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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Oct 1939, p. 8

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NL i - la po AL oo vt Sos Pt pd oe A de Bair" - Fd FA "THE COLOUR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY F.E. REESOR PHONE For a winter of greater heating comfort, burn 'blue coal'-- the world's finest anthracite -- ORDER YOUR. SUPPLY NOW. 73 w Listen to "The Shadow" --every Wed., CFRB, 9-9.30 p.m. Every Sat, CBO, 6.30-7 p.m. mmr SONYA ~The members and adherents of St. Andrew's Church, learned on Sunday morning during the Church service, that their pastor, Rev. John Kennedy, would read his resignation next Sun- day. Much regret has been expressed by the, people of the Church. and com- munity, because Mr. Kennedy has been greatly appreciated, during his six years of ministry, for his generosity and unselfishness, in rendering service for others, whenever demands . were made upon him, 3 We extend our STRpy to Mis. Robert MacTaggart during her re- cent bereavement in the death of her brother Mr. A. McDougall. ; Misses Lexie Munro and Reta Clar- _edge, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Munro for the week-end. "Mr. and Mrs, Stewart MacFarlane, Mr. Reid MacFarlane, Miss Lorna A. Dure, were. guests at: the wedding - of ~ their cousin Miss Yvonne Isodell, Mar- quis, to Mr. Garnet McDonald East- - wood, of Hamilton, on Saturday even- ing, in Uxbridge United Church, Mr. John Ferguson, from- Western Canada, is renewing friendships here. Murs. Drake, of Bolsover, was guest speaker at a joint -meeting of Cress- well and Sonya Woman's Missionary Societies, which was held at. the. home of Mrs. Chas. MePhadden. te -- -- COMMERCIAL LIVE STOCK SHOW The Ontario Provincial Fair has, in co-operation with the "Union 'Stock Yards, made definite arcangements for the holding of a "Commercial Live 3 a what, how--when? to telephionc, for help". Before you know what's a | happened, all the vast organization laboriously built Ee rigorously maintained b, y YOUF community, ixémen, police, ambulances, aid. ¥ ° Telephone service is tid, used because it is courteohs, efficient, yet surprisingly in. i e. Nothing else yields much for what it costsl* [ Stock Show | by Miss A. Wright. "at the Union Stock Yards at West Toronto, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 30th, Decem- be 1 and 2. A prize list of nearly $2500 is s being] offered. for market cattle, lambs and hogs. Separate classes will be pro- vided for Shorthorns, Abfrdeen-Angus, and Hérefords with a champion in each breed, and a Grand Champion. of the! show. Classes are also being provided for pens of five market lambs and for five bacon hogs. Prize lists will be issued at an early date. <r ------ ---- " SHIRLEY On Qctober 11, the Shirley Branch of the W. L held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Hocken with the pregi- dent, Mrs. Toms, presiding. Eightten members and visitors wére present. The motto for the month:* Necessity, my friend," is the mother of courage, as of inventiol,"---Walter Scott. The Seripture: Matthew 25:14-30 was read The roll call was Baswered-by the telling of a "Hallow- e'en Yrank." . Argingements were made for or- ganization of a girls' club under the leadership of Misses [Coates and R. | Toms, who are to instruct the girls in sewing and pass on what they! learned in their club--"Coftens may | he smart." The first meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Toms on Sat- | urday, Qgtober 21st. | Voluntary Registration of women was explained by Mrs.' Robertson and A You feel like screaming but you cdn't--your throat . ia. dry--you. feel ds if you were choking with appre. . hension--your heart is pounding, pounding, pounding-- Then from the burning chaos of your mind springs a clear, sparkling thouglit: "I've got hospitals instantly comie to your | Yes, there's nothing like a house--and in emergencies it's priceless, arrangements were made for registra- | 5 Jeleplione in" the of Mrs, ep -- tion of Shirley and Purple Hill ares] Mrs, Toms spoke of how we can all help in this time of nationdl stress and anxiety by our work and especially by our prayers. Prayer was made by Toms for strength and guidance