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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Jan 1939, p. 6

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be a 0 Tan ter GT wl! IN. ANTENA SE ER) 4 ibewve, FRE SYP ENSRN Homes lag] MAI 4 | + . : - 3 i : : . ' 4 ' s *+ SARE Asst is a ee SERRA er] wrinkle his brow in puzzlement. 1 ; ' < Beauty Is More i" "|, "When yuh get through wantin' Says Women of k it list Tn - to wring Arthur's stringy neck, |* "Than Skin Deep The Le a. Guns- oh] f Vip Silurs sie ake ~Atelralia Are the night an' we'll talk business." "Ah f Our -- American Illustrator On Visit . 11 a Sogn as He Wo ysth sone, ead 0 8 .to Canada Says Girls Of This : of Circl L Slim get hold of Roy O'Brien an *.Continent Far Surpass Ther e A Stoney Sheard. "1 want Joh te . Feminia Fiom "Down Under" Of Furope o oil yore guns an haid | for ites Their dvantages Over . I pins iy by Perry Westbrook Sire toon | + Aemarlean Woeres, : - Becavse girls of thid ntinent >ooee : AR oo i OW 'or spend as sie ot i on A ICE } 1 i : POR A until Jorardy yRoon Keepin! yore Mis. Linda Littlepohn, a "léading thelr Interfors us "their exteriors Synopsis: : grinned Tisdale! SAin't wo "par. | eyes on the Standard Bank, Australian feminist, dangled her their general level of eauiy 1s Slim" Loyale is paroled from | ticular rush about me scein' Ar-' Just hang around sorta, like | country's "advantages" befors 'Ame ! much higher than. that of E urope prison after serving.18 months for | thurj I can see him tonight," I'm oh was killin! tine a' fin. crican women this week--mot to I according 'to - McClelland Suroes *"a crime he. did not comwit. He'| with yuh" Witeh that bank: all the time. Yuh* lure tourists but - to spur women : : ' aol painterssewlptor EE returns to hig Circle L.ranch:to 1, At.the. Cliole.L thoy found-Shm--| nay. hava the chance to punclure i. tirto-potities frere; meme Ld ed : ET SRA bi wii Aa LR La LR LT father dead and sinister and Dakota perched on the corrl | 8 hald-up, If nothin' happens by. Mrs. Littlepohn sald -Australla 3 Tir a week-ond <skidng in Se Yatra forces at work, trying to wake fence, deep in thoughtful conver- noon tomorrow, come on. home is 'ahead of the United States on Fashion Flashes % tans. north of Montreal him violate his parole so that he sation. Slim looked up and waved again. U hlargtandt iA mot shore these counts: ! \nters N can again be railroaded to prison. [* to Abe. The Dot H foreman saw. -j-¥~ out anyt in', but I'm playin*' a 1, The Australian goTesnment \ ; EME a th the The Brockivells and their gang that Slim was carrying a pair of | strong hunch." , " "recognizes the value of home life" £ i Wiis 3 5 reer 'fact that the girls of thls continent are plotting to gain possession of guns. He and Tisdale dismounted. ; "Samy gw ve knoyind hunch, by requiring employers t& pay a | gature a : N: oN 3 ad ' Circle L ranch and the propert "Slim -- Dakota, meet a gent es like that to pan out before, minimum basi bout lon't rel he beauty s . , property . , 3 gent Ps e imum basic wage (now abou ' out rely on the beauty shob aloe | of Mona Hall, a neighbor and | from the Big Bend country. "Tis." [. grinned Roy, Come along with | $18 a week) to all men 21 or over.- ity bulky ings are jperesting , thoy toon themselves in good | life-long friend of Slim Loyale. dale, this is Stim Loyale an Da-.