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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1939, p. 4

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Sood n dm aden yf on woh wk dies MEE WOLVES at the TOWN HALL on Saturday Evening April 22. Mr. Russell Cockburn presents moving pictures of hunting in the Arctie, ) I" Watch this paper'next week for an. nouncement of dates, when' "Charlie's Aunt" will arrive Nin Port Perry to entertain you. Mr. Ray Cockburn of Torento, was the guest of Mr. J. C. Cockburn and Miss M. 8. Cockburn for the 'Easter holidays " Mr. Wm. Wilson, of Toronto, visitea friends in town on Thursday. © Mrs. -O. Edwards apd Helen of Thornhill were in town last Wednesday. Mr. Bill Forbes of Toronto, visited friends in town Thursday. ' Mus. Leighton MacGregor and fam- ily, of. Grimsby, have been visiting MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. ronto, visited their parents Mrs, D. Day on Sunday. Mr. A. Miller, of Toronto, visited friends in town on Friday and stayed gt the Sebert House. © Mr. A. Toole of Uxbridge, visited friends in town recently. Day, of To- Mr. and . Many are looking forward with in- terest to see the programme of pic- tures and the wolves of Mr. Russell Cockburn on Saturday night in the town hall. Mrs. Fred Goodmah who has been staying at Cricklewood Lodge, is re- turning to Rosedale on Balsam Lake. «Mr. W. J. Barton, of Uxbridge, was operated upon at Port Perry Hospital Jast week with Dr. McClintock in at- * tendance. © of 'Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey and Mrs. = Chas Mackie, of Oshawa, visited their aunts Miss Rebecca Reader and Miss I. Rodman, and their uncle Mr. Win. Reader, recently. Mr. Harvey McCullough of Man- chester was in town.on Tuesday. Mrs, was in, town Kight wedding. Mr, and Ms. Jas. Brunt and family spent the week end with Mrs. Risebrough. Herman Midgley, of Oshawa, attending the Abbott- € Messrs. Harry Carnegie and Gordon Gibson," of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Carnegie. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ferguson, of Hamilton, visited Mrs. A. MacFarlane over the Easter week-end. A number of Port Perry hockey fans attended the Oshawa-Edmonton hock- ey game in Toronto on Saturday. Migs Clara Risebrough spent Sun- "day in Whitby with friends. "Mr. Herbert Collacutt, of Toronto, "was calling on- friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dix have re- tuned home from Florida. "United Church of Tosonto, will be the - {Dorothea Nasmith) - and Mrs. Me-|n Millan of Barrie, were in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan will live in Halifax. Miss Isabel Ewers will "be back at the Belette Beauty Shoppe for busi- ness on Monday. Mus, I, Ballagh, of Whitby, who has daughter kegels ake OBITUARY HENRY DOUBT Following a six weeks' illness, Hepiry Doubt passed away at his home m Ushawa on April 12th, in his Buth year, Mr. Devonshire, kngland, fourth son of the late John and Ann Doubt, He came to Canada in 180 and settled mn; Ashburn. From Ashburn be nioved (0 Vakwood, then to Port Perry, where and engaged in thé tailoring business; and later Génts' Furnishings' in' part: nership with his only son Arthur, who was killed in action in the Great War. Twenty-three years ago Mr. Doubt retired from business und moved (6 Oshawa where he resided up the time of his death. His first wife Harriet Hayes, died twenty-six years ago, and three years later he married Mima Lyle of Ux- bridge, who survives him, Mr. Doubt was a member of 'the Oshawa Bowling Club, but had been unable to bowl for the last two years. He was a member of Simcoe United Church, and while a resident in_ Port Perry was very active in choir work being an ardent lover of music, ' Besides his wife, the deceased is survived by one brother John, of Port terry. He was predeceased by two sisters, Mrs.. Annie Hann and - Mrs. Bessie Holden, of Oshawa, and three brothers, William and Charles of Oshawa, and Geo. in England. The funeral service was held from the family residence 77 Division St, on Friday, April 14th, at 2 pm. A large number of friends and relatives