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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Mar 1939, p. 2

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ne ay Milk Helps You - To Resist Colds High In Vitamin A, Rich In Calcium ; We should all remember this "wintry wéather, that milk is high- ly important in our diet, That the generally accepted rule Is: for chil dren, one quart each a day, for - adults, one pint. This amount may, of course,.be Aacqyired in piddipes, milk soups, ete. =A Perfect-Foed, Econsmicale- Milk is a food rich in calcium, 'an important element in human health, which: cannot be "supplied in sufficient Volume from ordinary amounts of other "foods, if milk is omitted. Milk supplies phosphorus, important to cell life of. the body, It is high in Vitamin A, which "duilds resistance to colds and more serious allments of the luugs and sinus. In the balance between f{ts various elements, and, the number of important elements it contains, milk is the most nearly perfect of the natural foods available to us, Because of these elements, and because it is a concentrated food, above all because ft is a vital, health food, milk is probably the most economical investment on the whole household food budget, "from rheumatism, ALMOST CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM Bina Greatly When - He Tried Kruschen There has just come to our notice : 8 case of grand relief from severe rheumatic pains. The seriousness of the man's condition and the step that led to his ultimate re- overy, are 'described in the fol- owing letter: -- "For feveral years' 1 walleiel T had all my" teeth out, afd still 'suffered. A _year ago 1 lay. in hospital for fourteen weeks, almost crippled. When 1 got homie I. continued to. take medicine, but began to go down again, A friend of mine, asked "me to try' Kruschen Salts, and IT am very pleased to be able to gay I have been on the mend ever since."--H.P, - Two of the salts in Kruschen are the most effectual solvents of urie acid known to medical sci- ence, They swiftly dull the sharp, edges of the crystals--the cause of pain and stiffness--and often convert them into a harmless so- lution, which is then expelled throygh the natural channels.- HOLLYWOOD | "HOBBIES Grow Uncommon + 1s De oin 'Garden Vegetables Chinese Cabbage, Salisfy, Kohl Rabi Are Seldom Found In The Average Canadian.Gar- den. Worth-while vegetables which are, seldom grown in the- average gar- "den include Chinese cabbage, salis- fy, celeriac, chives, dandelion and -kohl rabi, states J. Gallaher, Head Gardener, Dominion Jxperimental Station, Kentville, N.S, Ch se cabbage is one of the easiest vegetables to grow and may- be used in a salad, or cooked like citbbuge, The seed should be sown carly in Jitly as this vegetable does not do well from spring sowings. Chinese cabbage needs good rich land in order to make large, well- blanched heads. Wong Bok, Pé Tsai --and Cin are-good- varieties, "Vegetable Oyster" oy Salisfy is known. as the "veget- able oyster" because of its oyster - flavour when cooked. The seed should be sown in May and the plants thinned to about 6 inches apart. The seed should not be cov- ered deeply or germination will be poor. Chives should be in every.garden, ~The leaves have much {he flavor |- of onjon leaves and are used in sal- with tows Japs Seize Strategic Hainan Island id Hainan island, off thé coast of China in the South China Sea, takes the. news spotlight in the current Sino-Japanese war as Japanese marines make a new landing on the south coast for military occupation. * Japanese press loudly tliimed that the seizure of the islan control over French, and British and Dutch Hong Kong, Indo-China and the Dutch ¥ The gave Japan possessions in the Orient, ast Indies all have reason to fear should the Japs fortify the strategically placed island, What priene Big Nickel Said Curse of Church Rev. Robert Simpson of Brook- lin, Ont., formerly of Woodville, enlivened-the-otherwise solemn_in- Canadian Dairy Industry Studied