~ I A ' ACE er === School Teacher Aids Democracy Leads Children, Helping Them to See Reasons for Behavior And Make Own Decisions The teacher in a school democ- racy is a guide, not a boss, says< the Christian = Science - Monitor. She 'leads the children, supplying: them with the facts which they 'need to make their' decisions, "har "helping them to-see the -- argu * +»ments for or against certain types. of behavior, and gradually influ-. encing their opinions, Through , giving them an. opportunity to makg minor decisions' for them- - selves and to enjoy or to suffer from the results of their decisions, * she teaches them ways to approach more complex problems and to be- come every month more self-re- = Hant-and--more--effective citizens in the school democracy. Sometimes a teacher thinks she is conducting her room democrati- cally because she allows.the chil- dren to vote upon various mat. ters, when, as a matter of fact, the children are voting merely for the sake of doing what the teacher wants them to do. If you ask chil dien to vote on a matter and you: fitd-they--arc-watching-you-to-fet Sunday School Lesson arg LESSON V PETER DECLARES HIS LOVE : John 21: 11.19 A Golden Text--I1f ye love me, yo will "keep ny commandments, ~ John 14: 15, . THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING --. Time--In the month gf April, A.D. 30, ' : Place--At the S:a of Galilee, probably near Capernavm, 3 Simon . Peter therefore went up, and drew the ifet to land, full of great fishes, a hundred fifty and three: and for all.there _ were so many, the net was not rent: Peter-ever-takes-the-initia--- tive (John 21:3), "It Is The Lord" No more beautiful portrait in all "these exquisite Gospel narratives was ever drawn than this early morning scene, where the disciples, more or less bewil- dered by the Lord's presence, sat down together for a simple break- fast, : and | LAR I Per Fa MM Satie a brit, in os St I Cy -- St "A course to stimulate inferest > Canada is being planned: at the University of Toronto. £ ow University Preserves Native Canadian Crafts } in_the home and community arts of In the photo | I. Maw, head of the poultry depart- | Canadian Hens Aim To Produce 144 Eggs Yearly Head of Poultry Départment at Macdonald College Says Ay- erage Production Is Now Less Than 100 Annually Per Bird, La : Hens In Germany must do thelr best for the Nazi regime. Regh- crea ©08ES aplece a year, That's an order, ac- cording to Canadian 'poultry ex- their 'annual production ot . perts. While ft may bo quite an order, unregimented Canadian hehs are expected to do their full duty, While the average annual produc- tion per bird in Canada falls under 100 a year, Canada is aiming at _- So says Dr. W. A. ment of Macdonald College. Can Do 177 In Contests Tho average: production at the Canadian egg-laying contests is 177 eggs. Macdonald College does even better with its selected birds--185 it was last year. But it took na -- University of Saskatchewan hen to 'touch the high spot with 359 eggs their cue as to which way to vote, Sue thére is no true democratic eeling, no honest judgment pass- ed after deliberation and 'real thinking, But if you find childfen anxious to discuss matters of all sorts and to abide by the vote of. the group, then you can L: sure that your school is a true demo- "eracy. woot % Shines At Ottawa Christ Knows Our Needs John 21: 12-14, 12, Jesus saith ~unto them, Come and break -your" fast. And none of the disciples + durst inquire of him, 'Who art "thou? knowing that it was the Lord. 13. Jesus cometh, and tak- cth the bread, and giveth them, and the {ch likewise, The meal procecced in silence. Jesus him- . self passed from onc to another, bringing to each the bread and fish. No 'one dared ask who he was, far all by this time knew him 'to be the Lord. - 14. This is now the third time that Jesus was manifested. to the . disciples, after that he was risen . from the dead. The two previous appearances which arc here refer- réd to were, no doubt, those re- . corded by John in the preceding chapter, the first, verses 10-23; the second, verses 26-29, iL "Lovest Thou Me?" ~ John 21: 15-17. 