| yuh, Stoney." © | 1vs based on the cost of living for a Heme Tor Quy Weal = health -- and good health is the ba- Slim discovers that Sheriff Star- | kota Blue." (To be Continued) i man, wife and one child, and is re After diamonds, aquamarines 1 sis of beauty." * . buck has joirfeg the plot against The Ultimatum : _-- vised from time to time; e. much in favor for Oy : Canadian-American Types him. With the help of Dakota Blue | When the round of hand-clasps Rocking-Horse Ride Mothers Get Bonus an dain * : "There fre quite a number of Ca- and his cowboys, Slim Loyale de- was over, Abe explained: Slim : ) 2. Throughout Australia, -a $20 Tiny velvet ribbon beauty bands pidians among he etter known fies the land-grabbers to do their nodded generously, "Glad yuh Mr. Alfred Williams Ba bonus fs given to each mother in ro tod tight around the' thront professional smodels in New V Kr worst. dropped-in, Tisdale. Shore, we fry rv. Alfred illiamson as the low income group on the birth ] . a ght a . sslon: dels h ork, an' tren = I'M te Soil made a bet of $1560 that he can b : ---0-- oa he said. "It is-quite impossible to Sen an treat folks. I'll tell Oscar to ide fr Svd to Melbourne it each child, In New South Wales, onlrana . Prints with red are bejng used t violin gh io Lag srg A ; CHAPTER XVII | set, yuh out a meal, an' Pll loan | Ye BOM STE SO Oe: | she Is given a bonus (about 25 cts. d \ 4 y ond TDA conte I Nol ay: possibile os 10 cay tht "Ten of us got our herds wl- | Yuh a fresh bronc. Yoves looks bi he nr mi a week) for edch baby. after the ; Zk i ne: i "there 1s an American type. : ready started on the trail. I ~ome pretty gaunt." ; : rs a : first, " 3 "wi it : i gest that American and Canadian might say. The short, quick way Slim bin Seen mei WY abn' a to tise b: ot ber nia wi a ery ay Lo di BALANGE en SEE i vpbeingg--imparts--s h into--the--ix yoo TAENEe TOT us is , hatwide 0 > " beruea d RL - { Huropcan types W ig straight theoudh this country. oned him. abe, "he said, "tell pedsls frives vas Paaten 4. Throughout Australia; a mar- | Beauty ise Morbi and this week | ----y Ye Fai Tong oh Two € AHR Lr ry That's what 1 was lookin'. for Ar- | Slim what ¥uh just told met, . ried: woman has complete control -| yo will consider a few other points good bowknots fre worn at the PI stock," thur about. Said he had a busi- Abe did so, starting with infor- Sugar produced in The Nether- | of her income and can make con- | of beauty. that need to be weighed. ckline. - "ness proposition to talk over with (mation of Arthur's visit to the Jands Indies this year is estimated tracts at her discretion. ; How is your figure? [s it youthful he us." $ -Dot H Dot and his ultimatum, to weigh over 1,500,000 tons: "Politics Women's Field" and supple, of is It Inclined to sag Hi Lo . 5 : : T y f ' y re N d - Abe Fornachon "was nobody's Then he went on about his meet- "Politics is most. definitely wom in parts? Spend a few' minutes ipbone jacket costumes a 3 She Was Colleen Moore fool. He held out his hand. "My "| ing with Tizdale and, what the . 5 Rk en's sphere today," Mrs. Littlepohn | daily on limbering and stretching | Perfect under fur coats. : name's Formuchomhe-gatd--Glad | --Feneher--had--tokd him ---- --Shirtwaist Chic For Matrons said, "Every single thing. that | oxoicises to keep 'the body pliant. yds . to know yuh, Tisdale! Shore yuh "Get it?" snapped Dakota, as sis | touches homes has become a mat. It you need. lo reduce In parts, you All shades of blue, including + don't mind iG sayin' that yore Abe finished. i «| ter of government consideration -- | must obtain'a reducing cream and Wedgwood, are favorites of Queen { Wrone looks NGe It could stand a Slim nodded his head, a- grim . & - | health, divotce, the cubic space in massage It In, "And you_alsg_ need Elizabeth. "1 couple of feeds of oats and a good look on his cotntenan:e. a a house ahd the way food' is manu- special exerclges. 