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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Mar 1939, p. 6

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i * CT oF ( «¥ * 1s 1 LER AL EE a CREE ts RLF TF + pi E33 vs Fa 3% SU! - + 4 Ns C HAPTE R XXHI Thd concussion of that roaring dischaxge brought, a shower of broken ¥lass from the raised win- dow sash," and the recoil upset old --~Joe- as though- a-horse-Had Kicked him. The buckskin 'screamed wildly, spun around twice then racéd away. - Dut it went with an "empty, saddle. Following horses leaped high as they hurdled the still figure in the street, Five seconds later it "was all over. Joe Rooney crawled to his feet, rubbing his shoulder ruecful- ly. "What a cannon! Shore 1 felt my shoulder blades touch when that damn thing went off that time. I shore musta hit somethin'. "I'll'say yuh did, Yoo! "grinned Slim. Then he. leaned out of the window and yelled, "Hi, toy! Stoney! Yuh all right?¢ This is ! a "The Leashed Guns | of Circle L" WP by Perry Westbrook DE eh a = then broke open with a crash. George Arthur was sprawled across his desk, his head 'pillowed on his arms. The air wag foul with stale whiskey fumes. : Stimi-nodded- "Close the -door an" shove that chair agains st it, Stoney," he di- rected. s He crossed to the. sleeping man and shook him roughly. Arthur sighed, coughed and tried to push him away. Slim jerked him erect in the chair and slapped him on both sides of his face. Arthur's eyes opened. "G'way," he peed gutter- ally. "G'way. 'Lemme sleep." Slim shook him until his heels rattled, The lawyer stared at him vacantly for. a moment, his jaw hanging... Then slow recognition pierced through the liquor haze which had deadened his brain, with satisfaction: . COMINC! ALMA SIOUX SCARBERRY Fiction Writer Superb With a new Romantic Serial Story "The Groom ~~ Was Shy" Watch For It Ig. This Paper © better do'as I tell yuh. Other wise, it's a rope an' a cottonwood tree for yuh; that is, if yuh don't dic under g little' red-hot iron treatment, Yo're listenin' to the gospel trath, Arthur. I'm gonna get what [ want,. or know the rea- son why." . . Still half drunk as he was, Ar- * thus could not help but read the truth in Slim's words and looks. Ilis head went down again, "If-- if 1 do as, you' say," what assur- my word's good, an' yuh know it. Are yuh ready to do yore stuff?" Jinofront-of that-kind- of-cuurt- yuk ance have 1 that you'll play square?" he blurted. *My word; nothin' else. But Managing Baby ~ At Christening Bishops Describe How Baby Should Be Held During . Baptism Rites What is the right way to hold a baby at a christening?' "I get out last week to find an au- swer to this ticklislk question, which has achieved the dignity of ¢plsco- pal noticé, writes a réporter in the London Daily Mail, _.. For bishops at the Upper House of "the Convocation of Canterbury at-- Westminster were concerned abort preperving the sanctity of the baptism service with the ever- "prosent -menace of (fts central fig ure beginning' to, howl, Give Baby Confidence "Reasonable discretion," said the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cos- mo Gordon Lang, who Is a bache- lor, "on the part of the baby," and there was no more beautiful and impressive service. But without a discreet baby, there 'Was no service in which .it was more difficult to get' a spirit of devout recollection, The Bishop ef Salisbury's Chap: lain, Canon W. S. Barton, tpld me that he thought it was a saight- Very Finest Quality "SALAD 4 HN TEA" |The vk 4 of B by PERFUME STRESSES called the it. Hon. R. B..Bennett, former" Canadian prime minister, 'is pic- tured here as he disembarked from . the S.S. Montcelare upon its arrival . at Liverpool. Mr. Bennett will take up permanent residence ac Mickle- ham, Surrey. Household Hints Remove candle grease [rom a ital Ly placing clean blot. ing paper on each side of the spot injured. They looked anxiously at Dakota, who was sitting in a chair while Spud Dillon carefully . cut away the bloody pants leg. Da- kota grinned dryly. "Keep yore shirts on, yuh two ole ground hawgs. It ain't nothin' to worry about. I could stand a little jolt of liquor, though." "Git a bottle, Joe," puffed Spud. "Yuh other boys help yoresclves. My treat." That Crooked Lawyer The liquor steadied them. Ston- cy Sheard turned to Slim, "What say.