PORT PERRY ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21st, 1939 BROCK THEATRE Baty 2loN: : ,! NOTICE TO CREDITORS ie Women's Association sponsored CR : ho . d bazadr in thé church basement en 19 oe Return of Jon Sue Phone 618, WHITBY Tuesday, 'December 5th. At 5 p.m. hg > rd ' <| Mrs. Tristram opened the bazaar with Be Ensly of sous A Leven o De Thursday, Friday and Saturday, |u few words of praise for the work of Plugs 07 } ul oun ¥ o ons ( 4 December 21-22-23 the ladies. There were three booths: [ or "8! :* EO So ensed, Te 2 : . died on November 10th, 1989, are here- Two shows at 7.00 and 9.00 pm. the diygoods booth filled with quilts, : . : a ' Aprons. tatwels: mitts, dresfer and] by notified to send particuldrs of same 3 Saturday Matinee at 1.80 prons, s J "| to the undersigned before the 8th-day ' : thirgs to numerous to mention, oper- or Jor "AD. 1940, afte hich - Gene 'Autgy, in "lated By Mrs. Fred Western, Mrs. Joe BLUAFY lier while a . a? ih ig date the Estate will be distributed. "66 . qr Cy Short aud Mrs. Gordon Maxwell; the Dated at Port, Perry this Sth d ¢ a Mexicali Rose candy booth. was well patronized by b vA b Hy iis Bh day o ¥ ; young and old. This was in charge of Lk TA 324 with Smiley Burnette, Noah Beery. | As. Norman Jacobs and Miss Ellen Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, ont, . '3 S Solicitor for Administratrix. Also an ADDED Attraction Stokes! Last, but not least, was the ' hls sample and notion booth, consisting of 5 gt fa th INI ; . . \ . ih ly NOTICE 0 CREDITORS "Million Dollar a display of powder, soap, perfume : and an assortment of things gathered| in the estateof James H. Lakey, Legs". from here and there. [It was presided deceased. y 7 3 over by Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Harry} 4) persons having claims against with Betty Grable, Jackie Coogan, Dunn. Supper was served to a large) the Estate of James Lakey of the Joyce Mathews, Donald 0'Caonnor. numb¢r and at 8 pan. practically all Township of Reach, County of Ontario, : + the articles were sold. Then allf cfved rapmer, deceased, who died -on b moved to the church auditorium for] october 20th, 1989, are hereby notflied - the program. Rev. Mr. Tris ran aie to send particulars of sume to the un- ; ) as chairman. © The program opened | go signed before the. 16th. day of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, | ith "Blest be the Tie that Binds".|Decembar. A.D. 1039, afer which date December 25-26- 21 Those taking part in the - Program | fie Estate will be distributed. Two shows at 7.00 and*9.00 pan. [were Mr. Robt. Wagstaff, Whitby; 1 04a Prince, Albert this 16th day Mrs. Wilfred Kitson, Miss Eva Hall} or November, A.D. 1939 LP ; Thi y of November, A.D. 8 we. THEY SHALL Rev. Mr. Tristram. A vote of thanks Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Ont, 99 | Vas tendered those taking part. The HAVE MUSIC proceeds wore very gilatifying. - SEIS ep ie with 'Andrea Leeds, Joel McCrea, : 5CUGOG Jascha Heifetz, Walter Brennan. GLENDALE MILLS ' wi 2 - FN Scugog Correspondent takes this . . 5 R.R. No. 4, Port Perry opportunity of wishing the Editor and " ive Ei Thistre Home, For| Chopping, Alfalfa Grind- | swf of the Port Perry Star, and all nistmas--a novel and inexpensive - - 5 who have assisted in making the read- gift. Now on sale at our box office. ing, Oat Rolling, Salt iia ork toed ich ein } { £ more interesting in the Star, A il x and Pioneer Feeds Very Merry Christmas and a Pros. - EI Te LSC TR TM CD Tan cv | Porous and Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wolsey 'of Kind- : ersley, Sask, arrived last Thursday. to ! i MORRISON! S DRUG STORE 'Ispend a few months with her parents a} Mv. and Mys. Gordon Hope. - CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW ON DISPLAY -. TE Miss Mildred Mills and friend Mi. + Leather Book Coyers with Stationery ,...............o... $1.25 ' Roy Hope visited her sister Mys, "L. Leather Book Ends with Stationery .......... cco uieenen 0 os Stainton over the week end, , RR: Cri on Bub ith Stationery Cie os . ooh Ge 40 : Mis. Smale -and son Reginald of x Boxes w ationery ...i.......... Le 1 A AUR "Ys ) d Stationery with a "Dictare len a Eh T...30c. and, Tac. $ Torarto, Hind es Jie; Mr. and \ CHRISTMAS GIFT DRESSES if Mrs Wiltred Mark recently. 