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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Aug 1939, p. 7

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"ment and Brebeuf which to Our Brain Slows Down With Heat Climate Is: Determining Factor In Ability To Think It you feel your brain going slug- glsh on you, do not feel alarmed. It is merely the effect of the mid-sum- mer heat, because climate {3 a det- ermining factor in man's ability to think, according to D Mills, of the Univer nati, It is well Jiowh: that the people of temperate or even cold climes are, as a class, more alert, mental' Jy and physically, than those who live im the Tropics. Heat seems to have a wilting effect on both the body and mind, The great states- men, writers, soldiers, Inventors, artists, etc., have been supplied by - those areas, generally speaking, in which there is not an excess of the heat, Victims of the Weather Men may, in many respects, ach- Aleve domination over the Influences of their environment, as climate is concerned, humans are to a considerable extent the victims, of the weather. In Canada we need not fear be coming a permanetnly sluggish race, mentally or physically, About the time the heat begins to get us down, the refreshing" breezes of autumn come-along to revive onr "1odfes and clear our minds, New Containers + For Flowers Silver Tanks Are the Latest Adornment Square vases of sparkling silver, shaped like the glass tanks, are the latest containers for flowers, = Al- most any herbaceous border flow- ers which have fairly long stems . are suitable for theso tanks. Sometimes the silver is engraved in a bold design, a favorite one be-. ing swimming fishes. These tanks look better when filling up corners than 23 tablo decorations. On a din- ner table they rather obscure the guests opposite, = or Shallow Bowls for Tables - © For tablo use the now shallow _,.ellver bowls aro most attractive. These are barely two inches deep, and look best filled with tiny flow- ers which have been broken oft Just below the blossom, Mignonette and forget: -me-nots packed tightly, 'with here aiid there tiny mess rosé buds and old-fashioned single pinks look particularly well, -- To give an atmosphere of cool-. ness on a hot day; silver urns filled with green leaves and ferns aro ef- fective. ~ World Epidemic Prevention "Cradle of Civilization Source of Many Epidentics One of the essential fasks con: fronting the department of organiz- ation of hygiene of the League of Natlons, according to the Paris cor- respondent of the Journal of the American Medical Association, is to prevent epidemics and thelr dis- semination. Asla, the cradle of civ- {lizatlon, {s the cradle of many dis- eases) as well; for this reason a __ "new office has been set up at Blng- apore destined to centralize all-usg-, ful Information about. epidemics. and inform, as quickly as possible, the ports of the Far East about - their sudden appearance. Daily Communications Broadcast A powerful radio station at -Mal- abar, on the Island of Java, broad. casts dally the communications of the-main office in Singapore, which - is robroadcast -weekly by nine sec- ondary stations. Theso communica- tions can be received in the ports of.the Indlan Ocean, of the Paclfic and even jof the Mediterranean, Visits Midland' but insofar - ARMS USELESS ON WET DAY Rheumatic Pains Relieved Here is a noteworthy instance of the manner in which damp wea- ther can affect the joints of. one who is subject to rheumatic pains. "1 been suffering from rheumatism very badly," a man --writes; "and had such pains in my Joints that I could hardly bear it, on a wet day especially. It pained me terribly to use my arms, and I was hardly able to work. I tried . 'two different remedies, but I was still as bad after the Jreataent. ; "Then I was told to try Kus chen Salts, which quickl rought relief. So of course I have on with it, and I'am now much better and' have never felt so fit for years, I used to feel so mis- erable and sluggish, but now it is a 2 Dlsasuze to be able to work."