15. So when they had broken their fast, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, -Simon, son A above are seenr-somefine 1-earving cxeouted by Canadian handicraft students. afts figures and the exquisite pieces of Expert craftsmanship is revealed by the pottery hand-decorated tile pottery. the fact that Peter visited Rome and suffered the martyr's death there under Nero, probably about L614 AD. "Follow Me" 19b. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. Dufing the Lord's earthly life following him implied the abandonment of previous occupa- tions (Matt. 9: 9) and duties (Matt. '8: 22), attendance upon him, perhaps in, disgrace and dan- ger (Matt. 10: 38). Now to "fol- low Christ" required coming to him as a sinful creature, and find- ing one's whole salvation and hope in humble reliance on the merit of his death. Then we may follow him in obedience and imitation and glad communion, . High Heels Tire Miss Jean Rowe, daughter of Hon. Earl and+Mrs. Rowe, Newton Robinson, Ontario, who curtsied to Lord apd Lady Tweedsmuir at the drawing room avhich climaxed 0 =--@ -week- of- social activity of {he- present parliamentary session,' ; » 'Hitler's Moustache Fy Turns Whimsical He Has Changed The Cut Of It of "John --Eovest--thou--me--iore than these? Some days 'before this Peter had 'insinuated that he was more faithful and more de- pendable than any of the other disciples (Mark 14: 29-31. Now our Lord faces him with this pene- trating question whether, he really loved the Master more than any of the other disciples, "Lovest _thou me?" Jesus Christ sues each of us, not for obedience primarily, not for repentance, not for vows, not for conduct, but for a heart; and; that being given, all the rest will_follow. That is the distin Feet and Body | - Watch Out For the Peril of "High-Heel Hobble",. Brti- ish Physician Warns, From a study of waitresses, a prominent London, England, doctor has deduced that vanity and too- --high heels are ruining-the feet-and grace of British wonien. Ina letter to the British Medical Journal Dr. Elwin H, T. Nash de- clares that so easily do such heels -wear-down-at-one side there-is-a | guishing characteristic of Chris- tian morality, 'that Jesus sceks first for the surrender of the af- fections, and believes, and is War<- ranted in the belief, that.if these are surrendered, all else will fol- low; and, love being given, Toy- alty and service and repentance and hatred of self-will and of self- seeking will follow in her train. He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. No man. can speak this way to the Lord, whether face to face as Pet-_ er was here, or, as we speak to Christ, in prayer, unless he abso. corstant abnormal strain on: the feet and body. ) : Abnormal Strain "The psychological damage, too, is often considerable," ho says, "'as --the yletim seems to think that ev- eryone behind her is looking at her heels. "She cannot get away from the fact that, to keep her feet decent, she: has to buy many more pairs," - Nagayo Motoori, a composer of ~---Japam-urges-a-boyeott-of-foreign-- music. From Year To Year, Pho- tographs Show" Adolf Hitler" has changed the. cut of his famous moustache, ac- cording to a photograph in the London (Eng.) Daily Mail. Along with a photograph of TEE, THRE at a i -party at Munich, the Daily Mail 'published four close-ups of Hitler - moustaches, as follows: 19156--Combed out 'toward sides, hairs parallel with upper: 1932--The style which Charlie Chaplin made famous, clipped at the sides of the nostrils and then brushed straight down. : 1934---8till clipped at the sides of the nostrils, but rounded at the 1938-39--The butterfly -- two small blobs of hair, one beneath each nostril, with a third, even smaller blob between. pS : ® x lip. | : 3 sends. « . "\ Vole Fur-Coated Fish The Colorado Nish and "Game Commission aaouicsd that in the interest of science it 1d spon- "sor an effort to catch a fur-bearing trout.- The commission will' grant _e-permission to Wilbur B.-- Foshay; 4; -- LS 4 is claimed. secretary of the Salida- Chamber. - of Commerce, to cast out of sea- san in the now icy waters of the Arkansas River. Salida"citizans claim trout-grow fur in the winter to protect them from the cold. Fred Otsinger, director of the United States Bureau of Fisheries Aquarium, explains the Colorado "fur-bearing" fish mystery. Or- singer said he'd seen hundreds of so-called fur-bearing fish. At this - tim. of year 'most stream fish are extremely laxy, he said, and fun- gus gets attached to them. 