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Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Nov 1939, p. 3

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W VI BA JASE Tr AE et Rates _.. . West Is Reaping ~ Wild Rice Crop <and there was a great calm, 27, And the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him? Power Over Destructive Forces 23, And when he wa. entered into a boat, his disciples. followed him, 24, And behold; there arose a great tempest in the seq, inso- Barge, Carrying Two British Bombers, Sinks Off U.S, Coast Sunday " Unique Harvest Garnéred In much that the boat was covered Other i Ir ver miracles. recorded in By Boatloads In Eastern ool with the waves: but he was asleep. Chapters § 9 of M ) - 4 C 25. And they came to him, and hiivters 8 and <9. of Matthew: were the healing of the leprous man, and the palsied servant; the casting out of -demons from the unhappy youth; the delivery of a paralytic. from kis affliction; and awoke him, saying, "Save, Lord; we perish, ~26, And he saith unto -them, why ave ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and 'Manitoba -- Indians Sell It |. 4 To U, S.--Get. 30c a Pound Lesson iy © Western (ahada's most unique , harvest is underway fin Eastern Manitoba where hundreds of Iud- fans are reaping boatloads of wild "THE WORKS OF THE MESSIAH Matt. 8 and 9 rebuked the winds and the sea; further prodigies of healing, va N rice from a number of lakes in or - Ih we . - near the \Whiteshell Forest Re- ) ; Printed Text, Matt. 8:14-27 ! v ax - 4 [+] SEI VO. Golden Text. Jesus of Nazar- . . 8y William Th vild rice i erally harv- eth . . . went-about doing good Ti C : WW ho wild rice is geperally h Acts 10:38. aL: $ HIS : URIOUS N ORLD Ferguson - ested by teams of two Indlans in the paddling lakes and flail the seed heads into the bottom of the canoe, Get 30¢c A Pound Indians take off most of the har. vost, The main market {s in the Unit. ed States where it is used partly for transplanting in wild game ar- . eas and partly as a food delicacy, The average price for wilt vice is THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING through the winter of A.D, 28, Place.-- Practically all of the miracles took place around the Sea of Galilee, the majority in the city of Capernaum; Gérgesa is six miles southeast of the Sea of Gal- ilee. The great Teacher came down from the mountain and made him- self known on the plain and among the city crowds as the mighty Hea- canoes. One does : " while the othbr bends over - the Time.--All these ten miracles ELT ; Fhe MISSISSIPPI tops of plants, which fringe the were performed from the spring Nk RIVER. DISCHARGES MORE WATER THAN ALL THE RIVERS OF EUROPE. undertaking, a head and shou ders 4 eras) _of Mra! Eddy Goodycars ran away with the. league raco-last season,-not losing a game, although they ran into the © POP---JustaMixture By J. MILLAR WATT ' 35 cents a pound. ler, The healing is quite as es- xh Plants Fringe The Lakes : aR So sential as the teaching. ) 2 The rice tields in Eastern Mani. Rasen A vo XMM SE / : ¢ 14. sod ie Jesus re 10 i : : s : : ri ster's house, he saw his wife's A ---- toba are confined mainly tg Jessica A possible victim of saboteurs, this barge carryina two bombing planes consigned to the British air ministry, is A a ab a hy 3 ' 3 Lake, White Lake, Star Lake, Ca: shown sinking off Stapleton, Staten Island. The barge mysteriously sprang a leak before dawn and went to the And he te 3 ud her hand, i he ant id "bin Lake and other waters near | bottom in 30 feet of water before the planes could be removed. Only the wings, which had been detached from | hd he touched her hand, and the ED . 