-- The pains and stiffness of rheu- matism are often caused by uric acid crystals in the muscles and oints, The numerous salts in ruschen assist in stimulating the 'Internal organs to healthy, regular activity, and help them to elimin- ate, excess uric acid, kept' Postal Figures Point Upward Figures For June Show Con- "tinued Increase Post Office revenues, index of Ca- nadian business "conditions, again point upward, Figures for June show that the increase reported in May is continued, according to a statement released lately by the Hon. N. A. McLarty, K.C,, M.P,, the Postmaster General, Postage sales for June showed a total of $3,317,783.16 an Increase of $180,338.04, or nearly six percent, over June, 1938. Money Orders, Postal Notes up Other cheering signs of improve. ment are also noticed, An Increase . of $451,192.28 or nearly five per cont, is revealed in the statement of postage sales for the tirst quar -ter of the present fiscal year, Pos. tal note business Is also higher, and in June money orders pald were up by 1.7 per cent. and postal notes pald by 3.6 per cent, as well, "Throwing tacks on a. highway 1s against the law in 29 states of the American Union, - «Comedian Jack Benny At Banff Only {Fic Jacob Two- Young-Man is impressed with the seriolisness of the cituaticn when he's photographed with comedian Jack Benny, LEFT, Banft Soriagd hotel _ and -Murray Adaskin, of Toronto, RIGHT, on the golf course at the Have You Heard rr [ J & ® - Asking Too Much "Those new people across the road seem very devoted,' said Mrs. Jones wistfully to the newspaper which hid her husband." ~A rustle of the sheet was all the reply she got, but she was used to that. "Every time he -goes out he kisses her, and goes on throwing kisses all down the road. Edward, why don't you do that?" "Me!" snorted the man behind _the news. --0-- "In The Fashion A collier's wife, wishing to appear in the fashion during a holiday by the sea, decided "to buy soniething up-to.date. She entered a local shop, and the young stant who served her was astounded at the following request:. "Aa | wagnt x 'nighty wi' legs on." pie * Chairman (addressing county council mgeting): "Gentlemen, we have had the trouble and' expense of sending our lunatics to Dotty- field Asylum for, a long time past, I am pleased to tell 'you that we have now bull. 4 an Asylum 4 for our- selves." --_--0--- TT. Reminder "Nothing is more important than breathing deeply." Con. - tinuously breathing matters "also. = --O Ly Critic At The Hearth * As a schoolgirl, Mrs, Peter Cé- zalet was more helpful than most daughters who criticise their par- 'I "don't know. her : --full.- -- = - Well-Considered At the age of ninety a man is still likely to be rather rash, giv- en to hasty, immature" judgments, Ask such a fellow how he has hap- pened to live so long, and he will tell you. is it due to his habit of early rising. But at the age of. 104 a man's judgment if ripe and words of Dr. William E. Thompson of, Bethel, Ohio, who is beginning his .105th year. The reason for his longevity? = "It's because I haven't died," says Dr. Thompson, The new crinoline * sponsored. by the Queen, has cap- i Modern - -corations of any kind. tured English women, - "Etiquette , BY ROBERTA LEE ol eee = "1,--Is it permissible for one's calling cards to have any kind of Mssorations on them? - : 2.~~Whan a man is dining with a woman, should he give his own or the woman's order to the wait- er Sra : 8.--When is a guest privileged to Joave a wedding reception? 4.--Should the dessert spoon and fork be placed on the table with the rest of the implements . that are necessary for a meal? : B.--Isn't it very poor taste to wear "dressy" clothes when tratél: ling? 6.-- Shouldn't a 'boy of sixtédn rise when an elderly person enters the room? 1.----No. The cards should bé plain white, of good quality, en-, graved in black; 'and. without de- . 2.--He should consult his companion and' give her order first, followed by his own. _8.---One_may_leave any Cardinal Villeneuve was invited attend the special services" d eated to .the Jesuit Fathers Lale- place- this month near Midland .at the Martyrs' Shrine, = & ents, Her father, P,. G. Wedehouse, used to try out his jokes on her, ¥ she said "Not funny," he thought again, > One of his earlier books had a dedication acknowledging her as- sistance. If ran like this: "To my' daughter Leonora, without whose constant aid and 'encouragement this book waild have been "writ- ten in half the time." i La -- For Many People A Motoring Correspondent says life without cars would be dull and uninteresting... But, as pedestrians point out, there would be more. of it. time desired after speaking to the bride and bridegroom. 