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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Mar 1939, p. 4

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.\ - I. 0. D, E. MEETING Scugog Chapter, 1.LO.D.E., wonth!, meeting, wii, be held on Monday, March 6th,.ut 8 p.n in their rooms. -- Pee = Personal toms Miss Kathleen Carnegie has ve- Jarno Yous after vending a month i humacher ~Mr:-Ralph-Burley- and- MeHarey: nea spent Saturday in Toronto. | Mia: V. Fiday, Mrs. 0. C. H Mr. and Mio: AM. end, P. Stouffer was in Toronto 1, of l[uronto, visited dutson over the week Sorry to hear (hat Mr. Cecil Beare is in, the hospital in Toronto. How- eve' the latest word teports he is resting much easier Mrs. John Ploughman is spending a few days in Toronto with her daughter. We are glad to sce Mr. Robt. Jeffrey aroand again after his illness, Ce Sorry to hear that Stanley Lane had the misrortunc to -break--his--tep--while "Off Again; on Again. Gone Again' -- Flannagan The "Nip and T ck", must be getting frisky. It has been off the track twice this week. The first time was just north, of - the C.P.R. line at Myrtle. 'This happened 'on Tuesday and: wher the engine was ditched, it was a big job, requiring -the -assistance of the auxiliary to restore the jyolling stock to_the rails, is suid' to have taken fourteen hours. On Wednesday' in Port Perry there was another run-off, but that did not take so long to remedy. ---- re PP ---- I'emperance Project of the Happy klelpers [NOTE--The following sketch, prie- sented at a special meeting of the United Church C.G.LT., briefly sets forth something of the problems of alcohol in the life of the individual. --Ed.] * OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH. 2-3-4 "Jesse James" Starring Tyrone Power, * Henry Fonda, * Nancy Kelly ~Filmed in, Technicolor. _ _ Added--Cartoon, "DOOMSDAY" in Colour REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m, "True Confession" Carol Lombard, Fred McMurray 0 . Monday-Tuesday, MARCH 6-7, Trade Winds \ Starring Frederic March - Joan Bennett e090 Wednesday-Thursday, Mar. 8-9. -- Big Double Bill -- The Great Man' Votes .- Starring John Barrymore, Peter "Holden, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. * Sunday School at 2 p.m. Publje Sonhin at 7 p.m. Everybody welcome. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Fandad, March 5th-- Al ame--Holy Communion and. § .- anon. 8 "p.m.--Sunday, School Wednesday, March 8th-- 3 p.m--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURC 10 a.m.--Sunday Scliool 11, a m,--Morning Worship. "Sit in with us . 7 p.m--Evening Worship. Rev. H. © Mutton, of Greenwood, conduct: the service. - Subj k wo ST PATRICK'S SUPPER The.Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pr: s- byterian Church, Port Perry, will hold FARM WANTED-BU Must be near highway. and good garden land with house. Apply to § Bodollo, 186 Simcoe St., Toronto, to LOST Lady's Yellow Gold Wrist Watch with initials M.C.L. on back, narrow gold bracelet, Finder please return to » Mrs. Merlin Letcher, "Reward, . rem p-- i rer ee Sop PROPERTY FOR SALE . The double frame house on Yaris : St, Port Perry, belonging to the estate of the late T, Smith, One half Lotgd ; Immediate possession of other half. rooms in each, all in good condition: Apply to H, Wannamaker, Seagrave, Phone 116 r 3-2, Port Perry. May{ EE WORK WANTED Refined, middle aged widow, capable trustworthy, through financial losses wishes housekeeping position. Apply to Box 3, Port Perry Star. et PP ~* SHORTHORN SALE "Durham County Shorthorn Associa- tion will hold their -18th" Annual-Auc tion Sale of pure bred Shorthorns on Thursday, March 9th, at the Loveki Farm, oceypied by Mr. Alex. Prout, 4 milé=south of Kurv Y oe ENT I LAWRENCE'S PRR NEWS | You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, LG AAT TN rr MARCH 2nd, 1939 ' i BISMA REX ¢ i for Sour Stomach, Acid ¥. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, i] Flatulence, Gas and OLYMPENE LINIMENT, 50c, $1.00. }§ i Nausea (J: BYNOVA TONIC BEVERAGE i 8 <p aiZes 8 0 2 '49¢. and 79¢. ¢ 5 5. Ayo sier-Ti0e $150 wR WAMPOLES COD LIVER 8. i "EXTRACT. ...e.oveveerst $1.00 ' ; VELV NOVA KELP TABLETS 79¢., $1.39 and $2.79 L ISTERINE,_ ANTISEPTIC 25¢., §0¢:, 79¢: {TTA CLEANSING TISSUES © 500% ...27e, caressa ansafianns NORVAL'S YEAST and * IRON TABLETS ..