0; the 'Manitoba-Ontario boundary. the planes,-remained aflcat. John Hansen, only crew member aboard the barge, made his escape just before the | fever left her; and she arose, and w AVN a The plant Is an annual with long | Craft made its plunge; Authorities are investigating the possibility that sabotage was responsible. _. | ministered unto "him. This, the | we ) \ { TP , Hinear glabrous leaves which AS ' - : third miracle inthe series, took . J 7 Jahn 45) a) A "0% spread out into compound branche vlace in the home of Simon Peter IT NS L ! ed spikelets, each of which hours You Ma K . at Capernaum, where his wife's WY; FOR THE. FRENCH MOTOR. HIGHWAYS, 8 SU SL Rail y \eep 'mother was sick of a fever, As Hg JN NORTH AFRICA, IS BROUGHT TO THE) | cultivate and apparently requires Both Dog Cat Gu Janing inte ny News 178 NI oe 8 Day OS a sp-eial kind of water. HN ' wuschold made it impossible for / Wa ? ls $ . ? - . : = sickness to remain there, so al- {1 A PLETELY, AND THE INSECTS KEEP THE/A RE rer ---------- 7 . ' ways will evil flee before him, and K =< REPLENISHED. HEN : B ild U H ith -A ND N E WwW S If You Start Win Both Animals | the fever of sin be cooled at his ol SET . ul P ea 8y MADGE ARCHER oung -- Mature Cat Also touch. 6. And when even was ( ) b 2: D : 2 i ! Will Tolerate Puppy come, they brought unto him p 8ows . A And Avoid Flu Donald - Dickson returns "to tho ball coach presets "The Ply Who SEN many possessed with demons yy and - AND fit .| Chaso and Sanborn Hour, replac- Rose to Fame" .., Nov. 25, 3:00 . he cust out the -spirits with a ARROWS 3 = Tre ; . ing Nelson Eddy who resigned To i ou 2% 25, 3:0 Dogs and cats are the most popu- word, and healed all that were ye > 5 If You're Feeling Tired, Chilly |- from the program.on November 6. by oy ie JON ADE. .of apopots. Many dog lovers detest | sick: 17. that it might be fulfilled HAVE BEEN USED 4 . and Depressed, You're Less Dickson made his first appearance 6:00 pm, CBY Kaltermeyer's Kin- | "cats, and a large percentage of cat which was spoken through Isaiah BY MAN : Likely to Throw Off the on the program as guest soloist dergarton , . 7.45 p.m, CBL, Ray. owners dislike dogs. But [ have the prophet, saying, Himself took FOR, Germs ; . i eh i Fabant mond Gram Swing talks on the wg Sips, Sen sop Ei our infirmities, and bare our dis- AT LEAST or ae i ; 10! coveted - 3 . N at the number of people who 0 56s. The passag AS Vv 25 oO £A RS ol Phere' ou appolitment in_ radioland.-- Rudy HS Jie oo CL yom dog and cat, says a writer bid Pe re id To In »O YE ' * eral healt | EH i use pot Valles Will oduting to act Be tie, 1 by Wf nd Patti fu "Our Dumb Animals." Off hand, text of Isa. 63:1. Did it mean that T -- = ii VR Bins. i until the return ol. Don Amecho. | P1a¥ by play description ot Maple | I can't think of mord than a doz | Christ sympathized with the suf. | IT is believed that the first men to use bows and arrows were of = olss for that i: S6 it's bik "i TREATS FOR MUSIC LOVERS Leafs vs. New| York Americans - en acquaintantes who actually ferers, -that he really felt their the Aurignacian race, of at least 25,000 years ago. On the -walls ) a tere obvious | = Saturday, Decomber 2nd, will be | hockey game . .. 10:00 p.m; CBY, keép both, but- I know a great weaknesses and pains? There are of caves, in France and Spain; there are pictures of hunters car ' his oa 2a 3 eep as well as 1° 4-104 letter day for all musle lov NBC, Symphony under Toscanini . many thers who would do so, but | uuny interpretations. _~ rying these weapons, and some of these ancient drawings show ' Boman ers; In the afternoon the Metropoli- | .,. Nov. 26,3:00 p.m, CFRB, N.y, | for the belief that it is possible or | "Follow Me" Emr witr divans sted 13 Bink Hodes, eit Br Borne Bede {s'that | tan Opera Company will fnaugur- | Philharmonic under-Barbirolli . . , | oxtremely difficult to establish 18. Now when Jesus saw great dia ini [og50 Ee ate a new season of "broadcasts | 6:30 p.m. CBJ, Reyiew of-week's Toraibuity between theso ani multitudes about him, he gave . } 7% stralght from the stage of the news with commontarles . .-8:00 males commandment to depart on the ; ) " person ih A Metropolitan Opera House in New p.m, CB, Chase and Sanborn It you start with both animals other side. 19. nd uy Ehtic . iden EARLY AMERICAN LEADER ' wands I 1 him gs o.+| York. On Saturday evening tho | Hour... 9:00 p.m, CBS, Sunday when babes, the thing is entirely scribe, and said unto him, Teacher A 1] - Ex Ta bp fi soafhing NBC Symphony orchestra under | Evening Hour .,, Nov, 27, 8:30 | simple. And usually you can bring I will follow thee whithcysoever i - k Rie Te BO bo th Ls Toseaninl IE present Desthovens pm, SEL, Pivissa Crooks on the: 2 Danny id 2 Le her thou goest, . 