Newest Styles "Hair-Raising" One of the "Musts" For Mi lady's Winter Fashions Debitantes and movie actresses new bustle silhouette seriously will consider a charming, version of the pompadour., She'll put her shining locks up -- in some roman- tic, reminiscent-of-bygone-days fa. shion. 3 y To wear with an evening gown, ono hairdresser does a charming "colffuro which makes use of quite short hair, There are soft, subtly waved bangs across entire fore- head and a mass of loose ringlets on top. Unwaved hair at sides is brushed backward, then up to form ' part of tho back section's upward swirl. The curls, the fringy bangs and the upward movement at the back and- sides make this essen- tially romantic and fn the "bustle mood," . Chignons for Evening p There are smart versions of the + up-and-down for women who. like curls atop their heads but insist on softness behind the ears to break an otherwise hard jawline, One flattering stylo has a large, soft cluster of small curls on top.. Halr at the sides Is drawn smooth. ly upward with the ends finished in ringlets that are part of the top- knot cluster Long ends on the nape of the neck are turned up- ward. ¥, A New York salon shows chig- non coiffures to wear with evening gowns which feature bustles as such; as well as bustle effects, like huge bows tied at the back. In one, the hair Is dressed on top of the head, but slightly toward the back with a chignon pinned right below tho natural, cluster of curls. This chignon consists of five medium length curls which dangle on the nape of the neck. . 'Feed Your Grain To Cattle, Hogs Farnier Can Realize His Great- est Profit In Such A Way The increased interest displayed ° by junior farmers proadicts a com- ing era of greater prosperity for agriculture, Dr, G. I. Christie, tho President of the Oniarlo gricultur- , al College, Guelph, declared in op- ~ ening the Poterbo:ough Agricultur: al Exhibition In August, i The number of young farmers exhibiting and taking part in the many contests exceeded ail prey. lous- records. They filled all accom- modation facilities on the grounds and had to resort to tentg for .a great many of their displays Increased Interest Among The - Farmers A 'bountiful grain crop, coupled wilh low grin prices, meant only one thing. for the farmer, Dr. Christie sald: He emphasized the necessity of feeding the grain .to cattle and hogs, "because it 18 | through those mediums that the man on the farm can realize his - greatest profit,-- world © conditions being what they are today." New Jap Premier Foliowing the German-Soviet | - hon-aggression pact the entire Japanese cabinet resigned to allow, for: the reconstruction of Japan- ese foreign policies. General No- bukyi: Abe, who is generally re-* garded" as favoring closer co-op- erating with Great Britain, was siren the task of-forming. a new cabinet, 57 7 An eagle with a wooden leg, supplied by the local veterinar- fan, has been placed in the rail- way tion in Aosta, Italy, and scems happy except when the newfboy. appears With the papers; may cling to thelr long bobs, but the sophisticate who 4s taking tho [rannc The figures®on' this map indicate the' flying distance between the chief cities of Europe, all of may be targets for-bombers. German planes at Berlin have but 320 miles to fly to Warsaw in the heart of Poland. Inverness, British admiralty headquarters, is 450 miles from the mouth of the Baltic Sea. This is a short distance from Heligoland, scene of the famed British-German naval battle of Aug. 28, 1914, soviet RUSSIA "| ER SAA | = which Have YouHeard a } °o Mrs. Jones: "We need a new roof." i Jones: "What's the matter with the old one? It doesn't leak." Mrs. Jones: "No, but I -don't want to be ashamed 'every time an airplane flies over the house." i fin Fred--"You are a singular sort of girl." Mabel--*"Well that's fixed." ) easily ifs A literature class showed signs of restlessness while the English