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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Feb 1940, p. 2

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nt ACN TONG a ss Cs ee a Cans: 2 NERS Arctic Explorer Declares It Gives Him That Certain Finesse . The story of an Eskimo gone mo- dern 1s told by Philip H. Godsell, Arctic explorer, writing In the cur rent issue 'of Natural History, of- ficial organ of the American Mus. eum of Natural History, He relates how "Mike saw the factor at Aka- lavik, at the mouth.of the McKen- gie River, using a portable type, writer and asked him to order one for him "What really eauscd my, eyes to open wide," says Mr. Godsell, "was the sight of this Eskimo squatted on an upturned milkbox pounding tho keys of a portable typewriter. With an appreciable sense of what Hollywood _ calls atmosphere' ho gported a navy blue suit and a pair of smoked glasses perched at a ra. kizh angle on his nose. "As | watched, the Eskimo put the letter he had written fn an en- velope and guve it to a boy who ran off with it. Later there was a tap on the sealskin tupek and the boy returned and handed another letter to the man fn front of the typewriter. | thought indexd civil- {zation had come to the Arctic until tho factor explained matters" WITH ELECTRIC LIGHA, TOO It seems that in an effort to ape tho white men and. impress the oth. er Huskies, two chiefs had bought typrewriters and spent many hours (with straight faces) exchanging notes that were meaningless jumb- les of letters, figures and punctua. tion marks, Mr! Godsoll also tells of another Eskimo who purchased an electric lighting system to illum. inate his 1S-foot driftwood igloo. Now he can cause the "moon to en-_ ter and leave his house at will." Wolves Become Menace Again In Old Ontario -- Peterborough and Norfolk Counties Suffer IN Wolves have become a menucs in the "older sections of Ontario, So serious have become their in- roads on game and farm animals that sportsmen in Peterborough and Norfolk counties have hunts to reduce the numbers of the mar- auders. A-tgrand wolf hunt" at Apsley, 45 miles north of Peterborough, was planned by the executive of Peterborough Fish and Game As- . sociation, but netted no animals, There 1s $150 bounty payable to the coliector of every wolf, MASS HUNT--$15 APIECE Wolves that roam Long Point, a 24-mile-long game paradise that Juts out into Lake Erie at Port Rowan, wheze.. millionaires hunt and fish and where:J. P. Morgan shot ducks last fall, are going to subject to a barrage of shot. ~~ gun fire just as soon as Hanson . Ferris, Port Rowan, organfzer of a drive against the anigfils, can get his forces togethey/ and the weather .is favorable. : Ferris said plans &ere going ahead for the mass hunt, the first since ~pioncer days in Norfolk - County, as far as anyone in the == district can recall, ------ The number of hogs 'on Canad- ian farms 'at June' 1, 1939, was estimated at 4,294,000 compared with 8,486,900 at June 1, 1938, and 3,963,000 at June 1, 1937. World's longest « fence, on the western boundary of Queensland, extends for 600 miles. % r] T At Housewarming For Canadians afiyor Authungy Iden fs shown hting the cigarette of & . adian soldier during. the "house. Warming" party that marked the ning if a new allservices can- nm clu ajo 'Eden.now. serves as an 'don, M officer in a territorial regiment: for 'the troops in Lon Here is, LEFT to RIGHT, Bri Charles P. Vannier, Canadian minister to France; Gen. adian forces in France; and Col..0. R, Turner, fore going back to the front after holding pri [A Harold La Ea RS SAY How Can | ? BY ANNE ASHI EY Q. How can I fron mats or any- thing that requires careful shap- ing? A, Iron them [irst without starch and then place them carefully on the board. Lay over them a thin, smooth cloth dipped In raw starch, and iron dry.. 