20. And Jesus saith HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle e 12 Returns. "into "syste hy 1yi-The-Westminster restono Hour ©... 9:00 pm, | 21 al. Dhus, to him, The foxes have holes 1 Earl ' Emin : 15 Kno into-their systems. If they are feel- Cholr. baie 5 , : Gy unto him, he foxes have holes, arly 5 Knock. ay J Are te . of America's best-known CFRB, Radio Theatre .- 9:30 p.o. of- course, qn the cat's disposition, ha As rai = : i | : ing i and eheertul there's a good choral organizations will provide CBL, 'Arabesque program po and specifically on her attitude to- tigi be i gti hays pared v; SIA 00 17 He was a oid Too ps sos - the background for the prosenta- | 28, $:00 p.m., CFRB, Big Town... | Ward dogs. While it is-not the us- | 0 C00 oh ola Rn _ Benjamin OILIE a1 Shoei -- x. 14 tion of Beethoven's Ninth Symph- | 8:30 p.m, CBL, Information Please ual thing for Puss to be the ag- ay-his head, Jesus 1 21 Lava. tired, chilly and depressed, it's. an . -1m,, 4 ation Please a wo does not question the sincerity of 8 He won fame - 4, ony and the soloists will be Jar- | .., 9:15 p.m., CBY, Canada's Fight- gressor, occasionally sho "is; and serie is walandi bg so iUf 23 You. - oven chance the germs will get to eT ll er axis) ' 3, 0 iy iii It you know your cat to be ome the scribe, but his understanding as a . me 26 Semidiametery work and another victim go ghiv- by Fe Us pm, CBL, b , "a and his call. He points out the 13 Biblical high 27 Auto body I make her 'Mertopolitan Opera"de- | Les Concerts Symphoniques con. | Of that kind, don't get a dog--not tire of 4 tolic lif i fest Q o uto body eringiy 10 bod. but later in the 'season, Kerstin | cert from Montreal Nov. 29, at | Oven a maturo one. You won't be | ARC © Gil BPOSONE file, an Eig LT PERU 29 Fat. First koep as well as you possib- | pporherg, Metropollian Opera con- | 12:30 pm. CBL. Ontarle. ore |. able to change that cat's mind, and [leaves him to decide for himself 14 Mime drain; S 31 Meat. ly can. Tho hated enemies of the | \a110 Jan Peerce, tenor and Nic. oD wih Ontarlo Farm youll have no end of trouble. in the face of the reality. -2I. 16 Unfrequented. 0 33 Sun god. Influenza germ are fresh-air, clean. | o10 Noscona, basso of the Metro | and iii] A Rover fs the aggressor, gemer- | ANd another of the disciples said 7 Sasyoning. ) 34 Publicity. 3 liness and good food. ' ' bh Be . reports . . . 3 1 1 re our -unto him, Lord, suffer me first to VINg., 36 Horse food. 110 Make sure of the fresh air; don't DON, Te a Di F:50 pm, CBL, Serenade for The yt ou hind ford ie to go and bury my father, 22. Rut 19 Boys. be =] 38 Eagle. 8 A rush to shut the windows everY | ayy for Plano, Chorus and Orches. nor = he p, Percy Falth {0 don't get a cat. Tako thls as | Jesus saith unto him, Follow me; 20 To attempt. . 40 Encircled, Vis time; put on a light jacket instead. - 1 fe ; usie +. . 10:00-p.m., CBI, le (with exceptions): a mature | 8nd leave the dead to bury their 21 Toe sick 41 Mud. 61 He was known 42 Occurrences, hE ppl _| tra-and will feature Anfa Dorfman | Chamber Music from Toronto . . A:TUG (ith exanhbionss: a 4 , : 22 To himdi¢, BN: 43 To dish * Hh as piano sololst. "| Nov. 30, 9:00 pm., Edward Arno | €at Will tolerate a puppy, but a | own dead. - Could it be that the 24 Period. ra See ihe i SINGER DOUBLES «NOTES AND NEWS and Good News : +» 10.00 pm mature dog is likely to injure, per- person here was already follow- 25 Like, -- 44 Myself..> VERTICAL 4 p iy i 2 Nov.i24, 9 p.m., CBL, Ted Roéve, | Bing- Crosby plays host to fous. | Maps kill a kitten. os) tne. Lord, buy ig 3s i 26 Hurried. L468 He was also an 2 Erects. 48 Definite arc ou AS SCULPTOR | ~| Toronto sports columnist and foot- | guests on K. M, H. pene bint Tg a ond gai: 28 Snakelike fish. To 3 Partner, 50 Toilet box. i - : Passengers carried on -clectric | pect, his enthusisdm chilled, and bc 49 ai lasers egg. - 54 Ycpsure ot. if rroees ft or : railways in Canada -during 1938 he offered an excuse which. would sound. 51 Ever. . PE 56 om, atl - 4 RN PUCK CHASERS : Stereoscope, Old totalled 629,778,738. give him permission to go home? 32 Famous. : 52 Cabin. 