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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Dec 1939, p. 8

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a -- - A BA -- eX ' To the. Citizens of "Ontario County: throughout the coming year. Attorney-General of. Ontario 9 i § CA AER RAR ae (33 SSA A ATA A a A A A A A SA SOA AIST ATS TAA A STA MAS = i Tr o it t " : ot and your New Year Happy [ou SLA nL Sa AANA ARRAN AAS TRS AA WAR SAA rs 2 5 We have all the popular brands in these lines. Put up in attractive Christmas wrappings. Nothing pleases the smoker better than this type of gift. PORT PERRY -- ONTARIO Extends Best Wishes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS, and A HAPPY NEW YEAR MR. and MRS. S. LEVINSON ges wn UY by ety INF oh hd pr SA Season, and throughout the coming year MR. AND MKS. A. NAPIER IT Is TIME to human life, to yy 'A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS F. E. REESOR" Phone. 73 w ~ My | Best Wishes for a Merry and Joyous Christmas Season, and for Happiness, Health, and Prosperity Hoo. Gordon Conant, K. C.,, M.P.P, Christmas Good Wishes "and Best Thanks to all Our Customers We trust that your CRristmas may be Merry ' "PORT PERRY 5c. to $1. STORE pod & = 4 'Kaufman' 8 Billiard Room Port Perry Drygoods Store WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE CHRISTMAS The time ofthe year when we pause from duties incidental * td think of our friends and wish for them: FE TET IR ARAFAT TF Hn OAL PRT SA n SN ns ££ : : | 2, sen SA CIGARETTES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES- AI SUNITA FFAS ERIS The VENTURE TEA ROOM Extends to One and All best wishes for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity at this Christmas | --: aime n 0 OO pon" 1 PORT PERRY ONTARIO, THURSDAY, EE ------ THE Nearly one hundred guests were present last Wednesday evening at Cricklewood Lodge, to attend a-ban- quet given in honour of Mr. Frank Rickard, M.P,, and Mr, W. H. Moore, M.P. It was a happy occasion and the management of the Lodge is to be complimented upon the quality and quantity of both banquet and service. It was a real feast, 'Mr. Harry Peel, President of the Association was toastmaster. The' toasts included: The King, The De- partment of Publie Works of Canada, proposed by W. M. Bowes, with J. M. Wilson, Chief District Engineer, re- sponding; Our Honoured Guests, first proposed by C. P. Devitt, with re- sponse by Frank Rickard, M.P.; second proposed by S. Farmer, with response by W. H. Moore," M.P. ° Our Visitors, propsed by Reeve W. M. Letcher, with responses by Ww. G. Bowles, and J. P. Coombe, of the De- partment of Municipal Affairs. . Added to the program were some merry numbers by Charles Partridge, illusionist, We don't know how he does it, but he does it. Reeve Letcher led in community singing. The maln thought expressed hy the several speakers who proposed the toasts, and by My, Peeldn his intro- ductory remarks, was that in the building of the new road and the im- provements at the waterfront, Port Perry had become the centre of a much enlarged community; and would under proper guidance attract many tourists in years to come, ' © Mr, PJ. Coombe, of the Department of Municipal Affairs gave point to all these remarks by stating that Port Perry is in a very happy, position fin- ancially and giving credit to the Jocal municipal officers for thelr good work in this respect. Mr, J, M, Wilson, chief District- En- gineer, made clear the real sense. of co-operation between Canada -and the United States in-all matters pertaining to the international boundary, Even in such complicated affairs as the de- velopment of power in the St, Law- rence Waterways, everything Is settled harmoniously by a Board of six per- sons--three Canadians and three Am- ericans. Beated quietly around the conference table difficulties are ironed out and unanimous decisions reached. Everything was considered upon its merits, without partizanship. Mr. Rickard Speaks, ~. Frank Rickard, M,P., after ox- i his appreciation for the courtesy extended t to > Wim w. the Port ar ar or or ora aa inne rare irasarara a at A aceonow acececeeie 3 SES A 'Changing World: An Unchanging God. ba Joseph Denny-- Most momentous changes have come over the world since this century was ushered in, but though everything else may change God does not. During the Anniversary services this fafl