"HELLO AUNTIE" says JIMMY W. WALSH. Ne farm should without a telephone, Is "mighty handy" to call Teldions and hbour and wick aid "it need bel j LOW RATES for ididil shidikild \ . If you have anything to sell, advertise it in the Port Perry Star There are so many delicious varieties of Canadian FISH. available all the year round, no y matter where you live, that you ji ) . . can add pleasing new dishes to B Remove bones k 1 E Fano salonem. Bile wah septa. | the family menus, A 1 CEE h, 3 Janoon And remember, Fish is nourishing and BR ot 45 is easily digested. Ask your dealer Bh ously between i. Shred ened about the different kinds of Fisfi he | 138 ar Slithide of sack sendwich "with "can get for you, and arrange to serve \ ve * " me er, toast on tides M © | under et art bre "| Fish to your family often. ir i Pour ower sandwich a sauce DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, LE made of mel ted cheese. OTTAWA. . : . POTATO AND FISH CASSEROLE 2 /; : 349 # Fle pound of sanned or WRITE . ©00! 3 ©] role, er only met 7 Ib. cheese #00 FAL) 800KLET. « in *doudls boiler; stir in 15 cup 1 © milk, Pour this over the fish. Cover the mixture with ma cooked potato, and line the rim of the casserole with unbaked biscuits, Bake In hot (425°) - oven until biscuits are done. i had dnl Ln def diat at antrnod /Depgriment a Mhorisy Oftawe, t : 7 ! ; Adds ! §1 1 : | : Port Perry Fair (Continued from front page) ' FRUITS Collection Winter Apples--1 Herb. Toombs. Collection Fall Apples -- 1 Herb. Toombs, Alexander Abbles 2 H.'R. Murphy. 4 Melba Apples--2 H. Toombs, Northern Spy Apples--L.. G. Toombs, Murphy. Greening Apples-- H. Toombs, Belflower Apples--2 H, Toombs. Toombs, Snow Apples--Murphy, Hall, McIntosh Red Apples--G. Christie, Raines, Toombs. 1. Tolman Sweets--Toombs, Murphy, all. Pewaukee Apples--Frank Lee, H. R. Murphy, H. Toombs. 2 Lawrence. Apples--Murphy, 3rd . Dorrell. Feat Apples--Ben Smith, Herb Toombs, H. R. Murphy. Delicious Apples--Raines, Hall, Stark Apples--Toombs, F. Lee. A. 0. V. Apples--F: Lee, Toombs, Bartlett Pears--Murphy. A.0.V. Pears--3rd Toombs. Lombard Plums--Murs. J. Boe, Reine Claude Plums -- G. Christie, Raines, Mrs. Boe. BUTTER, EGGS and HONEY _..b Ibs. Butter, in prints--Mrs. Geo. Wy Miss Jean L. Brethour, Mrs. J. A. Johnston. 5 Ib. crock Butter--Mrs, G. Baird, Miss Brethour, Mrs. Johnston, Brown Eggs--Thos. Risebrough. White Eggs--J. Millman, 'Miss G. Vickery, Mrs. Johnston. Extracted Honey-- Miss Bréthwar, Herb. Toomk 8. DOMESTIC SCIENCE--COOKING Fruit Cake, light -- Miss Brethour, |! Mrs. Chas. Reesor. Fruit Cake, Dark--Miss Brethour, Mrs. F. M. Holliday. White Bread--DMrs. 