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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1939, p. 2

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LPT Td Indians Protest Ottawa _ Intervenes With On- tario On Their Behalf -- Should Be Exempted, Belief, Protests lodged with the Depart. ment of Indian Affairs at Ottawa "against the necessity of Indians takifig out a license for the taking of beaver were relayed to the On. tario® Department of Game. and Fisherics. by Ottawa 'authorities, -Indiaps 'have represented 40 the tee gdepartment that they, SMOTH Rot be forced to take-out a license-for the taking of-the- fur. hep . While there is no exemption pro- vision in the law, the Ontario De- tesy allowed Indians on tho re: serves to take fur without a license but now officigls of the depariment will {nsist that all trappers take out a license. Invade *Scalped" "Districts "Indians from districts that have been 'scalped' now scek to enter those districts where other Indians have protected the fur during the closed season," 'said D. J, Taylor, deputy minister at Toronto, "that 18. one reason why they should be licensed, in arder that the man who protected the .fur should now reap "Ing the past few years." HE WANTED TO. BE A POET = elvyn Doug his parents . __ yer, 80 he compromised a --------an actor Today, Mr. Douglas is well- established in the cinema world. Mr. Dougie latest picture is "The Shin. ng "One Hundred to One". anted him to be a law Meat Proteins - Said Superior Have An Excellent Supplemen- + taryValue -- Rich --In-Energy Meat is recognized as an excel PR lent source of high-quality protein. The nutfitive value of any protein depends "upon the number and Beaver License epartment has as.a matter vf coun the benefit of lis conservation gur.--|--CL-pablic hy "I Farm Forum | as wanted to be a oet, four" and he Is now at work on ° | What Science x ls Doing * LAMP DESTROYS GERMS The portable germ-killing lamp which was recently developed at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, is expected to assist enormously in elimination of the danger of in- fection during and following op- erations. | GLYCERINE FROM GAS = It has just been discovered that "glycerine, one of the chemicals in world-wide use, can be made from a gasoline by-product, waste gas. From ancient days - the only source of glycerine has heen ani- mal and vegetable fats. The new glycerine is neither animal nor; vegetable in source. TO END COMMON COLD Medical research will uncover within two, years vaccines to pre- vent the cemmon cold and influ- enza, the resphatory ailments which are together responsible for more than half of the time lost from work because of illness by employees" in American "business and industry, Dr. Victor G. Heis- for the U.S. National Association of Manufacturers prédicts, "RUBBER" GLASS Science's newest contribution to automobile safety is "rubber" glass, which stretches and nay break, but doés not fall apart. Ability of the glass to resist severe impact and maintain its el- asticity under.rigid tests has been demonstrated. The new plastic is expected to lessen the possibility of injuries resulting from a person striking an automobile windshield or window. The rebuilding of the Argentine section of the Transandine Rail- , destroyed by a landslide in , is to be started by the Ar- gentine government, which has purchased . the road to . restore "overland trade with Chile, - FER Tle fe wom ep se reyes he i Hi os ee 5a a el Q.--1 wish to secure 'the ap- proximate ansglysis of pure chick- ure. * That is, manure that ns no litter. I would also like to have anv. __information_you.ean: give regard-- ing pure chicken "manure for Inwns, golf courses, ete..--""R.A.P. _ | Durham County.' . A.--The average of a large number of reliable tests as to the composition of poultry manure shows that this material carries to the ton, 22 lbs. of Nitrogen, 17 Phosphoric Acid_.(P205) and 11 Potash (K20). 