Lamy a os? or * SR in 38 Ld EAT IN . Personal Items Sorry to hear that Miss Murjorie Jeffrey is on the sick list. Soriy also td hear her mother, Mrs. Florence Jeffrey, is ill. © Mr. and Mrs. 8, Jacques, of Te ronto, are' coming to stay at Crick.ewood Lodge over the week end. - Mr, and Mrs. P. Deiisham an A. Stout, were in Oshawa one di y week, na Miss last Miss Muriel Cook, of Toront. 9, Was Thome for the week end. « Mr. W, Clarke, of Stratford, was in town cer the week end. Mids Rheta' Willard spent a few days. in Lindsay this week. Glad to see Mr. John Haydn has recovered ftom beiig quite ill for ten ~ days, and fs back ¢> work. Miss Greta Foster, of Toronto, was with Mr. and Mrs. Rowland over the week end. Mr. L. O'Connor of Montreel, was i i A in town on Thursduy. \ SALE x bit Miss Luella Jeffrey, of Toronto, was HY _ home for the week ond." S7t------------CGlad-to- see Bill Pipe is up and out 2) again, © 8. Mr. J. E. Shinbin, of Hamilten 'was : ) in town on Thursday. | "a '3 Glad to hear that Mrs, Johns is im- 3% proving .in health, after having been Ay ill for quite some time. it The C.G.LT. had a 'special Candle- light service in the United Church on Sunday night. Quite a number of Port Perryians went to Oshawa lust Tuesday to see "Youth Marches On"--a worth-while picture. We are pleased to learn that Mrs, Gauld is slightly inioyed from her recent illness. - ry Mr. James Read, who returned from Christie Street Hospital, a few weeks ago seems tobe well on the road to good health. Mr. E. C. Thompson of Stratford, visited friends in town last Saturday. Glad to see that Mr. Geo. Hall is improving in health. Mrs. T. Kight and daughter Marian; were in Uxbridge for a few days. The Junior W. A. of the Church of the Ascension, gave a very nice pan- cake -and---sausage -supper - Tuesday night. Over forty people attended it in spite of the bad weather. z Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fossey, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey. The officers elected at the Wednes- day night meeting of the Library Board were: President, Mrs. W. H. Harris; Secretary, Mrs. M. Letcher; Treasurer, Mr. H. G. Hutcheson, President Ernie Hayes and Secre- tary Bert Hutcheson attended the Kinsmen fortnightly luncheon at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, on Thursday | last week, and report a very enjoyable time. Mrs. S. Taner has been spending a week with her sister, Miss Abernethy, . in Toronto. -- Mrs. Peterson, and the other leaders of the C.G.LT. Groups, entertained Mrs. Woodsworth at Cricklewood after - the Sunday: evening service. gS NB a ATTENTION! ! No time like the present to have your Harness Repaired and Oiled, so bring it "along... Don't wait until seeding time is here. DO IT NOW! LJ . How about that New Team Harness you have been promising yourself? We can suit you in orice and quality. Present prices $27.00 up. See-us be- fore placing vour order." W, E. WEBSTER Beatty's Store Port Perry HELEN'S VERSE I laugh at the life I do not fear; I laugh 'at death where it stands so near; I have lost all which I once held dear; Lost all, but still I can laugh. \ ------e- oe C.G.ILT. Sunday Services Sunday, February 19th, was a red letter day- for the members of Port Perry United Church C.G.LT. Special services were held both morning and evening. |__At-the morning service the girls serena MEN ve denn rh A RN mh 4 OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED FRIDAY and SATURDAY February 24-25 The Duke of - + West Point Starring . RX Louis Hayward, Tem Brown, ieee Joan-Fotitalne. --~ Added--Caftoon- "DONALD'S LUCKY DAY" REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m. "The Big Broadcast" Starring Fields, Martha Raye . . Mdnday-Tueaday, Feb. 27-28 "ZAZA" _"with Claudette Colbert and Herbert Marshall Movie Quiz winners announced Monday evening, February 27th. ~~ Ww. .C. | a sh As . ov padi fom fom Wak de ah PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, (ACCORDS TO of aes 1 READ VU HEAE YOU (AN BUY "A T\RES FOR A LOT LESSN N What You ey SN Phones: . ---- R THE. 1-sptc0s 2 \! McDONALD MOTORS Cana 74. Residence 256 FE Yep! 0 Zan non SIZ ELL FOIL MORE'N THE SKINNY ONE AND TH' BIG ONE'S CHEAPEST To BUY