B---------- CEE | : ; FC : was grim; ard the preoccupied terror--or with suffering of any 3 EE Coiffure St les | : + ook he turned on Tran Held no | magnitude, for that matter, 4 § Traced By Coins The Perfect Thirst Quencher hole Jv; 1 Hhil if ne pdb Rody it a pi crisis pade, Engaging as Tran had found arose when she happened to be Rh { 3 {i : : him "in his moments of irrespon. about a 'ward--doing, under the A 3 6 : h Shows Many Modern re \} sible gaiety, she liked him a thou- | supervision of an older nurse, the : i Ne Roressch £ Il Ye : * sand times better this way. simple little House-maidish tasks L od cdi, 4. A, - hd : | The Emergency nurse stood at which were all she was permitted of K TE TE a1 tis : the other side of the table, a hy-- | to do--the senior nurse . would: . ce ehable tis \ by ' in & h : " ART. 3. Suing hae Shane) Saud fe : podermic- tray on-a stand at her hastily draw the cubicle curtains ; S tii 8 obra! Hah styles, showiag clear elbow. . Now she stepped back to | that screened the bed and say * kd a ad 8 v n . X "ir vi & *- eh "Jy that modern hairdiessers have - 4 | make way for Tran, | ; curtly, "That will do now, Dear- By.'SADIE B. CHAMBERS ) "Make it sna Agility," the born; I'll attend to this alone" or a tyles from Roman | ¢ ie a t snappy, Agility, atte : SASL au a : y interne directed briefly, * "Top "Hurry and get me the head nurse, fp 2 : y of years: ago. says .a 'story from - ; Sarge will be "here in a minute, | Dearborn! = : --PicoicDays and Sandwich -- i . Fy 7 7 "ane i wane SSE '| This is really a case for- Dr, Car- Now Tran murmured, "Is he-- |° Demands CR ------York;-- England, inthe Chélstian FI» Science Monitor. son, only he's just gone out, If euffering much?" « Summer days are passing all too 2 3 : y a i A Dr Sargent backs up my judg- "Well," "said Dr. Benchley, "a | swiftly and no one wishes to miss From: qoing of i 2 <. Me * 4 . : hi Lf ment this poor devil goes right up crushed leg isn't exactly a pienic any opportunity for the picnic or. Healey, of Jikddersrish, has fis ® SERIAL STORY - te G-1'. But.before we put him at. best; but he's had a local an- the lawn and porch' supper--or rapyered {hat Boman ied oft snk, [ JRE ® | under complete.anaesthésia, there | aesthetic. It's mostly that the "any other repast which will take period treated their hair very simp. INTERN E TROUBLE NEA SERVICE. ING, is something he wants fo get off poor devil's plain scared to death," one to the glorious outdoors, Im- i : pg Sls) veh El ' C S AE de CL id his chest." Scared to death, Tran thought | mediately atisse a hesessity for ie vo i .B inore Co : Face to Face With Terror on a quick breath, Scared! the simplest hospitality fot the for tadics ot position and Were ap. y id Jon sions a As the man on the table looked Tran knew how desperately one. | homemaker 'and the hostess. No- propriate only to courtesans and ; : i : i hing i 3 lar ¢| he foreigners. CAST OF CHARACTERS herself with flippancy against the from one face to the cther, his could suffer fear from the most thing is more popular than t . y SLL own face gray and dripping with trivial causes. , ., , And this was sandwich, whether for the func- Simplicity Wancd at Beginning of | TRAN DEARBORN--heroine, stu. | panic in her heart. . : sweat, Tran shrank for a moment | no trivial matter, : tions just named or for the school Imperiel Times dent nurse. Sho ran into love' '" 'Students', she quoted again | before something she saw in his She bent over the figure on the | lunch box which mother 'will soon With the¢ begioning of imperial and trouble when she met --{from the House Roules this time | bright dark eyes, but did not at table, put a small hand on his be packing once moge. With these |. and attractive with times simpideity diminished, and it DR. BOB BENCHLEY -- hsro, --"'" 'gre in honor bound to report once recognize for. an agony of | "quivering arm, and said softly, "I | thoughts .n mind fpr you the Ful "would seem that styles were adopt. handsome young interne. He | infringements of regulations that | terror. speak Italian, Tell me." «| following suggestiods 'hoping they |i the help of WRIGLEY'S ed lugely in accordance with "the had trouble, too, keeping up | might reflect upon the dignity of Fot in all Tran's four