attendiiig, the service being conducted by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, assisted by Rev. T. P. H, Andrews. Interment was made at Prince Albert with Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, officiating. The pallbearers were six nephews of deceased ; Gordon Holden, Everett O. Phillips, Albert R. Wilson, of Oshawa, E verett Holden, Toronto; J. C. Taylor and R. B. Smallman, Port Perry. , --_---- te ------------------------ DEATH OF THOMAS E. PHILP For.the past fourteen years the late Mr. Thomas Edgar Philp has been a highly respected resident of Prince Albert, Ontario. The deceased gentleman was born in}, the Township of Mariposa in the year 1871. He carried on the- occupation of a farmer. - On 'the 18th of July last (1938) his wife for forty years, Miss Chris- tean Hunter, passed to her reward. For ten years prior to their taking up their permanent residence at Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs, Philp had had their home in the Province of Alberta. Mr. Philp died suddenly last Friday the 14th inst. His sole surviving sister is Mrs. Adelaide Jenkins of Kingston. Three nephews Clarence Philp and Robert W. Philp reside in Toronto and Wm. Henry Philp lives at Medicine Hat, Alberta. Also two pieces Mrs. J. E. Robb of Mount Forest, Ontario, and Murs. F. 'Bailey, of Arthur, Ontario. The late Mr. Philp in his lifetime was "deeply interested in spirtualsmat- ters and he was.on the Trustee Board of Prince Albert Church, and also took an active part in Sunday School af- fairs. n The remains were Taid to rest mn Pine Grove Cemetery, Prinee Albert in the family plot. ms fr wk Doubt was born in Holsworthy, tor about 35 years he was a resident! f | "The Oklahoma PW GE 4 45 MAN "THEATRE panne OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Phone 1011 Friday and Saturday APRIL 21-22 Kid" Starring James Cagney, Rosemary Lane, Humphrey Bogart - ADDED--Coloured Cartoon "ROBINHHOD MAKES GOOD" REVIVAL--Friday, 10.30 p.m. "A DAY AT THE RACES" Starring The Marx Bros. rN Monday and Tuesday APRIL 24-25 "«' 3 " 'Wife, Husband } 5 » Friend Starring Warner Baxter, Loretta Young, Binnie Barnes, Cesar Romero. pr Wednesday and Thursday APRIL 26-27 "Wings of the Navy" | Starring George Brent, Oliva DeHavilland GO TO WEBSTER . FOR Work Shoes &-Socks Overalls, Pants Sweat Pads, Axle Grease Suit Cases, Areopacks Gladstone Bags Pullman Cases Call and See for Yourself W. E. Webstér Harness, Harness paris! Polish, both Shoe & Metal | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of Ellen Bell, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned who died at the City of Toronto, on the 22nd day of March, 1939, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitor for the Executors of said Estate on or before the 8th day of May, 1939. After that date. the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having] regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 6th day of "April, 1939. William White and Gordon Stephen White, Executors, by their Solicitor, JNO. W. CROZIER Barrister, Ete. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Stella Donalda Midgley, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died at the City of Toronto, on the 6th day of April, 1939, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitor for the said Estate on or before the 16th day of May, 1939. After that date the Personal Repre- sentative of - the said deceased will proceed to distribute the Estate hav- ing regard only to.the claims of which! the Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 13th day of April, 1939. JNO. W. CROZIER, Barrister, Ete, Solicitor for the Estate of Stella Donalda Midgley. Nom |r You are Invited to the International Harvester Show Talking Pictures of Farm Implements i! "und -Muthinery "fi operation, at PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL ® 'ASSEMBLY HALL, on Friday, April 28th Afternoon-- 3.45 p.m. "Special show H for High and Public School pupils. | Evening--7.45 p.m. Open to everyone A interested in farming. Admission Free: Dancing after show. C. SWITZER, Local Dealer. Mr. Wm, Oke