: Foo "I don't see much in that," com- y =a E [ . . a ~bipg Far. g For Y a. + mented: ao fat dade voonsspn soon Mend Damaged... sense . N EINE sich "That's the point--there isn't" ( 2 Xi S ow ony oilers dhe Jeni taste nt J 5 Home Articles igh joke. (He's jolly goed, af, seoing/| | Mo) STETIA Yo w)eiedd allo Sos Wht. Too My jokes lately." i e Hand dy Woman Armed [ Hi Rye Dé ¢ "I¢s. All, Over", Be Glue, Plaster and Pat- # Nipiit LN § Chipping's hoe speme RA | "lence Takes 1 Card of fh w+ Limbs ed, All was quiet excep for «the, i Household: "Invalids?") stare pull | EE CS SRR UR 1 RE monotonous tigking of 'a grand: : 1 srr i ipih v. 'oh A The Ejup das oid pokin dpegio i father's clock. ! A pan of "light! | stam oY inyalids, Nave ind al 5 aba 1 ld (iy i oki a | A! gl 8 FN } 4 J ~ =3 streamed through a lwindow)! upt n{"bome? Probably dozens! Treasires |. TY 8 warm wi amd x hn of \ {IE y 4. ¥ Ri x the staivway landing damaggd in accldeuts. That favor. : @ our home and ex Fol 1.8 in = Zo R : : s { At the bottont of © the: Isteps, | Aon ud Jaments, , The cheir on : ie Great = outdoors may be 'détrimental to the stood Kathie's 'little maid, Nellie; | r a? / # Nin in winter. The probiein of \ looking. up .,with white, . shocked i Pine theirsad state! Just ITN ; A VERY 8 caring for (he skin in winter is face. Her: cyglids were ed; and |, tend: a ! Fi HRS xR or 21.0 4 # quite ditfegent gol, thy i Pu swollen, | Henlten Ching Hr Clean, ab ta i" ' J met. 3 A nurse ame out of a XT } thoroyshily. He sure, to ge y : na cedght ig of Hs, Di. i floor rcom and: ahpenred at the eres thoroygior. Be "Carefully Fi Bh ¥ Eusere EF -Praub™ emphasizes the head of the s Nellie called to broken pieces and select two @ fact that the customary bath tak 'in Iushe\: ul voige i Tsjipall Jat tit together. Appry a thie' cont | dnp ib, AEONY,y . Qvar, this, wpread 8 Cn Hy Fogp Ww tho, wintgr Willd right 7"? a of glue to the edgé ot each, | second pix Ws ft LL AIL arn EA } i J £ oA lid skin, Aating apd arack-1 fk "les all over, Nellie, Mus. Ohipy Ihave! the @lusY to Nb tvaarieating a) § din' slow" oveh (275 0 # ing will result. This is a warning we ping « C1 dvr and, dhon press shen firmly... il : niiputes, Cut in fingers or squares ke sign that Jute ) hy gel CHIPS "And-Land the baby, too" s together. Let that first jolot set, A : "while still warm. : H be oF ie 2 i Fo AWA WA ne he if ' The' nurse did not trust herself' |' completely tL Nore sticking the next 1 YOUR HOUS D 8 J 3 i 3 iol 1 alga SYNOPSIS Hei Housemaster Now" to speak; she nodded and Fei "in dts place, i add plece by pisee dh 1 "PROBLEMS : i are gy ost lik if fo bp aTety i J, During the 20. years that, as a of "UKdlhid, helped 'by Nellie, the | ly disappeared. © Nellie! laid "her" | "leaving cach to set ia' (going i1]:Have you. funni eats tars-in yout, nlf Eel ¥E3S {bachelor, he had been a mpaster at | -niafd," was' busily decorating. - u [+ head against the newel post) and if i the ey toy) TAZAL FY [vO family? Do sip trouble & Artificial Lubrication Brookfield Schogl Chipping had not Christmas téce in the 'sitting room broke inta: soft weeping. iin «Bro e n Furni ire iy 'lean the providing a vd ota Ihterest. BO The vee of oap aad water on been able to get on friendly terms i] when