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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Dec 1939, p. 4

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\ - 2, : : PORT PERRY ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER k 21s 1939 ; : 2 Co -- - ---------- nl an oa a -- Bris deter o * ; LAWRENCE'S Drug St NEWS | 7 | BLUEBIRD 4 rug ore : Ragialined : You Can Save with Safety st Your Rexall Store ° Make your Reservation now for SANUINE DIAMOND RINGS 3 - : y bila { H , Te Christmas and New Year's dinner at "SURED yess JRAINST AHS. ID ot ; f SHAVING BRUSHES COMPACTS . Cricklewqod Lodge. Join the party] Note Every diamond: is insured j} [IEE OSHAWA hone As : J : PE Sims and Rubberset Adrienne, Elgin, Yardley, . } * at Cricklewood hoje on New Year's| Be entley' 5 Joweliy Store Port Perry] AIR-CONDITIONED Be Special ? 10% Reduction 50¢. to $5.00 ° © $1.000 $4.50 a Eve to welcome the new year in. - y ; . - 4 b = - . A W : " ' M { Friday and Saturday, Dee, 22-23 4 y ¢ « : PEC : u i PERFUMES "BILLFOLDS < 2) 'e are very sorry to hear that Mi. I. 0. D. E, DANCE tb, Scenes that will live in om bed Ma © Rl Jasmin, Gardenia, Adrienne Solid Leather -- New Stock Garnet Weir is again in the hospital} "Keep the evening of December 29, memory --always i On Wi 1st Watches, and Diamond ; 5 X . b0c to $2.00 N= + $1.00 to $3.50 ia LIC ERT 4 : ; : . + : Yi. : 1 8 J ) ; . ; \J where 'he underwent an operation on} open, There is to be a holiday Dance ¢ : «ey i ya ~ 5 1 L D> ASR his leg. We certainly wish him aja the High School. Come and enjoy The Royal Visit 4" Rings, until Chr Istmas Eve " SHEAF FER and PARKER 2 BOOKS i! w. speedy recovery. the fun and dunce to the music of | . , 7 S SA . oS tl . qft f " Pens, Pencils and Pen Sets, Bible and Hymnaries. 1 a 3 Tommy Lungley's Band Othicial - Canadian Government i" Hee our many 0 er 21 S 0 ot _Good selection--Standard . New and Popular Fiction. 1 Miss Flora Miller of Toronto, was| "WH ARES = FE pictures. The complete story of ) al v : .! aM . " prices et . © y sit i , t . . { a visitor in town on Sunday. Scugeg Chapter, Imperial Orde: Kio Majesties' visit. n : (Glassware, China, Silverware, #11 -We Service Every Pen We Paik Chlldrers rs 3 Sex apter, NEVER SEEN BEFORE ; : i Je ainting. and Story Boo : Mr. and Mrs. Wai. Brown expect to EY i ee hel ig ADDED= Cartoon EE Pens, Stationery " el at Reduced Prices leave for their home in Saskatchewan] thank all persons who helped Jnake Oe en _ ' he FRANK MEDICO PIPES : . oy : LITTLE TOUGH MICE : + ¢ 4 and Mr. John Brown expects to re-|then Christmas Cake draw such a REVIVAL. Foie if ! o" & ." For real smoking enjoy- YARDLEY GIFT SETS tur. to his home in South Edmonton. | success. Special mention to Mr. A. vi Lr a1, Lelduy, at10:43 poo, i o ment All popular styles bo Ladies And Gentlemen. ; Jemison who so kindly, baked and | "VALLEY OF THE GIANTS" fle - H ! riced at $1.00 to $5.00 Mr. Sinclair Robertson has bought], (xii the enke which was very with Wayne Morris and Clare RK) ren ~ ' wll : : the property between Mis. Real's Ea much appreciated. The amount" real- ' Trevor, in Technicolor. " BEN | LEY S i Viceroy