PERSONAL Mr. Lawrence McLaren, a visitor at the World's Fair and returning home to Calgary, is visiting with his aunt Mrs. Jabez Crosier. Dr. and Mrs, T.'H, Prust, of Fil- monton, called on Mr. and Mrs, RJ. |g. Harper on Saturday last. They have been visiting friends in this locality and in Peterboro., Mr. Prust was a former Port Perry scholar, Mr. Eo L, Allan of Montreal, spent a few days with friends here. Mr, Mrs. Lytle of and Toronto, ~wisited friends in town recently. Muriel Lawrence, of Lindsay, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Lawrence. Mr. Harley "Balfour and Mr. I. Bridle, of Wycliffe College, had charge of the service at the Church of the Ascension on Sunglay. Miss Elma Reesor is spending her holidays with friends at Tillsonburg, Miss Neta Allen of Torntoo, visited friends here recently, Our town folk seemed to enjoy the entertainment on Monday evening at the Lake Front put on by Mr. Silli- phant and his dog "Buddy". ' Mr. and. Mrs. Don Simon and daughter of Detroit, visited with Mr. Ben Dunn over the week end. Misses Grace and Merle Switzer of Oshawa Hospital, are spending their holidays with their Parents Mr, and Mrs. C. Switzer. * Mr. and Mrs. Allen of visited. friends here revently. Mr. John-Hamilton and Miss Doris Long, of Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mrs. D. Day and Bernice. Mis. H. King of Toronto, visited friends here recently: Mr. Geo. Cawker of Toronto, spent the week -end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Switzer of To- conto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs: C. Switzer. Mr. Norman Esch of Toronte, called on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnston, of Whitby, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Town, Whitby, were Sunday visitors at the lake. Mrs. John McMillan left on Sunday Toronto, "to. visit .relatives in England, Mr. and Mrs. Grant McMillan, of "Toronto, visited" friends in town on Sunday. Alan B. Colbear is at the Ontario Athletic Camp at Longford, represent- ing the Juniors of Port Perry High School. : - 3 Mr. Harry Chin of--Oshawa, called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. W. H, Hill of Toronto, was call- (ing Port Perry friends on Tuesday. Pleased to se¢ Mrs. Strait able to be about again after her illness. . Sorty to hear Master Wesley Jack- son was rather badly injured one day last week. Mr.-Reg Cator and Warren Gaheen of Gravenhurst, and Mr. Dan Gaheen, of Muskoka Falls, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Neil Davidsonf' Mrs. vs A Ar 8 Reg. Cater and daughters returned home with them: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas, sons Bert and Ross,-of Toronto, and Mrs. * Mae Davidson and son Jaek, of Lind- say, visited Mr. and Mrs, Neil David- son on Sunday. Mrs. Gwep. Nott is holidaying in Oshawa. Misses Hazel and Laura Mark, Mr. Harold Woon, all of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woon. Mr. Herbert Collacutt of Toronto, ~ was a visitor in town on Monday. "Mrs. Fred Wilkinson and-son Scott, "of Uxbridge, called on relatives in town on Sunday. 2 Mr. Arthur Varry of Toronts, was week end guest of Mr. and Mrs? Wm, "Cook. Miss Muriel Cook, of Torontg, is . spending her vacation at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Short of Cal- "'gary, who have been visiting Mr. Short's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Short, have returned to their home in}. the West. Mrs. B. Jones of Toronto, was a visitor in town on Monday. Mrs. Armstrong MacFarlane is in Kingston attending' the Provincial school for librarians, "Rev. J. C. Clough left last week for 'California. He motored to Buffalo and flew from there to California. Hel, expects to be absent about ten days. He is attending a gatahering of the Oxford Group. at the Hollywood Bowl. Miss Annie Abernethy has returned to lier home in Torotno after spending a few days with 'hier ssister, Mrs. S. Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Holtby ledve on 'Saturday of this-week for the World's Fair. Mrs. . They will be accompanied by Geo. A: McMillan, The. party "will be away 'about three weeks, MARRIED Baskets of blue delphiniums, baby's breath and Shasta daisies decorated Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Wednesday last for the marriage of Isabella Mitchell Brawley, daughter of Mr. Robert Brawley and the late Mrs. Brawley, to Howard E. A. Lilly, son of Mrs. Robert Lilly and the late Mr. Lilly. Rev. John Lindsay officiated, Mrs. Peter N. Spratt played the wed- ding music and also sang "Ave Marie" 'and "Because." - Given .in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in-a gown of white net and lace over taffeta and white net hat with white violets and streamers of narrow velvet ribbon falling from bow at back to the floor, She carried a bouquet of* Butterfly Roses, blue corn flowers and baby's breath. Here sister, Miss Mary Braw- ley, wearing blue moire dress, wine belt, small turban of -wine violets and taffeta, and wine shoes, was her at- tendant, while Mr. James Cowie sup- ported the groom. The ushers were Mr. lan B, McKay and Mr. Lionel F. Hind, both_of Oshgva, was held at the home of the bride, the groom's mother wearing Hyacinth blue sheer with matching accessories and corfage of pale blue and pink sweet peas. : Mr. and Mrs, Lilly left later for a motor trip. to Buffalo, N.Y., the bride travelling in a Sandstone dress, hat and shoes and blue sport coat. They will také up residence in Port Perry. * 5 * : Miss Isabelle Brawley, whose mar- riage to Mr. Howard Lilly, took place recently, was greatly feted when the | following entertained in her. honour: Mrs. James Cowie, entertained at a cup and saucer shower; Mys. James Brawley, Toronto, a miscellangous shower; Miss Olive McMillan, a linen shower; Miss Kathryn Thompson en- tertained her class of '32 at tea~when a presentation was made to. Miss Brawley. On Tuesday evening Miss 'Helen Burns of Oshawa entertained for Mr. Lilly and Miss Brawley. Pre- sentations were also made to Miss Brawley 'by Ritson Road -School staff, and Home and School Club, Oshawa, and Miss Kift and Miss Colpus enter- tained at a dinner and presentation, CENTRAL-ONTARIO BOWLING TOURNAMENT AT LINDSAY Port 'Perry Bowlers Capture First and Second Prizes. Port Perry Bowlers have been mak- ing a general cléan-up of prizes in this district of late. At Lindsay on Monday night of this week Messrs. Wm. Graham and Robert Somerville took first in doubles, and Messrs. D. Carnegie and John Murray carried away second prize. They were in competition with teams from Oshawa, Port Hope, Bowmanville, Peterboro, Lindsay, Cannington, and Cobourg. Mrs. Ww. Chapman and Mr, ville, CLAS At Clarémont' Mr. and Mrs. Fred| Beatty won. prizes, .as did Messrs. Harper and Letcher in the Twilight Doubles at Markham. Messrs. Tom Harris and A. P, Ingram made succes- ful play at Almonte. +. R. Somer- rokif PERRY BOWLERS CON- _ TINUE.TO_WIN AWAY. FROM HOME : At Lindsay on the 19th the Port Perry rink won all games and won first prize, -- Messrs, Grant Gerrow, R. J. Harper, A. P. Ingram and John Murray were the fortunate four, i sins Siti oni 5 TAKE NOTICE From and -after this date I will not be .responsible for any. debts con= tracted in my name. oy Dated at Port Perry this sixth day of July, A.D. 1039. Edward .C. ET et at ul qm---- BIBLE SOCIETY The Port Perry Branch of the Bible Society has been fortunate in securing the services of the Rev. J.-B, M. Armour for Sunday, July 30th.. Rev. Mr, Armour is the General Secretary fqr<the Upper Canada Bible Society in Canada and Newfoundland. He has a great message and his visit should be a sourt® of inspiration. He will deliver the sermon in 'the United Church in the morning, and: in the 'Anglican - Church -in the evening... twenty- Burton. ' | | Followi y i Following the ceremony a reception Other prize winners at Lindsdy were | 5 alg fs FREE Parking OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Phone 1011 Friday and Saturday, July 28-29 Sonja Henle, Tyrone Power, in "Second F iddle" With Rudy Valee, Edna May Oliver, ADDED--Color Cartoon, "The Owl and the Pussycat" e_ . Transition Period There are: many improvements in process in Port Perry this year; but their full development will not be realized until after