\ More In Cities Are On Relief Jecrease In Government Aid to Farmers, However, Low- pA er Caradian Figures For March . Grand total of all classss of per- eons on urband and- agricultural ald fn Canada fo March was 1,025, 000, 'an increase of 0.7 per cent, ever February bul a decrease of al- most two per cent from March, 1938, aceording "to_preliminary fig . ures released by Labor Minister 8 Rogers, at A total of 703,008 persons were Ja receiving non-agricultural aid in NY Lh March this year, less than one per ae eent more than in the previous month, This category includes all totally unemployable, partially em- ployable and fully employable per- sons, together with all dependents of family heads. This aggregate phowell a net Increase of 7.7 per cent over the figure for March, 1938, - 270,000 In Saskatchewan Number of farmers and members 'of their families inh receipt of agri cultural aid continued to show a decline from the year before, A total of 71,000 farmers wlko, lo- gether with their dependents, ae- count for a farm population of 322,- 000, were reported as receiving ag- than in March, "1038, Road Named After Queen Oils RedatvesDorpnilicn to ame New Highway the province's request that a new "super hizhiwa¥" between Torouto ud Fort Erle be ealled "Queen IXlizabeth's Way." Their Majesties travelled over a section of the highway during their visit to Toronto and the Royal automobile passed an electric lally opening a new bridge at Hen- ley, near St, Catharines, and form- ally inaugurating work on the new Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls. ~ "Queen Elizabeth's Way" Queen Elizabeth's Way will ap- thio middle. road from Tofonto to Burlington, the new road through Bridge. Although the road will not be paved completely for two or three years, It Will-be pessible this year to drive: over most of it, Including some gravelled sections. Better Health' That a higher standard of public health would not only decrease dis- ease by one-half but usher in an age of economic plenty which would be the only sure foundation of world peace was the opening voiced last night by Sir John Boyd Orr, eminent Scottish authority on nutrition -and member of the Lea- gue of Nations committeo, on nu- trition. Speaking to a gathering of local medical and laymen at Lon. ion, Ont,, last month Sir John point- ed -out-that proper nutritional stan- would require 2,500,000 more cows, that imperial" trade would increase tremendously if tlie people of Great Britain ate enough of the right var- whole production ot dairy products which are now a glut on the world market wouldseasily be absorbed. New C.P.R. Solicitor Toe eT ve rn' SH ATTRRARN e Raa RS RR ER nad = a Joseph Quinten Maunsell, _ K.C., Toronto, assistant solicitor, legal department, Ontario district, Ca- nafiali Pacific Railway, since 1931 * wifo has been appointed solicitor to act in association with John D. Spence, K.C., with headquarters in. Toronto, Mr. Maunsell served with distinction overseas in the 77th and 88th battalions and was mentioned in despatches. ' beam, breaking the Leam and offie- ply to the.entire route including Trade Benefit. dards in-the-United-Kingdom-alone- ricultural aid in March. Of these, 270,000 were located in Saskatch: ewan alone, The total on a ultup- al ald, while up 0.6 per cent-over February, was 18 por cent less Hon. T. Ib. McQuesten, Ontario Highways Minister, announced that the Kingz ¢ Queen had granted: Niagara Peninsula to Fort Erle, -und "the ~commecting link through "Niagara Falls to the Rainbow ° ~dety of foodstuffs and thatthe -- Oa 5 In Magnificent Setting Canada Gets Royal Salute -- = -a --------y 5 * rr --------r---------- For i Sm Framed in the doorway of the dominion Parliament Buildings at Ottawa, following the solemnly historic ritu- al within, the King and Queen make a magnificent pic ture, as 'the Queen, charmingly dignified, stands at His Majesty's side as he takes the salute during the martial cermeony which followed that in the Senate. Prime ster Mackenzie King stands farther back in the arched doorway. . 1 Mini Modern Etiquetiz BY ROBERTA LEE 1.--What are the superstitions concerning the various days of the week for a wedding? : '2.--1Is it the proper.gesture, in company, when eating. or drink- ing, to keep the little finger prom. inently crooked? . 3.--What is the birth stone for ---May;-and its stgnifiennee 7 4.--Is it permissible for a girl to.use-perfume? 5.--When dining in a public: place, is one permitted to call. to a waiter, when wanting anything? G6.---When a man is walking in the rain with a girl who is carry- ing an umbrella, should be offer to hold it? Answers: 1.