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Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Jun 1939, p. 5

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| Sere ; HH Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moase and Mr. k SHIRLEY and Mrs. Fulton Chidler went to WHITBY H ITB WHITBY BROCK THEATRE. Fess oo Phone Phone 618 . Kingsville on Monday. Shirley Women's Institute met on Mrs. E. Wallace entertained the Healthfully Cooled by Water Washéd Air--All Shows Daylight Saving Time | Wednesday, June 21st, at the home of parents of the community on Tuesday, " s? : Mrs, Spencer. Owing to the illness with a piano recital by h¥r pupils. Thursday Friday, Saturday, JUNE, 29-30, JULY 1. of Miss Jean, Mrs, Toms, the presi- Gloria Harding, Biuce McCoy aid Two Shows at 7,30 and 9.30 p.m, Holiday Matinee Saturday, at 1. 30 pm. Es present so Mrs. lp, 0 Yotldridge- resEiven their oh trance standing on e year's work. [ » Mrs. Coates as convener on "Home YES MY 'DARLING DAUGHTER?" |, cos was responsible for the Copraulatons. © CLC ogram--a paper, "If you've a mind 4 with Priscilla Lane, Jeftrey Roteone 'Young, Fay Bainter, Li FHA by Mrs. 2 Ee mg Susie dubibier and son in Stouffville AY son, orous reading, "What for: Dinner?" Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stone and Mrs. by + Miss A. Wright, "The motto, oly U Tevin visiting in Picton and : Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday, JULY 8-4-5 gem of thought was "For 'What is sof oy oo - : _ First Show at 7.30 p.m. Last Complete Show at 8.50 p.m. rare as a day in June) and Ps wl Rev. Mr. McLachlan roan his bE) y ! : call ye rl veg uo hig a farewell sermon at the United Church 3A : y : question; 0 on Sunday evening. ~ The text was Attraction Extraordinary Agricultural Fall Fairs?" The an- itil 33:16, and based his a Vi Swer, was unanimous in the affirm remarks on the Fords "For the gooa- Tim ALOHA BAKER ative, A very interesting period wa will of Him that dwelt in the bush." k spent in the impromptu telling 3 A very good message to leave behind. -_-- ya 3 " ! stories, about ""Royalty", Also the p by . ON THE STAGE IN PERSON--THE WORLD MOST TRAVELLED GIRL-- various trips made to different places ody ii ig ig Ph . % Presenting a Thrilling Adventure Film of India, Australia, New Zealand. |to see our King and Queen were dis- Mrs, 'Scott, and Mrs. R. S. Long re- Visited 75 Countries. cussed and the different impressions turned home with them. } and reactions compared. The tripf. Little Britain was- beaten on Sat- PLUS OUR REGULAR SCREEN PROGRAMME taken to the OAC. at Guelph byl Hp ipvien gh To : a 7 several members was discussed; but score ending 14-7. A fine bunch of "TAIL SPIN " : ~~ we-hope to hear more aboutthat at a players, those Seagrave boys! a Zh later date. Mr. and Murs. A. Snyder of Port " == with Alice Faye, Constance 'Bennett, Nancy Ktlly, Joan Davis, Chas. Farrell] = Starting at the September meeting Perry, spent Sunday with Mr. and - i i ofl io "| we hope to study_and_discuss, under Mrs A L. Orchard. ~ DIED ARAGON ew pened sonnet], Me. amd Men. Gordon Brown o »" few" Toror i Mr. and Mrs. W. "BOY TROUBLE most interesting and typical features LM il TS 2 of nine of the outstanding countries| °° : th Ch lie R les, M Boland, Dona) 0'Co nnor. z The Quadrata Club met at the par- ith ges ddd ud ono er that feature in the world news hd sonage on Wednesday evening, June ° "NO ADVANCE IN PRICES © -- Visi iy on aan i... 21st. After the planning of pro- : pat paper Will b2 06 "Bussid® ie be)" s for the rest of the year, a pre- -. i -------- written by Mrs. Walter Wright, a Ap rem ar Ui year A he The report of the District