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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 May 1939, p. 2

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} 3 ne Say J ' A : : Adtes \ 3 ALA 15h i aS SANNA, SH 3 ARSE LRN Lee RE RELONEN EOLA EPI NARANG MAL Ea ARE rs ants = o ot 4 Bt ES A 4 ? 1) ] + \ 4 « yw ova . - ' ' } 4 EE EA A ete tA we Se TN ick ; = \ a. = 5 Stage Coaches = In Palestine Transport In. Holy Land Is Revolutionized After Gov- ernment 'Orders Travel Per- mits, \ ution in 'There has been a revol transport. in Palestine as a result ot the Government's order that persons . using automobiles must show travel permits. The Arab rebels, in response, proclaimed that any Arab apply- g for a travel permit was signing" is own -death warrant, aud the Government then extended the those buying gasoline," *Arab drivers thereupon declared a strike. i But meanwhile the orange sea- son started, so the Arab growers, being unable to use cars .and - trucks, produced donkeys, anclent earts, brokendown horses," camels and old: diligences, All these con. veyances wero loaded with oranges and procecded to Jaffa as in pre- war days. The diligences, resembling the old horse brakes used in England, | have also returned to general use NC : for travellers. A number of them Tn make the trip from Jaffa to Jere Xi ; usalem, and the horses are changed AR at Bab el Wad, where tho road be- gins to climb: into the. Jidean mountains, but as they cannot afford up-to- date models some of the oddest machines have been unearthed. "Courage. You laid your hands on my shoul- ders . And gazed deep down in my eyes. ce Yous said My-dear,-I-cpme "to" take The longest of good-byes, I was smiling still whea you left Te there stares Alone on the windy hill, And T heard your footsteps fad- ing away Till the whole wide { _ still 1 stayed awhile by the tree we loved, g Aud I gathered my memories round While my sad heart whispered its : benison Cormier TTT Of courage so newly found. But IT was glad that you Would hot see The heartbreak and pain you left with me. world seemed Sh At i i Hy RY Offered His tive ------peed--for--a travel perm {oA Moro-aetive- Avabs use bicycles, © were awed by regular run be Having completed a tour of the United States, the famed Biitish shown as it arrived at the railroad station of the New York World's Fair, where it is on exhibition. the magnificent appointments of the crack train which averages 61.7 miles an hour on 'its tween London and Glasgow, - Ad - - + luxury strcamliner, Coronation Scot, is Spectators What Scien «Doing x ce: Whiter White Paint A new white paint, formulated to shed dirt and grime and said to' -|--show-.a very marked improvement. | § in retention of whiteness even un- der adverse exposure has just been introduced to the How. Can 1? "BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.--How can I make a living conditions, cay room or a dining room rug wear Canadian rr --ECHOES TO BE CAPTURED It is possible to capture an echo. They are made and stored in an ingenious device which has been developed in the laboratories + of the Columbia Broadcasting*Sys- tem. The "instrument is used to give a natural sound to voices or music transmitted from radio stu=--- dios where it is miecessary to dead- en the walls so that they kill all reverberation. ; FUTURE THOUGHTS IN FRONT Two Washington, D.C., physi- \FPNS market; The secret of the new whiter paint js inthe use of the most -- modern of paint pigments--tita- nium dioxide -- sometimes "called Ahe whitest known pigment. pigment is-known 'to-have several times the hiding power of any of the older white pigments and in addition, when properly incorpor- ated in a linseed oil vehicle, it. provides-a-much-more durable and much better appearing paint, worn spots In certain places? --A=Thls can be avoided to a great extent if the position of the furniture is changed occasionally, and also if about twice a year, the Tug is turned cater-cornered. Q.--~How can 1 wash lettuce thoroughly? - A.