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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jan 1940, p. 6

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pr NS - rer 7 Sa SETS Le i, - » N -- a Ontario Has Most Feed, 'Flour Mills 46 Per Cent, of th the Flour Mill. ing Capacity i in. Canada Lk Located in Ontario -- Sa 'i- atchewan Second According to an gfficial report the number of flour and feed mills, operating in Cavnadutin 1039 was 1,337... Of these, 885 were flour mills with & total 24-he. capacity of © 100,616 barrels, and 952 feed mills, Ontario is the leading pro- vince in. this industry, Thirty-five per cent of the flour. mills, fifty- eight per cent of the feed mills, and forty-six per cert of the flour milling capacity in Canada are toc- atéd in Ontario. Quebec ranks sec- ond as far as the number of flour and feed mills is concerned, but in flour milling capacity Saskat- chewan is second to Ontario, fol- lowed by Quebec, Alberta, and Manitoba. The 'Maritime Provinces and British Columbia have a small flour milling capacity. The num- beg of mills in Ontario is 136 flour and 566 feed; Quebec, 77 flour, 287 feed; Saskatchewan, 55 flour, 28 feed; Alberta, 52 flour, 45 feed; Manitoba, 39 flour, 7 feed; Prince Edwardslsland, 11 flour, 2 feed; New Brunswick, 9 flour, 20 feed; British Columbia, 4 flour, 4 feed, and Nova Scotia, 2 flour, 8 feed. Zoo Orphans Get Adopted Even Most Ferocious Beasts in London, England Menagerie Have Been "Adopted" i or Duration War orphans -of the Zoo have proved so popular with patrons that adoptions have practically re- moved all financial worry caused when the Zco's revenue was re- duced greatly betause of the war and fodd began to-get scarce. People Pay For Expenses "The scheme of adopting an ani- mal "for the duration" --paying for his expenses, mainly food--be- gan when a woman asked to adopt one of the binturongs and her wish was readily granted Lions, leopards, monkeys, apes, _ all the red panards and.eyen the unresponsive bird, the cock-of-the- rock, have been "adopted." Most popular of the adoptees was Billy the puma who had sev- eral bank books opened to him. Tecla the Red River hog, the monkey-eating eagle and the ok- api, some of the heavier caters, have guardians too. Resigns As Guardian Dr. A. R. Dafoc has submitted his tesignation as a guardian of the Dionne quintuplets to the On- tarjo government. The doctor __- nevertheléss will-remain as physic. | ian to the famous sisters. He Manufactured Own Chloroform Founder of. Drug | Enterprise In "Pictou, N.S;, Was Pioneer In Canadian Medical History A drug business founded in Ple- tou; N.S,, in 1828 has récently been oftered for sale. For many years it has been regarded as a kind ot milestone in the niedical history of Canada and for that reason many professional men hope that the bus- iness will be continued under its. old-established name, 'Founder of the enterprise was James D, B. Fraser, an expert che- mist, and one of the first research men in Canada. His place jn fame rests on the introdcction of chloro- , form in this country, before the timo of confederation, 1 Hearing of its discovery fn+ Khg- ~Jand In 1848, Mr. Fraser secured 'the formula And manufactured the 'drug fn his own 'shop in. Pletou, Shortly afterward Nhe. successfully administered it to his own wife in © childbirth = the first known use of chlaroform for - at, purpose in Canada, All taped up and scheduled to do none of "his twirling and whirl- ing over National league ice surfaces for a month or more is Syl- Apps, brilliant centre with Toronto Maple Leafs, who sustained a fractured collarbone in the Christmas night game with Rangers, At the time of his injury he was second in the scoring race and Toronto's Davidson- . Apps-Drillon line was leading the league in effectiveness. Dd Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE tees ccsrsccsscsssssses tee Q. 1f a girl has not been going with a young man very long, and his folks invite her to have dinner. should she accept or refuse? A. There is