5 Packages of cards, Seals, Labels and Tags, 225 pieces ...... 25¢. | Mr. and Mis. Gordon Hope and son Packages of Cards, Seals, Labels, and Tags, 175 picces,...... 20¢. 4 William, and Mr.dnd Mrs. Craig Wol- i Packages of Cards, Seals, Labels and Tags, 100 picces ~..... I5e. "Ley motored to Toréito.on Sunday to : E Sgmen ot Ca6De Sunk daly 200 Toei 0 viens, J10¢- Hl Gisit Mrs. Hope's sister Mrs. Nokeft ] CHINSTVAS CARDS) IN BOXES oF bak oy 4 also Mr. William Sawyer. 1 «Cards with envelopes ..........0..........chhe per Se. } igen 4 Whos 12 Cards with envelopes ................... AT per box 23e. Mra, Mark visited her daughter Mrs. 5¢0..and 10c. cards Lig giyeloges angie 60¢. and $1. 00 dozen ] H. Carnochan over the week end and : Also Cards at 2 for i: | also visited Oshawa. POWDER BOXES, DUSTING POWDER, BATH SALT, 25¢., 30¢. H0c. PERFUMES ...:.. 3c. 50c. 'and $1.00 ) MEN'S SETS, Potted & Moore $1.00 and $2.00 MILITARY BRUSH * SETS, $2.50 BILLFOLDS 68¢c. ; OTHER GIFTS too numerous to niention. ; -- NYAL SERVICE STORE Phone 16 5) I a Gerrow Brothers and State wish to thank you for your patronage thiough the past year; and wish you all a Merry Christmas, and A Happy "and Prosperous New Year LABRRIS SIRE RS "Quality Package Chgelator. FIRST CHOICE FOR CHRISTMAS , SMILES and CHUCKLES Hy Packages; also Half Pound Packages at 25c. 1 Pound Packages "50c., 2 Pound Packages 81.00 SPECIAL--Fruit Loaves and Twisters for the week end. § WERELIVER Gerg6w Bros, Port Perry | Greetings of the Season to People of Port Perry and Vicinity 'We Wish You Every Happiness and Prosperity at this Christmas Season Cpa EAP and during the Coming Year, 'Phone 29w Cawker Bros. Port Perry PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance oie ST Place Your Insurance with wd HAROLD W. EMMERSON A _. Phone 41 Port Perry land other . | will be asked, Why was Jesus born in | for-the sleeping' mat, along with all Mr. and Mrs, Frank Real and friend Mr. Glover and Miss Smith of Black- water, were guests of her parvénts My. Myr, and Mrs. Vanhorne of Thornhill visited with relatives last Thursday. y Messrs, Harry, Briggs and Willis Arnold spent Saturday in Toronto. The annual niéeting of the Women's Association was held at" the home of Mrs: O, H.-Downey on Tuesday afters noon of last week: Gratifying re- ports were given by the Secretary, Treasurer, and conveners of commit- tees. Election and installation of officers was conducted by Mrs, Gervan and was us follows: - President, Mus, Roy Thompson; Vice-President, Mis, 0. H. Downey; Secretary, Mrs. D. Duchemin; Treasurer, Mis, J. Cooper; Pianist, Mrs. D. Luery; Parsonage Committee, Mrs. Chishalm, Mys. No Hughson; Flower Committee, Mrs. Luery,; Mis. mittee, (north) Mis Chisholm; (south) Mi Hughson; Menu Committee, Harrison, Mrs, A. Downey. groups, the north and the south, formed and will be responsible fo alternate programs. Afternoon tea was served and a social hour followed Mie. Loughvin who hus been board- ing at Mr. AJ Parvrinded's for the past year has gone to Toronto to live. Mr. and Mis. Proctor Oshawa, visited with relatives during the week. Chisholm; Visiting Com I. Masters, Mus Downey, Mos. Mrs. I "Two were of Bob Vallier of the Canadian Tanks, spent Saturday with his sisters and grandmother, My. and Mrs. Roy Thompson visitdd on Sunday - with relatives near