Chips came in with a rush of The bedyoow daor pened. and (wood, thoroughly, and warm it, he. f, ine menu, No your cakes falldif 1.14 ? ¢ ap and wy ) Ik ; Chips camg out, walking heayily," |, fore applying the glue, Apply the - Then write, enclosing a stamp- Ss] re A with the boys. But, after a walk. {| excitement, . | & the shin removes the natural lu. 1 wh h : his eyes dazed and, dead, unable |, glue thinly, and 'don't Tet ft get 'too B ed, self-addressed" oh velope! to on: ji bricents, LU ng | G8 Spécpssary," [Figg] [7 ig Fin frp Wier te n 'Kathie! Such. news! They're to realize that wife and child were | dry. Whilé"1¢ "ik stil' tacky bring y Miss Sadie B.-Chambers, care of © therefore, to provide" fctifitial lu had 'mbt (and fatet nfarried) Kat of making me; Housemaster! long. both gone that Kathics sweel thd broken: pieces firmly 'tokether this paper, apd nqaa- h bricitiph fou Ae ski eting' Elis ttFanef adn was hursy's, leaying, and the Head's sympathetie Volee' would "hiever '|' aud bid them tightly with: steing, [0 1 3 LL to solve HRT Wo ro 'ehagped tip Te is impit. | Worked in him! Nout A beau | offering me his house!" again welcome him home, The. doe. /| leaving them bound for a whole |. Sh i ant to avoid irritating. mouth | tiful,"Kathic gave a ten party for ; "Darling! I'm, so happy!" she | tor followed him touched his arm of: day, Needless (0,say, ba sute,expst-, |; (The things] sh To Se d, lo aby Ta Bhah 4 washes Yi tobacco adi ll EAR eh 2 rl ¥ el foifg Ineo bis grms and kiss- | pong)y. (|. Iv how they [it togetlier before you i i li-7 en n't yanal Lo Eyl Mid oi J ipreparal an dike ob bx 3 '} ing him, vot that it's apy ore "1 1 esamre. t i om, |, stick them together! ay season are egion cdl tran, etole wt, ov lanolin 1 ih class, 'ond 'of jokes { Jie thin' yeu deserve! "It's wu" lovely 3 Wik ts i y WIth" glii¢, plaster hi patiencs, [has not sufiici WAT ieee to flsarsab i ; (Child To entist | g will debedtof lubrieaty) the fskin | always kept hiddeplaway. ue i * 1 ¢ldi house, and 'there's al most im: your class." "It 'fs "surprising how many treds. | vith you! izgestibt is' for HIF your' : une Fine Happint is here. the experintent, 'with triumphant g posing (library for «you--and a "fps all vight," Said a strange, ures you cun mend; ) holiday i cooking. - However, the I. "Silo Visi Wri 5 BI cezema occurs, the condtiion results, i green hose with a, grapevine, 1 dead voice' that 'tante from Chip- . ! 1 { émall cake - has become .a staple t B: 0, Balls tO w, Much iis ps 1 Htiom cnougli to de C{"1CR AVE a ot ASAT think we should have lighter paint~ ping's lips. . ho ! i wh for siarticle in A 4 bi siosk ny etter, om medical guention, {i ] Fh A 27% 1 ip the, hall, though | --- it's u_ little Ph \ LM i per] o era. | gobdies and hhS' beddnie ocia w Wr 1 i Wh diiv ¥ h : Ln ; April Fooly Day' ot pina a5 it is--" He es vy her? ht ol the: in 3 2 Be Ge Jggder in this! Sd! Wel ith iin hath, by hin | * " 5 yop One, ght when Chips was 2 iI 7 "Heve! ere, not so fast!" stieken -man descenil-. the stairs its lovely hospitality. This sweet fi*to the sail 5 hg i : ri } : TH Ghritientan Farmer , guar inspection, as the | But she continuzd: '"--but the with dragging footsteps, Chips was lit{le morsel can always ..appear