"PHONE 72.R-2 \ » BROCK THEATRE| Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned. . Thursday," Friday and. Saturday, OCTOBER 19-20.21 "Two shows at 7.00 and 9,00 pm. Saturday Matinee at 1.80 pm: - : in Technicolor " av Four Feathers" : with ? 2 Ralph Richardson, C. Aubrey Smith, John Clements, June 'Duprez. + Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, OCTOBER 23.24.25 First show at 7.00. Last complete ' show at 8.20 p.m, JANE WITHERS in {"Boy Friend" with 'Arleen Whelan, = Richard Bond, "Douglas, Fowley, Warren Hymer. REAL Victorette" $22.50 Now you can afford a radio for your own room. . 'RCA Victor Quality Per- formance inside and out. Tuning Range, 540-1720 kse; covers standard broadcast band, including some Police Calls; Fully approved, meets all safety and fire regulations in Canada; Super- heterodyne Circuit gives more stations and better performance; Chassis built to same high electrical standards as a big RCA Victor set. . Height 8", width 124", depth 7%". FOR SALE BY Also an ADDED Attraction "The Saini in London"| fn, FARMER RADIO , with George Sanders and Sally Gray. Phone 85 .--Port Perry ~MORRISON'S DRUGSTORE WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL . Pleasant _tonic, to build you up : Bottle $1.00 PERTUSSIN for persistant coughs, soothing and healing. : : : Bottle 60c. 8 BUCKLEY'S time-tried cough remedy. 3 Small 40c. Economy size 76c. HEE «wwe. Large Package 69c. i. KRUSHEN SALTS Hi ALKA SELTZER .................. ves... .29c and 57c. FOR A BETTER SHAVE-- ; AEE Colgate's Rapid Shave Cream with bottle of 'shave lotion ...... RU RT iin 360, 8 ~ Morrison's Drug Store Nyal's Service Store :: Phone 16 0 2 | BB Ll BUR BB BULB BEB CAREFUL MEAT BUYING' There is nothing like experience to teach one what should be known about meats. We have had many years of that experience. The greatest of care is exercised in the buying and preparation of meats. ~~ You can rely. - on the good quality of our stock." BERT. MacGREGOR'S WE DELIVER PORT PERRY Fresh Pies, Cakes, Tarts, Rolls, Bread and © ~~ Buns DAILY. es Treat your family this week end-Cream Puffs, Chocolate Eclairs, or Home-Made Mince Pies § WE DELIVER PHONE 82 ST Gerrow Bros., Port Perry ¥3 Messrs. Frank Kendall and James Lee attended the International Plow- ing Match held at Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cormack and family of Toronto visited at Mrs, Jas, Swan's on Friday. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willan attended the plowing match at Brockville, and visited at other points east. } Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer and-fam- ily visited at Mr, Chas. Geer's at Pina Grove on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Harper, Harold and Clifford, visited friends%n @shawa on Sunday. : 7 ~ There will be no preaching service on Sunday, Oct. 22nd, owing to the Bethesda Anniversary. Sunday School at 10.80 a.m. fy : The Publie-School scholars are busy practising fot -a Hallowe'en' Party. The United Church S. 8. have set Deg. 21st for its Christmas Treep Mr, and Mrs, A, Sleep spent Sunday. in Bancroft. ha Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kerry were in Altona on Sunday. - Mr, Stanley Prizeman and Mrs, E. Mitchell, Prospect, were with Mrs. Ackney on Sunday. Our Young People gave their play worth, Siloam, 6th Line Church, and are billed for Zion on the 24th, The Ladies' Association were enter- tained by the Ashburn Guild in their Church on Wednesday aftetnoon. A very pleasant time was "spent.: ---------- eS GREENBANK The Mission Band are having a con- cert in the Church next Friday even- ing. - The W. M. 8. are having its annual Thank Offering next Sunday morning, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. and the Misses Nesbitt'and Mr. Armstrong, 'Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs; J.) Howsam on Sufiday. Mr. Embury is visiting friends at 'Markdale, \ : [Several from: here attended the Plowing Match at Sunderlands ) . ' \ "The Glow Lights of San Rey" in Ash- | when Rev. G. 8S. Gervan of Myrtle, i CARD OF THANKS Mr. James Lee, Ruby and Alma wish to express their appreciation to the many friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown at the time of their sad bereavement. LACKSTOCK. | Recent visitors: Mrs. John Byers