'Q. How can [ skim excossive greaso from the top of soup? A. Take square sheets of clean, white tissue paper. Lay one sheet at a timo carefully on the surface . of the soup; then gently lift it off, and all the grease, or fat, will ad- 'here to the paper. Q. How can ! put out an oil fire? A. Never try to put out an oil tire with water, as this only spraads tho Names. Sand, earth, gravel, flour; meal, any of these, Is_effec- tive to throw on burning oil' Q. How can I treat chapped lps?" A. Au excellent remedy for chap- ped lips is one-half teaspoonful of borax to one tablespoonful .of hon- ey. Mix the borax and honey thor- ougly before applying. Q. How .cau I impart a rich, brown color to my sponge cake? A. Sprinkle a little granulated sugar over the top of the sponge . cake before placing it in the oven. Reindeer milk, with 22 per cent butterfat is the richest of 11 dif- ferent kinds of milk listed in the U. S. 1939 Yearbook of Agricul- ture. What Science dee Doing TEST "ROYAL JELLY" After a year and a half of chem- ical analysis, University of Toron- to chemists are gieparing for an experiment which will tell if they have succeeded in breaking down royal jelly -- the mysterious sub- stance on which queen bees are nurtured into the larva state to make them rulers of the hive. Success of the experiment may --forecast synthetic production of some | the. precious fluid which scientists believe can be used bene- ficially on retarded children and for other human diseases. fl sien "TO IMPROVE VEGETABLES By measuring appetites of to- mato plants in 'various types of _ #0il, Prof, Stanley S. Ballard, Uni. versity of' Hawaii physicist, has suggested a possible new technique for the growing of bigger and bet- ter vegetables, His procedure fs based on deter. mination of the amount of food A plant actually consumes, rather than on the amount present in the soil, SE ~N i \ 3 en CUTS PERITONITIS TOLL Three University - of Pennsyls vania surgeons attribute to sul- fanilamide--the "wonder drug" -- a reduced death rate in peritonitis cases resulting from acute appendi- citls. gan "We are convinced by the clin. ical" evidence," the threo scien. tists assert in the annals of surg. ery, "that sulfanilamide therapy subsequent to operation has ame- liorated the severity of the res action fn spreading peritonitis in many. cases, and has saved some lives that otherwise would have been lost." Fudan Scratching FT En i Crerar, chief of Canadien wilitary mission in England; Col, Andrew McNaughton, commander-in-chief of Can- chief of staff, They are shown at a Paris railway station be- - vate conversations with Vannier, who remained behind, Expect More U. S. Tourists Next Year to Visit Canadian Parks -- Superintendents All Point to Exchange Rates Tourist traffic in Canada next season . should be much heavier because the war has shut off Eur- "ope as a tourist plagground and because. foréign exchange rates are to the advantage of United States visitors, according to super intendents.of 19 national parks meetings in Ottawa in January. National parks are growing more popular with both Canadian and United States tourists, amp- sites there"is a need for more bunga- low camps and . boarding houses operated under private enterprise, At dinner, Betty Jane had eaten the tilling of her ple, but had left tho crust. When asked why she had not eaten all of her ple, she replied: "Because I don't like the running board " .Dentist -- "Tnere's no need for you to shout. | haven't touched your tooth, yet." standing on my corn." An English motorist, wno had a tifty-gallon tank of gasoline in re- sgrve when rationing was intro- duced, consulted a friend as to what to do about it. "Bury it, my dear follow," was the reply, : FEL. Accordingly, he-gave his garden. er Instructions next day to dig a hole for it in a secluded spot. "After a time the gardener 're turned. "I've buried