--All the sand and dirt will be washed off letuce if it is piadcd ~in_a colander, the leaves s:parct- _ ed, and cold water run throug them, Prain, thén set the colander This > with the lettueé¢ on ice until ready "cians describe 'experiments tend- ing to.substantiate a theory that the front section of the human brain controls future thoughts Hav I~ while the 'rear porlion--goveyrns those of the past. 2 "With an intact brain an indi- vidual is able to foresee to see be- - fore, to forecast the. results of certain activities that he is to ini- tinte in the future." 2 T.B. AND VITAMIN A A connection between tubercu- [NES INERT, 4 oh ily 3 nilla, Ont., pT -olil_ farm- hand, of Ma offered to -- verity of the disease and the de- losis-and-a-deficiency im vitamin A in the body has been observed. It was discovered that of nearly 200 tuberculosis patients 53 per cent, showed a deficiency of this vitamin and in this. group there was n-relationship between the se- aveYou H Heard to. use. RX -Q.--How can I clean gola o¥ sjl- ver lace? ; : ' --=--A==8ew-thé lace ~to a strip ot -- clean linen and boil in a solution of 1 cupful of salt to 1 gallon of water. Dry - without-- removing from the linen, and then sponge with a piece of white-velvet dipped in alcohol. Druggist's-House (2 a.m.). Inr- "Great A penny worth of bicar- ale man! Druggist: bonate of soda at this unecarthly hour, when a glass of hot water would have done as well." ~~ "Customer: "Ah." weel, I think 'ye for the advice, an' I'll no be the soda noo. Good need'n' mornin." Fittings in the house of Hollywood filmi --actress--are---- gree of deficiency. >t ser es Modern 4 Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE > y +e 1.---What should be done with the knife after using it for cut- ting food? 2.--When a married woman is travelling alone, should she sign made of gold. tains are hung on her former wedding rings. pneumonia," LI "Come along, dear," said the hostess, "I want you to feel at home." "I don't want " Soldier (in hospital) --"Doctor, are you sure this is pneumonia? Sometimes doctors prescribe for | one thing and patients 1! something else" #.- Medical Officer (with dignity): "Look here, my man; when I pre- scribe for pneumonia, you die- of All the cur- Q.--How can 1 make uge of old kid gloves? + ~A.--Worn gloves will be very useful if they are used when par-_. heavens, ing vegetables, or working over "any vegetables that are likely to _|._stain_the fingers and-hands, pr Canada's Racial Variety Praised --Dominion-Is-No-"Melting-Pot*-- -- Standardized Type Of Human Being Deplored. Standardized citizens are not de- sirable for Canada, according to John--Murtay Gibbon, generat-pub- leity agént of the C,P.R., speaking at Montreal last: week on the con- tributions that Canada's varying immigrant strains have made to the Dominion's whole In culture, He' pointed out that in the Unit ed States it is the endea¥or-to- blend all races into a single amal- 'gamation called "American." The Canadian {deal Is to let immigrants retain much ot thelr individual cul- ture and habits. die of a --more evenly, instead of having | _= Farm Forum | PI, IMPROVED PASTURES HIGHER FOOD VALUE Climatic conditions in many parts of this country 'may not permit of .pasture improvement in the same remarkable degree as on some Scottish farms, yet the work of Canadian research experts and the experience of hundreds - of practical farmers prove that much of. Canadian pasture land can be 'made vastly more productivé thin it fs, "says .G. N. Snyder, soils che- , mist. Not only do improved: pas- "but the-hérbage is notably righer in protein, minerals, vitamins®and carotene, a fact 'definitely proven by the researches of Professor N. J. Thomas, Ontario Agricultural College, and other authorities. Build Up Soil Fertility The first requisite in pasture improvement is.the building up of soil fertility, Liming may be ne- cessary for very acid soils, but in, _ general the major minéral plant foods--phosphate