Ontario And Quebec Liberal "M.P.'s Are Meeting To De- vise A Program For Improv ing Its Condition, As a basls for devising some pro- gram to improve the condition of the dairy industry in Canada, & committée of 12 Liberal members of Parliament from Ontarlo and Quebec. dairying districts has bé. ~&un. a detgiled study of the place ~of that industry in the Canadian * ~economy, Since the dalry industry now ranks with wheat production as a major branch of ag '-ulture--dairy production committee {3 aiming at a program which will obtain for the industry 'a fairer share of the national in. come, according to its i hc George Wood, Brant Next to Wheat Farming After analysing the data being compiled by a sub-committee, the committee will-draft a specific and . detailed plan. which it hopes will help improve the present position of dairying. More Orderly Marketing being worth '$260,000, , 000 last year-and ethploys more' persons than wheat production, the * ._racles, Doesn't Believe © 'War Inevitable . Dr, Benes, Former President of Czecho - Slovakia, Says It Won't Happen If The Demo- cracies Stand Together. Dr. Eduard Henes, former, presi * dent at Czecho-Slovakia, sald on ar riving on this continent last week . that he did not consider war in Eur. ope inevitable, « Asked if he thought 'the democ- strongly aligned, could . avert W "Ot course". The statesman, in - the: Usitied 'States to lecture at the University of Chicago on the problems of democracy,, declined to discuss the Munich pact, the future, of Ger many, or the ambitions of Chan- cellor Bitler. . Hope For Future A crowd, of spectators--many of them children waving flags and young women with -bouquets -- shouted greetings as Dr." Benes stepped-down. the gangplank of the United States liner Washington. Dr. Benes expressed the opinion that his country, in spite of losing Sudetenland to Germany, would consolidate itsclt "politically, cul turally and educationally". SPRING IS FEMININE . Men and women are both more feminine in late winter and spring' than in the summer and autumn, according to a, report on the amount of female hormone found in the blood of both sexes made by Dr. E. V. Shute, of the University of Western Ontario, published in the current issue of "Nature." COAL FROM : SUGAR Fairly good soft coal is now be- ing made from sugars, the carbo- hydrates of farm crops. Ii the Carnegie nT whose experts include some of the leading scientists of the'coal fields, © the artificial coal is made-in two ways. Sugar heated in water-at high temperature produces a sandy form of coal. : When weak alkali is added to the water, "excellent coking coals" are the result. Adding pressure to the hot sugar water increases the amount of carbon in fhe} man- made coal. : ° THIS LIQUID FLOATS ROCK Fluids" now- used for fire ex- . tinguishers which look like water but float rocks as big 'as a. man's . head are announced. as a new aid ing. The rocks, broken "by blasting or--power tools Robert Taylor has several Wohhics of which horses Is his favorite. Here we see him al his oot hia ranch on Hellman, one of his Vistar) orses. = : Nine Wolf Cubs : Caught In Den Discovered in an n old porcupine den, in a woods near Wyman's Bridge, five miles cast of Belle- ville, eight wolf cubs were killed last week by Delbert Reid, Tyen- .dinaga township hunter. Reid discovered four grown wolves prowling atthe rear of his property and dispersed them with" a shot from his rifle. A fow minutes later, attracted ads;--soups--and--stews,--mixed mashed potatoes, and so on, g Easy As Radishes --IK{ohl Rabi can .be grown as eas: fly as radishes. It is between -a cabbage and a turnip in looks and flavor, and is cooked and used like turnips, Successional sowings should be wade from early in May until the middle of July.- Kohl Rabi should be used when from 2 to 21% inches in diameter. