Tari BA = SAME i Nn Sees BL a= » ee India's Yield Of Wheat Greater Than Canada's India Agriculturists Visit Can. . ada to Study ligation Two agricultural experts from: "yadla have arrived in Canada apd | travel from Quebec to the ratries chiefly for the purpose of tudying hydro-eleétric. power In gelation to agricultural uses, and ho systems of Irrigating arid. ar: Le. They will also inspect the big am projects In the United States. More Land Under Cultivation Western farmers need have no apprehension abouf India becoming a competitor, It may surprise Can- adlans, however, to bo foformed fhat In a good year India grows more wheat than the Dominion. We _pave come to regard ourselves as the world's granary, yet last year India produced 402,000,000 bushels t wheat, or about 55,000,000 more than Canada, The year before, the Indian yleld exceeded Canada's by 123,000,000 bushels. India has about 18,000,000 more acres under cultl + vation than this country. India Needs Her Grain For Own Peoples : Canada, with a population of 11, 500,000 must have export markets, whereas India, with a population 'ot 350,000,000 needs all her grain for hei own people. Occasionally, India has entered the export mark-- et when prices were high and good profits could be made, but present and future prospects-are that thero i)1 be no encouragement in that Irection, . The reason why hydro-electric and irrigation systems are 'being examined is because India Is sub- ect to droughts and thero is some: times sovere suffering among the natives. All that India wants is to bo self-sufficient and to feed her own people. po | Police Get Queer Request! Mrs. Frank Thissen, Ellen- dale farm mother, wrote Police Chief Frank Forestal:-- "I have six small. children. It's almost impossible to call them on a big farm. The offi- cial » basketball whistle = hasn't enough carrying power, Could I geta in but far-reach- ing, police whistle ?" The chief gent her three whis- tles and said, "take your pick." New Rules On Wheat Marketing Provide Penalties For Breach Of Regulations - Regulations governing the mar- ~keting ot wheat through the Can- adlan Whéat Board for the crop year 1939, especially the 5,000-bush- _._el.limltation ._of .. deliveries, . have... been. issued from the head offices of the 'board. ' Under the Wheat Board Act each farmer or a group, of farmers oper- ating as a unit, may dellver 5,000 bushels of wheat to the board..The initial price-will bé 70 cents a bush- el, basis No. 1 Northern, Fort wil Yam, . Sons, Operating Land for Parents =~. May Participate So Under the regulations, eds and dependents of farmers are not grower-producers and are bar- red from delivering wheat to the board, but sons of farmers, operat- | ing land for their parents, may par- ticipate under a .lease-agreemont system. . The farmers will .e required to obtain permits for marketing their Fein and penaltles are provided lor breach of the regulations; a tine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for a perlod not exceeding one month, . In addition to buying from the grower, the hoard may buy from landlords, vendors, mortgagees Or . others "entitled by contract or 0 ozation of Jaw to wheat grown by someone else." .. DPuek On The Lake "Tha is the hour when night sli quietly . Adong the flaming edges 'of the © suhj Jo on the lake, an o] eats the heavens' * day is done, "A 'silver moment asa al cestpsy ord that fish leaps gh, ' "Or deer's hoof breaks a twig upon : _ the shore; Then sudden cool, a night-bird's - estartled ery; | The oreak of oarlock, and the. dip of. oar. AVY TRé young pespi of this na. A are year by year becoming willing to listen to the preach- of pessimism, distrust an of confidence,"'--Sir Edw ty. og a {he market. a -ohservations have: led Professor gestive tract not only absorbs vi- employ-~ 4 emories of the recent royal tour / a CS "Royal Tour" Pictures Enjoyed by Canadian of Canada were recalled by the party of 30 Canadian school girls who are at present visiting England, when they visited the exhibition of royal tour pictures at St, James' Palace. | What Science x is ¥ Doing * CHEAPER PLASTIC A plastic compound made