-we-sashay- up the strect-a bit, Slim? well when they was ridin® for a getaway. | know [I hit him, an' he was beginnin' to wobble just as they went outa sight past the liv- cry stable." Slim nodded and they went up jabberi ing and pressing with a hot iron. Re- the_street,--pieking their peat if necessary. i groups of exeited, Scratches on glass may be re- | (ownspeople. moved by rubbing with a soft cloth dipped in jeweller's rouge, . Rub carefully elong the scrateh, never ACTOSY, ge For economy, collect your old - pieces of soap in a clean jar. When - you have about 4 oz, add 1 quart of cold water, beats and melt the 4 S0ap thoroughly HE and ahh wt Sure cnough, 'not' ~ twenty yards beyond the northern end of the street, they found Sarg Rockwell, He was sprawled flat on his back, his face to the sky. A single look satisfied them that there was nothing they could do. As' they Hse back, Slim re« So ----==\¥hen winter sunlight "sets and lathers quickly. Se is white - clothes need an artificial ~ agent --to--keep--them --snowy:- A teaspoonful of powdered borax ad- ded to the final rinse is 4 simple and effective whitener., 10 will Keep Tor some time | thin, TO orge Arthur, got to find that crooked lawyer, _ Stoney. Brockwell eain't-talk,-but-- Arthur can an' will, before-T get- through with "him. Yuh didn't "see him- with that crowd any- where?" The cowboy chuckled sardonic- ally. -"Him? Why he ain't got --agent for Ammonia is an excellent kitchen "cutting grease. Pots and pans and greasy dishes wash much easier if put to soak a few nerve enough to get Within three miles of a gun muzzle! Yulh'll find him holin' up somewhere, scared" into fits." I kinda think I got Brack . i © -way-past-- We] drunken rat. --in' to raid my straighten hinvup for a time," « Arthur gulped the liquor greed- ily and wiped his lips with the back of a shaking hand. A drunk- en truculence took hold of him. "Get out," he growled. "Got no use' for you, Loyale, [I hate the sight of you. Get out of this of- five." - _ Slim shook him again, half lift- "ing him from his seat, anly to fling - him back again with. a crash. vuh somethin', . yuh Listen close, Star- buck an' both Brockwells are daid. "I'm tellin' © Get that? Daid!" Arthur's head came up. "Huh?" gasped. "Dead? Yu're lying." "Don't kid yoresclf., an' Leo Brockwell were killed try- ranch tonight. Sarg Brockwell was killed tryin' to hold up the Standard Bank, not fifteen ha --minutes-ago--But-before-he- died, Jigger Starbuck talked. the tag on yuh, Arthur... Yeah, He -put, Starbuck | yuh got a lot of explainin' to do." Confession Wanted Arthur sat quietly, evidently trying to arrange his hazy wits, Presently he looked up. "You haven't got a thing on me--not a thing. I won't say a word." Slim-dragged up a chair and sat. 'nm, so_that he could stare "straight, into the. lawyer's bléod- --shot-eyes--*I-think-yuh-will;""-he-- -said, a deadly chill in his voice, "Consider my side of the matter. Yuh can clear my name, give writ- ten evidence to the world at large that-1 was railroaded to the pen on false, perjured evidence. "It just happens, Arthur, that I got a "funny idee about honor. 1 d6n't care to face the rest of my life with a jail stain on ity An' U.S. Army Sigiaal Corps fs aban: doning Morse, telegraphy for auto- matic te!2graph apparatus and radio. - it is naturally going to cry, al it such a weak cry is going to dis- turb the devotions. Here is a variety of delightful, easy-to-make quick-breads. Any at almost any meal. Beginning at upper left: BLUEBERRY CAKE 2% cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons double-acting bak- ing powder EASY, TASTY QUICK-BREADS one of these will prove popular-- . Of INTEREST to WOMEN READERS -------- CORN-STICKS- - 1% cups-sifted flour --214 teaspoons double-acting bak- "ing powder teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugai cup corn meal 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup milk 4 tablespogns melted butter or other shorténing Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, -salt, and sugar, and sift again. Add corn meal and mix 'well. Combine eggs, milk, and shortening; add to flour mix-. ture," beating only enough to dampen all flour. Bake in greas- ed bread-stick pans in hot 'oven (425 deg. F.) 25 minutes, or un- til done. N ~-- though, if it is very young, I doubt Slim!" {, "Loyale," he murmured. "You | Arthur gulped and nodded. PERSONALITY "Shore an' we're commg along, --what d'yvou want? t "Give-nie a pen and some paper." Yon win of » het ig Ta ivi Perfoine: his' Boer 3! 