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Questions" raines mixed with-the minerals in such indiscriminate masses that it might take days for one man to separate a truckload by hand. come from the But dumped into a trough of the - liquid, flowing about a mile an hour, the rocks either float while the valuable minerals sink, or the - reverse if the minerals are the | lighter weight. - The Lie Detector "There is actually no lie detec- tor," says the Journal of the Am- erican Medical Association. The - present status of the question is | underlying controversial. - The principles may be séand but these by plaintive whimperings that .came from a hole below a rotting log, where his dogs were paying, Rejd discovered the nine balls of fur that bore all the earmarks of being cffspring of brer wolf, He killed eight of them and took the remaining one to his home where it is now Dj o on. bread and 1. When having personal sta- | tionery printed, should the return address be placed on. the front of the envelope or on the flap? 2. May one "ring off" in busi- ness telephoning without saying "Good-by 2?" 3. Is it correct to serve a-des- sert with the silver on the. plate? as well as the apparatus in use are duction held in "St,. Andrew's church, Lindsay, last week. _ "The minister is always wrong," 'he stated. "If he, pays his debts promptly he's got too much mon- ey; if he.doesn't he's a crook; if he visits the poor he's playing to the gallery; if he visits the rich he's an aristocrat; if he stays at home to get up his sermons he should be out more, "The curse of the country today is the big nickel and the little Mec-. Carthy," he added. Cow Gave Milk For 200 Peop'c George Mitchell's cow was given an extra ration of fod- der following its feat of supply- ing milk to the 200 thhabitants of Black Heath, Ont., for two, days, Isolated by the carly Febru- ary snow-storm, residents of the village 20 miles south of Hamilton, depended for their fresh milk entirely on Mitchell's cow. 2 A huge caterpillar plow fin- ally bucked its way through drifts six to 10 feet high and a motor cavalcade Senin fresh food followed. Manager (to neglected diner): started serving you, sir?" Diner (indicating plate): "Well," we've got his fingerprints." - The Hosen Ages of Woman 1. The baby. 2. . The little girl. » "Can you identify the waiter who - poured down the sewers by "creameries;" sald ColonelChappelli - While the whole picture is being examined, one phase being studied is the excess butter supply and m~ons of diverting that milk to cheese production. More orderly marketing {s another consideration. Then, with the prospect of wheat - farmers broadening the base of their operationg to include more general farming, possible increased . dafry production from that angle is being studied. - Skim-Milke Suit Coming For Men Well- Dressed | Yous Man of The Near Future May Soon: _ Be Stepping Out In One: ne well-dressed young man of the near future may be stepping. out on the Easter parades with a " nice milk suit if the expected pro- gress 18" made in a ngw discovery . exhibited before the luncheon of the Electric Club of Toronto last week, . An Itallan discovery) the new ma- terial may. some day revolutionize. the textile industry. "The manufacture of this mater- ial would provide a useful purpose for the tong of skim-milk each day the Industry was beginning to rea- lize more and more that .it could "go farther with the-aid of science," - said the speaker. New Artificial Silk He slowed his audience "glass" niade-from plastic resins and "rub- ber" made fom coal, limé and salt, Another _Interesting article was a tooth brash with bristles manufac tured from synthi~tic sil. : This material, he said, differed - from rayon and artificial silk in that it possessed all the qualities of the genu' e article. "Japan's. silk industry," he sald "will undoubtedly suffer as a result "of the development of "this: syn. . thetle silk." . .=chicks early, war, he answered quik THAT REMINDS ME-- OGDEN'S HITS THE SPOT IN SMOKING PLEASURE 2 > ' Mollow w= mild -- codl -- Ggden: s Fine Cut scores Avary point. "roll their own" find that - with Ogden's they hit the J) target "of real smoking # pleasure, Particularly when they use "Vogue' or "Chantecler" papers. 