the show flies. One of the most notable is the Michell Tourist Cabin project just north of the Milling Company pro- perty, - Although the work' has only just'be- gunthe transformation from the old jungle that used to cover the area, is little short of marvelous, The junk, the undergrowth, and the weeds*have all been removed, "A gravel road has been built around the property; and a swimming tank (80x30) is in process of construction, Cabins, and dance pavillion are next in order, and next REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.40 p.m. "PROFESSOR - BEWARE" ~ 4 With , Harold Lloyd, Phyllis Welch Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 31, August 1-2 It's a Wonderful World Starring agi, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, AUGUST 3-4-5 / 5 1 ! "Man about Town' Starring Jack Benny, Dorothy Lamour, Edwatd_ Arnold, Binnie Barnes, PRil Harris, Betty Grable. ADDED--Color Cartoon "PLAYFUL POLAR. BEARS" [AANA ARRSAR AFA A SAAS AAR AAAS] FLIES NOW IS THE TIME TO PROTECT YOUR LIVE STOCK FROM THE "FLY PEST. FLY SPRAY to keep your Horses & Cattle happy and contented. Where can I buy CAPPO FLY SPRAY! Buy it at WEBSTER'S HARNESS SHOP. Any quantity sold at the _rate of $1.00 per gallon - Be SURE to ask for CAPPO FLY SPRAY W. E. Webster Beatty Store . Port Perry 'Strand Theatre ". UXLRIDCE of. "Cool as the Ocean Breeze" In here the Latest Shows are shown! Thursday, Friday, Sat. (This Week) Four big stars -together--8. Tracy, C. Gable, M. Loy and L. Barrymore, in "Test Pilot" See zooming air planes racing against death in this great romance. ~ Algo COLOR CARTOON Mon., Tues, Wed, July 31, Aug. 1-2 Charlotte "Field, "Sydney Tower dn Zane' Grey" 's 1939 Jo) "|"Mysterious Rider" A new Western Thriller also "FANN HAUSER" and Playful Polar Bears, NOTE -- Welcome Farmers to Your Field Day. on August 2nd. $30.00 in Prizes $30 in prizes 'by lucky nu Donkin ous show from. 3 pm, raws, 65.30 and* 10.30 p.m, AE Friday, Saturdsy (Next) "Penitentiary" "A Jalt Picture with action, i 1 Painting Shop' How much does it-cost? ~4-- . yéar will see one of the best- tourist camps in running ovder. Of the de- | tails of this project more will appear later, The waterfront improvement has not been forgotten; but there seems to be more than the ordinary number of preliminaries that have delayed the work, Port Perry will soon be quite noted as a summer resort, Repair and a o . Also Fender Work and" Furniture Painting Mechanic's License Phone 209 @ HOOEY'S REPAIR SHOP One block North of the Sebert House The Tournament LINDSAY RINK WINS PORT PERRY TROPHY At the annual tournament held on the local bowling green twenty-three Perry trophy and the prizes offered for the day, Chas, Bell of Lindsay, skip- ped the winning rink and took home the silver cup and four bridge tables. Jack Gordon of Cannington was next highest and took home four lovely lamps; R. J. MacDonald of Markham was next and received motor .rugs; The fourth team 'was from Balmy Béach and won bridge tables; and Chas McNab and his Uxbridge rink won 'the end tables. It was the largest attended touraa- ment on the local greén for a number of years. Rinks from Oshawa; Peter- boro, - Whitby, Lindsay, Markham, Claremont, Toronto, Cannington, Ux- bridge and Port Perry were among rinks battled for possession of Port] A MARVELLOUS PICKING My, S. Arnold, Prince Albeit, re- ts ports picking 410 boxes of raspberries from his three-quarters: of an' acre | patch. That is a treendmous picking. One-of the best pickers managed 61 B boxes. MANY GOOD GARDENS Since writing the note about Mr, Hall's lilies and Mr. Harris' dahlias, we have learned that there are many is one of the healthiest signs of gud citizenship. AND STILL ANOTHER This time it was a twenty-one pound lunge caught by Mr. C. A. Smith, 8 Red Deer Ave., Bircheliffe, Toronte, It was caught on Sunday morning. - MRS. J. STONE DID WELL TOO! While waiting on. the dock for friends to .come in from fishing, Mrs, Stone caught a three pound bass and a four pound bass with a hook: and worm. RASPBERRIES AND LARGE ENGLISH GOOSEBERRIES FOR SALE "7° 8T.JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. _ Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday School at 10 am, Public Worship at 11 a.m, Everybody Welcome GHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Reyv. J. C. Clough Sunday, July 30th-- 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m--Evensong. Preacher, Rev: Dr. Armour of the Bible Society. Sunday, August-6th-- '8 a.m.