surance This bit is won't : CR I to fi0] 26% chy of a lights; ont" bell yang; Kathic ac- bedrdoms are' lovely, and oh, there ! \ "with. race: before. the- unexpected you gne little. bit," is. ger : Loa minosesy tek : B71 companied him {6 the' decor. is alittle rocm at! the head of the pos eT Jere of the paete sylsithr. It is splendid with fruit, "doing more to harm the i : i : : ! : ellie. who could scarce- r. 2 A 'Chips,' she suit Jad ip \ stair. L always thought that would nh 4 thedingh ee roars. Mo. custard. of fa ess i & pL Pine oh to the , Shild than WV hen, with mock Ba, oo i bo. perfect for a nursery"? chanically he got his hat and 1¢7t also fill the! ii on bry 'ff fo repb Hall cach Haned; Nor Adify a Fou You, always, thought , . . . 7» the house, : evanjng june' hic 0! 0 the ind 7 rs ay SHE on i come to NO g ne to gulped Chips, "hut you could hard- " esitable sandwic! Lgl _ "Kathie--why 2" he asked with fy [0 Cf enpettal hls Dominga our _ Lam giving you my four Fado 1} 1 ifarents Hrbuld 'bb Well adv wr hn $5 instant suspicion of her wiles. ¢ "But of course, "deiif. 1 was ER ii ites to help" fill your cookic jar or '| lot | thin! thildrén cake Holo: Alsitd '§ "Well, Jones Minor got a tuck- rv " A gi o | mates, They watched Chips enter } to. ith dental, office wht thosel i 1 , sure'! you would 'be Headmaster and go slowly to. his desk without "thn hidden box to be ready-for the . THE fay i box from home today . Chips, some' day, just as'I'm sure one day seaking, without looking at them jolly tiles' before and after the visits" are "nétessaby T ral 3 didn't you ever have a dormitory Rr) ore Nine speaking, y ng at . A § eh feeling is! tHat" isa" Tot" el oe bi | feast w erly litte boy? | Yowll be Mead. I've been trying Their gleeful anticipation" of arrivgl of: atitd Claus. : NS 'g Fis yes Tinkled at hor, "oll, [4 to make up my mind whic of the | the April Fool joke turned to pis. Sa i i By fi itl t (edly {komt A 5 cyes Vv '. a SB t." . i " : S 1 hE g 1 vemenmber-once--but that's er. [4 hy ay dl like bes gs zlement: Chips did hi id , FRUIT MACABOONS aul pathis in ny © 'pafent hy ths' 3 bi 4 } tirely beside, the poing." sum Ai i 4 ik Nyoman! "He My tgp iis wig the ni 1 2 eee Jo ies YR +] ny ha xd ger dy y ive te h) HTS VET LEIS \ pl I e took up a book, then. put. it 1% -teaspcon salt ; il ef he Auf ct Brot hly NARITA i "Kathie, 1 somcsimes think you I chuckled as Kathie led him fo his down. Martin stood. up. 11248 cup fruit sugar'; 40 cued dp cous i (ibe ox al dak mor. Thite! 3 «re trying to pull Brookfield down [7 chair by the fire, "Please, "sir, there are a lot of .#% feaspoon almont -extract ° hal ie £9 ({ $38] § ia stone by stone!" He'was very [: Imagine, Chips, Longharst's letters for you." od SUR iieg esos. (very. yl ob wi!) Péter) ci 5 -- 1 | solemn as he loft her, but when he [Will have fo be called "Chippin's' Chips 1oked 'up, frawning, as fing) «od If 3 child'! iA t ip f Jol i : La L] ? i ) | opened the door of No. 11, where [TOV 2 : fo : though fn an effort to concentiate. % Sup' chopped' filberts" ¢he has "to go 0 e denlst slong, 3 iH, the conteptsi of the tuck-box were [74 'Chippin's'? 