teacher, Prof. William Lyon Jones was lecturing on Browning. Final- ly, seeing the restlessness growing more: acute, the quick-witted pro- fessor said: "Only a minute. - I have just one more pearl." --_--0-- "A hictorian asserts that Englishmen played a sort of golf in King Harold's days. It will be remembered that-Har- old himself went out in '66, --0-- ; Negro couple applied for a mar- riage license. "Clerk: "Married before?" : Beige-to-be: "Yes." Clerk: "Husband deceased or divorced?" -Bride-to-be: "I deceased him." . --0-- ' 8.8. Teacher: Children, how do you think Samson felt after Delilah sheared him? Billy Bright: Pretty sheep- fsb, ) guess. . New Upholstery Canda Cloth Combines Suede- Like Smoothness With the Utmost in Utility » : The old adage about beauty be- ing only skin deep Is completely disproved by the advent of canda cloth -- 'a new, revolutionary up- holstory fabric developed this year and already marked for wide adop- tlon by car owners. It appears that canda cloth re- conclles two diverse viewpoints, namely: the strong desire for the beauty and smoothness in uphol- stery and the equally strong desire for ruggedness and long life, Now theso two preferences find a com- mon ground, for 'the introduction. of cayda cloth makes available not only beauty and silken smoothness but enduring sérvica_as well. . Wash With Soap and Water , The new canda cloth combines all the beauty and durabllity of the fine mohair velvet with the best features 'of other types of uphol- story, The result of intensive re- search and study of car owners' re- quirements, this revolutionary fab- ric has a smooth, suede-like sur face which ig as handsome in ap. pearance as It {s soft and comfort able fo ride upon, It can be kept fresh indefinitely, for it can actual ahd its durability will provide ybars of service equal to that of the finest velvet. . It is probable that canda 'cloth hhs a fine future ahead of it. Car owners have long wished for such a fabric -- a fabric, moreoyyr, t 14 inherently distinctive, yt rog- ged as any upholstery material . then it rages," bial {0 i ly be washed with soap and. water, |. Canadian Is Army Head Commissioner George Carpen- ter; territorial commander in Canada at a an "the high council in London, England, was named the new leadfr for the world, of the Salvation Army, suc- ceeding 'General Evangeline Booth. . What Science is x Doing x TO EXPLORE OCEAN FLOOR Departing for the time belng from his' adventures Into the strat- osphere, 'Prof. 'August Riccard, the Swiss physicist, Is devoting his at- tention to the floor of the ocean, which he plans to explore from a glass gondola attached to a huge steel sphere. UNKNOWINGLY HAVE T. B. Tuberculosis {8 much more prev- alent than generally supposed. A great many have the disease and have no knowledge of the fact. This was revealed in an extensive sgrles of m .ical examinations made on the sfudeilits in the Unl- versity of Chicago. It was found that 11% per cent. of the students unknowingly bad the disease and it -was advanced to the point -at- which a clinical determination of Its presence could be made. , MEASURES BREATH OF LEAF An apparatus has been invented How Can 1? B8Y ANNE ASHLEY . Q.--How can I prepare a rem- edy for excessive perspiration? ~ A.--Bathe the parts daily. and then apply a lotion consisting of two teaspoonfuls of powdered al- um to one pint ¢f water. Follow by dusting with a powder mae of -one ounce boric acid and ten' gains of salicylic acid. s.--How can1 reireshen wilted vegetables? : A.--Add a slice of lemon to a pan of water and soak the vege- tables in it for about a half hour. This is particularly - effective: for spinach, lettuce, and parsley. , - Q.--How can I make use of a soapy dish water? - : ,. A--It is claimed that soapy dish water thrown on the rose 'bushes will make them thrive. _Q.--How can I prepare a good. roast meat sandwich? = A.