LE ell RSE Dh -- Ss 3a PSE PLR STAIR SR a sy PW PC \ a rm BN ~ : ws GUARA blue IT PAYS T0 BUY A COAL THAT IS Take advantage of this Positive Guarantee of Quality and insist on 'blue coal' for greater heating satisfaction this winter. only coal in the world that is coloured blue for your protection. Order your supply now. NTEED It's the coal' "THE COLOUR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY F.E. REESOR PHONE" 73 w Listen to "The amy Wed., CFRB, 9- 9.30 p.m. Evry Sat., CBO, 6.30- 7 p.m. If you have anything to sell, advertise it in the Port Perry Star NOT ICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Arnold, late of the 'Township of Whitby, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the late William: Arnold of the Town- ship of Whitby, County of Ontario, farmer, who died on or about the 26th day of August A.D. 1939, are request- ed to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or about the 10th day of November A.D. 1939, after which date the Estate will be dis- 'tributed. - "Dated at Port Rerry, Ont, this 7th day of October A.D. 1939, JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, "Ont., Solicitor for the. Exccutors, rr ---- = Myrtle Station The pastor, Rev. G. S. Gervan, de- livered a very pleasing and helpful sermon on "Sunday "afternoon. . The subject "Thanksgiving", was appro- priately chosen fo suit the Thanks- giving scason, Psalm_118 and 136 were read as the Scripture lesson. When we work with God, prosperity is sure to follow; but so many people strive for prosperity with no thought of whois back of it all, nor do they always appreciate the gift by return- ing a gift to the great Giver. The choir sang a number suitable to. the season. Sunday School "ext Sunday at 1.45 pam. Church service at 7 pm. "Al are welcome, x4 The "Kaithful Workers' S. S. Class held the regular monthly meeting at {he home of Mrs. O. H. Lane last Wed= nesday evening. Fourteen members Roast Fowl Supper at Raglan last Wednesday evening. The fowls were perfectly: cooked and the other foods which made 'up the supper were all that could be desired. A program of a high class order followed. Talent from Toronto, Oshawa, Brooklin and Port Perry furnished violin and vocal solos, duets, and readings. Mr. K Webber and his inseparable com: panion, his sawed off hat, created much amusement also for the audience. Beverley Stewart with friends from Pembroke motored to Toronto on Sun- day afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and Miss Doreen, "of Toronto, visited over Mrs. Robt. Britton. 3 Mr. Li 'Mrs." McCaffery of Niagara Falls," N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Moran and family 4 Belleville, My. and Mrs, Jas. Mitchell, Manchester, were recent visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchel1. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon" Magee and little son of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook. Rev. G. S, and Mrs. Gervan were in Ottawa on Monday 'attending their son's wedding. Rev. Mr. Gervan as- sisted with the ceremony. Mr. Fred Hinton and Family of To- ronte, spent the holiday with his mother. * : Miss Mildred Harrison and Mrs, O, H. Lane were'in Oshawa on Friday. 'Mrs. Murray Payne and children have returned to their home in' To: ul after a pleasant holiday spent ith relatives for the past week. The landscape has been greatly beautified duling the past two weeks, glory and the sumacks on the hills answered the roll call. In the absence of the President, Mrs, L. Magee, the Vice-President took charge. The de-' votional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Gordon Barton. During the busi- ness gedision, it was decided to 'hold a bazaar on Wednesday, November 20th. More particulars regarding-it later, At the'close of the meeting a pleasant _« Hour was spent socially. Mr. and Mri. Edgar Coopér and Douglas, of Toronto, spent the week- "end and holiday with relatives, Mrs. L. L. Ross and Evelyn of Ash- bufn spent Sunday and Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Dickson. " Miss Elsie Smith visited over the week end and holiday with her family in Oakville. Mrs. R. Long, Mrs. C. Harrison and - Mrs. Murray Payne were in. Port Perry on Thursday. Mr. Petrie of Oshawa, visited with Y friends on Friday, Myrtle was well represented af the vi | 3 'man, i have turnped<their greens to reds. - Mrs. Robt _Chisholm has returned home after visiting with relatives and | friends at Sault Ste. Marie, Bala and Toronto. + Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott and sons Harold and Beverley algo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott and 'baby daughter of Seagrave, 'were Sunday visitors with relatives here. | re tra MYRTLE Mr. Fred Lyle of Manchester, tas bought what was formerly the Tarvis |: property on the corner that was re- cently vacated by Mr, Gordon Sweet- It is understood Mr. Lyle takes immediate possession, . The deal was transacted by Mr: L. Disney of Osha- wa, Rev. W. E. and Mrs, {tones Cavan, called at the parsonage last week. the week end and holiday with Mr, and: The maples are spread in all their] - and is again under medical care. Mrs. Parks' sister, Mrs. Ianson, of Red Deer, Alberta, is staying with them for a time, Mr. Martin's service station has re- ceived a fresh coat of paint which makes it very attractive looking. A number from here attended the supper and concert at Raglan on Wed; nesday, night and' report a most bountiful meal and a splendid con- cert. Mrs. Oliver Lane entertained the members of the Willing Workers' S. S. Class at her home Wednesday. night when annangements were made for the annual bazaar. Robert Hoar and daughter of To- ronto, visited Mrs. Frank Briggs on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Hudgins and daughter of Toronto, spent the week- end with the former's mother. Mrs. G. S. Gervan visited her daughtef¥iL Pembroke last week and on Monday she and Mrs. Gervan at- tended their son's wedding in Ottawa. My. Harry Briggs who spent the past few weeks on a motorcycle trip I'through Alberta and Saskatchewan, has returned to his home. This was Harry's first trip to the prairies and he is greatly impressed with Western life. fb Miss Beverley Stewart visited her mother in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Timms visited the former's parents -at Uxbridge on Sunday. The school children. went over to Manchester Hall on Saturday to take toxoid treatment. Miss O. Bassett went home to Dun- barton over the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. G. Smith and Lloyd visited at Mr. C. W. LaKey's on Sunday. Miss Thelma Crosier from Toronto Normal School and Miss Jean Crosier of Port Perry, visited with their par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and Billy of North Bay visited. with Mrs. James Swan over Thanksgiving. , Mrs. Ellsworth Kydd and daughter of Udora are spending a few days with her mother Mrs. Geo. Payne, Mr. W. Reynolds visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds over the holiday week end. Mr. and Mrs. C.-Hartford of Toronto visited at Mr. P. Parrott's. Parks has not been as well of late,' Mr. A. Campbell is re-shingling his house. A Miss Ruth Mitchell of Oshawa, spent the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs, James Mitchell, | Mrs. Russell Harper attended the funeral of a relative at Smithfield. Mrs. James: Swan and Mrs, William Bell in Toronto on Saturday. * | "A number from here attended the Markham Fair on Friday and Saturs- day. Mr. and Mrs, D. McKinley, Lansing, ' calling at Mr, Chester Gear's on Mon- day. sCUGOG | Next Sunday is Anniversary i vice at the Foot Church, at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. A special treat is in store for us as Rev. Kingsley Joblin of Deer Park Church, Toronto\will be the speaker, The music will be 'fur- nished by the choir. On the follow- ing Wednesday a Roast Fowl Supper will be served at the Township Hall, and a play will be given by the Zion young people, entitled "A Wild Rose of the Hills. All are invited. ~ _sons Alvin anil Melvin and daughter her daughter Mrs, F. Jackson, : Mr. Geo, Schell is Helping Mr. Alton Mark with his threshing machine as Mr. Norman Shunk is caring for his father who is quite ill. . Mr. C. Nichols of Port Perry is help- ing Mr, Fred 'Pearce "Mr. and. Mrs. Runham who is_visit- Mr. and Mrs; Runham from England avho_ have been visiting their son Mr. , Sidney Chandler, have. had 'their re- turn ticket extended for a couple of years, = Mr. Runham is visiting his "sons at Athens for a time, . Mrs. Todd has returned to Toronto i for a few months, Mr. Joel Aldred has built a new driving shed. AS, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller spent the week end and, holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cleeves and twin Doreen, of Toronto, visited Mrs, W. Crosier, Mrs." R, Hood and Mr. John Milner over the week end and holiday. Mrs. L.'Chamberlain and sons Jim and Garry spent last week with her HEBER. Apply to Mr. E. Powell, LUNCH