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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Aug 1939, p. 6

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TT . i New Clover To Britain's Air Might Displayed For 'Dictators - Suit Bees' Tongues ERS sad vas RII a - - \ How Can I ? A letter from Mayor Ralph Day BY ANNE ASHLEY of Toronto to Mayor LaGuardia of New York inviting the latter to visit the Canadian National Ex. hibition in September was taken 3: to New York by a group of 24, THAT REMINDS ME THERE'S MORE QUALITY x IN OGDEN'S NT a vey ee Formerly Honey Bees Have ; Ha SET Boy a Fi # CET Been Unable to Reach Nec- : SIA Ch adh o a bee AL aay, 3=row can I wash lace pro- tar Due to Long Corollas : : ' ! perly ry in ne For-many years beekeepers have looked with sorrow at flelds of red clover, rich in nectar, because, ow- ing to the bees' tongues and the long flower tubes, "or "corollas, of the clover, the bees could not reach the source of supply. . At the same time, pro- ducers of red clover seed have -suffered as well, for only the long- tongued bumble bées in thelr search for nectar could help.in pol- inating the seed, Bumble bees are not so numerous as they used to be, hence clover seed has also been somewhat scarce, ' Czechoslovakia Red Clover In"an attempt to overcome both difficulties, the Dominion Experi- mental Farms are trying out a red clover, grown in what was formers ly Czochoslovakia. This clover has short corollas and so far has stood Canadian winters fairly well, Time will tell the valuo of the new var jety, several years of test and sel cetion, of course, being necessary before it can be recommended gen. erally, Other variety tests of red clover show the superiority of the Northern country kinds from (an- ada, Northern United States, and Northern Eurove, over those from other countries. * Calves Thrive On | Flaxseed Meal takes a Good Cheap Sub:ti- tute For Cream ae Qvien ~ late spring calves are _ switched from whole to skim milk the change is usually spread over | a week. or "two. When the cream ja taken off the whole milk, the calf, it given nothmg but skim milk, gets a ration low in fat; A jelly made by scalding pure flax sded meal, nat linseed meal, makes a 'good, cheap substitute for the croam. While the calt i®stil young, a lablespoonful is enough at the start. Other Ingredients Added After a few days, other ingred- fents may be added, until-the fol- lowing mixture is fed: Flaxseed meal, 1 part; Ground sifted oats or Feed oat meal, 2 "parts; Fine ground corn, 1 part, ac- cording to the Division of Animal Husbandry, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. This mixture may bo used at the start with tho skim milk, {tf it is not convenient to give the flaxseed jelly alone. Calves. Don't Like Lumpy Porridge The mixture is prepared by stir- ring into hot water until enough thick porridge is obtained to feed "the calves night and morning, Lumpiness, should bo avoided: he: 'cause calves dislike lump porrldgé. It is better fed hot, but if it gets cold the fresh. skim milk soon warms it. Start off with a table. spoonful and increase until Lhe calves are getting a good-sized cup- ful twice daily at three or four: months of age. shortness of" honey f Lae. Although this picture was not made while the British planes were flying over France, it was snapped for the express purpose of. showing the planes and formations used. The planes are Wellington bombers of the very latest issue. On. July 14th, during the French national celebrations, five squadrons of these - bombers: and fighters, flew to-the southwest of France and back, on normal training flights. Tnasmuch as the distance was the same as it would: be to leading industrial centres of Germany, the parade of England's air might became an impressive. factor in the present European game of "power politics." The flights were concluded without the slightest mishap, . Have Youlleard _® Civility costs nothing; it might even be a good investment later on, and is a good insurance. This type of insurance was car- ried rather far by a man who al- ways made a low obeisance when- ever our Lord's name or Satan was mentioned during the church ser- vice. the oddity of this and anxious to correct him, inquired after the service. why "he bowed when the devil was mentioned. ately replied: "Well, ye see, I'be very, very old; and civility costs nothing," and after a pause, "and ye never know." " Boss (storming): "You're fired!" Typict: "Fired! I like that, -1 though: they sold slaves!" Possibly. apocryphal, but good, ix the remark said ta have been wade in India recently by Schacht, Reichsbank ex-chief, . "What is it