'This -would- give it a ton composition of about 1.1- £5-.56, or if you would multiply it by 10, jt-will be in about the same ratio as 11.8.5. This is about the same ratio of plantfood as that offered by one of the large Fertilizér Companies in their Spe- cial Fertilizers for golf greens. They offer 10-6-4. wish to make is that the N.P.K. ra- tio is about the same. A well- known fairway ratio is 5-12.2' uh WARE 0300 Mi at biaryl :nist-and consultant ---- 'The "point I Goldilocks would have been welcomed last week by employees in the Canadian Pacific Express Offices of Windsor Station who had three bears to take care of and didn't know just quite what to do about it. 'Three black bear cubs from Northern Ontario, just as hungry as weak: old cubs can get, were yowling for their mother and ignorin advances on the part of the expressmen. all friendly They whined pitifully_for food until the expressman produced a baby's bottle, nipple and all. "And then" it was all over but the gulping. The than a few weeks old. cubs could not have been much more They were being shipped by Canadian Pacific Ex- press under a Department of Game and Fisheries permit from Jack Leve at Sudbury to N Elinor M. Crowe at Peguannock, N.Y. ~ f Gardening | TIMELY HINTS Seed catalogues put out by the Jarge firms contain -much - more than a mere mention of the_many flowers and 'vegetables available in Canada. They specify import- ant points 'such as time of plant- -ing, resistance or lack of resist- ance to frost, height, color, season of blooming, whether scented, and" also the suitability of the flower for cutting purposes. . a5 All of tliese points should 'be taken into consideration in plan- ning a real garden. Little plants must not be hidden by tall things, and -there should "be as mugh bioom in- the garden as possible . from early June on. QUALITY VEGETABLES Thé secret of tender vegetables, whether they be grown in the city or on the farm, lies in quick growth. A check caused by dry weather or anything' else invari- . ably causes woodiness. To elim-_ inate-~such -- danger experienced" market gardeners push their plants along with frequent applications of carefully applied commerial fertilizer. GARDEN FOR THE TENANT ~--- Pleasures and profits of gard- ening are not confined to the own- er of property. Even. the tenant who moves as regularly as May 1st al flowers which are listed in ary "seed catalogue. To screen vers .a- .dahs or fence, such things as = let runner beans, morning glories or hops will do the job in a few weeks, A ree. { i How Can |? "BY ANNE ASHLEY ; tated Q.--How can I make candles, that are too large, fit the candle- sticks? -- ~ A.--It is an easy matter to make over-sized candles fit any candlestick. - Merely dip the can- dle for a minute into very. hot water, This softens the wax and candlestick. - Q.--How can I remove paint * spots from a woollen garment? and ammonia seldom- fail to re- move paint spots from the wool- len garment, regardless. of how old the stain may be. Q.--How can I be certain that spinach _is not overgrown, when marketing? A.--When buying. spinach, be sure: that straight leaves of 'a deep green are selected. If the leaves -ate curved it indicates that they are overgrown. - Q.----What 'is: a" good kind of work-chair to keep in the kitchen? . A.--A chair with-one wide arm, similar to "those in -many lunch amount of amino-acids. present... = 77 The superiority of anim proteins have an cxecellent supple: mentary value, which means, they make up the amino-acid deficien- cles of the cereal grain proteins. Better Done, Less Protein There is, of course, some Joss _ 1 which i . -pro- Crd telns-4s. an_accepted-Yact. Meat. the same-in-Nitregen-and Potash, but about. 