and potash--are "of first importance. If the pro- cess is one of renovating an old pasture without breaking-it 'up, the first application of fertilizer must 'be heavy enough--400 to 600 pounds of 0-16-6 or 2-16-6 Per acre--to produce a vigorous growth of wild white clover and other pasture legumes. Wild white clover, a true perennial with creeping stems that root at the |...nades,. provides: exceptionally nu--- * tritious and palatable herbage. It adds nitrogen to_the soil and . JL a. duces" a-dense sward that ik very effective in, moisture control --through preventing run-off from "heavy summer rains and evaporg- tion during periods of extreme heat. When establishing new pas- "| turesTit is advisable to consult a forage crop expert regarding the most suitable pasture mixtures for the particular. soil and regional conditions, mg rm et eee te ee rem ~~~ Pale blue light proves a fatal lure to the grape leaf hoppers, a serious pest in vineyards, as re- ported by J. K. Ellsworth of the University of California. Females of the specics responded . most "readily to the light. Counts of large sample catches showed 88 per cent, female insects. Manitoba hens lay more than: --10 million dozens of "eggs in a year. - _ tures yield more grass per acre, |- Beautify Your SHRUBS FOR THE FARM HOME : By Jobn F. CLARK, Ont. Dept, of Agriculture, Toronto, The foundation line of every . home needs special treatment, as a softening of severe architectural lines must be secured, making the . rigld and often unsightly fodnda- tion more attfactive. No bettér "medium is-offered than a planting - of flowering shrubs 'to, frame the it inf Sit in ding to ground. Always confine shrub masses 40 - the * outer edges or boundarles, avoiding the spotting "of single shrubs throughout the lawn, They should be so arranged that open 'vistas appear from windows-and verandah. Varleties should . be planted in groups, and {n small grounds nothing more elaborate than a planting of a few of each, which will content themselves within the space, shade, moisture and soil conditions, one has to of- fer, need be attempted. Specimens And Kinds For Various Excellent specimens may be se- cured in the Magnolia, Weeping Mulberry, Flowering Almond, Rose of Sharron and Lilac, - Varieties having a number of {features may be chosen, the alm being color, foliage, berries and flowers at'different seasons to pro- long the blooming period. This list - would: 'include Forsythia," Spiraea, Weigelia, Hydrangea and the Hib- --jgeus,------=v1 Suitable shrubs for shady places, not directly under trees, are Dog- wood, Coral Berry, Snowberry, El der, Philadelphus, Hydraiigea, Ar- borescens, ~Lonicera and' Spirea, providing "the "position is" not "in~ dense shade. ; The- ornamental effect of good flowering shrubs will prove a valu- able addition to the grounds when used as a hedge. These may in- -}---clude Chinese _ Elm, Lilac, Mock | _ Orange, Bridal Wreath, Caragana and Honeysuckle, 'The Alpine Cur- rant makes a satisfactory hedge -even in dense shade. The roots should never be per- after planting. Damaged roots should be removed, and the bgl- ance- spread out naturally in the - soil. .- Give firm planting. Where there are, a number of shoots or _ branches they should be headed N Farm Property he site and | L--mitted-to-dry-out;-etther-before-or--}- You'll got a lot'of extra: pleasure in"rolling your Swat with 04 en § because it'ls a really ~ " cooler, better cigarette' tobacco, | 'Of Gourse you'll roll them with the best papers--"Chantecler" or ® "Vogue". | 5 > , N'S FINE CUT " back slightly, until the roots haye - ~an-opportunity to. take hold and - provide the top with . necessary moisture and nourishment, A top dressing of well-rotted cow manure, lightly cultivated Into the soil, will, prove beneficial, = Avoid. crowding and give space for development. Kegp shrubs a short distance from --walls-to-escape drip from-the roof and tho reflected heat from the _ bricks, Spring planting is advised, © WHY HAVE SORE