--Use the following: Diced cold roast meat, 2 tablespoons pea- nut -butfer, % cup finely ground raw carrots, salad dressing, salt, and lettuce. Whip the peanut but- ~tér with salad dressing until creamy, then add to the salted car- rots and meat. ; .--How can [I treat sunburn if I have no lotions orsalve? -A.--Spread butter lavishly over the burned paris and it will prove an effective first aid. Tp FARM PROBLEMS - "(Conducted -by Professor Henry G. Bell of the Ontario Agricul tural College, Guelph, assisted by other members of the faculty of the 0.A.C.) . Q.--Would you please tell me if bad silage that you throw out of the silo odd times through the win- ter months, ir bad for your ground spread as manure, and also if you could use it to_ mulch grapes or peaches when you: have quit working them for the season. to- wards:the end of July without it- doing any harm? Trt s A.--There is no reason why de cayed silage should not be used as manure. It. will supply a good quantity of 'Organic - Matter, and In distant East Africa for . ing under natural conditions 'the rate of breathing of a single leaf: The. apparatus, "an fmpdrtant contribution in the investigation ot plant phyaslology," does its. work by measuring continuously and- au. tomatlcally the differences in wat- er content between two 'different streams of alr, ¥ PAINLESS DENTISTRY A new drug has banished paln from the dentist's chair, $4 To-day, every major 'dental oper- atlony can be performed, without the 1€ast pain to the patient. The drug which" makes short work of pain has this chemical name: (para-amino, .mono-isobutxl benzoate hydrochloride, . Beefsteak Can't Abolish Shiner Government scientists last week Aimed a knockout punch at the idpa that a plece of raw beefsteak iy a fine remedy for a black eye. f you're unlucky enough to ac- uire a "shiner" and some one rovides beefsteak, the scientists. sald the thing to do is to eat the ' béefstéeak---apd apply & cold eom- far avallable, , présa to your eye, rr the t ary Acidity which it" may have carried while in the silo will be quickly corrected when it is exposed to the air." It should be satisfactory as a mulch for Grapés and Peaches when you have ceased to cultivate them. "H, H.--Lin- coln Co." ® Q.--Could you please give me any information regarding sowing + Salt on root-ground? I am put- ting Turnips on Sweet Clover pas< ture land. This land is high and bad for drying on it, "I have it <covered with manure. How much" Salt should I sow per acre? Would it be alright to sow fertilizer along with the Salt? I will finish the field with Barley. How would it 0 to mix: Salt with the fertilizer ~ for the Barley? : A.~In answer I wish to say that there is no argument for the sow- ing of Salt since Salt doés not sup- ply any element of plantfood. The- only thing it does is to liberate a small amount of Potash from the soil. The same amount of money invested in Potash Salt such as Mu- riate of Potash will give much lar. ger returns since the Potash car- the crop. Issue No. 36 -- '39 . TO SELL NEW FIRE EXTIN- ried by the Salt is used directly by SCOUTING Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs; - Girl Guides and Brownies of St, Cath- arines, Merritton, Thorold, Port Dalhousie 'and = Niagara-on-the- Lake, combined for a Scouts' and Guides' Own church' service at Montebello Park, St, Catharines. Led by' the Salvation Army band. '|: and colour yarties bearing many flags, the youthful procession made an'impressive spectacle on the way to the park. The service was con- ducted throughout by Scout and Guide leaders, the chief. address being given by District Scout Com- missioner H. G. Morrow, \J n A demonstration of methods of rescuing unconscious persons from a burning house was put on by each' patrol of the Stratford Bap- tist Scout Troop, to mark the pre- sentation of the Scout Fireman's Proficiency Badge to Troop Lead- er Sylvester, J "The Boy Scouts showed in that work what an effective body for