4 _times-as ~tirong in Phosphate which would lead me to believe that if you |i were going to attempt' fo use chicken manuré on golf course fairways or on lawns, it would be | best to add enough Phosphoric Acid to increase the Phosphoric v\iibeontent about 4 times, which _ big bushy annuals -mEy-havesa garden which will ri- val that of the most permanent *0f cours ed t ces but he gets much the same effect with annual flowers and vines, There arg at least a score of like dahlias, cormos, Africa marigolds, and | "Ol 0TOanie protein from the meat to the drippings. This need not represent-loss of food value, how- ever, since drippings ordinarily sauces. : Drippings from meat which has been braised contain more protein than drippings from. roasted meat. A greater degree of "doneness" {n- creases the loss of protein in beef cooked by both methods: "Fat Meats Energy Rich as bacon, is a rich source of ener- KY. The actual caloric value of a serving of meat depends upon the amount of fat ft contains and also upon' the amount of fat eaten. . Reveille Now forth from bole and burrow, From fusty cgve and lair! ° Man's coulter cleaves the furrow And lays the brown earth bare, Stretch sinews Winter-knatted; Long-idle claws unsheathe; Blink eyelids sleep-besotted And light the spark beneath! Fain nostrils wide dilated, : -Snuff deep, fresh scents of 5 bya 3 Spring! * ock ears to Gatch, life-freighted, The woodland's murmuring! Aware, with hunger burning, Ce | __ Of teeming hi]l and plain, "=? 0 brood of restless yearning, sand and live again! x © +. =Harold Willard Glaason in i the New York Sun, "would "be about 40 are used fn making gravies. and . : a Meat, especially fat meat, such . "ver Whalen of the ' Ibs. Super- phosphate (16%) per ton of man-- ure. --Henry G. Chemistry. Bell, Dept. of castor heans which will reach a height 6f three to four feet by' mid-July. These will furnish am- ple background for the hundreds of dwarf to medium height annu- J od red vo~ . Tribute ~ to the international character of Boy Scout training was paid thus by President Gro. New York World's Fair, at the erection of he first tepee of the Boy Scout camp which will be one of the fed- turcs of the fair, ' © 84id the fair's president: "We cold not feel that this great ex- position--international in' charac- ter ag.it is, and representing all the social and economic. needs of our country--would be complete if | ve did not have this Scout camp." ' Some 800 Polish-Canadian Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Hamil. | ton turned out to honour a visit- ing Scout Commissioner from Warsaw, Poland, at St. Stanislaus... Parish Hall. Among the guests were Sir George McLaren Brown, President of the Provineial Scout Association, and District Commis- sioner Col, L. H, Millen, - Scout parents and friends at- tended-the birthday party of the First Acton, Ont., Scout Troop, and were given a genuine intro- duction to Scouting. Under young Scout teachers they were divided into patrol groups, and then put through sessions of instruction and examination in knotting, com- pass yeading, first aid and other. |= Scout training subjects. ~A feature of the annual Boy Scout "services in honour of St. George, the patron saint of Scout. | ing, on April 28rd, wil] be a broad- cast address to Scouts throughout the Empire by the Deputy Chiet -Scout, Lord Somers, from London. The address will be heard in Cans ada by short-wave at 5.86 p.m., EST. A transeription will be heard at 10,05 p.m, E.8.T,, April '24th, rooms, is excellent for the kitchen. It is just the thing when peeling _potatoes, stringing beans such tasks; or to use a when writing. : Q.--How can I treat the tiny eyes? - 2 A.--Massage muscle oil "gently strip and put these on." young 'man vi as bid.) *- "Well, what's wrong with you, my, --~-only 4,986." _ tionary last week, and yesterday . and' are responsible for an annual it can easily be pushed into the A.--Equal parts of turpentine ----b--Is-it-necessary for a-woman 1 to say "please" and "thank you" , and ro 6.--Should one p wrinkles that appear around the - Te 1.--_It might be - whem in~a chair on the lawn dar- Young man to nurse in doctor's office: "I wish tp see tht doctor please. I have an appointment." Nurse: "He's busy * just: now. ing 'him a small garment) Please (The nursa retired immediately' and the Doctor: (te minutes later) boy?" + Yoting man (looking rather sheepish in his abbreviated gar- ment) : "Nothing, sir. I wonder- ed if you'd be interested in a two- year subscription to the Family Journal, I'm working my way through college." - Doctor: "Well, insomnia, now?" Paticnt: "Oh, better, thank you, doctor. 