VaR A ARN : { A HER NGRABO RIANA SSH ENA AURE CHOOSE THE RIGHT "FOOD" FOR YOUR FURNACE. Our "Laundered'" Coal is sold with a Guarantee Certificate, which i every ton, .:': YOU WILL FIND 17 PAYS TO Mi : ATT QUALITY, Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., DAY Phone 240 w After Hours Phone 240 j. LIMITED YOUR FAMILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY Phone 93, Port Perry. ETS: ES ML THOME Store Enlargement Sale is Now On 100 Re-Conditioned Radios -- Must be sold for $2.25 to $10.00 50 Re-Conditioned Stoves 10 Rebuilt Electric Refrigerators = LIONS CLUB ° | Raa NE a a A Re Weotern and Mrs. Geo. Avery. Our SONYA This community was saddened by the tragic and sudden death of a highly respected young woman in the person of Mrs. Jas. Clarkson, formerly Miss Muriel B. Wickett of Little Britain. ' Mrs. Clarkson came as a bride to] Sonya a little over a year ago, and although living here for a short time, she gained the love and high esteem of all who dame in contact with her. Her influence for good was felt in the Church which she attended regularly. She gave liberally of her time and talent to the young people and to the Ladies' Aid. fmm-- The largely attended funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from the home of her father-in-law Mr. John Clarkson of Little Britain. Interment took place in Little Britain Cemetery. She is survived by her sorrowing hus- band, and parents Mr. and Mrs. Wick- heartfelt sympathy goes out to those bereaved. Mrs. Neil Ferguson spent the week- end with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. James Munro has been visiting her daughter Miss Lexie Munro in To- ronto. Misses Lorna Dure, Sadie Stewart, Mary Doble and M. MacInnis visited Mis. Mac Farlane recently. Mrs. Milton Prentice spent a few days at Greenbank with her mother, at the home of her sister Mrs, H, Me- Millan. £3 sister Mrs. Gorden McDonald in Port Perry last week. Tom Meneely, Harold Clarke, ac- companied by Reg. Moase and_ Ken. Scott, Seagrave, attended the funeral of the late Earl Hood, in Port Perry, on Saturday. Sympathy is extended ett, also two sisters, Mrs. Lloyd NY is_the.time to to he bereaved family. order your supply of these \ delightful, tree-ripened Canadian apples! They're FRESH from Canada's orchards . . . and they're at their best--they're tastiest--for cating and cooking! Serve Canadian' apples often -- for the whole family to enjoy -- with meals and between meals. They're" easy to cook appetizing. . « . simple to serve «+ and mighty Watch everyone ask for more! EA Order your Canadian Li today . » + buy them by grade -- with confidence ; "No. 1" Tucludes sound, handpicked apples for the variety, free from insect pests and practically free from disease and minor blemishes. The apples nro size according 10 variety. SDOMESTIC" Includes sound, handpicked apples of fale colour for the variety and practicall free other injury. The apples are sized YOU SERVE LY OUR COUNTRY ¢ 100 of good colour from disease an according to variety. Marketing Service DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister. $ Mrs. Einest.Ferguson was with her oon HUNDREDS of ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, New and Re-Conditioned pe STII SE SY 2 __ NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of James H. Lakey, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of James Lakey of the {Township of Reach, County of Ontario, retired farmer, deceased, who died on October 29th, 1939, are hereby notfiied to send particulars of same to the un- dersigned before the 15th day of December A.D. 1939, afer which date the Estate will be distributed. } "" Dated at Prince Albert this 16th-day of 'November, A.D. 1939. . Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Ont, --~ o-oo ~ Myrtle Station Sunday School attendance was up <everal points on Sunday which is very gratifying to the exccutive and staff, 'The Christmas Tree Entertainment will be held on December 21st. The program committee, consisting of Miss Smith, Mrs, Luery and Mrs. Gervan, has already started the practice work. Rev, G, 8. Geryan preached a splen- did sermon on Sunday evening, choos- ing his text from John 8:18. His sub- ject was "God's Love." Next Sunday he will speak on "Christian Fellow- ship" at 7 p.m. "Miss Vera Fisher of Taunton, visit- 38 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Phones 84 and 744 '| hour. Mrs. G. S. Gervan poured tea, - Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parrinder, Mr. Fred Brown of Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs, David Duchemin on Monday. i Mr. Fred Hinton and family of To- ronto visited recently with his mother Mrs. T. Carey. = © On Wednesday afternoon of last week Mrs--Alpert Swale opened her lovely new home to the membership of. the Women's Association and visitors. Twenty-four ladies were. present. A brief .program of readings, a duet and games filled up he time until the tea Cr Mrs. Roy Thompson and Mrs, David Duchemin, the hostess served