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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Nov 1939, p. 8

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YOUR FAMILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 93, Port Perry. PANTS "MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lyle of Man- chester moved into what was formerly the Tarvis residence, on Friday, and they are being welcomed to the com- munity, - Miss Elsie Smith spent the week-end with her sister Mrs, J. Tilley, of Mt. Albert, : . Mrs. Bert Duff and daughter Phyllis visited the former's mother, Mrs. W. Taylor, at Ashburn, on Sunday. Winter came in real earnest on Sat- urday night with a very hard frost and on Sunday morning there was about an inch of snow covering the ground. A number from here attended Rag- lan anniversary services on Sunday morning and evening. Much sympathy is extended Dr. Paul in the recent death of his sister who] resided in Philadelphia. Mrs. Ray Downey and daughter of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Downey last week. Mr. Earl Beadle of Ashburn visited friends here on Sunday. The community had a call from re- presentatives of Jehovah's Witnesses on Sunday, who gave electrically tran- scribed talks, but they. did not receive a very warm reception at most of the homes. The Sunday School members were pleased to have with them on Sunday Mr, Roy Mowbray of Kinsale, who is Temperance Superintendent for Pick- ering Township and gave a very -earn- est and helpful talk on his work which was so much appreciated by the Sun- "day School that we hope to have him with us again in the near future, as this is a cause that every one should be vitally interested in, and unless greater work is done on its behalf, the Jiquor traffic will be even more _dis- astrous. that it is at present. . The accident which happened at Mr. Oscar Downey's driveway last week, caused considerable excitement in the early hours of the morning. It has since been learned that Wm. Maracle an Indian from Desoronto who was so badly injured was an innocent victim, and was picked up by the driver as he was thumbing a ride from Oshawa to ~ Whitby, and was riot aware that he The only coal in_ the --world coloured BLUE "as your guarantee of quality. Order your supply now, See what an enjoyable difference in better, steadier heat- ing comfort you get . with 'blue coal'; the world' 8 finest ah. -- thracite. was riding in a stolen car." Some who gave him first aid from here, have called at the 'hospital and his condition is quite serious, but is reported to be improving. . Messrs, Dave Duchgmin and George Holliday were on the Jury at Whitby last week, while Messrs, Daye Harn- den, Jim Cook and Howard Stephenson were witnesses who had to appear on the Bryant-Sweetman case. Miss Beverley Steward spent Mon- day with her mother in Toronto. Rev. G. Alumni, week. 8S. Gervan is attending the Conference in Kingsto this - Dn Myrtle Station There was a good attendance at Sunday School last Sunday to hear Mr, R. V. Mowbray of Kinsale, who gave a splendid talk on Temperance. He said that we cannot educate the adults in regard to the evils of alcohol for they ean and do use their own judge- ment, but the children can be taught to avoid it in every form,and if this were dong; in twenty years there would not be the -problem of strong drink facing us as there is today. Sunday School next Sunday at 1.45 p. m. Church service at 7 gm. All are welcome. f Mrs! Robert Gray of Pontypool was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fl. Masters on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Jas. Spanton and Miss Ruth Spanton. of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duchemin, © Mr. and Mrs. James Ige, Mary Jane, Marina and Helen, of Gfeenbank, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs w. J. Cook on Sunday. = In spite of the inclement weather on Wednesday evening of last week, there wis a goodly number present to enjoy the hot meat and potato pie supper in in the church basement under the auspices of the Women's Association. A program followed in which Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon, son and daughter of Raglan contributed vocal and piano gave recitations, the Primary Class of the Sunday School sang a cliorus find *The Colour GUARANTEES the Quality ¥ . F. E. REESOR PHONE 713 w ~ solos, Mrs. Luery and-Audrey Grant last but not least, a chorus "Seeing Nellie Home" waf sung by several of the older girls, while Audrey Cook and John Kirkham; dressed to suit the oc casion, acted as Nellie and her beau. A pleasant evening was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Painter and children of Prospect, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Masters