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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Jul 1939, p. 5

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td PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1939 \ BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY a 3 Healthfully Air Conditioned. All Shows Daylight Saying Time. 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sal JULY 6-7-8 \ Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. _ Saturday Matinee at 1,30 pm. aThe Story of Alex- ander Graham Bell with Don Ameche, Loretta Young, Henry. Fonda, Sally Blane; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JULY 10-11-12 First show at 7.30, Last complete Show at 8.60 Thanks for the Memory ~~ -- / I S14 with Bob Hope, Shirley Ross Charles Butterworth, Otto Kruger, Also an ADDED _ Attraction {Tal : 3] City Streets" with Leo Carrillo, Edith Fellows. COMING next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 13-14-15 Errol Flynn, in "Dodge City" ditches. * MR. AND MRS. GLASS FIGURE IN} ACCIDENT NEAR BROOKLIN. The wheel on a 1938 sedan driven by Vernon Forbes, of Torontd, came off suddenly on number 12 Highway, Sunday evening, throwing his car as well as the car driven by Mr. C. 'A, Glass, of Port Perry, Into opposite Mrs; Glass -- and daughter Clare were injured and shaken up badly. Mr. Glass and Stanley were slightly hurt on the leg. Miss Ivenu Mulligan was d passenger in the Glass car. : iediodt 5. can .- sS -- SEAGRAVE ELIMINATE BEAVERTON ' Before a good crowd of fans al Little Britain ball park, on Monday, .- | Seagrave Cubs came from behind in the fifth inning to beat Beaverton Giants by a score of 8-6 in a sudden death game for the right to advance into the finals of the Tri-Township League against Valentia who put out Wick, the same day and place. After a rather disastrous early start when Beaverton put across five runs in the first three innings, the Cubs settled down and began to get to Yale, while their 'ace right-hander had their op- ponents pretty well tied up in knots. The Cubs scored four runs in the fifth, one in the sixth, one in the seventh and two in the eighth. The final game of the series will be played in, Little Britain Park on: Monday July 10th, at 5 p.m. when the Dr. Hall silver trophy will be presented to the winners--Seagrave vs. Valentia. "PICNIC DIXIE PLATES, + AND SERVIETTES, PAPER PLATES, THERMOS BOTTLES NEEDS PAPER CLOTHS CAMP AND COTTAGE NEEDS-- 0il of Citronella, 15¢. bottle, ~"Fly-Tox 29¢. and 49c. bottle. SUNBURN REMEDIES-- Noxzema Skin Cream 15c. WE Poison Ivy Lotion -Tat Ant-Traps, each- 29c, Mecca Ointment 26¢., §0c. BATHING CAPS gay and attractive styles, 19¢c., 29¢., 39c¢. PALM BEACH SUN GLASSES, equipped with Crook's lenses and side shields .39¢. EEE EERE EEE] SELO-CHROME FILMS, made Sap ially to get clear sharp pictures, 25¢., 30c., and 35c¢. roll, ' QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING, daily service ~ Morrison's Drug Store. PORT PERRY. TANS ne 16 - "CAREFUL MEAT BUYING There is nothing like experience to teach one what should be known about meats, that experience. - on the good qu PHONE 72-R-2, We have had many years of The greatest of care is exercised in the buying and preparation of meats. ality of our stock. BERT. MacGREGOR'S = WE DELIVER ~ You can rely PORT PERRY|_ MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE miLo PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE _ BEAUTY 'SHOPPE BPECIALIZING IN-- Permanent Waving and all other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE MISS M. PEERS - Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 786 - BARBER SHOP -- SPECIALWAINF-IN- | ~ Hair Cutting, and all other lines of the work H. H. MULLICAN Registered Barber HEADUARTERS All a Frulls at Lowest Price vary day sees fresh ship- nents | of Yogslables, SN You can rely on us for quality, ® : Caruso Fruit Store| * Port Perry| good Phone 208 3 3 + Henshaw's Transport | Is = your service for a)l kinds of Haulage. ; Large or small consignments will receive - prompt: and- careful : attention, x "Anywhere in Ontario =) Bell Phone 6 PORT PERRY, ONT. Ray Henshaw, Proprietor | Mus. + PORT PERRY| °, SEAGRAVE The . Union Picnic .of Seagrave, Fingerboard and Bethel was held here last. Friday affernoon.on the school grounds. The teachers in charge of the program were Misses Alma Frise, Jeani McDougall, Mr. Mel¥yl. Moase. Quite* a nomber of visitors attended, and were served supper on the lawn. Baseball games played by the pupils of the different schools, were inter- rupted by. the rain at the second game. After supper was concluded sports were. enjoyed by the pupils, such as racing.' , . Mr. Chester Butt, of