lunch, Mrs, Hervey Painter and children of Prospect spent Sunday with her far- ents Mr. and Mrs, E, Masters, Mr, Kenneth Moyer of Queen's University, Kingston, was a recent the village. : . The Young People's Society was re- organized on Friday evening with the Following officers and conveners: President, Miss Pattie Gervan; Sec'y- Treasurer, Frank Downey, pianist, D. DPuchemin, conveners--Christian 'Fel- lowship, Beulah Cooper; Missionary, Doris Magee; Literature, Miss Elsie Open Evenings Auxiliary of the W.M.S. was held at 'brief business session was held fol- OSHAWA, ONT. AARRAARNRAARRAR AAAS the parsonage on Thursday afternoon with a fair attendance. The President, Mrs. Redman, occupied the chair.' A lowed by 'worship conducted by Mrs. Redman, assisted by Mrs. Hudgins, Mrs. Mole. A report of the sectional meeting held at Pickering was given by: Mrs. C. Harrison and Mrs: Gervan. A brief talk on India was given by Mrs. Hudgins. The fall Thank Offering was accepted, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Lynde of Chalk Lake, visited on Sunday with relatives. Mr. C. Fox has hired with a farmer north of 'Blackwater, Mr. N, Hughson and Mr, 0, H, Downey arrived home early Monday morning from a hunting trip, each having a fine trophy, : Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Carey and fam- ily of Oshawa, weie Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. Carey. Mr. A. E. Ramsey has moved into his_fine new store on the corner. _ We regret to report that Mrs. Gor- don Barton was taken to Oshawa hos- pital on Saturday evening, suffering from pneumonia. She is in a very critical condition. Smith; citizenship, Mrs. D. Duchemin, Social, Harry Gervan. The meetings will he held eyery second Manday evening, commeneing November 27th, ed on Sunday with her uncle and aunt Friday evening was a gala night for our amateur program sponsored by the Port Perry Lions Club. A good attendance was present. Rev. F. G. Joblin introduced the President, Lion Jas, Kerr, Secretary Bert Hutcheson, and Lion" Ed. Michell, who acted as "Major Bowes." ER Mr. Kerr took the opportunity to tell us of their work. The program was 'then turned over to "Major Bowes", with the remarks "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Lion Ed. Michell broadcasting from the Town Hall on Scugog Island over a network from station PPLE, The Lions Club of Port Perry are sponsoring an amateur hour and we have contestants ready to do their best for you and for themselves. The wheel of forunte turns round and round she goes, and where she stops nobody knows. Lig, This was followed by a few pleasing remarks of our island: The Island of Scugog was surveyed by: Major Wwil- mot in 18186, 123 years ago. from that time to now great changes have taken place. Theré is some 400 people living happily on this beautiful island. One| remarkable accomplishment and 'sut- passed by none on record, is the hav- ing of only four township clerks since "Send the Port Perry Star The regular monthly meeting of the to absent friends. LITRE . {1 National Home Monthly. 1 This Newspaper, 1 ¥ CHECK THREE MAG () Woman's Home Companion, 1 yr H . the thrifty, economical way to subscribe 7+ for this newspaper and your favorite magazines at prices that are really sensational. These offers are g yr. t ) Parents' Magazine, 6 mos. ood either for new or renewal orders. It will pay look them over and send us the coupon TODAY Y OFFER \ y and Any Three Magazines 8 -- ENCLOSE WITH ORDER {1 Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 yr. = ALL FOUR ONLY of Jack and Jill"-by Isobel Flewell; *! the formation of the township 83 years ago--John Foy 1850-1906; Thomaa Graham 1908-1933; Jno. W. Crozier 1933; John L. Sweetman 1933 to the present. We salute the Island- of Scugog and the lake of the same name which surrounds its shores, as: the most beautiful and healthy place in this God given land of ours where de- mocracy reigns supreme. : The gong sounded and the program started with the young men's choir, and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman as accompan- ist. 'Then came Dorothy Fines sing- ing "Your the Only Star in My Blue Heaven"; a duet, "There's a Rainbow for me" by Irene Rednian and brother Allan, with their mother at the piano; a piano duet by Dorothy Graham and Shirley Crozier; a song, ,'The Wedding a Amateur Nights WIN POPULAR FAVOR 'SCUGOG duet, Ivah Milner and Florence Carter; a recitation by Lois Jeffrey, " I Wish 1 Was a Boy"; a solo, "In the Garden" __, by Roy - Humphrey; "Flora's Letter" Dorothy Collins; Mrs, Geo. Sweetman was accompanist. a recitation, At this time "Major .Bowes" said In memory of the young man whose physical body has been so suddenly taken from us-and-for-the young man who at this moment lies on the bed of injuries, and in sympathy and con- dolence we will all bow our heads in two minutes silence. The second part of the program was started_with a duet by Clem Jeffrey and Glenn Demara, "How Do You Do" with Mrs. Geo. Samells at the piano; Cecil Fralick stepped