'Johnston, Mrs. | Dorrell Brown Bread-- Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs. i Holliday. Mrs! Guy, i Angel Cake-- hour. = Banana Cake--Mrs. *H. Fair, Mrs. Jas. Boe, Orange Layer Cake--Mrs. Boe, Miss G. Vickery Chocolate Layer Cake--Mrs. Fair, Mrs. Frank Stinson Apple Pie--Mrs: G. Baird, Mrs. Boe ' Raisin Pie--Mrs. Boe," Mrs. Johns- on. Lemon Pie--Mrs. Fair, Mrs. Holli- day. Pumpkin Pie--Mrs. Boe, Miss Irene Miss Bret- "| Coates. Date Loaf -- Miss Brethour, Mrs. Holliday. > Short Bread--Mrs. L. Honey, Mrs? i henate Buns-- Mrs. Bog: Mrs. Golden Russets -- G. Raines, Hall, Guy Bran Muffins--Miss Coates, Mrs, E, Dorrell Butter Tarts--Murs. Fair, Mrs, Dor- rell. Doughnuts--Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Frank Shepherd Jelly Roll -- Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs, Boe. Cdokies, plain-- Miss M. Vickery, Mrs, Holliday. G. Vickery . Macaroons -- Miss Brethour, Mrs. Holliday. Meat - Vint, 'garnished--Mrs, Honey. School Lunch -- Mrs. Honey, Mrs, Nome made. Candy Mrs, Holliday, Mrs, Shepherd. DOMESTIC SCIENCE -- 'CANNING Collection of Fruit--Miss I. Coates, Mrs. Johnston, Peaches-Mrs, Holliday, Miss Coates Pears--J}fiss Brethour, Miss Coates. Cherries--Mrs, Boe, Miss- Coates. aspberries--Mrs, F. Stinson, Miss Coates. Plums--Miss Coates, Mrs. Boe. Pineapple--Mrs, Johnston, Mrs. Hol- liday. Clones Holliday, Mrs. Shep- her Black Currant--Mrs. Holliday, Mrs. H. Fair. Collection Jellies--Mrs. Johnston. Crabapple Jelly -- Miss Brehour, Mrs. Baird. Grape Jelly--Mrs. Johnston. Fruit Syrup for beverages -- Mrs. Boe,. Mrs. Fair, Collection of Pickles -- Mrs. Fair, | Mrs. Johnston. Mustard Pickles -- Miss Brethour, Mrs, Boe, Onion and ipmhor Pickles--Miss Brethour, Mrs. Fai Corn Relish--Miss G. Vickery, Miss M. Vickery. ery, Miss M. Vickery. 'Onion Pickle--Mrs. Jas. _Boe, Miss M. Vickery. : LADIES' WORK Coll. Towels--Miss I. Coates, Mrs. H. C. Kemp. Linen Towel, emb.--Miss V. Butson, Miss Coates. . Sheets and Pillow "Cases -- Mrs, Kemp, Migs Coates. Pillow Gases, emb. -- Mrs. Kemp, Miss L. Butson Pillow .Cases, .crochet trim.-- Mrs. Stinson, Mrs. Baird: Five O'Clock Tea Cloth--Miss V. Butson, Miss L. Butson. Buffet Set -- Mrs. Kemp, Miss V. Butson Card Table Cover--Miss V. Butson, Miss Coates. Tea Cosy--Miss Elsie Wright, Mrs. H. Fair. Luncheon Cloth and Serviette--Miss Coates, Mrs. Kemp. Sofa Pillow, emb.--Mrs. Kemp, Miss L. Butson. Sofa Pillow, any style--Miss Coates, Miss Wright. Lamp Shade--Murs, Stinson, Dorrell- Baking Powder Biscuits-- Mrs, Holli day, Miss Brethour Bedspread, candle-wick-- Mrs, Kemp, Miss Coates Bedspread, crochet or knit-- Miss Ginger Shapa--Miss Brethour, Misz |! Coates, Mrs. Kem Bedspread, any Bolo Miss Coates, Mrs. Kemp, Quilt, cotton, pieced-- Mrs. Fair, Mrs. Kemp, Quilt, applique---Miss Coates, Mrs, Fair, , Afghan -- Miss L. Butson,. Miss Coate eS, Cut Work Embroidery- Miss Coates, Mrs. Kemp, Tatting--Mrs. Kemp, Mrs, Stinson, Hemstitching--Miss V. Butson, Miss Coates. Laundry Bag--Miss L. Butson, 'Miss V. Butson: Kitchen Apron ---- Mrs, "Baird, 'Mrs. Stinson, Child's