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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Mar 1939, p. 6

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Sh - os tt ' 7 Ti, ' : \ J ob tdi wy Jhon ibs ind a ca ft to Pe SCE RAR SP What Science x |s Doing * CHEAPER X-RAYS Eight cents worth of electric 'current an hour makes z continu- ous supply of 2,250,000-volt X- . rays in a new kind of tube an- wounced from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It appears that 1,000,000-volt rays, medicine's great luxury, are about to be put within reach of ~AYEIYONL. It is small, Jess costly than any high-power tubes heretofore, It was made primarily to treat. can- cer, but with many industrial uses also planned. It is equivalent to more than all the radium now available in the world. TREES FROM CUTTINGS Discovery of a chemical treat- "ment by which fir trees can be grown from cuttings is anounced by. Prof. George B. Rigg of the University of Washington botany "department. He dips the slip in a special "growth compound" for a few minutes, sets it out in a green- house and: treats it thereafter as an ordinary seedling, Professor -' Rigg said the process worked 50 Toronto' s Giant Castle, Casa The Stone Turrets of the vast bagonial fhe "Casa Loma," rise above Toronto at the crest of a hill. with financial reverses, Sir Henry had lo part with the castle in 1923, Casa'Loma, Tock Three Years To Build . built by Sir Henry Pellatt, grand old Canadian, It took three years to build and cost nearly' 81, 500, 000. Meeting Ho mena per cent. of the time. MAY AID PARALYSIS 3 Delicate surgery on a monkey's brain nerves may roveal the path -jnfantile paralysis virus - follows into man's body. Dr. Howard A. Home, a neuro-anatomist who has been working on the problem thre¢ years at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, said his study the theory that man acquires his immunity to infantile paralysis by slight attacks which progress no further thai his olfactory bulb." The bulb is a clamp of tissue where the nerves from the nose join be- fore they enter the brain. FOR MINOR OPERATIONS A new anesthetie--**vinyl ether" -=with much shorter "recovery periods" than ordinary operating room ether has been developed. For minor operations on children or infants nothing more efcacious has been discovered. Youngsters among a group of 100 tested at Children's Hospital, Boston, began "talking -rationally". and wanted to "sit up" in two or three minutes after removal of the- anesthetic mask, 'Science Learning . From Quintuplets Doctor Declares Dionne - Girls Demonstrate Importance Of Environment _ The Dionne quintuplets are prov: Ing-to science that environment is moro important than heredity, Dr. William E. Blatz of the St. George's Behool for Child Study of Toronto told the Progressive Education As. soclation's conference in Detroit. last week. . ' "Physically and mentally they are above par," Dr. "Environment has made them what they. are, and we. are blessed to have such a fascinating -- experl- ment, It will be of inestimable use to science." Educationists heard Dr. 31. R "is to test - Blatz- said, . "SCIATICA Now Praises Kruschen When sciatica attacked this woman kix years ago, she couldn't move without great pain. Treat- ment after Mreatment failed to help her. She tried Kruschen and got quick relief, s ago, 1 suffered ter- sciatica," she writes, "lI tried everything, but to no avail. Then 1 took Kruschen Salts. The first few doses gave quick re- lief. At the end of a few wecks my sciatica had gone. Now I always ~ begin the "day with a pinch of Kruschen in a glass of water. 1 live a strenuous life, being widow- ed four years ago, and having a son to keep. I run a boarding- house, rise af 6 a.m., and retire at 11 pm. I am 62, but everyone says I look 32--thanks to -Krus- chen Salts."--(Mrs.) F.E.R. The severe pain which is char- acteristic of sciatica is often due to needle pointed uric acid crystals in the sheath of the great sciatic' nerve. Two of the ingredient salts in _Kruschen dissolve uric acid crystals. Other salts in Kruschen- help-Nature to expel these dissolv- -ed crystals through the" natural -- Gardening | channels, VINES : There is a mistaken notion that clinging vines will harm masonry. In England where houses and the churches have been so covered for centurles such an opinion Is ridie -uled: On stone or brick or stucco walls, they will do no damage and their follage keeps out oppressive heat in Summer because the wall is always in the shade. ° SWEET PEAS Sweet Peas must be planted very early, This,plant develops its ex- tensive root growth and upper vine ribly from 5 pe iT No $i Si 7 bor] pa == ----frvund's;previous record, Stoltz of Oakland, Mich, warn par- ents that mental strain is the major enemy to health and happi- ness of children today. "Lives of ¢hildren today are too crowded ------with-extra-lessons--and--their days are too Filed. 