1 can tell ybu a Set ) | vest. I'm haidin' for the Circle Shore," exulted Kakota, "I can ~\1 - Tastuired, - "lot more about . these If you will Mainbocher is having great she- ] L, a couple miles along. Yuh bet- hi it plain now---the whole dirty, : . ) S ¢ ---- write me. cess with youthful Basque cost- ; : ter drift over with me an' rest high-handed scheme. Abe, 1 Idve ve H . It_you are' considerably ove: umes. i a } . yoreself an' yore hoss. When'd fyuh like a brother for runnin' n- : © . Household Hints "welght, of course there Is nothing ERE : | yuh eat last?" . to this feller Tisdale an' bringin 2 for it but<a period of dieting and Evening sweaters use embroid- ; 1 7 "Drnged carly tits "morniw,w | him heté. Shore, willl spike Ar. CR A large wooden button mould | oysreige, Don't worry about weight | ery, sequins or metal forms to ac- & , : thurs an' Starbuck's an' Brock- } sewn into the corner of a dish- tables, though. Ask yourself wheth: quire greater formality. | J well's" guns now. | cloth will be found useful' when er you're feeling fit and looking ge : 4 H ) "Get this. There's Sort one feas- ~ cleaning enamel saucepans. 2 well, If your answers aro satsifac- Low hats out-number high" 'ones I | : ible route to the Kicanoo range : oh EN tory to yourself, you can afford to | in Paris. _ . : i ! : " from the big Bend country; that E Tighten the sagging cane of a | laugh at weight tables! . at - ee ! 3 nterest is, a route to drive a herd of cat- , | chair by washing in hot water and '| Podiiot waded your: hai dad Unusual for active sports is a ERE ie tle over. "1 know "that country. drying in a strong draught. ) hands. Dull, lifeless hair needs. a slack ensemble comprising teal "i Those herds will come north --0-- 2 I vanolit | i bl d lacks, = teal blue | ! ~~ good vaseline hair tonic to bring ue corduroy slacks, tea u to omen through Lawler Basin, then along ~{n - A good dustless duster is 'made' 'back ils lustre. Once a week have jersey blouse, teal antelope skull v i > the west edge of the Flytrap Ta y by soaking-old knitted underwear i 3 noe av ois cap and arose antelope sleeveless. - : T iPhs 5 a or ow yyYour-Ywialrnmuta aus ns - ] -- a By hs hit the, REE in kerosene for 24-hours and dry led gocoanut ofl shampoo that will - jacket. : > 3 o Valley. : ing" thoroughly. h --_-- ea ers . _"An' yuh know where Jericho --=0-- Roughly. Seslise ie hair of all E ki Gi 1 T 5% i opens-out; it opens right on the i For appearance "sake and to pre- a, ae 8 mes Ir] A Pil t = Circle L an' the Dot H Dot range! vent injury to the hands, rub the rain As Filo ) MOST POPULAR PIE Man, there'll, be thousands an' ; ' ! | edges of chipped crockery smooth. of In EU nt 30 ST - . Here is a dessert for which we thousands of cattle: passin' here... | with emery paper. 4 nk da Tr brushes. religions Tamara Tayan sister of the Mis. Robert F. Neely, the form- do not hesitate to repeat the recipe inside another month. ; --0 : 7 bY Eskimo governor "of Wrangel Is- ; = A cy : --at-least-annually--Beeause--€ocor---- "Naturally, them Big Bend own 1 : "| --|----After washing cut-glass in warm Are your hands- coarse and "red. |- ad ; Ww ito b p f er Callcen Moore, one-time pebile--| oer : : dish? Use. a hand_.lotlon often. | land, has gone to Moscow to be > SE 3 ut Cream Pie--is, has been, and} ers -expect-to_pay a certain amount | | _ -- | - soapy water, rinse in strong blue i, = screen heroine, smiles from her NS rs -- When-my-hands-ara_-inclined to educated. Her ambition is to qua- table--in_a NewYork probably will continue to be, about | per" haid_totake--'em--across--this water--Fhis--will-make--it--easier ; Bg In M8 0=T=FV Tor &-TIloL. SE -- - TAPeol Tow nightclub: the most popular pic among men, | vange. It's only fair that they "| + |" to_polish- and gives a sparkling .