ADRIENNE : ' Mrs. Brown's homes, just opposite his jedz from-the draw was $63.46, The rk | MH k of HOT WATER BOTTI ES Lovely Gifts for Ladies, i ) . . : dz ; hash, Midnite Preview, Sunday after + AW | IR " 1) 4 # y , In own 'home He expects to build pn dtd coud will be used for war work, Midnite, 12.05 a.m. i JEW ELLER : " OPTOMETRIST R Make Ler Sits sets at $1.25 to $6.50 - Migs Luell Jeffrey f Toronto, a rw A tidbit dl Ar d9c. to 1. Br Dia re Frou] wee eo "NINOTCHKA" , ai KAA. Tr WL SMOKING SUPPLIES visited friends in town on Sunday. Christmas wrapped Tobaccos, Cigars A SE i CHOCOLATES Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco ' > 7 oY nd Cigarettes, at Kaufman's Billiard _ tarring Greta Garbo, and oj ' n Dr. Ed. Bailey of Uxbridge, was in [pie © saree a Sr elvyn Douglas FRESE REE RR RRR RRR RRR Nellzons 958 Betty Soa in Mizactive iff pha. town on Tuesday. ) Make up a party, Ticketholders n A : * + c. to $1.5 bad -- i arty, ; *] T T 1 i . = will be admitted at 11.45 pon, O- NIGH Mr. and Mrs. Haigh of Toronto, UNITED CHURCH W. M.S. ly + gon Pl | . OPEN: BYRNINGS UNTIL CHRISTAS have purchased the Elizabeth Colton The anmunl meeting of the W.LS. Sond i _ b = ; , a : - property on Lorne Street. of the United Church was held on Ry eA oc nesday a I' Tee M LAWRE : So = ERT . -- Special Holiday Attraction -- A : NCE , Mrs. Harold Sonley of Blackwater December' 18th m the basement of the ! a IS mas 8 . Lo 4 was the guest of Mr. and Mis. A.W. church. The President had charge of "Marx Bros At The [| 4 PHONE 49 The Rexall Srore BORT PERRY Allin on Thesday. the Hating Bo iy. ig oss ce pin Circus" : a | - ny 1 - cont ucted wy 1s wo ave Vv and | = " a -- --- r--- e 4 py wii i : | . > Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grills, Little] Misys Woon, the subject being "Jesus Marx Bros, Florence Rice, and a The Port Perry United Church PROSPECT their teacher. The concert will be Britain, were recent visitors in town. | he Light of the World." * Kenny Baker [] d S h 1 ill h Id hei a ! foll 1b di The ladi ' y f § the Light of the World 'nny ba . & ollow y a dance. e ladies ar M 1 Mrs. J Ward of Whith Mrs, Wo HL Harris very ably veview- | Thursday, Friday. Saturday, " Sun ay chool wi 0 t er L] Howdo folks! You Yvert heard es pif gl 2be. and ly oand Mrs. Jas, Ward o iithy, who i: N y . A December 28-29-30 0 ) ; A x > : were in town on Tdesday. ed. the Third chapter of the Study | i : = °] Annual Christmas Tree on- " fron 24 Foy pte stine time, bit *¢| Everyone will find a hearty welcome took, telling of lfc in a vural village 'RULERS of the SEA" a B | still het yo bet. Aiea, ig at the regular church service held each Mr. Sidney Smallman of Toronto, is|in India. ' { 3 2 ol ZN Th d D b 21 @ [more or less busy main intersee on ol ganday at 1.30 pm. Rev, Mr. Gervan spending his holidays with his pars} The following slate of officers was with Havas Eairbanis 46. and p: urs ay, ecem er st a Highway and Concession is known 831 Will have an interesting and useful . ents Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smallman. accepted for 1940 50 Tad The Management and Staff a A' T 7, 30 P. M. a ni hb gon fii very much in message for you. Sunday School fol- . Hon President---Mys, 70M. Jackson wish all our Patrons . ® he 0 e living. lows. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill of Cadmus . a 1 DBavev. "lst! A MERRY CHRISTMAS i [| Sa : tennk rik Re nis _ J President-- Mis, Geo. R. Davey, Ist / | | "During recent weeks the organizp-. ; ; . ~ were in town on Tuesday: on 5 24 artes) A Program consisting of Choruses, ] io diy oes, Poop Grovil Ton a 5 a 1 Seles 2 the Star ' { bres --Mrs. WA Je ---- LJ , | in this district, en you have news Mr. W. R. Murray of Toronto, spent | 2nd "Vice-President, Miss R. Waony " a Drills and Musical Numbers u 1939-10 has-been under way. As I} ri 0 ive them to any member of Sunday with his mother Mis. Robt, | Rec. See Mrs. LG. Hall; Cor. Sec. JOHN'S i ill h f Bevery community there was the ery of ly, "oly organized Young Peoples Murray. | Mrs CC. Jeffrey; Treas-Mrs. RB. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH a wi be given in the form 8] "there aren't any young people". Buti. 0 ond they will find their way into . | Smallman; Press--Mrs. FE Reesor, : HAE. .l -@ | that cry has turned to a sort of sur-| oo. he 3.7% . 5 Mrs. Geodman has returned to her| jisaionary Monthly--Mrs. No Baird, | a P Phun, Yinister. | of a Radio Broadcast | prised grin, "for the first organized Pat saan Se he his es home in Bowmanville after spending | 14 ive, Koch; Christian Stewardship | 7 0HY =ertiee 27 pan. : LL S ti XMAS meeting on Monday, December 4th,; oo ap > o up some time here, and Finance Mis, A. Brock, Peace--| Suriday School at tam. po over tation 1 Era) attendance of thirty. column of SProsniid News, ;° . Mire, Lo A. Koch. Temperance--Mrs. -- [] Ss Ye ial Mi ] Pr istob BY 16 second meeting on December 11th, 0 Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Day, Toronto . y i ye : EYER NE ET .Jpecia iscellaneous Frogram is to be 3 'LH. 1 Stone. Community Friendship] CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION |g ; | had the same attendance, and the wm. 3 ay . w - } [7] = TOP PRICE PAID ol Sines wie Mrcand Mrse Dp CG er, Mus, Walker and arr ded Cot . Civen by the Primary Department ETA ay and Bernice. " TR : | cetor:. Rev. J. C. ug hes ; : 5 ; > Mrs Go LL. Jackson. Supply Miss. 1, : | The first meeting was under the head- | for all kinds of Fowl, Feathers, Hides, i m umEm EEEEEEA sssnnunsal : Mr. and Mrs. S. Jacques of Toronto, | Stovin. | Sunday, Decenier 24, Christmas Eve n; n u ibritoienib : ing of Christian Fellowship, and Was Metals, and Scrap: Iron, Alix. Gil- spent the week-end at Cricklewood. at "ob 3 pon--Sunday School TC A A AR AA AA A CAAA eiestititiss | under the leadership of Lionel Dia-|boord, Port:Perry (by mail) or phone , ro Srey . JEEP REY, A BOWLER HERE | 7pam.--Cmol Service : #3] mond, the convener of this branch of Bell 28, : dec 21 : Miss Murial Cook" of Toronto, was CUGINCE 1923 Monday, December 25, Christmas Day |» the group. The second was citizenship, CEE ] - re n week-end guest of her parents Mi} ; ) eared in the S:0 an Holy Communion ! under Mr. Ross' leadership. Burnsell ; FOR SALE- . : : Bh Mis. Wi Conk 4 on a a Jo tam, --Choial Communion : Webster, the popular new president,| Property on west side of Union . .