no. Teason why she should not accept, "Tinless the young man is becoming too serious in his attentions, which she: does not want, and she thinks it might be inferred that she too was serious. Q. When you have been dimng with a friend, and your hostess has no maid, is it alt right for you to help her clean oft the table, stack dishes, gather crumbs, and the like? ' 2. It is not well to do this unioss the hostess has asked you, or you - happén to be a intimate friend. Q. Isn't there an old proverh that compares u gossip toa frog? --- A. Yes, "Gossips and frogs drink and talk" Q. What should one do when someones relates something that Is very disagreeable? A. Call upon your self-control, and do not allow it to upset you. Change the subject as soon as pos- very sible, then proceed to forget it. But above all, do not repeat it to some- one-else, Only the pleasant things of life-are worth vemembering and repeating. Q. When thore is a punch bowl ; at the party, and a girl and her escort approach, which one should fll the glasses? _-A. The man should fill a glass for the girl, then one for himself. Q. How far in advance of a thea- tre party should the invitations be extended? A. Not later than a week fn ad-. vance, Corn Syrup Use Is More Popular Valuable in Preparation of Baby Formulas -- Is Digestible; Sweetens Cereals During recent years, few food products have gained more quickly in popularity' than has corn syrup; and a very justitiable popularity it is, that corn syrup enjoys. You may choose to use the rich golden-toned corn syrup, or: the slightly less-fainillar white kind -- or perhaps both, suiting each to its special, purpose. In any case, it Is an excellent food, full of genuine -. enjoyment, that pours {rom the corn syrup tin, For Children and Adults Authorities: all over the 'country recognize the value of corn syrup fn the preparation of baby formul. as. This is) because cora so, rup Is rich in dextrose and maltose -- a niost desirable=form of carbohy- drite food, for the modification of milk, And there Is a further reason for urging the use of corn syrup in infant diets -- and in the dlets of growing children and adults, too; bécause ft is so easily digestible; and- proyides quickly available ei + ergy material' (a serious considera. tion, where this angle of the diét requires supplementing, as: well a8: for regular use). Uso corn syrup to's seoten cer eals, fruits (you'd like what it does to the" fornink Orange of grape fruit)! beverages and so on, Prophesies End Of The War In 1940 Old "Moore's Almanac' Popu- lar. Old Country Annual On - Astrology Predicts Hitler's Health Soon To Break Down The 1940 edition of one of the versions of the popular Old -Moore's "Almanac predicts -that the Europ- ean war will end in 1940 and that Hermann Goering will succeed Ad- oll' Hitler as Jegd of the German state. ° Hitler's health may fail entirely during the year, according to Foul- sham's version of the almanac which originally was started. in 1647 by Dr. Francls Moore and which sonletimes is uncannily coy- rect. - ! . 'Began in 1647 The Foulsham edition boasts that it exclusively predicted the -- Munich - crisis and - the annexation - of Austria. For 1940, the almanac, in typical. ly quaint astrological language pre- dicts that "thére will be a tendency favoring the strengthening of the monarchies which will be more or less worldwide," and that there is a "possibility that the re-establisi- ment of at least one kindgom can- not be excluded." What Science is Doing . Canadian = SOLID WATER -- NOT ICE "Sold" or vitrified water can be produced by sclence by an ingén. fous arrangement of two steel plun- gers, a child's toy pistol and a - medicine dropper, Tho steel plun- gers are dipped in lHquld air which has a temperature of 200 degrees below zero, The solld water is not ice, but a form which does not exist in nat: ure. It has none of eht crystalline strugture or other features of froz- en wateR It retafis afl the crystal nlite transparent qualities of water, yet 1s about as hard as steel. ORIGIN