47 Nations Keep Consuls in Canada Forty-seven foreign countries assign consuls or consular agents to Canada, according to the an- nual report of the External Af- fairs Department at Ottawa. Approximately 300 of .these foreign representatives are dis- tributed 'at various ports and in- Iand cities through the Dominion. The dean of this consular group is H. I. Mathers; Norwegian con- sul at Halifax; who received his appointment 'ih 1906. Examina- tion of the list indicates that Nor- way's consular service holds the record for long-term agents. C. * B. Stahl- Schmidt, Norwegian con- sul at Vancouver, has been there since 1907, while C. J. Prinz has been vice-consul for Norway in Toronto since 1008, FINE CUT "Unless we. replace hatred by love, our civilization is bound to be finished, and should be finish- ed."--Jan Masaryk. % [1] FRILLED APRONS, 09¢ « = C Classified Advertising | 5 | RAIR Goons FIRST QUALITY "CANADIAN" WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFURMA-.. Prints, Broadcloths;~ washfast; "--tlons, Switéhes,.Curls, and all types newest patterns! Pockets, Ties, of finest quailty Halr Goods. Write organdie-trimmed. Full size LE - 52; "Refund--==CGuaranteed." adian Textiles, Dept. LA, Montreal. . for Illustrated catalogue. Confiden- ~~ tial_terms arranged. ; ks onto 'Hum. ! Bathurst, an Hatr Supply- Cox Toronto. . IABY CHICKS _COCKERELS AVERAGED 17DOL- lar each for Mrs. J.-H. Byrne They --}- pald all expenses of raising the entire flock of one hundred Bray White Rock and one hundred Light Sussex chicks, Order Bray Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ont. CASH IN ON THE SUMMER HOTEL ~and- tourist demand for broilers - 'and light roasters. Bray White Leghorn cockerels {deal, especially "-when caponized.- Order today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario, EXTRA PROFIT QUALITY CHICKS at Standard Quality P. Tie, oigavy Breeds $12.45, Pullets .9 Leg- 'horns $11.95, Pullets 150 'Grade . at lower "prices. We can sell Quality Chicks for less because we have large production at one plant 0 FEEDS AND FERTILIZERS POTASH FERTILIZER CANADIAN _.. Hardwood Ashes), Write for Free - Circular explaining use. George Stevens, Peterbgrough, Ontario. © "HIGH DLOOD PRESSURE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--WRITH tor free booklet and full particu lars regarding our amazingly SUCe cessful _hyblood treatment. ~ Pedi. greed Products, Saskatoon, Sask, _ OPPORTUNITY FORTUNES HAVE BEEN REAPED from small JoySiiments. Particu. lars--D.! Mitchell, 67 Yonge St, Toronto: PATENTS bd AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. exceedingly complicated éxcept to a trained medical psychologist or a forensic medical expert or to an operator skilled in the use of deli- cate" machinery, There are many polygraphs or lie detectors in ex- istence. The best and highest- priced ones are so complicated that they wre useless for practical Wi "3. ~The flapper: 4. The young lady. 5. The young lady. ~ 6. The -young lady. 7. The young lady. They had 'grown wealthy sud- denly' and had purchased a farm, Somes with hers, ¢ows, and Exports Rise - For Dominion Canada Opens Year 1939 With 4a fence, Lake Erie Level = At Record Low , Lake Erie.at Port Colborns last month recorded the lowest level in the history of the hydrographic service, of Canada, which dates back 78 years, C. N. Geale, engi- neer of the Department of Trans- port, revealed. The level, accord- ing to the automatic recording gauges at Port Colborne Harbor, dropped to 666.45, the lowest ever recorded by almost a foot... No Fox.Visible-- Just Big Game Farmers in the Brant and South Dumfries districts parti- cularly near the village of Glen. morris, Ontario, have lost liter- ally 'hundreds of chickens dur- ing the last few weeks as the result of raids by foxés. Dis- trict Game Overseer Peter Por- ter, Burford, last week headed a posse of armed, farmers bent on tracking down. the destruc- tive foxes. Their quest, how- ever, was unsuccessful, During the hunt they came across a deer which had been caught in Eight deer were seen by the "posse while one resident of the distriet reported seeing 16, 4, When a woman is-introduced to a man, should she offer her hand? 5. When travelling:in_a Pullman _ ~ car is a passenger expected to pay for the use of a pillow, in day- time? 6. How should one eat from a spoon? Answers 1. It should be on the flap, though it is omitted entirely on envelopes used for formal pur. poses. 