3 a : tain amount of confidenc : Slim, my lad. - Be with yuh in a "Plenty," snapped Slim. "Get (Concluded Next Wegk) am Ati ar minute: yore--wits together Yuh've gota JRE fo belye } hs tgif ey nd those Roy and Stoney Sheard were lot of explainin' to do. 'Stoney, "If you don't hold it frm, and | i) " 1) o inh on ; u soon in the Wild Horse, both un- pour "him another drink._ It'll After almost "eighty years, the the child feels that it is slipping, -|- around), and it also gives you a 'potent "lift." Perfume is most enchanting when it suggests its presence in a subtle and unobtrusive way, and the secret is to scatter many light applications, instemtrof-one heavy application in one place. . Start with your lingerie; spray your undergarments after launs dering, because 'the scent lingers. And so*with your dresses. Spray it ..n hour or two before wearing, When you're dressed, add a drop or two, if you desire. an days to wear perfumed gloves, "and smait moderns follow suit, A your hands fragrant. And don't despise a hint of perfume on your hair. You can add a few drops in ~ the last rinse, 'after 'washing the "hair . ? What perfume should you 'use? Get one with a well-known name; it is- cheaper in the end. In selecting a perfume, . you should strive either to express your own personality, or the per- sonality you desire. For instance, * if you are shy, you can use a flow- ery fragrance like 'Jasmine de course" or "le nouveau Garden- ia"; but -to -make the people you meet sit up and notice you, try a stimulating perfume --tike --"I'Ai-|- mant" (the magnet). = 1 will' have more to say on this fascinating subject shortly, Do not hesitate to write me for con- -fidential advice in your personal beauty problems. The following leaflets may be obtained by send- ing a 8c stamp for each one re- quired: Facial Care; Bust Devel. opment; Superfluous Hair} Glam. --orous Hair; Fascinating Eyes; Feet Care; Slimming; Under weight; Reducing in Spots; Hand Beauty. Please address your letter to: Barbara Lynn, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide, "Toronto, Ont. got, sinks ---Anita Laurie Cushing in The Christian Science Monitor, ve 1,600,000 new houses have NOALS, Capture sprin freshen up your stitches, . airs for the remainder of the winter, scarf you need, use the chair back for scarf ends. charts and directions for making set; materials required; illustration of Or if it's a Pattern 19567 contains : Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot Poi accepted) for this CAR "Britain in_ahout six. gh to Wilson Needlecraft. Depts Pp 3-West--A rite plainly Pattern Number, your Name and Address. dalaide- St. Toronto, ii El Ca i oe ih hans ham's Crepe v1 WELL iin fete Fano: minutes in hot water and a few Théy slipped past the Wild |. I'm plannin' a powerful I6t for % feashong sai her st drops of houschold ammonia. Horse, where Roy O'Brien 'and | some happiness in the future. So % cup butter or 'other shorten: Put a little water in the bottom | Spud Dillon were taking turns at | if yuh think I won't go to the 3 ing a of the pan when . baking acorn | explaining to a clamoring crowd, | edges of hell itself to get complete. 1 cap Sagar = "squashes, "It will keep the: skin | just what it was all about. It was | clearance, yo're- badly misaken. 