a of British néwspapermen, Maginot Line "Impregnable" The Magiuot Line appeared "as impregnable as the Rock of ~ib-" raltar" to a Reuters News Agency correspondent ' who, 'with a party 3 visited France's defence fortification sys- tem, "i : . , Camouflaged "A fort I visited is built inside a small hill scooped out hollow for the purpose. At the summit is an observation post guarded by a big steol cupola weighing 36 tons set in 4 great block of concrete," he wrote, "At another point on a hill I saw one of several gun turrets, All that was visible was a camouflaged cup- _ ola of steel shaped like a British soldier's steel helmet. This cupola weighs 125 tons und rests on a Wide steel collar of the same weight, the whole being set in a vast-block of concrete 56 feet in diameter, 1 "They Shall' Not Pass" The correspondent described the wide.passages throughout the forts with miniature railways, barracks 200 feet below ground, bakery, kite chens, power station and up-to-date _ hospital, "In front of the forts stretches mile after mile of barbed wire and lines of anti-tank rails which even- the heaviest French "tank cannot burst through. ad "I left the Maginot Line convine- ed that the garrison's motto "On Ne Passe Pas," is fully Justified." Grand Mufti Flees Exile According to a report from Lon- don, the former grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Hussein, recently escaped from exlie in Lebancn, where he is pictured in the ABOVE It-is-understood that he-arrived in Iraq. "The British goveritment holds the mufti re- -sponsiblé for organizing the Arabs' terrorist campaign and had exclud- ed him indefinitely from Palestine. It is feared that he may start a new antji-British campaign now © thdt that Empire is engaged in 3 European war. Cod Liver Oil ~ May Run Short Effect off War Jn North Sea Al- ready Felt'fn- Canad Shortage (in the: supply of. cod liver oll depended on. for the "sun- shine" vitamin for children, has been- felt acutely by the Child Wel- fare Assoclation at 'Montreal Ex- ecutive-Director Esther M. Beith last" week, CE Unless a new-source is found for - the cod liver ofl, 76 per. cent, of which formerly was supplied by trawlers operating in the now war- torn North Sea, the Dominlon's supply may become exhausted, she sald. Many orders made early In the year have not yet been filled. Mrs. Beith said the price already has advanced 25 per.cent., meaning - ~__an-increased cost of about $3,560 a year for the 4,000 babies the Child Weligre Assoclation has In fs care, She predicted a still further advance, v ; Autos Affect Realty Value { The phenomenal growth in the use. of motor cars is becoming an increasingly important factor In determining real estate values, ac- cording to Walter Ray,--president of the Detroit Mortgage Bankers' Association, "The 'stationary character of real estate tends to slow up changd," Ray sald; "but the automobile in - recent years has stepped in fo neu- tralizo that effect far more, than is generally believed, Up until 1930 practically all"amusement and re- tail "centres, and: most industrial centres, were located close to mass transportation, But that Is not true today. ARE Real Estale Not Stationary / "Mass transportation is being ig- noréd'lii scores of cases. Proximity to heavy:motor traffic Is almost as fmportant as mass transportation thebe days 'Aclually, some new shopping centres, bullt jn the past 10 years, are already showing, signs of decline, Other centres more ad- "vantageous to motor traffic have taken their trade." not demand, at Sunday School Lesson . . 50 < LESSON 1V RIGHTEOUSNESS IN' THF \ KINGDOM (For Anraistice Sunday) Matthew. 5:17-6:18, Fiinted Text, Matt. 5:17-20; 38-45; 6.1.4, Golden Text.--Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matt, 6:48. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.--Spring of A.D. 27, Place.--On a mountain, the ex- act location of which we do not know, There was never a church nor a creed which put a man's life to such a severe test as does this sec- tion of the Sermon of Christ (Matt. 5:17.20). The Perfect Law 17. Think not that I.came to destroy the law or the prophets: [ -eame not to destroy, but to fulfil, Christ fulfilled the law by his obe- dience to it in a more perfect way than any other man obeyed the law; he fulfilled" it by giving it a richer, deeper, noblér meaning than wai commonly ascribed to it by the teachers of Israel. Most of all, Christ revealed the perfect law, which is the law of love. 18. For verily I say unto you, Till 'heaven and earth pass away, one -Jot or-ene-tittle shall in no wise pass. away from. the law, till all things be accomplished. 