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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Jul 1939, p. 8

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YALL ee A a Sah SASALET, oh Hn a tA Fh ms Ee -- K) ©. ...WHO IN THE MACHINE SHOP WORK Not for some time now could farming have been practised on the small scale style familiar in the world of yesteryear.- If today we had to rely on the old-time cradle methods of cutling and garner- ing the crop, it would take every able-bodied man in every province of our Dominion to harvest the average wheat crop of Western Canada, modern farm machinery, with practically no seasonal increase in hired labor, the Thanks, however, to _. farmer is able to take care of even the heaviest of harvests. The making of the machines for harvesting.is but a transference of labor from the fleld to the factory, Instead of the short seasonal engagement during the rush days of harvest, the implement worker is given longer periods of employment, and the days he spends in making farm equipment lessens the number-of men required in the farm ~ field. Thus, these men, during the winter months, help make short work of garnering greater crops during the few and fleeting days of harvest season, and so many of the men thus engaged have themselves come from farm homes. It was only natural when turning their faces city-wards, that men from the -- a household word. In Massey-Harris, whose origin ninety years ago was on a farm, these one= time farmers find a rather logical expression for their abilities in the mechanical side of farming--for while in forge or machine shop--they -also farm, iE Lo 5 I - SERVICE ARM OF THE MYRTLE A number of the friends of Rev. WY. E. and Mrs. Honey and family gather- ed at the home of Mrs, Hattie Hudgins on Wednesday night to bid them fare- well-and express to them ina tame. able way the kindly feeling that goes with them from here. Mrs. Hudgins Fead the following address and Mrs, C. Harrison made the presentation. The Address - Dear Mr. and Mrs. Honey: The time _has come when we must say good-bye, and 'in looking back over the past five years in which you haev been with us sharing our joys and sorrows. We have found you al- - ways "friends in time of need", and most pleasant; companions in_(imes of "pleasure and social c¢vents. We are glad that even when, we will be sepa- rated from you in body, we will al- ways have kind memories of our minister and his wife and sons who have been so considerate and thought: ful for us all, in sickness and health. We will miss you Mrs. Honey, as president of our W.M.S. and as leader of the choir, in cach casé is will lie hard to find someone to finll your place. : We ask you to accept this blanket as a slight token of our appreciation; and while it keeps you warm at night may it also be' the means of keeping a warm spot-in your hearts for your many friends at. Myrtle. May God's richest blessings go with you to your new home, and make you a blessing to the pleople with whom you will live, and to whom you will niinister, and may you have the great joy of seeing many of youi people decide to live the Christian life through your leadership. Signed: Your friends at Myrile. - Both Mr. and bre. Honey made feeling veplies and- spoke of the many friends they regretted leaving behind. After singing lustily "For They are Jolly Good Fellows", a de" licious lunch was gerved and farewells were later heard, Mr..and Mis. Ray Downey and little daughter, of Toronto, are dpending the week with. the former's parents Mr. and: Mrs. O. H. Downey. * Miss Elsie Smith left on Friday to spend her vacation with her parents at Oakville. 3 School's out for the next two months and the scholars are enjoying the freedom that only sc hool children can enjoy to thé fullest extent. Mr. and Mrs" -Frank Booth and Allen attended the wedding of Mrs, Booth's nephew Alfred Port Hope, on Saturday. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mus, Maynard and fpmily and Mrs Le Cassidy and sons of Brooklin, in the tragic death on Wednesday night of their sons Jack-and Ted. "Mr. Arthur Ward has disposed of his farm:to a Toronto bayer who takes immediate possession, ~ Many from heve went to Port Perry on Saturday to see the Northern Star hydro plane christened on the peace- ful waters of Lake Scugog. Con- gritulations are extended to Mr. K. Lawrence, the inventor, on his very find piece of work. Jim began his construction_work on the floor with" Tinker Toys, and from that he built a speeder car, then minature air planes, and finally launching out to his pre- sent achievement, From Lake Scugog ch purposes