AT THAT, CAUSE THERES MORE EATIN'IN HIM PER Z7\ DOLLAR, | Soveut THESE FEBRUARY 2 28rd, 1989 VRIES fran See TT (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) STORTHY RES (PAUSE } GEV MORE MILES mY DOLLS pr Hl Get the most for your money, drive in and equip your car with Firestone TIRES Port Perry, Ont, assisted the choir in the musical num- bers. They occupied the front seats of the church. It was pleasing to note that the members of the Mission Band were also present. Rev. Mr. Smyth gave an excellent address, developing the C.G.L'T, theme --*""Too low they build, who build -be- neath the stars." Nothing less than high_ ideals, truly Christian ideals, could be a satisfactory building for human happiness. "The girls, entered the church i in the morning to the préce: :ssional singing-- "Praise, my soul, ths King of heaven; To His feet thy t.ibute bring; Rdnsomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Who, like 'me," His pais should sing ? : Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise. Him; Praise Him, _ Praise the Everlasting King.' 'The speaker at the evening service was Mrs. Kenneth Woodsworth, Secre- tary of the West End Y.W.C.A,, To- ronto. She spoke further of the C.G. I.T. theme in a uch appreciated ad dress. At the conclusion of the regular service; the candle light ceremony was observed, over forty girls taking part. The reverential effect was enhanced as in the quiet of the evening the soft: candle light lit up the faces "of the young worshippers in their responsive : service, led by Mrs. C. P. Peterson, the Superintendent of the Group. The recessional hymn was--""Lead Kindly Light." The group leaders of the C.GLT. are Miss Spooner, Mrs. S. Cawker, Mrs. W. M: Bowes, and Mrs, M. Wil- liams. The - day's 'services were both en- 'joyable and inspiring. Wed; Thurs; Friday and Sat: MARCH 1-2-3-4 in Technicolor ER 4 » Jesse James Starring Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda . and Nancy Kelly Spectatcular drama of nations most famous outlaws. EAANINS J RE ae BLUI EBIRD SENUINE DIAMON WOURED FREE ASAINSY Loss . NOT E--Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Stora. Port Perry. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Sop at 7 p.m. Everybody welcome, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School, (11 am. -- "The. Enthusis: : (E Master," gr 7 pm,--""The_Gospel of Hope." | Song. service, 7.00 to 7:16 p.m. = CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, February 2 > 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. | Wednesday, March 1st-- | . 8 p.m.--Shortened Evensong and - -- address. Sunday, March 5th-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and sermon. : + 3 p.m--Sunday Schoo). . :- FOR SALE 40 pigs, ranging from 60 to 125 Ibe. Beautiful Ayreshire Cow due to fresh- the | The Auditor's Report was presented to the council last week and the fol- lowing high spots are'revealed. The council began the year with an overdraft at the Bank of $320 and ended-the year with a credit of $2000. This of itself should be worthy of comment even if nothing else had been accomplished and when you, remember that they carried through the exten- sive Queen Street Improvement plan at a cost of $3000, it is a remarkable achievement. The Q. S. I. not only gave us'a new sidewalk in the business section which was greatly needed, and widened the | thoroughfare so as to facilitate park- ing and improve driving conditions but by: the removal of the unsightly poles gave us a clear view of the lake, our improved park and the Scugog Island shore, which with our trim and uniform mercantile buildings gives us a main street "unsurpassed by any town of its size--or larger--in On- tarlo. By what diplomady' the conflicting interests, were brought together, the owners of "the_business--blocks; wht consented to have steel arms like "hanging -- cranes, attached to their THE. AUDITOR'S REPORT of work but which will not show to complete advantage until the United Church pulls down its unsightly drive- in shed, which as horses--and most of their owners--have quit coming to church, and may not long be delayed. If the council sticks to its "Pay-as- you-go" policy for a few years more :| and 