AREA y TAIIY AR J Your Dog Knows What You Mean By the Tones of Your Voice, Rather Than By the Actual Words-- Countless friends will tell you Rover understands every word they " © -speak. Rover does nothing of the kind, be he ever so well educated, * says Albert Payson Terhune, ex- pert on dogs. But the theory itself, is correct, even If {ts deduction are not. For instance: "You have bought a puppy. Talk to him steadily, quietly, for much of the timo you and he are togeth- er, not in baby talk, but sensibly, Of course he won't get the mean. ing of one word in ten, any more than we could master the Choctow dialect. But ho will learn the tones of your voice, and moods as expros- sed in that voice, Indeed, he will, learn certafu simple verbal phras es; such as "Come in!" "Out!" "Back!" "Go ahead!" "Quiet!" and "Speak!" and 'the like. He'll Glean the Sense Dou't be discuoraged if at first he does not seem to set your means Ld ! Ey i on - Ci Am A ing. Your three-year-old child also would not at first understand the speech addressed to him in a for- oign language. But, in time, he would glean the sense of it. So will - your dog, Drive Urged: On Ragweed Eradication Proposed In Effort to Control Hay Fever . Eradication of ragweed, blamed tor most hayfever attneks, wag urged Inst week, especially in tour- Ist centres, at the Dominion Coun-~ "oil of Health meeting at Ottawa. Dominion and provineial health authorities at the meeting agreed that education of the public to the menace of rh seid would be noces- sary in an eradication campaign. Saskatchewan and Quebec claimed. ragwead-free areas. Dr. Jean (re- noire, Quobec Deputy Health Min- - ister, sald the Quebec Agriculture Department Lad accomplished a groat deal in the way. of stamping out the noxious weed, particularly in the Gaspe district, N Heads, Canadian Doctors s De. Duncan Graham, newly-elécted president of the Canadian Medical Association. Te "They Covered -- "9,031 Miles On This Continent King and-Queen Travelled 20 Days Aboard Train-in Both . Canada and the U.S. When tiiey boarded the liner Em- 'press ol Britain for Newfoundland, ~.* the King and Queen had seen more of Canada and traveled longer by rail in the Dominion than the vast majority of Canadians. The King and Quecn took long train journeys: in their strido--as they had taken everything alse since they left England. Over 8,000 By -Rail Their 29 days of train travel, however were broken by quiet stop- . Offs where they could sleep In real beds and their tour was arranged 80 that theif traln oftén was put on a siding so they could sleep un- disturbed by the rumble of wheels, Of the 20 njghts they spent in Can. v ada and in the United States, 10 "were spent off tho train. To Halifax they traveled in milés, fn Canada by rail 7,605, by motor 186, by water 275, Canadian total 8,006, In the United States; by rail 1,099, by motor 96, by water 40, ' { United States total 1.235, Grand total 9,301. : Types Of Women g pe There are six prevailing types of 2 { 'wornen-~the short stout, the pet: 20; ¥ ite, the woman with small shoul- : ; ders and large hips, the tall, heav- Bite ily bined woman, the talt and fd very slender wonian, and the per- 75 I These Three Stole The Show foot average, For the first time in many months, "gory, better known in the U.S. as P himself; Lady Vyner Brooke, rincess Baba, Have YouHeard " PY A lady went into a butcher's and asked for a pound of filet of beef. The butcher cut it off. = "There you are; ma'am, just 14 ounces." But the lady said, "No,-1 want a pound excetly. It's for an im- portant dish at an important lun- cheon." . The butcher: cut off a bigger chunk. "Eighteen ounces, That all right, ma'am?" "No," said the lady-- and she was a rich and valued customer---- "No, I want you to cut me off a pound, no more and no less." "Oh," groaned the butcher, as he took up his knife again, "you and your pound of flesh! -Why, you're a regular Shylock Holmes." sofia "Professor! Professor!" "Well, what is it?" "There is a burglar Jn the library." - "Dear me. What-is he read- ing?" } 0 "Ah me," sighed the gossipy fe- male boarder; "one half of the world docs not know how the oth- er half lives." B i "Oh, well, don't worry about it," growled the old bachelor at 'the foot of the table. "It isn't your fault if it doesn't know." RR, Y, - He: "Why did you send that poor fellow back for your cold cream? He'll never find it." : ; She: "1 only wanted to get the chap off my hands." =0-- The barber was dark and swar- "thy, his eyes black and sparkling." >It was evident that he was de- scended from Latin stock. "What do you think of the Ital- ian situation?" 