2 Iie. Sighs 8 * Dr. Stoltz said. if-it does not get Its feet well down into the soil, then, when the days turn hot, it is liable to wither and cease furnishing its daily quota of color-and fragrance. Planting directions are | simple but important. Successful garden- . ers advise a trench, dug at least a WOMAN AGED WITH | _structure when-the weather is-eoot--1 T fore are 460,234 Doy Scouts tn Great "Britain and Ireland at the close of 1038. 58,801 Scouts area. The census showed within the London The successful-ralsing of a fund. - of 250,000 pounds toward endow- ment of Imperial Headquarters of ~ the Boy. Scouts . Association was announced by the President of the General Council, H. R. II, the Duke 'of Connaught, at the Ail meet. ing in January. It may not be generally known that. the collapse last winter of the famous Honeymoon Bridge over the Niagara river produced a free library for the village of Queen- ston. When the great ice jam oc- curred, and attracted throngs of visitors, Rover Scouts of the her- oric community pitched a' tent at the scene, borrowed a stove, and sold "hot dogs." In a few hours _they netted a_ 'dy sum of. $125. And with this fund they turned (heir "den" into a library, with shelves, ™ equipment; "and at its formal open- ing displayed a selection of some 700 volumes. Books were secured from various sources, chiefly as do- nations. Rover Scouts In uniform act as librarians at stated hours. --_-- = " i Young European refugees finding asylum in English homes are being invited to join local Boy Scout © troops, or special troops In refugee camps. The Southeast Lancashire County Council Is sending Scoufs to personally invite each vouth arriving in that area to le- come a member of tho neaiest Scout unit. That no one ever "muddled through" anything to success, not- withstanding the old British tradi tion, was a declaration of. His Ex- cellency the Goverhor General, the Lord Tweedsmuir, Chief Scout for Canada, addressing the annual ban- quet of 1,200 junior Scout leaders and guests al Montreal, "I do no' believe It," stated His Excellency. "Nobody ever muddled through anything. In the Great {var we muddled at the start, ai stuck fast fn the mud. We won in the end because we had learned to use our brains better than our op- * ponents. Today's problems' will ne- --ver--be-solved -by unstable, clever | _ people with quick brains and noth: Ing else. But neither will they be solved by honest stupidity. Charac- ter is -a-most important thing in lite, but it must be illumined and directed by intelligence." Modern Etiquette BY ue, LEE * 1." Would it be proper, as an in- troduction, to say: "Mr. Marshall, this is Miss Wilson"? 2. Should the. wedding rehearsal - wedding? 3, When calling to see a friend who is ill, and one Is not permitted to see him, Is it all right to write a short message on one's card? 4. What should one say, when talking with an acquaintance, and the latter makes some statement with which one heartily disagrees? \ be held several days prior to the |] Kirkland Lake Baby Capital Gold- is not the most valuable product being produced in Kirk- land Lake, Reeve R. J. Carter, of that municipality said last week. "Of far more lasting benefit," he said, ."is its production: of young Canadians. refng >' se run hehind a few barrels-and-sacks-- Sem Wasteful Practice Improvement in seed quality is to no avail in agriculture if some producers retain the idea that the land is an "inexhaustible reservoir of plant food," W. T. G. Wiener, of Ottawa, secretary treasurer of the Canadian Seed Growers' As- sociation, said 'in an address be- - fore the Ontario Crop Improve. ment Association, - "If we continue to grow weeds by .the millions of tons annually, what hope. is there of bettering "agricultural conditions by ise of good seed alone?" He described present production' SPrACTCes as extremely "wasteful, Gk Natives bf South Africa are be- fig made aviation-conscious by giv. | ing them free' flights, . "WORTH