during the week, Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn were visitors in Whitby on Saturday. Residents of this district who ex- pected to see the pattial eclipse of the moon on Friday night, commencing aliout 11 o'clock, were disappointed. When the hour, arrived, a heavy ceiling of dark clouds completely obscured the moon. So the only thing to do was to retire and trust to luck to awaken later. At 2.30 a.m. the sky was clear and a perfect view of the eclipse, at that time, was seen in the form of a half moon. It was worth gettinig up to see, : Murs, Francis Briggs and Miss Thelma Briggs spent Saturday in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hughson of To- ronto, visited over ihe week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. "Christie, Misses Lula and Leta, of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Thompson on Sum- day. Mrs. Luther Mitchell visited on Sun- day with relatives in Manchester. Mr. George Chisholm of Toronto, spent Monday with his mother Mrs. Robt Chisholm. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Downey visited with relatives in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs, Clarence Harrison visited with relatives _in Raglan on Sunday. = On esday morning about two o'clock Rev. Mr. Gervan was awakened by the winging of the door bell. A taxi driver from Whitby was at the door and reported a car in the ditch, just south of the four corners, and a man was injured. The car had ram- med a tree and the driver wis found sprawled over the wheel unconscious. Dr. W.'W. Baldwin of Brooklin was called and later had the man removed to Oshawa Hospital where his conditi- ion was found to be serious. He was an Indian, { : Mr. and Mrs. N. Hughson visitors :in Toronto on Friday. Bob Vallier of thé Tank Regiment spent Friday "with his grandmother and sisters. : Myrtle got: its name in Toronto papers on Saturday after the hold-up on Friday evening. Two men entered were PORT PERRY Port Perry, Nov. 8; <r Blackstock The Lions are quietly working away to maké a success of the first of the series of Amateur Night ' concerts which will be held in Port Perry on Wednesday, November 8th. . Black- stock, Scugog Centre, Seagrave and Manchester will follow quickly so as to hold the grand final in Port Perry early in December before year-end and Yuletide duties command all spare moments. We hesitate to give the dates for fear of a change but next week's Star and posters will guide you, Applications are coming in "hut timidly, natural modesty or plain bash. fulness are giants that have to be con- quered. Have you a latent talent? Don't hide it, let the Lions develop it for you. You may get a prize, better still, you may discover yourself and start on the road to fame and fortune, Hand in your name. We wise, Lionize with Amateurseltzer. Applications made to Messrs, H. G. Hutcheson, S.- Farmer, or Geo. Man- ning. Tickets are selling rapidly, buy LIONS CLUB Amateur Nights Seagrave, Scugog, and Utica Grand Final--Port Perry, Dec. 1 "Master of Ceremonies at Port Perry--Mr, Howard Lillie a few, even if you can't use them all, you can give them to some one who can, and the money is going to a use- ful purpose, The Lions Club is trying to be of service to .Port Perry and should 'have your support. We are glad to see a.growing aprpeciation of its efforts and note four or five new members of excellent material have been added to its roster, The last meeting of the Lions Club was called off as the Club was invited by the Kinsmen Club of Oshfwa, to dine with them at_the Genosha Hotel to which function they had also invited both the Whitby and Bowmanville Lions, This was a very fine gesture of friendship on the part of the Kinsnien and a good representation was present from all three of the Lions Glubs to partake of the 'good fellowship and hospitality and listen to a very fine address by Mr, Ross of Toronto, who is Vice-President of the Bell Telephone Co. We would be glad to see more of this inter-club fellowship. A. E. Ramsay's store and, being very polite, said to Mrs. Ramsay, who came forward to. serve them, "Lady, this is a stick-up". Mrs. Ramsay called her husband 'who was in the next room. Immediately the men fled to a waiting car and drove rapidly toward Whitby. The car and men came to grief on the curve below the C.N.R. right of way, south of Brooklin, when the driver ap- parently lost control of the car. It went into the ditch on the west side of the highway, bounded back on the road and into the ditch on the east side, finally coming to a stop when it struck a telephone pole. One man was so| badly injured that he was unable -to leave the car; and later was taken to Oshawa hospital. The other two men started to walk