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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jan 1940, p. 5

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Monday, Tussday and Wednesda WONDERFUL ay, y a Lt lay, PROGRAMS hs nil hi 4 ON THE IR kit Ole CmPeel MUSIC NEWS h 8.20 p.m. NI ditt SPORTS DRAMA - ~All through the year, on every 'the Baskervilles" BROCK THEATRE Phone 018, WHITBY Thursday, Fridsy and Saturday, JANUARY 11-12-18 Two shows at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m, \ SERVICE A PHILCO SERVICE PLAN RADIO 2 Gary Cooper, in oh E IRS T HE REAL Any os ED oder GLORY" IT} with David Niven, Andrea Leeds, and Reginald Owen °° J [Ae Reasonable. Fixed Prices DON'T MISS THE "The Hound of Let us tune up your set. Complete Testing for all Radio and. Sound Equipment. MEMBER of RADIO Manufactorers Service | Farmer Radio with Richard Greene, Basil Rathbone, Wendy Barrie, Nigel Bruce. + Also an ADDED Attravtion "SOROITY HOUSE" with ANNE SHIRLEY and N---- 3) =) y= oO R PICKLED FISH (767 SUPPER' y ©, Even if that dauntless fisherman didn't have any luck, today, he can have fish for supper . . , and he will like it!- Your dealer can secure Dried JAMES ELLISON Ae PHONE 8s [a "MORRISON'S DRUG STORE. WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT of Cod Liver Oil attests its value. ' : as a Tonic in general convalesence when recovering from for you no matter how far y! You can choose from such Dr Hake, Cusk, and Pollock, and sich Pickled Fi ish as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives . -them can be served in tasty;. Pickled Canadian' Fish with la grippe and colds. Bottle $1.00 ROBERTS' SYRUP of Cod Liver Oil and Tar for coughs, colds, and bronchitis. Bottle 36¢ FREE BOTTLE of Woodbury's with 3 cakes of soap for 25¢ BAUER & BLACK'S Velure Vanishing Ltion, with each 39¢ and 59c¢ bottle, one 15¢. Bottle FREE. 3 TWO TUBES Colgate's Dental Cream and Tooth Brush, 49c. i COLGATE'S RAPID Shave, Creain with Bottle of Shave , Lot lon for 85¢. CLEARANCE SALE of pd and Vanishing Choi. Reg: ular 25c. for 16c. Regular 16c. for 100s. | Phone 16 Nyal Service Store. » EVERY DAY SERVICE shopping day, we are at your service with the best meats at the lowest 'market prices. Phone calls receive prompt and courteous service, ; 5 Phone 72-r-2 Bert. MacGregor, -F RESH BAKING DAILY Start the , New Year right by your pies, cakes, tarts and ro ordering Is--and of . course, your brown and white bread for our daily delivery. - 3 WE DELIVER Gerrow Bros, Port Perry We Offer You the Choice of the Market in Fresh and Cured Meats at KER'S Lowest Market Price. Prompt and . Courteous Service Cawker Bros. Phone 29w Port Forty PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance - Place Your Insurance with, _ HAROLD. Ww, EMMERSON Phone 4 Bort Perry ; | and Mrs. Walter Booth, of Whitevale, ] visited the former's son, Mr. F, B | ronto Normal School, Is being coached or Pickled Canadian Fish. ou are from open water. ied Fish as Cod, Haddock, .~ and every one of different ways. i Enjoy this food in your home, You can get Dried or all ies goodness retained for your enjoyment. Ask your dealer. You will find it very economical, too, WRIT 1} Departme. Ottawa. Please Tempting Name. and Seanomical Fish Recipe Tr Srv DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. E FOR FREE BOOKLET = Er meen ip hrm -------- nt of Fisheries, send me your free 52. -page Booklet 10s Fish Recipes" ] Shacijiing 100 delightful FISH THE ANNUAL M EETING OF THE Port Perry, Reach, and Scugog Agricultural Society. will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Port Perry High School, at 2.30 p.m., on Friday, Janua | box of *frult at Christmas, | Mr. Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where nccessary, at reasonable prices, IR. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST -- v 4 : MARGE] 0 [) PRINCE ALBERT PES © . anf) haf The annual meeting of the Women's M i b ZN 4 A] «| Association was held in the Sunday a he > et b ; HO Id - | School room on Wednesday, Jan, 3rd, Wa AVY 4 IN having been postponed a week. In'the | 4 oR fs $ V/A oy absence of the president, Mrs, Mac. : hy f vay SD b Gregor, the Vice President, Miss Mad- ack @ 7 AN - ; den, presided, and for the Dovotiopal - Za . ! r reading used a chapter from "The & i FIRe- Upper Room", During the business i ¥ IH Sd AE it if 3 ] period, a motion was carried, that two y On , Ls 9! I new locks be bought for the basement :, & 74 YE F & I doors. There was some, discussion as NU p oF i 3 to Red Cross Work, and a committee 8 2; 4 F &- was appointed, namely, Mys, F. Luke, | 2 w IR) wm : I & Mrs. McCrea, and Mrs. Harper, to Lo, 3 Nav 3 oy x "meet the Port Perry ladies at the hes Bd * : ik i ; Library on Friday afternoon. Misses A W 1 Fe | Margaret McCrea and Jean Luke were v N B Ee | appointed auditors. ) > [ The officers were returned for an. ig t I other year by acclamation: President, F] D INloy J Mrs. A. MacGregor. Vice- President, ! = yo Miss Madden. Secretary, Mrs. Geo. gL! ' | gn | Luke; Treasurer, Mrs. \. Martyn; I Pianist, Mrs. Harper; Fruitand Flaw- er Committee, Mrs. Hunter, Mis, Newnham, Mrs, "Murphy and Mrs, D. | Jackson, poor health were remembered with a The pro- gram was as follows: reading by Mus. Newnham, "If we only understood"; Mrs. Murphy, "The New Year", and Ruth Luke "Christmas." Lunch was tserved by Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Mar- tyn to seventeen ladies. The annual Sunday School meeting was held in the school room at the close of the Y.P.U. meeting on Wed- nesday evening of last week, The officers were all returned with the ex. ception of two, secretary and pianist. These officers wished to be relieved. The executive 'for 1940 is: Sin. " Mr, H. R. Murphy; Asst., Rev, Joseph Denny; secretary, Allen Martyn; Asst, Kathleen Murphy; Treasurer, E. McCrea; pianist, Miss Myra Sager Temperance Sec., Mr, A. Mac- Gregor; Missionary See., Mrs, Denny; Librarian, Miss M. McCrea; Teachers: Ladies' Bible Class, Miss Madden; Senior Girls, Mrs. Murphy; Inter: mediate Girls, Mrs. Harper; Boys', Mr. Earl Martyn; Primary, Mrs. A. MacGregor. Mrs, Earl Martyn was The shut-ing and those in| diag OBB TY) LB BBB ENCE me RED & WHITE store Linoleum Cementing Service Long Venving floors with Inlaid Linoleum. Linoleum correctly installed for long wear- ing floors. Table Tops Cupboard Tops cemented with linoleum are very, Servicesbie Let us call and quote prices' on any room for Wallpaper, Floor Cover- ing, Window Shades, Curtains and Venetian Blinds. F. W. BROCK & SON ~~ PHONE 43 : PORT PERRY Vane naannesunnnnannnnnnnns EE a OB appointed assistant for the junior classes, The Y. P. U. held its annual meeting on Wednesdny evening. The same of- ficers were returned, Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. A. MacGregor and also to the other| ry 19th, 1940 BUSINESS--Presentation of the Anil Report and the| Election of Officers, You are Invited to he Pre + the work of the Agricultural Society. Every Director and Associate is requested to attend. Ww. F. Thompson, President. MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs. Will Booth and Mr. J. Booth, on Saturday, Mi. James, a student from the To- in the profession for a eoupls of wesks by Miss E. Smith; - * A severe wEkdomiid of 'colds is making its rounds in the community, and in some cases those who are af- fected are bedfast for a few days, .Friday's heavy fall of snow has given the fall wheat a warm blanket for the winter which was greatly needed as there.is a much larger acreage than usual this year, and without snow it is so oftep winter killed which is a loss to the farmer. . The ratepayers of this ToYTr ex- =-[proval "of the work done--by the ont. if you are interested in R D Woon, Db Seeing -- a = pressed very emphatically their ap- Councillors of 1939 when they cast such*a large vote to return them for another term on New Year's Day. How about a side walk between the two villages: by way of showing in a tangible way their appreciation of the] support from this end of the town- ship? "It is greatly needed, as this is a very dangerous half mile, as so many pedestrians use it in going to church, school, station, store, ete. _ Mr. Albert Timms visited his brother Donald recently. Donald is still in very poor health and has not been able to work for some months. Miss Patty Gervan visited a friend in Whitby last week. Mr. Jim Lawrence of. the Malton Air Port, spent the-week end with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. J..C. oS urence The 78th Ava Pine Grove Cemetery Company will be held at 2,30 p.m. in the - Masonic Rooms, Monday, January 22nd - BUSINESS~To receive the' « other Reports; Election Grant Christie, President, 1 Meeting of the Blong Block, on 'Auditors', Secretary's, and ; censed was Florence Mabel Wright, of Directors, and transaction of general annual business. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED, All plot owners have a | right to vote on all questions arising, sister, Mrs, R. L. Steinhoff, Toronto, on Saturday. The deceased was be- ! fore her marriage Eva Viola Towne, daughter of Mrs. Towne and the late Frank Towne. She had been in poor health for a long time, and had spent considerable time insour village under the care of Mrs, MacGregor. p, One by one the old timers are brought back here to their last resting place. And so on Saturday, one of our past neighbours and friend, in the person of Mrs, Wm. Worden was laid to rest in Pine Grove Cemetery at the ripe age of 96 years. The funeral of Mrs. E. Vaughan of Whitby was held on Friday with inter- ment in Pine Grove Cemetery. De- and spent her childhood in this village, On Tuesday evening of last week a large gathering met at the home of Mr.-and Mrs. E. MacCrea to offer best ' wishes in the form of a miscellancous shower to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pickard (nee Mary McCrea.) Myr.-Ben Smitli is on a fishing trip to Lake Simcoe. 2 The. Prince Albert Community Clu held a. cuchre-and dance at their last meeting which proved to be a success, =| Prizes were given for both ladies nnd 'gentlemen. - Mrs, A, Jeffrey and Mr. Coomb received the prizes. Lucky number prizes were given at the dance which' lasted until 1 am. * We are looking forward to a good program at the next meeting which will be sup- plied by Miss Marion Kirby, Mrs. R. Wray and Jerry, McCrea, UTICA The W. A. are holding their regulsr meeting in the basement of the United Church on Wednesday after noon. x relatives, in the death of the former's . ER PRINTING: * Of all kinds done at the Port Perry Star Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationer y, Booklets Folders, Catalggs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Printing you require. Prompt, work, low price. EEE EESNEEESENEE REE EEE family attended the funeral of Mus, McKercher's mother, "Mrs, Worden, in Toronto, con Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Al. Christie enter- tained a number of friends and Blue Bird Club on Wednesday evening. Harper Bros. have purchased a car. Best wishes to Mr. Enoch Kendall in celebrating his 80th birthday. Sorry to report Mr. sick list. The Y.P.A. are invited to a skating party in Uxbridge rink on Thursday evening, January 11. On return re- freshments will be served in the bace- ment of the United Church. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'Estate of Amanda D. Smith. All persons having claims against the Estate of Amanda D. Smith of the of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on November 25th, 1939, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned before the 19th day January A.D. 1940, after which date the estate will be distributed. 2 J.-Swan on the 1939. Prince Albert, Solicitor for Executor. of Decemlicr, AD. JOSEP H™DE NNY, Ontario, DARANR AAR SERRA OOGUARAARAARNRAR AREA TARA RRR ny oy # The Dominion Government will issue shortly after the turn of the year a large War Loan to pay for Canada's war effort for the first twelve months. These honds, it. is expected, will run' for ten or twelve years and will sell around 100. They will pay 3 per cenl, coupons, . Mr. Geo? F. Manning is an official representative for the loan in this district, and those wishing further Information are asked to get in touch with him. i Shea a ' SECURE THROUGH A Hy AR og LJ a YOUR HELP IS NEEDED TO WIN THE WAR. 7 MAKE YOUR MO, DOMI R. D; Woon, Secretary: Mr, and Mrs. Bert MacKercher and | emp tren Ta 3 2 mn 4 li a Tie ip » A Er Ra ni gt nr? Soap ] { i : : Village of Port Perry in the County -- Dated at Port Perry this 16th day a BE AE ASR ARR C RAR RRARRI EN ww,

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