the gasoline," he sald, "What do you want done with the tank?" .» "With what weapon did Sam. son slay the thousand Phillis. tines, Tommy?" asked-the Sun- day School teacher, "The axe of the Apostles," replied the child, after a long pause, . The boxer who knew practically every trick in the game' finally met his match, Ju the third round he found himself flat on hig back, listening to the referee counting over him "One," roared tho referee, "two --three--four = five -- six -- sev. en ------- ™ Py The fighter reached vp and grabbed the referee's wrist, "I'm a little hard of hearing," he Interrupted, "Would you mind re- peating that?" = - ~'Do 'you wish to marry again If you receive a di- vorce?" Liza -- "Ah should say not. Ah wants to. be withdrawn from circulation." . A " have been provided, but Patient" "No, but you are = v HEALTH ~ TOPICS RHEUMATISM MISUNDER- STOOD The much-misunderstood "rheu- matism" or "arthritis," is a diccase which should have 'more attcation than it is recciving in the world today, according to an article in the monthly "Health Journal" written by Douglas Taylor, The writer points out that "of all the serious diseases affecting the welfare of the nation those known as 'rheumatism' and 'arth-- ritis' are among the most import. ant, most neglected and most mis- understood. No other disease caus- es such widespread suffering and crippling among all ages and class- es. Much of the misery and in- validism is unnecessary and is dir- ectly due to many strange Ideas abroad concerning 'rheumatism' "and 'arthritis.' It is high time that some of these popular misconcep- tions be seriously reviewed." --o-- RURAL SERVICES INADE- " _ QUATE : : George Hoadley of Toronto, dir- ector of public health and medical services for the. Canadian Council of Mental Hygiene, last week de- clared that health services, partic. ularly in rural areas, are inade- quate, £5 Canada's health workers now to- tal 65,618, including more than 10,000 physicians and surgeons, 4,000 dentists, -20,600- graduate. nurses, 11,600 nurses in' training, 6,700 practical nurses, 870 'optic. --ians, 560 osteopaths and chiroprac. tors, and 1,600 other men and Wo. men in health professions, But, the 20 ¢ities in Canada of more than 380,000 population and- . totaling 28 per-cent of Canada's total population, have 46 per cent of all the doctors, 48 per cent .of the nurses and 49 per cept of the dentists, he said, = Address Soldiers' Mail Carefully When Sending Letters Abroad Make Certain The Address Is Absolutely Correct 2 'Mistedding addresses on soldiers' mail, now that the First Division of the Canadian Active Service Force is overseas, are causing such letters delay and are entalling con- slderable extra work to members of the Canadian Base Post Oftice in dndentifying the addressee, Recent. ly postal authorities announced the correct way to dddress mail to the troops overseas, and to troops atill in Canada, In spite of this much maf matter 1s belng posted which gives the name of certain barracks and also camps in England, instead of the namo of tho reglment or unit; which is entirely omitted, Base Post Office authorities emphasize Ll 1i{e7.y) _ inconsiderate and 1ll-bred. that to send mall to soldiers ads 'dressed to barracks or camps in the United Kingdom is most likely to cause delay, and that such prac- tice ig a hindrance rather than a help. The soldier may have been moved .from that camp to another in the interim, Name of barracks or camps in England should not be given, The name of the regiment or urit shouid always form®art of the address. NECESSARY INFORMATION . It is again emphasized that in "the addresses, abbreviations of the names, units or services should be ~ avoided, and the names of such . spelled out in full, Abbreviations such as A-T, A.Ac, or A. (Antl Tank, Auti-Aircraft, or Army Co- operation Squadron) should NOT be