from the lignin and cellulose of sugar cane bagasse, one of the country's important agricultural waste pro- ducts, has been manufactured by chomists of the United States De- partment. of - Agriculture at the Agricultural" By-Products Labora- tory, Ames, Towa. The chemists estimate that this new compound can be manufactured for less than half the cost of the cheapest syn- thetic plastic compounds now. .on per i VITAMINS AND OLD AGE Evidence that senility and other symptoms of old age are accom- panied by typical signs of vitamin deficiency .was presented recently by Professor L. A. Cherkes, direc- tor of the Odessa Institute of Nu- trition, U.S.S.R. Experiments on animals and numerous observa-® tions on patients showed, he re- ported, that the processes taking place on teeth and bones in old age do not differ in anything from those resulting from a deficiency of vitamins in the organism. "The Cherkes to conclude that the di- tamins from food but also trans- forms a number of inactive food components into activessvitamins. As the body grows older this ca- pacity of the digestive tract grows weaker. Many symptoms of senil- ity, hitherto regarded as manifes- tations of an inevitable physiolo- gical pocess, he believes, are. but' a result of the body not keeping up with its requirements in vitamins, which must be supplied in greater amounts with the advance of the years.- ' . +0 NEW METALLIC COMPOUND Discovery of a new metallic compound capable of cutting and smoothing the toughest metals and harder than the hardest steel used to manufacture tools was reported to the American Chemical Society by Philip M. McKenna of the Mc- - Kenna Metals 'Company, Latrobe; Pa. heating tungsten, titanium and carbon in crucibles of pure gra- -_phite. the mixture being heated in a bath of molten nickel to a tem- "perature of 2,000 degrees for a The new com- | prolonged period. pound is only 0.2 softer than a diamond, the hardest substance known; and is expected, because of its ability to retain a sharp cut- ting edge at high temperatures, tos increase the speed with which stainless steels 'can be machined; thus resulting in considerable eco- nomics in manufacture. To the farmer and prospective settler, the Animal Husbandry Di- vision of the Experimental Farms . Service, Agriculture, offers the results of many years experience, accruing from the maintenance of approxi- mately 8,000 head of livestock on the Dominion Experimental Farms. and- Stations in different parts of every province of Canada, sie aes eesrrecerte Ce esse ROUND TRIP FARES fo BRITISH PORTS TOURIT CLASS 184°; HIRD cLASS $136%% Four weeks allowed ashore In Europe. "Fares sli bl, i br A Ad BARGAIN FARES Effective Aug. 7 to Oct. 15,1939 Travel by a soyal Empress ar in the im proved Tourist and Third -----Glass-accommodation of & stately Duchess. Former Tourist Class ---- dat! CC ion on the popul Mont ships has been eliminated provide more ample accommodation and larger deck space for ird Class p gers. Most in Tourist and Third Class _ J énall four Duchesses have both hot and co}d running water. ' Sogt. 1--Duchess of York ., 7--Mogtrote (Hayre, - ! mpton, * 9--Duchess of Richmodd ln Vl hess of Bedford ~ " 22--Duchess of Atholl ep) From MONTREAL to GLASGOW--BELFAST--LIVERPOOL Sept. 29--Duchess of York '* - 30--Moatrose (Usrre, : Southampton, Antwerp) Oct, 6--Duchess of Richmoad " 13--Duychess of Bedford « From QUEBEC to GHERBOURG--SOUTHAMPTON - Sept. 2~Pmpees of Austr: " ham pto| ) : = I Ampron olin) Sept. 23--Empress of Bricalp " 30-~Bmpress of Australia: Oct, 7--Emptess of Britain For full detalls, see your local iravel agent or E. F. Thomp, on; Steamithip ~Ganadlan Pacific Bal ng General nt : 4 oronto, Ont. The material is obtained by ~ ominion- Department of 1 0 Have You Heard ® The Wrong Note i A new governor was paying his first visit to a Gold Coast town. Two banners greeted him. The first read: "Welcome to our new Governor." The second was: "God help our Administration." On another occasion, when the Duchess of York, visited Mauriti- us, they expressed regret that they couldn't stay more than three days in the island. A local paier - printed "stay'! as "stand". --0-- Coo) According to a wrifer a girl . who is clever with her needle can make a charming summer frock for next to nothing. And in a heat wave. that's probably how she'll wear it. --0-- Dear Daddy dear! Little Mary: "Let's be pals, Dad- dy, dear." a Daddy: "Certainly, my dezr." Little Mary: "Well, how about dumping out - the- cod liver oil, palsy walsy?" 