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Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Nov 1939, p. 2

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jo wr SEAT SEEN Far rd BO oe ---though possibilities of it Stress Physical | ~ Education More ies Building of Morale Too Will Be Aim of Government Youth Training Courses \ -- |} : Labor Minister McLarty bas an- nounced changes in the domiuion- provincial youth training program to ald Canada's war effort by build. ing up the physical condition and morale of Canadian youth with .a wide extension of projets, These projects will be carried on-in more than 400 centres in all provinces which have. approved them and will include physical training, health, first ald, citizen. ahip and other group activities, In 400 Centres Last year more than 20,000 un- employed young people were eu rolled in the projecis. It was an- ticipated the number will be doub- led this year, During the past sum- mer, the minister reported, valu. able work was dove in conserving and developing natural resources In the primary industries of for- estry, mining and prospecting, More than 6,000 young men enrol led in these divisions. Wide Variety of Projects Industrial training will concen- trate on occupations where there will bo an increased demand for skilled workers in war work, particularly in metal working trades, Meantime, training classes for rural young people in a wide range of subjects pertaining to ag- "riculture and rural homecraft ave proceeding, : Ancient Indian Suicide Potion Poison Hemlock Has Been Us- ed By Iroquois Tribes For Centuries - Some of the Irogquoian tribes in New York State and Canada until very recently used the roots of the game poisonous plant to commit suicide that they used 300 years ago." Middle-aged women who: were deserted by thelr husbands," weve known to poison themselves in this way. The plant widely used for suf cldo purposes was the water hems lock or poison hemlock (Cicuta maculata) that grows in the wet meadows and pastures of the. re- gion. It was mentioned as carly as 1632 among the Hurons by Father Bagard. - Deserted Wives Drank It This remarkable survival of a native custonr through so many years of the white nian's influence. was noted this simmer by Dr. W, N. Fenton of the Smithsonian Bur- eau of American Ethnology. Dr, ¥enton, who. returned to Washing- ton recently ~atfer two months' study of the medicinal use of the herbs by the Iroquoian tribes, re- ports that certain' of these medl- clnal herbs are known. by the very same names and used for the same allments by tribes that speak dif- "furent dialects "and are located a great many hundreds of miles aparl. Northern Veins Offer Tungsten " Presence of Ores" Valuable in Steel--Hardening Discovered: In Great Slave Lake Region Samples of ore taken from the Great Slave Lake region -have now shown presence of two ores value able .in steel-hardening, according to the report at Edmonton, of the Slave Lake Gold Mines, Limited, Tungsten,- of which there is no commercial production in Canada at present, has been found in com- mercial quantities and" molybden- um hag also been---defected al- commer- ¢fal dovelopment have not been in- vestigated to any degree, World Supply Formerly From + China The report said six samples of oro taken from Outpost Island showed tungsten present in quan: tities as high as 1.29 per. cent, Present prices for tungsten con- eentrate would make one per cent, ore worth $20 a ton, the report con- tinued. It wass- considered that commercial development of' the property was feasible, : According to the Minerals Year Book of 1938, China furnished the * main world supply.of 'tungsten that is used for hardening steel for the high-speed tools, for cemented fungsten carbideg, for stellites and electric light and radio tube flla- ments and for preparation of var- fous chemicals, According to the book, China . produced 17,805 metric tons of the metal for export in 1938, and Unit: ed States production was 3,176 tons, Smaller gquantities camo from Portugal, Bollvia and the Malay Btates, The metal is aiso found fn Russia, 'but the country's figures are not available, 1 { is stated to be about 220,000, among them heing 60,000 refu- | . gees, confract | ~The totnl number of aliens of 3 . all nationalities in Great Britain Anthony Eden, was the official greeter of Hon. T. A. Crerar, Canada's minister of mines, when the latter arrived in London to participate in the Imperial War Talks now taking placé in the empire's capital, Mr. Eden and Mr: Crerar were pictured here as the Canadian minister arrived at Euston station, aaa tS ES SE 2 IRIS Se Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is a person justified in losing his temper at the stupidity of some clerk or saleswoman? 