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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Mar 1939, p. 4

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Sd ee a, oo RIT gies AACS wet Sriram WE Ba 0 It de if » = 3¥iy 3 Yoreah nos of A pa RR or] \ PORT PERRY, ( ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16th, 1939 St. Patricks Supper The Ladies' Ald of St. Johr's Pres- byterian Church, Port Perry, will hold the Annual St. Patrick's Supper on March 17th. Mrs. Vernon Rowe's (Kathléen Leask) Glee Club of- Forty voices, of Whitby will present a varied program of vocal selections, 1eadings, ete. Adults, 40¢., Children 25¢. Mr. Norman Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart were In Litdsay on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Medd, Szagrave, :.celebrated their 67th weddirg anni: versary on Wednesday, Marcel 15th. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Beacock visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey on Sun- day. Miss Betty Cawker was in Toronto oevr the week-end. " The latest report received about Mr. Cecil Beare, is that he is improving. Sorry to hear Clarence Beare has has teen sick for a week at home. Mr. Harvey McCulloch has returned to Uxbridge after spending t two 'weeks at Cricklewood Lodge. Mr. A. Fincham, of Toronto, was in town visiting friends recently. Mr. and' Mrs. Herman Midgley of Oshawa, weirs in town on Monday. Pauline Beacock who has been visit: ing her aunt Mrs. G. Jeffrey, has re- _ turned to her new home at Greenbank. Sorry to hear that Miss Patricia L. Palmer injured her hand badly last week. Miss J.-H. Smyth and Miss H. M. Thompson, of Belleville, visited the former's brother, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth "at the parsonage over the weck-end. ---Mrs. Leonard Colbear has returned home from Hamilton. Mr. C. C. Jeffrey was in Toronto on Sunday to hear Rev. J. McCcombe, of New York, at the Metropolitan Church. * ) Sorry to hear Mrs. Fred Beare is on "the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMillan and gon were visiting friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Shaan. have. moyed "into the house lately" occupied: by" Mrs: Thomas Brent. Mrs. Wm. Cook is visiting her daughter in Toronto this week. Mr. Geo. McKay is back on the job again after a few holidays. "Glad to hear Mrs. Alexander is re- covering from her recent illness. =' Port Perry Juveniles won the hockey ~game here on Monday higlit from Mid- 'land, the score being 4-3. Mr. and Mrs, Toncheff now live in Mrs. Bruce's house opposite the Bow!l- ing Green. - The Lions Club had a splendid meet- ing-on~Eyjday. Mr. E. -A. O'Neil, % Principal of Oshawa Collegiate and] Vocational School, was the guest speaker. His address was enjoyed. We were very pleased to see Mr. Jack Collacutt in town on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Colla- cutt. Jack is now living in Portland, ----- Oregon, where he is the Editor of a -- Civil~ Servite organ--for--the--State r "| batigiet at the Sebert-House on-W OLD PEOPLE 0 BE ENTER- TAINED AT OSHAWA Old people resident in Port Perry and District, will be pleased to learn' that they are to EY a drtaiped again this year, on Easter Monday, at ai dinner which is bei ing 'sponsored by al group of business and professional men of Oshawa. A Held for the flist time last year, this function, atterded by one hundred | old people from tke Southern part of | the County of Ontario, attracted £80 muéh favorabel interest and wide- i spread attention, taat the same group' again, and:nvitation to atterid are now being extended to all old people in this district who have attained the age of nipety (90) years, The event takes place in the Gen- osha Hotel, Oshawa, on Kaster Mon- day, commencing at 12,30 noon, April 10th, and the friends of all old people of the above age are cordially invited to communicate at once with the Secretary, R. B. Faith, Geposha Hotel, Oshawa, in order that invitations may bggsent out in the regular way. sop | Business Men Meet Some fifty or more of the Business Men of Port Perry enjoyed the annual odd of sponsors have decided to.: hold it' "THEATRE FREE Pheoe- Parking OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED 1011 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, "MARCH 16-17-18 2 "The Little Princess starring > "SHIRLEY TEMPLE, Richard Greene, Anita Loulse. A- great classic in glorious Technicolor. ADDED--Cartoon "FROZEN FEET" REVIVAL Friday, at 10,45 p.m. " "IN OLD CHICAGO" with Tyrone Power, Alice Faye, Don. Ameche. _-- Monday-Tuesday, MARCH 20.21 o Louis Blues nesday evening of this week. A pleasing supper was provided by Mine Host John Weir. At the conclusion of the supper the Port Perry Male Quartette entertained the members of the Association