'Why.- I'vd seen 'some fish that the av- . erage layman would swear were wearing a mink cont," Orsinger TOIT Isuvnas lutely believes in his own heart -that he does love the Lord, and, because 'he is convinced he does love him, he is also convinced that "ithe Lord knows he loves him." Hé' saith unto him, Feed my - lambs. to care for; Christ would not scem ite gone out of the world, As long as they had Christ's sheep "| Rabbit Waits Till He Gets Shotgun They had rabbit; pie at the Victor household in Oshawa last week, and thereby hangs the Bat --And--how---are we to. feed the. sheep? , By giving them the word of God. "Feed My Sheep" 16. He saith to him again a second time, Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that - I love thee. ,He saith unto him,, Tend my sheep. The verb here translated "tend" means "to shep- herd." rd 17, 'He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? 'Peter was grieved bes cause he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? . And he said. untd him, Lord, thou « knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. ¢ : 18. Verily, verily, "I say .unto. thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and ' walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt bé old, * thou shalt ~streteh-forth-thy-hands;-and ane other shall gird thee, and carr thee whither thou woulest nof, "19a 'Now this he spake, signifying by what manner of death he should glorify God, Jesus foretells at least that this disciple shall be spared to old age, and that'then he shall-meet with a violent death, We have now no certain knowl. eage of the time or place or;mode, of Peter's death. With the excep- tion of a passing and general al- lusioh to his death in Clement of Romie there is mot for a century after it must have taken plage any 'historical mention of him. From the end of the second century, however, there flows a steady - "stream of tradition, testifying to Thirty-one permits involving building operations to the value of $19,130 were issued in Banff townsite in October. Yor Eat More, Lay More The Nazis say the increase In . eggs among German hens must bo brought about without increasing the feed. Dr. Maw says the more hens lay the more they eat. But it is not the eating that Is important Tag birds are expected ta in. | rom 80 to 90 apleco to 140 _ | in laying more eggs--It's the selec. tive breeding, That is how the Canadian Government hopes to fn. crease the egg production fn all flocks throughout Canada, Gold production in Canada dur- ing the first ten months of 1938 totalled 3,871,956 ounces com- pared with 3,380,735 ounces in the corresponding period of 1937. Good Stars Mr. George Cawley, tree-feller, Chertsey, England, fell seventy feet from a tree and was-unharme ed, Twice a truck in which he was driving overturned and he escape -ed, Blasting maturely and burned, His house caught fire and he and his family a window, forte exploded pre- only his hands were escaped through By william ; Ferguson THIS Fee. HERON FOLDS UP HIS NECK BETWEEN HIS CHEST AND His BEAK. COPR. 1739 BY NE# *TRVICE, ING He. GREATEST > 3 Are You By FREDDIE TEE Listening ? GEORGE MURPHY, m.c. George Murphy, the young actor who roso to his present 'eminence In the films after sesslons al Yale University, a Ford factory, a coal mine, a real esate office and. a night club, further demanstrates his versatility as master of cere- monies for the new "Screen Guild Shows", to be heard-over the Col- umbia network every Sunday night [TT TWATCTBS 130 to $00 pom ES TH--| Murphy has heen seen as actor and dancer in the Broadway hits "Good - News", "Of Thee I Sing", "Shoot Works", the "Hold and Among the many . bletures in which he-lias-had-major-- 4 roles have: been Cj "Kid___ Millions", © "Jealousy," "Broadway Mel- ody of 1938", . and Everything" " Roberta ", . CoEdn The Screen Guild shows each week get aod present a number George Murphy otf Hollywood's leading 'players who are contiibats Ing proceeds for the building of a home for the aged and ncedy in Lfilold-That--_. | Italians Love Swing Italians want more American swing musie, "says Max __Jardah, "NBC continental - European repro- sentative, now