to Oshawa but were arrested before they reached the city. Toy pistols were e-found § in the car. "Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Bill Lynde (nee Masters) on the occasion of their marriage on" Tuesday/of last week. MANCHESTER CLUB ~ 7 The 'Manchester 'Community Club is holding a Dance and Play on Friday evening, November 10th, the Utica Dramatic Club is presenting the play; "The-filow Lights of San Rey". Good music will be provided and lunch will be "served. - Admission 26c... Children 10¢. Program starts at 8 p.m. MANCHESTER - "We are sorry-to report the death of Mr. James E. Lakey, who passed away on: Sunday. Mrs. ~F."Lamb-has closed up her STA, {) Rod & Gun, 1 yz, - [) American Boy, 8 mos. [) Christian Herald, 6 mos CRIPTION BARGAINS iv the Whole Family Here' s the thrifty, economical way to subscribe this newspaper and your favorite magazines _ - at prices that are really sensational. These offers "are good dither for new or renewal orders. It will pay |- - you to look them over and send us the coupon TODAY. BIG FAMILY OFFER This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Any. Three Magazines CHECK THREE MAGAZINES -- ENCLOSE WITH ORDER {) Natlonal Home Monthly, 1 yr, [] Woman's Home Companion, § yr . [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yy. for (1 Parents' Magazine, 6 mos. Magazine, 1yr. [3] American Frult Grower, 1 yz. [) Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 yr, ~~} Canadian -Hortlculture --& -Home = ALL FOUR ONLY." 50 . GROUP A--Beleot 1 1] Liberty Magazine, 1 yr, (J Collier's Weekly, 1 yr, [) True Story Magazine, 1 yr, {J Newsweek, 6 més, {] Bllver Soreen, 1-yr. [1 Christian Herald, § mos, 0 Open Road 4Boys), 1 yr. - "() Magazine Digest, 6 mos. {ELT it) Parents' Magasine, 1 yr. ONLY ONE SELEOTION SUPER-VALUE OFFER, "This Newspaper, 1 Year, and One Magazine Groyp A, Two Magesines Group B B So B--Belgot 8 {1 National Home Monthly, 1 yr. [§] Cerindlan 'Home Journal, 1 yr. {1 Wojhan's Home Companion, 1 gr. dian Horticulture & Hote agazine. 1 yr, 9] £1 Ro @] () Parg (1 Hon & Gun, 1yr, loan Boy, 8 mos. ts' Magazine, 8 mop : Arts (Needlecraft), 1 yr», {1 Américan Frult Grower, 1 yz. adn c GROUP "A™ 18 PERMITTED ALL FOUR ONLY Ln These Offers Are Positively Guaranteed RE Please olip list ot 4 desired. Ban Name Gentlemen: | ericlose in below the offer tion to your paper, 1 SUPER-VALUS . nes te Shecking ones 1h am oheck- with 'a year's sub- (18a FAMILY TIT il To SINGER Post Off1oe ....civviiaiiring ' » TI CLO TY .| the business period a motion was car- | reading Mrs." N. Kerry, "Moment by {and Mrs, Starr and Mr. and Mrs. S. mother Mrs. R. Bond this week. » § Ba . ; ~ ) |MULLIGAN'S Re ) wr MISS M. PEERS \ ' PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1939 * YES THAT I8 OUR COAL. DAY Phone 240 w After Hours BURIED SUNSHINE Anthracite with Health and Warmth to keep YOUR home a clean and happy one. 'Complete variety for your inspection, Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., The Famous "READING" LI MITED E Phéne2u0j. 5 2 5 IN x ; home here for the winter and gone to stay with her daughter Mrs. Smith at Burketon. } 2 Mr, Maunsell Gerrow and friénd Mr. Stoutly of the Ontario Hospital staff of nurses, spent Sunday with 'Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Gerrow. Glad to report Mrs, Arnold Wallace able to return home from Oshawa hospital after her recent operation, also Mrs. Joshua Dobson home [from the Toronto General Hospital. h Mrs, Joe Cooper, Bruce and Mildred, of Unionville, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow, Mrs, G. Snappy of Buffalo returned home after sperfding a week with her mother Mrs. Joe Mitehell, successful meeting 'on Thursday even- ing. A splendid program was given, after which dancing was enjoyed. The committees elected were: Finance-- Mes. D. McKinzey, Walter Fowlie, G. Barrett; Music--Mrs. Gerrow, Mina Dobson, C., Robertson; program com- mittee for next meeting are Mrs. C. Gerrow, Mina Dobson, John Christie, PRINCE ALBERT Mr and Mrs. Ber nie, Manchester, have moved onto the Fowlie farm, . Mr. and Mrs, Orval Stone were re-. cent guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Kirby." Mr; and 'Mrs. F. Lyle moved to Myrtle 'on Saturday. health and happiness in their; new home, Misses Kay and Dorit' Murphy, Mary and Grace Vickery, attended the Officers' Congress at Blackstock last Saturday as delegates from our Union. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery, Mary and Grace, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.