1 add atom * from burning and the flesh from Stoney who spied the crack. of "] made the threat that yuh'd 2 cup me Yerites becoming top dry. } light at the bottom of the door | talk an' make a complete written -Sups. bluehorries Tougher cuts of meat can gen- | leading into Arthur's office. ~ confession, if 1 had to use Apache Sift flour once, measure, add erally be niade more tender if - "Looks like somebody might be mehods to wring it outa yuh. I | baking powder and salt, and sift N marinated in vinegar and water in there, Slim," he drawled. "We ain't changed my mina. We've again. Cream butter thoroughly, for a few hours before cooking can-investigate;-anyhow cleaned-housc-on--this--range; Ars add-sugar-graduatly;-and-creanr to- r Use a-weak solution. Slim tried the door, but found | thur--cleaned it plenty. We didn't | gcther well:<-Add egg and--beat For easy window washing, use a | it locked. Pressing his ear to the | stop at rockin' off the Brockwells | very thoroughly, Add flour, alter. solution of about three tablespoons | portal he listened intently. From an' Jigger Starbucks, So if yuh nately with milk,"a small amount of kerosene to six quarts of warm inside sounded thick, measured | think.we'll back down from addin' | at a time, beating. after each addi- water. Simply wash with a soft |. snores. "Sounds like omebody yuh to the list, yo're some mistak- tion until-smooth. This makes a "clean cloth and posish with a dry, was sleepin' off a drunk," he mut- en. B stiff batter. Fold in blueberries. lintless one. - TTT tered. "Well, we'fe goin' in. | "I'm admittin' this: In a fair Turn into greased pan,- 12x3x2 Sprinkle" fritters with, confec- | Give me a heave with this door." court yuh can probably beat a inches, spreading batter evenly. tioner's sugar -- to give them a ; i n death sentence, cause vie-got-no Sprinkle.wi rrifdesitede--] "¥Ich glaze. As soon as they. are - Before the combined weight-.of - |.-direct--proof--of --yuh- killin" any. |--Bake_in_moderate oven (350 deg. fried apply the sugar generously. them, the door sagged, 'creaked, body. But if yuh ever hope to get F.) 45 minutes. Serve warm or. Then broil 'the fritters under a : eine or - cold. z low heat--or bake them until the | : 4 . BRAN MUFFINS * sugar melts into the desired coat- Lzura Wheeler Captures Spring in Easy Chair Set % cup milk ing. Waffles and pancakes may be . , . : 1 hole b hred b glazed this way, too. . tap » ole bran shreds or ran Brown rice requires longer 1 id dir cooking than white rice. It is done . 234 cht Sons double-acting bak. ° if it is very soft when pressed on, er pi Relng hn with a fork. It is often advisable a Mon, . to soak. brown rice overnight in "8 EN ring NH Pajer and then cook in the same 1 egy, ie vio Waker, 3 tablespoons melted butter or SR other shortening Joy Pour milk over bran and_ let w, «. stand 6 BIE Sift flour_once, 'er i} robbie ae or ~ measure, add baking powder, salt, St mach 1 Hy quiet roo is dear * and sugar, and sift again, Add egg Yaihiiiant ' a and shortening to bran mixture as of a> world's com and mix well, 'Add flour, beating ' only enough to dampen all flour. The: books a the colors in -Baks in greased muffin or gem + 2 pans in hot oven (425 deg. I.) 26 The binteionset ve gathered 2 the to 30 minutes, Makes 12 muffins, Looking up from a well-loved page - : 1 mark 1 WW ¥ li) All these; I think of the wide and, ) fertile dark . MEN: LOVE Spe. 2 Beyond "the walls ~~ the cities,- 3 hills and fields-- GIRLS WITH Oh, lovely, inexhaustible ecarth, : © COPA. 13h, NEEOLECRAFT SERVICE, INC. es Ba men will ; that yields . a = "Even to my clumsy touch and sight - CEO TD Cha SET men BUT ma ar ntareied. Mt fo This subtle, chosen pattern of de- : va 5 or SH Ee JH ahead of time with this narcissus chair set! + It will {Ark your drogglet PARKER HOUSE ROLLS 2 cups sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons double-acting bak- ing powder 15 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter or other shortening 2/3 cup milk Sift flour once, measure, dd By the simple expedient of ver. bal divorce King Ibn Saud of Sau- di Arabia, whose religion permits only four 'wives, has achieved a turnover 'of 250 spouses two tra- vellers reported at New York last week, Sa It was the fashion in Elizabeth. conservatism "of Britain mere drop" 6n gloves will leave * Married 250 Times -- rer "Urges Canada' To Create Its Own Fashions Former Designer For Reville Sees Opportunity For Dis. tinelive Styles -- Canadian - Women Very Clothes- Con- scious, - Canada suffers an inferiority complex as far- as leadership in fashions fis concerned, according to Charles Hayden, until recently de- signer for Reville, English Uress- makers for Queen Mary and Prin- cesg Helene Vietoria. Mr, Hayden recently visited