to carry on and for a speedy peace. The lymf "Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer' was sung. . "i. Report of the branch's. exhibits at '| the faiis was made by Miss I. Coates apd made Coates, Graham, expressions of gratitude were for 'the work done by * Mrs. Misses Coates, Toms and F. Miss Coates; convener of Historical Research, read a paper compiled 'hy Mrs, I'Arcy on the Early History of Ontario County, Reach Township and Shirley School Section. This paper has a place in 'the Historical Scrap Book, which is the possession of the South Ontario District of Ontario W.1 An article on Russia and Stalin by Mrs. Hooey, an instrumental by Miss Margaret Hocken, conimunity singing, completed the program, or Ete ek I) Myrtle 'Station Rev. R. H, Wylie of Columbus, oc- cupied the pulpit on Sunday evening, when Rev. G. A. Gervan preached in his church. Mr, Wylie chose as his subject "Thoughts on Thanksgiving". The Scripture lesson was. Psalm. 107 and a few verses from Romans 5, 'The i text was in Deut, 32:7 "Remember the days of old, ask thy father and he will show thee; thy elders, 'and they will tell thee." The people who remember and think in days long gone by, are the ones that will be most thankful. We must not forget that the privileges we enjoy to-day have come to us at great sacrifice by those who have passed on. : There will be no church service next Sunday because of Manchester Anniversary services, Sunday School at-k4d pam. Thé regular monthly PE a of the W.M:S. will be held at the home of Mrs. D. Liery on Thursday afternoon of this week at 2.30. A cordial in-| vitation is extended to ,all who are interested in Missions to be present. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Price and Miss Pauline. of Port. Hope, visited with old neighbours on the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross and Douglas of Whitby called on friends; one even- "| enroute to their home in St. John, New ing last week. The little birds have whispered that wedding bells will shortly ring, Mis. R. Long visited in-Burketon with relatives last week. A business meeting of the W. A. was held in the Suriday School room of the Church last Weiliiesday evening. Arrangements were made for the an- nual Hallowe'en supper on Oc tober 25, Mr, George Holliday spent the week- end. with 'relatives in Toronto, - Kenneth Cook has joined up with the apple picking bfigade "which is working at My, Knight's orchard: west of Ashburn. Acquaintances of Mrs, Chris. Wilson extend to her their sincere sympathy in her recent accident and hope to see her out and around again shortly, Mr. and Mrs. David Gervan visited at the, parsonage on Sunday on their return from a honey moon trip, and Brunswick. On Wednesday last week a bréheh of wild raspberries was brought - to the writer. It was loaded with very ripe, delicious, sweet berries. Mr. and Mrs, Hedley Snead; Ather- ley, were in town on Monday. Mrs. Watson, Miss Myrtle Watson and Mrs. Hinde, of Stouffville, were visitors last week with Mr, and Mrs. E. Redman, ' Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beadle, Harvey and. Shirley, of Ashburn, visited with relatives on Sunday. ) : Mr. Les. Magee is still suffering from the effect of blood poison in his hand, which developed some weeks ago. . © eet Mrs, Orma Walter, Miss Dorothy, Walter, Mr, and Mrs. John Holliday, all of Toronto, were visitors on Sun- day with" Mrs. John Holliday. Messrs. Will Trewan, Earl Sharpe, and Will Lammiman of Oshawa, were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lane. . Mr. Joseph Simkin is having his house sided with brick-like insulating siding which will make a fine improve- ment to the appearance, as well as the comfort of his home. Mr, Jesse Pike is the carpenter in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Baird, and Mrs. Brent, of Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Claughton, of Lindsay, Mrs, McKenzie of Montreal, Miss Rose Brent and friend of Toronto were recent guests of Mr.*and Mrs. Norman Hughson, Mrs. O. Gilroy. and Miss Marjorie of Oakwood, Visited recently with friends here. . on Thursday afternoon of this week, route from Ottawa oh Mr, Geo. Wolfe and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto, spent Saturday at their summer cottage, Mrs. Jos. Simkin is visiting with relatives in Toronto, . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison 'and Gordon visited with relatives in Sea- grave on Sunday. The farm and crops lately owned by Mi, Joseph Johnson were -bought at the sale on Monday by Mr. Chapman of Oshawa, a a MARSH HILL There was the usual turnout at the Church en Sunday. Mr. and Mys, Frank Welch, Messrs. Robt. Murray and John Colleran at- tended © the International Plowing Match at Brockville last week. Our best wishes go out to the newly weds Mr, and Mrs, Claude Horne, Mr, Andrew Davidson Jr., has been busy digging potatoes with his digger. Our teacher, Miss Ethel Armstrong, spent the week end at her home in Scarboro. MYRTLE 1 service, We'll P hone: game. warden for Whitby Township has been made a Testricted area for fishing and hunting. The township has placed red signs on all prqperties that are strictly reserved and ceMtain days of the month have been assigned for open hunting of pheasants and other game. © Mrs. D. Luery is entertaining the Woman's Missionary Society and the, ladies of the community at her home at 2.30 p.m, Mrs. North and her daughter of To- ronto, visited the former's son on Sun- day who is staying at the home of Mr. John Leask. : Mr. Harvey Briggs is building a new modernly equipped hen house this fall. ; Mr. Leslie McGee who has been off work for three weeks suffering from a painful attack of blood poisoning, has .sufliciently recovered to resume his work with the C. P, R. at Agin- court. ) My. and. Mrs. David Gervan of St. Johns, spent the week end with their parents. at the parspnage. While -en- their honeymoon trip they had unfortunate accident as they were making a sharp curve on No. 2 Highway near Napanee, when} their car skidded on thé slippery pave- men and turned over in the ditch and was badly wrecked. Luckily they: es- caped with a bad shaking up, but they were 'obliged to secure another motor to continue their trip. = Mr. Jim Duff has been appointed - [1 Rod & Gun, 1 yr, + i {J 3 mixioan Roy, 3 gos, () Christian Herald, 6 mos. you to look them over and sen BIG FAMILY OFFER This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Any Three Magazines OHEOK THREE MAGABINES -- ENCLOSE WITH ORDER - [1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr. [1 Woman's Home Companion, 1 yr [) Canadian Mome Journal, 1 yo. [1 Parents' Magazine; 8 mos. ? Magazine, 1 yr. '1 American Fruit Grower, 1 yr. Here's the thrifty, Ceomtesd way to salrsorile for this' newspaper and your favorite magazines __at prices that are really sensational, These offers | are good either for new or renewal orders. It will [1 Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 yr, t) Canadlan Hortloulture & Home d us the coupon TODAY | -- x FOUR. NLY . 2 50 GROUP A--Selegt § [1 Liberty Magazine, 1 yr, [1 Collier's Weekly, 1. ye, [) True Story Magailine, 1 yo, ('] Newsweek, 6 mos, [] Bllver Screen, 1 yr. [} Christian Herald, § moa, {3 Open Road (Boys), 1 yw. {1 Magazine D "', 6 mos, {1 Mecails Magasin, : 0 Panis agastng, 1 1% ONL ONB ong a, FROM SUPER-VALUE OFFER -- This Newspaper, 1 Year, and One Magazine Group A, Two Magazines Group B OUP el "11 National Home Monthly, 1 yw, Zoe 1 ET Canadian. Home Journal, 1 ye. {) Woman's Home Companion, * Magazine, 1:yz, £3 Rod & Gun, 1 yr, £) American Boy, 8 mos. {1 Patents' Magazine, 6 mos, {) Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 ys, £) American Fruit Grower, 1 yz. GROUP "A"18 PERMITTED ; 55 \ ! 1 Canadian Horticulture & Home ALL FOUR + ONLY 310. 1p 354 These Offers * 'Arg Positively Guaranteed' " Flee OUT Cou re) SUPER-VALUR Please clip list or magazines after check ™ } thd i Ea il 1 |e oa hea 'with a years tion to your paper, - _ i Nama ITY T 1 on I J NRT ey 3 Gu Ay Port Otfios Ts DE i dl iPON MAIL TODAY oheck- sub- {) BlG FAMILY Sui Mrs, Nattress who has spent the summer with her sister Mrs. E. Red- man is returning fo her home at Chicago, the latter part.of the week. Mrs, Morden il son who were on a motor trip from Parry Sound, com- ing by way of Essex County, visited the former's daughter Mrs, H. Bradley last week. Mr. Bert Duff is modernizing his house by having the hydro installed. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Cook and family, of Whitby, visited the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook on Sunday. The first Reavy frost of the season appeared on Saturday night and mar- ved the beauty of Mr. Earl Cook's flower garden as well as other local gardens that have been greatly ad- mired, this summer. Mrs--~J6hn._Leask visited in Toronto with friends. -------- ma PRINCE ALBERT ANNIVERSARY Quite a large number attended-:the 75th Anniversary Services of Prince Albert" United. Ghurch, on Sunday. Rev. G. W. Gardiner of Brechin, was the speaker. Pleasing music was supplied by Mr. Fred R. Beatty, Misses Luella Ploughman and Katie Jeffrey. A few of the congregation can still re-; call when the church was built in 1866. Mr. John Jeffrey, now eighty-two, re- member; it quite well, and also re- members carrying stone for the found- ation. » 3 Ea a a "1 Township of Reach COURT OF REVISION Take notice that a Court of Revision will be held -in the Township Hall at Manchester on Saturday the 4th day of November at the hour of 2 p.m. to consider all appeals, duly notified, for or against assessment for the year 1940, as provided for by the Assess- ment Act;-1937. FRED CHRISTIE, Clerk Oct. 19, 1939. SEE im LE) We'll Be Right Over "No orders accepted for delivery yesterdays : But outside. of that, just try us for quick * 4 coal=Famous Reading Adthracite--the #Lauadered" Coal. ; Lake Seugos Lumber & Coal Co, Lu Day 240w be right over with the right Phone: ghd 2404 J NOTICE TO CREDITORS : In the Estate of William Arnold, late of the Township of Whitby, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the late William Arnold of the Town- * ship of Whitby, County of Ontario; farmer, who died on or about the 26th day of August A.D. 1939, are request- ed to send particulars of the same to the undetsigned on or about the 10th day of November A.D. 1939, after which date the Estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 7th day of October A.D. 1989. JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors. BE WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY "UNITED CHURCH > The 12th Annual Sectional Rally of" the Western Section of the Oshawa Presbyterial of the Woman's Mission- ary Society of the United Church of Canada, will be. held at Pickering United Church, Wednesday, Nov, 1st. The morning session opens at 9 am. with worship service .to Be conducted by members from Port Perry. Mrs. T. Thompson, of Whitby, Secretary of Christian _ Stewardship and. Finance, of the Dominion Board, will introduce the guest speaker, Miss: M. E, Arm- strong, of Japan, and Dr, Alice Ander- son of Central India. The quiet hour with the theme, "Consecration" will be conducted by Mrs. R. W. McVey. 'The afternoon session begins at 1.16. The worship service will be in charge of members from Whitby Auxiliary. Reports from "School for Leaders" will 'be given by Mrs, S. McMurter,. Eastern. Section and Miss Alice . Me- Glashan, Western Section, Dr. Alice ee Anderson, of Central India, will give' her address at this session. "Echoes from Branch meetings" will be given by Mrs. E. Mountjoy of Kedron. The Presbyterial secretaries will give brief messages on the work of their depart- ments. b) The sessions will be stimulating and -- inspiring for-the work of the Woman's Missionary Society, It is earnestly hoped that the members of the West- ern Sectioh will avail themselves of the opportunity to attend the Rally at : Pickering. a a Printing you require, PRINTING: Of all kinds done at the Port Perry Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, pote Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Prompt work, low price, Star Offi Potted - WM. ETTEY, Prince TEN DAY SPECIAL "BEAU SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent' ving and all other lines o BEAUTY C LTURE MISS M. PEERS Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONK 78 FOR ALL OCCASIONS F lowers and Plants Albert, Phone 206 Es MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MAGHINE PERMANENT WAVE $2.00 BAR BER SHC Pod SPECIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all other lines of the work H. H. MULLIGAN 'Registered Barber © PORT PERRY Bo

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