2. No; it is rude to leav the other party ignorant that you have rung off. 3. Yes. 4. This is entirely optional; she may if she wishes, but it is seldom done. And the man should never be the first to extend his hand. 6. No. A pillow will be furnished without extra 'charge if requested. 6. The -food should always be taken from the side of the spoon, and never from the point. Frozen Vegetables The pack of frozen vegetables in (anada_jp 1938 increased to $90;000 a from 126,000 pounds in 1937, the principal if crease being in peas and corn on cob. New factories were opened in British Columbia and in Ontar- fo, and efforts will be made during 1989 to establish freezing units in: retail stores. At the present time, the bulk of this product is. sold | to the hotel and restaurant trade, A Burton-on-Trent (England) man who. chained a dog to a wall and let jt die was {mprisoned forv |' poses. T How Can 1? « BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I separate stamps } that have stuck together? A. Place a thin piece of paper over them and then run a hot iron over this paper very lightly. Q. How can I clean off grease that has Abatiered over an un- Painted oor? A. Pour kerosene over the spots, ' then scrub thoroughly with a scrubbing brush... After a few days, both the grease and the 1. kerosene will disappear, Q.-How can I prevent the chip- ping of dishes, caused by striking ; them against the kitchen sink 'faus cet? "A. This can be prevented if one- inch lengths of garden hose are cut and one of these fastened to the end of each faucet: $ v Q. How can I relieve a nervous headache? A. Try drinking a cup of strong black coffee, to which the juice of a lemon has been added. Q. How can 1 effect a substi. us for soap chips? "A. Tie up a whole cake of white soap in a.clean cloth and put it in with the clothes, . The soap will seo dissolve, How can I freshen ale and easily? Rab them with a little or- shoes "six weeks i : = t ts Foren Juice, or with the orange peel "before it has-drie Said-a-visitor_ogne_ day: "ipo your hens lay eggs?" "Oh, they can," was. the lofty reply, "but in our position "they don't have to." Friend: "1 bodght a copy of your book the other day." Author: "Oh, so it was youl" "Has the laundry made % mis. thke?"" asked Brown, "This shirt is so tight I can hardly breathe." «Yes, it's your shirt all ight, it replied his wife, "but you've got your head through a buttonhole," "A splendid car! Just start her tip; and in two hors you are in Owen Sound, "That's 116 good to me." "Why not?" 't don't know anyhody in Owen Sdynd," Ae Two lady snails were crawling along the top of the wall, when one glanced back. said, "there's a man. following us." ~ "41: know," replied her friend, "Is my shell on. straight?" +04 STO Are totmented with the ftehin of you sd with tortures fii Stati apg i [il Soller pod ht Ly: itching TE og "Don't look round, dear," she Substantial Increase In Do-. and selirairest by mail --No agents: No salesmen. No. branches. Free - Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ist_otf inventio Infors a sent free, [] msay Comne= pany, Registered Patent Attorneys, 73 Bank St. Ottawa, Can. TAKE NO CHANCE -- BUY GOV-, ernment Approved Chicks from' blood tested breeders. Save mon- ey, lower operating costs-enables us to sell at Jhess prices, Standard Leghorns S20 Pullets 19.00. Heavy Bree E 3950, Pullets 16.95. Free" Catalogue. Baden Electric Chick Jatchery. Limited, Baden - PHOTOGRAPHY - FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH BV." ery roll film