19, Who- soever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whoscever shall do and teach them, he'shall be called great in the kingdom of .heafen. 20. For I say unto you, that ex- cept your righteousness shall ex- ceed the righteousness of no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. The righteousness of the scribes. and Pharisees was an ex- ternal righteousress. The right- colsness of which Jesus speaks in the following verses is one that includes all 'the external righteous acts insisted upon-by the Jewish leaders of his day, but also impli¢s a heart of purity, sincerity, truth- fulness, and 'real Jove for others, even for one's -cnemies. :~Such righteousness. has been. lived - for us in Jesus Christ. Christ, through- cut his entire 'life, and through hi§ teachings, perfectly reveals 'what God desive® of men. The Christian Spirit 38. Ye have heard that-it was suid, eye for an eye, and a tooth . - for a tooth: 39. but I say unto you, Resist not him that is evil: but whosoever smiteth thee on thy (right cheek, tuir to him the other also. . What Chiist condemns js not the prosecution of those who are guilty of robbery and violence, but the spirit of revenge. Es 40. And if any man would go to. law with thee, and. take away -thy coat, Jet him have thy cloak also. The Tact that it is going to be a case at law implies that there is something to be said on both sides. Jesus says: Forestall your ~oppenent, do more than he actual- ly demands; give what he could «go with him: two. Whatever we find ourselves compelled. to da, we should do. not. with a grudging spirit, but willingly, and indeed do more thwn. we are asked to do, . to go the mile and then-to g0 the second mile. Be generous as well as honest. Love Your Eneinies = 42. Give to him that asketh thee, and from: him that would 'borrow of thee, turn. not thou aw y. We are td be' generous with those who come to us in need, but we are to exercise "discretion and wisdom jin; thes matters. 43. Ye have heatd that it, was said, Thou . shalt love thy neighbor, and. hate thine enemy. . 44. But I say unto you, Love youy enemies, and pray for them, that persecute you; 46, that ye may be sans, of your Father whe is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the gond, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. Towards your enemy, there must be ro fiery retaliation, no more chilling tol. eration, no proud and lofty com: = mand." AEA 18 Sincerity In Religious Life : Matt. 6:1. Take 'heed that ye do not: your righteousness before men; to be seen. of them: else ye have no reward with your Father . who is in, heaven, 2. When theres fore thou doest alms, sound not a truinpet before thee, gs the hypo- -crites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they. may have glory of men, Verily I say unto you, They have re@hived their res ward. 8; But when thou doest alms, let not thy. left hand know what thy right 'hand doeth: 4, (that. thine alms may be in secreb:, and thy Father who seest in'secreti shall recompense thee, the . scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in: . de 1. And whosoever | shall compel thee to go one 'mile, -- Britain's Air Chief Attends Allied General Staff. Meeting In France Sir Cyril Louis Newall, chief of the Royal Air Force, meeting of the Allied general staffs in France. | i , is shown, LEFT, with one of his aides after attending a i ll Duce Keeps ~ His Age Secret Italian Press Is Forbidden: To _ Refer to the Subject The pomp and ceremony by which the Fuehrer celebrated his fiftieth birthday in April and the modest manner in which Il Duce celebrated his identical, anniver- sary on'July 29, 1932, have inspired the Columnist of the Daily Tele- graph of London to compare other traits of the two leaders with em- phasis on tho Italian's symbolism: Symbol of Perpetual Youth *- "The reason Is that for Good Fascists: the. Duce is the emb®l- ment of perpetual "youth. Nothing which suggests that time can over touch lim is allowed to appear in the press. \ "When his daughter, (Countess Clano, had a