months at | ---At"sound of her voice, gentle | will be' practical and add to your a suitability to-the wearer's-face, and with brilliant To. the house." And-if your constantly the hospital, this was the first time and pitiful, speaking his own variety, these varied greatly, Mr, Hecley DR. STEPHEN SARGENT--head -| expanding waistline doesa't reflect she had come face to face with tongue, the man centered his glit. Cheese 'and Pimento Filling: recently told mempors of the York- surgeon. Dr. Sargent's problem on the dignity of the house, I don't |. tering eyes upon her face, : - % cup butter placed in double shire Numismatic Society. was something else again, know what does," ' : 1 i "What will they do to me?" he boiler . Roman Hairpins Found Last Week: Tran rejects a date "Oh, Utility--you wouldn't!" Scalloped-edged Princess asked, speaking as if they two 3 eggs Excavations of Roman sites have with Dr. Benchley, then enters WO: aokires Bok oop! Tran / Dress x were alone. "I can see in their % cup sugar ; : ylelded a rich harvest of hairpins Miss Phibbin's room. Her decision | said; und went to I. 0 doom - faces that I am dying. Already 3 level teaspoons mustard ' ET AY! 4 used by the Roman ladies, which was to be one of the most fortui- Miss Armstrong looked y {rot my legs are numb, , ., Tell me the 1 teaspoon salt GET SOM 0D were usually of ivory, bone or jet. tous in her nursing career, a mass of charts and re nd po" truth. Already I am half dead-- 1 tablespoon cornstarch In. the case of a coil of hair found : ---- the desk, folded her fae and is it not so?" . 1 cup vinegar ; in a SARopYaRLS at sos on oe CHAPTER VI studied Tran thoughtfully as. she "Oh, no," Tran told him; and 1 package cream cheese cottage cheese, 2 cups cheese, % Sie lun saivay i "Be A Sport, Tagg!" closed the door behind her and was' surprised 'at her own calm 2 grebn peppers and 1_pimento. - cup_ pineapple mixed well. Add still fastened by two jet pins. The "hair itself was a fine coil, retain ing its auburn color. "assurance, "That is'not death that 1% cup sour cream you feel, It is only that they have % teaspoon cayenne given you something to help the pain," ' When Tran opened the door to stood waiting--very straight = in the "demonstration room, a plump her nun-like gray dress and white figure sat up abruptly on the bed apron--feeling us if her trembling chopped nuts. almonds being pre- ferred. ; -- Beat eggs. well,-add sugai, mus- To add to = attractiveness cut so -- in the curtained corner which re- must communicate itself to the i tard, salt, cornstarch and cayenne. sandwiches in various shades. In ps .-| presented a ward cubicle, stretch- | floor, and thence to the very chair "But what will they do to me?" | pi "0 thorough! with egg beat- in To : e dwich hich Handy Household d, and yawned: " la | in which Mis y he insisted. "If 1 am to die, I |- y y & oehn | single or open sandwiches, which . anay | eds and yawned." It was Beula in which Miss Armstrong sat, Waran™ ' er,"add to the melted butter in '| .are best spread with a paste-like Hints Tage. © "I've been looking through your mu now, . double boiler, Stir_constantly un- filling garnishing is very import- : "They will only do something to |" 4; ne mixture thickens then add | ant. Have ready on squares of "Hello!" B sai i record, Miss Di "the diree- : ello?" Beula said, rubbing. ecord, Miss Dearborn," the direc help you rest while they fix you 0 a Dubos ton ad i San Sars her eyes and 'blinking resentfully. tor of nursing began, To coat food te fried n gold- "Gosh! You would come and wake "Yes," Miss Armstrong?" Tran up," Tran told him, "And you stirring until cheese is evenly mix. mint, nuts and chopped e olk. = ¢ cn brown with egg any 'crumbs is mé-just as I was eating the best "| temporized, shaking more and must not think about dying. . You 'ed. Remove from heat; i the If garnish desired for a de ie very easy to do, and fwell worth dinner I ever sot tooth to, We'd more, . must think.only about how fine i-| sour cram whipped, the peppers covering place the whole piece on 3 the effort. . just got around to steak and mush. "I was particularly interested in will be not to hurt any more. and pimento, If not for immedi- the chopped garnish - desired, if Cs .. Break an egg info ra shallow rooms when you had to barge in. your carly training. You were in In her absorption, Tran did not ate use add the cream.just before just edges dip the edges turning' ny dish, beat slightly With a fork un. | oo" joked good! And guess | school on the Continent, I be- natice that some one else had using, This will keep indefinitely. | as it is garnished. 