OF CELLULOSE The discovery of -how planis manufacture cellulose, the major part of their structure, has just been made, The tinding shows: that the celius lose Is manufactured in a round. lv- ing factory so tiny that when mag- nified' 4,500 times it {8 no bigger than a 26-cent plece. THis microse copical: iotory floatsi'about In the living: protoplasm: inside. the cells of plant tissues,. The, discoverer Is a woman, sclentist Dr. Wanda K. Farr, Her 'discovery Is a step to- ward artifietal Creation of this very © great rawe~materiali! by: machines" and chemical, reactions: GEAMS GROW: ON VITAMINS... Most disease germs, like human beings, need vitamins to grow and Keep +'healthy", scientists now be- Heve,! Some disease germs; it {s found," « ean manufacture all but one or two. of the vitamins or the parts of an" enzyme they need,.but are unable to multiply origrow effestively un- less these all-important substances are given. to them, . Denmark can. claim the setiior national 'flag as thefr Royal Stand- ard, the oldest national fags i in © existenteis. Ea Contest For Music Lovers Young Canadians From Every Province Will Compete For Scholarships And Also Cash Awards Given for Original Musical Composition Stating that within the las{ two veafs upwards of 75° Canadians from every province in the Domiu. jon have competed for the scholar ships and cash awards given by the Pectorming Right Soc fety, H. T, Jamieson, president, last week at Toronto announced the de- cision to offer similar awards 'n 1940. Ho stated that (he competition would be. open to Canadians of el ther sex under 22 yearg of age and would close on March 1st, 1940, Ap- plications for/entry must be cbtain- ed from the Society, Royal Bank Building, Toronto. Ten Awards Made "During the past two years, ten * awards have been made: 3 in Brit {sh Columbia; 3 In Ontarlo;" 1 in Quebec; 1 in Manitoba; 1 In New Brunswick; and 1: in Prince Ed- ward Island," Mr. Jamieson 'aid. The Board of Adjudicators will be composed this year of Sir Ern- est MacMillan, Mue. Doc, and Leo Smith, Mus. Bac., of the University of-Toronto; Captain J, J. Gagnler, Mus. Doc., Montreal; Godfrey Hew- itt, F.R.C,0., Ottawa; Hectcr Charlesworth, Toronto; and H, T. Jamieson, president of the Canad- jan Performing Right Society. Have YouHeard i Three men were sitting in a Ger: man cafe, The first was reading a newspa- per. Suddenly he pointed to an art- icle, shook his head, and exclaimed "Tut, tut!" The second fellow his stoulder and exclaimed: tut, tut!" Tho third map jumped to - his feet, "If. you two fellows are going' to talk politics, I'm going home." "Tut, Writers have so far shown remarkable restraint in avoid: ing cracks about carrying on the fight to the Finnish, i A traveller in a Pullman in doubt about the amount of should give the Negro attendant, so he said to him: "What is the average lp. that you get?" "Two dollars, sah." The traveller gaye him two dol- lars, whereupon the Negro clapped Lis hands delightedly. "What's the Idea?" asked traveller. "Well, sah," said the Negro, "you is the first man dat ever came up to the average." Little Ted was saying his go-to-bed prayers in a very low voice. ; "i can't hear you, dear," his mother whispered. i "Wasn't talking to you," the small one answered firmly. the A spinster living in a London su- burb was shocked at .the ianguage used by two men repalring tele. graph wires close to her home. She wrote to the company on the mat- ter, and the foreman was asked to report. This he did fn the follow- ing way: oe "Me and Bill Fairweather were on this:job. I was up the telephone 'pole, and accidentally. let the hot lead fall on Bill; It went down his' peck: Then -he sald: "You really must be more carota; Harry". " Peovilics will Help Farmer's States Minister Dewan; Ontar- io Government to Aid Agri- culture to Produce Necessary . Crops «There will be few changes In: agriculture because of war conditions, Hon, P. M: Déwan sald Wednesday, speaking at the Oxford County Warden's banquet. Mr, Dewan safd there would be 