\.;..:...4%. 4 $ . fi PHONE ¢9 Ye a, 7 Ror vad ¢ Jom PERRY Hall's illness Las continued, - seriously ill. _i1ecovery. J} Hill skating. * Mr. James Maynard of Whitby, was in town on Tuesday visiting his par- ents Mr. and Mis. Robt. Maynard. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Geo. and he has been removed to the hospital in Oshawa. ) i Sorry to report Mr. Glenn Owen is -We hope for a speedy A car loud of 18 western Percheron Horses was uni.aded here last Friday by Mr. S. I Wooldridge of Seagrave. They will he offered for sale by auc- tion on Friday, March Tth. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar EdWrds have moved" to tlizir new home at Thorn Their many friends will miss them here. Mrs. Thos. Asner visited in Toronto 'last week. BI -f Mr. J. G. Qtter, of Kitchener, was in tc .n calling on friends on Monday. ~ Mr. J. H. Bingham of Peterboro was & vigitor in town on Friday last. Miss Johuston had the misfortune to break "her arm last week. Shirley Gilboord If we had lived in the days of knighthood, or pirates, or Indians, or pioneers, life would have been much simpler than now. We would not have had many of the troubles.of today. At the same time, we would have missed muy of its pleasures; of the movies, of airplanes, of the "funnies", of the radio, of illustrated books. Today there are problems that are hard to solve. Alcohol is one of them. We also hear much about traflic, crime, labor, -unemployment, wealth, "and government. Like those problems, alcohol has new Tmportance, How that life is less simple: Why is alcohol a different problem now ? Like other questions, such a question is troublesome. - Boys<and girls usually ask such questions as these: Are alcohol and liquor really as bad as some say they are? How much does it take to make you drunk? What is alcohol? Does anything really happen if you drink just a little? . These posters are an attempt to give some answer to alcohol questions. Most of such material is written in words for grown-ups. We have tried to put the best we knew about alcohol into the -pictures. We hope you like the bright-coloured illustrations and that they offer some satisfactory rea- -- BUSINESS eee - MEN'S--ASSOCIATION The Business Men's Association will] hold their annual banquet on 'Wednes- day, March 15th, 1939. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS ASSOC. Mr. W. F. Thompson, Mr. R. M: Holtby, and Mr. R. D. Woon were in Toionto; attending the annual conven- tion of Ontario Agricultural; Societies. The following subject was discussed by Mr. R. M. Holtby-- Encouraging - New Exhibitors by changing the prize sons for temperance. As for us, the Happy Helpers, we thoroughly enjoyed 'making and cutting the designs. Our posters do not suggest all that is known about alcohol. Not by any means. It will be fine if> you read other material on the subject. As you learn more about your.body, mind, and how people live together, we are sure, the facts in these pictures will hold true. On the following facts we have based our pictures: 1. Life insurance companies class alcohol as a "bad risk." - It increases the chances for accidents, diseases and carlier death. : 2. It is often bad business. It may . freely discussed. r Svstenu > The talk by 3... lioltby, hath was "based upon the system used at the Black and Fair White Show at Port Perry , created gi.at interest, and was cause serious Josses through mistakes and accidents. 3. Even slight "intoxication makes accidents more serious. He who drinks cither much or little, may be a traflic danger. 4. Factory safety rules condemn al- cohol. It makes a Woitker a possible "The Lions Club of 'Kingston has been re-organized and is new in good shape again. Another Club has been added to our zone and will hold its charter night on March 10th at the Royal York. Our Club will meet on Friday, March 10th, at the Sebert House, when Mr. A. E. O'Neil, Principal of Oshawa High School--it is expected-- will be the guest spe tts Shen --_ pe ey : BORN - . LANE -- To Mr. and Mrs, George Lane, Poit Perry, on Friday, Feb. 24, 1939, a daughter. ' WILBUR~-At Port Perry. Hospital, on February 22nd, 1089, to Mr. ana Mrs, Ralph Wilbur, of Utica, a son-- Albert Carl. . . WELLS--At Port Perry Hospital on February 28th, 1089, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welle, a daughter. | eit system and its results?" "Yes"? i 3 Virginia WeidTer - ) . -- and -- B [3 * Say it in French Starring starring Ray Milland and Olympe Brand a ~€OMING!