--Wed on Monday, always poor; Tuesday, wed once more; Wednesday, happy match; Thurs- day, splendid catch; Friday, poor- ly -mated; Saturday, better wait- --ed; Sunday; €upid's--wooing; and-- wed in the morning, quick undo- ing. 2.--No; this is an affected - mannerism that one should avoid. > : ss in love and immortality. 4.--Yes, if the perfume is good and the scent is faint, Cheap per- fumes and strong scents are often obnoxious, 5.=~No. One should be patient until the waiter is near- by, then ask in a low tone. 6.-- Xs. Tolates Hits 'Record High Dominion Statistics Put .Crop Value at $20,000,060 For 1938 Output An all-time high In Canadian to bacco production was registered in 1938 when a commercial crop of 98,427,900 pounds with a farm value | ot approximately $20,000,000 was harvested, the Dominfon Buréau of Statistics reports, This represented: an Increase. of | "26:300,000 pounds: or 36.5 per cent over the 1937 output estimated at 72,114,000 pounds with a farm value of $17,000,000, Increase, of 36.6 P. C, As a result of the large crop and heavy stocks carried over from the previous séason, prices of flue: cured into the 1039-40 season gslf: mated at 8,000,000 to 9,000000 pounds, In the case of burley tobacco, somewhat lower supplies than In the previous year resulted in an av- erage price of 13.8 cents a pound 3 The emerald, which signifies | | Have You Heard against 13:3 In 1937, a large pro- portion of the cigar leaf crop is still unsold and prices 'probably will average two to three cents lower than "prices received for the previous year's. erop, the 'report "sald. i All Varieties Increased production in 1938 was evident in all tobacco varieties ex- cepting the small aronratic pipe varieties, production of which is confined to Quebec. rt "A 'fat man, bumped into a rath- er lean gentleman. "From _ the looks. of you," he said belligerent- ly, "there must have been a fam- ine." : "And from the looks of you," | replied the lean gent, "you're the | guy who caused it.» - About 'the only thing mod- _erh girls can cook like mother used to cook is some man's goose: ' After a scene at the night-club, - where some men had started fight- i ing with chairs, a policeman ask- . ed the Irish doorkeeper: "But why didn't you do something?.." "Sure," replied Pat, "an' there wasn't another chair." Speaking of brave perfor- mances, one man took a taxi to the bankruptcy court and then, instead of paying his fare, invited the driver in.as a creditor, gt " "Why; Jane," protested the mis- tress, "that cake is as black as a . cinder. ' Did you cook it according to my instructions?" "Well, no mum," culprit, mations." ," replied the "It's one of me own cre- "Everyone has some secret sorrow," says a philosophis- ing friend. "Even 'the fat. test and jolliest of us has a skeleton in his midst," A 'young-man was doing : his own shopping. He said to the protty. girl behind the white goods counter: "I want a pillow-case please." ! . "Yes, what size?" asked the girl, - "Why--er--1'm not sure, tht 1 take a sevgn-dnd-a-quarter hat." What Science | x Doing % BRAIN KEEPS MAN UPRIGHT Discovery of the specific part of the brain which enables man to "stand upright is now announced. It Is a "strip area". of-brain-eells--- ying Just under the front part of the skull here a person scratches bis head when puzzled, = CHEMICAL SEEDS AID CURE Human "hormone culture" is be- ing developed by which chemical seeds are planted in the body to {reat disease. Addison's Disease, one which is generally weakening and often fat- al; has been successfully treated with the seed-planting niethod and the sufferers restored to normal health. & ARE -YOU GOING CRAZY? § Development of an electrical "ro- ¢hine reads, analyzes, computes and reports the mental conditions of patients as shown by varlations of milllonths of a volt of electric discharge from their brains, CELLULOSE FILMS FOR SKIN Substitution of cellulose film for human tissues is described as a "safe" surgical technique by a Virginia surgeon, who reports suc- cess In sheathing a severed tendon with the filmy material in such a way that a deformed hand became 'practically normal 'again, 2: Ship Stewardesses Usually Versatile Selected 'From Many Walks of Life, Some Are Trained Nurs- es; Othérs Linguists, Athletic Instructors or Traveling Companions ' "It usually requires considerable training in service and hospitality, as well as a good background, to become a stewardess aboard a mod: ern liner. Many of the stewardess- es chosen for the new Cunard White Star .Jiner Mauretania have had many years of training In this calling. \ Ff In selecting the personnel - for tho stewardesses' division in the new