Of Democracy % Academically L. Thomas Hopkins of Columbus University told the American As- sociation of School Administrators last week that "too many school men" are merely "academic believ- erg in democracy." "The trouble fs that. when* a Lic erisis arrives . . . theiracademic interest will not stand up under fire: and they'll sell thie schools down the river to Fascism or what. ever Is the Ism of the moment," sald Hopkins, professor of educa. tion at Columbia's teachers college, In his prepared address, © + Put More Into Schools - "The only hope for democracy in this country," he declared, "is to' get more of it in the schools than exists at present. Cbildren must lve it. If they don't we're sunk. "Let's have less academlc talk REIT . F . 3 * oN : H rr, 4 he EN x2 a RAE rh b hs 3 MLE AA a " \ t \ A) - { -- . i. I... ei ees a, ---- -- rr ha -- -- Ae News NEAR EXPLOSION POINT: The internationally famous woman journalist Paula LeCler who has .just returned from a two-month. tour of 'England, France, Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic States says that a war crisis. more intense than that. preceding the Munich "peace" will\ break over Eurdpe F< this monttror early -in-Apeil-Only-- a miracle, she claims, will prevent the outbreak of: actual hostilities this time, ; An interesting observation: "Po- "land holds the: balance of power "in this. delicate European situa- tion. Lying as it does between two great dictatorships. Poland has made it clear that while it wishes to be neutral, it will fight any power that touches an inch of its territory." 0--o + v VOICE OF WANTED--MORE PEOPLE Everybody talks about solutions ot the railway problem, but every- most obvious one; more population ~Toronto Saturday Night. BEAVERS, BEWARE! "It is evident that, given a real chance, beaver will soon have so multiplied in the province that a 1 profitable trapping indus again be possible---Sault Star. fori wnt ; EVER TRY THIS? We oftén- wonder if those peo- sand miles of unprotected frontier have ever tried to argue with a customs officer,-- Hamilton Specta- tor, EIGHT PER CENT INDIGENT body avoids the discussion of the rye eill ple who talk about our threé thou. FARM INSURANCE 'Attorney-General Conant = has been pointing gut that if it were not for the farmers' mutual fire insurance companies, which offer Professor at Columbia "U"" Parade : THE PRESS much-reduced rates, it -would be : Finds Many Only Back It By Elizabeth Eedy i almost impossible for many farme ers to furnish protection for their properties. When it is known that these companies now carry a to- tal of $62,000,000 business in On- tario, their popularity with people living in rural districts may be ap- preciated. -- Brockville Recorder and Times, 1 Bathing In a high sed at.Great I>. van Huyssteen lokt "his falee returned -to him by '0 youug man who found them on the beach, ------------rem--pdaan 2 4 £ } Germany supplied nearly nine. tenths of the tools shipped Into. 1taly last year, * ACHING Brak River, South Africa, Rev: D, eet. For uayy ater tie set -was trp a pont end at se ti #0: | oe NEw por, A vm tr | CARMA SRE : mmr | COLDS meeting is a beautiful 'example of | the democracies it is that Eugenio | where the man ABOVE is s Co Tki i in will Ww iffe ; ; BT - : RY . % een walking the King and Queen will walk . but in a different atmosphere. T 3 : . hind the thousands of words that are be- | Cardinal Pacelli has-been chosen It's a picture taken at the entrance to The Citadel, residence of the lieutenant-governor of Quebec, where their Thies 3 aboc tight per cent of Relieve Their DISTRESS a ing sald in support of democracy ag the new Pope Pius XII over the bly Tol 104 wil stay temporarily while visiting Canada this summer. The heaviest snowfall in Quebec city ina | . poi t t 2 p Dos This Easy, Quick Way! 3 without anything being done about | protests of Fascist powers in Eu- uarter century made the walks mere canyons instead of the vantage points to gaze around the historic fort ean % a fesoprces,.