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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Apr 1939, p. 4

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RESERVE THIS DATE The Parish Workers of the Church of the Ascension will serve Afternoon T on Friday, May 12th, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Cricklewood Lodge. © Mrs. Wilkinson attended the Mis- ionary Convention 'in Hamilton aad was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, H. D. Ferguson. Miss Virginia Nasmith of Toronto, was the week-end guest of Mrs, 1. K, Bentley. . Mr. Weir, proprietor of the Sebert ten men, National Hockey fans of Port Perry, at the Sebert House. Miss Jean Cawker of Toronto, was home for the week-end. Mr. G.'F. Sharp, of Toronto, visited friends in town on Monday. © When Port Perry goes on new time the mail will not arrive at the Post Otlice until twelve noon, therefore it will not" be sorted until half past twelve or a quarter to one, Mr. George Woods, of Toronto, visited friends in town.one day last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey and daugliter Donna ~ Marie were in" To- ronto on Saturday. ) ' Mr. Albert Cawker of Toronto, was home tor the week-end. _ "The W. A. held a quilting in the Rectory of the Church of Ascension on Tuesany afternoon. = Mr. and Mrs: F. Mann were-in To- ronto on Monday. % Mr. F. Ward of Edmonton visiting friends in town last Wednesday. ™ Mrs. Bertic Maynard who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maynard has returned to her homé in Toronto. A Mr. A. Fincham, of Toronto, stayed at Cricklewood la dge on Monday. Miss" Clara Risebrough is staying with her sister in Whitby for a ¥hort time, Murs. Green and her three children, | Mrs. Nugent and daughter, of Lind- say, were-dn town visiting friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. S. Jeffrey motored from Florida, arriving home on Mon- day. They report a very enjoyable trip. ) About eighteen ladigs of the United House, gave a nice oyster supper to] Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Ewers and family, and Mr, and Mis. N. Sweet- man, have returned from their visit to Florida. ITE 07 TH on ob LI ET LO. DE The monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, LO.DE. to be held in their vooms at the Library, on Monday, May 1st, at 3 pm, Mrs. F. Mellow, of Uxbridge, will 4 the guest speaker a a 4-0 bi Tocsdas April 18th, a opeclal n meet- ing of L.O).. No. 223 was called. Two applications were received amd ad- vanced to the Orange Degree. - -----r W. M.S 'Approximately sixteen ladies of thé Afterneon and Evening W.M.S. at- tended the Presbyterial conference held in King Street United Church | in Oshawa, on April 20th. Interesting messages were given by Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. P. Anderson, Mrs. H. J. Thompson and. Mrs. C. R. Cars- cullen introduced Mrs, Hugh Taylor as guest speaker. Mrs, Taylor is the Executive Secretary of Foreign Mis- sions. She 'was a delegate | to the In- ternational Missionary Conference at] Madras, and is a brilliant and inter- esting speaker. In the press department Miss Ann Anderson of the Oshawa Times gave some interesting hints to those of the press. Music was Flesenied by the King St. Choir, and Mr. Walter Jackson, organist, ' A large number enjoyed the de- licious supper supplied by the ladies of the church. At the close of the sessions Rev. J. V. McNeely, minister, pronounced the benediction. Charleys Aunt is coming to the Town Hall, PORT PERRY, on THURSDAY & FRIDAY MAY 4th and 6th Presented by the ~ Church W.M.S. *itlended a Missionary Rally held in King Street Churchy, in a ~on-Thursday. - "Miss Margaret Claughton, of To- - ronto, was the guest of her-aunt-Mrs-{- A. W. Allin last week. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. daughter, Mrs. L. I' --------were-guests--of Mr on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heusler and daughter. Marjorie, of Toronto, were in Port Perry on- Sunday. . Mr Geo. Barker, of Toronto was in .. town on Monday. it_and their , of Oshawa, ard Mrs. Asher, Mr. and Mrs. "Ford Wells, of To- ronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Dowson, on Sunday. ~ Mrs. George Prentice returned on Sunday from a visit with friends in Miss Margaret Forman, of Whitby, was in town on Sunday. - "Mr. Harold Woon, of Toronto, spent the 'week-end with his parents. "Mrs. W. Doubt-and son Allen of To- ronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin on Sunday, : hear Mr A. W_ Allin in Sorry_to ¥ Port Perry. Community Players. |Admission: Adults 360. ~_ Children 250. "Plan at Lawrence's Drugstore Special Dress Reharsal, Children only, 16c., Wed. May 3rd." TT a-- ---- Bl pi - "ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Port Perry United Church will ob- serve its Anniversary. Services on Sunday, April 30th, at I'l a.m. and'7 p.m. Standard Times... The guesi|. preacher will" be- Rev.. Kingsley J. Joblin, B.A., of Deer Park United Church, Toronto. Mr, Joblin, one of the United Church ministry, will bring the promising young men of the|=2 3k ri TRENTRE ~ 4H OSHAWA Hired AIR-CONDITIONED Friday-Saturday, APRIL 28-29 Constance Bennett and ---Relend Young, -in----- Topper Takes aTrip Billie Burke and Alan Mowbray. 0» L ADDED Coloured Cartoon _ "THE DOG CATCHER" REVIVAL, Friday, 10.45 p.m, * In Technicolor The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Starring | Tommy Kelly and May Robson Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, . MAY 1-2-3 Noriia i - Clarke Gable | "Idiot's Delight" With Edward Arnold - Chas, Coburn. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. MAY 4-5-6 All in Technicolor "Dodge City" With Errol Flynn, Oliva DeHavilland, ' Ann Sheridan. ' A Picture with a million thrills, BORN JENNINGS--To Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Jennings, of Acton, on Tuesday, March 28th, 1939, a baby girl--Edna Leona. EP me CARD OF THANKS Mr. Russell Sutcliffe and family wish to thank the friends and neigh- bours, especially the Ladies' Aid of Utica, for their kindness during the illness and death of the Tate, deromel, Sateliffe, of Utica. : 1 En Bannan AUCTION SALES - April 27--Farm stock, implements and furniture at the premises of Dan. Ferguson, Lot 16, Con. 6, Reach, Mile West of Port Perry. See bills. --r EP NOTICE TO.CREDITORS AND OTHERS "In the Estate of Stella Donalda Midgley, deceased. . All persons having claims against the Estate of the. above mentioned who died at the City of Toronto, on the 6th day of April, 1939, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitor for the said Estate on or before the 15th day of May, 1939. After that date the Personal Repre- sentative of the said deceased, will proceed to distribute the Estate hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 13th day of April, 1939. JNO. W. CROZIER, Barrister, Etc., Solicitor for the Estate of Stella Donalda Midgley. Talking Pictures o Farm Implements You are Invited : to the International Harvester Show PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL ASBEMBLY HALL, on Friday, April 28th Afternoon-- 8.45 p.m. - Special show |§ for High and Publie Bchool puplls. | § Evening--7.45 p.m, Open to everyone | § interested in'farming. Free: Dancl C. SWITZER, Local Dealer. A dmiaal, after show. Mr, Wm. Oke will have a lunch counter in the basement, same as last year. ) : BLUEBIRD meSRES FREE AGAINST Lose Note-- Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry ARTICLES FOR SALE Bicycles, all kinds, from' $10.00 up. Trade ins accepted. Repairs, welding, keys made. Open Evenings. At GO TO WEBSTER FOR Harness, Harness parts "Work Shoes & Socks --Qveralls, Pants Sweat Pads, Axle Grease Polish, both Shoe & Metal _Sult Cases, Areopacks Gladstone Bags Pullman Cases Call and See for 'Yourself Ww. E. Webster Beatty Store Port Perry VICTOR'S, 34 "King Street West, Oshawa. mayl8 AUCTIONS SALE On Wednesday, May 3, Farm Stock and implements, the property of Mr. Robt. Mole, Lot 5, Con. 2, Reach, three miles South of Utica. Terms Cash. See bills for list. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer |. 1 b CHEESE 2 cPeCIAL! KETA Fancy SPECIAL! GREEN HANDLE 8ROO SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF FIVE | MARMALADI SPECJAL! of preachers in messages of instruc- tion and inspiration. Local interest attaches to Mr. Joblin since he is the son of Rev. F. G. Joblin of Scugog. We hope to liave in the evening the father and grandafther of the young -| preacher. The--eahoir-- will nd ial view=point-of the younger generation] ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. R. Bimpson, Minister. Sunday School af 2 p.m. Public Worship at 7 p.m. Rrerybody welcome. SPECIAL MILD CANADIAN ~ 25 SALMON 3w=.23 PURE LARD - SPECIALL GLASSCO'S PURE SEVILLE ORANGE" FRY'S COCOA STRING 1-15, Cn. 09 . 32-01. : Jar 23 - 19 SPECIAL WHITE SATIN KRAFT PLAIN or PIMIENTO™ yx Bulk Ready Cut Macaroni 2 m. .07 poor health at this time. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Margaret Hayes has returned to' Toronto. "7 Glad tg hear that Mrs. Corner is re- covering after her illness. Mrs. E. Hayes entertained the choir of the Church of the Ascension on 'Sunday evening. Miss Luella visited relatives week end. Mrs. Geo. Jamieson and son Ken- neth, of Barrhead, Alberta, have been Jeffrey in town of Toronto, over the recent guests of. their cousins, the Misses Stovin. Mrs. M. T. Beare and Mrs. Bert. MacGregor attended the 1.O.D.E. con- vention for three days last, week at Hamilton. anthems and the guest soloist will 'be Mr. .-Robt. Wagstaff, baritone, of Oshawa and formerly of Carleton Place. Mr. been heard over the air and acquits himself well either in classic selec- tions or-in familiar gospel solos. The Committée of - Stewards- asks the congregation on this occasion for a Thank Offering of $600. A feature of the .morning service will-bé'the reception into full member- ship of a class of young people who have . been attending the pastor's membership class. The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered to four of these young people... Let every home, be. represented at these splen- did services making the day a high | day in our Church's life. MULLIGAN"S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIAL IZING IN Permanent-Waving.and-all other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE MISS M. PEERS BARBER SHOP , SPECIALIZINF IN |. "Hair Ciitting, and all ~\ other lines of the work H. H. MULLIGAN Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 78 kl Registered Barber - PORT PERRY Wagstaff has frequently |. REV. KINGSLEY J.J Anniversary Services PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ©) Preacher: Deér Park United Church, Toronto. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR. Guest Soloist: Mr. Robt. Wagstaff, of Oshawa, Baritone. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, April 30th-- 3 pm ~--Sunday': School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Precher--Rev. Canon H, F. D. Wood- cock, M.A., Rector of Christ Chutels Deer Park, Toronto, Sunday, May Tth-- 11 gm.--Holy Communion. and Sermon. 