Pickering, visited friends here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Art Gibson of War- saw, Indiana, visiting My; Gibson's brothers Harold of Seagrave, and J. Gibson, of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibson and family attended their family reunion on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ripley and family, and brother Horace Ripley ot Ottawa, visited their uncle Mr. Moon on Monday. \ - Quite a number attended the ser- vices at Pleasant Point on Sunday, where Rev. Tristram, of Seagrave, was the special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson and family of Manchester visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier on Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawkins and friends of Toronto, were here on Mon- day, Mrs, -C. Mason has gone to Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. J. Tobin and sons Dennis and Ray, and Mis. R. Abraham visited their father Mr. Roy Moon at Raglan, on Thursday, : Messrs, Wallace and McKenzie, of Toronto, were holiday guests of Mr. and*Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge. Miss" Ila' Hiscox,.~of Montreal, is visiting "her sister Mrs. C. Sleep. Sleep and Miss Hiscox intend holidaying at the former's Scugog cot- tage. Myr. and Mrs, H. McKnight and fam- ily, Mrs. M. Fitzpatrick, Miss M. Me- Knight, R.N., were holiday guests of relatives here. Miss McKnight is ve- maining with her sister Mrs. Scott for a holiday, Miss Alma Frise is attending sym- mer school in Taranto, My. Fred Grose of Toranto was a holiday guest of Mr. Seagrave Public School Promotions. Grade VII to VIII--Mildred Stone, George Harding, = Grade VI to VI[-=Beverley Scatt, 1Lloyd Short, Grade VY ta VI-- Earl Sarnberger, Bernice Harding, Grade IY -- Vera Thompson, Mac Thompison, Rachurn Thiebault. ; Grade 1I to,JII -- Eunice Fishley, Marion Gordon, Kenneth Short. Gloria Harding, Bruce McCoy, Ross Woladridge received their -Entrance to High School: on thelr year's work? 2 induction service of Rev, w. Tristram into the Seagrave United Church circuit on Thursday evening Was very well attended, The service YEAR PROTECTION PLAN ON, HERMETIC (Sealed) * MECHANISM ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ° With the fi (Double: Watrenty) Rollator, Dey Kero Insulation, Round Sanitary Corners, Rubber Sealed Door, Ong-Plece Wet celain Interior, Norgloss Baterior Finish, end other great convenience featutes. Easy to own on our "Use As-You-Pay" Plan. Lowest pries in Norge history, ~*~ ' Dealers: Beare Bros: Port Perry i and Mrs. Frise. |. Marjorie McCoy, Dorothy Wooldridge, | - was in charge of Rev, Mr. Wallace of Greenbank, assisted by Rev. Mr, Hillis of Little Rritain, Rev. Mr. Higgs of Manilla, Rev. Mp, McTavish of Sun- derland, Rev. Mr. Robson,' Wilfrid. Mrs. H. Eagleson was at the organ. Lunch was served and everybody in- troduced to the new minister and his wife and family. 'BLACKSTOCK Mr. F. Waldon of 'the T. T. C., To- ronto, had returned home after a week's holiday at the home of his cousins the Smith Bros. : Mr, and Mrs. Albert Wright were ery pleasantly surprised on Satur: day evening, June 17th, when mem- bers of their immediate families" Tn vaded their home to celebrate with them their. Silver Wedding anniver- sary. Mr, Carl Wright acted as chair- man and presided for a- short pro- gram given by nieces and nephews. Mrs, Percy VanCamp then read the following address and Mr, Osmond Wright presented the bride and groom of twenty-five year ago with a beauti- ful tri-light floor lamp. - The Address. Dear Albert and Louise: Spring! What a wealth of meaning in that word! . To some it may mean new life, new joys, new work, but the poet tells us that spring is a time of love and joy. This spring has a 'special meaning for us and to-day we celebrate with you yaur silver wed- ding anniversary. "It takes p heap of living in a house to make it home" and surely you have had a broad faith, hroad and bright hopes, strong love and a firm step to meet the duties af ]ifp, We are glad of this opportunity to tell you how much your friendship and fellowship have meant to us during your whole life but especially the past twenty-five yéars. So often you have inconvenienced yourselves. in.aqur in- [ld 'terests and for that wil wish to shaw our appreciation, and ta say "Thank You"! Friendship is a chain of gald, shaped in God's. all perfept mould. May éach link of olir family he strong and sure, and we are proud of your part in the chain, Please ageept this gift with our sincere love and best wishes for, your future happiness. May you Silver Anniversary Like a gateway be today, Opening on a path that leads yon Down a cheerful, sunlit "way, May