| chap around the backs oO eo fin- For. = bin heir famous dolls | i nake no apology for giving | should. Them cattle will eat alot , 0 4 brightness. } } gers 'and knuckles, I rub a little Hig Sovist Aie Fores: Lop * you this delicious version of it. "of grass in passip', an' we're gon- : ; --0-- "lypsyl salve on them and 'it ls: ; = na have some extra expense in f To shred soap finely, use a pery aS " How Women COCONUT CREAM PIE hirin' extra hands to keep our own EL IE. -| grater instead of a knife. Write to me il you want con - . - Manners Over 4 tablespoons sugar : "catile fron mixin' in with the | 2 ei dential advice in your personal i. a. AO 5 tab ke fl trail herds. Clean a red brick fireplace by | beauty problems," And you cam get ----in Their 40 $F The Telephone Boiespoons tase: Hor "Here's the scl Arthur t any of the following Interesting i - 34 teaspoon' salt "Here's e¢ scheme Arthur, applying a paste made of Vene- -ol I Cc : 5: SEE. 2 cups milk Starbuck an' Brockwell are fig- tian red and water. ; leaflets by Sending a 3c stamp for | an ttract Men '3 _ Don't B t . , gerin' on, I'll bet'a laig. They've ; --a-- each one: Facfal 'Care, Glamorous 4 HE ot B & ullly of Those. Bad wd SE Jolly Sighs beaten tsa planned--on-these tr Mien Ln I \ an One. way. to_prevent the bottom... nating Eyes, Bust De Here's good sidvive Tor a women n during her 1 phone Habits That An- 4 cups coconut, premium shred thoncls Over RHEE TAREe. Aap t of tard. OF Xi p ipertidots Hair, Un---| -- thange-(usually from 38 to 52); who fears: ooo go noy You In Other People 2 teaspoons vanilla ug 15 yange. Ah g "crust of custard or pumpkin pie ' "hell Toso het appeal to men, who worries - ] : Pp 1 baked 9-inch pie "shell they've schemed to get hold of the - from becoming soggy is to brush der weight, Slimming, Hand Beauty, ses pees tnd mood of pep, dizzy spells, i FI CORR VRE 2 egg whites, unbeaten Circle L an' the Dot H Dot. Once _it_all over lightly with beaten-egg Feet Care and Reducing in Spots. Just get more fre: big 8 hrs. steep and it 3 ave B up ¢ % . . them trail herds get crowdin' well = white before adding the filling: - Please address your letter to: ou nec A relsble WOMANS S" tonic take : who, after lifting the receiver, con- cup sugar into Jericho, the Big Bend bara -Lynn, R 421, 73 W Zdia U. Pinkhins Vegeta le Qompoitidy aime GB-r2p tinucs to carry pn an animated con- Dash. of salt in BS ly e Big end men --0-- Barbara -Lynn, Room +73 West EE Specially or spomen, It hela aturs q +" versation with someone else in the 2 tablespoons water dal FINAN. Sometii'- sam. : 3 ; When starching dark colored | Adelaide St, Toronto. Ont. Eo Juorg vhEely to enjoy life and re ; : ~. | 14 teaspoon vanilla: dalous. DN t clothes tintthe starch a bit to Spreader ds "ing jittery nervesand those disturbing s : room, then, almost -.a8 - an 'after. }. "4 P WE * First Come First Served PATTERN 4835 3 revent it fr how hit toms that often accompany change o of te - thought, says, "Ob, hullo, who's | * Combine sugar, flour and salt in" i ® Sa z, D it from showing white on "A. Pinkham's is iil WORTH trying. there"? y top of double boiler; add milk and |. , "Time's damn important with By ANNE ADAMS: the dark fabric; Use commercial Woman Is'Assessor, | ._ ~ ? . . - 5 + : a RE Ly olks, -- mixing thoroughly. er al Sev wit freppens wien shart, tints; or blulmg--for olor with--a-- = 3 ig By og to "put "don't = Place ig Hoi 0 as last long, for it's a case of first | slim lines get together--an Anne | blue cast; coffee for dark browns. Treasurer, of Town guilty of the same bad manners | and cook 10 minutes, stirring con- | SOM first served. They'll stand | Adams shirtwaister that flatters - ' ary : Tro ! - ourseit, You never know who may, stantly. = Remove from boiling for damn near highway robbery "the stouter figure in' the most Keep a supply of bouillon cubes First woman to run the affairs, be at the other end of the line -- water; add 1 cup coconut and van- to get their stock across in time, charming way! Older women too on, your pantry shelf to add to of a Saskatchewan municipality is perhaps it's that very attractive ila. Cool slightly; then turn into An'if Arthur, Starbuck an' Brock- will like this "yoke" style with stews, gravies and 'meat soups Mrs. J. E. Cameron, who has been young man you went to for a job. pie shell. g well controlled the Dot H Dot an | button front --mot only for its which- do not have an appetizing | appointed assessor and treasurer TE The it to yon I vou Place egg whites, sugar;.