like ing a Ger- man," they asked him, "after Aus- tria, after Czecho-Slovakia, after Memel 7" A new minister, struck by He immedi- - 7 Beautiful Blue Danube | Stream Will Soon Be Part Of 2,400 Mile -Waterway Across Eurépe er The Danube, destined for -increas- ing importance as part of a now ~ 2,4b0-mile waterway across Eur _ope, was. brought into the news again by the recent meeting be- tween the Foreign ministers of Ru- mania and Yugoslavia, on a barge | in the stream. New German Canal X This mighty highway of com- merco from Southern Germany "across, tho Balkahs to the Black Sea also forms parts of three inter- national boundaries, between Sle- vakia and Hungary, Yugoslavia and - Rumania, and the latter country 'and Bulgaria, a bulletin of the Na-. tional Geographis Magazine recalls. Germany is constructing a canal which will-connect the upper Dan- "ube and the Main River in Bavaria, which in turn flows into the Rhine. Canal Will Link North Sea and ' Black Sea } "Completion of the new waler- way, scheduled for 1945, will make possible tho shipment of goods by water, without transfer, way across Europe, from the North Sea at the mouth of the Rhine to the Black Sea at the mouth of the Danube," the bulletin continues. all the" 'What Science 8.02 ld x Doing * QUANTITIES OF VITAMIN K In one of the greatest scientific teats ever recorded, four groups of chemists' working independently, reported simultaneously the syneth- sis of vitamin K, the new vitamin -that stops jnernal bleeding. This mgans thousands of lives will be saved annually, for the syn- thesis" makes' the' vitamin, which has: been difficult' to .oxtract from natural substances, available in un- limited quantities, The vitamin proviously was ex- tracted from alfalfa, The chemists - made it from coal tar. The artiticlal vitamin has four times the potency - of natural vitamin K. Hardly ever is a synthetic .chemical so much better than the natural one. 'FLU CLUE FOUND An editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association announced recently 'that medical science is near 'success in its great: search for the origin of great hu- man _intluenza epidemics. The sexrch, the journal. stated, has led - to hogs and earthworms, - The journal's editorial told of re- search --_ with surprising results-- A.--Fill a Mason jar with hot soap suds and one teaspoonful of ammonia, Put the late into the jar, screw on lid and shake it from - time to time. - Let it remain over 'night, Mix a new solution if ne. céssary, Then rinse in the jar in same manner, . Now spread a Tur- ~kish towel on-ironboard; place lace -- on'it, cover with -amother towel, "and absorb the moisture, Do not iron, : hat " Q.--How can I prevent food burning on the bottom when bak- ing? PE 3 "'A.--A piece of door or window screen placed on the bottom of the aven is often a remedy for food burning on the bottom, Q.--How can I remove - iodine stains from an article of clothing? A.--Soak the article in lime water. Q.--What 'is a remedy for ex- cessive perspiration under the arms? A.--BatLe under the arms daily, and apply a lotion consisting of tivo teaspoonfuls of powdered alum and one pint of water, Fol- low by dusting with a powder made of one ounce boric acid and ten grain of salicylic acid. CAL Q.--How can I easily pull bast. "ing threads? . A.--Try using either a nut pick or a crochet hook to pull basting threads and see how easily it is accomplished, . Q.--How "can I make cream whip more" easily? ay A.--Try adding a few drops of lemon juice or thé white of an egg, Hot Weather Health Habits A Few Suggestions To Add To Gur Comfort, When Mer- cury Hits High Now that the hot weather Is here at last, it might be well for us to lieed a few_of the suggestions which the National Safety Council has- issued for the care of our' health during the torrid weather: Keep your body clean by. fre- quent bathing, Wear light and loose clothing. Do not overeat, but do eat mbdre , vegetables and less meat. - Drink lemonade, orangeade and other citrus. fruit drinks. Keep your elimfitation - habits regular. ~ - Do not use strong alcoholic rinks. Get plenty of sleep and rest; avold over-fatigue, Cool water is best for drinking, It a little table salt is added, in the - proportion of one level teaspoon ot salt to one gallon of water, it will _ assist _in bodily elimination, and will replace the normal salts lost In perspiration, Scouts of the 124th Toronto Timo. thy KEaton = Memorial Church) Troop, on their way to the World's Fair, During their stay the Tor- onto Scouts were guests of Queen's _ Borough Council of the Boy Scouts of America,' For the occasion they wore a special white shirt