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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Sep 1939, p. 4

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ro Ll Te S NG Jak Jab a % ASSAY Port Parry. PERSONAL 8 KEEP IN MIND, OCTOBER 17th Afternoon tea and sale of Home made Baking under the auspices of the Evening Auxiliary of the United -Church., Watch for futher notice, " We regret to hear that Mrs. Six has had a slight accident, but are pleased to learn that she is recovering. Mr. Ross Hood of Peterboro, was a "visitor in town last week. . Sorry to hear that Mr. Arthur Dow- son is very ill at present, We wish him a speedy recovery. - Mr. W. R. Murray of Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. * Robt. Murray. Private Fred Densham of the 34th Regiment, Oshawa, spent the week -end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Percy Densham, Mr. George Van Sickler, of Toronto, was a visitor in town on Sunday. Mr. J. H. Bingham of Peterboro, called on friends in town on Thursday. 'Private Victor Read of the 34th Regiment, Oshawa, spent the week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Read. Mr. W. Bebmhicy of Toronto, visited friends here last Friday. Mr. G. F. Manning visited his par- ents at Fenelon Falls, over the week end. Many motorists have commented on the improvement of To. TA highway from Port Perry cast. The work of resurfacing is progressing nicely. Mr.and Mrs. A, Napier are rémain- ing in town this winter and their restaurant will remain open. Mr. Ken Pearce of Oakville, visited friends in town over the week end." Mrs. Robt. Murray was in Toronto on Friday. Mr. R. Phillips of Toronto, called on friends here on Monday. Mrs. Lottie Ashton spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Prentice. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor. Miss Marion Brent won second prize for a knitted suit at Oshawa Fair. Miss Jean McDermott of Tqronto is spending a few days in town with her father: = Mr. Bill Pipe has been visiting in Toronto for a few days. Mr. Louis Palmer of Brockville, was the guest of his relatives here for a few days last week. Miss Grace Stone of 'Toronto, home for the week' end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mark of Toronto, are the guests of their daughter Mrs. R. D. Woon. Quite .a number of our townspeople attended Lindsay Fair last week, Mr. John Tinsley, our town engineer and his staff are to be congratulated on the rapid progress they are-making in the laying of the new water main on Mary and Lilla streets. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston who have been residents of our lown for about two years have moved to © Niagara Falls. We wish them success and happiness in their new home. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Johns, and trust she will soon be well again, - was DIED day, September 20th, 1939, Dr. David Archer. Funeral service at the family residence, at 3 p.m. (D.S.T.), Friday, Sept. 22nd. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. UTICA Mrs. F. B. Murray called on Mr, and Mrs. E. Kendall, one day last week. Mrs. Fred Ballard returnéd home from Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorne, of Ux- . bridge, visited at Mr. C. Geer's on Sunday. x Mr. Andrew Bentléy calling on friends one day last week. RAGLAN Misa, Hazel Pierson spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, FP. Pierson. 7 A) Mr. Harry McKee, Ha pton, spent Sunday 'with M¥: 'and Mrs. J. Evans. A number from here attended the Oshawa and Lindsay Fairs. _ Miss Effa Brawn spent a few days .at her home here last week. ~~ Mrs. J. Evans spent a day in Osha- wa with Mrs. A. Walsley. ---- dW P---- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor and son | Alan of Markham spent the week-end |" ARCHER--At Oshawa, on Wednes-|, BLUEBIRD GENUINE DIAMOND RING IMSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS Note-- Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry PORT PERRY FAIR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SPECIAL Prizes omitted from Prize List | making