1 used to count up to 5,367 sheep before I went to sleep and' now it's how is" the : Wagg: "'Say! More than one person has been guilty of -mutilat. ing the books I lent them, b latest experience caps the climax.'" "Wigg: "What was it." B Wagg: "I lent Blank my dic- he returned it without a word." Most men who die with their bqots on, would still be alive if they had sneaked in in their stocking feet. - "I hear your husband's coming . home after all this time, Mrs, Mur- phy,' said Mrs. Flanagan. "Do you think he'll be changed?" "I expect his hair will be short- er," ventured Mrs. Murphy. Baseball Player: "I wasn't out?" : Sn Unipire: "Well, just have a look at the papers tomor- row." Uncle Ab says success in farni- ing requires three things: Good soil, good weather, -and a good farmer. e . Weeds are ranked second io er- osion damage to American farms loss estimated at $3,000,000,000. Modein Etiquette BY-ROBERTA LEE 1.--Should one twist his feet around the rungs of a chair? 2.--What is the real definition of "etiquette? 3.--When two men and two girls are dining together at a table for four perions, how should they be seated? i i 4.--What is the proper way to. introduce a young man to an eld- erly man? £ : MRS... W. J. ALEXANDER, OF ~~ Northfield, Ontario, bought 142 Bray Barred Rock chicks last ~Just-step-in-hore-please. {Hand}. +13 C4 AVICHRY Vo] 4], [chu fo] 7 Ye{elo' COMING UP FOR!" For teste = Havour -- freshness -- economy -- Dixie Plug has every. thing! Cut it 2s you want it, coarse or flake, long or short. - "WORTH Mending Lace.--Lace can often be invisibly mended by running, the sewing machine to and Aro over the worn part, This is quite effective with lace curtains and can be done on linen goods too. . FERTILIZERS * Material reasonably, priced. . Send : for Booklet on home mixing, United Farmers' Co-Operative Duke & George Sts., Toronto Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red, rown Leghorn, New Hampshire, 3arred : Rock Cross-bred chicks and e few started Light-Breed Capons. - Write for details. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. ie year. Pullets. laying at 44% months hit 74% production at 7 'months. You can get results like these too. Order Bray Cricks. Bray Hatchery, 130 John - Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. . THESE STARTED CHICK BAR- gains while they last. Two week - old Barred Rocks $12.50, Pullets- $19.95, Cockerels 9.00. ew Hampshire Red Cockerels $8.00. Three week old add .03¢c, Big Egg Quality add .0lc, Extra Select add 02c. Ask us about our ready- made ° capons. Jaden Electric Chick Hatchery, Limited, Baden, ont. z= to her own servants? i one p up a drop- ped napkin when dining in a res. taurant? p Answers pardonable ing a. windstorm.in.a-vain-att rs " BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE - PRICED EXCEPTIONALLY LOW to-clear.--We-have _150_clay_tile__ pipe 30" diameter, 2" wall, able for springs or wells; 150,000 3 feet heavy wire screen 27 sh; 00 street car sash, 8,000 . feet 10" heavy galvanized culvert, also lumber, doors, fence posts, pipe eolumns, riils, pipe, fittings, valves, .ca ----lars-regarding our amazingly sus= ¥ a -- ' ce ' - .oe f . | Classified Advertising 1 E | AGENTS WANTED ; HAIR GOODS . ~~ 2ST - PROPOS N ON MARKET. |" WIGS. TQUPES, "TRANSFORMAY DE ale and: Genta Furnishings. tions, Bwitches, Curls, and all types Write for full particulars. Relia- of finest quality Halr Goods Write ble Agencles, 213 Victoria Street, tor fllustrated catalogue. Confiden~ Toronto. 