and daughters Mrs. C, V, Craig and Miss Marion Byers, of Ottawa, with relatives and friends in Blackstock and vicinity; Miss Ferga® Johnston -and brother Arnold of Toronto, Miss Agnes Johnston and her mother Mrs. J. John- ston of Millbrook: with Mr. and Mus. A. Johnston; Miss Gertrude Henry of Toronto with her parents Mr, and Mrs, J. Henry; Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Brad- burn of Toronto with his.parents Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburn; Mr, Fred Waldon and sons Murray and Jack of | Toronto, with their cousins, the Smith Bros.; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis ana family of Cobourg with her mother Mrs. Robt. Bruce; Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Shork of Toronto, with her mother Mrs. John Marlow; Misses Sussie Van- Camp, Jessie and Helen Knox, and Miss Pearl Krick at "Lorna Doone" cottage, Caesarea; Miss Florence Wedgewood of 'Toronto, with Miss Eva Parr; Mrs, Jas, Flett of Bowmanville with her daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Graham; Mrs. F, Lamb, Manchester with her daughter Mrs, T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow have purchased the house and lot of the late Mr. Henry Samells and are busy with exterior painting and other reno- vations. We will welcome them to our village. « We are pleased to know that Mrs. Robt. Bruce and sister Miss King have decided to remain in Blackstock. They have purchased -a- building site from Mrs. John Marlow and expect their new house to be finished by the New Year. ; The monthly meeting of the "W. A. of 'St. John's Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mec- '| Laughlin with an attendanse of over -| thirty members and - visitors. The business session was takén up with final arrangements for the hot fowl supper to be held in the Community Hall on the evening of Friday, Nov. 3rd. Owing to the fact that one of the groups was holding a miniature ba- zaar the program was dispensed with. { Mrs. Clarence Parr read a very inter- esting report of the Diosiesan Board meeting including a very fine address by Rev. Dr. Keplar of China on Marching Onward Towards the Cross. Mrs."E. P. Wood, the president. read a most helpful letter from Dr. Mabel Cartwright - of Toronto, encouraging the members to continued effort and more prayer. the group in charge viz. Mesdames J. Forder, L. McGill, V. Archer, C. Smith, J. Cartel; E. P. Wood. A hearty vote of thanks was tendeyed the host and | hostess i The October meeting of the W.M.S. 'of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Larmer on Wed- nesday afternoon, the 11th, Mrs, Earl Dorrell gave the Bible Study taking as the topic "A Thanksgiving Psalm." The 'bygjness -was taken up mostly | with arranging for the Sectional Rally to be held in the United Church on 8 | Thursday, Nov. 2nd. Speakers will § | be present for both sessions. In the § afternoon the guest speaker will be | Mrs, (Dr.) Anderson of India. Dinner will be served in the school room of the church. The program was in the charge of Mrs. A.. Johnston's group and was as follows: a reading by Miss Ferga Johnston, YA Thanksgiving Poem"; a vocal . duet "My Father Knows" by Mrs. E. Dorrell and Mrs. -| Ernest Larmer; Mrs. Jabez Wright gave the first chapter of the Study Book, "The Miracle of Modern India". At the close of the meeting refresh- ments were served and a vote of thanks tendered the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mrs. Fred Bailey were in Toronto on Sat- urday attending the marriage of Miss Christina Moffatt of Roland, Man., to Mr. Bertram' Allen of Toronto, in West Moreland Church, The bride's mother 7" | Mrs. W. J. Moffatt was formerly Miss Mary Hambly of Purple Hill, and a; niece of Mrs. F. Bailey. A number fom bere attended Rose- neath Fair on Saturday of last week. A 'Who comes as light = Need never wait outside, Who brings the day Always has right of way To enter here, ' Has leave to pass Instant as light through glass. » Who" comes as light, : Will find these windows wide, The glass washed clear, : y ~--Robert- Francis. ---- Lunch was served by | MANCHESTER Miss Grace White spent the week end at her home here. Mr. Ray Webster of Wick called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow. Mrs Elwood Crosier has<moved to