3 paths Definition Cn Economy means keeping away from the neighbours in: stead. of keeping up with them, . Wc ond 1 The latest 'U.S. church: device . for "raising the mind" is what a religious paper describes as "some collection box." The inventor hails from Oklahonia, "If a member of the congregation drops in a twen- ty-five-cent piece or a coin of a larger value, there is silencee. If - it is.a ten-cent piece a bell rings, . _{_.a five-cent piece sourids a whistle, | and a cent-fires back a blank cart- ridge. If any one pretends to be asleep when -the box passes, awakens him. with a watchman's rattle, and a camera takes his por- trait. Reclly 5 ul "It's nice to see you again, old mian; 1 thought you were - dead." . | "Oh! Why?" "Well, I've heatd several people speak well of you late- ly." : -~ ---- " - Mapped Out® Little Donald, aged six: "Moth- or, I'm going to work hard at this school and get a scholarship to Jack's school. And then I'm go-* ing to get a scholarship to the Grammar School. Then I shall get a scholarship to Oxford; and after I have finished at. Oxford, I am going to drive .a niptor bus." "Most Beautiful City In 'The World" Fo---- © "Everywhere-there is something odd or different to be seen. Take Rio de Janeiro, for instance, There 'is no place in the world that re- sembles "it. I quld call it the most beautiful ¢ity in the world. Here everything \js spectacular, High mountains shoot up from centres of population." Splendid reaches abound on all sides. - It gs: glorious place, Nowhere is re such a combination of sea, shore and mountain, "Weather permitting, our pas- {stan da Cunha, a rock' in the - sea and a thousand miles from anywhere. Her potatoes and fish are the main items of food. but the elght to ten score of people who: live there are happy. This is th¥ ace where girls pray for a good shipwreck so they can. get mar. red." a a avoid the fork. King and Queen, then Duke and (| Angers will get a thrill out of | J Tose No. 34 2 139 Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE od 1,--Isn't an envious person un- popular? 2.--Should a girl ever send a |' gift to a man whom she likes? , . 8.--Who is usually the last one to make a speech at a public din- ner? ! ay 4.--How many attendants should a widow have -at her sec- ond marriage? 3 . 5.-- When playing golf and there 1s a foursome just ahead of 'you, how -long should you wait before ~driving? 6.--When serving tea to guests where tables are hot provided, shouldn't one "avoid serving any-' thing that requires the use of a fork? - Answers 1,--Yes, always, An old Latin proverb says, "He who envies an- other admits his own inferiority." And, of course, it is difficult 'for an inferior person to become popu- lar. 2.--Not unless she is en- gaged to be married to this man, and then the only gifts necessary are at-Christmas and on his birth- day. '8.--The guest of honor, or the most prominent person pres- ent, who is seated at the toast- = master's right, is usually asked to speak last. 4.--Never more than one attendant and more often none. 5.--Wait until all four of the players ahead of you are too far away for your drive to inter- fere. 6.--Yes; it 'is better to How Can 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q.--How can I keep grapes fresh for a long time? A.--Cut a circular picce out of a pumpkin or gourd, large enough to insert the hand. Clean out the interior thoroughly, place ripe grapes inside, and replace the cov- er securely. Keep in a cool place, and the grapes will keep fresh for a long time. : Q.--How can I mend broken marble? 2 A.--To mend broken marble, stick the pieces together after ap- plying Portland cement and water _ which have been mixed into a very stiff paste. Q.--How' nerves? 3 A.