--Holy Communion 7 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion = Preacher--The Rector. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday. School _11_a.m.--Rev. Dr. Armour, repre- senting the Bible Society. No evening service. WORK WANTED Capable girl to do housework is seeking position. Apply to Mrs. Wari- the contestants, | dé), Phone 99j, Port: Perry. - . SPECIAL SPECIAL) °° FFEE SPECIALL ~ SPECIAL! "AYLMER" CHO! TOM SPECIAL! oic SPECIAL! OIC E PE LEANSER SURE-JELL , 0 Lor. : 25¢ MILK or » ase MI 1] SEA 0 SHREDDED OR DESSIGAT, Cocoanut ». for TISSUE 4 ron 28¢ . "Parowax ne 12¢ YTV LMON "EARLY : MORNING" Bion MATOES Five Roses Flour i 22 LOWEST PRICES ON RASPBERRIES, SESAEIES, . TOMATOXRS, WATERMELONS > Valups Effective July STth, 20th & 80th = STONES 3 25¢ i 19 -15¢ [8 2wiS¢ AS 3: 25¢ 3-13 FLAKES 2 re 13¢ Ee ior 18g DRESSING 4 Hi - 30¢ Richmello > 28¢ Black Tea Le. 49¢ ALE" PRY. ol gd -10¢ NION good gardens in 'Port Perry, and 'thav |g their owners are proud of them. This |¥% Apply to8. Arnold, Prince Albert. | PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, JAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1989 fa AES 8 AGFA FILMS: i FOR EXTRA CLEAR PICTURES AT NO EXTRA COST 25¢ 30c¢ 35¢ VIC (You Can Bave | with Safety at Your Rexall Store.) ENGLISH. HEALTH SALTS .... ST LUCIA LIME JUICE ALKA - SELTZER, BISMA REX NOXZEMA SUNTAN OIL 30c., '60c, EROY BATHING CAPS 25¢., 35c. Sees 29¢., B7c. 320s +. 756, $1.50 PHONE 4 A. M. LAWRENCE PORT PRBRY Can. relieve yo ILY BAKER u from baking worries, and 'provide the "best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 93, Port' Perry. PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance ~ Place Your Insurance with HAROLD W. Phone 41 : WANTED Man- with wide experience in store work would take part or full time job. 'Apply-Box 25 Star Office," Port Perry. PIGS FOR SALE. 650 Shoats of various sizes. oct and healthy. Apply to Harry Briggs, Myrtle, Ont. Do You Need - Stationery? Letterheads. envelopes, bill" - heads, and all kinds of business office requirements supplied at the Star Office. Genuine Hard Made "LONG STRAW Horse | [Collars FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED ~~. AT. NO EXTRA COST. MADE BY MAN WITH THIRTY - YEARS EXPERIENCE Can be obtained from-- T. STEWART, or WM. WEBSTER c PORT PERRY, ONT, 'W., A. Sangster + DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Office Upstairs, over Bleop's | 'Insurance Office. SUITS BPONGED AND PRESARD 80 Cents SUITS, CLEANED Dry C eaned $1.00 ..C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery EMMERSON Port 1 Perry BRAY CHICKS You can still get BRAY CHICKS in most breeds, But last regular 1939 hatches are now in incubators. Act qulekly if you want July chicks of famous Bray quality-- sturdy, fast-growing, carly laying. August hatches to order only. 'Wallace Marlow : Bao ONT. MOVED To NEW PREMISES STAN: CAUSLEY has moved Shopat the rear of Archer's Gar- age, Perry Stj, Port Perry. All types of machine repairs and lathe work done; ~~ (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry ofits oa Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or_by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 "| in attendance at my Port Perry ofics on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of esch . woek or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY - DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, ~ North Side. Queen Street, Port Perty. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) ES -- t We O Offer You the Choice of the Market in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S* ? § Loweit Market Price." * Prompt and Courteous Service ' L i Cawker Bros. Phone Ww Port Perry. the good] ] to the former. Swan Blacksmith _