Toronto. {tgives | ~Canadian women are Immeasur- ably clothes conscious," he said. "1 don't know that | have ever been "in any city of comparable size in which women were so clotties-con- scious. You are bang up to the mo- ment, but why, oh why, do you fol- low London, Paris, New York?" Canada has a marvellous oppor- tunity of developing a distinctivo fashion centre of its own, he said. Why Follow Paris, New York? "You are situated next door to a new country and in your blood you - you should be able to produce some- thing entirely acceptable," he said, "A combination of two ideas -- the and the smart novelty and dress of Ameri. ca. Why don't you start at least with designing and manufacturing your own accessories? _You are so well dressed it's a. great pity you yourselves do not create." Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Speedy Relief Here Is a clean stainless pénefrating ant- septic now dispehsed by chemists at trifling cost, that will bring you speedy relief from the itching and distress of Eczema, Itching Toes and Feel, Rashes and skin tropbles. ot only do¢s this great it icaling antiseptic oil promote rapid and- heal ealing in en sores and wounds, but boils and sf ple cers ahay are Quickly relieved and Sleanly Eczema wf instantly stopped; the eruptions scale off, in a A very few days. true - of - Barbe, iy teh, Salt Rheum and other skin eruption: You can obtain Moone's Emerald Oil (full strength) at any modern drug slore. . ~ Here's Quick Relief from Their DISTRESS! Rub soothing, warming Musterole well into your chest and throat, Musterole is NOT just a salve, It's a_%counter-irritant" containin old-fashioned cold remedies, oil o mustard, and other valuable met: ente, In, a clean white ointment. That's why it gets such fine results hema than the o}d-fashioned mus. laster, Mus gle penetrates, have British conservatism and so - & i$] tebing of ---------------- fF millions for80 tion oh pain. Used b by many doe-- years. mmend Tor fs aud ny Pyle. Made in {imads, in and ar Strength," Oren s fit) Baer ig All druggists, on Eh warms and soothes, help- (CE V Ielleving ocal conges- baking powder "ANd salt and sift again.._Cut_in_shortening. Add milk all at once and stir carefully unt# all flour is dampened. Then - sti» vigorously until mixture forms a soft dough and follows spoon around bowl. Turn out immedia- tely on well-floured board and knead lightly 2 to 3 minutes. Roll 34 inch thick. Cut with floured 2- inch biscuit cutter. Fold double and press edges together lightly. Place close together in greased loaf pan; brush tops with melted butter, Cover and let rise in warm place 20 minutes. Bake in hot oven (425 deg. F.) 10 minutes; biush with melted butter and bake b to 10 minutes longer. Remove from oven and brush with butter. Makes 16 rolls. For a larger voll, roll dough % inch thick; e cut with :3-inch cutter. EXPECTANT MOTHERS XPECTANT mothers who are | nauseated, 'weak, nervous, can't sleep or eat, should take Dr, Pierce's Favor- ite Fraseription. It tones the female or- gans, calms the neryes, improves di- estion and. stimu: » i ates the "appetite." - Mes. Sadie Everitt, 18 McDonald St, St. Cathe tines, says: "Before my baby came I was not feel. ing (i all, my stomach troubled me and everything I ate seemed to nausests me. I was quite pervous, thete was a heavy feeling across and I felt tired out. After 1 vied Dr. Avorits Prescription 1 felt like a dif. ferent person, 1 had no further discomfort." for Dri Pierce's te todey- Prescription fa liquid or tablets, Pad They said the king can elimin- ate _a wife with: the-words> "thou - "art divorced." He has used the formula frequently, always ar- ranging, however, to take care of the divorced wife. He has -61 ors. * " Snow Service - When heavy snow falls, a gro- cer of Jackson, Wyoming, makes 'his deliveries in a truck equipped with a snow plow. "Thus custom. ers have. driveways cleared free, YOUR BABY Ai For FRER sample and booklet "Hints to Mothers" write. John Steedman & Co., Depl. 19, 142 St, Gabriel St. SDMAN' 68N GPST MANS RR FR iywbe! 54 ¢4¢h Dacha, children--29 sons and 22 daught- .- Is the Ideal sweetener on your moging aC TRY i OMORROW Tose No. 9-39 -C r

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