° =~ -"- Congratulations to Mr. and Mvs. B.S puel --deffrey, Port Pervy, has Owing to the Broadeast of His yarin oe hag i boty A Ave), OR, Drv 10H F 1 havea, N §: Pickard on their recent mmringe. been a member of the St Petersburg t- Hix Majesty the King, at ten o'clock, continual . scratch, scratch, ss h, n, to e 9 » emanated fiom the desk of Lloyd|ply to F: R. Bennett, 34 Fairbank Bt., | Smith, the secrblar y, a8 he busily kept | Oshawa, Ont. Jand | track of the proceedings. ' Rev, Mr.| __ : | Gervan kept a good-natured eye on . : things, and was always. ready with| = AGENT WANTED : timely advice and encouragement. Honest, aggressive man wanted to On account of examinations, holi- | assist trained : represemtative of a He is "The hour of serviee has been changed from ten thirty to eleven. Sunday, December 31st] New Year's Eve. pom Sunday School 7 p.m Evensong andisermon, C130 pan Watehnight Service i Lawn Bowling Club since 10245, one of the club's top skips, hut 'has a style all his awn on the marl, Neither his opponents nor members of his own Mr. Harold Hood of Peterhoro was|vink, ever know what kind of a shot ~ a week-end guest of his parents Mr. | Sam has in mind after he looks over Mr. Jus. Gainer and Mr. Varry of Toronto, called on My. and Mrs. Wn Cook on Saturday. . . the memorable occasion and ae et et ee eee eset eseseseseses Caen SAAS AAACN AR AA SANA ASIAN IAIN " Mr g S 5 favorite play is » take- \ ful ; and Mrs. C. Hood. } a he oh Ih fave ae 4 23S ae 12 Tande tl intiiuien ihe) rn Het 3 days, éte., during the coming weeks, | security house in introducing §%% : "Mr. Clinton Short of Calgary, paid Hem o n 4A Hi ot, : iy i" Shima Dinner one highlight that | | the next meeting will be held on Jan. investment to prospective clients. ~~ +h + ' ' ever 'ks rest. ~ a flyingrvisit to his parents Mr. and|' Bane ot N oe Sit Gooster for -8t UTICA us r-never eigelles, 8th. Rev, Mr. Gervan id Js son Investment has paid dividends fer Wo Rhosiid Cnn nls vo St so ged S 33%. $ | wif ertainin ey . x Mrs: W. S. Short, over. the week end. Petersburg in his northern home. He] The Christmas Concert will be held Brazils, Pecans ty] wife are planning on en 8 years; has highly liquid assets, and le . i " : Budded Walnuts 3¢| young folk of the circuit at Myrtle particularly Immune from war hazards Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frise of Oshawa, | told me last year that some 35 vesi-Tiy Memory Hall on Thursday evening udd f $ ; ; y : ay Filberts, Almonds a sometime during the interval, Whoo: Apply to Box 9, Port Perry Star. were guests of Mr. and Mis. Gordon ¢ dents of, Port-Perry spent their winter December 21st--songs recitations and | § J y 8 # | pee-- we're invited out! ; Jeffrey on Sunday. STL |nere though his efforts in advertising f dialogues by the school, also a dia-fhy © Lb paney PAPER-SHELI #] The Hydro men are-busy inthe west : Lost' . - 1 ' } this city. logue by the young people. 