4 tial terms arranged. Toronto Hum. : an Halr Supply Co. 628*Hathurit, LIGHTNING JOD ACERS WANED Toronto _sell. Phillips Lightning Protec- Eh a J: tiie gi Phillips Company HUT IRUN, TRANSFERS Limited, Osborne Avenue, Toronto. Bio PACKAGE OF HOT non Transiers, eight shéets, oer ine TICLES FUR SALE hundre esigns; also valua ARTICLES 10 Instruction stitely chart; mail 25 JAGS, NTING, PLAIN AND cents in cash. eedlecraft, FLAC ots Truc Covers and 533 College Street, Toronto. Tents. Prices and samples on re quest. John Leckie Ltd. Torofto. . . PATENTS - AN UFFERI 10 EVERY INVENTOR. HAWAIIAN GUITAR WITH ALL List of Inventions and full infor. fittings and' Ten Free. Lessons, mation sent free, The Hamsay Comn- T regular $10.00 value--only $5.45 pany, IRegistered. Patent Attorneys, delivered. Limited number only. 273 Bank St. Ottawa, Can, - Order now. .R. 8. Williams Com-: so be vat = a pany, 431 King St. West, Toronto, - MAILE SYRUP : = FOR SALE ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS " he v~ puny MAPLE Sipe Ld ong F SUFFERING FROM ASTHMA gallon. cans, four cans In 0X Li or chronic bronchitis send 10¢ to- o a. N. B. Smith, South Roxton, day for trial of ASTONE TAB- ue. LETS, the remarkable British Remedy which i. siving jnstane PHOTOGRAPIY relief to many thousands, Litera- . ' ture free... Astone Products, 73 A FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- . Adelaide Vest, Toronto. Sold by ery roll film developed and 8 high Druggists at 50c and $1.00. hv gloss prints 25c. Reprints same : price. 8 enlarged prints 25c. BABY CHICKS Brightllng Studio, 29A Richmond NO NEED TO BUY YOUR CHICKS St. 13ast, Toronto. ! through agents, buy diréct by . mail and save money. Grade A TWO FREE PROFESSIONAL SIL- Barred Rocks, New Hampshire vertone enlargements: and valu- Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids $11, able premium coupons free with Pullets $18, Cockerels $6. White every film developed and printed Leghorns, Brown Leghorns $10.50 for 25¢, or with eight super-gloss Pullets §22, Cockerels $3. Free reprints for 25c. Personal skilled Poultry guide and calendar. Twed- attention to every order. Cut dle . Chick Hatcheries, .Limited, Rate quality would cost you more ~r ~. Fergus, Ontario, elsewhere! Cut Rate Photo Ser=- re 2 Yice, Dept." B21, Box 236, Regina, - Sask. FOR PROMPT SHIPMENT -- BRAY Barred Rock, White Rock, White 'FILMS DEVELOPED i -- ROLL FILMS DEVELUPED WITH two prints of each and FREB NLARGEMENT coupon 28¢. FFSET COMMERCIAL PHUTO- anny 2 RUSSELL 8T., TOR- = cQC a. cape PERSONAL MARRY--HUNDREDS TO CHOUSH from. Many with means. Farm- ers' daughters... Widows with Property, = Part{¢ulars 10c. Con. ----fidential----DBox--128 Calgary,--Al- = @ _ berta. QUIT. TOBACCO. SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tes- timonials. (uaranteed. Advice . free. Bartlett's, Box 1. Winnipeg. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE romantic sweetheart, with money, bats Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis. sourl. > HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--WRITRE for free booklet and full particu. cessful hyblood treatment. Pedi greed Products, Saskatoon, Sask. WANTED -- ORIGINAL POEMS, songs, for Immediate considera=- tion; ~Send poems to Columbjan . 2; Music Publishers, Ltd., Dept: M87, Toronto, Canada. Ihe SEEDS FOR SALE HOME "GROWN SEEDS, ALL GOV-. adns..Alfalla.sod-o} ernment gr int the skin around the eyes With -the finger tips every night before retiring. i : : +Q.--How can 'I prevent the for- to sugar, when making syrup? A.--When the syrup is coming to a boil, add. one-third teaspoon cream of tartar to every 2 cups © of sugar used. . Marie--the last-named, however, W' a very favorable rate in 1935. Galt Heads Five Best After the five places already list- ed, there. cgme, in 1937, Kirkland Lake, 73.2;" North Bay, 70.1; Sud- bury, 68.6; and then a gap of more than 10 points to Oshawa's 58.0. There followed: Sarnia, 52.6; Owen Sound, 62.1; Woodstock, 51.2; Brantford, 61,1; Windsor, 61.1; To- rotito, 49,9; Stratford, 48.6; Well: and, 48.3; Belleville, 47.2; King- L #on, 46.9; Kitchener, 46.3; Guelph, ~-43.9; Chatham, 43.0; Peterborough, 42.9; Hamilton, 38.1; London, 36.6; Port Arthur, 35.3. Then came the fivo most favorable rates of 1937. 