--Heat some milk to the scal- ding" point, add a little salt, and drink it as hot as possiblee. This is also a sleep producer. ] can 1 treat tired Q.--How 'can I clean a soiled./]' photograph? : A.--Sponge it very lightly with a cloth wrung from warm water * containing a little ammonia. An- other method is to moisten some _absorbent cotton with alcohol andy rub very gently until the photos 766 / oN CIGARETTE 27 ¥ od 2 233 DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET graph is clean, - Let.it dry natur- ally, . Q.=--How can I prevent silk from cracking or becoming hard? A. --Always press it under a plece of damp muslin, using a moderately hot iron, until the mus. lin is quite dry. 8 "Prevention Rather Than Cure Some accidents in the home can be prevented easily--thus saving the harasgment of a domestic ac- cident 'and the pain of the cure. One such accident which is fairly frequent among women is the painful hammering _ of a thumb when trying to hammer in a nail! 'Here is a scheme to prevent such a crushing possibility! Next time -you are ready to do odd jobs about the house ;which involve hammer- ing in of nails try sticking the nail through a piece of stout card- board -and- holding it with this-- "timis-hits" are then harmless, and your thumb remains whole! - "The Right Idea An Austrian baron of royal blood, just arrived in Canada and planning to be a farmer, announ- ces that though he fought on the Gernian side in the last war, "1 will fight for the English people "this war, if it comes. It will fight for Great Britain because I know I will be. fighting on the side which' slands for the rights of people; I shall be on the right side." | Canada can do with a lot of newcomers who feel like this. BRINGS INSTANT EASE Chom oahW MINARD § nl » LiNimeNT "When I compare the state'of 'our armed forces and our ability to resist attack as it is today with what it"was only a year ago, I feel we can face the future with calm confidence in our growing strength,"--Prime Minister Chamn- berlain, byR.C.A. Victor snglacens) What's the future of Television 1 How does it work ? Are the' images clear? Are tho sets easy to operate? How far can it be broadcast? The *+ Canadian National Exhibi- .../ tion this year offers you the first public demonstrations of Television in Canada. Superintended by R.C.A. Victorengineersthedemon- stration covers all phases of b television. You - can "see _peopla actually being tele- vised. It's really an historic occasion... don't miss it! Advance Ticket Sale: 171 Bay Street, WA. 2226; Moodey's, 90 King St. West, EL, 1068. George Br Elwood A. Hughes Fee lgenees General M; vi CANADIAN MHATIONAL y ¢ 7/0) AUG. 25 Toronto SEPT.8. AGENTS WANTED - LS RURAL MAN WITH CAR TO SELL oil among Farmers, Threshers, Truckers. Splendid opportunity. Write British Lubol Company, 676 Bay Street, Toronto. Advertising. ARTICLES FOR _SALRE QUILTING PATCHES, FINEST AS- -sortment (ive pounds for one dol- lar, postage pald, E. Pullan Ltd. 480 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. BABY CHICKS NADEN HENS PULLETS ALL AGES. GOOD (healthy birds raised on__ free. range. Barred Rocks, New Hamp. shire Reds, White Leghorns. Algo yearling hens, Baden Electric Chick 'Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario, . TWEDDLE CHICKS STARTED CHICKS AND OLDER pullets. Ten day old Barred Rock White Rock, New Hampshire Reds $9.95, 90% pubets $12.95, cocker- ¢ls $8.76. Two week old add one cent to ten day old prices, three week old add five eents. Extra Profit Grade, the kind that weigh. 2 _1bs.yper hundred more when, atched, add one cent. Special ating add two cents, Prompt de- | livery Shipped C.0.D. anywhere. -- Also free range older pullets, 4 weeks to 24 weeks, Free Poultry Gulde.--~Tweddlo, Chick Hatcherles Limited, Fergus, Qnt, BICYCLES AND. MOTORCYCLES FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, New: rebulit Bleycles, $10 up. Used Motgreyeles. Dukes, 625 Queen St. West, Toronto. J © 7. CATTLE DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN Bulls also Heifer Calves, accredit- ed, high Far weén Sound, Ont. WOODWORKING BUSINESS "FOR SALE NINE HUNDRED CASH BUYS country small chopping mill, Yoolworking business, complete. niac welling, Buit handy ine! retiring Parmer.