Special $20 The Directors are arrangements for these exhibits, has been allotted for prizes--$6, $5, $1, $3, $2. The list has been sent out to the Institutes in the district, ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY The meeting was held in the school room of the Church, on Thursday, Sep- tember 1th, with a good attendance, the President in the chair. We were pleased to have a good representation from Wick Auxilinry, The Scripture lesson was read by Mes. We McCulley, Blackwater, from Psalm 103, as our. guest speaker, Dr. Jessie A. MacBean who spent 30 years in China, was connected" with Hackett Medical College, returnéd in 1935 on account of ill health. She gave a wonderful the longing for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be true Christians. work very much. It was gratifying to" have such a good response in our offering. At the close of the" méeting: refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. Ra a ENTERS FOR TRAINING Myr. Maunsell Gerrow has taken a position in the Ontario Hospital, at Whitby, to take up training as a male nurse, | ' Livas Club Meets at Sebert House Friday Evening The first Fall meeting of the Port Perry Lions Club will be held at the Sebert House on Fri- day evening of this week at 6.80 The executive will present pro- posed committees and program of activities for the season--for consideration. The newly elected District Governor, Dr. Charles O. Lennox of Toronto, will be present. PP KITCHEN SHOWER A SURPRISE "FOR MISS DOROTHEA O'NEILL surprised her last night (Wednesday) with a kitchen shower at the home of Mig Wilbur Chapman. There bos} lovely gifts for the bride-to-be, and she was quite pleased with them all. UTICA ~ ; Be sure to come to Utica Hall, on Tuesday, October 3rd, to see "The Glow-lights of San Rey". wit ey GREENBANK Rev Mr. Wallace and Mr. J. Wat- son, attended the Presbytery at Cobb. conk Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cresswell, Bobcaygeon visited with Mr. and Mrs. John How. sam last week: Messrs. Horsfield, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, on Sunday. Mrs. J. @G. Miller and Mr. Fred Miller, Ingersoll, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Phoneix last week. Mr. and Mrs. Williams spent the week end at Kincardine, Mr. Geo. Ironside, Mr. Lorry Iron- side, New Toronto, at Mr. William Phoenix's on Sunday. EEE ett co rr . + ARE_YOU THE MAN? Watkins Dealer (between 26 and 60 'vears), with car, needed immediately to hand out FREE Extracts in nearby rural route and supply established de- mand for Evéryday Necessities includ- ing Spices, Baking Powder, Cleansers, Soaps, Medicines, Fly Spray, Mineral- ized Stock and Poultry Tonics. 70 years" reputation, 10,000 dealers. Must 'SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumacapa' Two-way Action quickly cleanses and invigorates the Kidneys, Use Rumacaps. Sald at A. M. Lawrence's Drugstore; Port Perry. be satisfied with $30.00 weekly to start. Selling experience unnécessary. Farm experience helpful: Credit fur- nished right parties, © Write immed. fately, The J. R. Watkins Company, Montreal, Que., Dept. 042-5 012 . 4! nr We had" i " | account of China, as it once was and But' war conditions now have che ged the' Many friends" of Dorothea O'Neill ; were |. = FREE Parking OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Phone 1011 N * Friday and Saturday SEPTEMBER 22-23 Randblph Scott and Nancy Kelly in "Frontier Marshall" with Cesar Romero and Binnie Barnes ADDED--FIVE TIMES FIVE, The Quintuplets REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m. "BROTHER RAT" starring Wayne Morris and Priscilla Lane. - Monday - Tuesday, Sept. " Stronger * bh than Desire , starring Virginia Bruce and Walter Pidgeon. " ADDED--Robert Benchley in = "DARK MAGIC" = i Thurs., Triday, Saturday, SEPTEMBER 27-30 "Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever." . 