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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Nov 1939, p. 8

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worries, 'and 'JEMISON'S "YOUR FAMILY BAKER . Can relieve you from baking ~ best in Bread and Pastry. THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 98, Pert Perry. 4 RTP aC AY ATA NL \ } ARTI RFRL AERA SSIES FON Sa LEP CFO provide the BAKERY "CHRISTMAS BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME with Flowers CUT OR Phone to WM. ETTEY » PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. Phone 206. IS 'COMING POTTED 4 When the Boys h Come Home (Continued from front page) ' ever would have thought that Pales- tine would havé heen of any use to any other nation but to the Jews as a National Home and for which, accord- ing to Divine Promise, the British were providing for them. We read last week of a series of radio lectures-in which the speaker as- ties innumerable. In warfare, ag in conquest victories are real for all are gainers. But the subject o fthis article must not be overlooked: "When the Boys Come Home." In one of the issues of the Literary Digest published just after the Great War an article was written to this effect: "After the war, 1 What? It went on to state that after every great war in the past there was a period of depression and of hard times followed by a period of expan- ¥ BAA " & law, the victor is the loser, but in' this | { idan PARY iy a TUR SS FTE A CHA lon Christian's Store ga dale JORY PERRY ONTARIO, THURSDAY, iki 80th, 1989 oN Mretlo Station "The pastor, Rev. G. S. Gervan, oc- cupied the pulpit on Sunday evening. The Scripture lesson was a part of the second chapter of Acts. Hisisubject was "Christian Fellowship", and the text was I John 8:18 "My little child- ren; let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth" A duet was a pleasing feature of the service. Church service next Sunday Bulbs, 30 and. 60 watt, 6 lor 690. Complste stook of trade-in Stoves, Washers, Heaters, eto. gerted that both Germany and Russia were casting covetous eyes and were determined to secure that country, but why? In the Gospel Herald of Cleve- land, ,Ohio, a religious publication, we learned the reason. That it is now - discovered that the chemical deposits jn the Dead Sea, so easy of access, are so valuable that conservative esti- sion of prosperity. It cited to bear out its statement that this happened after the Crimean, the war of North and South America, the Franco Prus- sian and the Boer War, and said that it would be the same after. the Great War. Young man jump in. It mat- ters not what your age may be, either at 7 p.m., Suflay-Schaol at 1.45 bm. Mrs. A. E. Ramsay paid a businsss visit to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Harrison of Latchford, who have been visiting with relatives here and at other points, left for their home on Friday. 1t meant, as Three of the members of the Myrtle mate of their value is $1,270,000,000,- 000, a sum even too vast even to con- template. Four times the total wealth Yet *i:of the United States of America. this vast treasure was unk) unti just recently. We heard a lecture the other even- _ ing at the Lions Club by Rev. WwW. R. Tristram, of the- Seagrave Circuit,-who for seven years was 'a British Trader In the course of his remarks he stated that to provide for the. world requirements is a tremendous task. That the great 'difficulty is that the user is so far from _the source of supply and that so few are willing to perform the necessary on the West Africa Coast. labour to secure these supplies. Mr. Tristram stated that in that 20, 30, 40 or_even 50." far as possible for all to. take ad- vantage of the circumstances as they present themselves. Did many take advantage of the circumstances as they presented themselves. Did many take heed to. that good advice, for it all happened 'as predicted? The same advice holds good today. It would be a-good-idea if our Governments will take hold of the men as they return, the ones who protected our homes and our liberties in the hour of our neces- sity, and they will. Some will take advantage of the offer 'of-a paternal Government, but many will not. You may lead a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink, The courage and industry that domi- Branch of the Red Cross Society were among the deputation which visited County Council on Thursday, when a representative from ~ headquarters spoke on behalf 6f the Red Cross work and asked a grant from Council. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson spent Saturday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Hinds (Mrs. A. B. Fisher) of Toronto, spent last week among relatives in Brooklin, Myrtle, Ashburn and Challe Lake. On Friday evening the many friends of the Chalk Lake district gave them a miscellan- eous shower. Mr. David Luery visited over the week-end with his brother, Mr. Nelson Luery, in Toronto. Mrs. Wilmer Harrison of Latchford, nated the Pilgrim Fathers can still in- vast country the supply of wealth is gpire otir people today under new con- 80 great as to me almost unbelievable, ditions to be faced in a different way. but because of heat, pests, ignorance Qur outlook is still democratic and as and superstition-it is- barred from guch_ we dre -individualistic,- our -in- human use. : If the billions upon billions now spent upon instruments of destruction were spent in conquering natural bar- riers we shall still need, all the cour- age and spirit of adventure we can give and in place of desolation and de- struction we would have peace, plenty and happiness. _dividuality will give us success. Un- "der the heel 'and authority of a dic- tator our outlook is as cramped as that of any tribe on the West Coast of Africa who has to obey the voice of the tribe, the chieftain and the witch- craft doctor, you either obey their commands or you risk your life. ~But in our--form of government Science is battling agafnst difficul- «Everything depends on you," If you have "anything to sell, advertise it in the Port. Perry Star DO 0 PA Bu CALL F. E. REESOR for 'FUEL 2 = AND -- ilding Supplies Try BLUE COAL for Good Heat. Your Fuel Orders will reoelve prompt attention. Phone 73 w F. E. REESOR PORT PERRY .and Mrs, Frank Harrison, spent Thurs- day with friends in. Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and Douglas, all of Toronto, visited with friends and relatives on Sunday. Residents of the village wexg shock- ed on Monday evening qf last week to learn of the sudden passing of Mrs. Gordon- Barton in Oshawa Hospital. She was an active and interested worker in the Women's Association and the Faithful Workers' Sunday School class and will be greatly missed in the village. Funeral service was held at the house on Tuesday evening. The body was taken to Gorrie on Wed- nesday and interment was made in St. Stephen's cemetery on Thursday after- noon. The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Barton and seven year old Marlene. Mrs. * Francis Briggs and Miss Thelma Briggs were Saturday visitors in the Provincial Capital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and Gordon spent the week-end in Toronto, Mr, Harrison attended the annual ban- quet of the 116th Battalion which was held in the Royal York Hotel. Rev. George Nickle of Toronto will give a Travelogue on his visit to Ire- land and Egypt and Palestine, Tues- day evening December 5th, at 8 o'elack in the Myrtle Church. 'Mr, and Mrs, Frank Dickson of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, James Dickson, Mr, and Mrs. David: Duchemin visits ed relatives near Uxbridge on Sunday. Mr. Harold Btredwick who is work. ing at Shirley, spent Sunday at his id and Mrs. Charles Carey of Osh- awa, were Sunday visitors with rela. tives, Mrs. W. Lammiman, Oshaws, Miss Nancy Lammiman, Mr, and Mrs,'W, 1A « Our Showrooms, No.'38 Simcoe Street North, are being SA < enlarged to include No. 40, and" construction 'work ; : makes stock clearance necessary, 150 Good Rebuilt Radios, all makes and styles, electric and battery, from $4.95 up. Empire Cook Stoves at less than pre-war prices Washer Special, good $89. 00 value,-all white porcelain tub. Sale $69.00. Electric Refrigerators clearing from $39.00 up: 60 Floor Lanips, good $8 value, $5.96 each. : Fixtures 20% discount during Sale at olear' out prices. HUNDREDS of ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. Hotplates--Speocially Reduced. DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Phones 84 and 744 1 Lantz; and Miss Browne, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 0. H, Lane, ; Mrs. Bowles, of Waterford, Que, is visiting with relatives. Mrs. Roy Scott of Seagrave, visited swith relatives on Monday. > Mr. Frank Manderson of the Royal Canadian Air 'Force, -visitéd with his parents this week. Mr. Clarence Harrison is improving the appearance, and adding greatly to the comfort of his home by having it sided with asphalt bricking. Mr. Bob Vallier of the Canadian Tank Corps visited on Sunday with his sisters and grandmother. *- "MYRTLE The sympathy of the. community goes out at this time to Mr. Gordon Barton and his little daughter Marlene in the loss they suffered last week in the removal by death from the family circle of a loving wife and mother. Mr. Earl Cook is getting settled this week in his new home, west of Brook- lin, on the J. Routley farm, where he has engaged with Mr. D. Taylor, who bought the farm recently: Dr. Paul visited his', sister in To- ronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. North, of Toronto, visited their son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs., Hines of Toronto, visited their daughter Mrs. Russell Lunney last week. Mrs, Hines was formerly Mrs. Aggie Fisher, and they are spending their honeymoon here. Mr. and, Mrs. Victor Hudgins and daughter of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs, Hattle Hudgins. Mrs. G. C. Lawrence, Muriel and Jack, of Lindsay visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, on Sunday. A bad accident happened last Mon- day night a mile and a quarter south of the village, at the intersection of No. 12 Highway ~and - concession 8, when two cars in making the curve, side swiped, and were ditched one hit- ting and snapping a telephone pole, while the other turned over; both were badly smashed.' caped with bruises and