-- Don't take chances. Rub on sooth- 3 He Sots, Oficial Sariany Aes that they usually wre... 3 > : c= TR A an ing, warming Musterole. Relief ) - : - : : - quickly follows. . és 4 sulk nce. (As. Papal Secre- GREATER OPPORTUNITY Mustercle gets such fine results . The New Pope -- Pius XII tary' of State --Carainat-- Pace Blamed For Breath Trucks Market. The old narrow trails where two because it's NOT just a salve, It's a HL, Shown here in: the robes of his ~~ fornter-office_as Papal Secretary of State is the new head of the "- Roman Catholic. Church -- Pope "Pius XII - . First Day At ~ Your First Job "Take Your Time And Don't Expect Too Much Most people feel pretty small their first'day at work. : Buta. little forethought helps. .a lot; Make a new resolution before you set off, fii tothe Don't-eling-limpet {: DOR iHIg ig had been solidly behind Pope Pius XI in his denunciation of Nazi ac- the relatively young and virile Pius XII it seems that the Church is about to abandon its policy of more or less passive resistance Power Commission of Ontario, re- of Hydro services in Ontario hav- --ing reached. the saturation point didn't strike us as being quite sound. We thought of all the farm houses and buildings we knew of which are still lighted by kerosene lamps and lanterns, The: Owen Sound Sun-Times, The Stratford Beacon-Herald and the Windsor Daily Star have taken Mr, Houck up on it, we are glad to report. It is pointed out that 'there are plenty of areas in. rural Ontario not yet completely ser- viced by Hydro; there are many districts untapped, or just touch ed, by powerline developments. + The Windsor Star suggests that __ Mr. Houck go up and take a look around the farms in Dufferin, - Wellington, Grey, Simcoe, Bruce --apd Huron counties: In--conelu- sion: "There are thousands of On- tario farmers who still want Hy-_ dro, if it is made available to them and they can pay for it." . | 0o--o REJECTED" DRIVERS: The De- partment of Highways informs us that 23 per cent. of the people who undergo tests for drivers' li- "censes in the province are turned _..down.by the-examiner, for reas- ~ ons of inability to operate. the "vehicle siiccessfully, physical han- dicaps, criminal offenses involving motor vehicles, mental incompet- ence, Hay Bares A Now' the Ontario Motor League proposes that all motorists pass eyesight tests before being allow- ed to drive. = : ~ Of Another Man Meeting Is Looked At As- kance By Congregation Who Smell Liquor. and was so tired that he fell asleep _at a church meeting. - He (the respectablieitizen).went to the church meeting one .night "Tast week and sat down in ong of 'the rear seats, Another man, a m~mber of the same church, came . in and seated himself beside the sleeper. The 'trouble was that the - second man- had been drinking -- «and had sense enough not to show it. Tongues Set Wagging But he did smell of alcohol. And the combination of the odor awd the sleeping form of the respect. able cltizen- was ecrdugh to set "tongues wagging. . Women passed by with scornful looks and: muttered rel:kes. One, of thém stopped and spoke to the man who had been drinking, . - "Isn't It disgusting?" she said In dignantly.. "™1 church of all "places!" -- ili T-- Knows Nothing 'About-it The man who had been drinkirg never so much as smiled. He turn- ". his head when he answered the lady and agreed that the wholé. thing was shameful. these days,:un- known to tl man who fell asleer He, respectable _ citizen, knows nothing of the inci: dent other than that -he-dozed oft -for a moment or two at a church meeting." : Short-tailed field or pine mice are causing severe damage to ap- ple trees in Annapolif Valley dis- trict, N.S.--Orchardists in some sections estimated from 25 6to 650 "Marc 24--Mar--23-and Mav, 20 if PUCK CANADIAN AMATEUR HOCKEY Playdowns for this season in Ca- radian Amateur Hockey (Eastern 16, Mar, 18; . " at Ottawa and District AHA, necessary. Winner of "A" ¢ i (2 out of 3 series)---at Ottawa and District Mar. 25 and Mar. 27; at 'O.H.