Oshawa. ar : Next Sunday is the Adfniversary here. Service afternoon. and evening, The Club held their opening night on Thursday, with a good attendance. A good program had been prepared with dancing after to the music of Hooey's Orchestra, The officers are: President, Chas. Coombe; 1st Vice- President; Mrs, Jas. Mitchell; Sec'y, Helen Robertson; Treasurer, Murray Wilson. The rest of the offices will be filled at the next meeting. ' Miss Mina Dobson spent the week. end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Samells and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope, Shirley, Roy and Miss Mildred Mills, with Mr, and Mrs. C, Hardy; Mr. and Mrs, George Samells and Jean with Mr. and Mus. E. Ploughman; Mrs. Robinson, of To- ronto with her father Mr. H. Fralick; Misses Inez Fralick of Oshawa, Miss Lillian. Fralick, Toronto, with thelr parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick; Misses Audrey Hood of Mariposa, and Jean of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, J, De- mara, Grace and Glen with Mr. and Mrs. R."Hood, Miss Dorothy Rodd, of Port Perry, Mrs, 0, Jeffrey and Lois, with Mrs. W, Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frayer and Isobel of Simcoe County, with their cousin Mrs. C. Wanamaker last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Reader with My, and Mrs, R. Reader, on Sunday. Tm -- -- -- = Heayn-Raymes Wedding A quiet marriage took place on Sat- urday afternoon, October 14th, 1939, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Raymes, Scugog, when their only daughter Stella Lottie, be- 'PRINCE ALBERT Our Amniversary services held on Sunday. last proved all" that could he wished for Good weather favored us, and two inspiring sermons were given came the bride of Charles Heayn, son by Rev. Mr. Gardiner of Brechin. His of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Heayn, Prince subjects were "Which way does your; Albert, Ont. Only immediate relatives life slant?" and "First things last." were present. Rev. F. G. Joblin of- The singing by Misses Ploughman and | ficiated. The bride was dressed in Jeffrey, of Port Perry, with Mr. Fred {Royal Blue Crepe with silver acces- Beatty at the organ, was well re-!sovies. The bride and groom were at- ceived, and to make it more enjoyable," tended by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heayn, the church was beautifully decorated brothek dnd sister-in-law of the groom. with maple leaves, fruits and flowers.i After a luncheon, good wishes dnd - Mrs. A. Moore, Shirley visited Mrs. amid showers of confetti, the happy Gréupe one day last. week, couple left by motor for Toronto to We are sorry to report the illness of spend their honeymoon, the bride Mrs. T. Raines. »" travelling in navy blue coat and hat, - Mr. John Jeffrey visited his cousins, blue shoes with grey accessories. On the Misses Bullen, in St. Catharines, their return they will reside in Port also his niece Mrs, 'Honeybrook, in To- Perry where the best wishes of their ronto, last week, f friends will follow them, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F.; Mrs, Robt. Tetlow, Gordon, Joyce luke, whose birthdays are on the same and Phillis visited Mr. Tetlow in Ta- day. This year it was on Sunday. ronto and found him a little improved They celebrated at their son's home in in health, Oshawa. The Head folk are planning a Hal- Mr. and Mrs. W. Martyn have pur-lowe'en Social. chased Mr. W. Wanamaker's property + The Junior Girls' Institute held-its and will move in shortly. first meeting at the lake shore of My. We don't boast green peas, bul R. Prentice's farm, with a goad attend- raspberries (everbearing) are still be-"ance. The time was spent.in games ing picked at Mr. G. Luke's. ©; followed by a tasty lunch and. a hitch Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs, F. Lyle hike. - from our community, "Many happy returns of the day-to Mrs. J. A. Sweetman who celebrated + [her birthday on Oct, 12th, also to Norman Sweetman.