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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Sep 1939, p. 8

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RENAE ON ol A a Wg a po RN Er 3 = POSES on . particularly our: privileges and re- THE COLOUR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY. You can the coal in the world's 4 FOR QUICKER |! : SERVICE : PHONE ' F. E REESOR, Phone 73w a real satisfaction. ..in knowing that Get this satisfaction and confidence NOW. There's only one 'coal in the world coloured BLUE as your guaran- tee of quality. That is 'blue coal'... your supply today. - face winter better. . . feel your bin is guaranteed. finest -anthracite, Order aN hd t was well attendéd. The tables were spread with the usual appetising fare, and the program that followed was varied and pleasing. Messrs Hortop, Millman and Millman, and Miss Jean Bushell, all of Epsom, entertained. by quartettes, guitar and piano "music, A couple of amusing contests, mouth organ solos. and community singing also added to the' evenings pleasure, The members of the Association were gratified with the financial part, as it goes to Swell the parsonage expense fund, ris "Mrs, Levi Tordiff and Miss Lois, of Brooklin, were in the village on Fri- day afternoon. ; There was some disappointment felt regarding the voluntary registration of women of the community last Thursday and Friday, when so few came to offer aid to their country in case of an emergency, We feel sure that %he registration could not have been thoroughly understood by the ladies, but we do know that when it is necessary, they will be on hand to do their share of knitting, sewing, ete. Mr. Fred Hinton and family of To- ronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, T. Carey. - Miss Dorothy Tall, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives. Mrs. Rhame of Columbus, is visiting with her daughter Mrs. A. Downey. Mrs. L, L. Ross of Ashburn, visited on Sunday and Monday with her par- 'ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickson. The aany friends in this com- munity of Mrs. William Earl Martyn, of Prince Albert, formerly Jean Parker, wish her much happiness and a long life of married bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barton attend- ed the dedication service in St. Thomas Church, Brooklin, on Sunday. The new brick building going up on the corner will soon be ready for oc- cupation, : i Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Painter and children of Prospect visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters. Mrs. Clarence Holman of Dagmar, visited with relatives one day last week. . Mrs. William Taylor of Ashburn, is with her daughter Mrs. Bert: Duff. _ Mrs, Norman Heayn and family, Mrs, William Miles and Kathleen, of Prospect, were visitors on Wednesday Listen to 'The Shadow' --every Wednesday. CFRB, 9--9.30 p.m. Every Saturday, CEO, 6.30---7 p.m. SHIRLEY The last meeting of Shirley branch of the Women's Institute, was held a the home of Mrs. J. Graham. The subject of the meeting was "Agri- culture", Miss' F. Graham, convener. The motto for the month: "He gives the very best to them that leave the choice to Him." Miss Richardson, of Pickering, district president, was on]. able to visit us because of illness; but Mrs. Gee, Kinsale, vice-president, kindly came in her place and gave a very interesting and inspiring address "Our Opportunities", stressing sponsibilities as home-makers." The rroll-feall, "Our pet mistake in English" was interesting and amus- "ing, and for a time it promised to be [late Mrs. Cowan, of quite a testimonial meeting. The fol- lowing are some of the confessions. "up" used unnecessarily, as, We sweep 'up'; We' clean 'up';-and We eat 'up'. He don't; I don't, Here comes Smith's and There goes Brown's; I ain't; My feets cold; you shouldn't ought to; Our pronounced as 'is', 'are'. One member humorously said: "I don't know about my English, but I can speak of my Irish." She was Canadian born but recalled being asked when she left Ireland or the auld sod. A paper on "Agriculture", by Mrs. D'Arcy, Our trip to the 0.A.C. in June by Mrs. Hocken, a reading "What is-a"Farmer?" by Mrs. Hooey. Piano solo by jean Toms and* community singing completed the program. | BLACKSTOCK Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. G. Hooey, Blackstock, on the 60th anni- versary of their marriage, which they celebrated on Sept. ;18th, The day passed quietly, their family spending the afternoon, and evening with them. During the afternoon they took