- salt the Circle L, they could make 'em {rim smartness, but also because it brown color. And they add flavor of the village of Findlater, Simply Foll These Eas Directions treat him that way. and water in top of double boiler; | i ah Dr Dak can be donned with the greatest as well. ; . Mrs. Cameron's appointment | y Follow y Dlr Low, Modulated Volce + ~ | beat with dotary egg beater until |" toi% BURLEE AOE. BS, TO _ 3 Jy pot hip npr ---- : was made by the Provincial Gov- | fo Ease the Pain and Discomfort and A good telephone presence and a thoroughly mixed. Place over i S Yorn order, for Pattern 5, =o you can DD; : ernment of Municipal Affairs, h Jow, modulated voice (high-pitched. | rapidly-boiling-water and beat 1 | in Dei £4] I Devas yor re -1- stiteh it up in time for holiday Long Distance Kisses --|--upon-the resignation of the village Sore T Li Recompanying Colds. voices vibrate and don' carry well, minute; then remove from fire Pah Fh Lid id, Td iy re wear? The making is very sim- | ire Ponte Dov he council and the inability of getting and the telephone has a habit of and continue beating 1 minute, or h a Supi LN ple, with the Sewing Instructor iss Paulette Day and Mr. Lee} 'any others to serve on the counil.- 1. To ease pain 2nd : 3 magnifying them) can add points until mixture stands in peaks. Add the scheme right along. Yuh've showing in plain' black and white Knight, of Chicago, hold long-dis-. : dis 58 pain 2 in your favor on all. sorts of occa: flavouring. Pile lightly on filling. made it plain now. They railroad- just what to do! You have choice tance Lisging. record. They kept gisiuiont and reduc i Ee ak Bari tly, fnining cocontt, ¢d me to prison for a job I didn't. | of two becoming collars, and two it up for 61% hours. Record has fever take 2 "Aspirin". 3 oi yeurla' coliroston Gireeny. | | Serve st-onee, do. Dad was failin' at the time, | sleeves -- the short orc deftly lasted six art, =P Tuletsviink 3 shh § . ; to the outside exchange and the Three sliced bananas, or 1% od they gambled-he'd die before | slashed for comfort, Pockets are ; : ] ih ¢ epost 0 2 ~phone rings, "announce your iden | cups thinly sliced dates, may be Jo a 3s "in 1 Bt I; io hots optional! Choose wool crepe or a During the height of a' big . kd Hh as they say in telephone lang. added to this recipe. Place 14 of ol y. parole: kinda upset heir launder-able cotton or synthetic." storm recently -a fox sorang into . uage. fruit in pie shell; then add filling. I rie Cteied to d let h ; Pattern A836 is available in a freight car at Mexborough, Eng- \ That Is, give your number, or say, | Arrange remaining fruit around "f 00 y Aik i drygule phy misses' and' women's sizes 16, 18,. | Jand, and traveled south with the ? who you are, Don't just say "Hul- | -meringue; sprinkle with coconiit. Dakota. With yuh daid an' me in | 20, 34, 36, 28, 10, 44. 44, 46 train. z PY 1p." The other person may be in a jail, they could soon get their | and 48. Size 36 takes 314 yards . 2. If throat Is raw ARN | -f 'phone box, or may have ot the i PIE CRUST hooks into the Circle L. Then Ar- 54 inch. 4 : from cold, crush and wrong number. ; 4 : thur got that mortgage against Send . twenty cents (20¢) in |° 7 dissolve 3 "Aspirin" At Arm's Léngth 21% cups sifted cake flour the Dot, H Dot. Now he's goin' to |" coins (stamps "cannot be accept- M R Tablots.n 15 glass 1€ you've a business call to make, Ye jasper salt foreclose, or rather he thinks he cd) for this Anne Adams pattern. of water , +, gargle. get your information together be: 2/8 cup- eo "%g ghortening : ur Write plainly size, name; address _ RHEUMATIC fore you get the number. Thére aro 1/3. ti cold water (about). Man alive, that gang will be and style number. Send your or- : people who'll rin