--Friday - Saturday, MARCH 10 and 11 Bobby Breen in Fisherman's Wharl IRAR BARARRARS ARAN ANE SARS BLUEEI PD SXNUINE DIAMO! : WMOURED FARE FAGAN (oes - - NOTE--Every 'diamond is insured. Bentléy's Jewelry Store. "Port Perry. |. THE LEADERSHIP LEAGUE To Editor of the Port Perry Binren Dear Sii:-- I talked in imagination, with ten! fellow citizens about the Leadership League, andthe present set-up of -Gov- ernment in Canada. Perhaps the re- sult may interest your readers, A said: "I've already joined 'the League." ~~ Brsaid: --"I'admit favoring the idea - in general; but failing to find some- thing more definite as to the League's program, I have taken no aétion." C wanted to know what that upstart broadcaster took him for, anyway. D suspected a hidden, sinister hand behind the campaign. E frankly stated the fact that he was E Frankly stated the fact that. he was in polotics, had been, and would sfay in, and simply ridiculed the whole |. business, 'FE, G, H, I, and J ya no opinions to express, and appeared entirely indiff- erent. . I had, however, a second question to ask--*"'Are you satisfied with the pres- March 17th. the--Annual St. Patrick's Supper mn Particulars later. SRE RES SAS dai Ar BASKETBALL MATCH TAT PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL GYM. The Peterboro United Church Juye- niles will play the Port Perry Tuxis Boys at the High School Gymnasium on Saturday night, MARCH '4th, at 8 o'clock... Admission 20c. and 10c. Firestone TIRES FOR EVERY PURSE McDONALD MOTORS which is located '4 Inn on No. 2 Highway. offered approximately: 12 bulls, 4 young cows, one of which has bull calf at foot, "and 12 heifers, some of which are bred, ® This is a very choice offer- ing. and negative to thé blood test. For catalogue write S. Chas. Allin, Sec.- Treas., R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ont. ---------- --- AUCTION 'SALE March Tth--18 horses at the premises| of S. J. Wooldridge, west of Seagrave. This is a fine offering of matched teams and . single horses, all good weight for farm use. «© "TENDERS WANTED The-undersigned' will receive tenders p.m. on Monday, March 13th, 1939, for purchase of the following until 5 village lots: Grahams Limited (Evap.) lots 257, 258, Lilla St. be purchased separately. 79, Crandell St. accepted. Dated March.1st, 1939 Port Perry. = to ot LIKE TOPSY Diner (suspiciously): } hash made here?" Waiter: "Made, FOR SALE ; Phones: Poverty Oo anes 255 | Sir! 'Ash ain't made; ; it- accamu-| Three Work Horses, and two colts-- ones: arage 74. lates." fa one rising three years, and one rising ~ i : two. Apply to Roy Henders, -R.R.3, - Port Perry, Phone 102 r 5. mar2 lila SR bt fe bl le Ball hb Did I hear anyone say: Well, you guessed it. Mr. Editor. Mr E was satisfied, and he ought to be. How about the other nine? - Just what, may I ask, has Mr. Mc- Cullagh done or said? Stated publicly what thousands. have been saying among themsglves, and danger (0 MIMS 6. Railroad men or other men with people's lives in their hands, dare not use alcohol. 5 6. It has always been man's enemy. He can go 'forward only by using. his mind, and better without using alcohol. 7. Alcoholic drinks are dangerous for quick acting in, flying. \ Like -a pilot, you sometimes have to leave the crowd. : 8. Do your best for yourself and the team. It is smart to be healthy. It is smart. to stay away fron alcoholic drinks. 