Mauretania, -only the most skillful of the present generation were selected, The women chosen come froin many walks of lite, Some have been trained nurses, linguists, hair dress. ers, athletic instructors, and trav- eling companions, but all have served for years aboard ships of Cunard White Star. - Meet Interesting People It is the duty of stewardesses to make things pleasant for all wo- men passengers, as well .as chil- - dren, during a transatlantic voy- age. Other dulles Include the ar- rangement of (lowers, dusting, making beds, and serving meals in ladies' staterooms. % There is another important ser- vice which falls to the steward- esses, They often dct as. interpre- ters for passengers from contin- ental Europe. They wear a small flag on their uniform which desig- nates the foreign. languages they speak. : . They meet many interesting people, the most famous in the world. * Gone On Errand Lin - Thirty-One Years Anthony Kesey of Buckley, Pa. "completed an errand to the store for his mother but he was gone 31 years. ri "Mrs, Veronica-vKesey answered a knock at her door last week and - found her middle-aged son stand- ing there with a jug_of kerosene in his outstretched "hagds. "I knew-you would come back," sobbed the 70-year-old mother. "My prayers have been. .answered.t------ ~~ Kesey was just 13 when she sent-- him for the oil. He recalled start- ing to the store but decided to run away. Since then he had worked on | Western Pennsylvania farms and with a circus as.a wrestler, never -- communicating with his family, Olive Trees Are Very Long-Lived Some Are Estimated to Be at Least 1,200 Years Old-- Product Prized For Food Value and Also as Beautifier There {s romance fn.a battle ot olive ofl; for the trees from which the product comes are among the most long-liyed in the world. Some of them are estimated to be 1,200: years old, and what a history of the shaping of world events they could tell if they. were able to speak, : Symbol of Peace Some plantations, such as those ot Terni, in Italy, are supposed to have existed 'in the time of Pliny, and rival glant California redwood trees in point of age. The olive has been cultivated in the East from most remote times, is assoc fated with much mythical lore, and {ts branches have come to be sym. bolic of peace and plenty, and the highest award, paradoxically en- ough, that could be granted for bravery and honor, The tree is largely cultivated in Greece, An- atolla, Levant, Morocco, Tripoli, Spain, France and Italy. It grows as well fn Chile, Mexico and Call ------ * fornia, The oil of the tree Is valued as a great beautitier and is included in a great number of toilet prepar ations. It is even more highly priz ed as a base for salad dressings, Less Speed My, Joseph Lonzini was td & hurry to build a laundry in. Chi. cago. So he set up an 8-ton well "drilling apparatus on the site and started the builders putting up the walls at full speed. Now they - have to pull down one wall to get the drilling apparatus out, Fiery, Ttching Skin Gels Speedy Relic! Here Is a clean stainless penetrating Sak septic. now dispensed by chemists at trifling cost, that will bring you speedy-relief from the Jiching, and distress of Eczema, Itching Toes and Feet, Rashes and skin troubles. - Not only does this great healing antiseptiq oil promote rapid and healthy healing ia en sores and wounds, but boils and sim- Be ulcers are quickly relieved and clean! caled. In skin discases--the itching of Eczema {is instantly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few The same is true of Barber's Itch, Rheum and other skin eruptions. You can obtain Moone's Emerald Oil (full strength) at any modern drug store, their an entirely new od, Bow features 2 Mare, Have sg Firestone Champion eT re iresfone Part of the 2Yery part oh Hye amazing pire 1 the every woldy ety. " wr an tire Thousand; of it a marvel] Extra C safety, ord for Plies. Firestone Tires do | "OB your car ang find tires AGENTS WANTED © AGENTS! STOREKEEPER big profits selling our Ss lines of Dr and - Small. eneral Outfitters Regd. -Box 965, Place D'Armes, Montreal. | Classified....... Advertising. PHOTOGRAPHY FREB ENLARGEMENT WITH EVe ery roll film developed and § gloss rints 25c. 8 enlarged prints Sc. Reprints same price. Bright- ling Studio, 29A Richmond Street East, Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE. "bot physician" that diagnoses the. mental diseases was announced. last week, ; 3 The electrical "brain" of the-ma:-- JEWELRY SPECIALS--WALTHAM Pockét Watches, $1 up. wiiat _~ Watches, Rings, ete., Violins, Saxa- loses, Uniredeome | Tawnbrokers- Ee ~--Cata 3 g Bledges. ogue. McTamney's, THAT