'he inquired of the customer, "What is of Mussolini?" your opinion ~ the colorful family of Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, has a get-together and the camera duly records the event for posterity. white rajah of Sarawak, LEFT to RIGHT are Mrs. Bob Gre- daughter; Mrs, Harry Roy, his wife, and Lady Inchcape, daughter. of the Sarawak association in London' rorentiy a) a Gave another daughter; the white rajah They were reunited at the annual dinner "The same as yours," replied the man in-the chair.". "But how do you know my opin- ion?" inquired the startled barber. "I -don't,"" admitted the man, "but you have the razor." "Are you a good carpen- ter?" : "Yes." "Then how do you make a Venetian blind?" "Stick your finger "in his eye." Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE ER = SEPA 1.--When a.girl has been intro- duced to a young man, and is leav- ing him, may she say that she is - 'glad to have met him? 2,--When playing tennis, should the receiver run after the. first hall served, if it is wide, or await the sctond ball? 3:--Does a bridegroom usually give his bride a' wedding. gift? + 4.--What should a hostess do if one of -her guests brings up a subject that she believes should not be discussed for some certain reason? " * 5.~~When a woman stops at a restaurant table where a girl is dining with some friends, is "it necessary for her to introduce this" woman to her companions? G.---Isn't it poor taste for adults to wear shorts on a city street? Answers 1.--No. It is the man's place to say "I hope I shall see you aga," or some such expression, to which she may reply, "Thank you." 2,--He should® remain standing, and await the second ball. 3.--Yes; it is customary for him to- give her a gift of jewel- 1y.. .4.--Adroitly. change the sub- ject as quickly as possible, with- out doing so too abruptly, 65.-- No, it is not necessary. 6.--Yes, it is decidedly poor taste. 'One of the «chief items which Nazi Germany markets by the car<- | load to the other barter states is aspirin tablets. 5 deatrovrs - At Big Palace Wedding _ {ee L i p With Her escorts attired in court uniform, éven to the swords, this little lady seems to have stolen the show at the mour' fo Lieut. Bryan Patace, London, England. wedding of Miss Pamela Sey- Porant of the royal navy, at 'Hampton Court What Science is ¥K Doing ¥ TO EXPLORE OCEAN Scientists seeking to learn how soas and continents are formed will start exploring 14,500,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean in Sep-. tember. The expedition, National Geographic Society and the University of Virginia will ex- plore the area that lies between the Hawaiiian Islands and Australia and New Zealand, NEW DRUG SMOTHERS GERMS It- has now been discovered the new drug, sulfanilamide, sniothers disease germs in the human body. ~~ Sultanilamide, made from a red, dye and first used as a medicine in 1935, has been this century's chief medical sensation. Successlvely It has become the best medicine for blood-poisoning, pneumonia, menin. gitis, erysipelas and a dozen other disoases.-- - = A RAY THAT SPLITS ATOMS smashing ray which may bring boundless energy was put into use last week at the University of Cali- fornia. % The machine psoduces a 19,000, ' 000-volt Deuteron beam, the most powerful ever made by man, One of the recent advances in this field has been the disintegra: tion of a form of uranium, the heav- jest stable element, with a result- ant terrific release of 'atomic-pow- er. By using relatively low voltage -rays, sometimes not more than 400, 000, experimenters have been able to cause.uranivm, atoms to explode |. with energies as high as 200,000,- 00 volts. 