-on October 9th; Rena Sweetman on the 10th, Margaret Bratley on the-13th, Roy Hope on the 14th, Leonard Hope on 11th, SCUGOG Next Sunday the evening service will be the last one for the season, and will be held 'at the Head. Church at | 7.30, with the Centre at 11.30, the rest NOTICE TO CREDITORS at the usual hours. | i Sunday was a very beautiful day for . AND OTHERS the Anniversary services which was In the Estate of Susanna Hooey, held- in the Foot Church which was deceased. . beautifully decorated with flowers and ~~ All persons having claims against mountain ash berries. The three gen- the estate of Susanna Hovey late of erations of ministers honoured the oe- the Township of Cartwvight in the casion. Rev. Kingsley Joblin of Deer County of Durham, widow, deceased, Park Church, Toronto, was the main who died on or about the Fifteenth speaker for-the day, and his messages day of September A.D. 1939, are here- were very encouraging. He was as- by notified to send in to the under: sisted by his father, Rev. F. G, Joblin signed Solicitor for "the Executor ot and his grandfather Mr. John Joblin, a the Will of the said deceased, on or former pastor and one of our oldest | before the Twentieth day of November citizens, The music for the morning | A.D. 1939, full particulars of their was a quartette--Mrs. Geo. Hood, Mr, | claims, Glen :Hqod, Miss Ivah Milner and Mr. Immediately after the said date the Ralph "Milner with Miss Margaret |said Exceutor will distribute the assets Crozier at the orgap. -- Mrs, George of the said deceased, having regard Sweetman and her young men's choir | only té' claims of which-he shall then also took part in the singing. have notice to the éxclusion of all - The young men's choir go to Nestle- | others, and he will not be liable to any ton next Sunday evening. person of whose claim he shall hot Cr EOD folk to entertain their friends-- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jackson of Port Perry, -| anxious to have his gold as well as [foes was brought home to the United Men's models. THE RED & WHITE STORE WINTER OVERCOATS _ Fifty Coats in Men's and Young We cannot replace these Coats to sell at $17.95 - Men's Suits, $17.95. a price we cannot replace. Worsteds at Sweaters, all under to-day's prices. Scotch Fingering Wool. Lb. $1.69 Monarch Dove Wool. Oz. 18c. FLOOR COVERINGS. Buy Now Inlaid Linoleum, Per Sq. Yd. $1.30 Feltol Rugs, 9 x 12, $7.50 Congoleum Rugs, 9 x 12, $9.50 | Linoleum Rugs, 9 x 12, $12.50 . GROC Quaker Br. Flour, Lard, Shortening, PHONE 43 --d paw and becjuse it is filled with seeds the small creatures become an casy prey. . We have also red of a steamship carrying a passenger with gold bul- lion. One day there wgh a wreck at seit, the boat. was fouhdering., The passengers had barely time to save themselves, but this traveller being himself, overloaded hiniself with the weighty metal and lost not only his fortune but his own life as' well. "This is a wonderful harvest for our neighbours across the line, In the last great conflict the frightfulness of our[ States. It was not, however, until May 7th, 1915, when the Lusitania was sunk that they fully realized it. Then they began to get busy and in the nick of time jumped into the conflict, Our dear old Mother the ocean used to tell us, as children, of a worthy couple who lived alone in the across hungry bear made his appearance while the lady was busily engaged in her household duties, - As soon as the Quaker xxxx Flour Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs, Peas, standard, 12 tins, 'F. W. BROCK & SON ERIES 98's $2.89 1st patent, $3.15 9,59 20 lbs. $2.69 $1.14 PORT PERRY Yor have been a different talé to. be told during the succeeding years, - Before - the U.S. finally did come in our own lads and the French boys too had thousands sleeping in Flanders Field. Today across the line we hear "The Star Spangled Banner" and in our Empire we still sing: "Britains never shall be slaves", but if Britain and.' France had not held back the Hunnish hordes the only national_song.. would have been: {Deutch Uber: Alles." As we seeAl today the slogan is: "United States and Britain must hang together or hang separately." They lington cried out at Waterloo: "Blucher or Night." Thank goodness Blucher came. Britain calls across the ocean: "United States-or ruin for us all". What are you going to do about it Uncle? = Lions Club PORT PERRY Amateur Night-- bush country. One-day a huge, gant Wednesday, November 8t Thet Lions Club of Port Perry has decided to hold a series of Amateur Many happy returns of the day is | then