WAN Lies | 1 SRR SEARS FUP RLS 2 HIGH TEA AT CRICKLEWOOD LODGE The Parish Workers of the Church of the Ascension will hold "High Tea at Cricklewood Lodge on Friday, May {2th, from 3 to 7 p.m. Gentlemen specially "invited. Admission 25¢, Mr. and Mrs. George Jewell, Miss Eva S. Jewell,-Mr. Ddvid M. Nelson, Mrs. Jas. 'Nelson, Mr. Samuel J.,Nel- som, better known as "Prince Aloha" of the Aloha Hawaiian Conservatory and his secretary Miss Doris Brown, all of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, D. Day and Bernice, on Sunday. ® Mr. William R. Murray, of Toronto, visited his mother Mrs, Robt. Mur- NosP ray, over the week end. i Mr. and Mis. E. L. McLean; of To: oo {' vonto, spent the week end with the : latter's brother, Mv. A. P. Ingranm. BS 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henshaw visited friends in Toronto over the week-end. |; Miss Nellie McNamara, of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs, 1. Bowerman, over the week énd. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Malcolm and < Mrs. Blanche Nesbitt, Toronto, visited at the home of Mus. Malcolm on Sun- day. z 3 Mr. E. L. Parsonage, of Toronto, 2 visited friends in town last Friday. Miss Dora Reesor, of Toronto, was home for the week end. Mrs. G. A. Woods and Miss Agnes Gooderhiom and Rev. Mr, Clough, at- tended the Moral Re-Armamnent As- Sembly at the Royal York Hotel last Friday evening. A Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maynard and family of Oshawa, visited Mr. and { Mrs. Robt. Maynard on Sunday. The ladies of the Church of the i Mrs. G. A. Woods is visiting at the] Ascension will hold a' sale of Home- ; home of Lady Grier in Toronto for a| Made Cooking at Cricklewood Lodge, ¥ 4 few days. on Friday afternoon, May- 12th, : | © Mis, W. MeClintick, of Crickle- - ir wood Lodge, attended the Musical Festival held at Lindsay last week. Ue "wood Lodge. , Kindly Light" in a setting by Mr. Frederick Mann, who is a brother Mr. | Frank Mann, Port Perry. - Toronto, home for the week end. | : x Miss Jean McDermott was home for y 2A the week end. p Vo ) Miss Luella Jeffrey, Miss Ljllian } Fralick Mr. and Mrs. G. Parry and son Dave, of Toronto, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey recently." fit ~ Tw -..Mr. Gordon Jeffrey and Mr. Robt. ; Wallace visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beacock; of Greenbank, recently. Mr. C. Golden, Lindsay, stayed at the Sebert House, recently. Mr. E. N. Harrison of Peterboro, visited with friends in town Monday. Mr. Jack Russell, of -Cobourg, was «in town recently. + Mr. A. Watson, Mr. R. Goody, of Cobourg, visited [friends in town" this "week. Mr. W. E. Faulkner, of Peterboro, " .was-here one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vanos 'and-fam- ily moved to London this week. Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Woon _and Miss NE ai visited in Oshawa on Tuesds: "1. ~ Mrs tos Ashton-is spending a-holi= day at her home in Epsom. Ee ing in town recently. a Mr. Fred Whitehead, Toronto, call- ed on friends in town on Monday. L. Mr. Jas. Reeson, of, Oshawa, was in town on Monday. : Miss Clara Watt is staying with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ww. Allin for a few days. Mr... H. Wannaniaker, of Seagrave, is assisting Mr. Geo. A. McMillan at the Massey Harirs ageney. Mr. Harold Woon and his grand- mother,- Mrs. Geo. Mark, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Woon for the.week end. Mrs, Cann has moved to the Ward house on the Avenue. MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY BEAUTY SHOPPE ~ SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all | other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE , MISS M. PEERS ii. Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 76 "Mr. --M--Christenden;, --of Ottawa, spent a few days at' Cricklewood] Brooklin, Ont., by Rev. Robt. Simpson, Canon Wcodcogk, Rector ,of Christ] McKee and the late Mrs. McKee, to -Church, Deer Park, Toronto, was in| Arthur Percival Ingram, son of the charge of the services of*the Churcn|late Mr, and Mrs. Nicholas Ingram. of the. Ascension Sunday evening. The oo choir rendered the anthem "Lead Misses Enid and Vivian Wallace, of Mr. Stan."Davis, of Toronto, visit- \ DE MILO' PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE Mr. Albert Thomas and son Victor C. thomas, of Toronto, also visited Me, and Mrs. a Day and Bernice on' Sunday. f Mr. 'Henshaw is moving into the house vacated by Mrs. Cann, ! Mrs. M. A. Gerrow and son Bruce were in Oshawa for a few days, i Miss Marjory Webster of Uxbridge, was the guest of Mrs. A. W. Allin on Saturday. : : fl Miss. Carrie Gamble, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister Mrs, Jas, : Fwen, on Saturday. Miss Ruth Phair, of Sunderland, was in town on Friday with friends. Mrs. A. H. Rose, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister Mrs, W. Cook, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Turnbull," of Hamilton, were in town on Friday. . Mig. Z. M. Jackson entertained Mr. Robt. Waggstafl, soloist at the United Chufch Anniversary services and Miss Marion Tresise, of Oshawa, and Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, on Sunday, at dinner and tea. \ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dix, of Little' Britain and their daughter Miss Hazel hix, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dix. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Meek, Mr. eo. Lawry, Sr, adn* Mr. Ernest Meek, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. Day, on _Sunday.. Mr. Campbell MacMaster pas re- turned home from the Ontario Veteri- nary College, Guelph. He will be in town for the summer. ) The Lions Club has invited Mr. Frank C. Dawes, an old Port Perry boy; the donor of the cup for Juvenile Hockey, to come to Port Perry and present his cup to the 1939 winners, on Friday evening during an inter- A EOE) r JRLOLAL IKEE OSHAWA [hope AIR-CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday, Saturday, * MAY 4-5-6 . Errol Flynn in "Dodge City" with, Olivia De Havilland and Ann Sheridan A Juillion thrills in Technicolor 2 ADDED--Colour Cartoon-- "A DAY AT THE Z00Q" +s. . REVIVAL--Friday, 10:45pm. "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" Starring Claudette Colbert-- Gary Cooper MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 8 and 9 'Fast and Loose' starring Robert Montgomery and Rosalind Russell ADDED "MARCH OF TIME" No. 7 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,. Saturday, MAY 10-11-12-13 A true Love Story--A Great Dancing Show. The Story of "Vernon and Irene Castle" mission in. the play--Charley's Aunt. Sar OF HOME-MADE COOKING INGRAM-McKEE _On- Saturday, April 20th, 1939, at Edna Beeton, daughter of Mr. Jas. MRS. W. J. McMILLEN On Wednesday, April 26th, 1939, Mrs: Ws-J-MeMillen;- formerly Rebec- ca Archer, passed peacefully away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Byron S. Hill, Reach Township, in her 73rd year, and her death came as a shock to her family and the community in general. Widely known and highly of her married life in Glarke Town- ship and was a daugiter of the late Robert Archer and_Elizabeth Egerton and was predeceased by her husband four years ago. Almost nine years. ago she moved to Port Perry, where her two 'brothers Dr. David Archer and the late Dr. Robt. Archer were well known. The deceased was of a kind and loving disposition, a goof neighbour | 8 and friend. _Left to mourn her loss are four daughters, Anna, Mrs. E. G. Wick- ham, Toronto; Vera, Mrs. P. L.-Cald- well, Ottawa, Lucille, Mrs. Byron S. Hill, Port Perry, and Miss Leilla Mc- Millen, of Oshawa; four brothers and two-sisters also survive. The beautiful" floral tributes that banked the casket testified to the was held. "The funeral service was from her ome and was conducted by her Minister, Dr. Robert Simpson, who spoke of her fine qualities and her desire to be of servicewhich were ex- emplified throughout her useful life. esteemed, ~Mrs. McMillen lived most | love and esteem in which the deceased | Starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Edna May' Oliver, and y Walter Brennan. GO TO FOR Harness, Harness parts Work Shoes & Socks -- Overalls, Panis Polish, both Shoe & Metal Suit Cases, Areopacks Gladstone Bags Pullman Cases Beatty Store Port Perry ST. JOHN'S ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURGH. * Rev. R. Simpson, Minster. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public pYorship at 7 p.m, Everybody welcome. Rev. JC. Clough, Rector. Sunday," May Tth-- -. " 11 - a.m.--Holy Communion - and Sermon. ' "3 p.m.--Sunday School Sunday, May 14th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School. ' 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon. \ DIED } LEE "-- Suddenly, at Port Perry Hospital, on Monday, May 1st, 1939, J. George Lee, in his 74th year. ' { "FOR SALE ~ "One sow and eleven young pigs. Six chunks. Apply to Robt. Moase, Phone 266W, Pory Per. -- mayll SHOPPE has Installed a BARBER SHOP . SPECIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all other lines of the work H. H. MULLIGAN Registered Barber A, - PORT PERRY PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School. : 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.-- Public Worship. At the evening service Rev. W.J.H. Smyth will begin a series on: -- "WHAT DO WE BELIEVE?" (1) "About God. Young people "especially invited to . follow these evening. talks. BRAY CHICKS goods] plier! Why write letters and send money orders? Order your Bray Chicks through =personal attention, prompt delivery. | Wallace Marlow BLACKSTOCK, ONT. ol EITLEOEL LY IE Fra nad PR a 2 hd TL eh BE Aah i 4 4 MULTI.USE'-- A smooth : flowing, quick drying => gloss enamel thet will add sparkling beauty to your home. For wood or metal surfaces inside or outside. 