will have a lunch counter in the basement, sanie as last year. FOR PRIVATE SALE China Cabinet, light oak} round Ex- tension Dining Table to match; Sew- jing Machine (Eaton Reliance); Oak Dresser and Wash Stand; Hall Rack; Parlor Suite; 8 Dining Room Chairs, Wooden Bed; 200 Egg Incubator; Washing Machine. Apply to Mrs. W. Holtby, Port Perry, R.R.3 Phone 107 5 THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home: every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An Inter It records for you the world's clean; ! Daily N does not exploit crime or sensation: neither does it Ignore them, but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all the family, including the Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Sclence Publishing 8oclety One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to 'The Christian Sclence Monitor for pap constructive doings. The Monitor =+ Address a peri od of a year" $12.00 8 months $8.00 3 months $3.00 1 month $1.00 p tssue, { 1 gens fons 1 year $2.60, 6 Issues 25¢- Name . Sample Coby on Reguer MULLICAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE MISS M. PEERS Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 78 . BARBER SHOP SPECIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all - other lines of the work "H. H. MULLICAN Ricco Barber _ PORT PERRY "Beatty Store "Port Perry CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Worship at 7 p.m. been seriously ill with double pneu- monia, is improving at the héspital. 7 Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Somerville left on Tuesday by motor for their home in the West. They are going by way of Detroit. UNITED CHURCH 'Men's Supper NEWS The Rev. W. JT Smyth, his vice. UNITED CHURCH WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the. W.M:S. of the United Church 'was held at the home of Mrs. L. G. Hall, on On Wednesday, April 26th, at, 7 p.m. 'the men "67 "the United Chureh are holding a supper meeting for men only... The purpose ig an informal get- to-gather of the men of the congreg: a- tion for good fellowship. Several of! the men will give brief informal talks, these will be interspersed with musical | numbers. It is hoped every home will | send a man. Come and see the men's skill in culinary art, and have a good time. The gathering is for men only. not a woman will be in sight--not even in the kitchen. And the price--a big meal foronly-a guarter. ¢* Anniversary Services At 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 30th, the Anniversary Services of the Church will be held with Rev. Kingsley Joblin, B.A., associate with Dr. Stanley Russell; in Deer Park preacher. Mr, Joblin, son of Rev. F. G. Joblin, of _Scygog. The choir will render specail music, and the annual Thank Offering of $600 is asked for by the Stewards. i Wednesday afternoon, Lo. 12th, the ! President, Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, in the chair. After the business was attend- ed to Mrs. Bowes sang a solo which was much enjoyed. Mrs, Hall and Mrs. Stone reviewed chapter five of the Study Book, in a very capable manner. __ The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by the President, after which Mrs. Hall served a dainty lunch and a social half hour was spent. THE EVENING AUXILIARY The April meeting of the .W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary was held 'in the Church parlor- with. twenty-five mem- bers and one visitor preset. Miss Webster's group in charge. A vocal duet by Miss Webster and Mrs, S. N, Griffin was enjoyed very much, accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. J. E. Jack- son... Plans were made for ns many as possible to attend the W.M.S. confer- ence to be held in Oshawa; April 20th. Proceeds made from the cooking school were exceptionally good. At the close of the meeting lunch was served. Minister, conducted the funeral sér-|- Every! come, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. J. C.. Clough. - Sunday, April 23rd-- +.3 p.m.--Sunday School . 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. 