have notice for the assets so dis- the wish for Mr. and Mrs, -Elmer Ploughman on their" wedding anni. versary on October 14th, and to Mr. and Mrs. R. Pogue on their wedding anniversary on October 16th, " With the first snow of the season on Saturday we notice the wild geese are going south. Mr. find Mrs. Cecil Mills of Port C. Mills last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mawson, Howaid and Shirley of Toronto, visited his nephew Mr. and" Mrs, Fred Jackson, Miss Katie Widden of Port Perry, visited her cousin 'Mrs, M, McLaren recently. . : Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader accom! panied her sister Mr, and Mrs. Wilgon Gerrow to Toronto last Friday to the funeral of their aunt Mrs, VanNest, who passed away after a motor ac- cident. Although ninety years of age she had been in good health and was - able to enjoy visiting with others. [ Mrs. 8; Rodman enjoyed a few days | with her sjster Mrs, May in Toronto, and at their cottage at Sundridge near North Bay. | * Mr. H. C. Orves of Whitby, was on - the Island last week, Mr. Gill has returned to Seven Mile Island after a few days with his sister Mrs. A. R. Wilson, : Sunday was the day for the Foot tributed, or any part thercof. Dated at Port. Perry this 16th day of man saw the danger he made a dash! Nights in this district. The area will for the roof of the building as speed-' be divided; into five or six zones. The ily as possible, leaving his good spouse! concerts will be run off during Nav- Perry fisited his parents Mr, and Mrs: ) ' October A.D. 1939. JNO. W. CROZIER, Solicitor for to settle with the ravenous brute as best she could. The housewife be- Executor. NOVZ| Jahoured the bear with the only Eps ee iD MD GPs Limerrieeaeesaio. weapon at hand, her broom. She used I it to such good effect that the dread-; 'WHAT WILL. UNITED STATES [fq] animal' Was only too glad to make DO? tracks to the woods. As soon as the commotion was ended the hushand came down stairs and when he saw the It is common property. that before, bear was gone he flung his out and ex- the Great War 1914-18, the United (aimed: "Didn't WE do it fine?" States was a debter nation but before | The. Unifed States when the realiza- the strife was ended she became and tion was brought home to them of the has been ever since the Great Creditor danger confronting civilization finally people of the world. She was going came in. "Well done, Uricle Sam, you to make as much out of the conflict did well." When Britain and France as she could. It is possible that in' were well nigh exhausted you came in the present war she may burn her and put on the finishing touches, but fingers. : time ang time again we have fancied We have been told that in some since then'we have heard the slightest parts where monkeys abound that the Wnge of 'an echo: "Didn't WE do it natives have a novel way of capturing fine?" : : them, There is a certain fruit, the' Before the Great War the slogan seeds of which are very tasty to the was "Britain and France must hang monkeys. So the.natives cut'a small together or hang separately." They hole in the fruit just big enough for hung together-and saved civilization, the monkeys ta indert their paws and It is true that the Americans came in regale- themsélves. Just when the at the finish, but they were not there monkeys are in_the act of helpingvin 1914, If Te-had not then been for themselves the "natives: pounce upon Bri¥ajn's Thin Red Line, so contempt- them, but the monkeys are so greedy ible tb Germany, and the ill equipped Rev. Joseph Denny ember, Further particulars later. Strand Theatre 'UX RIDGE "Your Nearest Show" with our new heating syste in action. Thursday, Fri, Saturday, (this week) Mickey Rooney and Popular Gang, in Judge Hardy's Children. The family show for all to see. Comedy. -- Laughter and Fun. Also "THE MAGICIAN'S DAUGHTER" N Jat CARTOON ~~ . . ] Mon., Tues., Wednesday, 'Oct. 23-24-25 Gail Patrickiand Lloyd Nolan, in "Ee b Ql Faery] [1] King of Alcatraz an action show filled with drama, Alse "Comedies. Thurs, Fri, Saturday (Next Week) Charles Laughton, in, The Beach Comber The special at Popular" prices, that they refuse to withdraw an empty French forces at that time there would \ . | . Saturday night -- 8 p.m. and 9.46 p.m. REA A Nr I oP ARE tm Be Nn