2 | starring Lewis Stone, Mickey 25-26 | Wed, Rooney, Cecilia Parker, Fay Holden. O YES SIR, PRICES Are ADVANCING : -- S50 -- BUY NOW Are You Needing a New Harness For Spring? BUY NOW and and Save Money. ---- jCome i in and Talk the Matter Over \ It will Pay You "Well todo so. So COME ALONG W. E. Webster Beatty Store Port Perry Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE Thursday and Saturday (This Yer) hosed Friday Night (our yom Kipper Ann Gillis and R. Kent, in - . "Little Orphan Annie" You'll laugh and cry when you see the comedy-drama, The popular Comic Scrip and Book. Bring the whole family, Also "TWO BOYS AND A DOG" Pictorial News Saturday Night at 8 and 9.45 pam. .- Mon,, Tues., Wed. Sept. 25-26-27 Bing Crosby and Fred MacMurray, in "Qt. : ". Sing You Sinners A great musical comedy-- t's New--It's Different. ".Also Rube Goldberg's Travelogue: "THAT'S AFRICA" day, Saturday, (Next) oung, i "Navy, Blue, Gold A great military Ati "show 'worth ., seeing.' Thursday, potiday Robert Y ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister, Sunday School Rally Services wil be held at 2.00 p.m, Evening Service at 7 o'clock. Everybody Welcome, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, Sept, 24th. Harvest Festival 8.00-a.m, Holy Communion, 9.456 a.m. Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon, "Preacher: Rev. O. P, Muirhead Sunday, October 1st: 8.00 a.m, Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. Sunday ¢ School, 3.00 p.m, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH RALLY DAY SERVICE, SEPT 24-- Rev. 'W, J. H., Smyth, Minister 11 'a.m.--Rally Service of the Sun- day School.- Address, "The Sun- day School Moves Forward." address 7 p.m. -- Illustrated lantern slides. Let this be a real Rally Day of our Sunday School and Church. "The Adventures of St. Paul." illustrated by 25 slides. Mr. Robt. Waghorne, of Oshaws, will sing and will conduct a sing-song. with COMFORTABLE ~ ACCOMMODATION for students and others. or without board. E. W. Berrell, Port Perry. APPLES FOR SALE by Rev. W. I. Brown McIntosh, Russets, Pewaukee, Wolf- river. S28 FOR SALE CHEAP ~Large House and three acres lana in Prince Albert. Apply to Lillian Sprague, Aurora, Ont. S21 PILES Bleeding and _protuding - piles gen- erally result from congestion of the liver and an inflamed condition of the lower bowel which causes the flow of blood in the veins to slow up. Bunkers Herbal Pills for Piles treats the cause at its source. Sold on a money back offer by A. M. Lawrence and P. G. Morison. ' THE GLOW LIGHTS OF SAN REY a gripping two-hour drama of deep- sea fishermen. Open for concert en- lgagements after October - 3. Terms $10.00. Write to. Rev. Albert Bushell, Director, R.R.4, Uxbridge. Thursday, September 21st, ply to C, Room, with] FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 1 Dresser, 1 bed and mattress, 1 hot plate. Apply to C. E. Winder, AUCTION SALE Farin Stock amd Implements, on the pro- perty of Mr, C. Harold Nesbitt, at lot 22, con, 8, Cartwright. See bills. t Ted Jackson, Austionser, FOR SALE 30 Brood Sows, - Apply to C. Sleep, Phone 264 or 92 r 2, - FOR RENT Seven roomed frame house in good repair, situated oné block from Queen street. Possession October 1st, © Ap- Sleep's Office for particulars. gy "WANTED : Second Hand Lumber R. A. Laughlen, Honey's Corners Phone 249-r- "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 'New Plow, ~McCormick-Deering general purpose, - Cash or grain, Ap- ply to John Birkett, Port Perry. FOR RENT = The Ethel Ann Taylor Estate offer for rent the-180 acre farm; lot 16, Concession 8, in the Township of Cart- wright," ~~ 5 Haris, Harris & Wallace, Salicitors for Ethel Ann Taylor Estate, Phone 24, Port Perry, Ont. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY -- OF ~-- -- MEN'S SHOES (FOR DRESS WEAR) TALBOT WORK © BOOTS Come i in > and See Our St Stock oh George Stephens PORT PERRY Imperial Oil Products Guaranteed Repairs--All Cars Prompt, Courteous Service FRANK MARKS, Proprietor PARCEL FOUND - on the Seagrave Road. Apply to the Postmaster, Port. Perry. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Hawaiian and Spanish Guitar, Uku- lele and Banjo. Lesons strictly by note. Special 60c. rate. - Apply to Ken Spears, Port Perry; or "to Cecil Hooey at the Barber Shop. c-o Lake Scugog Milling Co. Port Perry. Oct. 5 [UTE RCMB BHT TBH R mms |= Domino. Baking Powder Ib. 23c * Seedless | Budget Tea, Black, Ib. asc § i Raisins, Richmello Coffee, 1b. 35c ® 2 lbs. for 28¢ | Bulk Cocoa, 2 bs. 25¢. YLMER OMATO JUICE = Habitant Pea Soup 28 oz. bin 106 20 oz. Tin 3 for 28¢ Diced Carrots, 2 squat tin, for 1§¢ Dole PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz. Tin 3§¢ Lombard PLUMS, 2 squat tin, 2 "for 15¢ Silver Ribbon . Fish Cakes, 10 oz. tin, 10¢ TOMATO JUICE 10} oz. tin, 3 for 10¢ i ight inlgbr mairepinn = Mason' 8 Fish Paste, 3 oz. Jar 106 Australian \ C & B Shrimp Soup, 16 oz. Tin, 2 for.28¢ B Sliced Pineapple 20 oz. Tin 17¢ GEARK'S a Pork and Beans, 21 oz. Tin," Head Lettuce, Lagge Celery, - 2 for 15¢. Sunkist Oranges, doz. 19e BANANAS, 3 ibs, for 25¢ 8 for 25¢ v Blue GRAPES, 6 gts. 29¢ FRUIT SPECIALS 2 for 19¢ DOMI Al . IN IMIT CE an NION N ------------ LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store Ayerst's Alphamettes $1 00 and $3.50 Ayerst's Cod Liver Oil (1s 03) Ayerst's Calcium A Capaules Frosst's Neo Cheisica) 'Food $1.15 and $2.45 Frosty Nee Neo Chemical Kepler's Pan and Cod Liver Ol = descr 75¢c. and $1.25 National Malt and Cod Liver 0il .49¢. and 89¢c. . Now Is the time to build resistance to Winter ills WITH A RELIABLE VITAMIN PREPARATION Parke Davis Haliver Oil : N 50¢, and $1.75 Parke Davis Haliver Capsules : 95¢c, and $1.75 . Parke Davis Natola oil 7 65¢. and $2.20 Parke Davis Naiolz Lapsules 5c..and $2.25 Puretest Cod Liver. Oil, 50¢. and $1.00 Upjohn's Super D Oil y 45¢., 90¢., and' $1.40 Wampole's Cod Liver Extract A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 72 Rexall Sore PORT PERRY Cawker Bros, Myrtle Garage|| PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your:Insurance with HAROLD Ww. Phone 41 We Offer You he Choice of the Market . EMMERSON Port Perry in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Prompt a and 'Courteous Service Phone 20w Port Perry \ Can relieve you from baking 'worries, and provide the best in Bread and Pastry. ~ JEMISON'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 98, Port Perry. Dr. H. H. Armstrong DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop Telephone 237 -- Do You Need Stationery? Letterheads. envelopes, bill heads, and all kinds of business "office requirements supplied at the Star Office. 'Genuine Hand Made LONG STRAW Horse Collars FIT and MEASURE GUARANTEED AT NO EXTRA COST. MADE BY MAN WITH THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Can be obtained from-- T. STEWART, or' WM. WEBSTER PORT PERRY, ONT. W. "A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over: Sleep's - - Insurance Offic" _ - SUITS 8PONGED AND PRESARL 80 Cents Pi SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 Port Perry a ---- OO - C. P. ROLPH . FOR SALE Apply at Star Office, Port Perry. HOUSE FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Situated on Queen street. CAN modern conveniences. W. Pyatt. Some furniture for sale. Repair and Painting Shop Also Code Work and Furniture Painting Mechanic's License Phone 209 ® HOOEY'S REPAIR SHOP One block North of the Sebert House (The firth of Greez & Humphreys is disolved.) ARTHUR. W. 'S. GREER" in attendance at my Port Perry office oa Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or -by appointment. (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is disolved.) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%; 8imcoe treet North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance dt, my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each . week or by appointment. > Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 9) DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL S8URGRON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North Side Queen Street, Port Perry, Upstairs, over Jemison's 'Bakery. 1928 Ford Coach in good condition. - Apply to Mra. . Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 . Phones Office i Residence 68) Cs

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