COMING DOWN FOR!" Tolk about e grand, cool smoke! You can't beat fragrant Dixie Plug "when you, want it, --and you cut cach pipeful fresh F--- A post office inspector, on his annual round, called at the little . post office of Mudville, which was in a _grocer's shop, The slipshod way it was manag: ed surprised him. "Look here," he sald angrily to the shopkeeper-postmaster, "You're -going to hear about this when I send In my report!" . The shopkeeper disappeared be- hind the barrels, and a little while later - emerged with a. small box which contained some stamps' and coppers and two -small exercise books. He turned them toward the inspectof, - "Hered he eaid, "take your old post offige and get outs" "But, my Bdad - man," sald Mrs, Smith, dubiously, to the tramp at her door, "your story has such a hollow ring.' "Yes, ma'am. That's the _hatural result of speaking with <an empty stomach." Some "people were Visiting a "couple, and happened to mention their dog, a big mongrel, - "He's just ltke-one of the fam- ily," sald the pup's proud mistress. "Which one?" agked her hostess. Kitty: "Its five years since I last saw you. You look lots older." . 'Kate: "Really; my dear? ~~ don't think | would have recog- nized you either if it hadn't _ | been for the coat." You can't' stump film folks, They'd hired a Red Indian, tribe to glve the right background to a © Wild West picture, and wanted a - pow-wow scene, with the braves speaking thelr native tongue. RX But none of them knew it. They could only speak English. "All right," said the film man, "speak English." Then, alter thé" pow- wow, they reversed -the sound- track--and now it sounds like real Redskin; talk. Anyway, picture-goers. will take > | --and It will take-only-a-few-minutes-- How Can 1? | BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I use sheets that are too worn to be used as'bed cover: ing? A. They can be mado into pillow slips. Take the width of one out of each corner, There will be a seam -on each side which makes the hem, to finish on the sewing machine, Q. How can [ give a brilliant shine to cut glass? A. A little bluing added. to 'the soapsuds in which cut glass is to bo washed will produce a sparkling effect. Q. How can 1 take away any dis agreeable odors in the house? A.. By sprinkling ground _cinna- -mon on top of 'the range. It will leave a pleasant aroma. : Q. How can [ soften the hair? A. After washing thie hair, try adding a half cup of vinegar to the rinsing water. It will softer the hair and give it a pretty sheen, Q. How can I remove an ink stain from a carpet? . ' A, Wet the stain with sweet milk, then sprinkle on salt, Let it remain for two or three hours, and follow by washing with clear wat. er, \ For Eczema - - get Ww an original bottle of Moone's Emerald it lasts many days because it is on Re cone centrated. The very first application will give you relief--the itching of Eczema is instantly Stopped--cruptions, dry up and scale off -in a very few d aye The same is true of Itch ing Toes and Feet, Harber' 's Itch, Salt Rheum and other skin troubles, Remember that Moong's Emerald Oil is a clean, powerful, penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or leave a greasy residue, + Lomplete satisfaction or money back, > RJ . Local : Representative An established concern @ has an opening for a 2 sober, reliable man, age 35° to. 50, who is well and * favorably known in this com: munity. - Reply, giving agg. - and experience to Box 780, 310 Concourse Bldg, Toronto, Classified Advertising ~----AGENTS WANTED GRAMATHONE RECORDS * "AGENTS WANTED . IN EVERY district to. sell a product used In every hom This Is a money - - maker. 81, Post Office. BIG SPARB-TIME PROFITS, REP- 'resenting -leading Canadian, Am- erican, British publications. Dept. A., Fidelity. Circulation,-Box-100, Toronto. Box Toronto BABY CHICKS = 3 GRAMAPHOND RECORDS--10 FOR dollar, large selection, J. White. hoes 51 Victoria, Toronto. - - HAIR GuobDs WIGS, TOUPES, tions, Switches, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write - for Hlustrated catalogue. Confidens tial terms arranged. 