with a trio of songs, which were well re- ceived and on motion of Messrs. Mac- Gregor and M. A. Gerrow, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the quartet--Messrs, Floyd Huglies, Fred and Frank Densham, and George Mec- Kay. The Association then began its busi- ness session, with Mr. A. M. Lawrence, President, in charge. Secretary Manning read the minutes of -previous meetings. in the report "it was statéd that the membership of the Association no wstands at eighty. The reading of the minutes revealed the work of the Association, and the report of .the Secretary-Treasurer, (which appeared in the Star.a few weeks ago), showed a - substantial bank balance. President A.M. Lawrence tlien gave a brief, but most helpful address upon the workings of the Association. "He referred to the Constitution and By- Laws, which he dasignated as a mile- stone of progress-inzthe-history-of-the Association, ~~ Civic Holiday Sports Day next came in for consideration. He stated that the effort had been well worth while. He pointed out the need, however, of greater interest on the part of the members, particularly by the younger men. - A member should do all in his power to give practical help in carrying "out the sports day program. Mr. Lawrence spoke of the Christ- mas Fair and Santa Claus Fund which proved to be a good move in promoting good will in the community. The pro- ject did one other good- thing--it united the efforts of the Association, the Lions Club, and the Council. "Regular meetings of the *Association | were advocated, at leash once in two} with Dorothy Lamour, Lloyd Nolan. ~~, B Thurs; Friday, Saturday, MARCH 22-23-24-25 [11 pr - J Gunga Din starring Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Wed, Mr. Bowes acknowledged the value "| of the support of the Assoeiation in his effort to secure improvements in Port - Perry. -- That - co-operation has made matters much more simple, Community effort pays. ~ Mr. Jemison brought up the idea of financial backing for plans for town BT. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Bimpson, Minister. Sunday School at 2 pam, "Public Worship at 7 p.m, Everybe y 'welcome. CHURCH OF THR ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, March 19-Mothering Dey. --§ pm~Sunday School: 7 p.m,--Evensong and seriion. Wednesday, March 22nd 8 .p.m.--Shortened Evensong and address. Sunday, March 26th p.m. --Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. "PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m,--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Lenten Sermon--"Christ not Embittered." 7 p.m.--Boys' and Young Men's Ser- vice. Mr. Ivan Dusty, member of the Boys' Parliament, will speak. "PLUEBIRD Md Note Every" A insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry ALL FIRE-'ARMS MUST BE -RE- REGISTERED The Hon. G. D. Conant, Attorney- General, has stated that the Govern- ment purposes re-registering all fire- arms. - There are hundreds of people who are in possession of revolvers as well as Trifles, shot-guns, ete, who have not registered the same. Hold- up men, burglars and other lawless men have guns in their possession' that '| have not been registered. Any per- son who has a fire-arm that is not registered, is subject to a fine as well as having his gun confiscated: Strand Theaire 'UXBRIDGE "Your Neighborhood Theatre" Thurs., Fri, L Saturday CI Rosemary La Valee, in so will yous=A great comedy musical. Also " "PLAYING WITH. DANGER" LE Mon, Tues.; Wed., March 20-21-22 _{ Lionel Stander and Harold Lloyd, in I'd MH "PROFESSOR BEWARE" It's a-scream--A pure comedy. * and COMEDIES Thurs., Fri, Sat, (Next Week) Dick Foran, in - "EMPTY HOLSTERS" Coming Soonl--*"JEZABEL" This Week) |B "GOLD DIGGERS OF PARIS" } 50 million Frenchmen got a thrill--and ti "LAWRENCE'S oe -- NEWS | (You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) Blood purifier ~ and tonic. "Improves the tit i appetite and gives RI ¢ intestinal tone, 5 Tablets Af. : 5 i ALKA SELTZER .........20c, Sic. .Norval's BAYER'S ASPIRIN, ..22c., 39¢., 98¢, iron and Yeast ' Metris ; : : KRUSCHEN SALTS, (giant size) 69 Tablets giant giz0) 6%, ENO'S FRUIT BALT GRAY'S BALM BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE .. A4T¢., "19¢. 39¢,, 69¢. GA RUSSIAN OIL, ....quart 89¢, .40¢., 75¢. widely used farm. buildings. Easy to put on, permanent, fire. Fastern § PRESTON ONT sac, OYSTER SUPPER Watch for bills of Oyster Supper' to be held ata Manchester, Wednesday, March 29th, under the auspices of the improvement, .and Reeve. Letcher.as- sured the Association that the Council would stand behind well thought-out plans-to help Port Perry. Upon motion of Mr. M. Gerrow, se- conded by Mr. Letcher, it was decided to hold regular meetings of the Asso- ciation on the third Thursday evening of each month, Mr. Gerrow sugegsted that the mat. "Constable St." John informs us he hast he forms and will be glad to make registrations for the residents of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog. TWO-ROWED BARLEY SEED on contract can be had at the Myrtle Station Elevator. Please order now for Women's Association of - the" United Church, followed by a good program. A play given by a number of High School students, "Ici -on* Parle Fran- cais" (Here one Speaks French); also. a good musical program. 