26 glorious colors to choose from. NEU-GLOS--A washable semi-gloss enamel to beautify your walls--furni- ture--woodwork. Easy to apply; dries [G55 quickly; has no unpleasant odor, In W a ang Pp THRIFTY LOW PRICES, W. L. PARRISH, PORT PERRY ~mwT__> BUY NOW FOR FUTURE NEEDS, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE ---- 30-0 WEBSTER| Sweat Pads, Axle Grease Call and See for Yourself a W. E. Webster| Makersol B.S. PP. Stecl-truss Barn, y BOUGHT H TiTE-LA7 ROOFING AHEAD "eon. OF ALL : OTHERS! 1 noeded a new barn roof and I yiork into of ny mba amirancs cor annual report mutual insurance company showed 2a yea out of 16 fire losses 7 were cated yh g enibers, and 8 by light- I ed to myinsurance agent and he pr sed a fireproof roof above all else so I protects against g and algo against wind, decided on metal. Metal fire and lightnin weather, 1 rot and upkeep." : i chose. Metal and i. bought TITE.LAP. Lo all tho beat jin a, maximum provision n fo! A , is pects Weathart el i ty and i ates that th it A Yr e was gl a tol Shock the ne the new Sens cost because there's Bo. e Es ofr mygaurements for FREE ' I Fasten Steel Products JELPH STREET Pn Eh EY got th 08 hot i J imired Te ~------------ a wi | CITE) ON, ONI Statite Nails Jamesway Poultry Equipment THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1939 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, LAWRENCE'S re Store NEWS ie (You Can Sa vith Safety at Your Rexall Store.) - a a ry OTHER. SPECIALS Extra Special VELVETTA CLEANSING TISSUES PALMOLIVE 00 SREELS 1 oveversresrnnis "SHAVING 500 Sheets ....:bereresnrsss 25e. CREAM : R Schick Injector. Razor, | | MIFEOVOY BATHE 0H oan eight sehuine Schick Both fOr .evveyeninenne core: 80c, ALL FOR 9c. VINOLIA CASTILE S0AP ; : x) rw 0 Cakes for 25¢. " All for 49e. ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS ..39c. , MOTH BALLS = Ib 8c, 2 Ibs. 15c. ® Regular value over $1. - "A. M, LA WRENCE. PHONE 49 PORT PERRY hl Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the al best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY . Phone 93, Port Perry. PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with HAROLD Ww. EMMERSON i. FE "Port i SF | J -- ee tetetettettetererteseensrrrrretres" MEAT for NOURISHMENT In these days of changing weather con- "ditions. you need food that can supply -- NE nourishment and energy. We carry the best in fresh and cured meats; - PORT PERRY op. Cawker Bros., Butchers PO NREL | ~~ FOR SALE Irish Cobbler Potatoes grown from -- certified seed. Choice Suckling Pigs. Pine rails > cut in foot lengths. Apply to Mrs. | exiEiien CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION | nr | GREW fon us. x 29 SPECIAL! EARLY MORNING FEE - - SPECIAL! FANCY SHELLED : : UTS == ».29 EXTRA-SPECIAL] DOMNOL M OIL +.89 MO L ONARCH O =.86 CRACKERS n.22} RICHMELLO = 25 WAFERS = 10-19 WF. ~ 08 rors J KIRKS "Gone .28 ' OATS - =» 04 YISSUE Aun 28 DROPS «= 15 PRRs oe 28 RUNESH C28 Special Vales Effective May 4h to 10M "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS! * 19 IVICTCL : Collars UXBRIDGE RR. 3 "| FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED | Fae; vidi MOE ina Myrtle Tummonds, Raglan. Note-- Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry PASTURE FOR RENT The undersigned can supply pasture ~~ for a number of cattle. Good water ARTICLES FOR SALE and shade. . Apply to Abe Wallace, R. Bicycles, all kinds, from $10.00 up. R. 1, Port Perry. "| Trade ins accepted.-- Repairs; welding; greet es BE ERI = -- keys niade. Open Evenings.® At "FOR PRO VICTOR'S, 34 King Street West; or moi FRUIT TREES STRAWBERRY PLANTS, RASP- Genuine Hard Made BERRY, CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY gio "LONG STRAW -- as BUSHES, ASPARAGUS. -- ROOTS. - NEAT Horse il T Marsh Hill Gardens and NURSERIES Phone 9206 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) ~ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is disolved.) T NO EXTRA COST. NOT MADE BY GREEN MEN; BUT A MAN OF THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE" : Can be obtained from-- T.. STEWART, or \ . RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS "- wm. WEBSTER 24Y; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. 52 PORT PERRY, ONT.. Phone 814 2 in attend at my Port Perry offieé on "Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each ° week or by sppolntment. Queen Street, Port: Perry, Phone 204 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON J ' vipa . Office above Bell Telephone Exchan SUITS SPONGED AND PRESABD [North Side Queen Street. Port P uP port Percy. BD 3 Cos . BD Cents © | Phones: Office 68w," SUITS' CLEANED DR. A; 8. BLACK ~- oo ETERINARIAN 'and aod SURGEON. Dry Cleaned $1.00 ary Corps. Three years a with C. P, ROLPH English and Beoteh Veterinbey Surgeons. Ontarlo Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery Phone 62 BROOKLIN - W. A. Sangster © DENTAL. SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am, to 5 pm. Office Upstairs, over Heh (] Insurance Office. y >