was himself formerly a Scout of the 21st Toronto Troop. tf Qi . The entire 1st Bracebridge, Ont., Stout Troop were guests of the Bracebridge Rotary "Club at an evening dinner. --O-- A fine new "land ship" head- quarters, the "Valiant," gonstruct- ed by Sarnia Sea Scouts of two old boxcars secured from the Canadi- an National Railways, was "laun- ched" by a banquet to sponsoring members of the Sarnia Yacht Club, The banquet was served aboard "Valiant" by Sea Scout "sea cooks." Furnishings of the S.S.S. "Vali- ant" include the ship's bell of the old ferryboat "Pappoose," which operaled between . Windsor and Detroit in 1872. On the fireplace mantel is a model lighthouse, with realistic "winkexr" light, placed Dr. A. G Campbell, for a number of years skipper of the Sarnia 'Rover Sea -Scouts. Another prized possession, within a; glass frame above the fireplace, is-an' ensign that flew on H.M.S. "Valiant" at the battle of Jutland, in which ship Seca Scoutmaster Charles Gray served as a signaller. % ---- Port Hope, attired in firemen's raincoats and rubber boots, enjoy- _ ed a practical lesson in fire fight- ..ing and rescue work given by Fira Chief Record and a small crew of his men recently, : --_--0-- the United States to help clean up "the real public enemies, the cor- rupt politicians," who he said nearly 6,000,000 criminals in the country, was made by J. Edgar Hoover, director of the ¥ederal Bureau of Investigation, before a New York World's Fair, "Every boy you teach to hate crime," he said, "is a victory for our site. Keep it clear in your minds that good politics is a great and bene- ficial thing, but that corrupt poli- tics is a criminal thing. There should be nothing but scorn and disgrace for>anyone who betrays this greatest of vocations." © 7 Take every chance to be' kind more chances. ~with*their troop crest. -- Mayor Day -- - there as. a memorial to the late Scouts of St. Mark's Troop of An appeal to the 'Boy Scouts of -weré responsible or the army of 'great gathering of Scouts at the: because some day there will be no -- a ebabos quali through and through--a Fine Cut that fives a man op satisf in rolling his = own. Only the best sun-ripened --#loaves are-used-in-Ogden's Fine Cut--that's why it's such a lar cigarette tobacco. You'll like Ogden's Daftar particularly owner? you use papers u or "Chantecler", ; FINE CUT & Zinnias Quick To Germinate For Fall Bloom . Riot of Color For Fall The zinnia has traveled far since grandmother's day when it was ° known as "youth and old age," & title bestowedgupon Zinnia elegans, the common species from which most of our garden zinnias were "derived. Its development in color and form-has been so rapid in the last ten years as to outdate most horticultural works on the subject. Many seed houses today list the zinnia. as the best selling garden flower seed, with petunias and mar- igolds following close behind. © As it is no trick at all to flower zinnias In eight weeks from seed, they may. still be planted for Sep tember bloom. The seeds are amaz- ingly 'quick to germinate if proper- ly sown. They should be covered _ not more than one-quarter inch in well prepared soil, and bevelit, seemingly, from transplanting. ° TIRES MAYALL'S TIRE. SERVICE = 8 ELM ST. TORONTO | When writing, please state size. Standard Make Fully Guaranteed °° Write for Special Prices AGENTS WANTED 0 MINK Classified...... 5 RURAL MAN WITH CA oil - among Farners, lireshers, Truckers. Splendid opportunity.. - Write British Lubol Company, 676 Bay Street, Toronto. -- done by Dr. R. E. Shope, of Rocke- TO SELL Hope is a draft- on futurity, feller Instituto. Dr. Shope's obser- . vations were so astounding that, it MONEY 'IN'MINK. WE HAVE A 8B. 4 "" ." t] lo H It doesn't make much differ, lect herd of large dark mink. Our ence," he, said. 'It's like a man who's -in jail for life and hears _ doesn ay Grand' Master Installed Dr. Jumes fool Dabbic" of ot.' tawa wes installed grand master of the grand lodge, A. I. & A, M, .of Canada, in the Provincerof Ofi- . thoughts, they've added a new wing to the building." $ Overheard on an English "bus: "I can't stand this 'ero Hitler... He's such a fidget." Easily Settled 7 The farmer was in an unusual- Iy pensive mood, and. his wife of- fered him a penny, for his "1 was wondering, my dear," he said, "what epitaph I 'should put on your tombstone." "As hiv wife was in excellent health she naturally resented the undue thoughtfulness. "Oh, that's casy," she replied, + 'Wife of the Above." A poultry farmer had been losing chickens from his coops, and displayed the following notice: -- i ri "Anyonb found near my chigken house at night will be found there next morning." No more. chickens have - "Simply put_] sometimes honored but generally "extended. Do not s3 employ the first years of life as to make the last miser- able. tp phe pi t= Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 3) id + 1.