4.--Noj. they are brought in on the dessert plate after the other dishes are re- moved from thé table; - b.--Yes; it is entirely out of place and im- mediately stamps one as not know- ing what is proper, 6.--Yes; a well-trained yoith will do so. pes Te ~4nd-so-wehail-the sound fashion, h What Science is | % Doing * NEW DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN . Development "in England of a new, highly purified diphtheria an- - titoxin, said to be more rapidly and completely absorbed from sub- | cutaneous tissues than the Ameri. can product, is described in a re- cent issué of The Journal of the American Medical Association, The new antitoxin is the result of the development by the Wellcome Laboratories, England, of a meth. od for large scale purification based on the fractional action of enzymes (ferments), The possi. bility that such enzyme purifica- tion may be generally applicable to antiserums demands prompt in- vestigation, the Journal declares editorially, DEBUT OF AN ALLOY A new metal alloy that contains only 7 per cent, iron but is ¢laim- ed to be stronger than any known steel was reported by the Westing- house research laboratories at East Pittsburgh, Pa. The new allow i§ composed of nickel, cobalt, chro- mium, titanium, iron manganese, aluminum, silicon and 'carbon, and is tentatively known ag K-42-B, GERM CULTURE Success for the first time in the «growing of disease-producing bac- "Tecent issue of Scienc " Brian I. Hutchings teria of the family of hemolytic streptococci on a medium contains ing only pure chemical compounds, a step expected to be very helpful in the study of the nature of these encmics of man, is reported.in a afit D. Woolley of the University of Wis consin. Until now these bacteria have been grown only in complex media containing tissue extracts the constituents of- which were not fully known. AGE OF ROCKS RECALCULATED The geological strata of the sur- face of the earth arc only dbout half as.old as was fdrmerly believ- ed. This changd has been made as the result of recalculation of the age of rocks based on a re-exam- ination of their -content of radio- active material by newer methods" and a new check-up on standards made at the Massachusetis Insti- tute of Technology by a group of _scientists, The total age of the earth remains about the same, 2,- 000.000,000 years, but the rela- tively recently-laid down strata, post Devonian, which was suppos- ed to have been formed about 210,000,000 years ago proves to be much younger, about 130,000,- 000 years. -- "How Can 12 | BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.--How can I remedy porsplr- ing feet? A.--One of the best remedies is to powder the stockings with. one part of chlvrinated lime, one part prepared chalk, and one part of powdered starch. Also bathe _| the feet daliy in cold-water, -------- Q.--How can I"remove sérews that 'are obstinate or rusty? _A.--Apply a heated poker to "the heads of the screws. When "the screws have become hot, they "can be removed' very easily. eggs? A. -- Soiled eggs can be cleaned by washing them in a solution of baking soda and water, Q.--How can I thicken fruit or berry pies, other than by the use of cornstarch or flour?" A.--Try using a scant table- spoonful of quick-cooking tapioca, This not only adds flavor to the pie, but absorbs the excess juice. Q.--How cap I remove mildew from white clothes? A.--Rub the clothes with the juice of a raw tomato, sprinkle with salt, and lay in the sun to dry. Repeat several times i ne- cessary, Geraniums picked in New Zea- land were delivered in Jorden by airmail in 16 days, Q.--How can I .clean soiled p= TIRED FEET Issue No. 33 -- '39 N - tlmo_to start-letting it grow. away under 'sort to falso . "DON'T MISS THESE Casa Loma Casa Loma is one of the great eat piractions in Ontario, hun. dre eople visit it daily, au take an hour's tour throu castle, including the Pops ard stablés, There are many interest ing and valuable exhibits, one of the. mest recent being one of the most valuable collection of butter- flies in the world. The colors of these are amazing and it is worth: while for any student to see. There is no charge to see these exhibits, The castle itself has many of the features of European .ecastles, and every adult and child shbuld stady its architecture and enjoy its