8 Dm Shay School FOR SALE : 8 Ice Refrigerators in good con- dition. ~~ Apply to Russell Harran, Casares, Phoné 104 r 6-1. GIRL WANTED for mother's helper, fond of children, for Oshawa, Apply to Mrs, A. J. Carriegie, Port Perry: Bin LIN, B.A, PASTRY FLOUR VELVEETA CHEESE 15 a perked ® 45 SOAP - Bar 04 Senta Clara Ch'ce, Med, 50. P he. White Swan : TISSUE 3 nin :28 SOUPS ours wv S07 ps ASSORTED ith THF - ; SPAGHETTI IAL! CLARK'S TOMATO JUI Evy Bias DOMI TODES * CLARK'S SPECIALS x "ar Rep" Eikie wm PORK 3% 25 Sree irae WAY « WHERE QUALITY COUNTS' --| source by the cleansing and antiseptic March; 1r39;-are-required-to-file-thehr Gone 2 " R = TY PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1989 \ 'ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS 29¢. PEARSON'S MOTH CRYSTALS ......... Ae. {PEARSON'S MOTH SPRAY ; , 69c. LARVEX Yee CEDAR FLAKES ......: (18¢, "MOTH BALLS ........ mb 8c ? w 2 Ibs. 15¢. | LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS | (You Cdn Bave with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) So | 1446 Dissenfsotant, 16 oz. 50.8 MOTH TOX.... ....v0 %.69¢c. CERESAN ....... per Ib, $1.00 6 Ibs. $3.90 FORMALDEHYDE, 16 oz. 30c. 'COOPER'S KEROL, * 45¢., 0c, _CREOLIN ,....20c, 14AL Powder PRATT'S. CHICK TABS, 35¢;, 50ec. PHONE 49. A. M. LAWRENCE oe Resialh ser : PORT PEARY L 2 ScHaerFE® The Schaeffers pay only $1.60 a month for their telephone service. Enquire now about f Low RATES for FARM TT "We were among the first - subscribers on the Line" says Mrs, John Schaeffer, Gowanstown, Ontario, * "and 'we all use it a great deal. My husband is a drover and the "telephone exchange gives him wonderful servicel" | No farm home should be without a telephone. It banishes isolation and loneliness. And it's mighty handy to call relations and friends -- and quick aid if need be: - RHEUMATISM, ache, Lumbago are attacked at the "action of Rumacaps. ° Sold at A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. NOTICE TO CREDITORS : ~All persons having claims. against the estate of the late George A. Hall, who died on or about the 4th day ot claims before the 13th day.of May, 1989. The business of the late George A. Hall is offered for sale. For par- ticulars apply at the restaurant.- Mrs.' S. E. Hall, Port Porry. Brown Label Black SALADA n° .34 SALADA he «68 . arl- White apioca 2 m.'.18 Yissus 4 ron. 25 wane 4- ig 25 4-25 S291 3m .25 tg 2,09 Urs WH 10 HW R28 Fu. ire 19 Ws 10 red 13M BED |Collars| .|NOT MADE BY GREEN MEN; BUT -|SUITS CLEANED Genuine Hand Made LONG STRAW 'Horse - FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED _ AT NQ EXTRA COST. A MAN. OF THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Can be obtajned from-- = T. STEWART, or WM. WEBSTER PORT. PERRY, ONT.. 'W. A. Sangster ° DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. » Office Upstairs, over Sleeps ~~ + Insurance Office. SUITS S8PONGED AND PRESSED "is 80 Cents : Dry Cleaned $1.00. P. ROLPH. 0 tairs, over Jemisons Bakery asim "SCIATICA, Back-|~ Two- Rowed Seed Barley TO BE PUT OUT ON Lh A . |NOW AVAILABLE AT MYRTLE SPRING SOWING. ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent for ELEVATOR. BOOK ORDERS FOR T HOH. GOODE, ~~ Myrtle Elevator Port Perry 120-5 Brooklin 3317 © WE Phones:' nd (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) 51 --ARTHUR---W.--8, GREER in"attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264° (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. - Phone 814 in attehdance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. : Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North Side Queen Street, Port Perry. Residence 68] Phones: H Office 68w, Overseas Service in-the Royal Army Vi Phone' 62 DR. A. 8. BLACK - YETERINARIAN and 1 SURGRON nie ary Corps. years as assistant with English and Scotch Veterinary Surgeons. - BROOKLIN Ontario hot a "HARDING'S |. ACID TREATMENT For _ Arthiitls," Rheumatic ,Pains, Sciatica, .. Luhbago, "Kidney Troubles, Neuritis. Ask MORRISON the druggist _ about it. A

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