Ux- bridge. Mr. Harold Brown who has been iu Western Canada during the summer is visiting with his brother-in-law and: sister, Mr. and Mrs. DD. Duehemin, Little Hazel McCartney has been ill with pneumonia, but weé hope she will be well enough to come Santa Claus. The annual meeting of the Anita of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mis, H. out to sce Jludgin on the afternoon of December 28th. All interested in Missions we welcome, es Mr, and Mrs. O. HH. Downey visited with relatives in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinton and fum- ily of Toronto visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. T. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrott of Scar. borough, visited on Sunday with the fatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. EF. Red- man, and Mrs. G: Hope on Sunday evening. The weather gives us no indication! that it is December, but it must be near the pathmasters have the snow fences placed and some of the rail fences set back. in the fields ready for the snow. ) This is the week of the Christmas entertainments --the Foot on Wednes- day; tho Head on Thursday and the Centre on Friday. Santa has promised he. will be on hand. On Sunday, special Christmas ser- vices will be held at cach appointnient. Be sure to he out to hear the singing and the messages from our Pastor. Mike Romaniuk is spending a few weeks in Northern Ontarvio. Mr. Sweetman's store is very pretty these evenings with the lighted tree decorations. The school windows are also nicely decorated. __ Mr. Geo. Bratley is sporting a car hese fia 2 6 cupied the pulpit on«Sunday evening and preached his third of a series of | sermons _on "God's Love", The les-; son was, chosen from Luké 1:26- 35, 46-66; Luke 2:1-7. The text was the seventh veyse of the second chapter: And she brought forth her first born' son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; be- cause there was no room for Him in; the inn." Down through the ages the question has. been asked, and always 3 a stable? We of today think different. ly of a stable than did those in Jesus' day. Travellers, rich and poor, carried their sleeping mats with them. Room in the inn meant space on the floor I the other strangers. The inns used by the "humbler classes, when full, made accommodation for their guests in the stables, a common everyday occurrance. Had .Jesus been born in a palace only those of wealth and high degree would have felt at, liberty to love and honour Him; but God planned that he should Be born of lowly par- ents and in a lowly place that He might reach down and lift up the lowest, that He might sit with rulers, and that He might have the Worship of men in al] stations of life. Sunday school next Sunday at 1.45 and Ion in the carol singing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of Osha- wa, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson of Columbus, were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs, Robt. Chisholm. A. Ward, C. Harrison and J. Pike, motored to Toronto on Tiies- day Inst week. Mr. Pike will remain with his parents for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Britton will cele- brate their fiftieth wedding amniver- sary on December 26th, and will be at home to their friends on that day. To the Editor, members of the staff and co-correspondents, of the Port Perry Star we wish a "A Very Mery Christmas." Messrs. ro > -- BLACKSTOCK Recent visitors: Mrs. Harrison and Miss Smith of. Oshawa, with Mr and 0. V. Shaw. Miss L. Ginn with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ginny Mr, and Mrs. Wm Parr, Port Hope, with Mr and: Mrs. Jas. Baek "Myrtle Station Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith and Mu. | Lamb spent Es with a! in Rev. G. S. Berintts he pastor, oc- Lindsay. Mvs. Smith's