service to the community the Boy Scout Movement is," The com. ment was that 'of Fire ' Chief Lampman of Welland, Ont., upon the work of a bucket brigade. of - Scouts of the "Stop 19" Troop in attacking a fire in a cottage dwell * ing. The efforts of the Scout fire fighters confined the flames to the dwelling until the arrival of fire- A Scout Group charter has been issued by Quebec Provincial Head- quarters to the province's farthest- north unit, 600 miles from Mont- real on the eastern.shore ofiJames Bay. The new Scout Troop and Cub Pack are made up of Indian boys attending St, Phillip's Angli- can Mission School at Port George. A demonstration of bandaging for fractures, the carrying of un- conscious persons and, other first- aid work was given by a 'team of four Boy Scouts at a meeting of the Womens' Institute of St. Mary's, Ont, . Modern } * Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE § 1.--=What is the correct way to give a tip? : 2.--May a fork- handle rest on the table, with the prongs on the edge of the plate, when not in use? 3.--What is the correct saluta-- tion when a woman telephones an-~ other woman of her own social po- sition? 4.--What does it indicate when a person misspells five or six words in a letter? b5.--Isn't it "discourteous for a . motorist to drive through a funer- el procession? 6.--When a woman is playing golf with a man, who should pay her caddy? L 1.--A tip should be given quiet- ly and courteously, without show- ing the least display. One who gives a tip in a conspicuous man- ner invariably does so to impress those who are watching, 2. Never. The fork should rest on the plate, the prongs pointing upwards. - 8. --"Mrs, 'Baker? This is Dorothy : - Moore." 4,--It indicates both neg- ligence and laziness, Every desk should contain a dictionary, and'it takes but a minite to consult it. 5.--Yes; he should be patient and ~wait, even if in a hurry, - 6,--The woman should pay her own caddy., men and apparatus from Welland,™ ANSWERS i IN SUNNY, GROWN i DOES taste good in a pipe!" _¢ ¥LB,"LOK-TOP" TIN . 604 HANDY SEAL-TIGHT POUCH + 15¢ also packed in" Pocket Tins - SOUTHERN ONTARIO Rogers Majestic » Corporation A Wholly Owned Canadian Company The Rogers-Majestic Corpora- tion Limited does more radio de- sign and development work and more actual manufacturing than any other manufacturer in Can- ada. Employipg their own cabinet de- signers and maintaining a year- round engineering staff which pro- duce between 60 and 70 different radio models each year, including the famous DeForest Radio. : Practically every part and cab- inet of the entire complete line of three radios, is purchased in Can- ada or manufactured by Rogers- Majestic in their Toronto factory. It is interesting to know that an average radio receiver contains a - total of approximately 1200 parts and an average of 520 different . kinds of parts, : Ot all of these parts the Rogers- Majestic Corporation manufac- tures in its own plants 70% of all- the parts it uses. The other 30% of the parts is purchased and in- cludes such items ds cabinets and certain 'loud-speakers, condensers and resistors, The. Company is required to maintain stocks in its store rooms of 'more than 5700 different kinds of parts throughout the year. Branches are . maintained . Montreal and Winnipeg. in Takes Two To Police testified in city. court at Raleigh, N. C,, last week that a colored man and his wife were driving the same automobile at the same time while drunk. They said the man was operat-- ing the clutch and his wife was steering. The Judge scratched his head, concluded both were guilty, Each was-ordered to pay $50 and costs or serve 90 days. lowing a lengthy illness, Dr. H Sir William Mulock, second from burn, ea Thousands gathered at St. Michael's their last respects to" Senator: Frank O'Connor, Among the honorary erbert Bruce, LEFT; Capt. J. W. Flanagan, second from LEFT; Last Respects to."Cendy