Dress--Miss L, Butson, Child's Rompers--Miss V.. Butson, Miss L. Butson, Baby's Bonnet, Jacket and Bodtess --Mys. C. Reesor, Mrs. Stinson, Baby's Carriage Cover -- Mre. C. Reesor, Miss 1. Butson. Lady' s Smock<Mrs, Stinson, Lady's House Dress--Mrs, Bajyd, Mrs, Stinson Sport. Dress -- Miss Coates, Mrs, Stinson, Lady's Knitted Suit--Miss M. Vickery, Miss Wright. Lady's Night Gown--Mrs, Stinson, liss Coates. Lady's Bed Jacket--Mrs. Reesor, Mrs, Stinson, Lady's. Bed Pyjamas ~-- Mrs. Holli- day, Mrs. Stinson, Green Tomato Pickle--Miss G, Viek-| Lady's Hand Bag-- Mrs. Stinson, Mrs. Reesor. Lady's Costume Slip--Mrs. Stinson, Miss Coates. ady's Pullover, knitted <-- Mrs. C. ecto Miss M. Vickery. Girl's Hat and Secarf--Mrs. Reesor. Boy" s Sweater, sleeveless -- Miss Joates. | Boy's Sweater, - long sleeves--Miss L. Butson, Mrs. Stinson, Men's - Knitted Sock. Mrs, Baird, Mrs. Kemp. Rug, Braided--Mrs, Kemp, Miss L. 3utson, Rug, hooked with wool--Mrs. Kemp, Miss I. Butson Rug, crocheted--Mrs. Kemp. Hot Pan Holder--Miss V. Butsou, Mrs. Reesor Oilcloth Novelties--Mrs. Fair. Mats for Hot Dishes--Mrs. Reesor, Miss L. Butson. Lady's Gloves-- Mrs. Reesor, Mrs. Kemp. FLOWERS Gladiolus--Reg. Abbott, H. Toombs Collection Dahlias<L. G. Hall, Mrs, Horace Fair. Basket Flowers--I., G. Hall, George Raines, Rega Abbott. Asters, pink--Ben, Smith, Mrs, J. Boe. Mrs. F. Stinson, Asters, purple--H. R. Murphy, D Corbman Asters, White--Murphy, Smith, D. Corbman. Collection Asters--Smith, Zinnias--Smith, Mrs. Boe; Mrs. Fair Pansies--Abbott, Smith;: Mrs. Guy. Fern--Abbott, Smith. Geranium--Smith, Boe, Conny Begonia--Toombs Coleus--Smith, Mrs. Boe, Toombs. . {) Woman's Home Companion, [1 Rod & Gun, 1 yr. {) Amerloan Boy, 8 mos. [] Christian Herald, 6 mos [1 Canadian Nome Journal, 1 m are good either 1. {1 Canadlan Horticulture & Magazine, 1 2 OS ; (8) American Frult Grower, 1 Here's the thrifty, economical way to subscribe for this newspaper and your favorite magazines at prices that are really sensational, These offers for new or renewal orders, It will pay ' you to look them over and send us the soupon TODAY BIG FAMILY OFFER This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Any Three Magazines OHECK THREE MAGAZINES = ENCLOSE wie ORDER {1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr, 3 { } Home Arts) (Needlecratt), 1yr, ALL FOUR ONLY 9.50 Home a GROUP A--SBelopt § 1] Liberty Magazine, 1 yr, {1 Cold ler's Weekly, 1 yr, : - [1 True Story Magazine, 1. b [1 Newsweek, 8 mos, (1 Silver Screen, 1 yr.. [1 Christian Herald, § mos, [1 Open Road (Boys), 1 yr. \ [1 Screenland, 1 yr. io (] McCall's 1yr [1 Parents' Magazine, 1 yr. [) Magazine Digest, 6 mos. \ i SUPER-VALUE OFFER This 1 Newspaper, 1 Year, and One Magazine Group a Two Magazines Group 8 £1 National Home Zend 1 £1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 A Magazing, 1 yr, 2 '01 Rod & Qun, 1 yr. 