backwards and , Sift flour once, measure, add desperate, soon as Tisdale has his | der to Annc Adame, Room 425, i os 1 'thu ' ' -- CRT - forwards finding out this and that "salt and sift again. Cut fn short talk with Arthur, They'll be onus | Adelaid 8t. 5 'i'oronto. It's 'the way Sours know to 7 and the other, when a little tora. ening until -pieces-are-about the} like a swarm of ants; But we know fous tobi nye -- te oo ddnbeon £ *get almost immediate relief. Make > thought would have saved thelr size of small peas. Add water, a now what to look for an' why. S75, cn more than "Just 4 salvar to y | sure you get "As Hn' Tablet time and. yours. -| small amount at a time, mixing Abe, I want yuh to do somethin' . HAVE. YOU etn. relief, It tal J 3 Ah , i you ge spir 5. And when youre talkie speak lightly with fork. Handle: as lit- for me. Ride to town an' tell Ar- Sah frtitant He ; old Hus tn N sit S a The simple way pictured above "deliberately: and directly intow_the tle as possible. Wrap in 'waxed thur that Mona has the money to INDIGESTION, GAS? soll rek arm! oy Delong g grand idea : .often brings pimas ngly fast relief mouthplece; don't hold it at arm's ~|- PAPEL, chill thoroughly. . Roll out Po her mortgage. Then kinda let the local me lon and gn How : ) from discoriifort and sore throat length. It you do. this it is rarely | Of slightly floured board. For pie slip that 1'm 'gonna loan it to F you are troubled rubbed onthe aching Th Toctor. Hh Necessary. to. speak loudly. shell, use % recipe. Line a0. f-her Will yuh: do-that?" FR gith pas, hearts Musculsr hunk soreness and 4 iy Jou « Orin s Zt : . inch pie plate with pastry, rolled "Shove I will, Slim, But I don't i burn or indigestion, |. .Atiffness d prom romptly. -. ohably in" bess it acts ji ------ 1/8 inch thick, allowing pastry to think Mona will take it from yuh, try a tonic that will a had ni thie Lag) oped EY 8~ iii to relieve fiscomjorts of a cold. ' extend 1 inch beyond edge. Fit She said she couldn't, though d improve your diges- plas usterole has And to red z G d Le Lo gh dern ton. Dr. Pierce' used 1 millions for 80 years, Recom- uce Joven, 00! osers'. "loosely on plate. Fold edge back | me if 1 can see why, Women gat. HE Hon, fy Meat 1 |= mended b many doctors and nurs. This simple w yi hacked by scien. to form &tanding rim; flute with funny idees." ; Wires # cas "|. Made in sR : tific au ty, has ely su ted Na tower than 2 25 people lost | fingers. Line with large plece of "Never mind whether she does " thie action: Bi the 'Regular, Cn (mila), an 7s use of Sto ediings casing. 1 $530 on the same day in a main | waxed paper and fill with rice or. | or not. Just give Arthur the no- Ma | stomaclrso thai food | tra Strong. All druggists, : most, elective. erhaps the Silent, . sticet In Sydney, Australia recent. beans to hold shape; or prick ssl tion that she fs. Yuh can. vide. dng e) Fs; 3 will be digested bet: | TRY IT Ono ective way. yet discovered \ yo That's how it appeared, when an (with fork. Bake ini hot oven (4560 | when Tisdale goes." 3 Baffle, 156 Rebeeta $1. Eo Ham, BE TO MORROW -- RK 0 Announcement 'wag made that a degrees F.) 10 Tupatess then re- "A Watching Gams ' ded an fered from en ond nd indi 2 Demand and Get GEN # 3 wallet: fotind in George Streaf.con- | move paper with rice, and con- A half anhour later, os Abe and | Eptien ante ea a : 1 RE J tained banknotes" to the value ot '| tinue baking 5 minutes, or until § Tisdale were about to leave, Slim . op La ir on Bl as Issue No. 3--'39 re | "ASPIRIN 1 ! Cg $830. Onejmai TERIY had lost browned. Bake pricked shell 15 made one lest remark to Tisdale | of the Bolle ver Jeb woot Ak ASK your dinfriot 10s : G 6mRN-E | TRADE MARK 218, _ themy minutes a J day far it ia laid or ble. i ¢ 4 (+3 * ie : : ; i ' which caused that individusieye it 3 poe

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