a bad shaking up. Officer Waude was soon on the scene and no one was held. This is a very abrupt curve and a number of accidents of minor degree have hap- pened there during the summer. Mr. Kenneth Martin who has been running the south Myrtle garage has accepted another position and is leav- ing shortly. The business will con- tinue under new management. Miss Patty Gervan, along with the faculty and students of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, were enter- tained at Parkwood, Oshawa, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Albert Ramsay's fine new general store, was 'opened last week, and is stocked with a complete line of 'groceries, drygoods, to meet the ro- quirements of his ¢ustomers. Spacious. shelves and colinters give ample room for displaying the goods, and the Post Office in which there {s so much rural mail handled daily, has a well Tghted position in the store. "Toilet Beta -- Gents' or Ladle! of beautiful design and priced right at Open Evenirigs The occupants es- : separ. MY Uniform Temperatile Without F TRY IT NO TIRED: - ~DAY Phone 240 w irons, Toasters, OSHAWA, ONT. PRINCE ALBERT Mr, Jas. Mark and friend Mr. Rob- ertson, of Lindsay, visited at the home of the former's sister, Mrs, W. Mar- tyn, on Saturday. 4 Mrs. A. Hunter has been visiting for two weeks at the home of her daughter Mrs, W. Webb, at 'Norwood. Mrs. Watson has returned after spending a few years. in Victoria, B.C. Miss. E. Spence, Miss Barlow and the Misses Holman, of Toronto, were in the village on Saturday. ; At the Y.P.U. last week Mrs. E. Martyn was elected president. Mr. John Jeffrey was in St. Cath- arines. on_Sunday, his cousin Miss M. Bullen, having passed away on Satur- day night. - Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Fice, on November 18th, 1939, a son. The Y. P. U. met in the basement of the United - Church - on Wednesday night and election of officers for the coming year was held. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam of Port Perry, visited at Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Reynold's on Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Gall of Kitchener, visited at her mother's, Mrs. R. Har- per, and with other Felatives here for a week, while Mr. Clifford Harper is spending a week with relatives near Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Geer and family, visit. ed at Mr, Ivan Geer's on Sunday. Mr. Paul Reger left for his home in the West on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. E, Spencer are spend- | ing. a week in Northern Ontario. Mr, Spencer was deer hunting, while Mrs. Spencer visited her daughter Mrs, Smith and other relatives. 3 "Come and win a goose at the shoot- ing match to be held at Mr. Chester Geer's on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 2. Mrs. Irwin Ormiston chtertatiod members of the W.A., and several visit- ors af her home on Tuesday, when all spent an enjoyable afternoon. The president, Mrs, Ormiston, presided over. the meetiffg that was opened with "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scriptura lesson was read by Mrs. W. Avery, Mrs. C, Luke read the minutes and Mrs, A. Miller gave the treasurer's report, Several items of business were transacted--Red Cross Chapter form- ed with the following officers: Vice- President, Mrs. I. Ormiston; Sec. Treas., Mrs. A. J. Grose; assistants, Mrs, A. Miller, Mrs, W. Avery, Stella Wilson, Mrs. G, Bray, Mrs. J. Eyans, Mrs. Alex, Ormiston. A short program followed: piano number by" Ethel Bright, readings, Mrs. I. Ormiston, Stella Wilson, Mrs, C. Luke, solo by Mrs. Roy Moon, accompanied by Mrs, A. Pilkie, A delicious lunch "was served by the hostess and a hearty vote of thanks tendered her. yMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller were = Bentley's. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, N. In Our "FAMOUS EPA G ANTHRACITE" you get Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., After Hours Phone 240 j. TH the RIGHTY COAL wirh lasting even heat Waste when your Furnace is ~ LIMITED | -¢ 'Wilson dt Prince Albert Sunday even- $2 |ing. %| Lorna, spent the week end in Lindsay %| With their aunt and uncle Mr. and | Rotary Club, Oshawa. THE WORLD'S i y. the Wi will come to yor home every day. through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper It records for you the world's clean, constructive doings. The Monitor ik not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it ignore them, t deals correctively Wb hen Features for busy men and all the GOOD NEWS One, Norway Btreet, Boston, The Christian Belence Publishing Boclety a Jagsachustits for Please enter my riod of . * Pear & Mon 8 months Rid 8.00.00 3 months Le 1 month $1.00 year $2.60, 6 1ssues 230 Address Sample Copy Master Lloyd Evans "and sister Mrs. J. McGaphey. Several from here attended the ban- quet tendered the farmers 'by the Mrs. J. Johns, Mildred and George, 2] are holidaying with friends and re-| latives at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs; H. Etherly, Mr, Bert Etherly and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ormiston, all of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Or- miston, Mrs. John