old memories blend With new . Joya That the future years will hold, Making life still richer, fuller, As the Silver turns to Gold! The remainder of the evening was spent in music and games and the serving of refreshments. : The Annual Orange Church servige will be held in the arena on Sunday evening, July 9th, "when Rev. E, P. Wood, Rector of 'St. John's Church, will be in charge. Special nmusip hy St. John's chalr, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mr. F. Waldon, 'Mr. and Mrs, T, Smith at- tended the Old Boys' Re.unlon at Newmarket on Friday last, On Friday evening June 23rd, Mr, and Mrs, David Archer were guests of honor at a miscellaneous . shower held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. made the presentation on behalf of thos present. The bride and groom both expressed sincere thanks for the lovely and useful gifts, Short speeches were also made by Dr. C. E. Whit- taker of Toronto, father of the bride, by Rev. E. P. Woad, by Mrs. (Dr.) Whittaker and. hy Mrs, Stringer, wife of the late Bishop Stringer and aunt of the bride. ~ At the clase refresh- ments were served Including the wed- ding .cake, The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time. Induction Service The Induction servige of Rev. D. Stinson, the new minister of the Cart- wright United Churches, was held in the United Church, Blackstock, Friday evening of last week. This beautiful and impressive service was. conducted by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Port Pervy, assisted By Rev. Mr. Davison, Bow- manville and Dr, Bowles, Néatleton. '| At the close refreshments were served and Mr. Stinson introduced to those present. - We welcome Rev. Mr, Stin- son to our village, and wish for him every success in his new field of labor. "At a meeting of the W, A. of the United Church held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Layton, Tuesday evening of last week, Mrs, W, A. Van- Camp read . an appropriate address and Mrs. W. Bradburn on behalf of the mefiibers of the .W.A. presénted Mrs. (Rev:) H. Bell with a beautiful | Mrs mauve and green satin bound blanket. Mrs. Bell was also presented with a lovely. 'Ratin Pedsrrend Fe Mr. ALWAYS READY TO SERVE You with LUMBER or FUEL If you are' buildin repairing, we shal be glad to provide plans and estimates. We Deliver Ice for-Your Refrigerator Phone 240 Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co. PORT PERRY, ONT. VL Gr er] Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE "Cool" as the. Ocean Breere" Thursday, Friday, Sat. (This Week) Frankie Darro and Jean Haysworth, n "JUVENILE COURT" Mothers! Sénd your children to their show. A true moral -pleture, You'll agree with the management that crime does not pay. Praised by lead- ing churches, Also COMEDY-- "ANKLES AWAY". (Four Comedies) Men, Tues, Wadnsegnys July 10-1112 Chas, Bickford and Marsha Hunt, in Zane Grey'a "THUNDER TRAIL" Welcome Orange Lodge members to see a- swell action western. Special Comedies. NOTE--Wednesday, July 12, contin- uous from 4 p.m. until midnight. Join the Fun Thurs., Friday, Saturday(Next Week) Mickey 'Raaney in "LORD JEFF" bers -of the Young Ladies' 8. §, Clasa of which she was the teacher, Miss Doris Marlow read the address and the presentation was made by Miss V. Saddler, Rev, and Mrs. Bell: both spoke feelingly of their departure and expressed sincere appreciation of the gifts and the kind thoughts prompt- ing them. ] : Mr. Ralph VanCamp, of Pletan, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs, WV. A. VanCamp, Mrs. John Burke Mrs, John Burke(nee Mary Bowles) passed away at her home in Port Perry, on Monday, June 19th, 1939, in her 79th year. -- Mrs. months, and death was nat unexpect- ed. Township and in Port Perry from childhood. thoughtful neighbaur character wha will be greatly missed by many old friends, -- Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bowles, Irish settlers, She is survived by lier hus- band; one brother, William Bowles; and three sisters, Port Perry; Mrs. O'Brien, Welland; and Mrs. John Lawler, King City. The funeral service was held in the Roman Catholic Church, and inter- 'GREENBANK Mr. and Mra. Henry Taylor and danghter, of Toronto, visited friends here and attended the Entertainment and Supper on Saturday, July. ist. Mrs. Bushby entertained a ndmber of friends of Miss A. Marmon to a Pirthia Tea on Friday, Misa Yisio Wallace, of Newtonville, at her home here on Sunday. Rev, J. A, Miller and editor Ruth o Toronto, were visiting her on Mon- da Ritsses Aletha Cragg | "and Dovuliiy Burke had been ill for some f Deceased had. lived: in Reach : She was well known--a g and a kindly [¥ Burke was the daughter off T Rebecca Bowles, |. ment made at the Cemetery, Borélia, "Foe. Mr. Jack Smith, as ehatrman, | o---- 0-- 4 | }Y me RED & WHITE sure VENETIAN - BLINDS HEES QUALITY - Selected Basswood slats in Ivory. Excellent quality English ladder tapes. "for adjusting slats. drop of blind. Attractive facia board. Worm gear tilting device Automatic stop to adjust Good quality, extra strong pull cords, Widths 23, 24, 25, 26,27, 28 inches. 