REMINDS ME-- ROLL OGDENS . FOR COOL * FRAGRANT SMOKING 2 - PILY By (ave Refreshing asa summer bloom is the aroma of \ Ogden's Fine Cut. Testit "J Joucsall Compare it point y point with any other cigarette tobacco and: you'll agree that Ogden's has what it takes. By all means try Ogden's and choose the best papers to go with. it ~~ "Vogue" or ""Chantecler", ---- BABY CHICKS FILMS DEVELOPED days. __ DUSINESS OPPORTUNITY START YOUR "DWN BUSINESS. Every dollar sale brings you rev- onty-five cents profit. Write Eec-- -- onomy DIstribullng Company, Cur- tis: Avenue, Leamington, Ontario. DEVELOPING HOME POULTRY FARM, HALI- fax, No#a Scotla -- Poultryman -John Masso's 900 Bray Darred Rock pullets laying at 4 months, avéraged over 61 per cent. at six months last year. Bray chicks will ----do-ths trick tor you too, Order to- day. Bay Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. FAST-GROWING CHICKS IN YOUR brooders now, mean early-laying pullets in your laying house next Fall. Get In on the high November egg prices. Order Bray _ chicks now. Bray Hatchery, 130 Sehn st., .North, ¢lamliton, Ontario. IF YOU WANT CHICKS ON SHORT . notice order Tweddle Government Approved Chicks. We hatch 65,000 every week. Grade "A" Heavy Breeds $10.45; 90 per cent. Pullets $16.75; Cockerels $8.00; Leghorns $9.95: Pullets $20.75, Extra profit grade, the kind that welgh two pounds 'per huridred more when -- hatched. Heavy breeds 5 Pulleta $18.90; . Loghorna $11.45; $23.45. Speclal mating slightly higher, Free calendar and Joniry guide, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limit ed, Fergus, Ontarlo, % JUNE PRICES FOR BADEN HIGH Quality Chicks $lsetive June 8th, {eavy Breeds $16.45; Cockerels $9.76; Pulle ivery. Bad Hatchery, Li Elégtrie » mited, Baden, Ont. A Canada's expots "of soap fh NES CUT OGDE FINE 1038 'amounted to 15,046,732 Ibs. valued at $1,304,768. compared with 14,806,885 ibs. worth $1, h - ROLLS DEVELOPED, ETCHCRAFT enlargement -- 8 prints.25c. Re. prints 3c, Photoart Service, Tren. ton, Ontarlo, Drawer 809, + "FEMALE HELP WANTED ~ SPARE. TIME INCOME IS OFFERED TO RESPONSIBLE woman with" good local contacts. Leading magazine publisher seeks neighborhood subscriptioh worke er, Experience unnecessary, come missions liberal, generous bonus. ea. State age, Give 'references. Box 30, Room 421, 73 Adelalde St, WW. Toronto. ' HAIR GOODS : WIas. TOUPES, TRANSFORMA. tions, Switehes ris, and'ai | A of finest quality Hale s. Write {0 tera" Sa 1. 10! HH Bipot Co. 52 onto Hume. Bathuret, 1 an E 'Toronto. PLC LIRR aa Seeders . "HUNTERS AND TRAPPERS' SECRETS" HOW TO CATCH-MUSKRAT, FO: Mink and ee ver: aR timate . plans $3.00 at once. (George Green, +9. Fox 106, Richmond, Indiana, MACHINERY HANDY GREASE CONTAINER AND Gun Loader, Quarantesd. Clean one minute job, Write OG. B, A. Malchow, Stavely, Alberta, | NURSERY 8TOCK HARDY, VIGOROUS STRAWBER- ry plants, Harvest Kiiig $1.00 per hundred; Improved SenAtor Dun. lap 60c_per hundred. Cash with order, Quantity dis¢ounts. Max Kite, Indian River, Ontarlo, . 240,872 in" 19037. Issue No, 22 -- "39" FILMS DEVELOPED, TWO PRINTS of each and FREE ENLARGE. MENT coupon 25c.--Offset Photo- ----graphy Dep." "A", 2 Russell St, Toronto, a3 ~ PERSONAL MARRY--HUNDRENS TO CHOOSE from. Many with means. ers' daughters, Widows with Property. Particulars 10¢. Con. fidential. Box 128, Calgary, Ale berta. : 4 QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively, Home remedy. Tes= timonlals. "Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg. [F YOU WANT AN' AFFECTION ate romantic sweetheart, with . money, write: Mary e, 445.0, Rolla, Missourl. : PSORIASIS -- SKIN. TROUBLES. IF you suffer from psoriasis, dry ec zema_ or similar skin affettions, try the stainless Singer Bros, Ko. gon Ointment. Has already, proved successful fn thousands of stube -botn, hopeless cases, Price $1.00 per Jar, Post free on receipt of rice, from Singer Bros., Chemists Pent, W., '26 Queen St. E, Toron- SEWING MACHINES & SUI'PLIES FOR BEWING MACHINES, REe pairs, fupplics--~al makes, new. or Sd Lj recon! Mont anche -- rite A." er Son, 350 Y ae 3 & A one Ht Toronto AMI J STAMY'S NEWFOUNDLAND STAMPS, 40 dite ferent 80c, batalogue value $2.605 Price lists furnished. Ed. Schame mell, Botwood, Newfoundland, WHY GO GREY? THUSE UREY STREAKS IN YOUR alr are dead against you. Une oubtedly the finest remedy (for groy hair "1s Morgan's I'omnde, . This Is not a dye, but sclentificals ly prepared treatment which re vitalizes the hair. 2 ounce {1.00} large (four ounce $1.60, postage prepald. Order from--R, A, Puthill (Canadian Agent) 911. Bloor 8b West, oronto, Mado and sold in England for 60 years, . : : # he