Annual Ts an before hor departure tb New i rE PSRNEECH: : will be given at Mrs. Graham's meet- tonville. : : Si Eg vam he Aimar The following address was read: ing Cans : ae bin ay ANCE] por Mrs, McLachlan." We, the Bathing Caps and Beach Hats = local emote 3 hy Ps ta he hess MY by ori Club of 3 : ah a i Iven In Brooklin in Octaoher. Remar xO yo - to-night I APS...... edch 15¢c., 19c, 25c., 39¢, and 50c, io Seagrave have gathered here to-nig BATHING Y y a 2 7, #8, and to express our best wishes to you be- BEACH HATS, in all colours .. -+....each 25c, SE AGR AVE fore you leave ys, You will be great- HN y ly missed by ws, as-yoy were always Potter & Moore's oo CREAM, 'Mr. and Myps" Allan Crosjer visited | 50 willing to help us on all occasions. , Mrs. Crosier's sister at Udney, "on| we deeply appreciate your wark. i "TAT" ANT TRAPS, quick, simple, Posiifye control, The %| Sunday, As a token of our oppreciation we]. ' - eritire colony will be exterminated, My. ih Mrs, John Short attended ask you ta pecept this in from the 3 Fd 2 the I.,-0. 1, Church Berviee at me girls of the Club, Md >) " DR. BISHODS: POWDERS af children . . a SE ville on-Sunday; - Wishing yoy the best in your new or teething, bowel-troubles; colds, and acute fever Mr. and Mrs, R. Abraham and : S01 | home. indications, Ray were in Little Britain on Sunday Mrs. McLachlan was presented with r OC OME visiting Mr. and Mrs, coliflan. {a pair of candlesticks with - candles. Fo Brilliant, sparkling Snap Shots, try SEL CHR( M 1 Mrs. M. McMill p di FILM 1S--British made, Mr. and Mrs, N. Hicks of Oakwood, | She thanked the girls ing fow well i visited thepr dapghter Mys, C. Hallett. | chosen "words, 3 1 Murs. Lloyd Wallace, Jaycee and Don- Refreshments and a social time was | = Mori rison' 8 D drug Stor € ald, pf Port Perry, visited her mother enjoyed by all. 2 5 FOR? PY PERRY hone 16 - A -Mrs. Mason, on Sunday. ? ; Mrs. A. Keele and. Mys.-L.Keeler |: i oA : . 4 . and daughter Faye, of Sunderland, | : SCUGOG visited Mrs, Moni op Tuesday, "The Community' Club of the Head 'CAREFUL. MEAT BUYING Congratylations to Mr, and Mrs, W.| will hold its next meeting at the home < gr? Couch on the gift of 'a baby hoy nfof Mr, and Mrs, E. Tg, 2 There is mowing. like experience to teach one what should hii 0 Hits teamed the i Cay eke duly dth,.. Hverylody be known out meats. We have had many years of niversary services at Sanya, an Hun- Next Sunday the evening' service that experience, The greatest of care is exercised in day, will be at the Head Church at 7.80, the buying and: reparation of meats. You can A rely Mr. and Mrs, Albert Dance of. Col-| Centre service at 11.30 am. The rest on the good quay of: our stock. ; borne, called on friends In the cam- of the services as usual, BERS ' Ey munity on Monday, Miss Katharine Robinson has- Te- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ross and family turned to her home in Toronto after 'BERT acGREGOR S © =. _-|of Leaskdale and Mr. and Murs, Jas, | spending a few weeks with her _aunt : PHONE 72-R-2 . WE DELIVER PORT PERRY | Rose and Ruth of - -Toronto, visited | Mrs, C. L. Fralick. ERE kL Mrs. Colwell on Sunday, Miss Mildred Mills with her cousins CPRARERS Misses Doris and Alice Parry for the week end. MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a| Tons lglg Bien, DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE. {near thd "hum of the mower in the rere == hay megdays, iw BEAUTY SHOPPE: BARBER SHOR ~My and--Mys,--H,-- Carnochan--and - : d = children visited her parents Mr, and . SPECIALIZING IN SPECIALIZIND IN Mrs; W. Mark accompanied them to Permanent Waying angd all' Hair Gytting, and all [Visit with