used, but the full names should be given, In sending miail to soldiers al ready overseas gee that the address contains only: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Full Name of Regiment or Unit, C-O-Base Post Office, Canada, In addressing mall to soldiers serving Ih Canada give: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, \ Full Name of Regiment or Unit, C.A SF, - Postal address of Training Camp in Canada: -RETURN ADDRESSES Do NOT send such a letter care of Base Post Office, Canada, See that postage Is properly pre- paid, and that return addresses are given on all mail matter sent to soldiers abroad or in this country, Sidney Northcote, 52, was al- most certain. he had an infallible way of taking his own life, He tied a rope around his neck and fastened it to a bridge girder, in Winnipeg last week, If the rope broke there was a river 25 fect below. Hg was-in hospital nursing bruises and slowly realizing hes overlooked a detail. The river was frozen: Most dairy rations will be im. proved by tie addition of a suc- culent or green feed. Either corn or hay silage makes an ideal suc- culent for winter feeding, Modern ~ Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. When a woman is introducing her husband to an acquaintance, shouid she say, "This is my husb- and," or, "This #8 Walter"? A. When a mere acquaintance, sho should eay, "This is my husb- and," If it is an intimate friend, she may say, "This is-Walter.," Q. Is it considered good manners for a girl to powder her nose and use lipstick in public? A. No, while -we see this done every day, It . cannot be .called "good manners," It is much better it a girl will do such things private 1y. Ta Isn't {t poor manners to take more than one kind of food on the fork at one time? + A, Yes, Ong should never do this, Q. 'What is your opinion of a neighbor who 'plays his- radio so loudly. that it can be heard distincts ly several doors away? = - A. A complaint 'should 'be regis tered against'a person who is this be stopped : : Q. How are the wedding recep- tion cards and the cards of admis. slon to the church sent to those invited? - A. These cards should be enclos- - ed with the wedding invitations, Q. Is it cqrrect to leave the spoon in the sherbet glass, when one has finished eating the dessort? A, No; the spoon should be plac- ed on the plate that holds the sher- bet glass. hace ; 18 k eyes ot Nose running, .. reaming .., head aching, ,.miserab) 's no sense in such suffering! TRY MENTHOLATUM for RELIEF--at once! Its soothing v. ours trate infected ease ed @ives COMFORT Dally Feathers Bought Canadian Fanthor & Mattress 4147 BPRUCE ST, TORONTO It can - ! Holsts, Wine "dién --- DIXIE is the thrifty man's tobacco. It's a cool, slow-burning smoke! 3 CH PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO The Gota Canal is the longest in the world--115 miles--with the Suez, 100 miles long, ranking see- ond. ! : A stream of bats pouring out of an underground opening led to the discovery of New Mexico's remarkable Carlsbad Caverns, .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. . AGENTS WANTED OFFER 10 avs ENTORS 127 HOMEWORK PLANS BE YOUR \OWN BUSS. THESE plans- can be worked anywhere. Particulars free. Guardian Ex. change, 97) College St, Toronto. BHOES -- WORKING GARMENTS. Sell Dress and Work Shoes, Sports and Service Boots, also Men's Working Garments. Free selling . equipment, bonuses. Step-Easy Shoes, "Reg'd.,, 3467 Notre Damp West, Montreal. ARE You PLANNING A NEW KITCHEN Ot BATHROOM? Investignte "BARCLAY TILE" THE LATEST to home' modernizing; easily and quickly applied; attractive color combinations for kitchen, bath. room. Edmund Hind Lumber Co., Ltd, 2579 Danforth Ave., Toronto, or your Local Lumber Dealer. 