a garden, wars would cease, there" arrived by mail. Two R.C.M.P. officers enjoyed a large and appetizing Christmas dinner this year in company with their four fellow-occupants (Eskimos) of Craig Harbor, Ellesmere Jsland, Canada's most northerly outpost. -- Ptarmigan replaced turkey én the menu and all. Christmas greetings Three of the Eskimos appear in the top you see Lance-Corporal R. W. Hamilton, of the R.C.M.P. with the fourth Eskimo. No mail will arrive at Craig Harbor till next summer, hoto. Below his experiehce for he came-defin- "itely to die for us. : began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall never be unto thee. This word was a word of love, 23, But he turned, and said un- to Peter, Get thee behind me, Sat- an: thou art a stumbling-block unto me: for thou mindest not the things of God, but the things of men. . 24, Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man_would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25.- For whosoever would save his life shall lose it: and who- soever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it. There is no discipleship without self-denial - for the first 11 months of 1938 {is 22: And Peter took him, and 'the highest on record, and com- - expanding butter production and 'been to the advantage of "pound quota on Quelfec cels that or 8 per cent. Total production now. estimated at 83,281,303 1bs., pares. with 77,023,660 pounds in the first 11 months of 1937. _ Less Cheese Made The trend in récent years in Canada has been toward greatly reducing the quantity of cheese manufactured. That a lesser-'de- cline in cheese output would have the dairying industry is now generally conceded, and efforts to build up able and certainly not necessary to 'a substntial increase In grain con. sumption, he sald, Fatten Up Your | Horse For Sale I's a Good Plan to Add a Few Hundred Pounds to ' the Animal In fitting liorses for Spring work it may not be necessary to fatten them, or burden them, so to speak, with excessive fat, but when It comes lo courting a sale at a re- munerative price, it is a good plan to add a couple of hundred pounds to the animal. ixtra fat on a horse wlll not deter him from ep- gaging in heavy work, and fit is just as well to have the animal in a condition that will always com- mand the best market. Sanctuary . There is a lang of dreams Wheréin soft desires + Burn fragraut fires, - - Where the bright thought gleams: And the mind can retrace ~ - On swift, impassioned feet . The path of Mémory, sweet With perfumed petals of a hab. lowed place. There, oh thére only, can we wig Our peace at last, Alone with the Past And digaming therein, ~~ ; Today. ; ) RP hSZ>Y me ' By William Tris CURIOUS -WORL. D_Fergusan... ie | _---- ileen Kifer, in Poetry of ------ v ¥ A L THE penguin is a bird .of paradoxes. scales. It has wings, but does not fly, for aWiining. On land, (t walks erect, or slides over the Ice on js stomach. " + 7 Its feathers resemble using these appendages ~..» } hg NEXT: How many different species of native frees has Norih Amerlca? cheese: production and regain former export volime are consid- cred by many as most desirable. Germany has fixed a 600,000- - Divine Revelation ; . Matt. 16: 17-20. 17. And Jesus answered and said unto -- him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jon- revealed it. unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven. The Lord means that recognition .of his Messiahship and Sonship is . not brought about by human logic, but -that it is a divine working in the human heart and mind, a work of revelation, by which such an ac- knowledgment' is made. 18. And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, ahd upon this rock, The word "Peter" in Greek is. the word "petros," meaning "the rock". I will build my church: We should notice that Christ de- clares he will be the one who will build the church." Jesus is the architect, and the verb suggests - the continued activity of the living Christ in giving out his design. The foundation of the church is made up of the apostles and proph- ets, Christ himself being the chief corner-stone, (Eph, 2: 20). What the Lord really. meant is that not upon Peter but upon this confes- sion of Peter concerning the per- son of. Chyjst he would byild his church. And the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. The passage implies conflict with the kingdom of evil and victory. over it; but its leading thought is the' triumph of life over death, of the kingdom of the resurrection over _ the usurped reign of the king of Hades. : : : Keys to the Kingdom 10. I will give unto thee the keys of the 'kingdom of heaven; and whatsoevex, thou shalt bind on \ carth 'shall be bound in heaven; 4and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed.in heaven. + The keys of the kingdom: of heaven 'are first of all the gospel of salva- tion-through-Jesus Christ. By this means men are admitted into the "kingdom, ' Hé was conferring pow- er for saving and not for barring from- salvation. is 20, aThen charged he the dis- - ciples that they should tell no man that he was the Christ. He riow de- sired that he should move on and finish his work on the earth, dy- ing, rising again from the dead, and ascending into heaven, before preach Christ; then men would fully know what receiving Christ © meant, ' 3 Matt. 16: 21-25. Frgm that time began Jesus to show unto his dis- - awares and put to death. He knew "salem, and suffer many thihgs of "the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and the third "day be raised 'up. Jesus was not, some men 'claim, taken uns from the beginning what would be the disciples should go out and ah: for flesh and blood hath not - ~ciples,-that-he- must go unto Jeru---|- ----Fetches-Better--Price 5 A highly finished animal may not always be the-fittest for immediate hard labor, but it is plainly evident, at horse sales, that horses in full fleshed -condition command better Chinese Barricade manufactured in Ontario in No- vember was reported at 4,998,053 pounds * as against 3,625,328 pounds in November, 1937, a gain of 1,373,000 pounds or 38 per cent. Production-for the first 11 months, however, is considerably below the level of a year ago, the total being 83,113,349 pounds -this season, as compared with 91,- 456,962 pounds a year ago. Creamery butter output total ed 5,103,206 pounds in November, and was again higher than in the corresponding month of 1987, The 7 increase amounted to 398,000 lbs, Progucsticator - "Sees Cold Spell . FORT ERIE, Ont, -- They scoffed at William Henry Wint: mute, Bertie Township farmer, last 'September 'when he pre- 'dicted that this autdmn would be the mildest in years, byt he had the last laugh when "he showed the scoffers.violets and lilacs blooming on his farm*in December, v3 Spurred on by his success, Farmer Wintmute has now made his prediction for next three months, which, he said; will be cold, He bases his predictions on the: condition and location of milts in ho a system he claims is infallible. "three veteran reporters and com- - the YEAR'S LEADING NEWS : FIGURES Lowell Thomas, Edwin C. Hil and Walter Winchell, NBC news commentators, put their heads to- gether at the National Broadcasting Company to pick the ten leading nows personalities of 1938. These mentators decided that the ten big news makers of the year were nine men and a horse. Here is thelr 1st: 1. Adolt Hitler Neville Chamberlain Franklin D. Roosevelt Douglas Corrigan Popo Plus ' Thomas E. Dewey Seabiscuit + Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. Walt-Disney Henry Armstrong Soman n® pt PIANO BEST BACKGROUND It you want to be a composer, take up the planol ER] "The planist has a head start on players of other Instruments as faf as composing music Is concerned," says the famous King of Jazz" -- Paul Whiteman, whose program {is heard over CBS every Wednesday night. To prove it, he cites the fol- lowing composers: Ferde Grofe, for instance, earned his first claim to fame as the original planist in the Whiteman Orchestra, Dike Elling- ton 1s one of thie top pianists of hig race, CBS's Walter Gross is consld- ered one of Amerlca's ace classical and swing keyboard masters. It was Gross who played Gershwin's diftl- cult "Concerto in F"' {n Whiteman's all-Gershwin concert over CBS last summer. If you go back into musl- cal history," says Whiteman, "you will tind that nearly all composers played the piano. It is more natural .for a planist to compose than, say a violinist, because the planist has to know his harmonies perfectly -- and the knowledge of harmony is' the-foundation of creative writing." OLD COUNTRY PROGRAMS Owners of Rogers, DeForest Cros- ley and Majestic radio mets, prior to the new "Spread-Band" 1939 mo- dels,. cannot concelve of the im proved and satisfactory reception -which these new models bring In from (hie Old Country, It is a simple matter now to listen to and enfoy Ahe 'news broadcast from London, England, just as thotgh-it was a nearby station, Every person inter. ested In hearing programs from the Old Country should bé sure to go to their nearest DeForest Crosley, \ Majestic or Rogers dealer anv ask, for a demonstration of the marvel. lots 'short-wave' reception on™, these models. 211t is 2550 37 God of war. ready. 96 Fixed courses of study. 30 Side bone. -- 1 40 Circle part.- 32 Drone bee. 23 Vertiosh® 41 To maintain. VERTICAL _ 34 Three. ~ 27Ingenuous. 33 Council. 1 Grain, 33 Arid, 20 Tea, 45 Successive 2To ascribe. 38 One that pays 31 Slow (music). reliet supply. 3 To merit. 39 To come in. 33 Rubber wheel 47 Prophet, 4 Stir. 42 To bail. pad. = 49 Inclination. - 8 Musical note. 44 Part of a - 34 It was built 51 Piovarb. 6 Written shaft, in the -- 52 To soak flux. document. 46 Epoch. century B. C. 53 Otherwise. 7 Deposlied, 48 Sheltered 36 Needy. 54 Loom slack 8 Composed of place, : ening bar. lines. $0 Born, v POP--Fortunately, Pop Ha -- -o n't Many Hairs to Split IM NOT A both in the casier form of starv- | will not be filled before next [ Prices. Buvers will bid for flesh, HORIZONTAL Answer fo Previous Puzzle 10 Type of fig. ing passions and desires, and in .| March. To Sweden and Belglum iy it 1s daily . igh ope i» 1, 6 Lengthy : CME] 14 Frost bite, } the harder of yielding up the will, | smaller shipments are made, al=f A aocs hop bay Lo olfer ved nied ------man-made--- = = 451t otents ee aA . 5 we p : ale. Bid at a a ade, A along the wd fetring Wis Will supplant-ours. though the Belgians ational dish" | Ch run-up the price of an animal _barricade, [AAR GIMIER call along th : = j , EERE Vaked eel that is slick and well covered. It China. LL S HL FA E al ---- of Chinu 3 " A Is therefore the business of the iS B ANIE OlEIT! A 6 Bundl $A ot Small hats _w| . 9 Less reluctant 16 Bundle, i Ontario Cheese | jowt vos sh that fon | ribo ISH R | isin QGP vp, A : 4 i © buying public." 2 Away. ces' home, 8 Production Up | vopuisr in paris. rr 3 Flax RIAINTIIWENDELL IMTIRIERE] 21 Marvels. -pis - parity : derivative. S|Tlo HOLMES PIS] 22 Plotters, { But Total Cheddar Qutput For -- wa 5 Moor. J INERT] 23 Sycophant. : "Canada in 1938 is Less ] i Befalls. : LA Lghian L 2 Lae, Vi Than Previous Year . . 18 Railroad. " 7 { Rh Are You Listening 39 Third-rae EFAEINOIEILIE] 2014 wos bull ; The quantity of Ché¢ddar Cheese : . actor. ' 7 . Serv ii . a i = 's "By FREDDIE TEE 20 Form of "pe." 38 TO make + 55To observe. 9g gy0ne, 1%