King" Senator cathedral in Toronto to pa; who passéd away: fol' pall-bearers were Hon. RIGHT, and Premier Mitchell Hep. -', AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED--IN ALL DIS- , tricts in Canada for Indestruct- ible Household = Necessity, Send 25¢ for sample. Money refinded it Classified...... not satisfied. London Vending Co. "25 Wolseley Avenue, Lond ES Advertising. | NEW_ FURNITURE FOR BALD - SAVE 20% OR MORE ON Furniture, Our plete home furnishings, By se from our WAREH guisher retalling at $1.95 each complete with hanger for auto. mobiles, motor boats, summer cottages 'and household use, Con-- tents approved by UrMerwriters. Territory open, llberal commis- elon, rite, Castle Supply Comp- any, Dept. W. 67 Yonge Street, Toronto, + EDUCATIONAL STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR Courses. [n Matriculation, Bhort Story, Journalism, Advertising, Shorthand and Speech Make use of your spare Culture, time, Write today. Canadian Correspon- dence Collegs, (established 1902), 229 Yonge St. Toronto. EN } BAILY CHICKS SPRUCELEIGH WHITE LEGHORN Pullets, farm-ranged, . May-hatch. ed, September delivery, $1. each. Wood's Poultry, Route 5, Rock- wood, Ontario, BICYCLES AND MOTOROYCLES FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, ew rebuilt Bloyeles, 10 up. Used otoreycles. Dukes, 625 Queen St. Vest, Toronto. * . CATTLR tA DUAL-PURPOSE 8 HORT H O IdN Bulls Nao Helfer Calves, Credits 5 roduction, ayside ° Farm, Owen. Bound, Ont. ~ CHRISTMAS CARDS SEND FOR THE OELEBRATED "Royal" ample Dogk of Personal © Cards, A beautifal selection of: de- eased values and extra: "free cards for early orders. Very attractive Boxed Card assort- ments. Experience or capital vp: necessary, Urders despatched with. in 24 hrs, of receipt. P'yblished ov¥s pany, P.O, Box 1500, Montreal & 17 yeara Royal "'ublis! Hd EQUIPMENT FOR SALE COMPLETE BUTCHER EQUIP- ment for sale, Fri Blduire mach- ine,- eight feet counter with tail mincer, Block, Scale, Lights, Wilf sell whole or. in part, H, McLeod, 169 Hampton Avenue, Toronto. . MEN'S SHIRTS direct wel lave an average of- 20 pass this big saving on t¥ you, - Terms, arranged. Freight prepaid, Write" us to-day. Valuable prem. fumg given for sending customers: to us, McKenna, Furniture Co., - IAimited, 626 Bay Htreel. Toronto, NEW LIFB FOR OLD HAIR LOUK 10 YRS. YOUNUER, NATUR- elle Halr Restorative -- restores grey or faded hair to its natural color--stainless -- for alx weeks supply -- send $1.00 Naturelle Hajs Resorative, P.O. Box 373, To ronto. PHOTO FINISHING EIGHT ENLARGED: PRINTS Bpeclal offer for, summer, colortone enlargement with a 26¢, Free n 4 order of 25¢ or more. Films devels MEN'S SHIRTS, WHITE, STRIPED oped and 8 enlarged double sized attérns, English broadelo ate prints 26c, Reprints 4c each, Cane ] tached a Athhrate oars: Sizes ada hoto Supply, J Box 121, Tore , $1.60. 400, nto. na Davide, 17 Craig West, Montréal, |. Finteners. est Photo FREE SILKY ENLARGEMENT 367 PRINTING. MOUNTED IN EASEL yBACK mount with every received pd 8 deckle edge 28c, 10 reprints 25¢, Your, favour: RH mounted In le otte Royal i ! '5 8 ervice, Box ta. tion F, nto, N MINKS : FINE DARK, BASTERN. QUR fn Seeders, Mink, kitta' or proven folifie strain, reasonably priced. lait or wrile. Brighton = Mink MONEY 1 MINK. BE HAVE A SB. lect herd of large dark mink. Our farime" IP A TR ' ' \ ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES-- Know your Preseryes and Pits 16s. 100 Assorted Labels 1 ] Labels 25¢ postpald: Lewis Print. ing, Station H, Toronto, Canada. SPECIAL SALE OF as 3 BLUE TICK FEMALES, 3 OLD tyme Plack and Tans, one Du Ker female, 5 Re stored b Wal eagles, '2 Doston - Terrle ox Halred Terrier, . Tight every way. J, L. hed) Ohtaris, DoneLly, ,TINPS AND HIUYOLKES FOR SALB . $2 UP, QUARANTEED USED TIRES; Bleyeles, $10 up. Write for b gain price list, Toronts Tire, 19 ndas West, Toronto, ER TEERE------ Drive A Car 4 "er 13 be