3 RAW - yy 3 IL 3 : Mr. Ross Hood, of Peterboro, was| gums best season on the marl was| On Wednesday Re December 3} BRAZILS - b. 19¢ PECANS - "To. 23¢ : part of the community and soon an- Mi oh iy Jeland, one Red : 3 . : } " : > SUA 4 A 5 iw : r z + e a Wi wo in town his week attending. the funeral fi "ss when he was runner-up in the [27¢h, the young people ave holding a$$ Ta a nD SOFT SHELL 9g J) other pete of yural Ontario will sayf sets 2 2e8 Sue : . ; 3 » dbya to -cleaning-lamps;- upsetting { half-moon mark on each._ear.,- Anyone of his mother, Mrs. Jos. Hood. We vt And what same he dol or arr Thich all nveedn- i goodbye to cleaning lamps; ups B open singles nd what a ga social gathering to which all are.in-{# |b. 27¢ ALMONDS lb. 23¢ ¢ seeing heifer as abo described extend sympathy to Mr. Jos. Hood and 1 coq in that sevies. © can still ve- | vited I §. : lanterns, ete. Be ee ert Ye by C oo . Ce : id : : J of Ross in their sad bereavement. vember the brilliant bowling he dis- Mr. Colder Gilfillan of- Uxbridge will 3 Jellies - : Wop Orgel he Tonting Fig DA hl 444 od, Phone --, Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. played in those games. i i give, an interesting talk, alsa others ixe uan Creams )C 4 indo == > Y 1 - 8 - Frank Aldred on their recent mar- He served two Sedsohs-on the ap talent fxom Uxbridge. RK Chocolates [2 A. big evening is expected on Dec. : = mT ringe. : 4 of directors, from 19356 to 1937. Lunch will be served 'at the close of x 20 : 'hen the school children stage FOR SALE or EXCHANGER i A the meeting. Come and join. the i] HAND ROLLED, FANCY TABLE } hei bith 1 Christmas line. Size 6 Ladies' Skates. Will sell or IP: Mr. Geo. Wilk-| (icra AS FAIR MARKET | Young people in the basement of the Chocolates, 21bbox 49c FIGS, Pastene 10¢ ; under The rection of Mr. Ben. Ross exchange for size 5. Skates fn good grin Toy, oi Mh 8 Tony Port Pariy" Clitistmas Fair Market United- Church, ome SATIN MIXED ---- =~ -- LE meio = = am i eond te Abe Arpirte. 'Myra Seger, 'nds Prince ert, Mr. John Giills of Little Britain, Prices were-good when the state of gone to live with friends in Toronto DELANEY FURS||------ 1 : cathe 1 " ; ider i for the winter months. Fis was a visitor in town on Tuesday. weather was considered. Highest : Diet ie : First Grade ] = iy vices were Turkeys 2dc, Chickens| Miss Ada Stevenson visiting friends e rst ura ( earth : 3 For good taste, try a Box of 3 re ie Dae Te in Uxbridge on Saturday. Braeside ° ] Belleville 'Trenton Oshawa Dr. H. H. Armstrong a Packnge Chocolates--Royal}l py. ycky number draw idea was a 2 Wain tien stoned the " ; F u R - C (0) A T S DENTIST ; 2 'afe. ' ine | Christmas Market in Uxbridge on DOMINO i NEW SEASON'S : 5 / : : . . popular feature and the following|' \ X 8 FRET ; Leonard Block over Prentico"s Barber pV #751 BH Many of ow mer¥hants are to be]were the fortwmiate winners. Seugog | Thursday last, and in Port Perry on TEA - Ya lb, 30¢ MINCEMEAT, 2 Ib. 95¢ a - i Ex shop EE : A congratulated on the splendid displays | taking a big lead. Tuesiny of this wees, RICHMELLO XXXX QUAKER $9.00 Bown. $1.00 Weekly |r Port Perry JAE inten dooniom. | ist Murid Sekes, Reach oni | COME. moose FLOUR iopy sas fll s----mm--gmre [T0 > AT n Simer Ploughman; 3 Roy Hope, Scu- - . . Kemodelling