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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Aug 1939, p. 5

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\s * ~ t i Wo Fomine Ad [ oT "First show at 7.30, "King of the Turf" ? PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1989, a -----_ -- -- a A OA s,s st] ya. A RAR ---- 4 BROCK THEATRE ~ Phone 618, WHITBY _ Healthfully Air Conditioned. < All shows Daylight Saving Time, Thursday," Friday and Saturday, - AUGUST 24.25-26 : Two shows at 7.80 and 9.30 p.m Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m, "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" with Edward G/Robinson, 'Paul Lukas, Francis Lederer, George Sanders, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, AUGUST 28-29-30 ~ Last complete show at 8.60, with Adolphe Menjou, thd Dolores Costello Also an ADDED attraction Charlie Chan in Honolulu with Sidney Toler, Phyllis Brooks. COMING next Thursday, Friday and __ Saturday, August 31, Sept. 1 and 2 Cecil B. DeMille's [3] " "Union Pacific with Barbara Stanwick, Joel McCrea. -| Bessie--Comp. ¢, C. Hist. ¢, Alg. 2, --Comp, c. '| Cranbrooke Ave., Toronto, at the age BLACKSTOCK Middle Schobf rgsiilts of Blackstock Continuation School: Beacock, Marion, Lat. Comp. £i Breck, Wm., C. Hist: ¢; 'A. Hist. ¢; Alg. 1, Chem. 1, Lat Auth. 2; Carter, Ethel--Comp. 2, Lit. 1, C. Hist, 2, Alg. 1, Chem. 2, Lat, Comp. 1, F. Comp. 1, F." Auth. 1; Crawford, Harold--Lit. ¢,; DeMille, Henry--Lit 3, Algebra 2, Chem. 1, Lat. Auth, ¢; Edgerton, Lat, Comp. 2; Larmer, Ralph--Lit. 'c, Alg. 3; Lethangue, Neil --Fr. Auth. ¢, Fr. Comp. c¢; Marlow, Madeline--Fr. Auth, ¢, Fr. Comp, 2; Mitchell, Os- wald--Lit, ¢; Steel, Margaret---Lat. Auth, ¢; Swain, Reta--Lat. Auth. 1, Fr. Auth. 'c; Taylor, Kathleen--C. Hist. 2, Alg. ¢, Lat, Auth.-¢c, Fr. Auth, ¢, Fr. Comp. ¢; Werry, John--Lit. ¢; Chem. ¢, Lat. Comp. ¢; Wright, Pearl Former parishoners of the late Rev. Isaac Snell will learn with regret of his passing after a three year illnes, on August 14th, at his home, 339 of 65 years. He was active for many years in the former Methodist Church and later the, United Church of the Bay of Quinte Conference, He was born in the Township of Mona where he received his public school educa- tion, He attended High School in Orangeville "and Normal School, at To- ronto, Following nearly six years of teaching he entered the University of Toronto, graduating in 1804, ordained in 1804, he served a number of charges SEASONABLE SUPPLIES PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM and SCHICK RAZOR with 8 blades, all 3 for 49c. HALO SHAMPOO -- The new. none-alkiline shampoo for . . normal, dry or oily hair, 57c. bottle. if "FLY TOX, effective spray... 8 Get yours while they last. | Woad, » in the Bay of Quinte Conference, He served as minister of the United Church at Blackstock, Cambray, and Myrtle circuits, @mong other places, retiring in 1936 because 'of ill health, He had been: a resident of Toronto since. - Rev. Mi. Snell had held ini* portant offices in the Bay of Quinte Conference, and was a Life Member of Fidelity Lodge, A:Fi-& AM; -- Survive ing are his widow, Sybil Comstock Snell, two brothers, George of To- ronto and Robért of Alliston, and' two sisters Mrs, Mary Moffatt and: Mrs. Anne Milligan, both of Alliston. On Sunday evening, August. 13th, Rev. E. P. Wood accepted an invita- tion to hold a service at St. Christ. opher, Over one hundred children who were camping there were present, and assisted with the singing, After a lapse of six years, Black- stock was again honoured by being chosen as the place for the annual "Derry Day" celebration by the Black Knights, on August 12th, Royal Black Knights of the district extending from Oshawa on the West to Trenton on the East and Halibur. ton on thé North and including the counties of Ontario, Durham, North- umberland,: Peterbore, Victorin and Haliburton were present and joined in the huge parade led by bands from Peterboro, Blackstock, Janetville and the Kilties of Frankford. After the parade, speeches by prominent mem- bers of the. Association were enjoyed in the arena, Reeve Creighton Devitt acting as chairman. Speakers included Loftys Reid, G.P.M, of B. A., Toronto, Russel} Nesbitt, K.C,, y