working on the Northern Lakes for' the summer, until Exhibi- tion time when his machine will be on exhibition at the Fair. . Mr. Hugo Bradley was working eagt of Columbus last week making more swimming pools with his. John Deere tractor at Keawana Camp. Friends are pleased to learn that Mrs. Dickson is recovering rapidly from her recent illness." -- Pere a UTICA = The L. 0. L. held their annual ser- vice in the United Church on Sunday tvening, in charge of Rev. M, Bushell. The lodge marched from'the hall to [the church led hy: the Whitby Band. The church was filled, and special music was rendered by the choir. "Congratylationg to Kenneth Grout, Frances Steer, Maise Mitchell, Jean Ward, and Georgia Reynolds, in pass- ing their entrance on the year's work, A number from here atténded the decoration servives held at Uxbridge on Sunday. On Thursday afternoon" a large number of the W. A. members from thé 'district mat in the United Church. The program was much enjoyed, algo the _supepr served in. the basement, : . CANADIAN Spencer_at!! Jas. | farm should first seek employment with a company whose namé to them had been MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LIMITED FARM The United Church Sunday School is holding its annual picnic at Port Bolster, on July 6th vour basket. Pr -- EPSOM W. A The June meeting of the Women's! Association was held at the home of Mis. W .C Ashenhurst on "Thursday afternoon Yi 22nd with an attend-' ance of twenty-seven. The president,' Mrs. Stanley Pogue presided. The meeting openen with a hymn and the Lovd's Prayer in unison. The roll call was answered with a verse of Psalm, It was _decided to hold an Old Boys® Reunion at the Epsom Church on July 8th and 9th. All old friends are especally invitdd, There will be a cold upper on the 8th and all kinds On Sunday service at 11 Mr. Laidlaw will- be the Spal There will also be service at 7.30 in the "evening. The Utica choir will furnish the music, and Epsom choir in the morning, with Mrs. Laidlaw as soloist. A vote of thanks was extended to those --who helped in painting the churéli-also a vote of thanks to Mrs.C. Ashenhurst for the use of her home, The treasurer's report and the report from the different: committees were given, The Vice-President, Mrs, (Rev) Bushell then took charge of the meet ing. Mrs. Clarke gave a reading as did Mrs, Bushell. These were 'much enjoyed." A" hymn "ang prayer closed the meeting. Myrtle Station "Dn Sunday afternoon Rev! Mr, Ger- van preached his introductory sermon to an appreciative audience. He chose his text Exodus 17:12, "And fq Mhses' hands were heayy; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his'hands, the one other side; and his hands were steady until the going!down of the slin, " Mr. Gervan's talk to the children was en- joyed by old as well a§ young, He will be spent near Ottawa, and at time of writing, no provision has been 'made for church service next San- day. Sunday School next Sunday at 10.30 a.m, Everyone is welconie, Jdoweek-end visitors of Mr, on the one side, and the other on the leaves this week for his holidays which | ; . town calling on former neighbours on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hughson were and Mys. N. , Hughson. Misses Doris -and Eileen Cook of t Colborne, were calling on old friends on Sunday. Mr, Nelson Luery of Toronto, yisit- ed at the home of his brother Mr, D. Luery, from Saturday to Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughson of Oakville, spent Friday at the home of "Mrs, Johitson Hughson. The Induction service for our-new pastor, Rev. My; Gervan, took place last Thursday evening in the Church, and was fairly well attended by mem- bers from the four appointments. It was a most impressive service, Rev. Mr, Lackey of Enniskillen, read the lesson which was followed by prayer by Rev. Mr, Wylie of Colum- bus, The sermon, which was preached by Mr. Lackey, was a message of real helpfulness "and admonition. He chose his text from judges 7:21; "And they stood every man in his place round about the camp." The induction was conducted by Rev, Walter Rackham of Mampton, Chaitman of the Oshawa Presbytery. Rev. Mr: Joblin, Scugog, in his usual pleasing manner, ad- dressed. the congregation and the minister, regarding their respective duties, one to another. At the close | the ladies passed tea and light re- i freshments, when every one had the | opportunity of meeting Mr. Gervan. Gordon Harrison accompanied his aunt Mrs. Lowry when she returned to : her home in Waterville, Quebet, aftor oy { holidaying with relatives eve and in + Brooklin. tev. W. E. and Mrs, Honey left on