'the depression lasts--because it's under the depression-that we have made this progress--Port Perry should be ina fairly comfortable position, for by five years all debenturés, save the debentures for the new schools will have been eliminated. The Waterworks had a fair year on ordinary receipts and expenditures but |. caughtiup with an extraordinary 'ex- penditure that they had been following for some years, the renewal of their MARLIN-- BLADES A Superior Quality Blade to fit all Gillette- type Razors. Made by 8 the makers of Matlin 3 guns. 12 2 Blades : 2Bo. 2 BISMA REX ...... KRUSCHEN SALTS, (giant size) 69¢c. KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL } vere s 756, $1.50 75¢., and $1 25 LAWRENCE'S cougu SYRUP £ (Bounce) .....oiviireirnnns ..50¢. WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER i PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 50c., $1 NORVAL'S YEAST and IRON 3% TABLETS Verearieass SEAN PHONE [1] A. M, LAWRENCE _ i 'blue coal' have already proved... that * CUSEWIVES HEATING COMFORT 'Provefor yourself. i over 100,000 Canadian housewives blue coal' gives the highest available standard' of heating value and satisfaction. Let us send you a ton -- Phone NOW = i Er REESOR Phones 78) and 78w PORT PERRY, watep, tank, The Council showed good business judgment by tackling this problem and doing an excellent job at a very rea- sonable-cost.--Serious-damage-might very easily have followed a-break in the weakened walls of the old tank which had given 37 years service and was a tribute to the skill of William Mills. ---------- Even afer this capital Sinitity ducing its debenture debt by and walls; the Hydro who submitted to the removal of its poles-dat its own cost and more remarkable than all the Bell Telephone who volunteered to remove its poles and lay cable at an expense of $4000; is too intriguing for me. $320.the liquid assets were only down $800, ; The 'Hydro did not show up quite so well last year. It reduced its deben- ture debt by $1000 but the support it PHONE 72R-2 Is A NECESSITY-- vou CAN GET THE BEST FROM BERT. 'MacGREGOR'S WE | FOR SALE Three Work Horses, and two colts-- one rising three years, and one rising Are the Reds right when they rave at Capitalists ? This major operation did not inter- fere with the usual program of street maintenance .on which $2000 was spent including Road Oiling, while a further $1185 was spent on Roads under County Supervision. ° This later was financed by the annual County grant called the Road Refund Grant which this year was a little over $1000. This kick-back is a sort of mystery money gave the--Q--S--I--set--it-baek--$1000 There is also another nigger in the woodpile, some malign association of power users seem to all want power at the same time and as a result high peak loads have been established. Its the peak we pay on for the month. A few cents additional revenue from a dark day may create a peak load that costs up a couple of hundred dollars. The Hydro still has its $10,000 in Government bonds. This sum is about| two. Apply to Roy Henders, R.R.3, Port Perry, Phone 102 r 5.' mar2 FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE "100 acres of good land, with first class buildings, situated on lot 5, Con. 6, Reach Township. - Apply to Ben Jones, R.R.1, Port Perry, Phone 190 r 1-2. feb13tf 2 FOR SALE Ten young Yorkshire Sows, bred; Auction Sales implements, the property of Mr. T. E. Philp, Prince Albert. See bills for list. Terms Cash. or and Implements, the property of Herb. W. Eagleson, lot 23, con. 11, Reach, two miles south of Seagrave. Terms Cash. See bills for list. ) . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. . "PORT PERRY" Friday, 'March 8rd--Farm stock and . "Thursday, March 9th--Farm Stock ¢ Mr.