-- Wm, Pearce, Ex- eter, ' on RISTMAS CARDS ¥ SAND FOR THE CELEBRATED "Royal" sample book of Personal Cards. A beautiful seléction of de- signs which includes ix hand- somé Calendars. Entirely free. | Personal Cards, $1.00..per Aozen up. ommissions and Prem. ig Ci fums. Frereased values. and extra frée cards for early orders. Very attrhotive Boxed Card _assort- ments, Experience or fapital un- necessary, Orders despatched with« in 0 hrs. of receipt. Published ov- er 37 years. Roya Publishing ' Company, P.O. Box 1500, Montreal. production. ~ Bayside Ea 3 EDUCATIONAL ENROLL NOW FOR YOUR FALL course of study. Ask us about our Practical Advertising course, Com- pletes your -Matriculation | "The cCffvar." Canadlan Correspond. ené® Colle ronto, Ont. Established 1902. FREE SILKY ENLARGEMENT MOUNTED IN EASEL .BACK mount with every roll received and 8 deckle edge Velox prints 26c. 10 reprints 25¢. Your favour=- ite snapshot enlarged, coloured, mounted in leatherette frame 39c. Royal Photo Service, Box b5, Sta- tion F, TPeronto. ". HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL GIRLS WANTED TO LEARN - Beauty Cluture, taught In a'school BS, 501 Ryrle Bldg. To- chartered by the Dominion Gov. ernment, branches from coast to coast, hundreds of successful grad. uates, We prepare you for provin. cial and state board examinations, rates reasonable. Call or write to 0 | Classified...... ) _NEW_ FURNITURE, FOR_SALB. SAVE 20% OR MORB - ON y Farniture. Qur large Ay warehouse ia stocked with come plete home furnishings. By selling alrect Jom our AREHONSN . n average ol a pasa this big saving on 0p 2 erms arranged: Frelght prepaid. aluable prem. 8, cKenna Furniture x {mitea 526 May Street. Toronto: £- ap ry 3: NEW LIFE FOR OLD HAIR LOOK 10 YRS. YOUNGER. NATUR- elle Hair Restorative -- restores grey or faded-hair to its nafural color--stalnless -- for six weeks supply -- send $1.00 - Naturelle Joie Resorative, P.O. Box 373, To- onto. ANE 2 mi ONTARIO - LAKE BHORE PROPERTY FCR sale on Skeleton: Lake, good sand beach, good road to beach.' Char- les Stroud, Aspdin, Ont.-- PRINTING 2 ATTENTIO HOUSEWIVES-- Know your Preserves and Pick- les. 100 Assorted Labels 10c, 500 Labels 25¢ postpald. Lewis Print. ing, Station H, Toronto, Canada. RABBITS five-floor \ Dept. A, QR dian Largest school, v Big Marve), 858 Bloor Si et, W, | BREEDING BTOCK, NEWZEALAND Toronto. * _. White Rabbits, registered, pedi- . : = =}-- Breed, thirty ent pound. New. . JERSEY DULL %ealand ' Fur Farm, "Londeshoro, REGISTERED JERSEY BULL FOR - sale, 2 years. Price $80.00. A. P _ Campbell, Grand Cascapedla; Que COLORED AND MOUNTED ENLARGEMENT. easel_mount, Free Reprints 10 for fa satisfaction, assures you tion, Toronto. IN PORTRAIT nt, with each or. + der, Films déveloped, printed 25c. *26¢,* Our never, ¢ process and one day sersies es Photo Berylce, Adelalde- Bt. Sta- © MEN'S SHIRTS MEN'S. SHIRTS, WHITE, IPE D patterns, English broadcloth, at ached or. separate collars, sizes 18 to 17%, $1.60, Ties, 8 for $1.00. ! Davids, 179 Cralg West, Montreal, f-------- REGISTERED PUPS REGISTERED SCOTCH COLLIR Rups, sable and white, also Tri Slows, heantied, Albert ne breeding, 1 x - FL ne, ales $8.00, fe ation, Alberta. BHOI'PING WITHOUT CHARGE Kent will dens or BLIzApEH 0 scores. Sen escription o eo service, 4 ® ' Toronto. * 3 ] Joo --_---- eset TIRES AND BICYCLES FOR SALW : $2 UP, GUARANTEED USED TIRES; : Hiya TR on Write or bars - st. Toronto Bundas West, Toronto, ire, 18 MINKS FINE DARK, EASTERN QUEBEC - Mink, kitts or proven breeders, prolifie strain, reasonably priced. sit Brighton Mink t or write. Ranch, Owen Sound, Ont. MONEY IN MINK, WE HAVE A SB Jeet herd of large dark mink. Our males gu teed, Rensonable' terms, Stan tario. » Smith Falls, On- 3 USED FURNITURE FOR SALE GOOD USED FURNITURE: 8 PIES Dining Suite S15.001 She terfiel Suites. $20.00; Chester o ne } Sodio Couches 310. 3 ~~ = ao $49.50; € Hundreds of ot 'jus for. your redulrements,. Terma arranged If necessary. MeKenna Furniture Co. Limited, 526 [Day Street, Toronto, Payson orthwood, Coron-" * iif Richmond St. W, .