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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Dec 1939, p. 4

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~~ - Harrison and Miss Nellie Harrison of I. 0. D. E. DANCE Keep the evening of December 29, open. There is to be a holiday Dance at the High School. Come and enjoy the fun and dance to the music of Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry BLUEBIRD SENVIN LAMOND WSUAED FREE AGAINST LOSS Note-- Evéry dianiond is insured. Tommy Langley's Band. re Nl Pp "Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and son, |s and Mrs. J. Malcolm, spent Christmas|J, at Prince Albert with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Hunter, ' spent Christmas with her father Mr, Wesley Cawker. Miss Muriel Cook was: a Christmas guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook. . t Mr. Joe Cook of Caesarea, spent], Christmas with his brother, William. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan, Jr, of | with his parents in Toronto. Toronto, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McMilan, Union Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook, Oshawa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Me- Millan, Union Ave. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woon spent the Christmas -holiday in Toronto. : Mr. Harold Hood, Peterboro, spent Christmas week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Palmer, Mrs. E. Blight of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr.'and Mrs. T. Asher. Mr. Albert Cawker, Toronto, Mr.| My R. Birkett, Miss Geraldine Wm. Cawker, 0.A.C., Guelph, spent] Birkett of Moose Jaw, Sask, My. and Christmas with their Tavents 'Mr. and| Mys. Thos. Birkett, Stouffville, Mr. Mrs. A. B. Cawker. Mr. Art Asher, of the Silver Slipper, Toronto, was a recent visitor of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Asher. Mr. Jas: Read, Jr., was ¢ a visitor in Oshawa, on Saturday. Private Fred Colbear, of the Ontario Tank Regiment, was home for the week end. oy Congratulations to Mr. and Mis, G Ross, on their marriage on Saturday. The happy couple will take up resi- dence in Por Perry. Mr. Ross is the teller at the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, succeeding Mr. Burley. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastings of Oshawa, were Christmas guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durkin spent Christmas in Toronto. Miss Ruth Brent of Toronto was the guests of her mother. Mrs. J. Brent. Mrs. C. Webster, and Marjory, Mrs. Alexander and daughter, "all of Ux- bridge, were Sunday guests of Mr. and © Mrs. A. W. Allin. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mis. S. A. Wallace were: Misses Enid, .Olive and Vivien Wallace, of Toronto; Mr. and" Mrs. Almer Wallace and Doris of Seagrave; Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Wallace, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Davidson, Chicago, Miss Mary Findlay, Toronto. - There was quite a nice gathering for Christmas at the home of the Misses Harris, including Mr. W. H. Pefferlaw; Mrs. Dr. Stacey, Miss B. Crozier, 'Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, John Harris, Anne and Bill, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Harris and John, of Uxbridge, Mr. R. S. McCracken, of Toronto; Mrs. J. G. Harris, Oshawa; "Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orchard;-Mrs. W. A. Christy; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Har- ris, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gribben and hildren Mary Margaret, Bill and wrence, (Mr. Gribben is ih the Windsor Scottish Regt.); Thos. Harris of Toronto, Mr. and Mus. Fred Haris, }- and sons James, Robert and Pieh of Oshawa. Mis. Alex. Rennie is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Thobourn "at"Sunder-|. land, and is reported to be keeping in fair health. Quite a number gath- ered there in her honour 'at Christmas, among whom were Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. M. Munro, Miss CitRarine Mc- Phail and Mrs. Thorbourn.. The Star hopes she may enjoy many niore such Christmas gatherings. . Mr. Bill Willard of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents and Mrs. Wm. Willard, We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Jno. > Swan is on the sick list. "Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carnegie apent Christmas with their son!Arthur and his family in Oshawa. Miss Ruth Hall of Oshawa, and Mr. Harold Hall, of Long Branch, spent Christmas with their parents. We are pleased 'to hear that Mr. John Murray is doing well in the Gen- «eral Hospital in Torotno, and expects "to be home in about two weeks. ~ Mr, and Mrs, Risebrough of Oshawa th Mr, and Mrs. Tom.Risebrough - for Christmas, Mr. and Mra, A. J. Kight are open. ing a service station at Port Hope." Mr, Clarence Stabback of Chatham, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stabback at Prince Albert. Mr. Jack Beare, of Sudbury, was in 'town during the week end and went on to_Clarement to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Carnegie; "of " Behumacher, spent the week-end with his parents Mr, and Mrs, b. _Carneglo, on the sick list. Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, W. Medd at Seagrave. Donna, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. visited. Greenbank. was in town for Christmas. Gordon Birkett, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. dM. Wilson and Miss B. Robertson, of Mrs. E. "Willard of Toronto, pent ie with Mr. and Mrs. R. Harper. Miss Noreen Cawker of Toronto Dr, and Mrs, H. H, Armstrong spent he Christmas week-end with his nother in Toronto. Rev. J. C, Clough spent Christmas Sory to hear that Mrs. G. Raymes is Mr. "and Mrs. Jas. Ruddy spent Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey and Wm. Mr. Jeffrey, Scugog. Also and - Mrs. Beacock at Miss Patricia Jackson of Toronto, Mr, atu Miss Station, Claremont, Myrtle Birkett, R. Mrs. Wilson, Wm. Whitby, Mr. Albert Cooper, Brooklin, Miss Hazel Wilson, Toronto, Miss N. Wilyon, Toronto, Mr, and Mys. Harry Hutéhinson, Toronto, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs; J,. Birkett. We are pleased to see Mr, Harold Prentice able to about again. Mr. and Murs, Jack Grey -and son Jimmie of Oshawa, Mr, and Mys, A. M. Lawrence and son Gary, Miss M. Switzer and Miss G. Switzer, spent Christmas with My. and Mrs. Cyrus Switzer. My. Louis Palmer of Broekvills, spent Christmas in town. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Reesor anid son Alan, of Markham, Miss Dora Reesor, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor, Hon, Gordon Conant and Mis. Conant and party, of Oshawa, were skating on the lake on Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. 8. J. Woglridge and family, of Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson and family, of Seagrave, spent, Christmas with My, and Mrs, G. McDonald. Messrs. Phil. "Orde, homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan and daughters Florence-and Nora, spent Christmas in Midland. - Misses Jean .and Annabelle Baird Mr. J. Frank Coburn is home from New "York: City, spending Christmas week with his mother, Mrs. Naomi Coburn, at her home, Mary Street. Mr. and Mrs. E. Michell and family spent the Christmas week end with 'friends in Markham and Brooklin. Mr. Charsley is spending a couple of wecks with his son in Timmins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fossey of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. John Davey of Whitby, spent Christmas with i and Mrs. Geo: R. Ddvey. -Mr, Gr ant -Real-of Ottawa, Mr. M. M. Statton of St. Catharines, were guests of Mrs. Real and-Marjorie over the week end. Co BE] Miss Smyth of Belleville, is ends ing the holidays with~ -hér brother at the parsonage. Terry Woods, John and spent Christmas at their will not be open until January 6th for war collections. Miss Grace Stone of Toronto, spent Christmas with her parents Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Stone. Miss Jean McDermott of Toronto, was home for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. J.-C. Love and little daughter, Mr. Clayton Love, visited Toronto friends over the Christmas holiday. Mis. Lottie Ashton visited Uxbridge |. friends over the Christmas holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton MacGregor, and sons. Donald, Neil and Dale, of Beamsville, spent Chistes. With Mrs. W. MacGregor. ¥ Mr. Gordon Hi ward, Mr. Wm, K. Howard and Miss Margaret Howard, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mrs. A. E, Howard, -_ y Mr, Robt. Cawker of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cawker. 4 Tt nr IN MEMORIAM WIDDEN-=-In Joving memory of a dear father, Thos. J. Widden, who" passed away on December 20th, 1987, His life was earnest, his actions kind, A generous hand, and an active mind, Anxious to please, loath to offend, A loving father and faithful friend. The community yoom at the library : Phone * FREE 1011 Parkiog OSHAWA AIR.CONDITIONED .Thurs., Friday, Saturday, DECEMBER 28-29-30 Douglas, Fairbanks, Jr., and Margaret Lockwood, in . "RULERS of the SEA" with Will Fyffe, Geo. Bancroft, ADDED--Cartoon--"1T"S THE NATURAL THING TO DO" and "POPEY E" REVIVAL--Friday, 10.45 p.m. " "GARDEN OF THE MOON" starring Pat O'Brien and Margaret Lindsay NEW YEAR'S EVE Sunday after Midnite at 12.05, (irand Preview "EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT NIGHT 3 Greetings. Le, Business is not just Busineter No---It's something more Together we serve the world ; % 20.0. 