9. Good food from the 156m builds up your health. Alcohol may tear it down. : 10. It has little use as a food. Its harmful effects are much more than its good. 11. It is 'funny' that people will drink alcohol when they know better. It is serious to take chances with its use. 12. Alcohol WI takes money from life's necessities. It causes harm and sorrow to children and families. Others? * s 9» Many thoughtfully prepared posters set forth the facts here enumerated. The girls are receiving 'torrect and valuable instruction. has afforded an opportunity Yor €x-| pression of opinion en masse." ~--~Will_the complaints be registered? Of course they shall not--too much trouble, or too risky to sign a Fon: confidence" ballot. --Cynical Citizen, ESTIMATE ON YOUR ROOFING % & WRITE NOW Bendridge and rafter AON -- SOLD ON A : A as ian [isms ces this Fall ne Jo Manafacts HORS pmerrey ment. rm Steel CE 3 Limited CAT MONTRE FRESTON ONT» MPEP ION PVA TR ET Soar aied CARAS ABABA B BB \ There will be All are from accredited herds : J.'E. AeDnaly; Auctioneer } building may Isaac Tur- ner (vacant lot) lot 92, Cassimin St. 8. Schell Est., (vacant lot) lots 77-78- Mary Whitfield (lot and house) lot 104 Scugog and Maple. Highest or any tender not-necessarily (signed) Geo. F. Manning, Clerk-Treas: -,- Corp. of the Village of | -- mar "How is the owners 1s your positive g «8 - The satisfied acclalm of'overa firsdred thousand Canadian home- theg ting value money. "+L can buy. * F. E. REESO THE MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Give your liome the thrilling Somfort and dependability + « of "the world's finest anthracite" , Order 'blue coal' today, PORT PERRY. Phones 73) and 73w PHONE 72-R-2 PORT PERRY. FARM FOR RENT OR:FOR SALE Auction Sales implements, the property of Mr. T. E. Philp, Prince Albert. See bills for list. Terms Cash. -- Thursday, March 9th--Farm. Stock -and Implements, the property of Herb. W. Eagleson, lot 23, con. 11, Reach, two miles south of Seagrave. Terms Cash. See bills for list. Ek: by me gar (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls disolved.) ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on " A he 100 acres of good land, with first lass buildings, situated on lot 5,C : Sm Tas DOMINION : [imines sn ] 7] Jones, R.R.1, Port Perry, Phone 190 2 "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS ~~ |p tebe STUART'S GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGE . 0] mn es LADE FEY Shed Pen y Wr Sows. bred; ® QUAKER BREAD Jf oem B23 iit | for oe arr e prior ly : FLOUR . hid 2, 19 : en mS TA CLARA CHOICE ! m fusr2 " mar2 » PRUNES ..'. 34.23 . ay B SHORTENING wh L " omes 20-1b, Poll a1b Ctns. op * Te . RICH AND MELLOW i» AER * RICHMELLO «+ i:.28 [ 3 wma SR BRAY CHICK : SEEDLESS = + .10 Does the Trick! B® MAPLE LEAF a oes e IFICK. = PURE LARD 2+~.19 -* n : y . Bray Chicks are real money- * LIFEBUOY Soap oe CR] a Rw a ivery guaranteed 8 | AVLMER Av n " ORANGES AM "im. me 21, a || wALLACE mARLOW 'n 202's doz. 17 BEANS wm 2 2: 15 . BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO n \ ' ER ithe) . 8 LETTUCE 2- 15 JEiiV brops » 10 * "W. A. 3 : FRESH CARROTS 4 : angsier . je BUTTER ro a10 4 DENTAL Jangs voir ; ; . Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 . n Tans 4 WHITE SATIN PASTRY : . Office Yipatairs, over, Blecw's 4 " 24h. > 9 oo ll ri 2 Wr ~® |"50U118 S8PONGED AND PRESAED ™ Ph. Ps. When Packed n .80 Cents : n . * Thess Values Effective Until Wednesday, March 8th " SUITS CLE ANED v Sedans nanan AABN LIMITED "Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by. appointment. Fe St minod Do § Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICER wh eH OPE (the firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.)" RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. "Phone 814 in atfendance at my Port Perry:office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week, or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone. 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North Side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office, §8w, - "DR. A. S. BLACK VETERINARIAN - -and SURGEON ary Corps. Three years as assistant with English and Scotch Veterinary Surgeons. Phone 62 BROOKLIN Ontario HARDING'S ACID TREATMENT For Arthritls, Rheumatic Pains, B8clatiea, Lumbago, Kidney Troubles, Neuritis. Ask MORRISON the drugglat A about it. a Friday, 'March 3rd--Farm stock aid' esldence 68) : Overseas Service in the Royal Army Veterin- « bh : Wa BERT. MacGREGOR'S "WE DELIVER _ --TED-FACKSON; Auctioneer, ------

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