'oronto Hume .an Halr Supply Uo. 628 abil, Toronto, JAS, RUSSELL, CHARING CROSS, .Ont., bought 164 Bray New Hamp- shire Chicks last season. Cock... erels dressed 1% to 1% pounds -each at 9 weeks and 3% yl 3% ray TT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--~WRITE for free booklet and full -particu- lars regarding. our amazingly suce cessful hyblood treatment. -I'cdi. gresd Products. Saskatoon. Sask. TRANSFORMA. -- Skin Troubles 2 ---- Highest Ia Dominion "We have, I believe, the highest birth rate .in the Dominion--38 per thousand--and one of the low- "est death rates--9 per. thousand, nN he said. With _a_ population: of 23,000 _Kirklagl Lake has twice as many. live births a"year as Niagara' Falls, of the same-popul i now. oy Hatchery, 130 "Sonn it as "read." . Street North, Hamilton, Ontario RTC ATI RTI ------------ 2 . OUT OF 164 BRAY NEW HAMP. = . DON'T SUFFER FROM. SORE OR - d Mother {fo Jaughiens oy ' Shmes. lusselh, Charing Cross Tired F Feet. Try the new Andy's on't you yawn when he stays - ve too long? He'll take the hint August, at:6 months, 82. 'pullets_ only $1. Tortoe rotiie Liniment and go. " "Daughter: "I did, and he told me what beautiful teeth | had." Low Priced Shares © were up to 70% production. Heavy™ "Fall production spells extra pro: fits Bray Hatchery, 130 ohn---- Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. "BADEN WEEKLY STARTED CHICK" Specials, Ve offer the follow. ing for immediate delivery only. Standard SEhori Pullets, == weeks, $21.9 3 weeks, $25.9 New Hananire Reds two nd | FREE--First order--only: Your money back If not satisfied. Please write to 'Andy's Salve. & Liniment Manufacturing, 101 Alexander Sty Toronto. -ORNAMENTALS tals, trees, shrubs and perennial flowers. Hardy fruits for colder "RARE AND UNUSUAL URNAMEN.. -- tal- Boasts ' LION ~New- Buildings Millions Being Spent on Federal Structures in City of Ottawa: Buildings costing $2,967,457 have been erected in Ottawa by the Dominion Government. since the first of 1935 and additional buildings now under construction will cost $4,046,600, according to a return tabled in the House of Commons in answer to A. B. Hyndman, Conservative, Carleton. New Supreme Court Edifice Cost of the new Supreme Court _Building, including terraces, is estimated "at $3,360,000 and. the --. hew city post office building $686,- "500. = Buildings already ciected since the first of 1935; Justice Building, 81,365,811; postal terminal, $886,- 025; Royal Canadian Mint Refin- 'ery, $459,088; tailing disposal building; $24,860; industrial min- erals and ceramics laboratory, AE ore dressing laboratory, 98,887, Ed re, 'Many... people... were given first. aid treatment when 120,000 pack- ed Ibrox Stadium -in Glasgow, Scotland, for a fottball game, the attendance being 26,000 above the ---------------- Cuba shipped nearly three tines £8 much tobacco to Spaif last year as in 1937. foot deep, filled within two inches of the top with rich =oil, mixed up -- with --well--rotted manure or old" leaves. Seed {is planted just as early in the spring as possible, about an inch or two deep. Ralns will wash more soil into the trench, tilling it up gradually and. thus adding furth- er to root growth, When the upper plant starts to dovelop it will be necessary to sup- ply some climbing support in the form~of brush, strings or chicken . Wire, VEGETABLES The smaller the amount of space avallable for vegetables, the more intensive should be the production., For very. small vegetables like lettuce and radish; the rows 12 ins. apart will be sufficient, ~Beets, beans, carrots, peas and spinach need at least 15 inches between, while potatoes, corn and staked to- matoes must have a couple of feet or thirty inches. Space may be sav. ed with the latter type if something quick maturing such as lettuce, and spinach are "planted in between, The bigger thihgs will not need the full room at first and by the time™ they do, the early crops will be out of the way, ¥ Tender vegetables aro those that are grown quickly, therefore --the* ~ experts force theirs along with a chemical fertilizer, cultivation and, it possible, water. ' Go Isn't ive privilege of a guest to stay out of gome .game at a par- "ty When he tliinks the ganie is too; childish and silly? 6. Is it permissable to use one's handkelchief at the table? Answers: = - 1. Reverse the names. The man should be presented to the woman, Say:. "Miss Wilson, thls is - Mr. Marshall," 2, -No; it Is customary to Hi%s the rehearsal the day or evening preceding the wedding. 3. Yes. 4. Merely say: "No. 1 do not ag- ree with you. I think, ete." How- ever, ono should do this pleasantly and avoid provoking an argument, 6. No. If a guest cannot enter with zest into_all the games, he should not go to the party; nor will-he be very popular. 