mother, Mrs. F. Lamb, returned with them. Anniversary services in connection with the United Church will be held on Sunday 24th. In the morning there will be a Christmas program by mem- , bers of the Sunday School and in the evening. the speaker will be Rev. E. P. Wood. Special muse will be furnished by the choir. Owing to special services being held in the United Church on December 24, there will be no evening service in St. John's Church. On Monday night December 25th at 8 o'clock a three act-comedy play en- titled "Grandpa's Twin Sister" will be presented in the community hall by the following young people: Misses Mildred Avcher, Jean Wright, Anna Thompson, Reta Swain,-Vivian Sad. dler, Messrs. Walter Wright, Roger Dorrell, Ralph Larmer, Orval Stinson and Keith Johnston. Music will be furnished between acts, - 26¢, and 16c. Two miscellancous showers were held tecently in the community hall in honour of Mr. aid Mrs. Donald Thompson (nee Muriel Farris), and Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning (nee Edna Thompson of Brooklin) respectively. Both young couples were recipients of numerous lovely and useful gifts and best wishes from a large number of relatives and friends. We join in PRINCE ALBERT "Qa one and all we wish you a real Happy" Christmas Our Christmas tree entertainment is being held on Friday night the 22nd. The Men's Bible Class is preparing to do its bit toward te prograne.. Pro- buably the jolly "old man with the long white whiskers, d and ivks, owill drop in to greet. his little friends. Mr. W. Brown who has been work- ing in Detroit is home to spent the Christmas season with his family, who loves the boys We are glad to veport Mrs. James Warren is improving from her illness, although quite weak and still in bed. Congratulations to My. and Mrs. B Pickard, on their marriage on Satun- day Mis, Fo Watson is in Sunderland for awhile since her illness. -- oo ONTARIO COUNTY TO HOLD - SEED FAIR At a meeting of the Ontario County Crop Improvement Association held in Uxbridge on Saturday, December 16th, March. having a better distribution of good! seed- in the county and is in keeping with the campaign being carried on by possible in 1940, - Experimental work over a long period of years has definitely proved beyond any question of doubt that the use of good seed does increase yields, and the quality has been greatly im- proved as a result of using good seed. During the year, the Ontario County Association has carried out a number of experiments throughout the County. The results of thege experiments will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association which will be held in Sunderland on January 9th. a a a MYRTLE Mr, and Mrs, Honey of Cavan, visited Mrs. Hattie Hudgins last week en route to Toronto to visit their sons. Mrs. Stewart spent the week end with-Toronto friends, Mis. E. Redman has been confined to her bed and under the doctor's care for the past week but at time of writing, her condition is somewhat im- proved. Her daughter, Mrs, Newell, is staying with her for a few days. Everything is now in readiness for the Christmas tree and concert to be held at the church on Thursday night. A good program and a gaily decorated Rev. evening's entertainment. Mur. and Mis, visited Mrs ham on Sunday. holiday season with her son in Toronto. "Star", fellow scribes and readers of these budgets, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, n unusual. record was established for whet out men mote the Highway gang were called 'ith their trucks to sand the pave- which was very dangerous for 'ing following the heavy rain and frost on Friday night. An outbreak of petty thieving has again broken out in the community, a quantity of honey was stolen from a local apriery recently, while grain, gas and other articles have been picked up. It is hoped that