'News More Vital -People Living in World of To- Interpretation, Advice, Enter- tainment is part of North America's history, T. G. Yacher, National represent- ative of tlie' Canadian Daily News- papers' Association Bureau of Ad- vertising, told a group of advertis- ing men at-Montreal recently. Mr. Vacher said that today news 'is more vital than ever before and aftects everyone in the nation but people turn to their newspapers for more than the bare news of the day. They turn to it for interpre- tation, for plctures, for advice, en- tertainment and fostruction. [ of © Siam Prohibits She' - Cosmetics' Use ------ 1 N That schoolgirl complexion must be natural or not at'all in Siam, where the Minllstry of Public In- struction is launching. a campaign against the "indulgence by girl stu. dents In artificial aids to beauty." Regulations are being drafted which according to a Bangkok ver- nacular newspaper, will ensure that "wasteful 'and dangerous beauty methods of creating artiticial beau- "ty be thoroughly suppressed." Among the prohibitions are: manently waved. Lipstick and rouge are banned. The use of false eyebrows "and other aktiticlal alds to beauty" may lead to p, ent = oN a \ formed by the An extromely high-power atom science closer to the mastery of Than Ever Before day Turn to Newspaper For The constant "hunger for news" ~ * Students' halr must not be per. The establishment of Boy Scout Troops in the elementary schools of Ontario, and 'a recognition of them "as an integral part of the educational "development of our boys" is suggested in a resolution at the recent convention of Ur- ban School Trustees in Ottawa, . Qe The construction of a sfout bi- cycle out of the parts of three old. * wheels, and the cycling of 620 rviles in; ¢ days, was the example of ingenuity and stamina given by. Scout Bill Monawr, of Thorp- dale, ' Gippeland, Australia, His purpose was to attend the. big Scout Jamboree at Sydney. The hardy Scout cyclist carried full Scout hiking kit, including blan- kets and Scout staves and most of his grub. On the return journey he was delayed two days by bush fires, so required 8 days to cover the 600 miles back home. tO, Canadian Indian boys like to be Scouts. Two new troops of young "braves" have been regis- tered in 'Ontario. Théy are the 1st Spanish Troop, composed of lads of the Indian Residential School at Spanish, on the. north channel of Georgian Bay, and the "1st Tyendinaga Troop of boys from several Indian day schools of the Tyendinaga Reservation on the Bay of Quinte. The two lead- ers of the Tyendinaga Troop "are young Mohawk Indians. --0-- The planting of the first 50,000 trees of a new "King's Forest" near Holly, Ont., was one of the important' Boy Scout events of May 20th, the King's official birth- day. The trees were planted un- der the direction of Arthur Her- bert Richardson of the Ontario Forestry Branch, as part _.of the programme' of the Tenth Annual Scout Forestry Camp at Angus. Some 45,000 trees also' were plant- ed in the now well established Boy Scout Forest at Angus, bring- ing the total-stand of trees in this project to some 750,000. The work ~was done by 147 selected Scouts coming from all parts of the pro-- vince. There is keen competition to attend the camps, notwithstand-- ing that each young. forester must cover his own expenses, in- cluding the week-end camp fee. 'Invite A Child From The City To Holiday With You On The Farm-- Youngsters' From The Slum Districts Are Dy- ing to Get A Taste of The -- Country ' "On our honor we'll be good it you'll send us to a farm!" This was the solemn declaration made by two young brothers around the ten year mark, as they stood in the office of the Country Home Depart- ment of.the Neighborhood Workers" Association, pleading to bo sent to - the country for a vacation, The, lads live on a-naprow down- town- street-~Becauso they are pas. Pa GROWN IN SUNNY, SCUTHERN ONTARIO HANDY SEAL-TIOHT POUCH .15¢ Y4LB, "LOK.TOP" TIN - 60¢ also packed in Pocket Tins slonately fond of horses they spend all their out-of-school time hanging about a livery stable. Sometimes they earn a dime for helping clean up the place. They salvaged a rusty mower and a pair of old shears from a rubbish heap and, according to the N.W.A. worker, they spend many hours going from dgor to door trying to earn enough money to buy a trip to the country. "Please don't send us to a town. We want to go to a farm where we can help gather the eggs and look after the horses," they insisted. All the_workers at the Country Home oftice could do was to take thelr them first chance if an invitation arrived from a kindly. farmer's wife within.a radius of 150 miles from Toronto, " ' Tom and Joe are only two on the long list of youngsters who are all longing for the chance to see green fields, cows, flowers and the scotes of sights never witnessed in the crowded downtown areas. Letiers ot invitation should state- clearly how many children are invited,»the ages and sex desired and complete travelling directions, tion is paid by the N.W.A. and the children are medically 'examined bofore leaving town, Inquirles should he sent to the Neighbour- hood Workers' Asdociation, 22 Wel- lesley Street, Toronto. How Can I? BY ANNE ASHI EY Q.