before the miero- phone impersonating a happy marriéd man, (but is not.) Mrs, E. Hance gave a reading 'Johnny Sands"; Gor- don Collins and Charles Samells sang a duet "The Melody Twins"; Everett. . Prentice sang a popular song, "I Took It" swith Mrs. Sweetman at the piano; an instrumental was then' given by Cecil Fralick, Ray Milner and Ralph Milner; on guitars, and -actordion. Mrs. H. Mulligan, Mrs. E. Michell, and Mrs, Howard Stone were judges. While the judges were making their decision, the following talent. com- pleted the program: The Sod Busters, Bob Allin, Grant and Harold. Bentley, gave musical selections; Beth Griffin and Norine Stewart sang a duet; the Mulligan Sisters tap danced. Doreen... Thompson sang "Nothing is Too Good for the Irish." And still the judges were undecided. Five contestants were asked to repeat a part of their num- ber. Finnlly the judges decided that---- -Clem Jeffrey and Glenn Demara should : get 1st prize, Isobell Flewel), second and Irene Redman and Allan Redman, 3rd. Lois Jeffrey, Cecil Fralick and Ray and Ralph Milner were given pen- ¢ils. This is the third. of the series, The Lions are doing a wonderful work in bringing this talent before the pub- lic. The final program of the winners will be at Port Perry on Dec. 1st." -- $e Don Christian Electric have taken lover the store immediately' north of their present showrooms at 38 Simcoe Street North and their showrooms will now include both 38 and 40 Simcoe St. at the present to fit these showrooms "Don Christian Electric Enlarges ; Premises : Li North. Alterations are taking place: 1 employed service experts, and sales. men and we feel that the future of ; Oshawa, justifies the expenditure to handle increasing business. The most. modern. display of electric lighting fixtores, new basement' trade-in de- "-(} Canadian Home Journal, 1.7. (1) Bod & Gun, 1 yr. 2 {) American Boy, 8 mos. "11 Ganadian Horticulture & Home. = { Magasine, 1 y7., partment accommodation for reboild- up in the most modern manner for the ing trade-in merchandise, larger stock display and sale of electric merchan- dise. 'The incseasing sales and service 0 { . Fins ea BUY BY GRADE -BUY WITH CONFIDENCE A () Christian Herald, 6 mos. 9] American Fruit Grower, 1yr F SN If you have anything to sell, advertise. "it in the Port Perry Star m----S I 0 I 000 CC BOBCEENC EE CALL F. E."REESOR for a - FUEL a AND nd BO Building Supplies | » n ' | Try BLUE COARfor Good Heat. 'Your Fuel Orders will receive prompt attention. F. E. REESOR Phone 73 w . PORT PERRY" Digest, 6 mos. d, 1 yr. SUPER-VALUE O This Newspaper, 1 Year, and One ! GROUP A--Select-l | J] Liberty Magazine, 1 (1 Collier's, Weekly, 1 yr. [1 True Story Magazine, 1 yr. () Newsweek, 8 mos. [1 Silver Screen, 1 yr. .[] Christian Herald, § mos. {1 Open Road (Boys), 1 yr. "(1 Magazi [) Screen] {] McCall's Magazine, 1 yt. {) Phrents' Magazine, 1 yr. . : ONLY ONE SELECTION FROM GROUP "These Offers' Are Positively . Guaranteed gazine Group 'A, ~ Y GROUP B--Seleot 3 {3 National Home Monthly, {1 Canadlan Horticulture & £ ¥> Magazine. 1 yr. t) Rod & Gun, 1 yr. { 1 /American Boy, 8 mos. - () Parents' Magazine, 6 mos. ( ) Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 yo, {1 American Fruit Grower, 1 yr. i #A" |8 PERMITTED Fler OUT C LL Sh FFER - Two Magazines Group B "(1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. - 1 Woman's Home Companion, 1 yr. Please ollp Ust of os After checking ones . desired. Fil vet gowpon Hv pd Gentlemen: | enclose TEAR Dy Ing below the offer desired 'with scription to your paper: { ] BUPER-VALUR 1 : 'ALL FOUR ONLY 10 Home OUPON - MAIL TODAY . 1 am check' a years sub {1 B10 FAMILY PEE sess nes . whieh we have been favoured with has made it necessary that we increase our accommodation, The addition of the radio and service and sound advertls- ing business of Don James, the addi- tion of new lines of merchandise such 'as White Electric Sewing Machines, Locomotive Washes and Clare Jewel Electric Ranges and a complete line of cook stoves as well 'as a. further in- creaged electric service department warrant this extension. Our staff has now. been increased to twelve steadily of floor and table lamps and an en- £ larged refrigerator service department are to be found on these new premises. The most modern lighting will be used throughout, Here also will be seen , the new General Electyic Air Condit. EE joning, systems as wélkas a complete line of General Electric refrigerators, Hotpoint Electric Ranges ahd General Electric merchandise for which Don Christian Electric are the exclusive re- presentatives for the Oshawa area. i ¥ L} | | MULLICAN'S BEAUTY BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all other lines of MISS M. PEERS | 'Registered Hairdresser cc OO s + |®ELL PHONK 78 DE MILO PERMANENT BEAUTY CULTURE |: OPPE has Installed a - SH WAVE MACHINE NE BARBER SHOP . SPECIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all other lines of the work ERG 1+ HW. H. MULLIGAN p hind Raginaret phrier I : PORT PERRY i - "