'A dot of red ERA til the white and yolk are mixed; who I was with." She giggled. lieve 7" stepped into the room behind her. For variation add chopped mint or | currant or any jelly to the centre ! = stir in 2 tablespoons of water. In "Top Sarge, of all people! Tmag- . Interpreter | (To! Be Continued) parsley instead of pimento "and of the open sandwich -gdds much & a sccond shallow dish put finely | 44 oven dreaming about Dr. Sar- | ~ She's' trying to. let me down ; , 3 pepper, Parsley and mint are al-*| to attractiveness and 'appetizing 3 rolled dry bread crumbs, Dip the gent feeding you anything but a | "easy, Tran thought wryly. She'd Be Subtle s0 better added to the filling just appeal. : 0) $00 iio the egg Wg rg thermometer!" | rather lay my being a misfit to the 5 before using. : : : : - Ul all sides are co , 'ith a ~ "I' can't," Tran said . wearil corruption of European cultui : : Sa ich Fillin : - v 5 fork and hold over the dish until "imagine i dreaming. in than Te my Pn By When Dressing : Tahini Mog i Your Household ' bo . th&7excess egg has drained off. Dip | anvihing that didn't include food. |*bless hor kind heart! ] "For Him" 1 cup black currant jan : Problems ht = the cgg-coated fodd into the | "7 Trion' he a sport, Tagg. Aloud she said, "Yes. . . . Yes, . 1 cup chopped dates (chopped ~ | | r teks 4 . crumbs and turn until it is evenly Help me get ready for my demon- Miss Armstrong"! La y : very fine) - hdd A ca: , covered, then fry. : stration tomorrow. . Anita was go- "You speak several languages, Men Are Fussy' About Appear- | 1 cup blanched almonds chopped providing a varied and interest. iE | oe gross: - | ing to be patient, but she's down 1 understand?" ance of the 'Little fine. ; == Eg ing menu? Do your cakes fall? Savoy cabbages with crinky with an carache, ; : Why, yes. . . + Yes, Ido." - Woman" : Mix first three ingredients' very Then write, enclosing a stamp- caves are the finest quality home | | "Not much!" Beula said with "There is a critical case down : # thoroughly, then add nuts. 'J sd, self-addressed envelope_to garden cabbages. Eig decision, and slid hastily off the '| in Emergency," Miss Armstrong "IV's the. boy friend," wrote a Cucumber Sandwich Filling : Mss Sadie B. Chambers, care of te RE Roni i a bed. "It's too near dinner time to went on.. "Apparently an Italian, girl. "He's. fussy. He says he 1 cup chopped cucumber - this pres; and she Wii Shdes: Wo cut balls of melon for cock- he mauled" around--and anyhow, He seems to be very anxious about doesn't like my clothes; ho objects P 14 cup onion vour }o solve your problems, y tails and salads with a French cut- I've got a back ache; myself," something. It may be important to make-up,, What can a poor girl 3 tablespoons sweet pepper : ter, place the cutting edge of the "I don't maul my patients." to find out what before operating. do?" % teaspoon cayenne ws ball cutfer against the-peeled sur- Tran advanced purposefully. Rut the regular interpreter is out, Go lovelier for the boy friend. 1 tablespoon thick salad dress- Faults face. of the fruit or vegetable. "*The comfort -of the patient'," and no one there can understand "533 Don't be obvious about it; come |. ing. - : Vith even pressure on the knife, she quottd from a class text, 'is him, Should you mind going down out in a new gulse, and let him sce © Chop the cucumber and ohion ll geting their frailties, and roll from right to left and left to the careful nurse's first considera- and seeing what You can make. of - how subtle -you-can be. - and drain well. Add the seasoning whoev! aoks for. a 'friend with- - right alternately, so that the knife ton! . Anyhow, the only thing it MRR pers Watch Your Make-Up ~ "1 and dressing. : out imperfection will never find cuts into the food first on one side the matter with your back it--'" Would she mind? She would sell Sm repiod Don't cling to the foundation ~ottage Cheese Fillings what he seeks. We love ourselves and then on the other. } 'A nurse'," Beula matched the her soul for the chance. } By ANNE ADAMS cream and powder puff idea. Use a Coombs and coltime OE 3 notwithstanding our faults, 'and Continue until the food shows | uotation with another, 'does not | - Tran cleared her throat and What an endearing young dress liquid powder, which goes on and arts cottage cheese gin of cu. | wo ought to love our friends i 7 throvgirthe hole in the back of the | offer opinions. _She_only_reports | choked out, "Of course, Miss Arm. | this is! Anne Adams has planned | "gtays put" and does not demand | umber eo to Of | like mannet--Cyrus. oo i cutter. Still exerting pressure on | observed.facts' ., . And if you're | strong. I'll try." Pattorn 4142 for quick, easy sew- |" the constant attention to which any Strawberr jam and cottage - : the knife, 1ift the handle until jt | going to say I eat too much, you As she sped away, she thought, | ing. Your needle will fly over the | man objects so much. Thore are ENO Zr aie a' oy Germany has ruled that k is: at right angles with the food." | arg-wrong. Miss Armstrong says | Suppose I hadn't gone into- the straight princess scams, especially | plenty of excellent lquid® powders om IP! Pp . on, a3. ry job rid re Turn the handle completely around a nurse needs plenty of nourish- demenstration room! , . . I might with the illustrated sewing in- on the market -- ones which suit ] Pinea le (shredded) nuts and missi Sa p Wi oul the, inthe hand and lift out the ball, ment. . . © Say; that reminds me-- not have seen Beula in time, I structions to explain the how and all skins and all tastes, and which wid Pp ) 8 permission .o S overnment, : ross | you're to go to Miss Armstrong's | was sunk onough to sneak out and where. You'll find it fun to make | do cling to the 'skin splendidly. Use = = ~ Arf To obtain the professional look- office -right away." meet Bob tonight. If I had, and the scallops--and just -see how. | a cream rouge--very little of it. It : ; 5 | ing glaze on linen, it is necessary Tran Is Wanted - anyone had found out, it would | new and pretty théy look! They | requires skill fn application, you fo use cold starch, and iron while | - Exactly like that it dropped-- have been curtains. . .'. Now, per- form the édge cf the young square. | "know; put on very very little and articles are still damp. Now dip a [- out bf a blue, cloudless sky--just haps . . . ' ..neck and the wing-like openings of .then work it off into the corners; | picce of flannel in some French | at the moment when Tran had . But a new thought brought her | the sleeve. . leaving no sharp edges. And be "chalk, and rub this smoothly on managed to forget the sword hang- up short: hadn't Miss Armstrong Pattern 4142 is available in ju- sure that it is the color you want, - -- rp ----cach-articie;-after--which-a- piece --ing.over her head. © oo. | heard yet--about_ her and Bob-- '| -nior and misses' sizes 10, 12, 14, ___ Don't Become Blonde Suddenly | 5 of white curd soap is rubbed over Hl new you were going-to meet in the instrument room this morn- | 16 and 18; bust sizes 28, 30, 32, | You cdn rinse your hair In a the chalk. Lastly the articles are Anita here," Beula explained. "So | ing? . .. Because, of :course, she 34 and 36. Size 14 takes 3%. special rise which will bring up ironed on the wreng side only with | I waited." was sure to sooner or later, Dr. | yards 39 inch fabric and 6% yards | the lights ir' it, but don't aim at £ moderately hot iron: when done "You would pick a place with a |- Sargent's eyes couldr't have miss- lace. y giving it' new lights--ones that it they have tha rn=acrance of. new bed to wait in," Tran told her. ed a trick; and Dr. Sargent was Send Twenty Cents (20c) in never had according to nature, articles. 3 | "What do you. suppose Miss | popularly known as the world's | coins (stamps cannot be-accept- | They'll -clash badly, and-only- irri . Armstrong wants?" it SE worst stickler for. discipline, ed) for this Anne Adams pattern. tate the boy friend. Fire gosvds which have been "She probably wants to know When Tran slid into Eniergency, |. Write plainly, size, name, address Men Like Conservative Costumes used taroughout the winter can be why my well-known sense of duty Dr. 