Wilson and family visited with her parents in 'Uxbridge on Sun- day. ; Reeve I. T. Ormiston is attending County Council at Whitby this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Leatherdale of To- ronto, called on Mr. and Mrs, Evans on Sunday afternoon. A) SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE . Shirley Institute met on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, at the home of Mrs. Allan Moore, with Mrs. Toms, presiding. The meeting was Peace Education un- der convenership of Miss Frances Gru: ham; and the motto was: "Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God." - Scripture reading--Matt. 5:1-20, was taken by Miss R. Toms. The roll call was an- swered by "Something I plan to do this winter." It was decided that the president, Mrs, Toms, go as, dele- gate to the Toronto Convention to be held in the Royal York, Nov. 22-23-24. A- donation was made to Crippled |; Children's Fund. Arrangements were| 5 made for making of Christmas cakes, selling tickets, and for the exchange of Christmas gifts at the - December meetinp. The: secretary, Mrs, Vance, was instructed to send for circulating library and arrangements made for distribution of the books, - Misses Coates and Toms told the branch of progress made in their girls' club work--The. Girls' Sewing Club and the "Club Girl Entertains." - donation was made by the branch for the carrying on of the Sewing Club J wofk, to buy necessary materials and prizes, Miss Meta Spencer gave her report of -the district annual at Claremont. Because of circumstances, A cer was unable to give thixrepor less interesting and very instructive on Women's Institate work. Mrs. Moore gave an inspiring talk and paper on The Christian Dilemma. 'It treated the subject of Peace in our homes and community, then nationally and inter- hationally, also the adjustment of our Christian ideas and*ideals of peace to those of a necessary and Jusliggble war for spiritual existance, A solo by Mrs. Toms and a contest by Miss A. Wright completed the program, With the singing of Peace, Perfect Al an earlier date; but it waa none al ; PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS TO COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis. (nee Haazel Croker), Toronto Road, were happily- surprised. 'by a number of friends and neighbours, who présented the young couple with gifts in honour of their recent marriage. The address read: Port Hope; Oct. 16th, 1989. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Davis, Port Hope: Dear Friends: In view of your recent marriage we have taken the liberty to invade your home and get acquainted with our f#iend and neighbour and to enjoy together a social evening. We are glad Mrs. Davis, you have come to Port Hope, as it always adds much pleasure to a happy event of this kind when our young people can settle down amongst us, and you Robert, we known' you all our lives and we 'want' to congratulate you both and wish you many years of happy wedded life and trust it will. be spent where you may receive the most blessings, In order that we might in some small way welcome you to our midst and show our friendly feeling toward you we would ask you to accept these and happy life togethér.. ; Miss Croker is daughter of Mr. and erly of Blackstock, and sister of Mrs. Alfred Grace, Burketon. BLACKSTOCK BRADBURN-CARTER At Courtice, November' 25th, 1039, a' pretty, but quiet wedding took: place r. and Mrs. J. W. Bradburn, be- idk the bride of Frank James Carter. The - bride, wearing Queen's Blue crepe; was_ supported by Miss Mae Leighton, wearing wine sheer crepe. The groom was supported by Mr. H. Shortridge. The happy couple left for a short honeymoon, the bride wearing a rust dress with rust accessories. On their return they will reside at Courtice. . United Church on Sunday, Dr. R. P. Bowles preaching in the morning, and-. Rev. P. L. Jull, of Brooklin, in the evening. The choir furnished special - music with Mrs. Sadler and Vivian as soloists. : NOTICE 'TO-CREDITORS in the eatate of James H, Lakey, All persons having claims against the Estate of James Lakey of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, retired farmer, deceased, who dled on October 29th, 1989, are hereby notflied to send particulars of same to the un- dersigned before the 15th day of December A.D. 1989, afer. which date the Estate will be distributed; ~~ Dated at Prince Albert this 16th day of November, A.D. 1089, Peace, and God Save the King, the November Peace meeting was closed. Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Ont. BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all "other linesof = . BEAUTY CULTURE, MISS M. PEERS Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONK 78 7 MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a "DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE BARBER SHOP SPECIALIZINF IN Hair Cutting, and all other lines of the work "H. H. MULLIGAN Registered Barber PORT PERRY - ~ have - a So -- gifts with our best wishes for a long Mrs. Harry Croker, Beaverton, form- Edith Viola Bradburn, daughter Special "services were held in the" -

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