2 BABY ,CHIUNS GOVT. APPROVED CHICKS FROM blood-tested breeders at money saving prices for delivery up to March 15th, Grade "A" White Leg- horns, Brown Leghorns, Bluck Minorcas, White Minorcas, Ancon: as, $9.45; per' cent. Pullets, $20.90; Parred Rocks, New Hamp- shires, Rhode Island Reds, Hy- brids, several crosses, $0.90; Pul- lets, $16.90, Cockerels, $6.00, White Rocks, Sussex, Jersey Bluck Giants," Black Austrolorps, $10.40, Pullets, $16.00, Cockerels, $6.90. Ask about our three-week old capons. ree - catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. "PROUD OF - THEM, GETTING © more next spring," writes Mrs, I, Zieborth, of her Bray Chicks. like her 'ail over Canada. Join them this year. Order now, 2 hatches weekly for early orders pullets, cockerels, chicks. Catalogue... Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont, Ontario, Thousands BUILD A HOME 5-ROOM BUNGALOWS' BUILT ON "your lot for $2,500 on Govt. Loun. erms of $250 down -- $14.71 per month. York Heights Development Co., 330 Bay Street, Toronto. TT OHESTERFI ELDS ron SALE CHESTERFIELDS -- §1 WEEKLY, We pay the freight, all you pay is a rock-buttum price fur chestel. fields from Torunto's largest dir- great pleces -- chesterlield, 2 chairs und modern stool to mutch, rebuilt and upholstered In brand new repp und tapes, tapestry cove erings, spring tilled back, cush- fons, attractive design, ovnly $49, Another bargain, originally 'exe pensive suites, thoroughly recon. ditioned, $29.60. Send $10.00 now, balance $1.00 weekly. We pay the- freight. to youv<sfutlon. Satisfuc. tion or your nroney back. Royal Chesterfield - M{grs. 66 Richmond East, Toronto. 3 EDUCATIONAL . Te = T T "STUDENTS NUW ENRULLING FOR courses In' Muatriculutivn, Short Btory, Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Muke use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- fan. Correspondence College, (es. tablished 1002). 229 Yonge Street; Toronto, ELECTRIC SA0TORS CONTRIBUTION - White Wyandottes, Light * ( Suid ocak 22.00 Suite, buries, AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTUR Iist of Inventions and rall Infor. mation sent free The Ramsay Co, Registered Patent Attorneys, ~~ © Rank Street Otiwwa Canada PENSONAL QUIT TUBACCU. SNUFF. EASILY, inexpensively. Home . remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice frea Bartleit's Rox 1. Winnipeg. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF. comfort positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understrups or steel, Smith Manufacturing Co. 219, Preston. Outarlo. STOPS RUPTURE. GUARANTEED flat, self-adjusting springs. understraps, 4.60, Free Trial, Fleming, 1009 Granville, Vancou- ver, B.C, > - SEEDS SEED DEALERS -- GRUWERS -- Secure Highest Market prices. Sample to Hatry Fisher, 305B Jarvis Street, Toronto, SULA uause wvLl AnD CERTIFICATE, HONOUR IOLL OR CERTIFICATE or service, beautituny designed every province und : unit repre sented. Size 16 xX z2'in ¢ cowours, siituble ter iraming, space tor + photograph and scroil tor perme anent record, Every soldier's nome needs one, Mailed to any piace in Canada, ~$LUL. KE. Mackintosh, photograpier and copywriter, 9 uranby Street, Toronto. E TWELVE REMNARTS -- $1.00 ALL WOUL REMNANTS -- FINEST men's suiting materia, minimuin size ¥" by bo" und lurger. Muned Cuilect. | Money-buck - Guarantee, Aronott Bros, Lia, 274A Demon. tigny Last, Montreal, 4 RAINED DETECILY 1S AMBITIOUS MEN= 17 AND OVER wanted immediately tor secrets "servicooand detective work, coms plete. training course bY corres bondence. Pree intormation, Write to C, ML Julfen, Box 29, Station T, Montreal. -- PURNITURE FUR SALE LYONS CLEAKAGGS SALE NEW ANU «(nuuNUITIONED 3 FURNITURE Bvery urticie 'Cuigieceiy recondle tioned; sunranteeu worvaginy ciean UNA BOW WIT i POSILYE Laue y-Duck © EULLULLee OL BuUsiuclion, All Buogs Laretuny pucked ior sue suipaient (ONL receipt: or money-vruer. byecial attention given to 1iail orders, 5 LDimng Room extension table and uv seather seut