Sa i) FEET? End ¢ IN --Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings. Classified. ERIE TR - ROLL FILME DEVELOPED WIT MS DEVELOPED R and FREB coupon 25 two. prints of ENLARGEMENT -each tive System. B: Ph iliips Company Limiied, Osho: > onto, Avenue, Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE. FLAGS; BUNTING PLAIN AND Waterproof Truck Covers: and Tents. Prices and samples on re- quest. John Leckie Ltd. Toronto. ~ AVIATION OPPORTUNITY LBARN- TO FLY NOW Mm 1OW ----- cost. Efficient training -- modern cquipmient including Radlo. Live ing quarters provided for out-of= town students. Fliers limited. Barker Airport, Toroiito. BARBY CHICKS FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT -- A Iimited number of Bray Chicks ih both light and heavy breeds, First come _flist_serged--Get-your-order-- in today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. WHEN"WE SAY YOU SAVE MON- ey by ordering Tweddle Chicks we- mean it. Compare * Tweddle Quality, compare Tweddle prices. x y . mL "L. c. Write for full partienlars. Relia- Ad y t ou = 4 OFFSET COMMERCIAL PHBOTO- ------ble--Agenciés, 213 Victoria Street, | E GRAPHY. 2 RUSSELL 8T. TOR- Ratoni atv Verusing..| gu i LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANTED : ahi : FREE ENLAT IN : to sell Phillips -Lighining Protec, DISTRIBUTORS WANTED FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- ¥ DISTRIBUTORS! --: EXCEPTIONAL opportunity. offered serious and~ responsible men to represent :a -- company =e new line of telig- ous, novelty lamps; also commer- clal lamps making neon-like signs, Do not apply unless able to finance small, convenient stock. "Liberal arrangement with exclusive terri- tory. If -you qualify. 2, 2118 Bleugy St. Montreal. " ELECTRIC FENCE 810.93 THE SPARTON ELECTRIC FENCE is 'made by the 39-year-old com- pany thal is famous for "Radio's tichest Voice." Dependability: costs no more, Sold under "10 day = money back" guarantee, Write, Sparton of Canada, Limit- "ed; ~bepti_ 70, London, Ont. © FOR SALE _ EARLY VARIBTIES = OF FLINT and Dent Corn specially adapted for Northern countries, "Write for Write Room _| --f-----lars-regarding-our-amazingly suse; ery roll film developed and 8 high gloss prints 25c. "8 enlarged prints 25c.. Reprints same price, Dright- ling Studio, 29A Richmond Street 0. East, Toronto. «: PERSONAL MARRY--HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE from. Many with means. Farm= ers' daughters, Widows with Property, Particularg 10c. 'Con. fdaitial, Box 128. Calgary, Ale erta. ; - QUIT ronacco, SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively, Home remedy. Tes timonial. Guaranteed, © Advice free. Bafllett's, Box 1. Winnipeg. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--WRITRH for free booklet and full particu. cessful hyblood treatment. Pedl- s Breed Products, SasRatoon, Sask. - SEI'TIC WATER TOILET "EQUIP, YOUR HOME WITH A SEP. - fc Water Toilet. Ninety-eight Learn To Laugh At Your Boners Professor Liddy Of Western University Says We All Take Ourselves Too Seriously. Most persons take themselves too seriously, Professor R. B. Lid- dy of Londor, told representatives of the Windsor Rotary Club last month, "Learn 'to laugh at your __.mistakes-instead-of worrying about: them," hé counselled, « "Professor Liddy is head of_ the department of psychology at the University of Western Ontario. He spoke on "Roads That Lead to Per- sonality Disorders." . The chief cause of personally disorders, Professor Liddy De- Heves, is faulty habits and ttf. . Vides." He numbered among these the habit of wishful thinking in. stead of facing actual facts, Too many persons do ndt {intelligently ! face realities and attempt to grap- 4 ple with them, They live rather, in 8 dream Yorld of imagining what... tiey would lke to be, oa Alrdéie farmers report a large number of warble grubs on the backs of their cattle this spring. In "some cases, where the beasts have been' butchered, the hides have been found to be so full of * "the grubs that large patches of the hides were ruined. = RRP} SR - er to introduce his secrefary to a caller Ly saying, "Mr. Jones, this is my secretary, Miss Brown," or shouldn't he give the. 