the miscreants will this altogather too prevalent sneaking. School closes on Thursday for the holiday season. Shs. Oscar Downey, president of the Women's Association entertained the Suciety at her home on Tuesday of last week with a splendid attendance, In the absence of Rev. Mr, Gervan, Murs. Gervan presided and the 'offiders for 1040 'are as follows: President, Mrs. -Roy Thompson; Vice-President, Mrs, O. H. Downey; Seceretary, Mrs, Duchemin; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Cooper; after each accepted the oflice they were duly installed solemnly declaring their willingness to fulfiil their re- sponsibility to the best-of their abiliyt for the coming year. The retiring president, Mrs, Downey, expressed her thanks for their loyal support to her during her term of office and sho in turn received the vote of thanks from the members for her untiring efforts in making the society such a success during the year. Considerable other p.m;, Church service at 7 p.m. Come wishing thém a long and happy jour- | | business was transacted after which | ney through life, | the genial hostess served a most sat- co late in the season on Saturday,! soon be apprehended and a"stop put to | it was decided that a Seed Fair be held |® in Brooklin during the latter part of | |n The Ontario County Seed a Fair is being held for the purpose of | u the Ontavio" Department of Agricul- ture to impress upon every farmer in | the County the war-time necessity of @ producing every bushel of cereal grain' 'tree promises to make a very pleasant: B. Duff and Angin ! .Dutt's mother at Broug-| iy Mrs. Hattie Hudgins i is spending the f The scribe takes this opportunity of | ; wishing the Editor and staff of the]: <a NN NEENEEE NINES 8s THE RED & WHITE STORE 'May 'the coming year bring peace in the world, and Good Luck, Good" Health, and Prosperity to you all, o~ BEE EEE ¥] = = ssaas LR fetta REE For Christmas Shoppers 4 TOYS A large separate depart- h CTT ment is full of toys of all § descriptions. Trains, Cars, Dolls, H Games. 2 | . LINEN _..Give Linens this : | Christmas--Table . Cloths, Towels, Handerchiefs, . --all good buying. - Overcoats, Suits, $17.95 ; ju ' ' r H . ° a. ' a i . [|] + Fruit, Candy, Nuts, : a + 9 a u V 2 " : egetables : lm : . - i » « OUR STOCK is Complete = a tr SEC : s Navel Oranges 19c.; 23c., 39c., 49c. » : [} . io L] is " Grapefruit for 25¢c.,. = : . : , n i s- Mixed Candy 2 lbs 25c. u 28 L} PIP ) - - , 8 bass » Mixed Nuts 22c. Peanuts 2 lb. 25¢ = i [] ~ . |} 19) a Head Lettuce, Celery Hearts 10c. oo = ~ : [] a F. W. BROCK & SON | 8 PHONE 13 PORT PERRY 4 Fansnnsnnanancnnnansnnannnd \ THE LAST CALL FOR ¢ ¢¥ CHRISTMAS. Buy Her An [ . AREO PAC CKETTE ! Buy Him An n y © AREOKIT ' McBRINE A 1 ; ' Holds surg) no Packern ® ' ' ortho week and pT "eh Come and See for Yourself ' i W.E WEBSTER , : : Kindly Christmas Greetings, and Best Wishes for Happy New Year TO ALL OUR £US STOME 'RS W. BOYNTON : "SEASON'S GREETINGS The management of the ROY AL CAFE wish to thank heir many customers for their'patronage and good -- i will, and wish one and all + A Merry Christmas, and A Happy New Year RN RRR R RRR RRR RARE RERARTRARTRIRERERRAE hate tat ROG PA a "oe ' 0 x ) Wh isfying lunch and further plans were Youd save 20% on China bought ' San made for the ensuing year. froms Bentley's. i Ne The municipal pot has started its an. A = SE : nual Boiling. Ratepayers aro in doubt ; IR whether an election will be advisable, | SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your i DRAG but with nominations in the near fut-{health, Rumacaps' Two-way Action NON | ure and so many important matters tof quickly cleanses and invigorates the WR XY be dealt with they will have a chance [ Kidneys. Use Rumacaps. Sold at. A. : & 3 to express their nays and yeas. M. Lawrence's Drugstore. 3 ERE N