PROVIDED, D. J. TRAN, - . President, SOUTH ONTARIO . Plowing . will be held on - the farm: of , Lot- 9, Broken"Front;' PICKERING TOWNSHIP, 1% miles East of Pickering Village, on No, 2 i N Highway, then 1% miles South, . Thursday, October, 19th, 1939 R.R.1, Whitby, Phone 1913, ¥ Pickering, not later than Oétober 16th, for teams, Match DOWN BANQUET AT NIGHT. W. 8S. CROXALL, ae Sec'y, Brooklin, Ont. Mr, and Mrs. W. Mark attended the 60th anniversary of Valentia church on Thanksgiving. Valentia was their home when the corner stone was laid. parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson. 3 Master Roy Hope had the misfor- : "Mr, and Mrs, E. H, Gerrow and "friend Mrs, Attwood are leaving the The meéting of the Women's Ass0- tyne to fall-off the wagon last Tues-) summer: cottage for their home in ciation was held in the Township "Hall last week with a good attendance. The meeting opened in the usual way with: the president Mrs. R. Carter in the chair, Mrs. Geo, Samells read a Thanksgiving prayer which was fol- lowed with the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. A. Prentice read the Seripture, Mrs. Geo. Samells and Miss F. Carter sang -a-duet "Dare to be a Daniel," Mrs, Carter gave a talk on the chapter of the Study Book. Mrs. F. Gardiner and Mrs, M. Mec- Laren read a couple of thoice poems. Mrs. E. Fines conducted a flower con- test. Mrs. F. G. Joblin favored with a solo. Mrs. D. Hope asked a series of questions which were quickly an- swered. Plans were made for the fowl supper which will be held on Oct. 18th. The program committee for the next meeting are Miss C. Hardy and Miss-Joy Hood. Supper was next un- der the direction of group 4 of the Foot--Mrs, J. Joblin, Mrs. C. Mills, Mrs. G. Hope. Proceeds $7.80. The contractors have completed the Indian houses and are now sheeting and "shingling: the farm occupied by Mr. Gordon Hope. Mrs. C. Wanamaker enjoyed green peas picked from 'her: garden for Thanksgiving dinner.' Mrs. Crooks of 'Toronto is visiting \ * J} day and sprained his right arm. Little Yvonne Milner spent the week end in Canieron, and then on to To- ronto for a month. Miss M. Corbett spent the week end and. holiday at Greenwood. } Misses Helen Marie and Noreen Sweetman visited their aunt Miss Ivah Milner on Sunday and Monday. Mr.-and Mrs. J. L. Sweetman and 'Aileen, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sweetman, spent a pleasant Sunday in Toronto. Rev. Kingsley Joblin and brother Fred of- Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Joblin of Pickering, were guests for Thanksgiving at the 'parsonage. Married at Brooklin, on Saturday, October 7th, Miss Leona, youngest daughter of Mrs, Chas, Wells, Port Perry, 'to Mr. Cecil Mills, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. C. Mills, Scugog. They were assisted by Miss Dorothy Rodd and Mr. Wm. Parry. After the ceremony they left for a motor trip, and on their return will reside in Port Perry. Mr. Robert "Tetlow went to a "To- ronto hospital on Friday evening. We all hope he will soon be restored 0 health, Mrs. J. Demara visited her liter Mrs. C. Hood recently and her friends are sorry to hear she is in the hospital again. OK [1] National Nome Monthly, 1 ye, STN A] Make the Whole Family for this newspaper and [G FAMILY OFFER ns qn r, 1 Year, and Any Three Magazines MAGANINES -- ENCLOSE WITH ORDER [1 Parents Magazine, 6 mos. Fords the thrifty, eariomlenl way to subscribe at prices that are really sensational. These offers >. are good elther for new or renewal orders, It' ill pn you to look thera over and send us the eoupon TO your favorite magazines Oshawa this week. Mr. Percy Williams and Mr, Harold Williams of Whitby, Mr. Douglas Pearce, of Oakwood, Mrs, J. A. Sweet- man, and Mrs. C. Graham, were visit- ors of Mr, and Mrs. G. Hope on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs.' E. Darey, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. R, Spinks, and Mr. G. McLaughlin,, of Purple Hill, were dAy- guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Reader, ~ 2 PRINCE ALBERT 'Our Anniversary services are to be held this coming Sunday, October 15th at the hours of 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. speaker and music by Mr. Fred R. Beatty and Port Perry talent, * - : Mrs. L. Corrin, Oshawa, a former teacher here was in our village last week renewing acquaintances. 'G. Luke was amiong those honoured by a visit. Mrs. McCulloch, Miss G. McCulloch, and the Misses Gilbert, Toronto, in our vilage on Monday. Mrs. I. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter and son, London, Ont., were at the former's sister's home, Mus. F. Luke, on Monday. Miss L. Heard, Millbrook; and niece Miss F. Heard, Whitby, at Mis, Groupe's on Monday. MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Whitby, spent the holiday with Mr, and -Mrs. Masters. . Miss Helen Crosier, Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs; F., Crosier. Mr. Maunsell Gerrow of Whitby, spent the .holiday at his home. here, tion at the bank in Campbellford. Mr. W. D. Munro of Glengarry, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Munro _{ over the week end. Don't fail to altond the Club on Thursday" evening and see how Mr. G. W. Gardiner; Brechin, will be the. -held 'in the basement. d ~~ program-there-was-business taken up 'Mrs. | James Mr. Archie Crosier has taken a posi-- worn than 'she: Gee hire his quiet evening. A good program is being prepared. Mr, and Mrs, Joe Cooper, Mildred and Bruce, and Miss Shea, of Union; ville, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mr. Chas. Gerrow. Mrs. holiday with her mother Mrs. Mitchell, We arc sorry to report that Mr, Wilson Crosier is on the sick list. Messrs. George and Walter Fowlie visited in Toronto for a few days; Jast week, Miss Mina Dobson spent the holiday in Toronto. We are glad to report Mrs, Joshua Dobson is recovering as well as can be expected after an operation. UTICA Thanksgiving service in the United Church was well attended. Suitable music by the choir, and a good sermon was, preached by the pastor. ~~ . Wednesday afternoon the regular monthly meeting of the W. A. was Beside a short regarding the anniversary. Among those who attended Mark- ham fair included: Mr. and 'Mrs. H.~ Walker, Doris and Jean, Paul R, Geer, Mr. and Mrs. H, Harper, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hortop, Mr. and Mrs. C. Geer, Mr. C. W. Lakey, Fred Ashton, Mrs Suth- erland, H. Barnes, Harold and Herman Kerry. Among the holiday visitors were: + Misses Jean Miller, Olga and Delza > Lakey, Walter Reynolds; Mr, and Mrs. _ _ -_ McLeod, London, Mrs, C.- Shepherd of « Bain of Toronto, spent the - Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. S. Prizeman and family, Lois Ward, Muriel Kerry, of Toronto, Milton Parker, Sudbury, Mr, and Mrs, Hartford also Irene, Toronto. Mrs. Jewett of Epsom visited Mrs. Jas. Mitchell on Tuesday last. We extend our sympathy to Mr, Wagg, whose mother was buried from her home in Prince Albert. I The worn traveller - wonderéd whether she could board the sleeping car in the yards,.and retire, ahead of the departure of the train. . "Can I get on No. 6 before it starts?" she asked. The' information clerk was more "You'll have to, madam." : DAY PRINTING: Of all kinds 'done at the Port Perry Star Office-- {1 Open Road (Boys), 1 yw. [) Bereenland, 1 yr. {ER 1 i .: pi he i penket y J J American Boy, 8 mos. * {) Parents' Magazine, 6 ios, [1 Home Arts (Néedlecratt), 1 £1 American Fruit Grower, 1 d ove eg soma row Skate 1 1 resus : 3 10) Regret to, report that Mr, W. S. - These Offers Are Positively ~ Guaranteed Flee out CO | aE your. pape, one ns { } SUPER-VALUS MAIL TODAY UPON ETI (I CLL LT LL RL DEAL DT) LLL) v Eid "11 Woman's Home Companion, 1 yr. "™ [3 Home Arts (Needleoratt), 1 yu. P £1 Canadian Nome Journal, 1 to. osters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets, £1 Rod & Gun, 1 nT (11 Gumadan ap 4 - Nos \ Fi Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other - Amerloan Boy,' AW : ) Amerioan Boy, : mos. 5 a Trt Grows, 1 1. rinting you require. Prompt work, low price, SUPER-VALUE OFFER -- : | d This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Ono Magazine Group A, Two Magazines Group B owers an GBOUP A--Selegt} {1 Liberty Magazine, 1 yv, + 11 National Home Monthly, 1 yu, 2 "1 I ) [1 Colller's Weekly, 1 ye, + nadian Momé Journal, 1 yw, ; 2 iP tte d 1 ts [1 True Story Magesine, 1 yo. d 4 Son ome ry " ALL KY FOR oO € a] n S {) Newsweek, 8 mos, 1 1 Canadian, Horticulture & Kore () Silver Soreen, 1 yr. A Ah * Magasin 1 yr = © [1 Christian Herald, 9 moa. 3 4 Lg FOR ALL OCCASIONS WM. ETTEY, Prince Albert, Phone 208 BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all other lines of : BEAUTY 'CULTURE - MISS MM, PEERS Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 78 . MULLICAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE BARBER SHOP " * SPECIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all - Sther lines of the work' H, H.. MULLICAN Registered. Barber - PORT PERRY x