'woman's name first: "Miss Brown, this. is Mr. Jones"? : 5.--What kind of invitations are given for a cocktail party? "Why, done?" "Done? Why he's gone and left de chicken house door open, and all de chickens has escaped." "Oh, well, that's nothing. Chic- kens, you know, come. home to Caroline, what's he plessig#~but there are others of us who like to see the French-Capa- dlans retain the best of their own traditions and culture. Mr. Gibbon described many of the handicraft-folk song festivals for European racial groups which have-been--organfzed {in Western- er with the handle resting. on. the i table, 2.-No. She should use her Robert A. Randolph, Camden, N. J. 8.--"Father Brown" and "Mo- ther Brown." - 4.--In the business world, thie most important person is Mentioned first, regardliss of. - sex. b.--These invitations are us- nally extended over the phone or by personal. contact. 6.---A. side dish: a relish, Arithinétic useful to farmers-- ° a hen that produces 200 cggs a ; year requires only 10 per cent. more food than a hen producing 100 eggs, To I We " NEW-YORK WORLD'S FAIR We havd trained College Men 'and Women (Christians), to accompany Vieitors throughout New York C WW rf, at A very'mo est fee. May I send details how this individualized personal service will save you considerable money, time, effort and-anxlety,-- TARA \ JOSEPH A. LEWIS \ 621 Fifth Ave, New York i husband's- name -and sign, (Mrs.) | 7 ' 3 roost." -. ' - 8. What does f hors. Poouvre" IT a os 2 Kista ' Cargline. "Come home? Paw- 1.--Place the knife at the edge | OT dem chickens'll go home." * of the plate ,and on the plate, nev- . Canada by the Canadian - Pacific Rallway and the Canadlan Handi crafts Quild. y ETT Yh The Short: SHELTERED Route CUNARD WHIT sovides a Choice of Rodos WEEKLY sailings from Montreal anit Quebec of the scenic St. Lawrence route to England, Ireland, Scotland and France. : . 5132 cabin 8 tourist Weekly to England and France by the famous 'Queen Mary" and '"'Aquitania', .. regularly to . ---- Cobh, Southampton, Havre and London by, the Georglc", "Britannlc" and new "Mauretanla™ . __ frequent sailings to Liverpool and' other "British porte, ; 59 cabin 122 tourist 493% ehira class, "Cor, Bay AB Welllaigton Streeta-- (EL, 3471) £ Toronto ER ESTA LIMITED TO EUROPE 91 third class. : 8 (XY XX Rates For full information ree your bocol travel agent, or +p JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING for. Started chicks at bargain prices. Two week old Standard Quality $12.50, Pullets $19.95, Cockerels *.09¢. New Hampshire - Reds .08c; 3 week old add .03c, Bargain prices 4 week old Barred Rocks and New Hampshire Cock. erels .16c, d .17c, Dig - Egg Quality add .0lc, Extra sel. ect add .02c, Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. SEXED I'ULLET CHICKS SHORT OF: BROODER SPACE? -- Then buy Bray sexed pullet chicks. Available 14 pure breeds, also. cross-breds. Immed- iate shipment on early orders. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, 'Hamilton, Ontario... = Y CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES « q . - "WARBA"", ' WORLD'S EARLIEST . Potato, large, white, deliclous, . hardiest, heaviest yielder. Gov- erhment Certified, 100 strong eyes $1.00 postpaid, 8. V. Cowan, Wal. deck, Sask, - « . BUILDING MATERIAY, = FOR SALE -- in PRICED - EXCEPTIONALLY LOW to clear, We have 150 clay tile e 30" diameter, 2" wall, suit. y for springs _or wells; 150,000 square fost heavy wire ecreen 2" megh; 2,000 street car sash, 8,000 'feet 10" heavy galvanize. also lumber, doors, fence - pipe columns, raHs, pipe, fit valves, ¢able, brick, sfone.. E: thing for your-building, Frankel ~Brothers Ltd, 'Established 1886, Bdstern Avenue at Broadview, To- 0. Ay ralulimiy . : oy Grade "A Barred Rocks, New Ji WE dolldrs Installed (2ash or t "donate one of his eyes to George her name on a hotel register, Mar-, to feel at home." said little - "Some of us may hopo to gee the Hampshire Iteds, W hite Rocks, Bi omames | Bristey, Thames anywhere..in Ontario: Write 3565 Parsons, left-winger of the Toron. | 'th®L. Randolph? Reginald, "I want to feel-at "day when it would be hard to dis. Hybrids .11c, Bullets I3e. "Cock- - Fongo Street, Toronto, for full to Maple Leaf Hockey club, who 8.