son, the Department of Propaganda sent round a secret notice 'to the Itallan newspapers warning. them that the word 'grandfather' was taboo." Would Eliminate . - some of which Real Ptomaine - Declared Rare Nevertheless Every Housewife Should Guard Against Pos- sible Food Poisoning - The use of the term = "ptomaine poisoning" in regspeet of illness 2 caused by bad food is misléading," at least technically, it was pointed out recently. at the offices of the Montreal City Health Department, in. point of fact, very few people ever die of real ptomaine poison. ing. It was explained, however, there are other poisons that develop in foodstuffs." There are the calmon- eila and the dysentery organisms, produce diseases when consumed in food. Then there is the botulinus grouvp of organisms which does not itselt produce any infection, but _does produce a toxin which could make the patient fll, producing a condition medically known as bot- ujism. The botulinug toxin Is very deadly, has a high mortality to its debit; Lut the organism Is destroy- . the food has been speeific | ed when exposed to a temperature of 175 degrees Fahrenh»it for 30 minutes or more. Wi n In Doubt Throw It Out To avoid the risk of such pois. * onings, all foods should either be cooked at once, or put in refrigor- ation under conuitions of cold that will prevent the multiplying of the spores or organisms with which contaminated. Food in metal containers shouldn't be 'en {if there is 'ny bulge in the can, Spollage is often accom- panied by 'formation of gas, which would produce bulges. "Left-overs"" must be kept strictly cold until _ ready to be cooked again. "Pres- sure cooking" should be. used In canning - or preserving. non-acid foods, as mere boiling will not kill botulinus spores + And lastly, t* Health Depart. ment was unanimous that "When in doubt, it throw it out," be the final rule in regard to all foodstuls. : A Ce . Diamond drill operators in Can- ada working -under contract on mineral deposits during 1938 drill- ed a footage of 2,206,773--almdst 435 miles. should Byrd Is Taking ¢ Jce-Box To Pole A "floating Ice box" -- to pre- eervd fresh meats for -the U, 8. government's Antarctic expedition 'as {it ploughs through tropical wat- ers en route -- fs the trim motor. ship North Star which with the old barkentine Bear, makes up the EL fleet of the United States expedi tion commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, which sails early this month, ; Lieut. Commander Isak Lyst navigator of the North Star, sal the craft has 12,000 cuble feet of refrigeration space, with "ice box facilities for 300 tons Preservation of meats during th voyage through the warm soutlf sea areas Is ong of the chief pros lems of Polar expeditions. rn By William | Ferguson | This Curious WorLp 2 COPR. 1237 BY HEA SERVICE, INC, ' WEIGHS ABOUT ONE-HALF po PC BUT HIS HOME MAY WEIGH ONE-HALF TON" 1 ' Vi PUBLISHED BEFORE | 1870 NO LONGER ARE PROTECTED BY TL COPYRIGHTS. 8-2 HUGE STONE COINS, USED ON THE ISLAND OF VAP, HAVE HOLES THROUGH THE CENTERS, 50 THAT THEY 3 MAY 'BE THE island of Yap, in the south Pacific, is famous for its curious slone money. Some of the coin -.dlameter, and are displayed in t s are more. lian a dozen feet.in he yard of the owner. Since they hardly could be concealed, there is-lillle danger of their being stolen. - "VIVACIOUS ACTRESS HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzslé. 14 Opposed to in, 1 Claudette |W] * "16 She gained +--, pictured fame in: ----e actress. 17 To satiate, 7 She stars in 18 Golf term. motion ----s. 12 Piece of . © poelry. 13 Eggs of fishes. © 15 Woven string. LUTHER BRB -20She is a ----w 22 Prosperity. 23 Of the thing. 26 Wild service Entrance Exams | - ay 12 Woven oe. R te 17.To cover with i 2 ivial. . Chief Inspector of Ontario's it~ NOTES n.. pl . Public and Separate Sind: g ' Jedi iy y 33 To emulate. Recommends Step --Wou ZL - 21 Gold quartz, > 37 Awn, : - 42 Intended 61, She works in 3g Rolling swells Save Schools Money A ND NE WS HT) aS Cg written high school entrance - 25 Parent. euler VERTICAL 40 Decorate: Edin IE } By MADGE ARCHER - 26 Broth... pronoun. 2 Musical metal. 'Ontario Department of Education, PLAYS, ANCIENT AND MODERN CBL, CBY, Football order of after: - 27 To percolate. 45 To drink dramas. 43 Impudent. as forecast by V. K. Greer, of Tor- Much may he expected of- NBC's noon , . , 9:00 p.m. CBL, Iter 2 29 Measure. slowly. 