in this country. They love swing and enjoy dancing to it, ho said, and to meet this demand the NBC and the Italian Radio Co. have arganged for the re-broadeast DIST: POSSIBLE. BETWEEN AN TWO POINTS ON THE EARTH'S CURFACE, IN A -. STRAIGHT LINE, IS APPROXIMATELY 12,500 VN ~ 3 x) Curious WORLD AUSE. yoo WALTZING MICE Re To WALTZ/ a , travel only 12,500 miles. THE carlh's greatest diameter is 7926.7 miles, which gives ita circumference of approximately 25,000 miles. Therefore, in order to reach a point at the opposite end of the carth, we would need to NEXT: Is It fruc that all babies aro born with blue eyes? 1-2 . . the film colony. tale of ar optimistic. hunter, Charles Victor, a motorman of the Oshawa Street Railway on an early run to Oshawa-on- the-Lake, noticed a large jack rabbit sleeping on the side of the road near the Oshawa Creek bridge. Telephoning home, Mr. Victor made arrange- ments to have his shotgun avail- able. at the completion of his run, As soon as he was off duty he returned to-the lake to see the jack rabbit still sleep- ing. ; nwilling to take advantage of the rabbit's trust in safety, the "hunter" roused him, and as he bounded for safety took aim and fired. - . UGHT they are Bishop Ar Canadian Roman Catholic Prelates Sail F or Rome These three Canadian digni' aries of the Roman Catholic church are ictured as they sailed from New York for Rome, Auxiliary Bishop Alphonse E. Deschamp, of Montreal; and His Excel. lency Rodrigue Cardinal Willeneuve. i POP-- EM No! YET! 5] "HAVEN'T GOT. MY CLOTHES ON ~ -- i, AN & ¢ re 1 'By JAMILLAR WATT ~~! ITS AWFUL HAVING TO SAY ~SOMETHING_ SILLY" - EVERY MORNING." " of two swing programs a month throughout Italy. ee L " 3 That's The Truth 'e . . Frank Morgan can no longer N 1 I g deny that he's a prevaricator! Ha ~ ationa 1ns1 nia has just received a imembership . Ke - - ™] card from the famous Burlington, HORIZONTAL _ Answer to Previous Puszle 16 Tmportant . Wisconsin - Liars' Club - reading, 1¢Coat of industry ig. - "Officers of the Burlington Liars' : Fil ofarms |TIHIQRLIDIO] SE YITH| this country. --Club-after consideration of evl- ° IRIAIVITIN 1 [S|EJAIS]E] 3 ry - 17 Opposed to slence submitted, do- de that oy el LEGAL SIU ALL © fast. Ne Frank Morgan is a full : 6 General HEINE [VIABPIE REID 3 Y] 19 Finger LIAR, entitled to every courtesy Lazaro op S Al VIEINIGI I [NIG] ornament. -from Liars everywhere and an Hon- this country Ss. MEEDIUIE Bi HL IL IEE]: 20 Serious. - by orary. Member of our Club for Life." president. MOOIREG L100 M THOR 22 Irish fuel. (of ------ 12 Sea cagle. EMTIAITEEATIHC|] 24 Lady. 2 Ah ~--Most_Popular_.Radio_ 13 Gleamed, RITELI ITI TIRIAL. --_}-26Branches---- SEINE. " The convenience of (the famous 15 Moisture. OMIMCIHIAISITIE(NEEPIS 28 A flowing } i . DeForest Crosley. Sloping Tuning 16 Schemes. SIVIE[SER OR EIAIN forth, | fA Panel which provides "No-Stoop, 18 Social insect. 16 NOIRE C|H|AIRIGIE] 30 Largest toad." * No-Squint" Tuning, must be re- 2 Sieh T DIE CIHIAIRITIQIT] 32 Sesames. _ sponsible for the popularity of the 23 paz S. 34 Inlet, new 1939 DeForest Crosley radio 3 ree. a 43 Data. its boundaries. 35 Gad of war. AY models--as it has been rated, In a 5 Transposed. 44 poy, y 36 Work ol skill. PAT do 27 Eggs of fishes, VERTICAL 30 5 cd x magazine survey, the most popular A 45 Bed lath, Powder Canadian made radio. 29 Unit, 47 Point. ~ 2 Snaky fish, ingredient. : 30 Morindin dye. 4g pjuraf 3 Roentgen ray. 40 Lava. 31 Rodent. pronoun. 4 Interior. 42 Feeling : 33 Supplying = 59 Animal or 5 Bo _ concern. y heat. $ human being. ne. - 44 Cubic meter. - 5: 36 Era. 53 Encountered. 8 To peruse. 4g Five and five. ARE __37To leave out. 55 Cutting tooth, 7 Poker stake. 47 Golf . Ll 39 Hair 56 Lunar orb, 8 Musical note. - professional, ies _ ornament, $7 Pedal digit. 9 To evolve. 49 Half. © (1168 ~ 40 Cutkoopint. 58,59 The'------ 10 Birds' home. 51 Deeds, * ~~ Ce 8 41 Purple ---- River . 11 Reverence. 52 Consumed * g flowered shrub 1 forms one of 14 Possesses. 54 Also. mn ST Co ; i 2-1] 15 [4 15 i 16 7 ( | ¥ TT -1é¢-- t -- - 25 27 29 0 3 g gr 31 32. 33 39 [0 [35 e, = ho 7 38 59 0 r 3 it 40 "1a 45 : 3- 1 £5) iz = 7 is! 25 | 20. 92 1 \¢ 53 nS Ld 4 Italy. * LEFT to --1ie 7 Wh 'ase Forget, of St. Hvucintho. Quebec: QL; AR aN A 3 LH 7 7