epairs h i 5 2) "a Christmas wrapped Tobaccos, Cigars) goo: 4th Mrs. Harold Beacock, C art- Stand Theatre {The frm of Breer. ® Homnhenst io Ssclru) FRUIT SPECIALS ORANGES, x ve 25¢ and Cigarettes) at Kaufman's Billiard] ight; 5th; Mrs. Geo. Hood, Scugog; Rooms. "- 6th Miss Spencer, Reich; 7th LG] v UXBRIDGE, , Crozier, $eugog. : \ ! HEA : MISS A. STOUT ARTHUR W. 8. GREER ° AGENT, PORT PERRY in attendance at my Fort Perry offes on ; 1 a i Le . Wed: 1 and F {ny ¢ i > bitrand of sash week, or by appelntment. "EY Non hebh > om VS 3 os Mr. Howard Franklin 'of Bowman- > Thursday, Friday, Sat., This week) was one of the best in many vears.| Mr. and Mis. Philip Parrot 3 Christmas Candy Ib. 15¢ RAISINS. Package 25¢ In the grand prize for most fowl > vi ther N ' A ) hy L 1 Lloyd Nol ' $d feited 4h vis pariy Mn. Hemry (by weight) brought to matket, Mis. Borat Er BI pba pti -- | Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 i 4 : "ile Russell Hood won with 602 lbs. She X pia Sse) o md Aor all FIRM Shi otes "LARGE ! : ' i Manyof the hoing aie well. prepared ates votnes, yaw Seuffols A G00D SKATES Pictorial TOMATOES Ib, 15¢ Head Lettuce, 2 for 17c § Ww. A, Sangster (Tho rm o ror & Homohrers be dived Re for he Christmas feguvitien Any Jak J FA i = NOTE-- Thursday, Dec. 21, 1 to 6 p.m. |¥ E =r ot Afi 5, DENTAL SURGEON RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS fH i quite nice with their Christmas trees} pORT PERRY UNITED €HURCH "all seat: 150-2 Matinee! , GREEN . HE ; GRAF : . Office Hon ' jog 24Y Simeon Street North, Oshaws, 0 aglow with colourful light. "| Rev, W. J. MW. Smyth, Minister, [8 prizes Saturday nite (this week) by Seley too, 2 for19c - GRAPES 2 Ibs. 23¢ +08 ee oy Am A > om, e Siseet Norsh, 0D. IN MEMORIAM * {Christmas Sunday--~ Lucky No. dea% ; : : i Insurance Office. 10 attéadance at my Port -Perry offs bu ; < | 10 am.--Sunday School CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY BILL eS Domestic Spys HE ¢ iH - - Tuesday and Thurday afterneons of each CHRISTIE--In memory of Mervin| 11 qm, --Christmos Sermoh and | Mon., Tues, Wed., Dec,.25:26-27 6 9 Basket : #1" SUITS BPONGED AND PRESARD waik ot by Appolutaunt, i ig * McKee Christie, who passed away at] yecial Christmas music, Jeanette Macdonald and 'Nelson Tk . k #l . © 80 Cents ; 3 Queen. Strest, Port Perry, Phone 264 * tol ] ~ Utlen;~December 22nd, 1987, "|= pm-=Carol Service in story and "SWEETHEARTS" 5 er Y rer: 3 _-- . A i 7 4 Set emai wil igor forever | song by" the" Canadian Gils nf 01 im tote, wo {SUITS CLEANED| or. J. 8. LuNDY . : ' i 'ining, . 3 < 3 17 Years that may come cANnGt sever Fung Also "CAPTAIN CHRISTMAS" D 73) A IN [oe] x Dry Cleaned $1.00 BRNTAL SURGRON A Cw Sa Our loving remembrance of you, = Thurs, Fri, Sat, (Next Week) C. P. ROLPH Office above Rell Telephone Exchange, 4 ~-- Ever Temembered by brothers and] Diamond Rings on payment plan at i Jia ny nd, ind 4 in, 9 v S LORE ak N : l . North Side Queen Sfreet, Port Perry. , i sisters, ; Bentley's. ne "A Western Thriller. ANE y © Upstairs, over Jonplaon's Bakery | Phonco: Ofes Hw, Realdence $8)

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