3 Solitary. 3 Nesay. SL onto, chief jnspectar of public .nd | "Great Plays" serles-to judge by Hewitt Inaugurates first hockey |: 30 Accompanies. 47 To do wrong. 4 Wager. : - 5 er vat, -| separate schools in the province, it the quality of Sophocles' "Anti-.| broadcast of seagon, from Toronto | "32 Opposed to _ 48 To Theor SMeasure 0 i) A of wlll save a considerable amount of gone", Kuripides" "Alcestis" , and Maple Leaf Gardens, game, "'aple _ odd. 4) Dike " % pe dee -- 2 Meas worry to pipils in the entrance the great morality play of the six- Leafs vs. Boston Bruins . . ..10:00 34 Branch of 3 Notas id) wande: 53 Salt. classés of 'the 'public and separate teenth century "Everyman" which p.m, CBY, Arturo Toscaninl con- % Learning. Hoo 3 Domi [8 co. 1 Shins, Sa Meni schogls of thé province. have been heard for. the last ducts NBC orchestra in ->cond +4 Meetnical oy 87 Thin Toye 8 Court " 55 Spain, It Will mean also a saving to Col- three Sundays over {he NBC-Biue Beethovén concert ...... Nov. 6, 2:00 39Wi aid hi] Eh Bon Sa ip. SE ain. legiate Institute Boards in expens- network beginning at 2 p.m, p.m.,;., NBC-Blue, Great Plays . . . a bodiiiy roping 100n. - - 88 Form of "meX es in connection with the examina- 3 p.m; CFRB, John Barbirolli con: termination France. 11 Far. - 59 Publicity. tion of the written papers. The present series has beep pre- | 'quctg'N, Y. Philharmonic . . . 6:30 : : i -- : System of Recommendation pared- with the active co-operation p.m., CBI, Commentaries on week's TT ja =o. 1 The present' system of recom: ' of the American Library Associa. news: ---.8 p.m., CBL, Nelson Ed- z ; mending pupils; by. the. teachers, tion and will present four -to tive dy's tinal appearance on Chase & 7] 4 ' would, be extended somewhat. The representative plays of each .cent- Sanborn Hour . . . 8:30 p.m, "PL, " Ee recomniendations are based on the -| ury up to the present day. A study Richard Crooks returns to the Fire: L year's work of the pupils,- This manual has been prepared by Ble stone Hour as soloist, .. 10 p.m, ' is considered by many educatlon- vins Davis, the producer, covering CBI, Contented Hour . . . Nov, 7, d sts to be preferable lo a single the entire season. Future plays in 8 p.m., CFRB, Big Town . .. 9:00 written test. N ! order are, Nov. 6, "Dr. Faustus," p.m. CBL, Malcolm and _ Godden, 7% 0 In Effect This Year? Nov. 12, "Romeo and Juliet," Nov. | guo-pianists.. . . 10 p.m..CBL, Tor- | The system of promotion by re- 19, "Much Ado About Nothing," onto Symphony under Sir Ernest ; 30 y y n Ld commendatfon from grade to grade. Nov. 26, "Macbeth," Dec. 3, "Vol. MacMillan ; ._.,Nov. §,9-p.m,, CBL, hii 3 2, in the elementary schools has been | pone," Dec. 10, "Tartufte," Dec. 17, | Labour Relations df ussfon . . ++ 17) bY in vogue for some years. Whether "The -Beggar'g_Opera." The series 9:30 p.m., CBL, Musical Com.dy in ; the eliminations - 6t written en- | will be resumed on Sunday, Janu- modern rhythm by Percy Faith , . B [7 ~~] trance examinations will go into ef-. ary 7th, with Sheridan's "The Riv. .. Nov. 9, 8 p.m, CBL, One Man's ! fect during the current school year als", The series is being presented Family , . . 8:30 p.m., CBL, Songs . i Is hot yet known. Chiet Inspector over the blue network of the NBC trom the Boulevards of Pa:'s , , . 0h Greer intimated {t would take and can bs tuned in from Biiffalo's 9 pm, CBL, Fanny (Baby Snooks) us place "in the near future." station WENR. ~ Brice And Hanley (Daddy) Sialiokd 3° y -- on Good.News , ,. 12:30 on Mon- ra M. Louisa Allen of London has FHBOTES AND NEWS days through to Fridays, CBI, the 9 J be washed and polished 1,000,000 Nov. 3, 9 p.m, CBL, Unusual ac- Ontarlo Farm Broadcasts Markets, . " r show piéces ottery and china, tivity broadcast on a fast freight producer information, agrictrurat += R worth $16,0 0, without break. train running between Toronto news, specialized weather forocast ing one.' : and Montreal ... Nov. 4, 2:30 p.m, | for farm reglons. ' y 5 - . i - ry - wp - + . . POP--Memoties Can't Check By J. MILLAR WATT HUW UN CAKIH DO THESE. . N FORGERS MANAGE TO GET ' EVERYBODY'S RID OF FIVE SPOT. ' . FORGOTTEN \ 50 EASILY , : WHAT THEY EE LOOK. LIKE / I] . 3 So J es - -- ee fn mr 2 ; 4 erey NARA WA pa, ~ g Q N ENR Lr Nl Bs ren ri ERE. . of meats, { &