2. What should a person say wher introduced to the same per- . son for the second time? 3. When passing a pitcher, or any other receptacle with a han- dle, is it important to havq the handle towards the person receiv- ing it? ' ol 4, Isn't it all right to hold the fork in the hand, at the tabla, while - talking? -- "id ot 5. Isn't it unwise to write a let- ter while angry? 6. Whose duty is it to see that™ coriiges are sent to the mothers of the bride and the bridegroom? Answers ' : 1. No. "To be angry is to re- venge the fault of others upon ourselves." No matter how much we are provoked, remember that self-control is a virtue worth cul- tivating. 2. "Thank you, but I have already had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Jones," 38. Yes; the handle should always bé -present- ed. 4. No. The fork should .be placed on. the plate while talking. Of 'course this does not mean if a _ person is going to say "Yes" or "I think~so" 'that he should quickly lay down his fork, answer, and then pick it up again. b. Yes, it is very unwise. No letter should ever be written while-in--an angry - mood If it should be done, lay the-letter aside -until- next morn- ing, and it will seldom he mailed. 6. The bridegroom should do this. Tommy Farr, former heavyweight champion, has enlist- ed in the Royal Air Force, . British _ ft THE TEA THAT IS NEVER INSIPID! 3 ox J i : _ De rails 2 Bi {d - : } : 5 Huron 01d Boys Former residents of Huron county and their friends are plan- ning a gala evening on November 24. when the junior and senior groups of the Huron' Old Boys' As- sociation "will jointly "hold the club's fortieth annual reunion in. Eaton Auditorium, Toronto, Ev- ery effort is being made to make this year's function an outstand- ing success so that a financial con- tribution muy be made to the Red Cross Society. The Huron. Old Boys' Association is the oldest and largest organization of its kind in Canada and has more than 1,400 members in Téronto. Several of the origina! members, including Hd. Floody, E. J. B. Duncan, K.C., Thomas Suole and J. McLaren, will be in attendance at the for. tieth annual reunion. : This year's reunion, according to H. M. Jackson, the senior pre- cident, will be featured by euchre, bridge and dancing. All former residents of Huron County and theiv friends are invited. Tick- tis may be secured from the com- mittee in charge or at the door. t How Can'l ? + BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove an ink stain from paper? 3 A. Apply a solution of muriate of tin with a soft brush. When the stain disappears, rinse and dry the paper carefully. n Q. How can I remove mildew from automobile upholstery, which has been caused by rain water -leaking into the car? ~~ A, First brush well to remove the excess, and then sponge with a soap solution made slightly alka- dine with ammonia." -- Q.-How-ecan-I keep melted chos~ colate from sticking to the pan? A, Chocolate will not stick - to the pan when melting it for cake filling if the inside of the pan is rubbed with a little butter or olive oil. Q. How can I treat cyebrows that are too thin? JA, Apply warm olive : vaseline nightly. Or, dip the fin- gertips in lanolin and massage the eyebrows each- night, -- Q. How can I prevent uncooked meat fromebecoming tainted? A. Uncooked meat should not be permitted to lie in its.own juice, or it may become tainted. Place the meat on a platter with a hol- low centre that-will hold the juice without the meéat touching it. Q. How can I treat a garment that has been scorched while iron- ing? I RE A. Rub-the scorched spot sith hydrogen peroxide and allow to dry before again irgning. If the scorch is light, .merely moisten with water and place in the sun. STOPPED . Nor ok oil" or oe » Have You Heard The moving picture usherctte was in the dentist's chair, "Now, miss," asked