CngIrs, 39 00 Solid ouk Ypiece Lining fd loom bune, urge busiet, extension tavle, cnmina tavinet, and b leatner upnuvisterea cnairs, 53 00 Leautiue wamue finish . Dining soon suse, urge butret, extension luoie, cone cuoine €t und 4.feutner seat chairs, 69 00 bLeuutisul surge wainut vens * Cer DININE SUI, buitel, vx- ELECTRIC "MUTUR, 2 H.P, ALSO several other - sizes, Jones -& Movure Electric, 206 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. FILMS -- IURINTS FREE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with each order; Films de veloped und printed by experts, 25c; reprints 10 for 5c, Way Photo Service, Station * onto. nC MACHINERY FOR SALE > WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS reasonubly priced, easy to operate, a money-muker, 'wherever there "ars lucks to be cut. Write for free desvriptive bulletin, The A. R. Williams Machinery Co., Ltd. 64 Front St, West, Toronto. MEN WANTED ARE YOU THE MAN? YOU CAN have a solid business established within three months, If- you 'are tired of working to earn profits _for gomeoune else, own your. busi... "ness, every hour, sell ¢ssities used In every No obligution; Uet-details and cat alogue FREE! Familex Products, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. nd enjoy amazing profits ng 200 guaranteed HANDY AVELE VIS HARDY APPLE REES -- 60 UL. LV each. Canada's Lowest: Priced Nur. - rowltg leading varieties - sery, Tult Trees, Ornamentals, Write mniediately requesting sensation. al offeringai: Tobe's Tréery, Nia: 'gara-on-thé.Lake, Ontarlo," . © PHOTOGHAPHYS ROYAL yas, LANDING COVERS, ¢; Fifty Mixed Newfoundlands, Coronations, Jubjlees, 60¢, C. Hod- od: der, Gander Bay, Newfoundland, = ; Guaranteed. CAR AND TRUCK PARTS . Used -- New SPECIALIZING IN REBUILT MO- TORS, POWER.U i, Hydraulle tutors; Starts ers, Maggneiols Carburetors, iadint- orn -- xe! 'Se Glash * wu Satisfaction or refund, Levy Auto Parts, Toronto, | ~ home, * tensi lanie," ciina cuvinet und ¢ learner upavistéred coairs, Yeriect. 9.00 Sona wait ining Room : _dutte (cose new upprosins- ately §3vu,) nn beriect conuiuon, a sige buriet, extension tavie, cona camnet, ana 6 lcather<upnoister choirs, p Plat oe 4 10 50 and up, large assortment Woh it ur China po vinets; in ouk, yall anda pire ai complete, reconditioned, pieces, Q Completa Simmons steel | 2.50 co TO Walnut 1imsh, suge less spring, new Inatress, new puir , Pllows and 3 drawer Dresser, with Large mirror und § drawers in wale nut rinish to match, F 35 00 Smart 3d-plece Bedroom . Sulte," In beautiful 2.tone walnut nnish, Dresser, chiffonier, full size bea and sagless spring, : 49 00 Lurge Bedroom Suite, 1a rich walnut 1inish, dresser with large plate mirror, chirronter, vanity dresser und tull size hed, 50 (QQ Brand new modern Bedroom . Suite, in waterran aesign; Venetian mirtors, in bleached wals hut finish, Diesser, chitronicr, full SS 8pri EW mattress : - iy sali Chesterfield Suite,' 3 'pleces 17.50 upholstered An figured vel. our, reversible Marshall spring cushe ~~ long, thoroughly Llean, 3-plece Chesterfield Suite, foe amhoisrcd Tn Saelhe ond : He arshil spring. eautiful, 3.-plece Chekters 29.00 field Sultdi in novelty' yop 2 Uranan - material, {gured reyersible Mi Bpring cushions, perfect eon: fon, s 39 00 Large 3-plece Cheatornoms: | 4 Cf Bute, (cost new APDProxi. mately §300.), upholstered [n brown mohair, figured reversible Marshall spring cushions, erfect,, AYE : 0,00 Beautiful Chesterfield Suite . Upholstered In_green slik repp, with fluted back, versible "Marshall spring cushions, pertect ¢ondition, (cost new, $350.) Sicha Cabs 8 Stove 10dd Chairs, te at ridiculously Buy' with confidence. Remem} all goods gold with a Shittyn oneal back guarantee of sa Isfactiom, +, , LYONS FURNITURE: CO, - 478" Yonge St, Toronto ; ISSUE NO. 5--40 Ay figured res

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