we were privileged to hear an Anthem beautifully rendered; the title must have 'heen: "He is just the same today." It told how Moses was instru. mental in bringing water from the rock; the pebble that put Goliath 'out of commission, and the power that shut |. the mouths of Daniel's lions, is still gi | abroad today, powerful in the latter as in the former days; if Christ was not horn in Bethle- hem of Judea as was predicted, what brought the Ymighty changes?, He sald: "Ye shall know them by their | fruits." Christianity at its advent § presénted new doctrines, new impulses, new motives, a new faith and. a new hope. It was in the Fulness of Time fat God sent forth His Son, Just at the ® | psychological moment when the' wor 1d] | was ready' to receive Him, He came, All the ronds in"the universe led tol' Rome, the official sent'of the mightiest. |- religion is growing, but' God Is the same, yeatorday and forever. The "Port Perry Business Men's Association Pays - Tribute to Frank Rickard, M. P, and W. H. 'Moore, M. P. A Happy Corpany in a Very Pleasing Setting BANQUET Perry Business Men's Association, out. lined some of his ideals in connection with Parliamentary life. He said his attitude in public matters was influ- ences by his belief in-- A strict observance -of the con- stitution, Support of the Federal system. The principle of the two party \ system, 4 Referring to recent criticism of. the Government, Mr. Rickard said that Canadians were quite within their rights if the criticism was construc- tive. Mere denunciation is useless and unfair. The speaker then gave a picture of the magnitude of the administrative business in Canada, with its army of employees and the wide scope of busi- ness, including not only regular civil service but the Post Office and kindred institutions. After listening to this recital one was convinced that govern- mental administration is_ "Big Busi- ness, 2 + Mr. Moore Speaks There is nothing unfair in saying that Mr. Moore gave the speech of the evening. . Hig theme was the new eco- nomic era; #nd in the development of his subject he made several practical applications that, if followed, may greatly affect the life of the Port Perry community, First, however, Mr, Moore, gave a brief pleture of ¢conomic conditions in the eighteenth century. In those days industry was limited by the 'fact that the main souree of power was secured in Great Britain, in two generations her population will bé reduced to one half its present number. An agricultural population is' vitally essential to the healthy growth of any country. With these facts in view, there must be a new turn in our economic system --a general decentralization of indus- try such as is now being carried out in Japan, where they are putting small factories in agricultural centres, Each little factory may specialize in pro- duction, sometimes of a single part of such article as a bicycle, or other pro- duct in general use by -the people. Later the parts are asembled and the people are served. Applying this idea locally, Mr. Moore suggested that Port Perry should explore its local requirements and possibilities. + He pointed to the fact that both Mr. Letcher and Mr. Jeffrey were dealing in leather. Why aot consider a tannery as a local in- dustry. - « Or perhaps a woolen mill {which tirives<well-as--a-smallescale industry) could be started in this dis- trict. While not a believer in subsides, Mr. Moore is of the opinion that the Government would be. better justified in subsidizing small industries produc- ing articles in local and general de- mand, than in bolstering up some in- dustry whére there was great over- production, Peel Bros, have blazed a trail in food manufacture, and thelr success has proved the soundness of their venture. These principles of the mew eco- [ ; ' ~~ DECEMBER -21st,_ 1939 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS To each and every one of our Customers is the Sincere Wish of the Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., DAY-Phone 240 w ~~ After Hours Phone 240 j. ". LIMITED: « « | JEMISON'S BAKERY furnaces. "| that a follower of the Christian re- If the Hand of God was not sof' It is true that the world is constant: |' ly changing and even the Christian |' by the making of steam through tho burning of wood In small Tortable This yp carried on to such an extent that many districts. weve almost denuded