0.0.0 4] LASS A It's confidence and trust.in friends, they serve us and we serve them; A +) And there's no question but that he.who serves best Shall profit most.» BENTLEY'S : J EWEL LER . «OPTOMETRIST Tatts I LO ASAL sinstiratititi otets Toile! SARSS Petetetetit starring Sonja Henle, Ray Milland, Robert Cummings, Hats and Favours for All. Join the. Happy Throngs, All seats 50¢, Doors open at 11.46 pam, to "Picket Holders. Make up a Party. Tickets on sale at the Box Office. " Special Holiday Attraction: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January. 1-2-3 The Happiest Show of the New Year. "The Great Victor Herbert" starring Allan Jones, Mary HARRIS, HARRIS, & WALLACE Announce the proposed DOMINION WAR LOAN to be issued about the 7th of January, 1940, The interest will likely be 3v4% or a little better. The Loan will likely be over suberibed within very few days after the issue. : We will be glad to receive names of those who wish to - invest, with a probable amount which they-can subscribe. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Po Perry, Ontario: Phone 24. Martin, Walter Connolly, Bowman, Judith Barrett, Busanna Foster, COMING--January 4-5-6 The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, Pa Sunday Service at 7 pam. Sunday School at 11 am. UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8. The December meeting of the Even- ST, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R._Simpson, Minister. room of the Church. program in which Mrs. Bowes gave a Messrs, Willinni and Milton Tipp spent Christmas with friends in Little { Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cawker and family of Toronto, spent Christmas with- Mr. and Mrs. John Cawker. Mr. Roy St. JoRn spent Christmas with Toronto friends. Mr. Charles Mounce is spending the Christmas week" Bibi his family at Trenton, Sorry to know that diss Katie Me: Phail is in the Hospital as the result CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, December 31st 3 p.m.--Sunday Schoo} 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon 11.30 p.m. --Watchnight service. Sunday, January 7th-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion wid 3 3 p.m.--Sunday School } Rector--Rev, J. C. Clough, joyed by all who were present. Mrs. half hour was spent. 1 . ing Auxiliary" was held in the school 'A Christmas vocal solo, and the Misses Margaret Colbear, Marilyn Griffen and Pat King sang a delightful song. The playlet "Christmas at 400 Green Street", was given by Miss G. Davis, Mrs, Fred Beare, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Wm. Chapman, which was en- 'Waridel's group in charge of the meet- ing served lunch and the usual social sermon NOTICE of a fall in her home. We trust she may soon we well again: Mv, and Mrs. P. G. Morrison spent the holiday week-end in Caledonia. Miss [sabcl Cawker of Uxbridge Wesley Cawker, Miss Dorothy Rodd spent Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Rodd, at Manilla, Miss Dorothy Cliff and friend of To- ronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Bert, Cliff. Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Short spent the Mis, W, Sparrow; in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Dave MeMillan and|# friends in Toronto. BE GOOD TO YOUR FEET TREAT THEM TO A NEW PA or RUBBERS ------ $1.75, $2.50 & $3.35 pair FREER ATy ERE $1.95 & $2.25 per p pair $4.50. # da pair. OVER 80CKS for RUBBERS "786. por pair Come and. | See 'for Yoursels WwW. E. Webster Beatty Block Port Perry "Lovingly remembered by Katle. ' PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. . W, J, H. Smith in ch spent Christmas with her father, Mr. Rev. W J H. Smith in charge . week: end the guésts of their daughter 2 son Emmerson, spent Christmas with 4 OF BOOTS |} Work Boots at | Corn Syrup Work Rubbers 1 iil RAISINS 15inch Top, All Rubber : BOOTS, Cushion Insoles i after December 27th, 1089, Sl SA SRE BR STAN DARD 24's iat or COARSE OLLED OATS 4 low 23¢ Tomatoes AMBER 4 lb. pail 33¢ HONEY WHITE - HONEY + 4b. pall 45¢ Bread Flour QUAKER XXXX 98's $2.59 eo bo. 300 __BARLY MORNING COFFEE Ib. 29¢ Beehive 39 (i DOMINO | : Baking Powder IMAPLE LEAF = PURE LARD 9 lbs, 95c Tb. 19 6 Ib: or Crown Tin MIXED = NUTS HAND ROLLED Chocolates FIGs" 3 Ib. pks. 3 for 25¢ : pkg, 196 FRUIT SPECIALS Apples Le Basket 3c id : CAPE CO Head 1 Lettuce ERR