a drive and passed along the 1st concession of} Cartwright, recalling scenes of their boyhood . and girlhood "days. Mis, Hodey, then Jogephine_Graliam, lived on the fatm now owned by her nephew Oscar Graham, and Mr, Hooey, on the farm across the road which is now ownéd by- Mr. Carter. pupils of the 1st liie school, under the tutorship of the late Australia was highly feted by friends in To- last Wednesd MacBrien, uncle ofs the late Sir James ' "1 MacBrien. The dining table was deco- rated with a basket of roses, symbolic of their 60 years of married life, It was later replaced by the bride's cake. We wish the esteemed and worthy couple many. years of health and hap- piness. . . Mrs. Sanderson of Orangeville, 're- mained with her parents until the end of the week. : . A Bl i ,.-- S 5S5S:'~trtéri=x==®yi"™a MANCHESTER Zion United Church, Cameron. was the scene of a lovely late summer wed- ding oh Saturday afternoon, Sept. 16, at: 4.30 p.m., when- Ruby Ellen Cowan, Ta meron, was daughter of Mr. John Cowan, and the] PRINCE ALBERT * Mr. and Mrs. E. Hartry, Thorn- bury, spent part of their holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Kitby. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Vickery, Grace and Mary, visitéd in Peterboro on Sun day. fi Mr. and Mrs. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lyle, Toronto, Mrs. M. Doubt, Oshawa, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Lyle. - The Sunday 'School will meet at 2 o'clock nekt Sunday, and the Church service will be at 3 p.m. * Mr. Fred McKay spent two days in 'Toronto-recently; jh Ay united in marriage to Mr: Arnold E: Roach, son of the late Mr. and Mis. Malcolm Roach, Manchester. MacLean Fleming, of Minden, per formed the ceremony, amidst a color- ful setting of gladiolus, 'mums and ferns. eo iy CL ir The bride, given in marriage by her' brother, Mr. Harry Cowan, was lovely in a gown of white chiffon over taffeta,' fashioned on princess lines. - She wore a shoulder length veil caught with a head dress of white roses and carried a bouquet of white roses! ; The bride was at{ended by her twin sister, Miss Ruth Cowan, gowned in white chiffon,' with shoulder véil of turquoise blue held in place with white roses, «She wore matching shoes and gloves of blue and carried pink car- «| nations, : Mr. Frank White of Toronto, cousin of the groom, acted as groomsman, The wedding music yas played by Miss Alice's Russell and during the [signing of the register, Miss Murfudd |" 'sag "I Love You Truly." | Flowing the ceremony a reception was held at, the Red Umbrella Inn, Twelve Mile Lake. ; . The young couple left on a short honeymoon, the bride tthvelling in a {wo piece ensemble of Royal blue with matching hat and black patent acces- sores, as i x | "on Yeturn from their trip Mr. and Ont. Before her marriage the bride "ronto and Cameron, | . 3 : 3 . - i Rev. J. Myrtle Station Rally services were held on Sunday afternoon and although the attendance was not as large as could be desired, -yet the lack in numbers did not [in any way deplete the interest and. enthu- siasm of those taking part in the pro- gram. Audrey Grant told in her own words and pleasing manner the story of "The Spirit of the Great Chief", and Rev. G. S. Gervan spoke briefly regarding each department of Sunday School work. This was enjoyed by the adults as it referred to teaching and phases of the work particularly inter- esting to them. . : Anniversary services will be con- ducted next Sunday Ortober 1st, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pm: The guest speaker will be Rev. Mr, McVey of Greenwood. Special 'choral numbers will be 'sung by the choir. Mrs. Clifford McCarthy of Toronto, will be the soloist. Sunday School will be withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Donnelly of Coboutg, called on Tuesday of last week, . : ; Mir. and Mrs, Frank Britton of Bon- don, visited twith M¥. and Mrs, O. H. Downey on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and family of Toronto, spent the week end at their summe¥ home, ' { Mr. and Mrs. Russell Radbourne, . Marilyn and Gwen, Mr. and Mrs, Col. gan, Toronto; Mrs. Gordon Brént and family of Raglan, were Sunday guests They were Mrs, Roach will reside in Manchester, of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson. The supper in the church basement evening under the auspices of the Women's Association, at the Harrison home. Silo. filling 'is in full swing in this district. Corn crops are good. "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughson, of Oakville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Johnson Hughson, - - | { Bishop Owen Conducts Dedication Services at Brooklin In memory of Dr. John Moore, fam- ily physician and church warden, beautifol 3ERned glass windows, gift of Mrs.