'Bob Benchley wus bending and style number, - Men hate conspicuousness, They } made into pretty sercens to hide | Nasm't led me to report that fruit over .a_quivering_ figure stretched - Send your orders to-Annc Ad--.| get rattled by anything that -at- 2H often unsightly empty fireplaces, | cake Job keep Tidden i your pus 2] on "4 first-aid SKbinntion 2s, Room 425, 73 West "Adelaide ina Ynduo siamo, ek - : : i '1 reau drawer ran said, nervin " .» Toronto, 8 to col ; Embroider a piece of linen: crash, - ' . ' 8 | ia e e young. inieings ace .3 ) . By - > ors. Blue }is generally first favor- Round Trip Fares to Britain - cr use up a remnant of curtain 3 : 2 . ite. They/adore grey, The fuchsia ¥ : AR Matsui), and i 3.to hy front BET x ; shades wlilch have been so popular LH $ 50 : EET thine ta Ep) he sarily Ww, V4 are not ppize-winners in a man's af- on f stored hon you ny ba Oe "Ie I [44 ACREE (0), 4 SHRLDDELD WHEAT fosLony/a hak Pork we reply TOURIST $ i 00 : ' ' y clean: White trimmings holds firs guard for the fire azain. ; } po 5 BAB rr place 4) almost every man's heart, CLASS 177 I oft . : : : d theye is a soft. green which " from To aver int ata "WE LIKE Shredded Wheat : ow and ows cea - i ore DF irint. seeling, . -because It tastes good and.- : i 3 g ; Dey hive x e Tu] re int fie A « or MARY, 4. lightly Aif kim 14 : ARs! > \ ' ) on ¥ i) : are best cooked tied in parchment jj Mothersaysit'sgoodforus." ; : Into ecstasies over erin : The Worlds Laney "Ip dein g ae BB cooking paper Shredded Wheat contains all iy Came Nd i \ : = Eee . } Le Afr 1 the energy of 1009, whole . Sin Jeo ' : fa By the via, wirst 46 van do with 2 bos ot UAE EL Men's Bandannas : ulus days in Europe are delightful -- make 3 your old table napkins? We dis. and fruit, Shredded Wheat is : ve \The Rage For Turbans nA that long deferred visit while these lot fares are ? covered a friend of ours throwing tasty, balanced nourishment. - % ; ib ¥ ; available. Yor Yariet «travel one way by: our fiewly (9? hers away thé other day ghnd told Start the daily Shredded Wheat : ; With the current rage for hand.. renovated Canadian ice steamers and t e other way a x her she was foolish. If/Aou sew habit--now! ; wrapped 'turbans continuing un- via New York, with a range of up-to-date ships headed / E1200 OF fave .oy o sustal Tne 2 THE CANADIAN SHAEDDRD . Ty abated, women Dave Lid is in, i by je ites Mary", the World's : i --it--by--the-- rr NY 4 ~---{ _vading_men's_stores in_se Lof Hari arta ALE ER L rete pte ee fe sink, you have a new and excellent Niagara Falls 2° something new in handkerchiefs 1 : The ATLANTIC'S 25 A Choice of Routes : glass cloth! «and bandannas. They usually pl hdd +| Between Montreal and Glasgow, Belfast, --0-- = shap up the bright wild ones that | Liverpool, Plymouth, Havre, London. b) To make fine white bread¢rumbs men look longingly at but' are . from NEW YORK wi [) 2] 5 £ these is "QUEEN MARY" "MAURETANIA" | Between New York and Cherbor, , Souths quickly it. is a" good idea to put afraid to buy. One of WAQUITANIA. "GEORGICH fmpton, Plymouth, Havre, Lon Cal 'the soft part of a stale loaf into 'a_large lemon:yellow, blue and © "BRITANNIC™ CARINTHIA" ; Way, Cobh, Liverpeol ony Sal: a clean muslin gag, tie it firmly at white sheer linen square with | "FRANCONIA *SCYTHIA® Book now and take advantage of th 1 the top, and gently rub it for a y French songs printed on it; an- TI ua low fares and Cunard White Star's few nrnutes between the hads, : jo" other has. a list of all the saints' trom MONTREAL : "Choice of Routes",* ~ * when the crumbs will be fine | - : - 000 arAL Youn a ey ' - fo days against a-vivid background, - 7 ____Se¢ your own travel agent or ? enough for any purpose. ' * |# a ust in case #nyone needs an ex- § a VE . py " cuse for a holiday,-and there are a series of 'kerchiefs with seals, | se A anchors and turtles splattered al . -- LY I: hm va ® DONALDSON ATLANTIC Line [EE tl | «Issue No, 33 -- 139 / ; ¢ 2% ' IR | A Save the water in which you Mil the onions for dinner and use : vit for cleaning the gilt: frames of. | - : ox pictues or irrots, hile ox the mirrors themselves, and. the . B windows tod, methylated spirit MADE IN CA NA DA _ fan be used With safely, : --