beau- ty. The castle is operated by the iwanis-Club of Toronto, and the procegds are used to assist sick, and 'criopled children. Tourists from all over the world come to this castle. New Hats Are Of Three Periods Bustle Age, Charlotte Corday's Bonnet -- Postilion At the end of a long sartorial drought, the now fall hats are now flooding the town, Even {f you ad- oro silly ones you'll scarcely resent these, they're so becoming, not to say flattering. Generaly speaking, they fall"into three perlods; the amusing 1880 typo to set off your bustle; Charlotte Corday's revolu- tlonary -- in more ways than one --bonnet," and the charming littlo postition with a jockey brim guar- anteed to do something for you. 'Must Let,Hair Grow Again But it you're now cool and com- forlable and sensible --ith a very short summer hairdo, It's The new hats are all at their best with curls or a thick knot -- liké tho Duchess of Windsor's at the nape of the neck. As a rule, they call for hair drawn oft the ears, generally with Tittle curls or rolls tuckdd the hat, The Charlotte Corday bonnet and the crinoline outfits call out for cute little bunches of curls on the forehead -- and if you don't want to have to re- hair. revivals, you'd better start growing something for the barber to play with. FARM COLUMN | FIGHTING - "FOES .OF FALL WHEAT The protection of seed wheat "from its invigiye enemies, the spores of smudfind the reot rot or- ganisms that lie concealed on or in the surface layer asenable precautions © every farmer should take against possible failure with his fall wheat crop, says W. A. McKenzie, soils chemist, Chatham, Ont. Everyone is acquainted smut. visible, and the damage it does can to some extent be 'estimated. But few people scem to realize, as yet, the serious annual toll taken by the root-rot organisms. These work: underground, reducing the with "stand and' sapping the vitality of 'much of the grain which does sur- vive." Even on farms where this menace has not yet become seri- ventive measures. Ethyl Mercury Phosphate It is fortunate that modern methods of control for both smut and Toot-rot have been so improv- ed as to be very highly effective, The potent substance, ethyl mer- cury phosphate, now on the mar- high | 'of the sced, is In the summer it becomes + * dud it is good business to use pre-~ ket, controls --most "of "the" grain COMING UP FOR!" RVI [0] QJ, [ch 0]: ] -Ne{efo) "WORTH / _. For taste -- flavour -- likes - "economy Dixie Plug has every. thing! Cut it as you want if, coarse or flake, long or short 4 smuts, including covered smut of wheat and also the root-rots, Con- sidering that it istinexpesive and easy to apply, there seems little reason for neglectin gthis added protection, This mercuric dust may be applied days or even weeks . ahead of seeding time and aids rather than injures germination. This treatmént is the result of long experimentation and has been submitted to the most criti- cal field tests. Today it stands far ahead of all other seed treat- ments. ) The government cotton ning and weaving _plant in Philippines is to be enlarged. spin= the treatment Swimming With Eyes Open The novelty-of the season, at Cannes aro mono-goggles, which provides young and old with no end of fun, They are heavy lenses set in a deep rubber casing and se- cured to the head by a strap. Equfp- ped with them, the swimmer can become a deep-sea diver, swimming under water with eyes open spy- ing on the life of the creatures at the bottom. of -tho -sea. They are worn by fishermen who use a slim motal gun to shoot thelr quarry. AVE on tire costs-- get more miles,-more safety from Firestone Tires--they do not cost . one cent more than dre dinary tires. If you want low priced tires ask for the Firestone Sentinel or Firestone Standard Tires -- with them you are assured ow-cost We psndanys ileage. : Bo sure to compare the sensational new irgstone Champion--a wew kind of tire--the only one built with the new Safety- Lock Cords, Gear-Grip Tread and 2 Extra Gum- Dipped cord plies under ~ the tread. white sidewalls, smart, streafiline Champion Tires give it os car an entirely new appearance. Have the nearest Firestone Dealer put them on your car wow." theso Available with "black -or *- The Tire Sensation of the Year! * Sentinel 30 x 314. Other sizes and types at propostionately low prices, irestone 2X AosT MILES PER DOLLAR