1 supposc so. Er--thank® you, = Martin;"' he 4! cup candjed erie (chov-, then; that. hs 3 { spread out in the centre of the | Well, well! And 1.do believe: you said rvaguely, took up one of the rt ne AIH, al il wi oA 11 % 2 | bed, and 'the' young, décupants sat meant it---that one day I'll be | letterss opened,it, drew ott a blank. "4 Gun oe {opp 3 fast "chopped fuss. a rot] Fl i | aboutrin their night .altire, cyes | Headmaster? .sheet of paper, looked. at it, open: fine, it teas A Ifa Freeh attampdhi Ho "H ! shining," mouths open-in alarm-at fz: "Yeu Cap, Do Anything", eil another. The boys. writhed jin; : "Beat. whites of ogi very stiff ehilds gest ir hg 3 i i the discovery of thé forbidden dor: |. - "My darling," said Kathie, snug- | the seats, ssme stuffed hander. | 1. byt fot dry; add salt. Beat the su-. pati 0p 7 A. hp & iz : | mitorg: feast, Chips just stared |" Eling clege, 'you're' a very sweet | chiefs into their mouths to keep | (igar in very slowlyiubeating after { | il 35 Mickey Rooney TR Yoichastd % x £ RIC PAR p Ces { te ! & ¥ 1. Es d. 3 ey large ranch and home ip-Califor- clear across tho 'room. He did not |= person--and a"very modest per: from laughing outrigh hips' 'each addition until yery stilt. Add D Fungged ile t a a ] H nia's WE a¥, Sui Fernandd valley, | | act as though he jsaw either the [:son. You have all sorts of unex- | drew! the sheet of paper' from' the | flavouring coconut; filits and Truits™ | 4s" at if the child comes o LE 1.8nd is putting much of his own time || feast nor the fearful; 'boys. . |i pected gifts' andi qualities, so un« | second envelope, looked 'at 'one |= 3 a ~'Prop with a teaspocn-on a flour- | o. i a playmate there is loss $- Tlinto making it! one of the valley's "Hum," he said ds though to | expected that yeu keep surprising | side, turned it over, raised this ; 20 [Ved 'pane bly y Ad nd with *[Auikgly $e af # tip-top ranches.; Well, Ry Mickey { himself. "Thought I heard a noise. [* even, me with them." ; She put her. |. eyes vaguely towards his. class, i: carats) PB Bake in gl £ oven f. Lee nos SE ® ni Cy Shang . Yiiiag { Must have been:the eat," He went [i hand, in his, "Never be. afraid," |. His Thoughts, Far Jrear "(300° Fy until alight 25 : LB axercises. W, SRY WE Rh "E || quietly out, cloging the door. He |, Chips, that you can't do anything | | First. of "April, | air}? "April, oil trim ono flasal of a X = i sod T r =H 3 stopped for a moment, shaking 'you've madé up your mind to, As || Fool, sir! cried the "boys, Their |, hlyoilz Ld ' RE. M Absa Ont; 2 wi fighé id 2 Li n his head sorfowfully, thoroughly . | Jong as' you "don't 'Jose faith in' 'laughter was beginning to'die away, BUTTERSCOT TCH, DF EA $i fad Hom days! igen byOhen! Gastge 9d {Doctors At rove surprised and shocked at his ac- |Tayoutselt, you cai go ds far as you | "at Chip's strange lack of respotise" ic iv gi 89 To 3 Sh ih Iebrabing i: this; 864k; 3 PP tion; but' not so shocked as to go |; dream. Certainly yow'll'be Head. [<to their joke, when 'a"late'coiier' RY © p tol sue s7isives AH pie Bris C8 s a #5ti 1 ti back-and put an end to the fegs master if you want to. + quietly took: his seat and' whis= | i 1) dggl [15D 1 RET i J hi 4 4311 bea tumy a ion" 1 7 AE thal Christiasibplidayd tha | Max Staefel came in =a. little pered something to the boy in Ns 3d cup floyy WA ay 1) i ii 8p bhooy add