--How can 1 launder a, gar- ment of brush wool? A.---Mlake a suds of pure flakes and warm water. Squeeze the garment in the suds, changing the water frequently. Rinse thorough- ly, adding a few soap flakes to the last rinsing. = Spread out_flat to dry, turning the garment when one side is dry, = 'Q--How can 1 add a few pounds when ° slightly under- weight? . A.--Olive oil is excellent for this purpose; and to make it more palatable try adding a pinch of salt to a wine-glass of sthe oil. . Q---How can I make a flaky piecrust? A.--Pie crust, in which a half teaspoonful of baking powder is added to every cup of flour, will be unusually light and flaky, names and address and promise~ Transporta-- _ care of Provide For Pets * When On Holiday . A Abandoning a cat or dog or any other pet is .a. criminal offence punishable with a fine of $600 and possible imprisonment, J, M, Wil. son, Toronto Humane. Society offi- cial, said last week, Wilson con- demned "unfeeling citjzens who abandon their pets when they go away for the summer," Toronto Humane Society has ob- tained convictions against such persons, Mr, Wilson said, adding, "and if we find the owner we make it our business to see he pays the "penalty." Modern Ideas For Cupboards If You're Linen Proud, Try Out A Few of These Suggestions For anybody who has inherited a- real linen pride there are some re- volutionary ideas for linen cup- boards that will make it all much worth being proud of! we Most of the usual old linen cup boards have plain rows of slatted shelves, with .no division or distinc: " tion for the different pieces of lin en, It was only the patience and tha the old-fashioned house- wives that kept the linen cupboard from complete disorder. We no longer have so much time (lo spare, so the slatted shelves have parti tions, And there are little nams discs on the front of each partition to show what is to be kept in them. Painted Completely White Instead of having to struggle with- drawer papers on the shelves wo have the 'entire inside of the. cupboard, shelves and all, painted with -white enamel paint, Then thero need be no aggravating pap. 'pers that get crumpled or fall down when the bottom sheet is pulled --~ out. And the shelves can be kept clean with a sponge and warm soapy water, : : op+fre and Bites-- Heat Rash ites, best Wee ~esused skin EN valifanms, cooling, 8 . D, Preseri septic, liquid D. Bobing. 35s iat happen aod 2 3 0 tna [] Your Grogzst today (of B.D. D. PRESCRIPTION: BABY CHICKS JULY SALE OF HIGH QUALITY Chicks from bloodtestéd breeders, = White Leghorns 63%c; 90% Pulleta 90% 13c; Barred Rocks $6.95; Pullets $9.95; Netv Hampshire Reds $7.95; 90% DPullets $10.45; Cockerels Leghorns 3c: Barred ampshire Reds 6%c. Large Egg Quality add 1c per chick. Bigger Profit Quality add _ 2c. Will ship C.O0.D. Prompt deliv- = ery. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph a gi CHICKS SUPPLIED C.0.D. ANY- where on one day's notice. Phone, ----wlre or_wiite your_order. Grade -A-- Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Hybrids $8.95; 90% Pullets $12.75; Cockerels $8.00. , Brown Leghorns; White Leghorns "$8.45; Pullets $16.75; Cockerels $3.00. Extra Profit 'Grade the kind that weigh two pounds per hundred more Heavy Breeds $10.95: Pullets 15.90; Cockerels $9.00. Leghorns 10.45; Pullets k19.90. Four week old pul- lets and older. Three week old ca. pons. Tweddle Chick Hatcherfes, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. LOOK AT. THESH PRICES FOR Government Approved - Chicks from blood-tested breeders, Stand. ard Qaality Leghorns $6.95: Dar- red Rocks $7.45: New Hampshire - Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids $8.25; . 