'Sunday, April 30th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon + PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J." H. Smyth, Minister 11 a.m.--"The Courage of Jesus" 7 pm. --"Overcoming Our Fears" Wednesday, April 26th, at pm. Men's Supper Meeting Sunday, April 30th 2 Anniversary Services. Preacher: Rev. Kingsley J. Joblin, BA. of Deer Park United Church, Toronto. Order next Fall See me, or phone me, right away. Personal attention, ! prompt delivery. Wallace Marlow "BLACKSTOCK, ONT. - £8 ho Porc ey, pon ---- Dye SPECIAL! AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAIS SPECIAL! "THINSHELL" SODA CRACKERS SPECIAL! BULK | BLACK TEA SPECIAL! ALL KINDS BULK ARONT "HUTTON'S VEAL aman anise, 10 MCLAREN'S JELLY revi e.108 SYRUP? Me 27 TEXAS P caarErRUIT Jul no. 285 Hrs Jgvi10 MUSTARD 3*.10. Nut Snack'sz119 \ 125 Sad YOUR CHOICE AT 7 25 DEPENDABLE SOAP IVORY cue .10 TISSUE 3 ne 125 ALCWHEAT 2a tiaiadris. 2 28 Genuine Hand Made |SUITS CLEANED LAWRENCE'S Ca ie (You VIR Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) KING'S |] Condition Powders 5 pounds $1.00 TONEKA SPRING TONIC ... KRUSCHEN SALTS (Giant) ¢ ENGLISH HEALTH SALT (1b) 39c. KKOVAH HEALTH SALT" 18¢, 49, get Sp Tone || ENO FRUIT SALA. 16¢ -for_your horses. "GIN PILLS RTI a9 600 1 pound 25¢. iE LAWRENCE'S KIDNEY PILLS 29¢. $1.00 ..69¢, AM LA PHONE hension--your heart is what, how--when? to. telephone for help". ha pened, all the vast or, © aid. - house--and in emergencies i () Telephone service used because it is expensive, Nothing 50 much me Resell; see an rigorous] maintained y your community, : police, ambulances, hos itals - [instantly come to" Yes, there's nothing efficient,' yet surprisingly in- for hat gis costs! ON WRENCE « PORT PERRY You feel like. A you can *t--your throat is dry--you feel as if you were choking with appre- unding, pounding, en raid WA ph your mind springs a clear, sparkling thou, hte "I've got Before you know what's nization Jeborjoudly built men, - Jike a. telephone in" the 's priceless. is widely courteous, else yields AGENTS WANTED! FAMILEX WILL START YOU in a profitable business like "hundreds of others throughout Canada. No experience required, We train you: Liberal com- mission for selling 200 guaranteed necessities. Meet all competition suc- cessfully. Ambitious. salesmen, write for free catalogue and plan without obligation, FAMILEX CO., 670 id Two-Rowed Seed Barley TO BE PUT OUT ON- rley NOW AVAILABLE AT -MYRTLE ELEVATOR. BOOK ORDERS FOR SPRING BOWING. Clement, Montreal. .LONG STRAW Collars, FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED "AT NO. EXTRA COST. NOT MADE BY GREEN MEN; BUT A MAN OF THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. : Can be obtained from-- T. STEWART, or WM. WEBSTER "PORT PERRY, ONT. W. A. Sangater. : ~~ DENTAL BURGRON © Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. Office Upsiaits,: i SUITS BPONGRD AND PRESABD 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH * Upstairs, over Jeminon's Bakery KIDNEYS ARE CLEANSED and in. vigorated by using Rumacaps, © At fegular intervals, use Rumacaps for your health's sake. 'A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, H. H. GOODE, Myrtle Elevator Port Perry 120- 5 Brooklin 3317 Phones: To (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) in attendance at"my Port Perry office on of each week, or by appelatment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) R ELL D. HUMPHREYS 24; Bimeoe Street North, Oshawa. -- Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons' of each - week or by appolatment. ; Queen Bireet, Port Perry, Phone 264 "DR. J. B. LUNDY . DENTAL SURGEON Office above Boll Telophone B : North Side Queen Bene Bxchanwe, Phonta ce 68w, Residence HH DPR. A S. BLAOK VETER p Orerstas Berries iene Boek AUBORON. Ary Corps. Three years as assistant with English pnd Scotoh Veterinary Burgeons. Phone 83 BROOKLIN Ontarle 'HARDI NG'S ACID TREATMENT il Hein Lumbago, Kidney Troubles, Nearitis. Ask MORRISON the druggist - - ~~ about it, - Wednesday morning, and Prlday sfterncon : __ELWOOD_ MASTERS Api for ARTHUR W. S. GREER TTT Y SN FE - -- rena m--

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