--What should a daughter-in- a party." ' - tinguish a French-Canadian of i> det Jnphorns 810.50, pul FRUIT BASKETS AND BOXES Lletaills ed received a sets oye injury dur- '| Jaw call her husband's father and i "Trols Rivieres from. an Anglo-Can:* { 'Lrofit and Special Mating Grado | PLANT BOXES. DERRY --u5OXES, SEWING MACHINES --& SUPPLIES Ing a game with Chicago Black- '| mothet, when she 'calls. her own = 3 or AF bat dd on Prices on request. The Oakville |- = =< hawks on March 4. Parsons grate- hE nts "father and tmother 7 I i LT Sans adian of Cp sald Mr, ih Pad Soul Buide. Fedde Chick Basket Co. Lids Oakville. Ont. Rai MACHINES, RE- Fob ents * i ; "Wa w . s J. : 5 : : --all makes, new fubly~dectined the offer, ' " | erociously ¢ to ki . bon, "We would then, so to speak, = 4 v . 2 4,18 it correct for an employ- | you Gon husband o' mine." swap Mr, Hepburn with Mr, Du- STARTED CHICKS PURE MAPLE SYRUP, first quality. or tiade-fn, Teconditioned mach Write for prices. Order early. Sn M. Gillespie, Abbotsford, ue. - IFYOU INTEND INSTALLING A Bathroom outfit or water system write for- free {illustrated "cata: logue with prices. Free estimates on Installations. The J. F. Crow. ley Company, Dundas, Ontarlo, HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES,. TRANSEORMA. tions, Swiiohes, rls, "and all types f- finest quality Halr Goods, Write or Illustrated catalogue, Confidens thal terms arranged. Toronto Hym. an Halr Supply Co. 628 Bathurs Toronto - Sr HUNTERS' SECRETS D TRAPPERS' SEC- HUNTERS' AN rets. How to catch "Muskrats, Mink, Fox and Ww Legltl- male plans. $3.00 at once. George Green, Rox 106, Richmond, In- © diana, U.8.A. 3 BATHROOM OUTFITS FOR SALB | ines In stock -- Writs A. Gilber & Son, 30 Yonge St, Toronto. 5 'SLIGHTLY USED CLOTHING FOR SALE SIEIGHTLY USED CLOTHING--THBE finest In used clothing at big ree ductions. 'Bulls originally, $35.00 to § now $6.00, $1250. Od 2.50. Top coats i dies' Spring coats $5, ing ip new a Li $1.00, $3.00. t Lor w measurements, You take nd risk by our. money-back guarantee, . pay: postage, Canadian Clothing, Yonge St., Toronto, . ce © SOILLESS . GARDENING 2 : . GROW: BETTER FLOWERS, VEG- etables, etc, out of geason, in proven chemicals, . 25 Ballons 60e - postpaid; 60 1.00, Instruc- tlon Pamphlét included J C. 3 culture, Coy, 861 Pellssier, sor, Ont, 45 2 : » Cheml- Wind. ------ _-- . TRACTOR MAGNETO AN ) ARENA REPAIRS JONDERS-AGENTS.CANVASSERS » THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Noveltfes," Razor Goods, Cosmetics, ass catalogue, The lowest ', wholesale prices obtainable -- bi Bh ts, Free catalogue, Dept. 8, Phillips Sales Reg'd/~72 Craig W., t Montrea), Que, ek GLadstone 4631, DAHLIA TURERS 12 GIANT, DECORATIVE DAHLIA Tubers labeled $1.00, 25 different A 0 postpaid. M. Shedel, Mimico, PY ak . DUSINESS CHANCES Income" Agancy, North Hat- Que, | . : © PAOTOGRAPIIY: TWO FRER PROEESSBIONAL Sil- vertone enlargements and valu. able premium coupons free with ever, : A film EAHA printed or 25¢, or w e super-glo reprints 'tor 25¢, Personal 5ifliea attention to every order. Cut Rate quality would cost you more- elsewhere." Cut. Rate Photo Rer-: GOOD CK 3 ~+ Percheron Palilon, BEND US YOUR TRACTOR MAGNE. ' to und Generator Repairs. We slo or N : . Jou. money. Allanson Armature ; anfr, 855 Day St., Toronto, STALLION FOR SALE BLACK YEAR OLD: registered and Tulse, Queens- be. A : enrolled. Henry ville, Ontario. USED TIRES. FOR SALB @ ~ Low i Sask, vice, Dept. B2), Box 226 Regina, --Assue No. 18 -- '39 v \

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