64 inch drop. 'Widths 29, 30, 31, 82, 33, 34, 35, 36 in. 64 inch drop. Made-to-measure $3.98 $4.98 Shades, Hees' best quality, 55c. sq. ft. 'Rexfelt Mats-- 18"x 36", 2.for 25c. . 36" x 36", 25c¢. MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS White, with zipper $1.00 BATHING SUITS Ladies' --$1. 25 to $2.35 Boys' All Wool Trunks--85c. Men's All Wool Trunks--$1.00 r Sugar--100 lbs'--$5.69 'F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43° WE DELIVER PHONE 82 - PORT PERRY TASES A IN, Let Us Supply Your Baking Needs CT @ FRESH GOODS DAILY @ Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Tarts TRY our BIRLEY'S. REAL ORANGEADE, 5c. per bottle, . or quarts to take home, Gerrow Bros, Port Perry . ET READING wa -* "THE PORT PERRY W. G. W. PYATT No matter if the weather isicold or mild, you can always de- pei on this clean, long burning coal before it leaves the mine to free it from dirt and dust LAUNDERED COAL" COKE, 'WOOD, HARDWALL PLASTER Fresh St. Mary's CEMENT on 'hand FAMOUS for its 'Dependability for heat satisfaetion-- COAL YARD Phones 94w and 9j Da Real, of Toronto, at their respective homes for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer, Kingston, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. H. Phoenix over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. James Boo have pur-, chased the McArthur house and in- tending moving shortly. We welcome them to our village. Mr. and Mrs. Boe lost their farm' residence by fire a short time ago. \ "RAGLAN - Mr. and Mrs, C. McKnight, Oshawa, ° visited iwth Mr. and Murs. 0. Hubbard on Sunday, - IN Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Mr. and! ! Mrs. 'L. Miller and son Bobby, spent the holiday with friends in Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, Sr. visit: ed over the week-end with their son. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wakely and son of Toronto, Mrs. A, Wakely and Aileen, of Oshawa, Mr. ahd Mrs. R. Spinks, Purple Hill, and Mrs, D. Egerton, were all visitors at the home of Mr. and . J. Evans. visited their parents Mr. and Mrs Ormiston, recently. Mrs. F. Brawn and son, Orangeville, and Harold, visited with Mr. and Mrs. were visiting with relatives in this | Steele, Prince Albert, on Sunday. district over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. D. Catherwood and baby Kenneth, are spending their holi- home of Mr. duys with Mr. J. Medd, Utica. The sympathy of the Sohimyinivg } is extended to the parents of the late Edgar Cassidy and Jack Maynard, of | Brooklin, A number from here attended the anniversary services at Columbus "on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Etherley, Toronto, Tore Suriday visitors at the home of nd Mrs. I. Ormiston. and Mrs. H. Stark and famiiy of Py Mr. and Mrs, Wilson and family$ Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson, Prince Albert, were Sunday 'visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ball and family Miss D. Knox, Messrs. C. Rodd, and '(George Knox, of Lindsay, were Sun" day visitors with Mr. an Mrs: James Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ormiston and little Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Ormiston, Toronto, | daughter, fo Toronto, visited with the .-L | former's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston. r. and Mrs, Turnbow, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Corner, Doris tin order of merit were: lir The Stacey family and relatives re- cently held a re-union picnic at the and Mrs. Geo, Stacey. During the worship service on Sun- day Mrs. A. J. Giose présented mem- bers of thé Young Worshippers League with Testament Books and diplomas for regular attendance 'to church. Those. receiving the honours Ronald Kel- 1gton, Kathleen Kellington, Bobby - Brawn, Clare Brawn, Audrey Avery, Edna Avery. The annual Luke Picnic was held on Saturday at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, and was attended by almost 100. Old Boys' Retnion at Epsom. Al big sports day has been arranged for Saturday, July 8th, One import- ant feature will 'be a game betiween¥ « the old football teams of Utica and Epsom. Thire will also be baseball, races, ete. Supper will be served. ~---- A yo x DIRE 3 Pn pi

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