1itflo government control of agri: culture through the provinée but rather -an attempt to ald thé farm.: ers produce what crops are' neces. sary at this time, The minister also sald theré would be provincial control of the tarmers* credit unions whieh, he belleved, wero meting a asst need, Pheratehing ERE ofa | intense i looked over the tip. he' legislative A RR AR Maple Leafs' Brilliant Centre Temporal Out of Running 1 : - i How Can |? BY ANNE ASH'EY Q. How can a chimney fire be extinguished quickly? A. By throwing a handful of suk phur on the fire and closing the bottom draft. The fumes of the sul phur will ascend the chimney and put out the flame almost immed iately, "Where possible" tanger of sueh a fire exists it would be well to keep a canfvi of sulphur néarby to meet the emergency. : Q. How can | make a lotion for whitening the skin? A.'Mix two tablespoonfv' of oat meal; % tablespoonful of powdered borax, and 3% pint of .rosewater. Let stand for two or three: days, then strain well and add 3% ounce of alcohol. Q. How can. prevent tish from sticking to the pan while frying? A. Put a teaspoonful of salt into the pan and rub thoroughly with wax paper, © Q, How can 1 make g.ad pan hol: ders? A. Instead of making pan holders in the usual way, why not make them in the form of thick pockets? The hands will then be thoroughly protected against both the hob ves: sel and the steam, Q. How can I cream butter more quickly? - A. Heat the mixing bowl with scalding water, Wipe, and put iu the butter. It will. cream much- more quickly than when mixed in a cold bowl Why Cold Makes Our Hands Blue The Color of the Skin Depends On The Kind and Amount of f Blood Circulating In It Even in a healthy person we no- tice that the color varies a good deal. The same person is some- times red in the face as well as _ blue in the hands, and at other ° times neither one nor_the other. So we might extend this- question 'and ask: Why does the same per- son change color in, different cir- cumstances? Rub Them Vigoroysly The answer is that thelr of the skin at any given moment de- pends upon the kind and amount of blood circulating in the skin at that moment. The blood is the source of all the color we notice] in people. In the absence of en- ough' blood the face and lips look white or 'pale. When there is a rush of bright red blood to the surface, as whén a person is Sakina violent exercise; LB ines red from the ex pandiog. smallest arteries; when the skin is exposed to severe cold the op- posite happens. The arteries con. tract and contain less red blood, and the veins expand and contain more of the purplish, impure blood. Further as the veins of the hands and limbs are nearer the surface than the arteries they are more 'easily "seen, and the bluish color of the blood shows through and: tints the skin when it is cold, If " the hands are vigorously rubbed, or exercise taken to stimulate cir. culation, the 'blood assumes {ts normal eourse cnce more and the blusness disappears. Car Lessons. For Children? Essex County Automobile Club Appoints Committee to Dis- cuss Driving Education -- To Recommend-It As Safety Measure The. allvisability of recommend. ing to the Ontario Department of Education that drlving.fundament.. als be taught children of preadriv- fng age as a part of their public school training was discussed by directors of the Essex County Auto- mobile Club, at {ts December meet- ing in Windsor, Training In Safety The gist of a proposed resolution | to be submitted is that young peo-' ple should have a thorough ground: ing in driving fundamentals by the timosthey are ready to learn to drive," Safety would be greatly en- hanced if this were done, it con- tends. The thought in mind," comments the resolution, "is the importance of safety training for the younger generation and through the child. ven to the adults, When the child: ren are old enough to drive cars they should know full well the res- ponsibility attached to the driving of a car," , Lakes Traffic - Neared Record Heavy Shipments of Grain, ob Coal