Mrs. D. Hope and Mrs, H. ! Long. == other lines of other lines of the werk -Mr, and Ms. 0, Jeffyey, Clem and = 3 BEAUTY CULTURE Lois, visited her sister Mrs. A. Brunt + : at Enniskillen on Sunday. Miss Mm. PEERS ' H. H, MULLIGAN Get your boats in shape for Satur- Registered Hairdresser ° Registered Barber day, the 1st of July, for the fishing rte season apens an that day. BELL : PHONE 76 : : PORT PERRY The first family picnic was held at : . Stephenson's Point last week, when : i the Reader family numbering 84 * gathered, They came from Toronto, . Peterbaro, = Buffalo, ~ Oshawa,. Por] SE ey Perry and Scugog. The sports were >. L % « / enjoyed, but owing to the cold wind IH h 9 5 . | the supper ,was spread in the tea room ens dWs FOOD JUICY 'FRESH [| of the Head Church. These family ty : gatherings are wonderful times to res ARE AR RIVING \ % TWICE AS LONG ® |rniew old acquaintances and keep up the rans I Thanks to the Norge advancement « | family connections. ~All Seasonable Fruits known ast -Cooling" System Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, : "| oa new, revolutionary principle in | Savage. We all wish for - her a Po HAT, " § tL t Price Is at your service for all kinds of | - food pressevation. Plus "All-Porcelain speedy recove ' a owes Haulage. : Large or small .| Finish, BOTH Outside and Inside, Me. ond Mis. Jas. Dusty ¥nd the consignments will receive i nd . ha Yeu SE pid ee rather Ms, 1, ty to were Every day sees fresh ship- prompt and careful HR Lr "| Bunday guests of My, and Mrs. S. ments' of yogstables, attention, Rodman. We understand 'Mr. and 5 \ Anywhere in Ontario Mrs, Dusty-ate moving to Whitby : : You can rbly on us for. rt den [3 £ Anshan so + |this week, where Mr. Dusty has a ' : sgood' iy - ® 4 SPRLIROOP DEFROSTER position. We wish them success. : Ra bos a Y 3 1 Arian : Bell Phone 6 4 RAR OVID Hrosevon x . MYRTLE A : C usoF uit Store Re 8: FRUIT STORAGE DRAWER ' Mrs. Leslie and Mgs. Randall of To- : : Al LA r b 4 "PORT PERRY,. ONT. S Gleveaht Shep doctor in Moy ronto, spent the week -end at the os ; | : -= Td sonage. Phone 208 Port Perry Ray Henshaw, Proprietor i Late Miss M. Graham of Honolul, spent | SH . ; fa Dealers; the earlier part of the week with her rons "| IRS | 0a Bros,, Port Perry ius ir. er bub. : nn " y ALWAYS READY TO SERVE You with LUMBER or FUEL If you are building or repairing, we shall be glad to provide plans and estimates. We Deliver Ice. "for Your Refrigerator Phone 240 'Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co. PORT PERRY, ONT. = 'Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE "Cool as the Ocean' Breeze" SPECIAL HOLIDAY BILL! Thurs, Fri, Saturday, (This Week) Luli Oeste, Edward G. Robinson, in "THUNDER IN CITY" Like a flash of lightning it is packed with action and thril)s--you'll like jt! OMEDY--Charlie Chase, in "MANY Ln RUTURNR op CARTOON--SCRERN HNAPSHOTS 'Mon., Tues., Wed., JULY 3-4-5 John Barrymore, and Jack Howard, in "Bulldog Drummond: in Africa" A new detective thriller that will keep yaw guessing. POPEYE and MUSICAL, NOVELTY. Thursday, Friday, id (Neat) Frankie Darra, in "JUVENILE COURT" "Crime does nat pay--an Rlyéntite story. Mr. George McCullagh of "the Globe & Mail, Toronto, Called on friends here on Friday, bie Mp. and Mes, Donald Timms of Car- bow, spent the week end with -the former's brother Mr. Albert Timms, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler, of Taronta, | week eng, "Mrs. Victor Mitchell 1a Visiting her parents -in-Oshawa, with her daughter at- Windsor. Stredwick and "others here, gineer here expects to make its first |§ try-out from the shores of Lake Scu-|H# this week when a number are plan- ning to see it set forth. Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, Mrs, Car- michael and Miss M, Ross visited the former's son Dr. Lawrence of Lindsay ou Thursday, Ideal weather and a godd crowd made the Sunday School picnic that was held at Geneva Park, east of Col- umbus on Saturday, a splendid suc- cess. The grounds make a fine- spot for such a gashering and ave well equipped' with riding horses, swim. ming. pool; vefreshment booth, swings and other necessaries for such ac- casions, and all present took advan- tage of them until the supper gong sounded and all gathered round the well filled tables and did justice to a substantial picnic supper, The com- mittee in charge who were responsible for its success were Miss Smith, Mrs. Braley, Harold Stredwick, J. Thomp- son and Frank Downey. The only re; | gret expressed was that these gather] inga did not come oftener. Congratulations to the students who were so successful in passing their promotion' examinations at the Brook- lin Continuafion "School. They are Doris McGee, Ray Duff, Ray Grant, and Allen Booth, * | Mrs. Cecil Wilson of Oshawa visited her sistey-ln-law Mys. Frank Shell last week, : ZION-- (Continued fram page 4. and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Western visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradbukn at Janetville. on Sunday. Mrs; Thomas Broad of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. S. Hall. Rev. J. McLachlan preached his farewell sermon qn 8unday morning to a 'large eongregation. Mr. Wm. Stokes moved a Wte of thanks to Rev. and Mrs. McLachlan on behalf of Zion congregation, Who regrets the severing of a tie with one who has faithfully discharged the duties of his high calling and won high esteem of not were at their summer home for the i Mrs. Aggle Fisher is. holidaying | ¥ Miss Jennie Brown of Toronto spent i last week with her cousin Mrs, Harold | § The North- Star hydroplane which i was built by .a local aeronautical en-|} gog at Port Perry the later part of H Sizes 14 to 20. 'NOVELTY COTTONS, floral patterns. THE RED & WHITE store SUMMER DRESSES CREPES, plain and printed $2.98, $3.50 $1.98 to $2.25 Rayon Table Cloths Rayon and Cotton Table x 52, Blue, Green, Cloths, 52 Red and Gold 39c. and 59¢. Shorts and and GIRLS' SHORTS, 8-14, 75c. to 89¢ GIRLS' SLACKS, 8-14, 75c¢. to 89¢ GIRLS' OVERALL SLACKS Slacks 8 to 14, 98¢c LADIES' Navy Blue 'and Brown Slacks and Shorts, 14-20, 98¢ LADIES' Navy and White Overall Slacks - 14 to 20, 98c. Sumer Dress Goods Printed Pique, 36 inches, hi large floral patterns, 29c. yd. 45c. ti ,F. W, BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY EA SSN Let Us Supply Your Baking Needs . @ FRESH GOODS DAILY @ Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Tarts TRY our BIRL EY'S REAL ORANGEADE, 5c. per battle, or quart fo take home] WE DELIVER PHONE 82 CA tow Bros, Port Perry Fy --*"THE LAUNDERED COAL' W. G. W. PYATT only the members of the Sougregation but the community in general, . x' FAMOUS for its Dependability No matter if the weather is cold or mild, you can always de- pend ¥n this clean, long burning cu al for heat satisfaetion--- washed before it leaves the mine 0 free it from dirt and dust COKE, WOOD," HARDWALL PLASTER Fresh St. Mary's CEMENT on hand PORT PERRY COAL YARD Phones 94w and 94) ---- THE ROYAL CAFE ---- Extends an invitation to the people of this commun- ity to enjoy the services we offer in Good Meals, Well Cooked, 'Well Served tN Neilson' S Ice Cream 'SODAS, SUNDAES, CONES, BRICKS Soff Drinks, Cigars, Cigarettes Tobaccos ot HENS REST ROOM. © Percy Densham, Proprietor

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