-Moore, were dedicated in St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Brooklin, by the Right Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Archbishop?of Toronto. He was as- sisted by Rey. T. A. Nind, of Grafton. Dedicated also were an electric or- gan, the gift of Mr. Fred Browne, of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Browne, a-chancel- screen and- chancel -altera- tions, gifts of C. H. Armstrong, K.C,, Toronto, and Mrs. Armstrong, in memory of their brothers, killed in the great war; a memorial tablet with the Lord's prayer inscribed on it, the gift of the sons of the late Wm, Browne; a chancel frontal, made from material which decorated Westminster Abbey, London, when the King and Queen were crowned,. also the gift of Mr. Armstrong, people's warden, and ves- try drapes, donated by Miss Evelyn Moore, daughter of Dr, and Mrs, Jas. Moore. oh The interior decorating 'provided by endowment funds set aside for the purpose of keeping up the fabric of the church; were also set apart by the Bishop for church use. _ A-large congregation which filled the church to the' doors and over flowed to the street, attended the im. pressive 'service. built about 60 years ago, has in the past few weeks been completely trans formed. The 'rector is the Revi*J. C. Clough, who also serves Port Perry." Visiting clergy included Rev." OC. P. Muirhead, Toronto; Rev. T. A; Nind, Grafton; Rev, Canon Allan Brampton, former rectors; Rev. E, Ralph Adye, Whitby; and Rev. P, L. Jull, pastor of the Brooklin United Church and presi- dent of the Bay of Quinte Conference, Leaside, in". memory of his parents, | The little church] The W. M..S. met on Tuesday after- noon of last week with the president, Mrs. W. Anderson;-in the chair, The meeting opened with silent prayer and the call to worship.- Hymn: 'He leadeth me" was sung and Isaiah 14 was read. responsively. A reading from ore of Rev: Wm. Allen's books, was read by Mrs, Jas. Duff. A solo by Mrs. E. Heron, "Will you meet me at the Fountain". During the business part of the meeting it was decided to invite a special speaker and a visit. ing auxiliary for the Thank Offering meeting in October. All the ladies in this community are cordially invitéd. Further particulars later. 4 Mr. and Mrs. R. Lunney. and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron and family, also Mr, Fred Ash- ton, motored to Leven Bros. flying field recently, when Edgar Heron and Fred Ashton enjoyed a plane ride with Walter Reynolds of Utica, as pilot. It was rally day on Sunday in the Sunday School. Rev. Robt. Simpson conducted the service which was open- ed the service whi¢h was opened with prayer and hymn 'Jesus Shall Reign". The first Scripture was read by Lyle Sherwin, the Junior childern sang. The 23rd Psalm was repeated by. Hugh Knight, Mrs, Lunney read a Scripture passage. The story was read by Mrs. Gordon Fisher, "The Painting of a Beautiful. Window." Thefe was a splendid attendance. You will be wel- come next Sunday at 10 o'clock. The Church service will be at 11 o'clock. The Women's Guild will meet, this week on Wendesday in. the Church basement. : fie The_organization of Canadian wom- en for this community will be con- tinued 'this' week. You may register either. at Mrs. Gordon Fisher's home 'or at Mrs. L. Richardson's. The horseshoe club held the play- off on Thursday evening. The cup was won by Edgar Heron. ¥y 3 Mrs. R. D. Sherwin spent Saturday in the City. id oe Several from. this community at- tended the Manchester school fair on Wednesday of last week. The pupils of Chalk Lake school received a good share of the prizes. - Glad to report Miss Fern Stephen is improving nicely after having a tonsil opefation in Oshawa Hospital on Monday of last week. : "Misses Mary Lynde and Helen Jor- don,. Brooklin, spent the week end at their homes here. 4 Mrs. W. Heron of Brooklin called on friends in the community on Thurs- day evening. he Miss Georgina Reynolds spent the week end at her home in Utica. ! A SHOWER A shower in honour of Miss Grace Pogue, on her coming marriage, was givén by Mrs. 8S, Blight, Epsom, when and Epsom, met and presented. her | with a large number of beautiful gifts :| Little Shirley Blight presented Miss Pogue with jthe gifts. The bride-to-, be thanked the friends most heartily for-their gifts and kindness shown