the dentist, "which tooth is giving you all the trouble?" « - "Second from 'the left "in the balcony," she replied. y ls ' Scotsman, finding his wife in another man's arms: "Get behind your lover; I'm going to shoot you both." - sg Two small girls were having a tremendous argument, 5 "My daddy's a mounted police- man," said Betty, "He rides a horse all day." "That's no petter than being an ordinary policeman like my dad- dy," said Peggy proudly. "Oh, but it is!" said the first child. "If there's any trouble he can get away quicker. Cooking Teacher: "Now, students, describe a gum- drop." Movie-fan Sue: "A marsh. mallow in technicolor!' sels The battalion doctor was awak- ened by the 'phone jangling at 8 am, "What is it?" he asked testily and sleepily. "Well, you see doctor, we have been having a big party in the Mees, and I'm terribly worried about Major Twuggle," came from the other end of the wire. "Why bother me? Is he sce- ing elephants or something?" the - doctor asked, very annoyed. "That's- the trouble, sir," was the reply; "the room is full of them and he can't sce a sivsle" one,' . A Tee "They employ small - at this yestaurant." "Why?" ""To make the- sandwiches look bigger." 'oo. tr sg : " What Science is | 3 Doing % men ETI sn re The ao . == the period in READS SUN'S TEMPERATURE Dr, John D. Strong has Jesign- ed a pyrometer, using the invisible infra-red rays of light, to make studies of ozone temperatures. The California Institute of " Technology physicist said one of his first tests with it showed the sun's temperature to be 12,300 de- grees Fahrenheit, --C BRAINY PEOPLE--SKIN RASHES 3 * High-powered brains gnd hyper- sensitive nervous systems are . blamed today for many skin dis- eases, Dr. Samuel' W, Becker of the University of Chicago said last week that persons with super- charged brains have all thejr senz- sation§ intensified, and as a result they exhaust their energy quick- ly, and "nervous dermatoses" or skin rashes are often produced. Healthy At 657 A Good Prospect You Have Survived "Break- down Age" --Harvard Medi- cal Chief Tells Qualities of Tough Folks Dr. Elliott C. Cutler, head of-the department of surgery, Harvard Medical School, had good news for the oldsters =~ folk 65 years and older, last week, Addressing tbe 24th annual In. ternational Medical Assembly, Dr, Ctuler sald experience and study led him to the' conclusion that eld- erly persons who have survived "the breakdown period" are good surglcal risks. A -Good Surgical Risk "The ypry fact that persons have lived to 656 -- surviving the. "jn- fectious age" and the "breakdown age," -- Indicates they are strong, tough folks and can withstand ser- ious surgical procedures," Dr. Cut- ler said. He described the "infectious age" as from one to twenty years' which children have the measles, whooping cough and- other such 'diseases. The "breakdown age" comes from 46 to 60 years when there is danger of . apoplexy and of kidney and heart aflments, Men, women and children carry gas masks to church in England. ' Women in" Sydney, Australia, have organized to aid destitute Poles. - pa ~ To New Zealand BUT ITS A EXCUSE ME - GRAND, TASTY Bear And Beaver Taken From Jasper Park, Al- berta, They Are Being Sent To Wellington Zoo, "Down Under" Aboard a steamship somewhere on the Pacific Ocean are three bears and two beavers enroute to New Zealand, according to the Natlonal Parks Bureau, . Depart ment of Mines and Resources, Of- tawa. These animals have been ta- ken from Jasper National Park in Alberta, anil are being sent "down under" at the request of the Well ington Zoological Gardens, Well ington, New Zealand, Y Beaver Gets Sticks of Wood The bears and beavers were cap- tured by the park. warden service, and were shipped to Vancouver by rail for transfer aboard ship. Dur- 1 - Or write J. Ri CROUCHMAN Liam nme ume. eo sw aA mms m EW oem Demand At Your Druggist CROUCHMAN'S LINIMENT - For: Varicose Velns, Itheumn- tism, Neuralgia, Sciatlen, Asthma, Heand.ache, ooth-nche, Ear- Ache, Chill Dlains, Corns and Bunions, Sprains, or Colds on Chest. . CcQ.,, LTD. / Walkerville -- Ont. ing the long ocean-voyage the ani. mals will be fed and tended by a ° member of the ship's crew, Food supplies provided for the journey fnclude bundles of poplar ~ wood, vegetables, fruit and bread. Each