Friday afternoon for "their new charge at Cavan, ' Mrs. Spencer Simmons left on Tues- day for her home in" Wainwright,, Alberta, after visiting for the past week with relatives. 'Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Masters visit- ed over the week-end with relatives in Newcastle and Pontypool. : Mrs. Yellowlees, Miss Givener and Mrs. Vernon, all of Oshawa, and 'Mr. "McArthur, of Toronto, were Sunday , visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carey. i- Mr. George Cooper, Malartic, Que., wes Tome over the week-end, to at- tend the funeral of his cousin, Jack . Mayna 'J. on Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bedford and two 'cons, of Toronto, were recent visitors of Miss L. O'Boyle. i Floyd Honey returned to To- i Mr. Nii je after spending a few days last week with his parents. | "Mrs. Claughton visited on Friday. Conic and bring with her daughter Mrs. W. Nickleson, + of WHitby. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dickson: of To- ronto, spent Sunday with the former's | paren We are pleased to report that Mrs; James Dickson is-improving i nicely. | Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and Douglas, of Toronto, were holiday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. J; Cook. Mr. Ralph Annas, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Percy. Mr. and Mrs, William Lantz of To- ronto;-spent the holiday and week-end with Mr. and Mrs. O. H, Lane. Mr. Jesse Pike visited over the holi- day with his parents in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs; Reeves of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graham and fam- ily of Brooklin, Mr: and Mrs. Oliver 'Thompson and little son, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Thompson, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. O, H. Downey visited with friends in Toronto on Thursday. Mr, Arthur Ward has sold his pro- perty at the north end of the village to Mrs. Chisholm, of Toronto, who took possession on Friday. * Remember the social afternoon to be held on the church lawn on Thurs: day from 2.30 until 6 p.m. under the auspices of. the W.A., Breryons wel- come. Mr, George Houstoh of Toronto, Col. Percy and Mrs. Jobb. and daughter of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Beacock. Mrs. McDonald returned. to her home in Toronto, after spending the past five wecks with her sister Mrs. Beacock. MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs.* William Dickson 'of Toronto, spent Sunday at Colin Lori- mer's, Mrs. Tait, 'of Alberta, spending a while with friends here, * County Master Russell Acton has been paying official visits to some of the Orapge Lodges in North Ontario. Mr. Clarence Harvey and Miss A. Slack weté, married in the Anglican Church; Uxbridge, 'on Saturday, by Rev. Mr, "Powell, the Rector. Our best x ; ples go With them, Mr, AN Viood had a truck load of visitors the othér day, Mrs, Elmer. Cross of Bala, was in : x Lo | elling Westward on its way to Whitby PRINCE ALBERT On June 28th the Women's. Asso ciation held its meeting on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Stump, The Greenbank WEA, accepted our invita- tion and was present, also there were making an attendance of around 90. The president presided, meeting opened with hymns followed _by the usual devotional exercises. The Scriptrue reading was Psalm 27. The president, Mrs. MacGregor, gave a few words of welcome to the visit- ors. and expressed her very'great pleasure son. - In speaking of these meetings Mrs. Jackson, referred to the Devo- tional, the Educational, the Social and that if these were well looked after the Financial part would come, During the business period $10 were voted to the church treasury. The, next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. F. Vickery. Mrs, Murphy and Mrs. MacGregor to prepare the program. Closing hymn No. 237. The folloiwng program was much enjoyed--- piano duet by Mrs. Phair and Miss Stone, reading by Mrs, F. Luke, solo_ by Jean Thomas, piano number by Mrs, Snelgrove, sola by Miss Helen McMillan, reading by Mrs, A. Jackson, piano solo by Miss A. Stump. Tables were set and supper served on the beautiful lawn, Mrs. Stump was thanked for her kind hos- pitality in making this meeting such a success. Total receipts for after- noon, $14.00, The members of the W. A. wish to thank most heartily the other ladies of the .village 'who' so kindly helped on this occasino. - Sorry to report the illness of Mus. D. Jackson, but glad to hear she is improving. > * Next Sunday morning the Com- munion service will be held in. our church, . , The Sunday School "is holding its annual picnic on July '13th at Bow- manville, : Mr. and Mrs. Pringle and: two chil- dren of U. S. visited at Mr. Butson's over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams and Austin of Toronto, are holidaying with his father Mr. E. M. Williams, Mis. Strait is in poor health at the home of Mrs. L. Bond. =. There was quite an excitement in: our peaceful little village last Friday crash was heard and on investigation had collided on the south west corner. As the vision is not too good at this intersection,.a Sprucelawn truck trav- crashed into the side and rear end of a Stlverwoods truck which was cross- ing southward. The fact that it struck sideways, the very heavy rubber tire causing the smalled. truck to bounce back, preventing what. might have been a very serious accident. Chief St. John. of Port Perry was soon on the scene, "followed shortly by the traffic officer who laid no charge to o{ther driver. Fortunately -the oc- 'cupants of the smaller truck escaped with scratches only. = Mrs. Simmons and daughters of 'Woodstock, spent-the-week-end vith 'her sister Mrs. E. McCrea. Mr, and Mrs, F. Luke and daught were in Baltimore, Ont., on Sunday. SCUGOG The evening service next Sunday] will be at the Centre at 7.30, The Head service will be at 11.30; the rest as usual, Congratulations to Ruby Brown ahd Gerald Colleran -of the Head School, Dorothy .Graham and Jack McCallum of the Foot School, on getting their Entrance on the year's work, Those trying the examinations last wéek at| Port Perry were: Head School,' Joyce Reader, Myrtle Dowson; Foot School, Shirley Crozier, Doris Clark, Keith Crozier, * .Glad to report Miss 'w. Niddery and Miss M. Corbett are returning to their schools after the holidays which we hope they wil enjoy. Mr. and Mrs, John Burnham started on. Wednesday morning for a motor trip to-visit her sister Mrs. Arthur Somerville, at Bechard, Sask. We wish for them a very pleasant trip. ! The strawberry festival last week was well attended and thé play "With the help of Scottie" presefited by the Greenwood folk was. well given and mich enjoyed 'by all. * Proceeds $67. The mosquitoes may "have enjoyed themselves but the people did not en- joy the mosquitoes. several present from Manchester, thus and the The President from Greenbank Mrs. A. Jackson, very ably responded, on this occasion to be at hér "home." This being the home of Mys..T. Dob- morning a little-before nine o'clock. A | it was learned that two milk trucks! PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, "Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark is spending the summer in Hamilton, . Donna Marie of Port Perry and friend Miss Bailey, of Whitby, were 'guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dayid Miller of To- ronto, are spending a couple of weeks in a cottage at Lakesidé Beach. : Mrs, Teel of Toronto, is visiting her sister Mrs, 0. Reader. Mr. Ceeil Mills of Weston, Mr. and Mrs, L. Stainton, of Hampton, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. .C. Mills, on Sunday. : 2 Mr. ahd Mrs. Allsworth and Mrs. Pinkham, of Oshawa, -were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Pearce, Mrs, Burnham attended a shower and trousseau.tea of her niece Miss Doris Bone, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. O. Reader 'and son Frank and friend Miss Grace Moase, visited relatives in Campbellford over the week end. . = Sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. George Shunk and Miss Irene Redman wid are under the doctor's care, 'We wish for them a speedy recovery. MY. and Mrs. W. Mark gathered their family together on July 2nd, and]: enjoyed a social time together on the lake shore of Mx. Lorne Graham. There- were thirty-nine present, two being great-grandsons. A picnic din- er and supper were served and enjoy- ed. They hope to make this an an- nual affair, T= Mr. Bill Hope, of Seagrave, was a 'week end guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs.~G. Hope, We had a lovely rain last' week--it- was badly needed--and made every- thing look fresh and bright again. There will be no W.A. meeting this 'month, but will be a union meeting: at the parsonage in August, ---------o-- - Come to the ou Boys' Reunion at Epsom on Saturday afternoon. Sports and supper. Sunday at 11 am, s.T.! Baptismal service and special music by the choir. Laidlaw will . preach. Special music by Utica choir, + -A special sports feature will be the football game between the old-timers of Utica and Epsom. . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. laughton on their marriage. Mr, and Mrs, G. Jeffrey and little} . EPSOM _ sf 7.30 .p.m. Rev, Mr. ! THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1989 I Anglican Garden Party. Ascension - held its annual Garden Party. It was: planned to set the tables on the lawn and render the pro- gram from the: verandah of the rec- tory, but when Thursday dawned the [weather looked far from reassuring a postponement. However it takes more than a little rain and a cloud to dampen the ardour of the Parish the tables in the Parish Hall and also to hold the. concert there. ous supper had been served the tables were quickly removed, chairs brought in and the concert program proceeded with, was 'a surprise. to every one and proved to be one of the best held in town for a long time. Apparently strawberries rather than program had been featured in real surprise, The Seagrave Orchestra of fifteen pieces, led by Mrs. Cephas Sleep, gave a very excellent performance. A vocal selection by Mrs, S. J. Wooldridge brought applause as did a recitation Gloria Harding and Dorothy Wool- dridge sang a duet which was well re. ceived. 'Mrs, Hugh Bailey, of Whitby, rendered two beautiful solos. The hit' of the evening was made by Mrs, Grace Johns Pettitt and Mrs. Mabel Curtis with a repertoire of Folk songs in costume, which permitted some very excellent acting. The male part Workers, and they :proceeded to set Last Thursday the Church of the and as the day advanced it looked like "| The rain ceased in time to allow the patrons to attend. After the gener- The concert wag unique in that it the advertising. The program was a _ by a new-comer to our town, Mrs, Lee. was taken by Mrs: _Johns who-has-a -- beautiful alto voice. Miss "M. Sisley i was' their accompanist. We, hope we may have the pleasure of again hear- ing and seeing this delightful trio. The ladiés of the church are to be 'congratulated on the success they made of this event, Those contribut- ing to the program received a vote of thanks. FEY Mr. and Mrs, P. Sherwood and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs, P, Richards, Mr, and * "1. W. Watson and family, Mr, and Mrs. B. Turner, Misses E..and L. Turner, Mr, and Mrs. Pat- Brown and family, Mrs and Mrs. Geo. Webster, - Percy Webster, Miss Marion Tupper, ¢ __Mr.-Fred Ackney of Sudbury spent 'Mr.-and Mrs. R. W. Black, all. of To- - the week-end with his family, Miss" Ethel Martin and Mr. Albert an of Port Perry, Mr. Gordon Mar- tin, Burlington, Mr, and Mrs, Miller, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Love and Barbara, of Port Perry, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Christie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Squires, of Toronto, are spending -the 'summer with Mr] Yond Mrs, Jewell, * Miss Margaret Puckrin, our teacher, left on Friday for her home in Audley. ! We are sorry to learn that she is leaving us." She has been engaged aby Columbus for the coming year, .Miss Puckrin was quite active in young people's_ work, and will be - greatly 'missed in the village. Miss Corbett, | of Greenwood, has been engaged to| take Miss Puckrin's place. Mrs. Ross, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Clarke, Mr. Walter Rogers and family spent at Port Bolster, Mr. and Mrs, Al. Christie inten | the Chuyjstie- -Claughton re-union at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Thaxter at Sandford on Saturday. New Books at the. : Public Library. A 'number of new books have been added to the Port Perry Public Libs rary, 'some especially for teen-age boys and girls, Royal "Progress=by Hector Bolitho," An account of one hundred years of 'British 'Monarchy, 1837-1937. The Christmas Bride--Hill White Orchids--Hill ? Beauty for Ashes--Hill ' (The Beloved Stranger--Hill The Challengers--Hill Amorelle--Hil) ; Patch of Blte--Hill Matched Pearls--Hill Happiness Hill--Hill Fire Over England--Mason Children of theiNew Forest--Marryat Masterman Ready--Marryat Cutlass and Cudgel*-~Fenn The Secret Garden--Burnett Sunshine Sketches Leacock Catriona--Stevenson ° x Dog of Flanders--Ovida Nurnbery Stove--Ovida - . oo. . SUE © Sunday with friends who are iii The following is a > partial list: hile P ; ronto, spent the Yeoh end in Port. Perry, Port Perry. United 'Church Choir * Picnic The members of Port Perry United -- enjoyed: Church = Choir thoroughly . their annual picnic "at Greenwood Park on Wednesday aftérnoon of last week. f 5 BORN' GRIEVE--At Port Perry Hospital, on July 4th, 1939, to Mr .and Mrs. John Grieve, Nestleton, a baby boy, _ Better work fo lows the pause that refreshes Delicious Refreshing and pire HN OTT NG WORKS | 3 st

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