fo oY al Ph iar An year, the boys 7, not seek i Jater and they drank a toast. to- dn of him; that boy turned im. irae Toni wars. i it {oso id a i Mo tre ys clans nounce |. avoid Chipsj adg in | . gether to the future. sharply to the next boy and whis- H far he caspoon ba ng 19) PI hn Result of tudy of Tea- to tell hi gas wi AL {nmi a | April Fool's Day always brings pered with an angry gesture that ; "PA APTERN 14273 - ail . un jeup Tolled pec 2 # {ov AY 4 ¥, 8 36 | in kink his, fifo} be £y, Chi § s py a certain license to school boys | silenced the April Feol, sir!" in A By ANNE ADAMS 1 ute) Yq a 6 YY Seba ask 'him' to give: Sa, ips ye % and those at Brookfield were no, td tobi rom Whi eting ran from {'Teschel 's' pet? is the bright lit+ | rE tedsp rhe : E is 5 0 Slontr 1 dod qr3 have com. messages as tha t: Im 3 a exception. fo, y to boyiifro row, and tle scholar whose!ismart 'mother: elt Covi ix in = 2 rown Roto Ape c) bei elects of tea | bung her some hat Wik fh ,| In Chips' orelnsshony gerira) of el go im Aire fre dresses her in this thréespicce but- «sugar, ql, arm, 4313) 1 Pp CAFE "drihkings and they fipd that tea | bring her a pictay te of mm sis the pupils ere gathered: Ong boy Chipsipassed a hi fit, Anne; Adams! Pattern (4273 Add DIA Sita os fenton Hix! Ra Brood: rohEdnable Fh of time |* --of thes Maton JA EN fk 2 had just laid Some fetters on the, | bewildered ¢y¢8, 4 reache for, The Jumper, is. Jpgeniqusly designs |, thordughly. ~ Sift the re luired p [ LH mls a hepectlyy parmless drink, pro- _And: ends nks, the sc pels - fi master's. degk- when; apothotrysh-" -hgok, opened, iro ngly. ed| for i 0h (Inaking, for; both-the ;; (Amount of flgh Aghr, fait Ang! kings 1 \ 1b i y » yduof fmild_apd PI&GANt stimula-- | ter, apiitod oh bd With? a1 nf yjed in buygting- ith news: ; Sry to- page * Shocked, front ang back panel s, cq tin e up powde r; sift Sth b bon. that the ify Yor way Gp to. see "I -say, haye, You yheardt the "sympa t etic, the boys got their in one lect to' "fori the s raps, ing ithe mixtures well, Add nuts ak Elnay; sydd c8dducted by. Dr. hipgg $120 41 229 pk Ye Yo 4 news? Chips is "FHaying n Duby? 2 poss opened et quietly, hardly | The'sidés are 'also cit in' oe' easy | 'and vanilla; ; Gikade pan £10100 4G. Wtalpenny and Dr. H. E. Mac: » 5' "Chips is?" queried' Matin, rustling 4 Wily Ti will | piece with'hd side' Seams ~i fast" |: atidtibake in ode Fe ven (860° Hh BP, pC and 1 Apgjrekiits oh ¢ in- : SLT or "Mrs. Chips, you fool!" Explain. "you gin, continyed thee Syples- darts Tfor nicesfit.) Ailwondérful: |i abouti 16 roindty) hntil! Yrowhba ¥extightion ire Mader kidd to_ bth. ? "ed an older boy/ sionles, voice of Ni magter, time-saver and smatt, too, fou they, |) nicely: and pul Ser Li elans thfough the medivm OYA CONMIVEHT | "Just like old Ghipk)' : comment- Martin stood up Hod heedn repd- arg bias-cut to give aswing:to the:/| (from;side of 'pan. -Gubsin gy Jared "got" antdfun! Medic: al "Associd- Yi ALL ER REM ed Martin!" on): e wafild liave ,a ing the: Latin, translat ing, jt ine hel ine. ; The decorative, seallop, pido warm. Foliow Directions in Pictures ation oi ' 114 HAMILTON, ON TEES 1 ; D ¥ hs by line into stumb iflg En lish, this ed but toning J is _cqnvepient for lit- ) RIO is Vi Op 1a SE Good)' fedvga ff Five' HH d 1] ay -- fa he : = Zit vaice-choked, undarialn, Hltering. J tle fingd A-5Wéet blotise is. ins: 1: SHORT} BREAD on I'he findings Wn" bri tare (i0od y ki Nk HAL 4 K 0} CH [f! They returned, 4"the dé Never once"did Chipé stop him, cluded with the pattern. 