--Is it good taste for a wo- _ man employee in an office to wear cye shadow or mascara? 2.--1Is it all right for a bride to wear a veil if her wedding is. to be' very small? 3.--Is it proper to say, "Mrs, Hudson, meet Mrs, Gibson"? 4.--Is it-possible for a person to overcome self-consciougness? 6.--May fried chicken be eaten -with the fingers? 6.--What would be suitable for a girl to wear to a club dance, they aro confirmed, much of the .- medical literature on virus diseases such as. poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis "will have. to be rewrit- ten," the journal said, Li ROLE OF.WORM_. ~~ Dr. Shopo concluded that earth- worms were "carriers" of swine In- _ftluonza yirus. He found that earth- worms swallow the egg of swine lungworms, that the larvae of. these parasites develop in the earthworm and re-enter hogs when they eat earthworms. _s This suggested 'the possibility of" a transformation of. tlie virus in the lungworms-or a complex life cycle in the carthworm, which the medl- cal journal indicated might throw new light on the wholo subject ot virus discases. i Sha "Lungworm larvae - from pigs with swine Influenka harbor swine influenza virus throughout their de- velopment," Dr. Shope reported, He gald the virus apparently lies lat- ent much of the time. : "Whather the swille. Influenza is ' an abberant type of the human in- tario in the concluding ceremoniel of the #i8th annual communication ol Toronto. "600,000 Yearly to Lourdes Lourdes, the most famous place of . pilgrimage -in th% Catholic world, is visited each year by 600,- 000 people. The town grew. up during medizeval times at the foot of its castle. Following the ¢an- enization of Bernadette Soubir- 018, a young shepherdess who on Fel. 11, 18568, declared the Virgin - had appeared to her in a vision, a basilich was built near thé grotto wheve the vision occurréd and pil-- grins soon began visiting it. "A lung record of miraculous cures * has since resulted, - - brandt's personal been missed. _Poveity and Greatness Rembrandt % © At the time of his death Rem. sisted of his painting materials and a few linen and woollen gar- ments, ag one-kalf million dollars has been paid for one of kis pictures. ' Napoleon .In his youthful' days Napoleon lived chiefly 'on dry bread and. wore shoes with pasteboard soles. J Berlin At 14 Berlin sang songs for pennies in 'a 'Bowery saloon, al. ways hoping that he would take in -at least ten cents so he could pay for a room to sleep in for the night. y property con. - In recent years as much during July or August? .Answerst 1.--No. [If she considers these artificialities to be alluring, she should reserve them for her social engagements, 2,--Yes; a veil may be: worn at any wedding unless it "is a civil or a second marriage. 8.--No, "Say "Mrs. Hudson, this is Mrs. Gibson." 4.-~Yes. It has been done by thousands of people. The only way is to forget about one's self. The self-conscious. per- "son is always thinking about how his hands are placed, whether his tie is straight, whether people are looking at him. "Forget yourself". is the only solution. ; all right at a pienje, but at the: dinner table the knifé and. fork ~should be used. 0.-~A semi-for- mal frock of organdie, cotlon-lace, or print, ! 6.--This 1¢* fluenza 'Is still controversial," the journal commented. Tobacco Worm Control i Rr RT . Growers of flue-cured tobace in southwestern Ontario have been warned that the tobacco worm:is likely tobe plentiful this season, and are advised by the Dominion Entomological Laboratory at. Chatham, Ont., that, the most sucy cessful control measure is to spray with arsenate of lead, three to four . pounds in 40 gallons of water. A second application is occasionally. necessary, No more than the re- commended amount" of poison "should be used, and rapid driving. -- through the rows is deprecated be- cause complete ' coverage .of the plants is essential for efficient con- trol. 3 . © OLD BOOKS, PAINTINGS, PRINTS, Glass, China, Silver, Antiques, and. Furniture. Absolutely' best prices. 