of trees. Then Dudley discovered pit coal was a better and more concentrated form of fuel. Industry grew apace, supply those needs 80 far as is practic-| and induced the concentration of popu- | able. lation, and finally. resulted in the|- What territory is tributory to Port growth of interrational trade, out of | Perry? What the the needs of that which Britain gained her prosperity. territory? What are the transporta- Export trade, however, has not been tion facilities? We must prepare for an unmixed blessing. It has developed | the future along these lines. that agricultural-export countries are| The general comment was. that Mr, the great debtor countries, Canada | Moore had delivered one of 'the_ most has become a great exporting country, | practical and thought provoking and it has also become p great debtor]speeches that has been heard by the country. Much of our capita) is owned | business nien of Port Perry. It was; by others than' Canadians -- 22% hy | also a speech which might well become Americans, 15¢¢ by British investors. | the foundation of the work of the Port | Such a system must have an end.| Perry Business Men's Association. Debts: must be paid somé day. The complimentary Banquest was a The present system has another | most enjoyable affair, and 'the execu- drawback, ~ Manufacturing countries | tive must be 'congratulated. upon the cannot reproduce their own population. | success of the happy function, ' If the present rate of decline continues nomic program are not something that we MIGHT do if we would constantly' reemrring depressions, but something we. MUST do, We need to create and foster a local business zone; study 'the needs of the people in that zone, and produce and NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Amanda D. Smith. All persons having claims against the Estate of Amanda D, Smith of the Village. of Port Perry in the County hope. Its Gospel nieans Good News", Other religions are dead, or they lead to death. Mahomet's religion inspies fear, the religion of Buddha is one of despair, though its followers came to it through hope. 'But: the only. fear |on November 25th, 1939, ave hereby notified to send particulars of same to ligioh should hav ¢, should be the fear| the undersigned before the 17th day of of doing wrong. Nor is a religion of despair except to "despair of finding any good in one's¢self until he finds his abiding Hope and Resting Place in the Arms of Mighty, and never changing God," Ks HARRY WILLARD sik Wishes to thank his customers 'for their loyal patronage, and says to them: "MERRY CHRISTMAS" ACU AAA a "| Christian religion is growing beeause | of Ontarlo, Widow, deceased, who dled] January A.D, 1940, after which date} the 'Estate will be distributed. i Dated at Port Perry, this 16th- day of December, A.D. 1939. "JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ontario, Solicitor for Executor. WALTER COOK Dei THANK your © ~ 1. BEAUTY SHOPPE y{Peranent Waving and all : | pmaure CULTURE; "YOUR FAMILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best in Bread and Pastry. THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 93, Port Perry. ~ "CHRISTMAS IS COMING BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME with- Flowers CUT _OR POTTED Phone to WM. ETTEY Phone 206. PRINCE: ALBERT, ONT. 7 he AY RAAT Ta FALTER TETIR The White Kitchen Restaurant Extends to All, Best Wishes ~ for a Merry Christmas, and A Happy New Year. PROPRIETOR 2 TOAL ICING ET NT I wish to thank my growing list of Customers for their continued business, and to wish for them-- A MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a "A HAPPY NEW YEAR CLARENCE cook ; C. Switzer, Irertasional Harvester Agent, says: "Merry Christmas" to his Patrons: and wishes them Health, Happiness, and Prosperity during the : : coming year THANK YOU FoR THE BUSINESS C OF 1938 © CARNEGIE HARDWARE co. WISHES FOR ALL ITS CUSTOMERS 'A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year AND: THANK YOU FOR PAST BUSINESS | Wishing all our Customers and Friends : 'A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR : Ww. E WEBSTER | 4 MULLICAN'S . BEAUTY SHOFPE. hus Installed s a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE al CHINE SPEOIALIZING IN Hair Cattin fi and all other line fhe work SPECIALIZING TN 3 2 "other lines of 1 NTA

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