LARGE . g CABBAGE 2 for A9¢: Grapefruit 6:-25¢ SYYITIED STORES « LIMITED 2 for. y Te lb 23¢ | LARGE Sood, "I, John Medd, of the Sixth Conces-|- sion of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name, we | WhEATLErS 5 Ibs, 23¢ | lb. 19¢ § 2 Ib, Bex 49¢ | ORANGES Det, ase LAWRENCE'S Drug Slore NEWS You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store ¢ o to us. ized in the New Year. - y ; 9 : : . Ch The Season's Greetings In the spirit of friendship which underlies' our relations... with each other our 'thoughts are directed to our pleasant relations with you, to your confidence in 'us, your loyalty. In genuine appreciation, we oxiond to you-the SEASON'S GREETINGS and may your hopes and ambitions' be real- 'A.M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 72 Rexall swe PORT PERRY BETHESDA The service of [song 'under the lead- ership of Mis} John Dobson, for BORN WALLACE--To Mr. and_Mrs. Ralph 'Wallace, 12.Jones Ave, Oshawa, on/ December 8th, 1939, a son--Douglds Ralph. Christmas Sunday was much enjoyed. The carol singing by the Junior choir accompanied by Mrs. Dobson at the organ, and Mis. Croxall at the piano, was a musical treat which we hope will be repeated. Mr. and Mus. Clarkson Playter of DIED BROWN--Suddenly, at Blackstock, on Sunday, December 24, 1939, Lloyd D. Brown, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Russel Brown, of Cadmus, aged 20 yeprs, ' Burlington, visited at her home here over the week end. Mr, Stouffer of Stouffville and Mrs. Chapman of Quaker Hill, spent Sun- day 'at Mrs, C. Croxall's. Many of our young people spent Monday afternoon skating on the pond at Uxbridge. The. Christmas Tree and coneért on Friday night in the Church-brought out a splendid crowd who enjoyed the program consisting of a cantata given by the school children under the guidance of Miss Gorrell, the teacher, and two short plays by the young peo- ple trained by Mrs, Evans. = Mr. and Mrs. Crapper spent Christ- mas day in Uxbridge. Port Perry Rink is now open for Skating. "Buy your Season Ticket at the, Town Treasurer's Office. SPAHR'S - REMEDY Beats "em All REMEDY Stops Cough, clears up Head and Chest Colds, Sore Throat, Infected Tonsils, and quickly relieves spasmodic cough and whoo, ing-cough spasams, R'S works faster, safer, ~with good. results or money hack, PROVE it. Save your =~. Money. 2 Bn Lawrence's Drugstore Those we mis - Generous Resgonse Messrs, Bert. MacGregor and Bert Hutcheson representing the Business Men's Association and the Lions Club, report ® very pleasant and satisfac- tory canvass for the Santa Claus fund. Everyone approached seemed anxious to make the Children's Festival go over thé, top, and had time allowed for a more' extended canvass considerably more nfoney could -have been "raised. d will p "| Oshawa, Ont. To the Ratepayers: Having served the Ratepayers of. the village of Port Perry, I respect. fully solicit your vote and influence for re-election as Councillor for the JOS. R. BAIRD, 'BROOD SOW FOR SALE . Yorkshire White. Bred, due at end of January. Apply to C. C. Robertson R. R. 4, Port-Perry. LUMBER FOR SALE : A quantity of second hand lumber, ° . {including 8x8, 2x8, 2x6, and inch rough sheeting. Apply to Phone 178, Port Perry, BOSTON PUPS FOR SALE Pure bred, two months old, male and femalé, good color, nicely marked. - Apply to Elmer Sheelly, Valentia, Ont. FOR SALE Bred Tamworth Sows. Apply to - Jos. H. 'Forder, 'Blackstock, Phone 197» Bi : ~dec28 FOR SALE . Property on west side of Union - Ave,, Port Perry, consisting' of house, 1ot and. barn, to settle an estate. Ap. ply to F. R, Bennett, 34 Fairbank 8t., --.Jand DELANEY FURS _ Belleville Trenton. Oshawa ; FUR COATS $1.00 Down. §1,00 Weekly Shenmesiling ®Repalrs . MISS A. STOUT * AGENT, PORT PERRY Dr. H. H. Nan . DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice"s Barber Shop I Telephone 287 - + . Port Perey (The firm of Greer & Humpbrers fo diecived.) ARTHUR W. 8. + IREER in 'attendance st my Port Perry aT W. A, Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 | pm. Office Upstairs, arer| over Bec SUITS S8PONGED AND PRESARD 80 Cents : {SUITS CLEANED 'Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH" Wednesd hide Planks dok ; _ of each: week, of by Queen Street, Port Perry, Phane 394 Tow frm of Gwe Boome To? RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS ° 24%; Simcoe Street by dads Okhgwa. ! in attendance ab By Perry oftep on Towdsy snd Tharsday aftaracoms of ooh week or hy sppolntisnt. | Queen Suresh, Port Lhuiid Phone " or JB Lynn, 4 / Upstalrn over 'Ipmisen's Wry year 1040, oy 1 \ $ & : "

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