0) S mation of icing, or turning back * enty), this is Mr. Hudson (or Ed- HowlouayRedce | be belped much moe gnickly, Tt you have ¥ ft smalie by regular iT SL ge, utes veh \ A ry a 'y 3 once, d eco © ! $0 Ag, Lf : to find-an anchor. Otherwise the fect should 'be placed-in front of- the chair, in a relaxed position. 2.--The forms required' by good breeding, social conventions, or prescribed authority, to be ob- served in social or official life, 3.-- The two girls should face each other. - 4,--The young man should he presented fo the older man, mentioning the elder man's, name first; "Mr, Marshall (who is sev. ward Hudsoni}." 5.--There is no- thing oMigatory_ about it, but as it is such a trivial courtesy to ex- tend to the people who are serv- ing one, a well-bred woman. will do so. 6.--No; let the waiter Dick it:up. 'He will also give you "EARLY VARIETIES NOF FLINT v very thing for your huilding. Frankel - ~ Brothers Ltd. Established 1886. -Eastern-Avenue at Broadview, To- ronto. GLadstone 4631. ver, alsike, timothy, sweet clover. ' Ask for samples and prices deliv. ered to you. :The Caledonia Mille .. Ing Co. Ltd..*Caledonia, Ont. DAHLIA TUBERS 12 GIANT DECORATIVE 'DAHLIA Tubers labeled $1.00p 25 different 3200 postpald. M. Shedel, Mimico,. nt. : FOR SALE CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES -- "Warba",' World's earliest potato, 4 large, white, delicious, hardiest, heaviest ylelder. sGovernment Certified. 100 strong oyes JLo ostpald. 8. \. Cowan, Waldeck, ask. and Dent Corn specially adapted for Northern countries. "\Write for prices, James Brisley,. Thames. ville, -Ont.,, Kent Co. FOR SALE--CLYDE STALLION -- Royal Monguer, bay, 2,000 lbs, B piemium, 5 years, sure. J. DM. Williams, Picton, 1, Ont." ~~". aricose or Swollen Veins -- Heal Ulcers A Simple Home Treatment = The world progresses. Today many miner ne weeks fo 0 4 lf Boreal sixe sad it' 550 den = an origin), bottle of Moore's a Ait nd Borming bie en. GARDEN SEEDS, RULDS, ETC, , GLADIOLUS BULBS, NEW. AND standard varieties at reasonable - prices, Free price list, C. BE. Til. zon, Kettleby, Ont..r LANAIUES HAE Ly PEDIGREE ROLLER CANARIES -- . Charming low, soft singers, Safe arrival anywhere Canada. Rolla. viarles, Hedley, British Columbia, ) \ HONEY GOOD CLOVER HONEY, SIX' Ra' $2.50.- Wanted extractor, outboard motor, motoreyele.. Harold Coul. - beck, Wantstead, Ontario. ~ ALEALFA SEED COSSACK AND LADAK ALFALFA stand severest and * 1 ht d Prin drought an row heaviest crops of choice fine Hay Two hay crops can be grown this year, Write for sce prices, Joseph Betz, Stouffville, Ontario, _ _ FRUIT DASKETS AND HOXES PLANT BOXES, BERRY BOXES, Fruit Dasketa and H. Prices on request, The Oakville . Bagketl Co. Ltd. Oakvilly, Ont. . at aera ba 1 SEWING MACHINES & SUPPLIES FOR SEWING MACHINES, RE- - - pairs, supplies--all makes, new or trade-in, reconditioned mach- ines in stock -- Write A. Glibert & Son, 350 Yonge St., Toronto. . SLIGHTLY USED CLOTHING FOR SALE - SLIGHTLY USED CLOTHING--THB «finest In used clothing at big re- ductlons. - Suits Originally $35.00 10 "$60.00 now $6.00, $8.00, $10. New sults regularly $25.00 at 12.50, coats, pants $2.00, 2.50. Top coats 5, $6, . Lae {es' Spring coats $5, $6." Big 'sav. ing In new dresses, crepes, sat. ins, at $1.50,°$2.00. Send order ~ with' measurement You take no risk by b 4:14 EI Rd, 4 ay postage. Ask for catalogie, Canadian Clotting, 409 Yonge St. Toronto. ! PEs Sie » EE SI'ECIAL TREATMENT $25 REWARD FOR ANY CORN OR Callous Jhieh cannot be removed by Lloyd's Special Treatment, une _ 1 . Prevents re A nimencd 4) 25a Liopia ty nent, regular 750. Lloyd' ly I Bt. Clalr_West, Toronto " TORACCO \ | hit NA SaMely bad AGE BUR. | ley Zimmer, gt®r leaf, flavoring ° and recipes, or 3-pouhd sample package Virginia Burley, Zimmer AAR i MH ctured, Jil postpaid, uthve ar. Tohneeo Exehnnfe, Fu then. Ont, BEER THIRTV YEARS EXPERIENCE DORESS PROFESS LONDON ONT, "Dent, A" wy

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