Torgnto; Rev. A. Y. March, Tyrone; tand- Rev. E. I. Jt was decided to hold the celebration at Bancroft next year, Toronto, Oshawa, Kirkfield, Norwood, |= OUR OBLIGATION TO BRITISH BACON CONSUMER (Dominion. Dept. of -Agriculture) This fall, for the quarter- year-- October, November and December-- we Canadians are asking the Govern- ment of Great Britain to make a place in the British" bacon market for 52,- 000,000" Ibs, of our bacon. This com- pares with 87,600,000 bs, shipped in May; June and July. To do this Britain must -shut out of that market a share of the bacon now being supplied by 'Denmark, Holland, Sweden and other countries." : The above - named téuntries, Den- mark particularly, supply the London area market (which pay- the best prices) with bacon of which 80 percent or more is No, 1 sizeable. This means that the Wiltshire side is of lénnest 655 to 65 Ibs, It is. made from hogs which axe highly bred, and which yield. carcasses weighing from 143 to 168 Ibs, ("Selection the bacon, warm weight. designates the fatness of Na. 1 (selection) is known as leanest, No. 2-lean (fairly fat) and No, 3---prime (quite {at).) _. Possibly 35 to 40 percent of Ontario hogs come within the desired weights of No. 1, or leanesy sclection, Qut of the average of the hogs of Canadg we are shipping nbout 30 te 35 percent of our total shipme nts of No. 1 sel 0. tion; sizeable bacon; es © Even if we concentrate much of our No. 1 selection, sizeable bacon on the London area markets, what position are we in to give to the consumers of England, (who have been 'getting from the European countries uy very high percentage of No. | selection, sizeable bacon), what they want? We could at best only supply them with perhaps 50 percent No. 1 sizeable. When we The baseball games on the Tair grounds were as follows: Hoys' hard ball, Yelverton vs, Nestleton, thé lat- oz. can 29c. 16 oz: can 49c. Spray to fit cans, 23c. each. BATHING CAPS, regular 39c., ......,,, clearing at 30c. HOT WEATHER NEEDS-- 2 cans Talcim Powder , , Noxzema prevents sun. burn, ,....... "Cleansing Cream petals ,,..;..,. Odo-ro-no Cream deordonant ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS, ~ Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY "CAREFUL MEAT BUYING like experience to teach one what shoyld There is Jos "be known about meats, that experience.- -The greatest of care is exercised in the buying and preparation of meats. on the good quality of our stock. - BERT: 'MacGREGOR'S PHONE 72-R-2 WE D vreerenr sr fOF 26c. ...¥5c. and H9c. reser ey riveree BOC ier rer rss es, 880. JAF cooling and yelreshing, 3c. Phehe 16 We have had many years of Yon can rely PORT. PERRY ELIVER Iter winning 16-8. 'Girls' softball bo- I tween Courtice and Bethany, the form- er winning 9-7. At night a very suc-; cessful dance was held in the arm- ouries with Williams'Orchestra of Oshawa, supplying the music. The monthly nieeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the R-| home of Mr, and Mys, Jabez Wright on Wednesday 'afternoon the ¢ Oth, with an attendance of nineteen. T he Bible! 1Study was taken hy Mrs. Alex. John- ston. The program, in gharge of Mya. | Earl Dorrell's group, was as follows: a reading by Miss Mae Layton, "My Mother", a vocal duet by Lois and Beryl Larmer "Brighten the Corner Where You Are", a reading by Mis, Roy Ferguson "Tq a Radio". The last chapter pf the Study Be Book "The Heck- oning Frontier" was taken by Mrs. 1k Hopey, - During the business sdssion it was decided that the members of at the School Fair being held on Mon- 18 dpy, Sept. 11. At the clase. of the meeting refreshments were served by the group in charge and a vote of thanks tendered the hostess. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH MULLICAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a ~ DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE. MACHINE | BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving-and all other lines of BEAUTY CULTURE MISS M. PEERS Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 78 in fe "BARBER SHOP © SPECIALIZINF IN- Hair Cutting, and all "other lines of the wark "H, H, MULLIGAN Registered Barber +. PORT PERRY x Please Look The date on the label on your paper tells you when your sub- scription expires, If' i due, we shall be pleased to receive your renewal, ' i NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Eatate of Christopher Pettet, late of the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, Deceased. All; persons having claims against the late Christoper Pettet; of Scugog Township, Farmer, who died an the 19th dey of March, 1939, are required to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the fist day of September 1989, after which date . the Estate will-be distributed. Dated a Titenta this First day of August A.D, 1939 Law JAMES @. BHAW, 618 Confedera- tion Life Bldg, oronto, Exequtor. Henshaw's Transport Is at your service for all kinds of Haulage.. : Large or small - consignmenss will receive prompt and careful attention. ' Anywhere in Ontario o ° : : Bell Phone 6. PORT PERRY, ONT. Rev, W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D, Minister. 10 Sneniny School, 11 a.m.--Pyhlic Worship. Puring the month of August Rev Jahn Myrray, M.A, B.D. Jersey Oity, : NJ. , will he in charge. HED ELI A C.C.F. Meeting A spirit af' confidence and enthus- iasm 'prevailed at a meeting of the new C.C.F. Constituency: Association held Saturday, Aug. 19th, in Oshawa. Ways and means of conducting a strong campalgn In the coming Fed- eral" Election, were discussed, and prominent officers of the Provincial body, C.C,F, Candidates from other Ridings, and other Labor stalwarts, are expected to speak here in the near future, ~ The Officers of the Associa- tion were elected last week and it-was announcdd that the Executive would meet this: week to make plans for' the much-discussed Convention to be held on August 30th, at which time a C.C.- F. Candidate will be élected. With a ! large number of party workers-busy whipping the Election machinery into shape, Ward chairmen and Sub- clatiqn are determined to be fully pre- pared when the date of -the 'Contest Ray Henshaw, Proprietor oy | {s definitely: announced, There is every indication that the C.C.F. local- ly, and hundreds of other Farmer- Lébor{ groups throughout Canada, will i make thelr greatest bid for power in the near, future, --Com, the organization serve lunch as usual | Division Captains being appointed, the] Oshawa C.C.F. and the Riding Asso-|""~ go to prospective customers ang say { we want them to take Canndian bacon instead of Danissh, Dutch or Swedish, fhow can we _oexepet them to _be en- thusiastic when we have to supply "them in a large part with No, 2 selec- tion or with outweight bacon, or per haps with No. 3 selections? If we do not do our part by producing and marketing hogs of proper quality and weights we are not in as favourable a position as we should beta ask the | British Government to replace with Canadian the kinds of bacon that con- stmers demand, : This fall and in 1840 Canadian hog producers expect the meat packers to sell*for them in the British market a greatly incies ase quantity of bacon. If, we do not supply the proper weight {and the proper qualityfwe cannot ex- peet the British conde to pay the selection and weighs within the range properly fed |, T0 SERVE You with LUMBER er glad and estimates, We Deliver Ice: "for Your Refrigerator " Phone 240 Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co. 'PORT PERRY, ONT, ) No Changes in Hog Grading : Regulations No changes have heen mado recent- ly in the Hog Grading Regulations in of hogs, according to a statement is- sued by the Dept, of Agriculture. The as on carcass grading standards, ac- cording to the basis of sale. The recent announcement by Ontaria packing houses of their intention to offer prices on dressed weight and grades only .for hogs produced and marketed within the Province of On- tario, was not referred to the Bepatty, ment. - is respansible for the grading of hogs, but the question as to whether hogs aro to be sold on a live or dressed welght basis is not subject to depart- mental regulations. _ Thousands of - Ontario. farmers un- derstand and appreciate the meaning of the facts. But there appears to he a pereentage who da nat, these have been selling outright ta drovérs and truckers and taking no further fiiterest in their hogs. terest should not stop at the railway car or the truck at the country