beaver will receive six sticks of wood, a quarter of a cabbage and four carrots per day, while the daily menu for each of the bears will be a pound of apples, a pound of carrots, and two loaves of bread. % : TC ARTIFICAL LIMBS. TRUSSES ANO ABDOMINAL BELTS, 51m 139% church ST roronro 9721 BARREN AREAS IN OCEAN The ocean contains barren areas which correspond to worn out "farms on land. The fish and other living organisms in the water use its nutrient material to the point of exhaustion, and this stage is followed by a depletion of marine life. This observation was made by two California scientists in ex- tended cruises on the Pacific. +4 -- 0 EFFECTIVE POLIO . TREATMENT Dramatic evidence of the efilc- acy of vitamin B treatment for in- fantile paralysis, sleeping sick- ness, palsy and other organic dis- eases of the nervous system is Yeported by Dr. W. J. McCormick, a Toronto physician, I Dr. McCormick submits clinical evidence of cases where these dis- orders 'were either completely eli- minated or reduced by administer- ing doses of synthetic vitamin B1 and supplementing this therapei- tic treatment with a diet rich in vitamin B content. LEARN Hand-Looms Weaving Make Money -- Save Money, on Simple, Practleal, Inexpensive Loomi. ~ GUILD OF ALL ARTS SCARBOROUGH, "oN --Clagsified Advertisements -- ACCREDITED BULLS FARM FORR-SA LE SEWING MACHINES & SUPPLIES TWO HOLSTEIN SERVICEABLE bulls from qualified dams, ~ Also their three year old Sire. Bram- shott Hingerveld Pabst, quiet, sure getter, accredited. E. E, Tay- lor, Bracebridge, Ontario. AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN! NEW INVEN- tion sells like wild | fire: Start husiness of your own In spare time. Send - stamp to Economy Distributing Company, Leaming- ton Ontario. sea SPARE TIME WORK --- SELL Special Christmas Club offers to pipular Canadian and magazines as local representa- tives. Highest commissions paid. Don't delay, write Canadian Per- lodicals, 245 Grace Street Toronto, Ontario. A GOOD SALES AGENT SHOULD tepresent a good company, ~~ We want good representatives for un- occupied territories now: Our nursery stock 1s. the that money best and experience can - "duce --Six-hundred=acre -- nursery; fifty years' business. Write Pel- ham Nprsery Co., Toronto. s\merican- pro-, NINETY ACRES PRODUCTIVE clay loam adjoging village, good buildings, spring watered, Two thousand cash, balance 4 per cent. _Willlam Pearce, Exeter, he PARTS © AND REPAIRS, make, write for. prices on new or reconditioned machines. 30 years' experience --- A. Gilbert, © 348 Yonge Street; Toronto. HARDY APPLE TREES SAW. MILL FOR SALE HARDY APPLE TREES -- §0 CTS. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur." sery, Srowing leading varieties Frult Trees. Ornamentals. Write immediately requesting sensation. al offerings. Tobe's Treery, Nia- gara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, FOR _.SALE, TO CLOSE ESTATE, A Saw Mil), working condition "on main line C. P, railway, Norwood, Ont. Steam power, large pond, boiler 75 H.P., engine 35 H.P., ex- tra long carriage, Edger and Slab Saw, Mrs, Ada Harrison, Have. lock, Ontario. od FOR SALE BREEDING STOCK OF ARCTIC Foxes, Silver Foxes and Mink. These fine quality animals very reasonably priced. } 5 . Jones, -189 Talbot St, St. Thomus. Phone 615. - SKATING OUTFITS SKATING OUTFITS, SLIGHTLY used, $1.75, $2.25, $2.65. New high quality, $2.89, $3.35, $4.25, plus 250 ostage, Peerless, 191 Bupdas W., oronto. hd "FEATHERS WANTED HIGHEST PRICE FOR NEW AND used feathers. Robinson's, 282 Brock Avenue Toronto. Write for quotations -- Fr fr HAIR Goons FAST-SELLING REPEATER, NO . New disposable tis- duster, Big commission. § . (Ontario) Toronto. "ADES .T - KLEEN" | Reg'd. 615 Yonge Stréet, IF YOU ARE WITHOUT EXPER- fence, but willing to work at least 4 hours every day, you can earn up to $21.08.a we and gel your own dresses free. Fashion Frocks ~~ in Canada; 302 Huron, ~Toronto, Dept, WL. ARTIC FOR SALE. - [0f) 49 N & MIXTURE 21 CHRISTMAS CARDS, STICKERS and 'Tags, 90c. 35 Blades, Safety Razor -and 'style tic pencil, 75¢. Postpaid, Moneyback Guaranteed. Reed Sales Rex'd. Dox P.O, 3123, Montreal, Quebec. CLOTHING AND FURNITURE WE GUARANTEE 100 PER CENT. fit and satisfaction in atest style clothing (slightly used), Gentle- men's sults or