't) Amerloan Boy, 8 mos, {] Parents': Magazine, 6 mos, # () Mome Arts (Needlecraft), 1 yw, {3 American Frult Grower, 1 oNLY oNm SELROTION FROM aRovp "A» 18 PERMITTED ] Woman's Home Companion, 1 yr. ] Oeuadian Horticulture & Home " Sy " ALL FOUR ONLY yr. These Offers Are Positively Guaranteed Fler Pog OUT COUPON : MAIL TODAY 'of inAgazines after checking ones Fill out coupen a abs J Gangoguen: 1 1 enclose sofiption to your lot [ ] SUPER-VALUR Namo ... Gy rnb ass so satires : Post Of08 civvsesirusnsancsnrsnnnctsassssnssss ) FERIA ATED am ch ired with, a a . (1 Bia" PAMILY . » A 3 FARMS WANTED . i Following extensive adverdsing from Coast - to Coast, we have buyers waiting for farms and * small acreages. List 'with this Company for action + THE "OSHAWA REAL ESTATE Co. OSHAWA " 41 Ontario Street (Just North of Bond) [} mmm a NE EEE Heifer, 3 yoars * |enhurst, Marigolds--Smith, Mrs, Fair. in milk (6 in class) Nasturium--Smith, Murph H. Honey, 3 and 4 R. H. Walk er, . Annual Phlox--Murphy, rs, Fair, |N. Hogg. ; Mrs. Boe. _ Heifer, 2 years, d ry (9 in class)-- "-€# + Petunias, single--D. Corbman, Mrs.|F. M, Holliday, W. Walker, Leslie Boe, Smith Beare, Chas, Webster" _ Petunias, double--Smith, Mrs, Boe,| Heifer, 2 Jer ju in milk--R. N. Hogg, D. Corbman 2 and 3 H. Honey, S. W. Croxall Senior.Yearling Heifer (15 in iy --Est, Geo, Smith, F. M. Holliday, T. Ashenhurst, Leslie Beare, Jr, Yearling Heifer (9 in class)--. W. F. Walker, R. N. Hogg, S.W. Crox- . all, Leslie Beare. - 9 Sr. Helfer Calf (10 in class)--1 and 3 W. C. Ashenhurst, 2 G. H. Walker, 4 F. M. Holliday, Junior Heifer. 'Calf (11 in class)-- 1 and 3 F. M. Holliday, 2 Leslie Beare, 4 S. W. Crexall. Three animals, get of one sire, open (11 in class)--F. M. Holliday, Geo. K. Beare, G. W. Walker, R. N, Hogg. Three animals, get of one sire, Jr.; (9 in class)--R. N. Hogg, F. M. Holli- - day, Leslie Beare, Est. Geo, Smith. Two Animals, Progeny of one cow Table Bouquet, dining room--Smith, Mrs. Stinson, Miss Coates ~ Table Bouquet, living room-- Mrs. Fair, Smith. : WOMEN'S INSTITUTES 1 Shirley, 2 Brooklin, 3 Honeydgle. CALF RACE Wilmott Croxall, Allan Holliday, Byron Holtby. SCHOOL PROJECTS > Woodwork -- John Jeffrey, Ralph Hansen, John Tristram, Soap Sculpture, -- Maude Griffen, Phyllis Anderson, Bruce Gerrow. (11 in class)--F. M. Holliday, Chas. CLOWN CONTEST Webster, R.,N. Hogg, W. C. Ashen Just bo, ;ared in costume hurst. ) hid Tosa i were not _ Senior Herd (12 in class)--Fred M. judged--Lloyd Spears, Ray Thibault. Holliday, Harold Honey, G. H. Walker, Est. Geo. Smith, THE BLACK AND WHITE SHOW | ij unio Hew, 7 in lnsn)--Fred M. Holli a rox Grand Champion Bull--Turner Ash- yy. C. A hes. a), k N Hoge, Reserve Grand Champion Bull--S. W. Croxall. Senior. Chanipion | SC --_-- Bull Tyrer Ashenhurst, Reserve' -. Champion-- Harold Honey. * Jr. EPSOM WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION --, Bull--S. W. Croxall. Re-' The September meeting of the Ep- serve Jr. Chamipon Bull -- R." M. som W. A. was held Thursday, pt Holtby. | 28th, at the home of Mr, Cook, Bull, 3 years and over--H.: Honey, bridge, with forty-five bein is Ig % Fred M. Holliday. + Mrs. Sanley Pogue, the President, pre- Bull, 2 years--T. Ashenhurst, G, H.: sided, Jean Bushell acted as pianist. Walker. "The meéting opened with hymn 438. Senior Yearling Bull--S, W. Croxall, The Lord's Prayer was then repeated - R. Norman Hogg. in unison. The roll call was answered Junior Yearling Bull--W. F, Walke with a verse of Scripture containing Senjor Bull Calf-- 1 and 2 R. M, the word refuge. - Minutes - were Holtby, 3 F. Holliday, 4. G. H, Walker adopted. - It was decided to have a Junior Bull Calf (7 in class)--R. M. Free will' Offering on November bth. Holtby, S. W. Croxall, W. C, Ashen- All arrangements being in charge of hurst, G. H. Walker. the Church Committee. Reports were Grand Champion Female-- Harold received from the visitin committee Honey. Reserve Grand Champion Fe- and the treasurer. The O¢tober meet- male, F. M. Holliday. Sr. Champion 'ing will be held at the home: of Mis, Female--Harold Honey. Reserve Sr. Jewett, Epsom, Oct. 26, at 2.30 Champion Female--F, M. Holliday.' A vote of thanks was tendered rs. Jr. Champion Female--Estate of Geo. Cook, Pregram: piano solo by Jean Smith. Reserve Jr. Ch Bushell, duet by Mr. and Mrs. Bushell, --F. M. Holliday. . : | The' meeting wag then handed over to" Cow 4 years and over, dr i in the the Vies Fresida t, Mrs. Bushell who class)--H, Honey, G. H alker, Fst. gave a talk on the word "Refuge" Geo. Smith, Chas, Webster. "i Mrs, B. Bailey réad the Scriptur Tr. "Cow, 4 years and -over, in milk, (9|Bushel led in prayer, Mrs, Millman "1 in class)--R. M. Holtby, G. H. Walker, and Mrs, Wilson: were appointed as F. M. Holliday, Leslie Beare, program committee for the next meet-" Heifer, 3 years, dry (b in class)-- ing. The word thankful to be used in W. F. Walker, W. C. Ashenhurst," R.! answering the roll call at the October N. Hogg, F F. M. Holliday. meeting. Prayer closed the meeting. Wf © Of all kinds dome at the Port one Star Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, - Booklets, Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Printing Jou require. Prompt work, low price. Flowers and . Potted Plants . FOR ALL OCCASIONS \ WM. ETTEY, Prinde leer Phone 200 MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a a DE. MmiLo PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE 2 BEAUTY SHOPPE BARBER SHOP | 8 SPECIALIZING IN . SPECIALAZINF IN 8. Permanent Waving and all | Hair Cutting, and all ; other lines of i "other lines of the work : BEAUTY CULTURE 7 SU MISS M. PEERS HH. H. MULLICAN 'Reglstered Hairdresser 'Registered Barber ¥ BELL PHONE 76 PORT PERRY