7 Mesh of lace. drink. ut N : ; " 35 Exclamation. 53 Short letter. 8 Pocketbook. 58 Hawaiian saves eseserd Parlour Favorite - : . ~ 377To shun, 55 Backs of necks 9 Sick. bird. hs "SENIOR "A™ SETUP QL a ----|-Low-Winged Monoplane-Will Be Used Here For Trdining | 39 To total: --- 57Iron cup. -. -10-Adult tadpole. 60 Measure of a Sees Camouflage gerd hk 3 2 ; . 9 40 Solemn. -- 89 Musical note. 11 To enrich, areca, Hamilton Dominions and Galt 5 8) a t : : Moose Club made a successful ii start as new entrants in Senior A og : : Ae f gadget that was the life of the bi Pig ili fae party Inthe gay 90's is now help- lent showing indicates a lively sea- | 108 fight the war in Kurope. It is son for Senior hockey game in the old-fashioned stereoscope, with Ontario "this winter, which you looked ' through eye- 1} > 3 Hamilton and" Galt arc the new | Pieces at double postcards aud got rd i clubs replacing Oshawa and Brant- three-dimensional views of Niagara Y ford teams of last season. Back Falls and the Taj Mahal, Its war _again with strengthened line-ups time use Is the detection of con- are Niagara Falls, St. Catharines cealed military structures and ap- Saints, Port Colborne Sailors, and | Paratus. the Toronto Goodyears, who are: From Slightly Different Positions defending the Senior O.HLA, "A"s yy ies <) Cem championship. The prina{ple of the stercoscope 3 tania' Wal is that through two plctures taken ? Team colors in the: Senior "A" 'from slightly different positions, ; - series for this season follow: Ni- you get the sanie eftect of perspec. ik . = : & agara Falls," maroon and white; | {iyo as when you look at something " : as i ' .Nelson Eddy. when not working 'Galt--purple and gold; Hamilton with two eyes. In camouflage de- Several hundred Harvard training planes, ordered in the United States r goes in for sculpturing. This new --red and white; Port Colborne-- tection, one picture in tho stereos by Great Britain, will be delivered in Canada and used to train Efipire = obby has: been a. secret for more old gold and blue; St. Catharines copo 1s a picture taken as nearly pilots, according to a spokesman for the British air mission, now in Can- than a year because the star was | --blue and white; Goodyears -- | ag possible from tho same view- mh 5 Kefinan syd Jl Blass Uilietty of the low-winged mono- fearful about his first effort. Eddy gold and blue. ! --point after any suspected military plan ould not take place immediately, but sometime in the near fu- is seen working upon his prize g A £4 ture. Capable of a speed of 260 -m.p.h., the Harvards are powered by a . - Goodyear's List emplacements have been mgde, 650 h.p. Pratt and Whitney Wasp engine. : - } - \ 3 , + " . Fatal Whiskers 'odd tic game, Such will nat be HE CH vr the case this season in the opinion YOU KNOW. WHAT A. - > oily - u- ar . YON] el <A mayor of Barnau, Germany, | of the Senior. hockey followers, * rT . ' BN I i : BR NN a whodied in 1672, a inordinate- | The Tiremen have lost four key- , POLYGLOT IS, Dont . coher! 0) Wii ' f ne rg ATR ; ly proud of his beard, which teach. | men in Goalie Hasty McQuesten, | ! ¥ 2, [fo oroMeTRY | ] RE ed from his chin to his feet, and, | defense player and Captain 'Wil- ) "3 hil ' i ; N i 6 inches farther. In order not to | fred Sutcliffe, Don Metz and Hank . tH id LARN | stumble over it he used to drape Goldup. They have added Jimmy AN EN 4 TAA the beard over one arm when walk- | Drummond and Abner Grant to a | PA i REL ing. One morning he forgot this their blue line division, and. Paul i) by ih Nt { ; 'precaution, started down the Town Mundrick, Bus Benson, Bert Tur- A { . GLE "Hall steps, trod on his whiskers, ney and Jerry Cooper from Osh- {4 Hit NR id *~ fell and broke his neck. : awa, in an effort to make up for wh Fh \ = Sra tin the lag winterls star performers. HH oh a 8 a : Goodyears have their best front y= NAS 8 MIny * 5 Boys' and Girls' Farm Clubs in | line in Inglis, O'Flaherty and ll F A DIRE W . < Canada have a combined total, | King. Imlach, Robertson, Laur- ns | i membership of approximately 87, | ant, O'Brien, Bowman and Goalie ENE Fe pt Herbie Mortimer are back again. ~~ ADK S89 RE 000.

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