6. Yes, If necessary, but it should be. used as inconspicuously as is possible. [An olvll aviation "activities in Rumania have been placed under cofitrol of the Ministry of Air and Marine, : pi ana-more than either Brantford with its 30,- -000 population, or Kingston: with "28,000, Mr. Carter said, Canadian« National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the week end- ing February 28, 193% were $3,- 647,323, as compared with $3,- 622,202, for the corresponding * period of 1038, o decrease of §74, 879. BRITISH FAMILIES ~ We are prepared to advance passage money (without fr « terest or other charges) 1 British Pecple, destin og 0 bring out to Canada their wives, families, relatives or i friendss Apply for particulars, £0 nearest Steamship agent or to BRITISH DOMINIONS EWIGRATION. HY 'stablisked 1883) oe Bay Street Ai } Toronto on Bag) ~ "REUNION of] offer large profit possibilities with risk of little money. Fortunes have been made following depression per- iods by 'purchasers with ability to recognize har- 'gains, and courage to buy in times of mass fear, - ARJON--Adjoins Kerr Addimn, Not working, PELANGIO -- Adjolng Chesterville, Not working, BARBER LARDER -- Under ating = MARTI OTR Acie dori BI Da Lctlvel velop! ore. Located In wuthers odes Lak JOLIE Thousand & adjoining Noranda and cre property "COULD A SMALL M _ make and sell a car as good as Tord at Ford prices? Of course quoted, Bt. Leghorns .00, gho 22.00, Cockerels Extra Profit, Special inks grade Start- ed Chicks slghily igher. Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- erles, Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo. DOGS DEER, AND COON HOUNDS years old, guar. dogs and burs FOX, from one to seve, anteed, also Bir MANUF ACTURER 1 I Mixed $12.50, Pullets $12. 35 Cesky districts, Plants ex erly acked, Trelis. ill THT WECK EE, Th Eo 0 guaran- more, Baden Electric Chick au 2 Rapiess prepaid; Sena for , Limited, _Baden, ne ustrate catalogue cr. Hike ? ! + over 500~Warleties. The Mahitoba _ Hardy Plant Nursery, Dropmore, : Manitoba. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTUR, List of inventions and full jufor. mation sent free. The Ramsay Uown= any, ltegistered, Patent Auaineys, $4 Bank St, Ottawa, Can. PHOTOGRAPHY FREE ENLARUEMENT WITH EV. ery roll film dsysioned nd 8 high Eloss prints 25c. Reprints same price 8 enlarged prints 25c, _Brightling__ Studio, _Toronto. I'ERSONAL QuIT TOBACCO, BNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively, 'Home remedy. Tes= | 1 Write John timonials, Guaranteed. Advice Ferk-aner sirangement, © Sentech Coniekvite, Or Ont. free. Bartiette. Box 1,' Winnipeg. UEBEC VIKING-- ¢ property . a west of Norandas Diamond © SATIONAL N RADIO drilling. SDUCA' s - OUR NEW RADIO SALES SHERT(® LILI Shei Ny vo CANADIAN SORRERPONDENGE i ow ready for dis dis tribution. te for . copy: ease specify did; Sewnshn; between Barber MATRICULATION, SHORTHAND, whether dealer, amateur; Services Jarder and Cheminis 8 Larder nd bogkikeepini. 33: years exper man or set owner, Radlo Trade District. olin Bh bisperty, ence. You still have time to write Supply Co. Ltd, 687 Yonge St. NEWRY one three { two or thre papers In June. 607 Toronto. i one in cesway, ot 3 Kent Bldg. ronto. \ two In Que Active Gevelope 3 " * ROSES FOR! YOUR. GARDEN B01 Rr Bt property west 3 FARMS FOR SALE KEW ROSES for your garden from of Omega, Larder GOOD. 150-ACRE FARM, GOLD Ingland., Send for free catalogue, ORFIT «= Large, oy thirteen brick house, big bank barn, silo: five hundred varieties, Merry~ miles southwest of Rollinger, Apply Gideon Schneider, "Moore: Jaatnel 8 Famous Rot B Somblets Bh Dent "soe | | frill iS rie HS es, Box eville, cRowsORE -- Property Mjoing HIGH GRADE SEED OATS heh LACOMA--Owns two large prope AND CLOVER SPORTING GOODS : "RAB LACOMACOTRS td tavey 1-0 X AHA5EA NER YimoRYy |. FISHERMEN: WIE oh OUR. . C. cata 45 rogues" Yanguard at $1.00 buss Register: | out" about Kori 1st, B. MANIS, dian fe ' Cenlod bagi Ko Grimm Ale 171 Craig W., Montreal Quebec, H i on ifa_at 81 1b. No, 1 Red Clover | __tvher turticolors cn Rue | 17] laice at "No. 1 Aislke at 1f b |. TANNING G. FIRTH 'hy 08 fob. Chatham, bags | EXPERT TANNING OF, WIDES FOR 200 BAY ST., TORONTO ree; Cash with order, Kent an Hanens Lace & Robes. Also . . Essex Beed Growers, PO. Box 103, Ete. Free list and tags, . . Chatham, Ontario, Towns & Bons, Merritton, Ontario. y 1 . iE y #: -- ~~ RY}

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