developed and '8 high Bloss ~printal se. Reprints same price 8 arged . prints 26c, rightling Studies Toranto. PERSONAL: - mestic EXports; Canada opened the new year with' a substantfal increase in_her domes: tic exports, it was disclosed in fig ures released by the Dominion Bur- eau of Statistics, ary totalled $81,046,000 compared with '$69,477,000 in 'December and $71,022,000 in January, 1938. Principal items of export with fig ures for January, 1938, in brackets: newsprint $8,200,268 ($6,816,828); unmanufactured neckel' $4,882,266 $5,678,610); wheat $4,646,437 ($8, 922,395); furs $4,098,769 ($3,607, 379); automobiles .and parts $3, 737,064 ($2,345,919); partially manv ufactured copper $3,360,424 248,707 ($2,487,255); méats $3,144, 865 ($3,717,385); fish $2,612,486 ($2, 637,078); wood pulp $2,227,779 ($2, 149,823; wheat tlour $1, 172; 324 (31, 692,033; cheese $188,381 ($62,867), PILILES I'ty the aclivé oxysen treating in ne Jelis! of pleeding, | Ie Jn es, n Ass near ent Hf . Use half the tube AH it direct to the Company and receive the full purchase price, It your Juss Bias t does hot have EUCOZO RECTAL OINTMENT send FAH enty-tive cents by mo order and tube (with Him will be mailed 1e you Ylsin wrap. oer,' postpaid. Eucozone: Laboratories (Canada) Limited WINDSOR, ONTARIO Exports in Janu: (385 889,641); planks and boards $8 "iN SR 2 U Tose No, 8139 8 1 _ Ontario. COLDS ARE _DANGEROUS Room, 23 . QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, ~EASILY, inexpensively, Home remedy. Tess "WRITE FORA TRIAL BOX OF Old' English" Composition Cap- sules. Brings. Juche: relief. Mail ten cents for 35¢ box of 15 cap- sules. Old English Herb Co: To- ronto, : EDUCATIONAL CANADIAN CORRESTONDENGE Co MATRICULATION, SHORTHAND, - and bookkeeping. 35 years' exper- lence. You still have time to write two or three 607 ent Bldg, apers in June. 'oronto, ELECTR 10 MOTORS - BLECTRIC MOTURS AND MACHIN. ery bought, sold, exchanged, Ford Machinery: 169 King East, To- anteed, Advice . free, Serer a 1, Winnipeg. POULTRY. AND! EGGS WANTED -- LIVA RB AND DRESSED IR HE also oy athers, Good prices, Write Stork, § tb Patricks. arket, Toronto. WANTED ~ LIVE' AND DRESSED poultry. Pay above matket quota. tions. Write Export Packers, 604° . __College, Toronto.- RADIO _ OUR NEW RADIO SALES SHEE is; now read et "ROSES FOR YOUR GARDEN _FARMS FOR SALE , ~ GoD ONTARIO FARMS FOR SALE, Terms at 450." No farm sold with out reasvnable cash payment, Please state your requirements fly, also county or district pre- erred. Commissioner of Agricul- tural dns, Parliament 1dgs., Toronto, Ont. GOOD. '160-ACRE FARM, GOOD house, big bank barn, silo; ideon Schneider, Moore: * or FREE BNTANGEMBNT NEW ROSES for your garden from . Efgland. Send for res ¢atalogue, five hundred varleties, - Merry- © weather's Famous Roses, Complete cultural directions, writ te today. Canadian ag ent, Brush's: Nursere ies, Box 140, Kidgeville," Ont. 6 LUS, "QUILT REMNANTS"--$1.00 OR 16: POUNDS $2.25." "SURPRISE Package" Free! Cholce of tibfast Cotton Prints, Pigques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks Eiderdowns, Woole lens, Repp, Flannelette; -Tweeds, Large! "Refund Guaranteed." Same ple Bundle 16¢, Phiiross Textiles, ept. LE, Montreal, i FILMS DEVELOPED, PRINTED 25¢, Reprints 3c. Carter's Photo Ser. vice, Victoria St, Brantford, Ont. ORNAMENTALS RARE AND UNUSUAL ORNAMEN.. tals, trees, shrubs and perennjal * flowers. Hardy fruits for colder districts, Plants expertly packed, arrival in good condition guaran- teed. Express prepald. Send fo ofiistrate Jatilogue describin cover 309, varieties, The Manitoba Maniton Fiany Nerrery or anl ' wh ed TRACTOR FOR SALE 40. - HORSEPOWER ~ WATERLOO Tractor for sale, In first class cone. v dition Just, the ting . n i; i bargain for quick sale. Ap= LAR G ¢ilhartz, -Bruae.:Station, WANTED TO RENT "A 10-50 ACRE FARM: 0 Haar LARGE bank barn ahalit 3000, 1 Hook within 60 milas of Tor. fol particulars: Apply Mi leq, POS A for a saws i 1.

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