and : Automobiles - Through the System This Season Great Lakes shipping clrcles re- port that the month of December has seen the largest fleet saillng Saillirgs were heavy, being. made: Great Lakes | LIPTON FULL FLAVOURS 0 TEA up mostly of grain, coal, oil and au- tomobiles, Last ships went through the St. Mary's falls canal from Lake Sup- erior December 14th, . Tremendous Graln Movement At Buffalo a 15-year record top- pled when elevators unloaded 16, $38,638 bushels of grain in a seven. bushels was sent to the eastern seaboard in the same perlod. One of the largest grain move ments in the history of the lake transportation trade was shipped out of Fort Willlam. and Port Ar- thur in the week ending December 2nd. "Canadian and United States ves- sels loaded 26,843,599 bushels of wheat, as well as more than 1,250, 000 bushels each of oats and bar- ley, ; The Welland canal" remained open until midnight, Dec. 12 and coal: moved through the waterway to Canadian; ports right up to the dead line. Feathers Bought Canadian Feather & Mattress 4147 SPRUCE ST. TORONTO' «| =Clagsified Advertisements lif BABY CHICKS THARDY, APPLE TREES USED CARR AND TRUCK PARTS © TWEDDLE PUSHES COSTS DOWN, then slashes prices. Large produc. tion in one plant in Fergus plus selling direct by mail to ysu en- ables us to quote these prices for delivery any in "January, February oan Maren 15th. Light breeds, $9.45; 90 per cent. Pullets, $20.90; Heavy breeds, i 90; Pul-. lets, $16.90; Cockerels, .§ 6.00. Send: for 'catalogue and complete price list. Tweddle Chick atcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontarto. 'FREE! Clip this ad, attach it to your order for 200 or more Bray Chicks, and we'll send you a Bray . Chick -Guard free. Safeguards chicks from drafts and crowding. Chicks for January delivery should be ordered immediately; 2 hatches weekly. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont, __ DUSINESS OPPURTUNITY : HARDY AUPLE FREES -- 5U CTS, cache Canada's Lowest I'rleed Nur. sery, growing leading varieties Fruit Trees. Ornamentals, immediately requesting sensation. al offerings. Tobe's Treery, Nia- gurn-on-the-Lake. . $uturio, MILKING MACHINES GRADE "A" MILKER MILKS TWO cows ut one into separate con.- Isators. No old-fash-" tainers. No pul loned pipelines, Write to.dgy. Wil. liam EB. Bowden, 21 Quen Ave,' Toronto. INVENTORS OFFER TO AN UFFER TO EVERY INVENTUK List of Inventions und full infor. mution sent (ree..'I'he. Rumsay Co, Registered, Patent Attorueys, °7° Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada, BILLIARD ROQM, SIX FULL SIZE tables, doing good: business, forty-five hundred. Apply YOUR STOMACH. BOTHERING ? Hughes" Mineral 'Remedy wenkened stomachs: Builds Wonderfully * Bay Billiards, North Bay, Onta Ontario, CUSTOM = TANNING WH DU: CUSTOM - TANNINU OF into Ri tind nto Leather. J, C. Renty. & Son, dale, Ont. EDUCATIONAL Mark- STUDENTS NOW. ENROLLING FOR courses. In Matrieulation, short Story, Journalism, fture.- aio use of your Speech Cultur co Use Of your spare time. Write 5 fan: Correspondence Col ege, (es- tablished 1502), 229 Yonge Street, Toronto. Le JELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTOR, 2 HE, ALSO & several other sixes, ones Moore Electric, 296 'Adeinide 'St. W., Toronto. --_-- i* FOR SALE SITUATED IN the centra of "the city. of Ottawa, completely, cauippe ped modern dacking lant, - 2-stordy. brick Buna Ing - ang osutbulldingss Al re. Lin Jaz Ie frigers electric holst, First-class' - frigeration rooms, ation equipment, slicers; LE RR iy on; re $a Guerin, 125 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Telephone 6.0764. FOXHOUNDS FOR SALE XHOU 02 FQR F FA ; Vos breeding, es Ts 00 and up, C.