'Write description or call 8. Wen. roth, 68 King Street, East, Toron- Oc Lo DEE f © BADY CHICKS DROP A POST CARD FOR PRICES on Bray Special Broller breds -- white-feathered, quick «growing, premium! finish. Capons and started Pullets,hlsa available. Usual Bray high quality. Hatchery, 130 John St. Hamilton, Ontario. Bray. North, ' CHICKS OFTEN PROVE PROFIT. able investment--if right quality. Pallets reach high production as regular supplies fall off. Cocker- . els hit market when fresh-killed, ited number famous. Bray Chicks avallable through August. Write for prices Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ont. . | DAY OLD AND STARTED CHICKS standard quality day old Leghorns $6.95; 90 per cent. Pullets $13.90; Barred Rocks $7.45; Pulets $10.45; .. Cockerels $6.76; White Rocks, Hy- + brids, New Hampshire Reds $8.25; Pullets $10.95; Cockerels, $6.76. Ten day oldtadd two 8, two week old add three cents, three week old add seven cents. Big - Egg Quality add one cént: Prompt shipm n__ Electric Chick Ontarlo, -- Broilers and Roasters scarce, Lim- _ ARTICLES FOR SALE QUILTING PATCHES, FINEST AS. lar, postage paid. E. Pullan Ltd., 480 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. BOOKS THE FA LY PHYSICIAN, I1.1.US. trated 504 pages, $2.00; &h speare'shComplete * Works, trated, 1,230 pages, $2.00; V ster's Illustrated Dictionary, 480 pages, $1.00. World * Cook - Book, 416 pages $1.00--special offer. All _ four prepaid;--only $5.00, orders. Satisfaction or money -re- funded. Order to-day. LaMountain & Co., 2090 University, Montreal. EXTERMINATOR BED BUGS--ROACHES,; DGN-D'S Vermin destroyér rids your homes immediately .of these pests. Many satisfied users. Send for large bot- tle 35¢, or 3 for $1.00, postpaid, Don-D Products, 'Westport, Ont. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE GIRLS WANTED TO . Beauty Cluture, taught fn a schipol chartered by the Dominfon Gov- vrnment, branches from coast to coast, hundréds of ful grad. : . qn a - y Advertising cof t8, ofan Daly, smith Felis, sortmernt five pounds for one dol«" . No-C.0.D.-- LEARN SHOPPING - ~~ WITHOUT CHARGE ELIZABETH . Kent will shop for you .in Toron. to stores. Send for description ot free service. 45 Richmond St W., Toronto. EY SALE OF MINK MINK OF HIGH GRADE QUALITY, - Special sale during July and Aug- ust at prices far below regular, . ivery animal will be personally, selected. Orders filled as receive Write to-day, L. A, Jones, 189 Tal= bot Street, St. Thomas, TIRES AND 'BICYCLES FOR SALE $2.00 - UP, GUARANTEED USED Tires; Bleycles, $10.00 up. \Vrite for bargain price. list. Toronto Tire, 195 Dyndas West, Toronto. _ USED FURNITURE FOR SALE GOOD USED FURNITURE: § PIECH Dining Sulte $15.00; Chesterfield Suites $20.00; Chesterfield Bed Suite $39.60; Studio Couches $10.00 Sihisss binfus Suitel, ilk melt lH reakfas uites 00, undreds of.other articles. Write de! atchery, ited, Baden, Ont. ten day old price Grade aitd one cent, Shipped C.0.D. romptly. Tweddle Chick Hatcher. es, Limited, Fergus, Ontario, YOU WILL GO SOME TO BEAT . thesd prices for our High Quality Chicks FoR hisgdtestes breeders. Standar uality Leghorns ¢; r cent, Pullets $12. 5; Barred Pullets $9.95; Cock New Hampshire Réds, ks $7.95; Pullets $10.45; . uality add two cents. Prompt delivery. Ship i 1) C.0.D. anywhere, Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontarjo. uates. We prepare Jou for provine cial and state board examinations, rates reasonable, Call or write to Dept. A, Canadian Largest schoo), Big Marvel, 858 Bloor Street, W,, Toronto, - : NEW FURNITURE FOR. SALR < SAVE 20%, OR MORE ON NEW Furhftuye, Our large (ive-floor ware so Is stocked with com- plete home furnishings. By sell{ direct from our W 4 SH we: sive an average of 20% and pass this big saving on to you. Terms arranged, Frelght prepaid. Write us to.day. Valuable prem: to us, cKenna Aurnitur 3 (Limited, 626 Bay Street, fonts. ~ PERSONAL, CEE suited? Hundreds to choose from, - Home with means, Many farmers' daughters and widows with pro-- perty, Particular® 10e, confiden- al, Canadian Correspondence b, Box 128, Calgary, Alberta. AREHOUSE ° fums given for sending omstomers.- MARRY=WOULD YOU MARRY (F _us for Your quirements, Horns arranged. aa] od "arnt salt icp alto, bre ena Street, Toronto, ' USED FURNITURE FOR SALR BUY FROM US WIT ence! Brown -enamell + strong resilvered epri r $ y R tress, brand * new blue abel} 5 Besltit color= Sepang Tollsage OY ze, 1 a .99. Used enamelled Wagh ian - With towel racks 3195, Retina: ed brown nittal baby's crib, with brand Hew, strong, figureds sanis mattress, $4.95. Perfectly ro. ing machines, long shuttle, in gol« ae oak cabinet, complete with fit Ings and year's backed and crated complete fo $12.39, Hosiivored and sanitize strong springs, $2.00. our money.back guarantée. Sen =~ money order to Wholasale Furnl -turs Distributors, 466 Bathurst St. Toronf{o. . i conditioned Sihiger drophead sew-, gharantee, fasue No. 31 --39 : Remember © :

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