overcoafs, regular to $60.00, special $6.00 to $ X Ladies" Winter Coats, $4.00 to. §7. Postpnld. State measurements, colours, style. Send [ones order. Algo write for bargain price lists of reconditioned used furniture. Ruskin & Company, Peterboro, Ontario. You'll like the way ft snaps you back; overnight, to the feeling of "rarin' to go" fitness and Anside cleanliness! Helps eliminate le t-over wastes "that hold Garfield Tea is no orker, but it CO! will certainly you, ft yonder ny' and. 3. al 'DISGartield Tea and Garfield Head: he Powders to: GARFIELD TEA Lo, Rent. $0, 1 Glove 'Avenue, Tor» onto #, Canada. s EDUCATIONAL STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR | Courses in Matriculation, Short story, Journalism, Advertising, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make your spare time. use o 3 Write today. Canadlan Cotresphi- 02), established 1 "dence College 1 » Toronto. 229 Yonge ELECTRIC SHAVER $1.08 of THIS I8 THE NEW ELECTRIC shaver you've read about, that makes shaving so very, very easy, .Just'plug It in and run the shaver ace. That's all --~ no - WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMA- tions, Switches, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. 955 (roma terms arranged. To- onto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. . . HUNTERS --HAVE-AN "EXPERT MOUNT THAT" head and make-up that bear skin into, un rug. for. you, - Deer- skins fanned into: buckskin, All. work guaraliteed to be the best obtain: able. Taos, Fmack, Taxldermist & |rriey, 1872 Queen St. E. Toron- 0. 5 MACHINERY : WADE, PORTABLE DRAG SAWS-- Delta woodworking tools -- elec. tric.mators, Belting and shop sup. plies of every description.- The A.. t. Williams Machinery Co. Ltd,. 64 Front St. \W., Toronto. ~ MEDICAL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE--WRITE for free booklet and full particu. lars regardin our amazingly suécessful hyblood . treatment. Yedigreed . Products, . Saskatoon, - Bask. . 3 ----_-- WFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR: List of Inventions and full In mation sent free. The Ramsay Co, Reglatered, Patent Attorneys, 272 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. iy ---- Re PERSONAL QUIT TOBACCO, SNUPE, EASILY, Jfjexpensively, Hom remedy, Testimonials, Guarantéed: Advice free. Bartlett's, Box. 1, Winnipeg. PUPS FOR SALE $0AD, Jyater, brush or blad We 8 Jou try it. Over a million ere sold last Jean, Otiginal price 10, Guaranteed oné ap 08t- s pald, Agents wanted. Bell Sales 0 20 atehouse Bldg, Montreal, uebec. ved ORDER PUPS FOR CHRISTMAS presents now. Irish Terrier Pups registered, reasonable, John Jes- "sen, Box 326, Bowmanville, Qnt. "RAW FURS WANTED Issue No. 47 -~ '39 4 "SHIP YOOR FURS 70 US FOR full market prices, I. A. Jones, , 189 Talbot St, Bt. Thomas, Ont. STOMACH TROUBLE B-U-M * STOMACH CUORRECTIVR Bives prompt relief and comfort to +, Sufferers (rem Acid _ Heartburn, Gastritis, Sour Stome- ach, eté. A trial will convince you, Twelve ounce package: $2.60 post. pald direct from the manufacture er. H. J. Woodley, P.O. Box 804, Vancouver, B.C; ' i WATCH REPAIRS WATCHES CLEANED OR MAIN. spring,--73 cents, other work if necesyury at reasonable King's Jewellery, 401 Yonge St. Toronto. : . USED TIRES FOR SALE GOUD USED TIRES, ALL SIZES, Lowest prices, Inquiries fnvited Brockton Tire, 1611 Dundas West, Toronto. todd a ---- LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478484 Y St. AAS onge St 3 ( THE piel Entire Stock Lucknow Furniture Factory purc sed at 40c on the . oliar The Lucknow rurniture Factory, makers of renowned fine furniture, has changed nands ana we bought - their entire stock, 3 t Just a few or the Muny Bargains e: are listed "her $69.00 Walnut finish $59.00 Solid Oak Dinette Sultes Dining Suites $19.75 oe Room 'Buffets $17.95 0dd Chika Cabinets. y Modern 3 plece Hed $45.00 Hien Wien icdreom $17.95 Modern Dressers, Water : fall design. : £12.05 Modern Chiffonlers, $17.95 Modern Vanity Dressers, « Modern Walnut Knee $16.50 Hole Desk, $11 95 Combination Desk Chest. de A roomy chest of drawers with desk aecommod *7v wood top. LIBERAL TERMS ACT Now © LYONS - FURNITURE CO, WAT -- 484 YONGE ST M7. 3566 Open Evenings prices, ation, Kitchen Tables, Bass- . ANY ~ Indigestion, - er

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