'DON'T, FORGET MARCH 28th. Come. and eno} 3 an afternoon with xpert, in the tor of an "Old Home Week" might | well be considered. : Pp A Phone Elwood Masters, agent for CH. 1 H. Goode, Phone Port Perry 120 r 5, "or Brooklin 3317. Re BUY MOTOR PLATES BY MARCH 31st. Ontario motorists are warned by Attorney-General Conant that all 1839 registration plates must be purchased on or before March 31st. The Provincial Police have been in- structed: to make a survey of the registration situation as it obtains at present to keep a close check on it throughout March, and to stand ready at .the end of the month to launch prosecutions wherever 'directed. Any motorist who is caught driving a motor vehicle on his 1938 markers after March 31st, will be prosecuted. mar30 NOTICE" is hereby 'given that all arrears ot 1938 taxes on lands in this municipal- ity will be returfied to the County "| Treasurer on April 7th, next, in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Assessment Act, and that on and after Port Perry Onited Church basement blue finest anthracite -- be your guid Fs give F. E. REESOR 'blue THE For BETTER op ed by Celi HEATING Let this overwhelming preference for 'blue coal'-- the world's : e to better heating. "blue coal' ou a standard of heating satisfaction and value that has won the confidence of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners: Oder a fon of "blue coal today - - Phones 73j and 73w PORT PERRY, ONT. coal™ MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT ~~ CARD OF THANKS The undersigned wishes to express sincere thanks to his friends and neighbours for their kindly. assistance curing his illness, and at the tme of his sale. T. E. Philp, Prince Albert. that date .all payments on ac t of such arrears will be required to be madé to said County Treasurer at Whitby. -Notice is further given that arrears of Business taxes, Water rates, and License fées, ovordue for more than six months, at -April 7th, will be CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Miss Hazel Cockburn wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for their kind- ness and sympathy at the time of their recent and sudden sad bereavement. at 2.30 pm. ~ Refreshments served. |' 'Admission 26c. Bring a friend with you. : . PHONE 72-R-2 1S A NECESSITY-- vou CAN GET THE BEST a BERT. MacGREGOR'S WE DELIVER ) PORT PERRY FOR SALE Trailer and 4 cylinder Engine, suit- able for sawing wood and grinding grain. Apply to W. Brimacombe, Port Perry, 4 ALL YEAR INCOME selling large line-spices;- extracts, toilet requisites, stock and other farm products. Our combination offers open every door. No experience needed. Pleasant work. Steady repeat orders from old 'and new customers. A small amount puts you in business for your self: - NO months. Election of officers followed with the following results -- President, Harry Peel; 1st Vice-President, Art Jemison; 2nd Vice-President, Grant Gerrow; Secretary-Treasurer, Geo. F. Manning. The several officers were unanimous in stating that the co-operation of all Oregon. ___Messrs. Lorfie Beare, of Schumacher and Lorne Beare of Picton, were home «for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coan Mr. Russell Cockburn; Miss Potter, - Mr. The elitor spoke strongly in favour of, Morley Whalen, Miss May Cockburn, all of Toronto, were in town attending the funeral of the late Mise Hazel Cockburn, Mr. Ben Dunn is reported il the sick lst. : Mr.- George Palmer has made an __early start this spring. He has re- 'decorated hls Grocertla which looks vety attractive. ; The L.O.L: No. 223 and the AN.V.C. No, 216 have vacated their club rooms fn the Lawrence Block, and have moved in thé newly decorated club ~ rooms in the Nichol's block. These rooms are open every Wednesday night to the public for euchre. ~All painting and decorating were done by members-of the L.0.L. and A.N.V.C. Mrs, Wilkinson has return:d home after visiting friends in Torsnto: for two weeks, ' Mrs. George McMillan, of Saagrave, _.and_ Mrs. Jas. Ruddy, attended their, uncle's funeral in 'Toronto, on Tuesday. A} ' LnorHER HONOUR FOR DR. BRUCE Hon. Dr. Herbert A. Bruce, well known in Ontario County, has been appointed a non-national commissioner NETS 1] + handed to the solicitor for the muni- cipality, to be collected according to law, and as ordered by By-law No. 083 of the municipality. G. F. MANNING, mar23 i Municipal Clerk ANOTHER PROOF. "Mable says she's wildly -in love with her mew car." -Just another case of a man being fisplaesd: by machinery. " Tie on the permanent international -tri-| the members was essential to the sue= cess of the Association. . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded toi the former executive, special mention being made of the work of the Secretary. Regular meetings were discussed. the idea, and outlined a number of constructive programs. Mr. A. Brock suggested that the Deputy Minister of Game and Fisheries be invited to a conservation in Lake Scugog. Reeve Letcher spoke of the manner in which the Association can help and does help to prowote the interest of Port Perry. 'We have done good work and can do more to advertise our town. The Palmer Memorial is still being studied and money collected. : Various improvements had been made in the town during the year such water tank, acquisition of more water, front property and the possibility of, a government grart for a sea wall and filling. The tourfit camp project in! tioned. thd location for: factories. The pro- Vaughan Co, was mentioned. ' ; ES 1 Mr, Griffen's property was also men- | Midland on Wednesd Inquiries are coming in ds to| one goal on the round, [tar as they did. . bunat which UCTATS WITT be tween the United States and Albania, This honour was conferred upon him by the President of United Sttaeslast- Friday. The appointment is pursuant to the treaty of conciliation concluding the regime:of the Hon. F. B. Kellog, United States Secretary of State. The treaty between United States "and Albania provides that any dis:| putes arising between them shall be "referred to the permarient internation- banquet to discuss the matter of fish~al commission, of which Hon, D.r H. A. Bruce is made a member, when or- dinary "diplomatic negotiations, have failed. Dr. Bruce is particularly well quall- fled to discharge the @ honour conferred upon him, and his' many friends in 'Port Perry will be glad to learn that Dr. Bruce has been placed in a posi- tioti where he may continue in service to his fellow men. as the front street and lighting, a new | Last Minute News Our Lions Juveniles lost outt to ay night, by Sorry. Our boys have played good|- | position to sell the Bell Telephone Co. | clean hockey, and deserve hearty local system. to the Woodbridge= congratul aations for or getting a8} FF ACCOROTIY bd WHAT | READ HERE YOU (AN. BUY A TiRES FOR A LOT FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 100 acres of good land, with first class buildings, situated on lot 6, Con. 6, Reach Township. Apply to Ben Jones, R.R.1, Port Ferty, Phone 190 r-1-2: "feb18tf HELP WANTED x Gir} for general house work. Apply to Mrs, Roy Leask, Seagrave, Phone 1s r 82. RISK. Excellent opportunity to right -| party. 'For free details and catalogue, FAMILEX ., 570 St. y Clement, Montreal, Sn (The firm of revi & Humphreys is ST ARTHUR W.' S. GREER _ fn attandance at my Port Perry office on AN' veel HOGI SELL FOR MORE! =//$SKINNY ONE AND TH B1GC 4 ONE'S CHEAPEST 10 pUy 4) AT THAT, AvsE THERES MORE SATIN' IN Him PER Fines KAUSK 1) a Mig Rm DOLL 24 Firestone TIRES : AW have a tire for every purse. MEDONALD MOTORS Fri A SE Port Perry, Ontario ; Phones: ot i . Residence 266 .- : ag. day morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or hy appointment. Queen Street, Port--Perry, Phone 264 < Phone or drop in, and let me show you how Bray Chicks made real pid for poultrymen last year. ersonal attention, prompt delivery. WALLACE MARLOW BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO W. A. Sangster | . DENTAL SURGEON : Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Office Upstairs, 81 Insurance Eo Rope SUITS BPONGRD AND PRESSRD 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P.ROLPH .- _Upstairs, over Jemison's- Bakery ' 4 {The frm of Gresr & Humphreys Is disoived) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244; Simcoe Street Horth, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at: my Port' Perry office on Tuesday 'and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appolntrent. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone: 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL B8URGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North Side Queen Street Port Pi Phones: Office 68w, R Residence 68) DR. A. 8. BLACK oBTERINARIAN and 8 GEON the Royal Army Veterin-- pou Three years aa sutstant with English and Beoteh Veter! Phone 62 BROOKLIN Ontarlo HARDING'S ACID TREATMENT For Arthritis, Rheumatic Pains, Sciatiéa, Lumbago, Kidney Troubles, Neuritis. "oC about ft. Ask MORRISON the druggist | = ~&

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