\, Mar. 27 or Mar. 29 or Mar. 31 if necessary. C--Eastern Final (2 out of 3 series) --at Winner "B" Mar, 29, or Mar. 31 or Apr. 3; at Quebec AULA, Mar. 31, or Apr. 5, or Apr. Ooand Apr. Tif ne es- sary... Junior Series i A--- Ottawa and Diteice AHA vs. Maritimes ALtLA---at Maori- times, Mar, 21, Mar. 23 and Mar, 25 if necessary. : STTiTE Tv, ALA. Marna. To from June i8 to-Dee-24, 1938, an_ Farm Produce riculture has estimated that 90 per cent. of Ontario-grown farm produce reaches market by motor truck. Highways, he said, had Referring ta such highway ship- ments, Mr. Dewan méntioned the feuit and vegetable station at Gra- urst, inspected 4,098 trucks J "with produce north-bound increase of 46 per cent. over the previous year. "Some 443 loads of apples, 193 toads of other products, 414 tons of produce in all were held for reeonditioning," -he said. More than 2,000,000 Italians and 100,000 Germans are now living in Argentina, --all games at. Quebeg AJLAL with same dales. Sig __ C--Winner of "B" Series vs. OHA, pg Outawa--and District - or liding, notes a cynic, are happily - -- Kitchener Record. LOST ITS CHIEF ASSET is stripped of bush. St. Journal Argus. Marys rs could barely pass without-cot=-- "counter-irritant'" -- easing, warn- "ing, stimulafing and penetrating -- nurses. Made in Canada, in three atfengths: Regular Strength, Chil- dren's (mild), and Extra Strong. Approved by Good Housekeeping - ' So tongues are wagging in Sarnia | "2 B--Winner of TX Quebec AJLA. ta 4H" _Ottawa---and- District wins "A" Series--at Quebee AJLA. Mar, 28; 7 Ss at Ottawa and District Mar. 307 and April 1 if necessary. "If" M.A.H.A. wins "A" Series Quebee AH.A, wins "B" Series-- at Ottawa and District o. Quebee AHA. April 3, and at O.HLA. Apr. b and Apr, T if necessary. "If Maritimes. ALA, wins "B" Series--all games at O. same dates, . U.S. people who befriend you. Because you are sure to be sorry after. © wards it you get too confidential right away. Don't plan always to " have lunches with your first-day friend, : Don't grumble. about the cloak- room or office, saying you're used to very different goings-on at home, = 0--0 RUMOR DEPARTMENT (not to be. depended on, of course): It is "whispered: that instead of a long parliamentary session lasting.well on info the middle of the summer, House of Commons proceedings * at Ottawa may be cut short soon after the visit' of the King and * per cent. of thier frees damaged. Lucknow Man = Grows Lemons And Oranges A greenhouse at Lucknow, Sesser Orit you are impressed; don't give away that you never éxpecled any- thing so grand. . = Don't join office_clubs till you've- had a chance to find out if you'd enjoy them. Don't go gay. your. first week. Have early bedtimes; you'll be tired. ? It you concentrate and get the people and thie' building typed then you're free to learn the job. You're Chain Letters Give. , P.O. Much Trouble Quean,-ahd-an_early_clettion call ~ed, probably for September. Balloon Blockade Protects Germany The German air force has plac- ¢d hundreds of balloons on cables N\ Motorized troops have been in training to inflate and send the balloons thousands of yards * into the -air in_a few minutes when an alarm is given. Two motor uiflts Ont, has a Temonr=tres- which about twelve inches fn circum. ference: Tlrere are three or four smaller size lemons on this hot- house tree. It is in a pot and is less than- three feet high." An orange tree is also producing small oranges this year, one has matured and ripened. Another has one lemon on it measuring | RON STi Lieut. I.. A. Cowles, of the Flier Crashes Into Barn Near Parkhill, Ont. _ 1 U.S.. Army Air Corps, was instantly killed PACKAGE 1B. TIN 55¢ 7 RCV MERCER I-18 51 fie = ~ = By L. Frank Baum _ olsoin23%Tins By Fred Neher a \ ¢ y ) - ) helpful in quickly relieving local con- y tivities against the Catholic CHASERS being replaced by splendid wide i i Ing local con ) ane . Church), _.._. : © pre' v i The Provincial Minister of Ag highways on which six or eight © Used by millions for 30 years. . "1" "Now, under the leadership of | Sarnia Citizen Asleep In Church NEWS OF O.H.A. DOINGS | Ay Drevin sor plane cars can collide at the same time, Recommended by many doctors and and launch a major push all along -- . } Section) have been arranged as |' changed shipping and marketing About .60 years ago, a 50-acre Bureau. All druggists, 40¢ each, 3 the ecclesiastical front. Rumor has it that one of Sarnia's follows: racthods to "a degree "never | farm in an Ontario township was « On. ) most 1 