- A. E. O'Neill, principal of-the Qshawa High School, will be the guest speaker at thesLions Luncheon at the Sebert House, on Friday, Feb. 24th. Thdire should be a good turnout of : Lions to hear Mr. O'Neill, as he is a ENE "5 (Aa "wy SI LAR QT ay SRT | PE) " PORT PERRY SKATERS WIN AT WHITBY ICE CARNIVAL Fancy Dress, Ggptlemen--1st Oscar Beare, "Gentleman of 1850"; 2nd Chas. Reesor "King of Hearts." adies, Fancy Dress--2nd Mre, I.R.! Bentley, "Lady of 1850" Best Comic Costume, Girls unler 16 --1st Helen Peel, "Chicken." Best costumed skater, 8 years and under--1st Marian Peel, "Butt.afly." Best couple skaters -- 1st. Calman "Blewett and Marion Brent, "Daisies";- 2nd Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Reesor. Best Group, three or more--1st Mrs. R. A. Peel, Beare. \ Well done, Port Perry! t DIED . BIGELOW--At Detroit, Mich., on Monday, February 20th; 1939, Thomas Dryden Bigelow, in his 69th year. Mr. Bigelow was the son of the late Joa. Bigelow, formerly of Port Perry. HOOEY-~In Cartwright Township, on Wednesday, February 22nd, 1939, Mary Ann Axworthy, beloved wife of David W. Hoey, in her 70th year. - ~~ Mrs. I. R. Bentley, Mrs.' en, young, suit dairyman. -Weaned pigs wanted. Apply Harry Briggs, Myrtle, Ont. : oo . ort? FOR SALE : Two Holstein Cows, one a real close springer. C. Harrison, Myrtle Station - . to me ag I have never quite under-| stood the source and.while we accept it is a donation from. the Santa Claus Fund I 'suspect, v we pay for it "through the nose", if the editor will pass the vulgarity. The Lilla stréet culvert was part of this expenditure and is al- s9_worthy of mention as a good plece equivalent of its debenture "debt. If the holders would take their money: the former could be sold and the latter paid. $ Taking it all through 1938 was not a bad year and we can face 1939 with courage. H. g. HUTCHESON for sale at reasonable prices. to Grant Christie, Dundrennan- Farm, Manchester, R.R. 4 Port Perry, Phone 118 r 2. © mar3 2 - 1 4-forceful speaker; .e -- I Doe Kinsmen Ice Karniv: arnival Oshawa Kinsmen have. been very courteous to Port Perry people and - next Tuesday evening there is a fine' opposing to return their "courtesy by,attending their Carnival, which will be a dazzling. affair to be held in the, Oshawa Arena, Our local "young folk have shown what they can doin fancy and comic to let Oshawa people see, too, If you are interested talk to Geo. F. Manning, A few car loads of our folk would be appreciated by the Kinsmen, and the Port Perry péople would have a royal good time. BORN BOE--At Toronto General Hospital, on Thursday, February 16th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. James Boe," of Larder Lake, a Sanghter: costume, sind it would be a good" idea - FOR SALE Bell Organ, piano case, Quebec ' Heater, and circulating heater, Apply to J. R. Baird, Port Perry, Phone 182J so widely used on farm buildings. Easy to put sy Parinanedt, fire: fed, Bile rite for cost estima Fastern Steel Products Limited PRESTON ONT v2.06 dinar a entries from Pott x KINSMEN ICE KARNIVAL at the Oshawa Arena on TUESDAY EVENING> FEBRUARY 28th AT 8 0'CLOCK Fancy: Original and Comic Dress. "$50.00 Cash Door Prize @ ADMISSION 25 We would be pleased to see many GENTS. ® Perry. and district Apply|- = (The firm 5 Greer & Humphiers is discived.) - ARTHUR W.-- 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on _ Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon . 'of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 rn Lad potrag] .Order Bray Chicks now, and be "lucky" when egg prices climb next Fall. See me, or phone me, right away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. WALLACE MARLOW BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO \ W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m, to'5 p.m. _ Office U irs, over Blee . I: ote. adi "SUITS SPONGED-AND PRESARD 60.Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 * OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICR ' (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24 Simcoe Street-North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of sach week or by appointment. Queen St Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchang North Side Queen treet, Port pars Phones: Office 68w, csidence 0 -DR, A."S. BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON change, Overseas Bervice in the Royal Army Veterin. ary Corps. ~Thres years as assistant with "Eatin and Scotch Veterfnary Burgeons. BROOKLIN. © Ontarlo HARDING'S ACID TREATMENT. . * For Arthritls, Rheumatic Pains; Sciatica, Lumbago, Kidney Troubles, Neuritis. Ask MORRISON the druggist - about it, g Phone 62