1 3 tei ® q 20) pi y WL wed fog tive, VAY AS] ) Fl stuck used "stamp §'on, the help him through ac dif cult pass Pattern © (4293845 hvaildble i' ¢ puters g Io . gets fs adache, go hia Aha EALEE Amba BURR Thili., 28% opes. "Ong, boy yas "pain sage or /éXplain a new Para, an- | children's izes 4; 6, 8,10 and-12.: |' Hh ¢ ik sugar ori sad. Fh] Ei nd ripops fort 8 Bolas. of " PP { 3 h . din, pencil | obscure Fofererice. Martin's voles Size 6, jumper and bolero, takes i} " RIES aT RoC 7 - Rb Ab Cahoon sant: action of : , LE 41] [U fA Ki Across a ved 'Stay Lent, of ms monotonously through the | 2% yards 54 ye Jarics jumper, | Grafuall i in the Shani Boat water, Repeat ts"Ahafn i s,~caffelne and EE EEE IEEE |i "Bring he, Bostmark ¢toss the | entire AY gfiment. No other boy | 2% HER To d Aya y g ax aby ; : Lait yen ihea BATH BY 500: oY. 3 joiter eat] foto, Matt] y hips was. called on = recite, Chips was | himise TR Hi ie n fray lishdgh 5 . 4 arately or jp combination. 7 y von't notice" ite, He'll, tf inl; they | not even following the text. wenty Mb (20¢ lly " 4 "Sond Tea, bfewed 100 tidd es, .! { : li wy re really, letters ha ongh i of "(To BE Gantinued) : \ hs (stamps G@inidot BE nck ni mixture -of 2 gh: fe y N y Cs 2 U5 si discon AT = nd only bin, $ffeets of fo Je for this Anne © Adams So) Of onl in ns taffon of "inthe nuiine * bis FE Write plainly Size) Name) Address: He nd nl : h 2 la and Spi Ammbery, nosis stdfod in fn on . Moi Po pacEtnARDG Adams, , "ther in s thi 1 . podd Nr erenssthainngd ue heap tea, weak, may suit Some" alates, and lag, no; objpgilonable T RT oRie cutte?s i hl ott flects, but if Sibi 1 pHs is TY I ' te Ong: nuts or erie Red and Soa ry 3: dobre i fapt to be unpleasant. : : Fitna A PUR help you 'color | ali; o Hd Hin Al ok oct ot'ted off Faskichd™ | ould deg er unl |lisekid 18 FHECH db bia | Alllago wo.l "Adity- and peptic adiyity- arg sight = front and variable, Tea does not Increase acldity, Tea does not seem* to alter Aut » SET DREAM M FINGERS ITV | Jie old" - butt, ' . ho | lie ral : [4 d on't "the basal metabo 7 rate, : St Gg Hina I & Dit a wed SRG Yip ) ; ., ¥ 2{egg yolk 'directions in the Pictutsa above -- the N a | a (0F \ 1 oe iosmef rarmilliong. ra 1 dan ers of jo tr Eis [ ly andl' ry this way. if orien {lic EL Ii; " 7 : ai bid ou sugar WARNING | A urd ol d \ { Eolas d A an 1d into. Ein eg vl yon pAvkrh ac o NR . . 1 NA mixture beat shies tI TA be Li dry, widofad hd : ' a4 ually i v Save Your Sight +, iY at te fre 1878 vanilla and - oT @leman si: LAMPS it BE ¥ pr Quiet as silence, Deep as the sea, Black velvet, wings would b 2 ihre! (20 ict 0 ahs Nigh ws! thtsthvsl 1° i ig X] u XTURED Hd gbghsutds qutitheiri light, |5; frase EE TERTURES And whéte Téigsis Fr Haow de {mn i'l > 9 MORE]. q . A wind of darkness blows, 'Night sings a song DIGESTIBLE Melodious and deep . .. * 3 , 4 Andean he sings Swe sleep, frees ~~ Sara Van Alstyne Allen. "low {pan "and press first .mixture . fa ' ' ' ia \ « < ¥