-B. Wanamaker, Toronto. Mrs, A, McPherson 'spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Wm, Martyn. Miss Annie Stump is on the sick list, The October meeting of the W. A. was held on the afternoon of the 26th, at the home of Mrs. C. Newnham with an attendance of -over forty. ~The meeting. opened with the - president Mrs, MacGregor in charge, Treas- urer reported $27.15 on hand. During ried that a bouquet of flowers be sent to Miss N. Spence who is an honorary member in appreciation of, her kind- ness to the W. A.. < : Program committee for next meet- ing--Mrs. E. Martyn, Mrs. Raymer. The following program was much ap- preciated: reading 'by Mrs. Ettey, "Neighbours" by Edgar Guest; two selections by Mrs. A. Jackson, Green- bank, "The Investor's Wife" and "Can- adian Born"; vocal trio, Rena Harri- gon, Doris Rainés and Cecelia Hope; Moment", Lunch was served by Mrs. McCrea, Mrs. Harper and Mrs, Newn. ham. Proceeds $6.70. We regret deeply to learn that Mr. moving to Barrie. Our best wishes go.with them. Mrs. Kerry has made herself useful in Church work and Hoy will be much missed, Moving time. has come S AZalA. Mr. Tummonds have moved to Port Perry. ] Mr. and Mrs. R. Wray and family are moving into the house vacated by the Starr family. Mr. and Mrs, Kerr and girls have also moved to town. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ball and baby of Balti- more, Ont., at the home of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs.-F. Luke on Sunday, -We extend birthday greetings. to Miss Ruth Luke for the 8th. Mr, W. Warinamaker held an auction sale last, week, "Mrs, F. Stanton, Brooklin, with' hor We wish them| and Mrs. N. Kerry and family are|. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS '| In the Estate of Susanna Hooey, g déceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Susanna Hooey laté of the Township of Cartwright in the County of Durham, widow, deceased, who died on or about the Fifteenth day of September A Db. 1989, are here- by notified to send in to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executor ot the Will of the said deceased, on or before the Twentieth day of November A.D. 1939, full particulars of their - claims. - i Immediately after the said date the The Manchester Club had a very said Executor will distribute the a386tge of the said dece having regard only to claims of wifgh he shall then have notice to the exclusion of .all others, and he will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice for the assets so dis- tributed, or any part thereof. | "Dated at Port Perry this 16th day of October A.D, 1939, JNO. W. CROZIER, Solicitor for Executor. nov2 Municipality of the « TOWNSHIP OF 8CUGOG - County of Ontario. Notice is-hereby given that I have' complied with Section 7 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at the Township of Scugog on the 12th day of October, 1939, the list of all persons entitl the said Municipaity. dt 'Municipal Elections and 'that such list.remains there for inspection. : And 1 hereby call upon all voters 5 take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the Jast day for ap-_ peal being the 2nd day of November, 1939. : fy 'JOHN L. SWEBTMAN, Clerk | 5 VOTERS' LISTS, 1889 | PUlLpING a fire is a ve ate Job but, as in eyerpthing else, there {8 a right-and rong way of doing-it. From my experience, the quickest and easiest way to light a fire is this: First of all, it there 15 a layer of ashes on the grates leave it there. About two inchés of ashes. --on the grates help a lot. : "Then spread about two inches _of coal uniformly over the ashes. On top of this fresh coal put a good charge of kindling, cor sist. ng of hewspapers and light wood. Be sure At Beare the Turn Damp- ~~ Co) in the smoke- pipe and.the pit Damper are wide "open and the Check Damper closed, This will create thestrongdraft which is Siceded to ie the fire. Now light the kindling and when it is burning freely, slowly add +more coal. The kindling will ignite the fresh coal both above and below it; and you can then add more coal and thule quickly build up a good * Bre, ccasionally Joun ua find, when the kindling wood begins to burn, that pi Bey coming out through the: crevices around the furnace doors. This is due to' the that the chimney, being cold, does not provide sufficient draft' {lo carry off tie smoke. This con- - dition can be Rlekly remedied by SPiuing Wd wide the slide in the fire artially or entirely uy ey ashpit damper--or by | ination of the. two. 60 & "DE MILO EAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all * other lines of _ BEAUTY CULTURE Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 78. . < AUTY SHOPPE has Installed a RMANENT WAVE MACHINE v BARBER sHop SPROIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all + other lines of the work H, H. 'MULLICAN 2 Registered. Barber «+ PORT PERRY ' ~ to. vote In - Te ss A

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