her, Fand invited each and everyone to meet her in her new home--at-Sandford. a latge number of friends of Bethesda]. CO Ee FARMS WANTED . Following extensive advertising from Caast "to Coast, we have buyers waiting for farms and small acreages. List with this Company for action i : a. THE OSHAWA REAL ESTATE CO. : _ OSHAWA .41 Ontario Street (Just North of Bond) THE EEE EEE EEE EEE 1) I 1 s ER was held on Monday afternoon, service in the United Church, Interment in the Presbyterian Cemetery. The de- ceased had lived around here for some time. He was a member of the United Church choir, also teacher of the adult men's S. S. class. His services were much appreciated in both instances, Surviving are his widow and one son Harold of New York. Among the week end visitors we noticed were: Mr, and Mrs, Reid, To- and Mrs. A. McGregor, Markham, at Geo. Miller's; Mr. and Mrs, 8. Prize- Mrs. Ackney's; Robert Stephenson, of Toxonto, with Miss A, Christie; Mrs, Burnett, Mrs, Mann, of Oshawa, at C. W. Lakey's; John Hawkins in Toronto for the week end; Maunsell Gerrow of Whitby, home for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrow and son, and Miss Jessie Walker in Agincourt on- Sunday. PRINCE ALBERT or taking place in our village. - Miss Bar- low is having a new verandah' built on hér new home; Mr. W. Butt is doing levelling and beautifying the lawns. looks fine in its new coat of white with blue trimmings. Among those who have been on the sick list were Mrs, Starr, Mrs. C. Newnham and Mrs. T. Raines. We | hope they are on the road to recovery. "A miscellaneous shower was given the newly weds, Mr. and. Mrs: Earl Martyn at their home on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. F. Luke, Eric, Jean and Ruth, were at Niagara on Sunday. . . Tie ------- ed E> -- ! 3 DIED LEE--At Greenbank, on Tuesday, September 19th, 1939, Ida ¥. Phair, beloved wife of James Lee, in her 63rd year. Interment was made at Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank, on Sept. 21st. ronto, with Mrs. Frank Kendall; Mr. man; Geraldine and Hugh, Toronto, at|" Several improvements haye been |. the work. Mr. A. Bond is assisting in|' Mrs. Groupe's pretty little bungalow |= '| Septaniber 30th, 1936. 4 =) ] Better work follows "the pause that refreshes Drink bealoly \ Delicious and Refreshing 4 PORT PERRY BOTTLING WORS Port Perry, Ontario, Phone 47 IN MEMORIAM ; -WILMOT--In loving memory of , Herbert Ashley. Wilmot, who died Away in the beautiful somewhere, Free from sorrow and pain; ; That's where. life's journey is ended, That's where T hope to meet him again. --Maud. After presentation a dainty lunch was served. ~~. © i WEDDING BELLS! A quiet wedding took place at the Epsom' Parsonage on Saturday after- eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Pogue of Epsom, was united in marriage to Mr. John Henry Arnold Welch, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. R. Welch, Sandford; Ont. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Bushell, Epsom. The bride was be- comingly attired in navy blue crepe with accessories to match, Miss Pogue was attended by her sister Miss Mar- jorie Pogue, while Mr, Wilbur, acted as best man, ) " Following the service a reception was held at the bride's home, the byide's mother received in blue crepe with bolera of bloe velvet to match. After the 'reception 'Mr, "and Mrs. Welch left for Niagara and other pojnts, on their return they will reside in Sandford. 7 i PRS, Wy . Full arrangements are made for the 'Anniversary on 'Sunday, October 1st, to complete a perfect day. The con- 'vener' of the decorating committee ask thé "ladies who have garden flowers to bring them to the Church on Saturday by 2 p.m. tes noon, Sept. 23rd, when Luella Grace;| IAIl that we will need. is/fine weather |' PRIN TING: Potted Plants "FOR ALL OCCASIONS - WM. ETTEY, Prince Albert, Phone 206 - _ BEAUTY SHOPPE \ SPECIALIZING IN Pesmanent Waving and all ~ other lines of X » BEAUTY CULTURE . - MISS M. PEERS The funeral of the late Mr, Alrd BELL PHONE 78 - i MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE ~ BARBER SHOP ® * SPECIALIZINF IN : . Hair Cutting, and all « other lines of the work 1 lo Registered Hairdresser * { 'Registered Barber PORT PERRY 1 6d u 1 a Of all kinds done at the Port [Perry Star Office-- . Posters, Sule Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets, * Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Printing you require. Prompt work, low price. ~ Flowers and -. > . H, MULLIGAN | t >

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