-J. Macs ball, Moose _Creek, yntario, 2 = : FERRETS FOR SALE ERRETS -- SURE HUNTERS ON as Hah odin Males HAR fom. ales $3.0 = $3.6! strong _Br( e 1 Or and os Sineare FORTOAUES OR' AURBEMENTS | of sale purclinsed for cash Sy do. attention. North Shore, Réalty Co. * Ltd, Oshawa. Phone 81. ISSUE NO. 2140! < bottles, sc JipsL and; jHotsshides age Qui AMBITIOUS MEN = with the world.an fu tt $175; two 13 60 bon Products, _ Postal Statlon C, Vancouver, B.C. PRIVATE HOSPITAL D N NURSING HOME, Dufferin Street, Toronto, Cosy, li- censed Private Hospital. All Tass taken. Maternity Specialist -- buck early, Waiting mothers ac. commodated. Registered nurses, -----Moderate cash charges. Télephone _ MElrose 1355. CEISONAL = TOBAUCD, SNUFF.. EASILY, futxpensively, Homb | remedy. Testimuniuls. Guurantecd. Advice free. Burtleit's. Lux 1, Winulpeg. ; ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support. with our advanced method. No elastié , of understraps' or 'steel. Write" Smith Manuracturing Co, Dept 219, Preston, Ontario. TRAINED DETECTIVES 17 AND. OVER wante service and detective work, com- plete training course by corres pondence, Free. Informatiyn/ Writs * $p.G C MN Julien, Box 25, Statlon T, ontre . RELIGION INSPIRED POEMS OF BIBLE truths -- the most needed book on earth today. It will bring new 1ife t tually dying. world; hat has gone «rong: " how to litt out of the deplorable condition it co $3.00, postpald, Send to Theo, Stone, Box 7, Station K, Toronto 12, Ontario, Canada. === Guaranteed 'CAR AND TRUGK: PARTS Uséd 2 New SPECIAL ANG IN REDBULL . TONY: COWRI UNITS, tyfrauite HR Wintnes: Jenerntors, Start. ers, M elon, ( arhure tors, Lt tadinte' Skilstaction or ae sory re: Parts, Toronto. THEA Write 1° immediately for secrete" PARTS FOR EVERY MODEL AND maka, All taken down ready to ship. Every part guurhnteed or money refunded. No order too big. No order too. small. Osler Auto 3 Parts, 95 Osler Avenue, Toronto, FURNITURE FOR SALE LYONS 478 Yonge St., Toronto CLEARANCE SALE NE.CONDITIONED FURNITURE 8 95 3 plece Chesterfield Suite, re- S versible Maurshail spring- tilled cushions, brown repp. 18.50 Brown mohair Chesterfield Suite, reversible Marshall Spring cusnions, 3 pieces, 24 00 Smart upartment size Ches< terfield Suite, 3 pieces, rust repp material, reversible - Marshall spring cushions. ~35, 00 Beautitul_large brown mo. hair Chesterfield Suite, fig- ured reversible Marshall. cushions, pertect condition: 7. 50° Chestertields, In .repp and - mohair covers, rever- sible spring 'filled fushions. 5. 95 Odd Chesterfield Chars, with spring filled cushiohis, ase sorted covers. 390, 00 Kroehler Chesterfield Bed Suite, upholstered in brown mohair, reversible sprinig. cushions, 3 pleces' complete with new mats tress, berfect condition spring . 24, 00 walnut finish, vanity, full size bed, chiffonier, #pTing an na new muttress, 39. 00 Modern Bedfoom Suite. In two-tone walnut finish, chiffonier, dresser with round Vens etian mjrror and full size bed. 49.00 Beautiful modern Bedroom ish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring. Perfect. 6S. 00 Solld walnut edroom Suite, - very 'large : dresser; chi(f. robe, full 'size: 'bed, sa Bites spring © and spring' filled mattress) com- 'pletelN 74 inished, 17. 03 place Dining room Sulte buffet, extension table and 6 leather, saat chairs 24. 00 So d oak: Dining Suite, 'bufs fats extension table, and ¢ + leather. Upholstereds chairs, pletely tof inish 59 00 FRotory 9 amble (new) Din- * ette Suite In English oak, buffet, extension fable with jacks knife leaf, and 4 chairs upholstered in red, leather, Reg. $89. 69, 00 Beautiful 9 plece Dining Suite, In 2-tone walnut fin ish, large buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather uphol. 8 tered chairs, completely refinish 70. 00 Solid. walnut Dining. Sulte, large buffet extension janie, china cabinet, and 6 genuine upholstere ehaits, com-' ar pletely fof nished: Large 3ssoriment ote odq iftets, China inets, Dressers, Chiffonlers and Beds iran new factory 'samples to clean at whole« "pale prices, All gods carefully erated for Ima edinte Ahipment on receipt of mey-otder, and sold" with avr IaNeyhark guarantee of satisfac. LN LYONS FURNITURE CO! 478 Yonge St, Toronto 7 day period. A total "qt 11,160,640" Coniplete Bedroom: Suite fn ---- Sulte; bleachéd" walnut fins | 'coms |

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