spectable citizens is being Senior-Series dreamed of by the people of two cold for $2,2003 last week it was \t RURAL HYDRO: The statement | Slandered these days. Tt all hav- [2 y" gtrawa and District AJA. | generations ago--indeed never [ sold for 3625. The explanation that Hon. W. L. Houck, vice- pened because the respectable citi- (3 out of H series) ve. Maritintes anticipated by our own parents." lies partly in the fact that it was ) chairman of the Hydra-Electric zen had been working late at night ALA. --at Maritimes _ Murketing Methods Changed once all hardwood, while today it ' p! curio Is a fig tree that bore frult when his Seversky pursuit plane crashed into a barn near Parkhill, Ont., SRE bi bound to make mistakes, but the around cities and industrial cen- but ft dropped oft before ripen- killing two horses, a cow and 70 chickens. "Lieut, Cowles is thought to - right, 1998, by Fred Neber) mm i" manager too probably did some tres of the Reich and established' ing. . have become lost in a dense fog and crashed when his gasoline supply a : py . } day. i silly things when he was seven: & new. "blockade" division to man became exhausted, . - Have a cigar, Monty--we ve got a new daddy up at our house to-day. A teen, Best way is to laugh-them |} this new defence system in case of - fete i rE off. : air attacks, . N ; 3 Ty are assigned to each balloon. The ht BRANTFORD, Ont.-- The chain | troops have been in txaining for N letter has become epldemic "here | these special duties for Wonths.. n once more, The missives are ar- b . riving at the post office in large Each balloon is a unit in the German system. A plan of sus- . numbers and 'are causing No | pending nets from cables was dis- (5:03 amount of inconvenience due to.the carded as impractical. i - fact that a substantial number of \ In Stagger Formation A the letters bear. insufficient postage The balloons are staggered, so ] * --one: cent instead of two. Somo of the letters are of" tha prayer variety, while the others are 'captioned "good luck." When the "linky" epistles bear insufficient postage the recelver bas to pay double the deficiency that it would be almost impossible for. an aviator to éscape all of them over.a given point. Some of them'are-to be sent up as high as 82,000 feet, others to lower altitudes. 2 "Oh, thank you very. much," ald (he They had coh traveling but a short time So alle ntly did they move. thdt rsobn they © Plans have been made in this after leaving the Kangaroo, when they saw, through the windows of the houses, "But my hands Wil get an sun-buriied Kangaroo "Are you going to Fuddlecum- a amount and many of the letters - " . "Yes replied Doroth "how far spled a group of very pretty houses, stand. people moving around, while others were are, In consequence, refused ay for protecting all siartegie nse Dorothy, RL veard i: 1?" "Just > little aya sald the Ing in a green field a short distance ahend passing to and ro in the yards between id : \ \ id EP sab points, Comparatively few bal- y of a Kangaroo that wors mittens. never," Kangaroo, "but you'd better go quietly of them, Beautiful trees surrounded these the buildings, They gecmed much like - AR : ----. "| loons are needed for such points Lf aphateh ATRL Aer dn YOu: whe Rou got lors fo lil 'by asked Rouscs hud our friends sould, seo nothing pier Peon gmt We aire Af 4 "BN : - Lad - . N > " A » : x RL, , A BI 0, ou, It out o e ordinary in [H . I) Nei | et 53 - Gloves fitted with a tiny elec. as bridges, power works, dams and i ver thre wan he answer, saat 1 Ty Fr) the nt sald the AEA oo lowing the Rangaroos advice, they got party of our friends. They had almost i . a r A mote St ts arch So J ihe mitnuping Wasco spfUncig snip. Ju, ns Sale, at, ig Ses atu min oul 0610, AKAD, A SHIEH hiatus stand at he rand of Be tose sed by = - - . . v 1 = = e J J A keyhole in the dark, are being -'are more difficult to attack from Od A aca Far you. The Wisard while ihe others proceeded on their Jour! of hoses "Ie vers quiet," whispered the barked loudly at ft. {nstantly & clatter ta IN : made in Britain, the air, 3 found thom." . "ney, , 27 Wizard, a % was heard from the house and yards. vo Laat . ? hE § : yen ¢