AGENTS WANTED "RURAL MAN WITH CAR TO SELL oil among Farmers, Threshers, | Truckers. Splendid opportunity. Write British Lubol Company, 676 Bay Street, Toronto. Advertising. : Classified....... -ONTARIO LAKE SHORE PROPERTY FOR sale on Skeleton Dake, good sand beach, good road to beach. Chac- les Stroud, Aspdin, Ont. TAR TICLES FOR SALE QUILTING PATCHES, FINEST AS- sortment tive pounds for one dol- lar, postage pald. BE. Pullan Ltd, 480 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ARPICLES. WANTED OLD BOOKS, PAINTINGS, PRINTS, Glass, China, Silver, Antiques, and Furniture. Absolutely best prices, Write description or call 8. Wen- Join, 68 King Street, East, Toron. BABY CHICKS < STARTED Chick Bargains, Tén day old Bar- red Rocks, New ampshire Red, White Rocks $9.45, ockerels $8. 78 90% pullets $12.45, Two week old add 1c, three week old ada Se, tour week old add 10c. Blg Egg Quality add 1¢. Prompt delivery. Write for prices on older pullets, Baden Electric Limited, Baden, Ontario, bargains. en day old Barred Rock, New Hampshire Reds $8.95, S00% pullpts $11.95, cockerels $8. 50. Two week old add le, 3 week old add be, four week old add 10c, © Large Egg Quality add le, Prompt delivery, Also older pullets, Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario, PULLETS, S.C, WHITE LEGHORNS u PP, Rocka, ready to lay, at $1.25 each. Dan M Kinnon, Brus- sels, ont, nn. No. 3 STARTED CHICK BARGAINS, TEN day old Barred Rock, White Rock, ew Hampshire Nodes G05, 007% ullets $12.95, Cockerels = $8.75. Two week old add ond cont to ten day old prices, three week old add five cente, Extra Profit Grade the bligz over.size chicks, the kind thet ° weight two pounds per hundred more when hatched add one cent, Prompt delivery, Shipped COND. anvwhere. Also free rangq older pulleta all ager. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ont, Chick Hatchery, CHICK BUYERS. LOOK . AT THESE} BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES FREES ILLUSTRATED CATATOGUE. ew rehuilt Bicycles, $10 up. Used Motorcycles, Dukes, 626 Queen St. est, Toronto, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL GIRLS WANTED TO LEARN Beauty Cluture, taught fn a school chartered by the Dominlon (lov. ernment, branches from coast to coast, hundreds of successful grad. uates, We prepare you for provine ela) and state bonfd examinations, rates reasonable. Call or write to Dept. A, Canadian Largest school, Big Marvel, 358 Bloor Street, W., / Toronto. COLORED AND MOUNTED ENLARGEMENT Sv PORTRAIT easel mount, Free with each ore der, IFilms developed, printed 25c. Reprints 10 for 25¢, Qur never ----assures you satisfaction. Best Photo Service, Adelaide St. Sta- tion, Toronto. EDUCATIONAL ENROLL 'Now FOR YOUR 'FALL, course of study. AsK us about our' Practical Advertising course, Com- plete your Matriculation "The CCC Way." Canadian? Correspapd. ence College, 601 Ryrie Bldg, tonto, Unt. Fatablished 1002, NEW FURNITURE Font SALE PJAVE 20% OR--MORE ON NRW Furniture, Our. Iargae fivasfloor warchouse Is stocked with coms plete home furnishingg. By selling direct fro our WAREHOUSE wo save an average of 20% ahd . Paes this big saving on to' yo "Terms arranged: Freight brepatd. Write us today. Valuable prem. 10hi4 given for sending customers to ua. McKenna Furniture Co, fade process and oné day service. Limited, 526 Day Street; Toronto. . SHOPPING © Without CHARGE ELIZABETH Kent will nl for you in Toron. to sores. Send tor description of freo service. 43 Richmond St. WwW. Toronto. TIRES AND BICYCLES FOR SALR $2 UP, GUARANTEED USED TIRES; Bleycles; $10 up. Write for bar- gain price list, Toronto Tire, 195 Dundas West, Toronto.' USED FURNITURE FOR SALB GOOD USED FURNITURE: 8 PIECH Dining Suite $15.00; Chesterfield Suites $20. 00; "Chestertield Bed Sulto $39.50; Studio Conches $10.00 9-plece Dining Suites, $49.60; Breakfast us for your requirements, Terms arranged If necessary, McKenna Furniture Co., Limited, "626 Bay, Street. Toronto. SHE TLAND COLLIE DOG, OR ENG. lish or Scpteh. Collle, give a 5 J welght and markings, Must thoroughbred, I. A. Jones, 189 Talbot St, St, Thomas, Ontario, : Standard Make | Fully er Write for Special Prices MAYALL'S TIRE SERVICE 8 ELM ST. TORONTO When writing, please state size, A oN Hundreds of other articles. Write . WANTED Col my Pha vn de SA

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