90% Pullets, . Leghorns $13.90; Barred Rocks $10.45: Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids $10.95; Cockerels, Leghorns $3.00; Heavy Breeds at 6%c. Big Egg 'Quality "add one cent, Extra Select, ndd two cents, Prompt delivery, Raden Eleetrle - Ghigk Hatchery, Limited, Baden, Onfarlo, 3 Classified... | FILMS DEVELOPED ONE" MONTH ONLY. INTRODUC- © tory ofter, 8x10 enlargement, with- every order. Roll developed and Send' order, advertisement and thirty' ore all_order._dep Iie ent. Graphic Film Servilce, A Dundas lished 1920. Advertising. eight prints, Reprints 10 prints. - 8t.,: London, Ont. [Estab al PERMINAL MARRY--HUNDREDS TU -CHUUSE from. Many wilb means. Farm- ers' daughters. Widows with Property, Particulars 10c. Con. Qdential. "Box 128 Calgary, Al. berta. QUIT * TUBACCU, BNUFF, BABILY, - Inexpenalvely, Home remedy. Tes- timonlals. Quaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's. 'Box 1. Winnipeg. WHY SUFFER FROM ACID INDI. Ld gestion; Heartburn, Gas, Take FAIS Antacld Tablets" for quick --reHe ~Arms Products, 2159 Oxford Ave., Montreal, Que. Go FOR SALE CREPE-TEX Caps "35¢, pdstpaid. Red, White, and Canary. Send for catalogue, capes, rubber sundries. Ray Bald. win, Kerlin, Ontario. (FREE sUIT) for full detslis, The Hudson Com. pany, Labelle Bldg, Montreal" - / LEARN DARIERING ATHING BUITS $2, IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTION. ate _romantic sweetheart, with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Missourl. = I'IANUS CHEAD IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A good renewed plano at a bargain price write for descriptive lisls with prices, forwarded free on re- quest, Heintzman and Co., 185 Yonge Street, Toronto. - PLANTS FOR SALE DANISH BALLHEAD, GLORY CAB. bage Plants 1, $2:80; \10,000 - 20.00; Snowball §a lowey, 1,000, 3.26; 10,000 $27.50\ P'repa eter Lugtigheld, Blenh&m, Ontario. START. ANYTIME WITH AN UP. to-date Bystem, Government lic. ~--ensed, Free Information. Modern Barber 8chool, 142 Queen Street East, Toronto. + F -~ . BABY CHICKS . BUY BRAY COCKEREIL CHICKS, . The kind of. chicks that make the ideal broilers "for "tourist trade: plump, well-finlshed roasters for. hanksglving or Ghtlstmag, Bray atchery, 130 John Street North, Hamliton, Ontarlo. LIMITED NUMBER OF BRAY" Started Pallet: Chicks available. ~ 1ay Dans now for Next w nter's ly. Order at once. ra Hatohory, 130 John Street North, , Hamliiten, Ontario = A DEVELOPING BEST 'RBSULTS ROLLS DEVEL. oped; with, higlosh, daakled i ed » prints--25c. Reprints 3c. fe titul Sarmemont 17 en pt bo e. - Ixce, ; A 5 ; Ave, Fdroate: * ANSARw ne To a hm SR A = . EXCHANGE OF OLD NOQKS URED GORRESUONDRNOR OR Home Study Solitees bought and sold; Canada's Largest Jeater; bl en prices pald for old books ten centa stamps or coin foor list. Economy Distributing Company, Leamington, 'Ontario. * NEW AND REBUILT MACHINERY . of every description--boilers and engines--electriv anle's tools--belting. largest mach nsey «call The A. R. Wil | llams Machinery MACHINERY & SHOP SUPPLIES. | al * PRESERVING ANTI-SPOIL:. PRESERVING TAB. lets. Keep fruits, pickles, etc. without alr tight jars. Economical and reliable. Used for elght years, Package 25c postpaid, protects 12 quarts. Good commission for paste. K. E. Sexton, Kentville, STAMI'S : NEWFOUNDLAND STAMPS, 40 DIF- - m A ¥ ferent €0c, catalogue value $2.60; = Weare Trammited $4. Front LE Price |ists- fyrnished. Ed: Scam 2 mitt, mell, Botwood, Newfoundland. MEDICAL i MUSHROOMS #60 MONTHLY UPWARDS, GROW- ing mushrooms for us from pedl|. "gres spawn. Free spawn and nl. trogen, Information free. Service an structions guaranteed to rod u * Co.,, Box 616, Toronto: /~ Issue No. 27 -- '39 1 ' Georgian "Bay Produces ee USED TIRES & RETREADS OR SALE } UBED TIRES AND RETREADS FOR any. car or truck, 9c and up. Every tlre guaranteed. Oll 3%¢ &allon und up. Batteries, ete. Denl- era. wanted. Write for free bar. galn price. lists, Orders rushed. -'Buy. with confidence, from Cane ada's largest retreuders, Merrick Tire QYupany, Box. WL, 111-128 King West, Hamilton, Ontario. = . i. WANTED "1 1 AMAZING. PROFIT! NO SELLING! Uptiate SILVER KING vendors, $ RH up. Free Instructions, Auto- matie 2425G., Fullerton, Chicago. / irritation and quickly Sopa intense = + 35¢box, 3 boxes $1.00, -- OR -- a SPT