point. They must get to know what kind and! what weight of carcass they hgve marketed, hogs must take back to them the facts about thew product, To mnke sizeable bacon, hog -car- 'price we want to got, # Mushroom Farm, on TWenow have a hu) : Pickering, FS "TON SI at 9 am, - the year's program of studies. XIII (Upper. School?) . schools, Continuation School. Earl Dorrell, Chairman. CHIC KENS WANTED a Here's an opportunity for the farmers of this locality : to sell their produce right at hime at highest market price. B PICKERING FARMS, LIMITED, have installed a modern "Wt * \@-plang for killing and fipishing all kinds of poultry, at the iL No. 2 Highway, Whitby, r there Tor chickens and fowl." Tm 8 you have any quantity, "write or phone to PICKERING FARMS, LIMITED Whithy, Phone 6-100 _ EEE RARtiitiEEERRReeeR een tRan ec sttitiiitiinitiibunetttiti time eneattitetitiitiiztiiiiti iiss bsiveiiess THE BLACKSTOCK CONTINUATION, SCHOOL will re-open for the fall term on Tuesday, Setitember 5th, All intending pupils should be present on that mor ning for registration and general instructions regarding A full course in Shop Work for hoya and Wome Revie: for girls, will be provided in each of Grades IX-and X, and full courses in general High School work from Grades IX to - This school offers the advantages of smaller classes and more individual instruction than can be obtained in larger Give your "hoy and girls a chance to attend Blackstock SERILEEEEEIRILILILIIULLIIANILIIILISLELLLELELLILILILLIIILIINLIIIISLINILELELILEILILELILILLIILIILILY casses should weigh from Ris to 168 pounds. Toronto. 'a R: P. Allin, M.A,, Principal ALWAYS READY ; } FUEL If you are building or Iopaiting, we shall be * to provide plans =~ so far as they affect carenss grading department. Is continuing to provide a | Hog Grading service_on live as -well- The Dominjon Dept, of Arr iculture Most of, It is! vital to the hog: industry that their in-_ ya x -. mn i ml Flowers and FOR ALL OCCASIONS WM. ETTEY, Prince Albert, Phone 206 Plants. ~ "4 "VI-TONE KRUNCHEE PEANUT BUTTER (with nuts) ........ jar 19¢. PARK'S CATSUPL 'FEAVYOR ooo pkg. 29c. PICKLING SPICE, whole mixed Vy Ib, 12¢.. ROASTED PEANUTS tree phiaieiloaniia inde 2 Ibs. 25¢ 'WHITE HONEY me RED & WHITE store SUGAR--100 lbs. $5.59 sos \/e . ' Spirit or \ : Vinegar' gfendea 39c. a gallon. CHIPSO, makes clothes last longer, ........ small 9¢., large 22¢. Small 27¢., Medium 47¢., Large 87c. ALYMER STRAINED INFANTS FOODS 3 for 25c. , 200s, KLEENEX 2 pkgs. 2c. 500's, pkg. 20¢. SPEC IAL--SOAP Fla wirrensas 5 Ib. box 27c, MATCHES, Swan Brand .........ooeveviini, 3 boxes for 19c. SUNLIGHT SOAP eee, 2 bars for 12¢. CROWN CORN SYRUP ooo 2 Ih. tin 18c. HAWE'S LEMON OIL .... 12 oz. hottle 24c. BROCK'S BIRD SEED Zoeper pkg. de. ASSORTY D SPICES (G Sa Bags) . each bes 39¢. 19¢. . 19¢. 15¢. FALCON No. 1 PEAS, 17 oz. ins . CANADA CORN STARCH .. FAR WEST TUNA FISH . { i! Ji i | ra bihia SONAANSANIESASARE AA AA AAA The dealer wha huys their | $ PICNIC HERRINGS in Tomato Sauce .ooeeioveeeevieennnnn. tin 10c. SALTED SODAS, Manning's, 8 oz. phe. ssl nseriercndy 10¢. CRISCO--SPECIAL .1 Ib. tin 21c. SUPREME SHORTED 23c. RY SEE revere 2 Ibs, for TIGER COHOE SALMON cocoons Seis I's tin 25c. ASSORTED 'CREAM SANDWICH BISCUITS, 2 Ibs. 29c. HAWES WAX--Specinl orien 1 Ih. tin 43c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES F. W! BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY nN te NN Coal Wood Ty We would be leased to quote on any materlal for thd buileing. ~ SATISFIED CUSTOMERS are proving a great sales help. Our motto is THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED --F. E. REESOR Phones 73} 73w,; EARARARARAANAASASAAARASARAS RR SLE SPIRAL ---- -- ---- == BE RE Ee Let Us Surly Your Baking Needs @ FRESH GOODS DAILY @ \ 'Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Tarts - TRY our BIRLEY'S REAL ORANGEADE, 5c. per bottle, or quarts to take home, . or 1 WE DELIVER Gerrow Bros. Port Perry PHONE 32 P ' ! * . "Of all kinds done at the Port Perry Star Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets, Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Printing you require. Prompt work, low price. ~~ PORT-PERRY-§

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